Reminiscence (2021)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Reminiscence (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

The past can haunt a man.

That's what they say.

And the past is just
a series of moments.

Each one perfect.


A bead on the necklace of time.

The past doesn't haunt us.

Wouldn't even recognize us.

If there are ghosts to be found,

it's us who haunt the past.

You lost your queen.

Care to find her again?

Maybe another time.

You're late.

"Late" is a construct of linear time.
We don't deal in that.

And yet, we charge by the hour.

Your first appointment's already in.

Who is it?

Your old pal from the forces.

The one who never pays.


Hey, bannister.

How you been?

Got turfed out of the place
I was crashin' at.

Land baron?

You know it.

They stealin' all the drylands.

I've been missin' my old place.

I'd like to see Angie again.


It used to be
you couldn't go back again.

But time is no longer a one-way stream.

Memory is the boat that sails
against its current.

And I'm the oarsman.

When the waters Rose and w*r broke out,

there wasn't a lot to look fon/vard to,

so people began looking back.

The t*nk started
as an interrogation tool,

and since then,

nostalgia's become a way of life.


But for watts and me, it's a living.

Synaptic map complete.
Ready for the lull.

You're going on a journey.

A journey through memory.

Your destination?

A place and time you've been before.

To reach it,

all you have to do is follow my voice.

It's summer.

Thirteen years ago.

You're in the fields
behind your father's house.

You pick up the ball.


Come on, angle. Drop it.

Come on, drop it, Angie. Come on.

Yeah, you're a good girl.

Okay. You ready? You ready?

Go get it.

Come here, baby. Come here.

Come here, drop it.

Oh, that's a good girl. Yeah.
You're such a good girl.

Come on, you ready?

You wanna go again?

Go get it.

Go get the ball, Angie.

I love that damn dog.

I'm cash-strapped,
but I got these.

You know what baca will do
if you don't get off it, right?

Well, nothin' worse
than what the world's already done.

You know how it was.

You two served.

I heard you were a damn good shot.

Mm-mm. Only after a couple of drinks.

And if I aimed one man to the right.

It's not quite enough,

- but I can get you back next time.
- No, it's on the house.

Thank you.

You keep putting shit on the house
for your w*r buddies,

the roofs liable to cave in.

We'll be fine, watts.
Nostalgia never goes out of ster.

Truth is, nothing is more addictive
than the past.

Who wouldn't want to be reunited
with a loved one?

Or relive the most meaningful moments
of their life?

Look at those toes.

Can mommy kiss the toesies?

Mommy's special girl.

But memories, even good ones,
have a voracious appetite.

If you're not careful, they consume you.

Don't worry, my flower.
I love you.

I'll always take care of you.

Hey, Elsa.

Here. Take it home.

You always revisit the same memory.

This way, you can watch it anytime,

instead of wasting your money
on the t*nk every week.


But it's not the same.

In the reminiscence,
I can feel his arms around me.

Nothing compares.

Thought you were worried
about the roof caving in.

I'm tired of staring at his pasty ass.

She needs to quit being sentimental
and move the hell on.

I'm headin' home.

Here. Have some.

It'll help with the pain.

You think I can't tell
when you're hurting?

Well, I have the leg.
What's your excuse?

I work for you.

We have another appointment?

We're closed.

I'm sorry. I know it's late.

I lost my keys
on the way home from work.

I've looked for hours,
but I can't find them anywhere.

Call a locksmith.

It's bad for business,
but it's true.

There are certain moments
that never leave you.

Like the moment I first saw her.

We can give her a quick nudge.

Thank you.

What is that for?

Protects everyone.

Ensures that we don't have you remember
anything you don't want us to know.

Do you think you can find my keys?

That depends.
Are they lost or forgotten?

Forgotten things can always
be fished up and dusted off.

But the lost, those things people
never really took much notice of

till they were gone.

They're defined by their absence.

You can't remember something
that never made an impression.

Let's say the keys are misplaced.

It's your money.

Just take a seat.

Thiopental. Relaxes the neural pathways
for the prompts.

It won't hurt. Just a little pinch.


Sedative will kick in soon.

If you'd liked to get undressed,
we provide modesty suits

so I can slip out while you, uh...

You're gonna see it all anyway,
aren't you?

You'll have to lose those.

So, we never go over 30 volts.

You don't need much to unlock
a flood of memories.

Trick is finding the right one.

Relax. It always works out fine.

Don't say "always."

"Always" makes promises it can't keep.

I'm Mae, by the way.


Let's get this over with, shall we?

You're going on a journey.
Ajourney through memory.

Your destination?

A place and time you've been before.

To reach it,
all you have to do is follow my voice.

It's last night. The sun is setting.

You're beginning your day.



Sunken coast?

She decent?

Like she'd care.

There. She put the keys in her bag.

When did you next take your keys
out of your purse?

She's still got 'em.

Here you go. Bye.


Have you seen my earrings?

- Which ones?
- My lucky ones. The Jade?

We got 'em.


Why bother?
She left the keys in the dressing room.

Nick, come on,
let's pull her out of the t*nk.

In a sec.

What the hell's wrong with her?

It seems we stood and talked

like this before

we looked at each other
in the same way then

but I can't remember where

or when

Some things that happened

for the first time

seem to be happening again

and so it seems

that we've met before

and laughed before

and loved before

but who knows where or



Miss fancy left something.

When the sun rises,

Miami turns into a ghost town.

To escape the heat of day,
the city's become nocturnal.

But sleep doesn't come easy.

We 're all haunted by something.

Years ago,
the battles at the border ended,

but the battles at home had just begun.

