02x01 - Your Shoe's Untied/Squid's Day Off

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SpongeBob SquarePants". Aired: May 1, 1999 - present.*
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A square yellow sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, in the city of Bikini Bottom on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.
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02x01 - Your Shoe's Untied/Squid's Day Off

Post by bunniefuu »

Ah, beautiful springtime.

A time of fun and frolic
for most...

but not for this poor slob.

Oh, what a beautiful day.

And here I am,

trapped in a prison
of high cholesterol.

( bell dings )

Oh! No one ever comes in
on Sunday.

( bell dings )

Oh! Why can't Mr. Krabs
just let us go home?

( bell dings )


( dings )

( giggling )

SpongeBob, stop ringing
this bell.

I was just testing it.

l will ring the bell
when there's an order.


there's no customers!

There hasn't been one all day
and there isn't going to be any!

( bell dings )

One Krabby Patty coming up!

No... oof!

( clattering )

That sounds like
me money dropping.

What's going on out here?!

My babies!

Get away, barbarian!

What have you done?

Nice clean money... soiled!

I'll take care of you.

Papa clean you up.

Clear the way!

No, no, no,
don't cry, little ones.

What's wrong,
Mr. Krabs?

Me dime!



I got it, boy.

What the...?

It's stuck!

You got to help me,

You've got to let go
of the dime.

I can think of ten good reasons

to never let go of a dime, boy.

There's got to be another way!

Grab me captain's
quarters and heave!

( both grunting )

( grunting )

Me arms...!

Oh, no, not again!

( grunts )

( clanging and grunting )

( groans )

( clink )

( groans )



I'm putting you in charge

of things around here
while I'm gone.

You can count on me, sir!

Take care, hurry back.

Get well soon.

You're in our thoughts.

Takes more muscles to
frown than to smile.

Okay, SpongeBob,
let's get down to business.

My first official act
as new manager

is to give you a promotion.

Oh! Really?

You get to run
the cash register.

The cash register...?


Squidward, who's going to
work the grill?

You are... it's part
of the promotion
I mentioned earlier.

You'll be wearing two hats now.

You're going to take the orders

then you're going to make them!


This is the best day of my life.

Me, too.

But wait, if I'm running
the register and the grill

what are you going to do?

I've got some very important

boss-like errands to run.

See you later.



You forgot

to teach me how to use...

the cash register...

You push the button
and put the money inside.

Okay, you're on your own.

l can't believe
this is really happening.

Today I start living!

Well, Squidward, you've really
outdone yourself this time.

A beautiful day of relaxing
and pampering... with pay.

Hmm... guess I do feel
kind of bad

for poor little SpongeBob

all by his lonesome...

Oh, oh, it will pass.

He's probably just
standing at the register

with that stupid grin
on his face.

Hey, SpongeBob!

Hey, Patrick!

Hey, SpongeBob

could you give me
change for a quarter?

No problem!

Here you go!


I forgot to tell him

how to make change! Oh...!



Hmm... Phew.

Hi, Squidward.
All done with those errands?

No, I am not.

I just remembered

I needed change for this dollar.

Do you want four quarters

or ten dimes, or 20 nickels,
or 100 pennies

or one quarter, three dimes,
seven nickels and ten pennies

or, if you give me a five-dollar
bill, your options are...

All right! Goodbye.

This is great.

My day off, no worries,
just relaxation.

I'm the boss, I deserve this.


( thinking ):
Everything will be fine.

There won't be
any customers today anyway.

He'll probably just
stand there bored. ( chuckles )

SpongeBob, bored. ( chuckles )

Uh... getting kind of bored.

Ah... ( snoring )

Aah, ooh!

( puffing )

( gibbering )

Oh, what am I doing?

I am wasting valuable relaxing
time, that's what I'm doing!

l mean, really,
what are the odds?

SpongeBob setting
the Krusty Krab on fire?

( laughs )

( siren wailing )


( panting )

May I help you, sir?

It's me, you dunce!

Oh, hi, Squidward!

How are those errands going?

What's that supposed to mean?

I'm very busy.

I'm sure you are.

I don't like your tone.

( higher-pitched ):
I'm sure you are.

( normal voice ):
How's that?

Just do your jobs!

Aye-aye, Mr. Tentacles.

( muttering )

Boy, no wonder Mr. Krabs
put him in charge.

Must... re... lax!

( sighs )

Look at yourself.

You're losing your bluish glow.

Stop worrying so much.

Now, repeat after me.

You will not go back
to the Krusty Krab.

I will destroy the Krusty Krab!



Have you finished...?


That's it!

No matter what sick fantasies
run through my mind

l will not go back
to that restaurant!

( panting )

Have you finished those errands?

( panting )

( panting )

Have you finished those errands?

( panting )

Have you finished
those errands?

( panting )

Have you finished those errands?

( panting )

Have you finished

those errands?

Have you finished
those errands?

Have you finished
those errands?

Have you finished
those errands?

Errands, errands...

Errands, errands, errands...

Have you finished those errands?

Have you finished those errands?

Have you finished those errands?

No, I am not finished
with those errands

and I never will be,
so quit checking up on me!

I know what you're up to.

Forcing me to come back here
every time you mess up!

But I haven't...

Maybe you haven't

messed up yet

but you will.

You will...

And when you do, I'll be there.

I'll be there!

( laughing wildly )

Gosh, Squidward
sure is a hard worker.

He makes me proud
to wear these hats.

There! Now I'll have to stay
here and enjoy myself!

( laughs )

I'm not even going to think
about you-know-who

at the you-know-what
doing I-don't-care.

( laughs )

Just gonna... relax.

Let Squid's day off... begin.

( SpongeBob laughing )

What was that?

( SpongeBob laughing )

It's SpongeBob.

He's spying on me to see if I'm
really doing errands. ( laughs )

But he left his post.
( laughs )

And I've finally caught him
messing up. ( laughs )

Aha! I caught you, Sponge...


( scratches like
SpongeBob laughing )

Ha... here's the rubber duck
Mr. Krabs wanted me to get.

I got you now!

Wait till Mr. Krabs
finds out you're a... toilet.

You're losing it, Squidward.

Calm down.

If I let this get to me again

I'll just end up running down
to the Krusty Krab

bursting through the front door

up to that yellow headache,
SpongeBob, and he'll say...

Hi, Squidward.

Are you finished with
those errands yet?


I know you're in here.

( gasps )

He's headed back
to the Krusty Krab!

I'll beat him there!

( panting )

I've got you now, SpongeBob!

Hey, put some clothes on!

The truth will be revealed!

Whoa-ho, right on, Squidward!

Okay, Mr. Krabs.

Get plenty of rest

and if things
don't seem right,
come back.

Thanks, Doc.

( laughing wildly )

SpongeBob, you can't...

( laughing wildly )


I caught you now!

You didn't think I knew

you were a stick
outside my window! Ha!

Or the toilet in my bathroom!

And then you were
in my bathtub, and I...

and you... and I...

and then you... swam...
down the drain...

and... beat me
to the Krusty Krab.

Uh, does that mean you're...?

Yes, SpongeBob.

I am finished
with those errands.

I guess I want to take
my place back

at the cash register.

I really do.

Then you might want to
put these on.


Hey, Squidward, you know what?

Look, we forgot to switch
the "Closed" sign to "Open."

It's almost like we could have
taken the whole day off!

( laughing )
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