We try to go on like nothing's changed,

but underneath,
the city simmers with unrest,

which means the da's office
is never short of work.

Walter sylvan is gravely ill.

Walter sylvan is the most
notorious land baron in Miami.

He wanted to buy the land cheap,
so he burned it to the ground.

Sorry I'm late.

It's all right.

The da won't be needing your services
after all.

Isn't that right, Avery?

I'll contest this at a higher court.

I'm sure they'll agree my client's
in no shape to get in the t*nk.

If you wanna depose him,

you'll have to do it
the old-fashioned way.

You can't convict me for being
a good businessman, sweetheart.

No, but I could convict you for m*rder.

There were families in that building,
Mr. Sylvan.

Not all of them made it out on time.

I never burned any buildings.

No, of course not.
Your lackeys did it for you.

I suppose you and your associate
will have to put me in the t*nk

to prove that little theory.

But it appears that won't be happening.

Case is going well, then.

Nothing we can do.

The law doesn't apply
to men like sylvan.

Come on, dad.
Let me take you home to your medicine.

I have to get my affairs in order.

Have you found her yet?

No, dad. Not yet.

Avery's right.

Arson, bribery, m*rder.

The whole city is rotten
with corruption.

Both united, one voice!

Down with the sylvans!

During the w*r,
barons like Walter sylvan

bought up all the dry/ands
for pennies on the dollar.

They profited off the desperate

and left them to live
at the mercy of the tides.

The displaced carry on
the best they can.

One day, the ocean
will reclaim all of this.

Until then,

the sunken coast
is where they call home.

I set my chin a little higher

I hope a little longer

build a little stronger

castle in the air

and thinking you'll be there

I walk a little faster

Thank you.

You have a great voice.

Four years I've worked here.

And you're the first man
to notice my voice.

Will you tell me something
I've been wondering about?

Before you performed last night,
you were crying.

That was my memory.

Shouldn't you have just seen the things
I was looking at?

Close your eyes.

It's a little demonstration
to answer your question.

So, you have a boyfriend
or someone you're involved with?

- What does that...
- Answer the question.

Eyes closed.

No, I'm not involved right now.

Then for the purposes
of this experiment,

we'll use something more elemental.

Your first kiss.

Picture that moment.

Charlie mulvaney.

Okay. The way young Charlie approached.

And the kiss itself.

Not just the beginning...

The whole kiss.

Until the moment you break away.

And by the end, you saw yourself
as well as him, didn't you?

Happens with everyone.

Your turn to answer my question.

Why were you crying?


Happens before every gig.

I step onto that stage,

and they don't wanna see a woman
in a thrift store dress

wondering how she's gonna make rent.

They want something perfect.

They want to be lied to.

You don't seem like you're lying.

Well, I guess it's working.

Would you escort me home?

All right.

Don't bother. Bulb's out.

Would you like some water?

- Sure.
- Okay.

That machine of yours...

How close can you get
before the illusion's broken?

Can you get... this close?

This close?

How about

this close?

Aren't you tired of watching
from the shadows?

You're up early.

I like it this time of day.

Before the sun sets
and the city wakes up.


I can't find my mug.

It's under your sink,
next to a lipstick, a stocking,


Your neck massager.

You were snooping.

I saw it in your reminiscence.

How come I don't remember the mug?

People tend to notice the same things
they were focused on in the moment.

I mean, it's possible,
if you revisit the same memory enough

to notice new things,

but if you're not careful,
you can get burned.

Have that moment seared
in an endless loop in your mind.

That's why you never go in the t*nk?

Memories are like perfume.

Better in small doses.

Maybe you haven't made
the right memories.

Jesus Christ.
You're in here again?

No, no, no, no!
Put me back! Put me back!

For months now,
you've been hitting this t*nk,

reliving every damn memory
you had with her.

You have to get your head

out of the past
and into the here and now.

God damn it!

Oh, shit.

It's been months, Nick.

I can't keep turning
a blind eye to this.

I'm the boss, not you.

And I've turned a blind eye to plenty.

Well, the difference is
I know what I'm gonna find

at the bottom of a bottle.

And it's not answers.

We were happy.
We were planning for the future.

She wouldn't just disappear,
not without a word.

She settled up with her landlord.
She emptied her apartment.

She would have told me.

Why didn't she tell me?

All I know is, wherever she is,
she has moved on. And you should, too.

People don't just vanish.

Okay? She must be
in some kind of trouble.

We're the ones in trouble, Nick.

Pods poaching our business,
regularsjumping ship.

Even Elsa hasn't popped by
for her usual in months.

I never thought I'd miss the sight
of that old man's pasty ass,

but here we are.

Every business has its ups and downs.

No, no, no. This is different.

We've gotten by in the spill-zone
for years.

But pretty soon that dam is gonna break,

and we'll be undennater
with no funds to fish ourselves out.

So, what do you expect me to do? Hmm?

Avery called.
She's got a dayjob for us.

So, go home and get some sleep.

'Cause you look like shit.

I try to forget.

But even without the t*nk,
she haunts me.

That book.

I see you reading it sometimes
when you can't sleep.

What are those? Are those memories?

They aren't mine. They belong
to the people I interrogated.

During the w*r?

You can't find one memory
without moving through others.

I couldn't just see the things
I was asked to find.

I saw why they ran in the first place.

When the waves came for them,

they had no walls to hide behind.

And the people, what happened to them?

The world moved on.

Trying to pretend
like none of this happened.

But there are some things
we should never forget.

And some things we can't forget
even if we want to.

Where did she go?

Why did she leave?

People don't just disappear.

All right.

Look, man. I'll tell you the same thing
I tell you every time.

Mae isn't here.

If there's something you know,
please, anything.

I'm not sure Mae was the person
you thought she was.

You're going on a journey.

A journey through memory.

Your destination?

A place and time you've been before.

Are you awake?


Then I must be dreaming, too.

This bruise, what happened?

Ugh. Occupational hazard.

You try waiting tables in 6-inch heels.

How did you smuggle us
into baron country anyway?

Called in a favor from an old client.

You do this to impress all the girls?

Only the one I'm in love with.

You don't love me.

We've only known each other
a few months.

You know how many sunsets
I saw in the trenches?


I counted them, every minute.

Sunset was the last few minutes
before the fighting began again.

I used to wonder
how I could spend those moments better.

Now I know.

Come with me.

There's somewhere I wanna take you.

Tell me a story.

A story? What kind of story?

One with a happy ending.

No such thing as a happy ending.

All endings are sad.

Especially if the story was happy.

Then tell me a happy story,
but end it in the middle.

Ever hear of orpheus and eurydice?


We're closed!


She came back for me. I know she did.

She could've lost that earring
months ago.

All kinds of shit
gets swept up in the gutter.

You're late, bannister.

You're not gonna take me in again!

- Relax.
- Not again!

Ah, shit. Shit. Shit, shit, shit.

Saw a lot of runners at the border.

There are more elegant ways
of stopping a man than a b*llet.


I heard your partner
didn't share the same philosophy.

Only philosophy I had was "don't die."

And iwent through plenty of b*ll*ts
trying to keep it that way.

- Oh, they're here.
- Okay, good.

It's about time.

I haven't seen a rig like this
since the w*r.

Government cutbacks.

2d's all they spring for now
for offsites.

Meet Mr. Falks.

Drug dealer,
recently od'd on his own supply.

Rumor is, he was working
for a baca kingpin

out of New Orleans named Saint Joe.

Joe is the one we're after.

Could be the only thing left in there

but if you do find anything, the warrant
gives us a window of ten years.

At least it saves us on thiopental.

It's been 12 g*dd*mn hours.
Still no sign of Joe?

Well, you should have invested
in a better rig.

It's not just that.

His mind's fighting my prompts
because he's dying.

Dying men always want closure.

Some last, happy thought
to cling to before they die.

I need another approach.

Do you enjoy a good party, falks?

Oh, here we go.

What's up?

Where is this?

Looks like New Orleans.

That's Lorenzo.
That's Joe's main muscle.

Lorenzo, what's happenin'?

All right.

Is that anyone?

Keep 'em coming.

Did you see any other old friends?

Holy shit, that's him. We got him.
That's Saint Joe.

'Sup, Joe?

I got a big shipment comin' in soon.

Gonna need your friends on the force
to look the other way.

That could be arranged.

He's making some kind of deal.

Who's that Joe's talking to?

Some lowlife. Who cares?

Whispered something in your ear

she's new.


It was a perverted thing to say

oh, shit.

But I said it anyway

when? When was this?

Over five years ago.

Made you smile and look away

Nothing's gonna hurt you, baby

as long as you're with me
you'll be just fine

Nothing's gonna hurt you, baby

get me an introduction.

Warrant doesn't cover
Joe's Booty calls.

We need to move on from this.

The girl, when did you next see her?

Hey, Joe. This is Mae.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

The pleasure, shi wo de.

No, no, no, not that pastel shit.

Ever tried baca?

They're a little strong for my taste.

you're gonna sing at his club,

party in his pad,

but you're too good for his baca?

Easy, falks.

A girl like you
needs to be put in her place.

Let go! No, no. No!

What the... what the hell, Joe?

Apologize to the lady.

Apologize to her?

You misapprehend your place
in the world, falks.

See, a niu like that is one of a kind.

Whereas men like you are replaceable.

Wait, wait. Hold on, hold on.

I recommend doing it outside.

Easier to hose down the brain matter.

No. Please.

Please! You can't do this.

Sure, I can.
Probably get a medal for it.

Stop, stop, stop! Don't sh**t.

See how simple it would be?

All Nola cops are dirty.
Focus on Joe.

- Just wait.
- I'm sorry.

You all right? You look shaken.

- It's okay?
- Yeah.

You sure you don't want one?

It's good for the nerves.

Jesus, don't.

What are you doing, Mae?

Who gives a shit about this girl?

- Get back to the collusion case, Nick.
- Hang on.

- Tell us about Saint Joe.
- Hey. Hey.

- Look, he sent you here...
- Don't do that.

Because he's expanding
his baca business into Miami, isn't he?

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
what the hell is that?

He's blanking.
You really should let

the professionals do the prompting.

- I just asked a question.
- A leading question.

You presupposed Joe sent falks here
to help with a Miami expansion.

You were wrong. There's no memory
to access, you hit static.

He blanks for more than
a couple of minutes

and he'll get brain damage.

Bannister. God damn it, just do it.

All right. Come here, quick.

It's all right, falks.

You took a misstep.

You just traveled down the wrong path.

But now you're back,

back to somewhere you've been,
with someone you know.

The girl you sent to Joe,
when was the last time you saw her?

Hey. Sorry to bother you.

I'm just here to pick up
the weekly drop.

Had to go anyway, baby.
Be good, huh?


Joe's leaving. Move on, Nick.

Have a seat, falks.

I really shouldn't.

Joe won't mind.

Do you remember the first time we met?

I was broke. Alone.

I thought I had nothing left to lose.
But, uh, I was wrong. Lstill had

a shred of innocence, a glimmer of hope.

And then I...

I tried baca.
And it took everything away.

The innocence, the hope.

But also the fear, the hurt,

the guilt.

I became invincible,

because nothing mattered.

Nothing but these little pearls.

I should go.

Joe's expecting his baca drop.

What the hell?

You stealing from Joe?

Because I have nothing left to lose.

Get your head in the game, Nick.

You're growing gills in the t*nk
for that junkie?

She's not a junkie. She's not.

Oh, shit. You didn't even know.

She never touched baca. Ever. Right?

God damn it.

You knew and you never said?

Wasn't my place.

Baca is a drug
that you don't kick. Ever.

She'll keep going back to it
and to whoever she gets it from.

Then I know where to find her.


Who was she?

Who was she when not with me?

Was she the woman I knew?

Or that stranger I saw?

Was she running from the past...

Or racing back towards it?

To find where she'd gone,
I had to know where she'd been.

I had to look back...

To New Orleans.

The hell do you want?

I'm looking for Saint Joe.
Lorenzo referred me.

Friend of Lorenzo's.

He said
he's a friend of Lorenzo's.

Friends with Lorenzo, eh?

You got guanxi with me, pal?

Business transaction.
I'd rather discuss it in private.

Vet, huh?

You folks even starch your sentences.

What brand of henchman were you?

I was in the Navy.
Then I was drafted for border patrol.

Drafted. I know how that goes.

Government forced your hand.

Forced mine, too,

only god-fearing citizens like me
weren't drafted for border patrol.

We were rounded up
and put in little camps.

You were interned.

Right here in Louisiana. 9th ward.

Were you there when the levees broke?

How do you think I got this name?

Sure as hell ain't my sense of piety.

"Jiu" means "ninth."

"Saint" 'cause they figure
my ass walks on water.

But that's all blood
under the bridge now, pengyou.

And this is, uh, business, right?

Right. I need vermillion baca,
ten pallets.

Bulk, eh?

You got balls. Bocce-sized.

Fine. Let's discuss payment.

Alas, payment is not the wenti
holding up this transaction, pengyou.

It's trust.

For instance,

your pal Lorenzo's
been dead for years.

Work-related injury.

Which means you're not
who you say you are. Are you?


People say it's peaceful to drown,

but that's gou pi.

I learned that in the camps

when your kind left us to die
after the levees burst.

Here, I'll show you.

Now, gao su wo,
why are you really here?

I'm looking for a woman.

Some niu ran out on you?

I guess your balls
ain't so bocce-sized after all.

She stole your baca.

Goes by the name Mae.


You've seen my favorite chanteuse.


So, you come to myjia
thinking she boomeranged back?

Sorry, pengyou.

I haven't seen Mae
since she skipped out years ago.

Don't feel had.
She fooled me just like she fooled you.

Hey, I know exactly
what she took from me.

dr*gs, money, time.

But what did she take from you? Hmm?

Oh, poor guisunzi.

You've been had,
and you don't even know why.

Hey, hey, hey. Don't worry, pengyou.

The pain will be over soon.

But not too soon.



Let go and I'll sh**t you myself.

My t*nk.

Shit, I'm out.

{gunshofl {933931

Good thinking, sh**ting the t*nk.

I was aiming for Joe.

I've seen this kind of hit before.

Your lungs will fill with blood.
You'll suffocate before you bleed out.

Iwouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Don't let me die...

Like they did in the camps.

We'll part as friends, then.

Why do you put yourself
through this, Nick?

Mae. What was she hiding?

You still have me in there?

Locked away
with all those other memories?

You and your lost keys.

Ever think the best thing
would be to destroy them?

Why would I do that?

Maybe memory fades for a reason.

If we just dwelled on the bad things
in the past, we'd never get over them.

And if we just dwelled on the good,

we might never match it again.

There aren't any memories
you wanna hold on to?

- I guess there's one.
- Hmm?

When London sank, I fled to New Orleans.

But New Orleans had a lot of...

Bad associations.

So, I got a one-way ticket
out of there to here.

When I arrived in Miami,
I had no plan whatsoever.

I had no savings,
I had no place to stay.

So, I found a dinghy in a canal
and crawled in it for a nap.

And while I was sleeping,
some assh*le cuts me loose.

I drifted south past the keys
and would have drifted forever

if I hadn't found Frances.


At first,
I thought it was a mirage.

She was smoking a cigarette

on the stoop
of a white clapboard house

in the middle of the waves.

It was like something out of a dream.

And she took me in
and got me on my feet again.

So, when I'm feeling scared or lost,

then that is what I think about.

I think of a song.

My grandfather used to hum it.

- Oh.
- After he died,

didn't hear that song for a long time.

And then I heard it again.

You sang it so sweetly,
it was like I'd never...

Never truly heard it before.

You are smiling
you were smiling then

can't remember where

or when

What are you even looking for in there?

What she took from me.

She was a grifter, playing me,
looking for something.

No offense, Nick, but what would
she want to take from you?

The only thing of value I have
doesn't belong to me.

Right. Some bullshit memories.
You're reaching.

Come on, think. You were here with her
the last time she was here.

Of course I was.

Were you with her the whole time?

Oh, Nick's not around for another hour.

No, I brought these for him,
but this is for you.

I was hoping we could talk a bit.

You don't like me, do you?

Nick's good at seeing people
in the t*nk.

My eyes are clearer out here.

You're hiding something.

I'm an addict.

I was.

In New Orleans, I got hooked on baca.

And you haven't told Nick.

He wouldn'tjudge you.

He wouldn't look at me
the same way, either.

Why are you telling me?

Because you will judge me.

But it won't change the way you see me.

I'm not one to judge.

You know how I got my name?

"Watts"? Figured it was from the...

During the w*r,

after my stint on the front,
I worked in munitions.

Soldering lithium batteries
into drones. It was a shitjob.

But I needed money
for me and my daughter.

You have a child?

She's grown now.

We're not in touch.
I'm not exactly the maternal type.

Though I tried for a while.

Even gave up drinking.

The problem with going dry
is the mind is clear.

But the hands...

They shake.

All it took was one wrong spark.

Lit up that whole place
like independence day.

Aftennard, my daughter went north

- to stay with some relations...
- Sorry.

And I went back to the bottle.

Only thing stopped me drowning in it
was Nick.

That's why you stayed all these years.


That, and he doesn't pay me enough
to drink myself to death.

Men are strange, aren't they?

They don't see
what's right in front of them.

There's nothing to see.

We both know that's not true.

Excuse me for a sec.

It's okay. I was gonna go anyway.

Whatever you saw in there...

Please don'tjump to conclusions, Nick.

What am I supposed to think?

I mean, this whole time,
you've been keeping this from me?

It's complicated.

I didn't wanna ruin things between us.

You were supposed
to watch over this place.

Instead, you got drunk,
you let her walk into the vault.

- What are you talking about?
- Look.

No, no, it's impossible.

Even with the keys,

she wouldn't have known
the code to the vault.

Even I don't know the code to the vault.

It's not a code, it's a tune.

She studied me for months.
She must have figured it out.

Everything in my batch is here.

Wait a minute, look.

Look at this. Cameron,
Campbell, caplan, cummings.

- What is it?
- There's no Carine.

Elsa Carine's files.

They're all gone.

What would Mae want with Elsa?
She barely had enough to pay us.

To the floating market at the park.

Sir, I'm looking for this woman.

- Sir, have you seen this woman? Elsa?
- No.

- Sir, have you seen this woman?
- No.

Hey, uh, I'm looking for Elsa Carine,
I think she works here.

Just wanna have a word.

Yeah. Talk to that rat over there.

Thank you. Hey.

Hey, hey!

Just wanna talk to you.

Just wanna talk.

- Whoa. Hey!
- I've got papers, pig!

Hey, I'm not a cop, okay?

I'm a friend of Elsa's
and I want to help.

I think she's in trouble.

How the hell are you supposed
to help her now?

She's dead.


What happened?

Told the cops. But they don't care
what happens to people like us.

What did you see?

Elsa was packing up for the day

when some guy decides
to get in her face.

All I know is
Elsa didn't stand a chance.

He k*lled her.

I haven't seen Freddie since.


Elsa's kid?

Elsa had a child.

Did the man hurt Freddie, too?

He left that to his girlfriend.

Some redheaded bitch. She grabbed him.

Wouldn't let him go
no matter how much he screamed.

Who was she?

Who was she when not with me?

A liar.

An addict.

A k*ller.

I had to find her.

But it turns out,
she was already looking for me.


Forget about Mae.

She's moved on.

And I suggest you do the same.

It's me.

Loverboy won't be bothering us no more.

- Again.
- No.

You wanna get burned?

Have this beatdown
in your brain forever?

- You're gonna have to let this go.
- No.

He must have left some clue
of who he is. I just need to remember.

- Nick!
- What are you doing?

I am saving yourjunkie ass.


I was hoping you'd drop this,
but I can't let you burn yourself.

I found something
in your peripheral vision.

Anything about this face
strike you as familiar?

He's the dirty cop

- who worked for Saint Joe.
- Yeah.

Let's go see
what we can find out from Avery.

Break up the barons!


Town's ready to riot.

What happened?

Man, you're in the t*nk so much,
you don't even know?

The land baron, Walter sylvan,

the guy you were supposed to depose,
he died a couple of days ago.

These folks were hoping
the courts would bust his monopoly.

But his widow and son
will inherit everything.

It's late. Someone might see us.

Come on, mom. You're just confused.

Do they think this is a mistake?

Old fling of yours, Nick?

Yeah, we met a long time ago,
back when I first opened shop.

She came to me for a session.

Seeing Tamara stirred a memory.

A clue that had been in my mind
all along.

I thought I told you
not to get back in the t*nk.

Well, Mae stole all of Elsa's files,
but there was another copy.

What did you find?

Well, I talked to Avery.

She's still pretty pissed
about you blowing her deposition.

But she did give me some intel.

His name is Cyrus boothe.

Cyrus boothe.

He used to work for Saint Joe,
but they had a falling out.

So, he moved to Miami.

And until recently,
he's been working for...

- Walter sylvan.
- Yeah.

See, look at this. Listen.

Don't worry, my flower.
I love you.

I'll always take care of you.

I mean, that voice always bothered me.
I just couldn't put my finger on it.

And then I remembered
where I'd heard it.

Tamara sylvan's reminiscence.

Walter's widow.

It was years ago.

I never forgot that voice.

- Did anyone see you?
- No.

Thank god.
Everyone's mad enough as it is.

They think this is a mistake.


Don't worry, my flower. I love you.

- Oh.
- I'll always take care of you.

They say you can't tell yet,
but I know it's a boy.

Are you happy? Tell me you're happy.

I'm so happy I could dance.

There's no music.

Remember the song
that was playing the first night we met?

- Mm.
- On the count of three,

I want you to imagine it.

Can you hear it?

I hear it, Walter.

Elsa's lover was Walter sylvan...

I hear it.

And they had a son.

And Walter wanted him dead.

He knew he was dying.

He sent boothe to tie up
the loose ends with Mae.

We can't prove it. Not with this.

The only files on Elsa
are in your memory.

That's hearsay.

Avery can't use it, but I can.

If I find boothe, I'll find Mae.

Nick, wait.

In all the time that you knew Mae,
how much did you really know her?

How much did you really love her?

- Why the hell do you care?
- Because I know how blind you can be.

You're hurt because
you thought you were in love.

But it wasn't real.

She was an idea
wrapped in a tight dress.

An absence you wanted to pour
all your broken pieces into.

You think I'm chasing an absence?
Well, at least I'm chasing something.

I'm not just running away all the time.

What's that supposed to mean?

You ran away from your own daughter.

You can be a real son of a bitch,
you know that?

But it's true, isn't it?

Everything you cared about,
your ex, your kid, your job...

You left.

I never left you.

Well, maybe you should have.

'Cause I'm no better than the bottle
for you.

I'm just another place to hide.

You'd be better off working a pod.

- You don't mean that.
- I do.

- No -watts.

What you have with me isn't a life.

It's barely a living.

Maybe it's best if you moved on.

You're firing me?

I'll call one of the pods
on your behalf.

I'll set you up with a good gig.

Screw you and your charity.
This isn't about me.

This is about you
and your g*dd*mn obsession.

She is responsible for the m*rder
of an innocent woman

and the kidnapping of a little boy.

And she used my files to do it.

Then go to the police.

We both know the police don't care
about cases like this.

I'm asking you.

I am begging you.

Don't go down this path.

Stay here in this life.

Stay here with me.

I'm sorry, watts.

I have to do this.


You made your choice.

I just hope to hell that you survive it.

'Cause I won't be around
to save your ass the next time.

For your safety,
please stand behind the yellow line.

The sylvans,
like all other barons,

live in the dry/ands.

They build dams to insulate themselves,

pushing the waves
into the surrounding areas.

The barons stay afloat
by drowning everyone else.

They say the only ones
to survive the Titanic

were the rich and the rats.

The barons are both.

I'd like a word with Ms. Sylvan
regarding the...

I know exactly what it's regarding.

And you're an hour late.

Little tall, aren't you?

Try to stick to the script,
and fix the tie.

Did anyone see you?

Oh, thank god.

Everyone's mad enough as it is.

They think this is a mistake.

Most burners are torn apart
by the worlds they straddle,

the real one around them
and the one playing in their mind.

Only the rich mold the world
to meet their delusions.

Do you remember me?

We met once. I'm Nick bannister.

Walter, please.

They say you can't tell yet,

but I know it's a boy.

Your boy's grown now.

We need to talk about Cyrus boothe.

Boothe works security for you, right?

Where is he? Tell me.

I hear it, Walter.

I hear it.

All right, I'm done playing.
Your husband is dead. Come here.

Nonsense. Walter and I are
expecting our baby any day now.

When are we?

It's been years, Tamara.

When did I change?

You ever hear of a girl
named Elsa Carine?

She and Walter were having an affair.

One of many flowers.

Only this one was different.
She had a child.

Walter never liked sharing.

That's why he told boothe.

Told him what?

To k*ll them. Both of them.

You heard him say that?

He's not the man I thought he'd be.

When you're young,

you think the future will be one thing.

You see it play out
like a string of dominoes.

You have no idea

the things that are lined up.


Was he working with anyone?

There was a woman.

Some whore from New Orleans.

Where are they now?

Tamara, where are boothe and Mae?

Where do you think?

With all the other trash
you can't throw away.

You're the man from the deposition.


I just have a couple of questions.

- He's harassing my mother!
- I'm not. I'm not harassing her.

- It's all right. Hey.
- Come on.

I know you.

You're the man who remembers
everyone else's memories.

What do you want us
to do with him, ma'am?

Exactly what Walter
would have done with him.

- Let's go.
- Wait, wait!

You're so happy.


You're so happy...

Sorry, buddy. I'll make it fast.

You served?

Two tours on the Gulf.

Three tours. Western line.

Next time, I won't miss.

I wanna buy your boat.

I didn't get much
from the sylvan widow,

but it was enough.

There's only one place
where the trash piles up

alongside all the city's lost souls.

The old recycling plants.

To find boothe and Mae,
I had to go to hell itself

Say it.

Say "people like us don't fall in love.
We plummet."

Then touch me here.

Don't move.

Hello, Mae.

Get out of here.

Tenacious fella, ain't you?

Tell me where I can find her.

I bet you thought that was fate, huh?

- What?
- Some kind of sign

that she should sing that song
from when you was a kid.

But nothing's an accident with Mae.

Everything's researched,

meticulously calculated.

You can hate her for it.

But who are you to judge?

Mae and me,
we're from a different world.

The one that sank.

When the waves came,
they washed away our lies.

Revealed what this world
has always been.

A wilderness with one rule.

Survive or die.

A place like that
is beyond good and evil.

Only sin left is self-deception.

Telling yourself that you're better
than everyone else.

That you deserve to be standing

while everyone else sinks.

I've never labored under that delusion.

Always seen myself

exactly for what I am.

And I see you, too.

Where is she?

You think you're some avenging hero.

Where is she?

You're just an empty man
looking for a woman to blame.

Come on, sh**t me.

You won't get what's in my head.

You'll never get to Mae.


Tell me a story.

A story? What kind of story?

One with a happy ending.

No such thing as a happy ending.

All endings are sad.
Especially if the story was happy.

Then tell me a happy story,

but end it in the middle.

People love their secrets.

They think secrets are the one thing
they can take with them when they go,

but not you, boothe.

You don't get to keep your secrets
or hers.

You think you want answers,

but you don't.

You're blind with rage.

And there's safety in that.

Your ignorance protects you.

'Cause when you finally see Mae
for who she really is,

the truth

ain't gonna set you free.

It's gonna damn you.

Like me.

You're going on a journey.

Your destination?

A place and time you've been before.

You were sent to Miami to find Mae.

Show me when you found her.

Stay away, assh*le.

Is that any way to treat an old pal?

I don't know you, "pal."

But I know you.

You're Saint Joe's old niu.

Don't know who that is.

Joe's still got a hard-on for you.

Especially when you took off
with all of his baca.

You're the dirty cop
he used to run with.

He sent you to bring me back?

He did.

But I'm an independent contractor now.

Those scars a courtesy of Joe?

Guess I'm not the only one
who stole from him, then.

I'm gonna look like
the g*dd*mn Mona Lisa

compared to what he's gonna do with you

if I hand you over.

Baca's gone.
I sold it a long time ago.

I'm not here for that.

I got a new proposition.

Unless you want Joe paying you a visit,

I suggest you cooperate.

What do you want me to do?

I want you

to do what you do best

to this guy.

It was all a setup.

Tell me about your friend
from the w*r again.



What do you wanna know?

Hank? Oh, shit.

Anything that comes
to mind, really.

Kind of women he likes,
kind of music he listens to...

There's this song he used to whistle
in the trenches.

And so it seems

She planned everything.

That we've met

the song.


The earring.

Oh, my god,
even the lost keys were a setup.

Do it again.

You drop the keys!

You're gonna do it again.

This whole time,
I was nothing but a Mark.

It has been three months.

These things take time, okay?
His partner's got the key.

I can't figure out his combination.

Liar! You're stalling!

Don't tell me this gimp
screwed a conscience into you?

I'm touched.

But remember, in this line of work,
a conscience will get you k*lled.

This bruise, what happened?

I want those files.

Show me.

Here they are.

The guy she's with,
he's that baron, isn't he?

What are you gonna do with them?

I'm gonna destroy them.

And all other proof
of their little tryst.

What other proof?

No one ever told you
about the birds and the bees, Mae?

The rich, they really don't like it
when a bastard branch

sprouts off of
their precious family tree.

The boy, what happened to him?

Hello, Elsa.

Oh. Sorry, do I know you?

We have mutual friends.

How's Freddie? Is he here today?


What do you want with Freddie?

Oh, hey. Hey, Freddie.

Can you tell me what this is about?

You screwed the wrong guy.


No. No.

He... he loved me.

Said he'd take care of me.

Oh, yeah.

He's gonna take care of both of you.

I did you first. Be grateful for that.


Hey, Freddie.

Can you help me, please?

- Mommy?
- Come on.

- Stop! Freddie, don't!
- Don't be afraid.

- Come here, kid. Come on.
- No, don't!

- No, I want my mommy!
- Dont! No!

The hell are you doing?

What I should have from the start.

Go! Go ahead!

Go to the boat!

Get in!

Go, go, go!

- Mommy!
- Get down!

- It's okay, it's okay.
- Mommy...

She saved him.

She got away from you,
you son of a bitch.

It's all right. It's all right.
You took a misstep.

I led you down a path never taken.

Let's try again.

Oh, my god, you did see Mae again,
didn't you?

Oh, my god.

We're closed!

I figured you'd come back.

What was the plan, huh?
Run away together?

Play mom and dad to the little boy?

Guess I'm gonna have to take
both of you out now.

- No, no, no! Wait, wait, wait.
- Let's get lover boy out here.

Nick doesn't know anything.

Take me. I'll come with you

and I'll tell you everything
you need to know.

Please, just don't hurt him.

Get in the car.

The earring. You wanted me to find it.

I love you.


She came back.

Because of me.

What the hell did you do to her?

Let's not
make this more difficult

than it has to be, huh?

Swallow. Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh.

- No more. No.
- Undiluted baca.

Now, tell me, where is the boy?

Soon, the baca is gonna kick in

and bring back the Mae I used to know.

And when it does,

there's nothing you'll hold back.

Nothing you won't do.

No one you won't betray.

Not the kid...

- Not your boyfriend.
- Oh, god.

You'll tell me everything you know.



Tell me where the kid is.

You already know.

You know.


I told you once,
don't you remember?

At first, I thought it was a mirage
floating in the waves.

White clapboard house.

It saved me once.

And maybe,
maybe it can save Freddie, too.

What are you talkin' about?


I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier.

But you're here now, aren't you?

We have this one last chance.

Yes, Mae, I'm here. I'm right here.

There are so many things
I wanted to tell you.

But I was scared.

You looked at me in a way
no one's ever looked at me.

I wanted to be that person you saw.

It's so stupid of me to think
falling in love could save me.

People like us don't fall in love.

We plummet to places

deep and dark.

But love?

Love is the thing we climb to.

Rung after rung,
we pull ourselves out of ourselves

reaching for something greater.

If we could just hold on.

I wish I could've held on longer.

Stay. Stay.

I love you...



Who the hell
do you think you're talking to?

The man who's gonna k*ll you!

There's only one way out.

Mae, don't. No, no, no. Wait, no.

No, no, no.

Where do you think you're going?


No, no, Mae.
Mae, Mae, Mae, no, no...

I can't let him find Freddie.

Stay. Don't...

I'm sorry.

No, no... no. No!

No, no, no!

Mae was wrong,
I'm not gonna k*ll you.

'Cause dying is easy.

A few moments of suffering
and then nothing.

You deserve more than nothing.
You deserve to remember.

We're going on a journey.

Ajourney down a path
you tried to forget but never could.

A journey to your worst fear,
your worst pain.

How did you get your scars, boothe?

They call 'em rats of the sky.

They're just doves

with dark wings.

They are as they're made to be.


- I told Joe we couldn't trust you.
- Oh.

You been skimmin' off his sales.

Of course I did.

This whole town is bent.
Be crooked not to.

Feel that fire?

Burning like it did that night.

But this night will never end.

This night will be with you
for the rest of your life!

This is where your journey ends!

They say you can't tell yet,

but I know it's a boy.

Don't bother calling security.
We need to talk.


For a long time, you've known
about your father's affair, haven't you?

Must've been quite a shock

to learn that he'd fathered
another child.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Sure you do.

He was in love with Elsa.

Don't worry, my flower.

And vowed
to protect her and her son.

I'll always take care of you.

He was looking for them.

He wanted to make things right with them
before he died.

- Have you found her yet?
- No, dad.

Didn't wanna split
your fortune, did you?

So, you hired boothe to k*ll them

so you could keep the money to yourself.


Your own mother tried to tell me.

Walter never liked sharing.

She just confused you and your father.

It's easy to see how.

Mother gets confused.

Not about this.

Boothe proved it with a phone call.

It's me.

I thought he was conspiring
with a woman I knew.

But I was wrong.

And he couldn't have been
calling your father.

Your father was already dead.

And the dead don't take phone calls.

But you do.

Should've tossed your phone.

Name your price.

I'll have as much as you need
once the estate clears.

I doubt that.

Your half-brother Freddie, though,
he'll be quite comfortable.

- Freddie, he...
- Alive, yeah.

Police picked him up early this morning.

Visited a white clapboard house
off the coast of the keys

where they found him safe and sound.

Won't be long before the cops
piece together what happened.

They'll be here for you soon.

Go ahead. Do it.

I won't let them take me.

Between memory and oblivion,

I know which t*rture I'd choose.

But you've never done
your own dirty work.

I doubt you have it in you to start now.

On the count of three, imagine it.

One, two...

I hear it, Walter.

I hear it.

Don't worry.
Your father is in great hands.

The t*nk will keep his body
sustained for years.

- Yeah?
- Thank you.

- I'll give you guys a few minutes.
- Thank you.

If you're thinking about checking in,

trust me, you cannot afford it.

I burned someone on purpose.

Such a kidder.

Joking about something like that.

Everyone knows that would get you
more time than m*rder.

- It's not a joke.
- Okay.

You got a death wish?

The da will pluck that little confession
right out of my head with the t*nk.

- I want them to.
- What?

- What are these?
- Reminiscences.

They belong to Elsa Carine
and Cyrus boothe,

the man who k*lled Elsa...

And Mae.

Mae is dead?

I'm sorry.

Take these.
I need you to get them to Avery.

She'll depose me.

She'll ask about you.

I'm counting on it.

Sorry, watts.

I'd ask someone else,
but turns out you're my only friend.


I wish I'd fired you a long time ago.

Gee, thanks.

I see clearer now
all the things that I missed.

Your best moments
aren't behind you, Emily.

They're waiting for your arrival.

Your daughter...

Go find her.

There's still time.

You're acting like
I won't see you again.

You'll see me. I'll see you.

You've always been there for me.

I don't expect that will change.

But first, you're gonna have to
hear my confession.


It started, as you know,

with a set of lost keys.

Only, they were never really lost
in the first place,

not even misplaced.

It started as a con,

but by the end, it was something real.

The city reacted swiftly
to word of sylvan's crimes.

Their rage against the barons
had been pent up too long.

No walls could contain it.

A trickle became a flood.

Maybe this time
it would wash the world clean.

Either way,

I won't know.

For my role
in exposing the sylvan conspiracy,

Avery cut me a deal.

I didn't get to walk,

but I got what I wanted.

You're going on a journey.

A journey through memory.

Your destination?

A place and time you've been before.

To reach it,

all you have to do is follow my voice.

The past can haunt a man.

That's what they say.

That the past is just
a series of moments.

Each one perfect.


A bead on the necklace of time.

We're closed.

I'm sorry. I know it's late.

I lost my keys
on the way home from work.

The past doesn't haunt us.

Wouldn't even recognize us.

It seems we stood and talked

If there are ghosts to be found,

it's us who haunt the past.

We haunt it

so we can look again.

See the people we miss

and the things we missed about them.

I see you fully now.

Your darkness and your light.


like the city at dusk
when it's most beautiful.

Tell me a story.

A story? What kind of story?

One with a happy ending.

No such thing as a happy ending.

All endings are sad.

Especially if the story was happy.

Then tell me a happy story,
but end it in the middle.

- Grandma?
- Mm.

You miss him, don't you?

Missing people is a part of this world.

Without that sadness,

you can't taste the sweet.

A long time ago,
we both chose our endings.

He turned back,

and I looked ahead.

I like to think that we both
chose right for ourselves.

As I held her in my arms,

I thought of a story.

It's a tragedy...

But only if you stop at the end.

Ever hear of orpheus and eurydice?

They were a couple very in love.

Until one day eurydice died.

That's a horrible story.

I'm not in the middle yet.

Orpheus descended to hell,

begged the devil to release her,

until finally, the devil agreed...

With one condition.

He couldn't look back
until they had escaped.

And what happened?

Orpheus took her by the hand

and led her back to life.

And they lived happily ever after?

What other ending could there be?

Yeah, we had a plan

wanna go back where we've been

I understand but I can't

stop the train
it's on its way, yeah

memories will keep you by my side

memories will never let us die


save my love


save the way I made you feel

you were so bad

you didn't notice me
standing there in the dark

and now you're slipping away

and I'm hoping
don't drift off too far

memories will keep you by my side

memories will never let us die


save my love


save the way you made you feel

This is not the end

we'll be back again

broke down waiting

but I'll find a way
back to you someday
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