02x07 - 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The X-Files". Aired September 1993 - March 2018.*
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Two FBI agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained while hidden forces work to impede their efforts.
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02x07 - 3

Post by bunniefuu »


There's ash in the wine from the fires in Malibu Canyon.

You can almost see from here.

I want you to know I... I don't do this.

I... I mean I'm... I'm not one of those guys...

..that sends his family on vacation just so he can...

But... when I met you at the corporate party, I...


It'll be worth it.

I'll do things with you no one's ever done.

Let's start in the bedroom and work our way downstairs.

Don't let the media in on the writings in blood on the wall.

Excuse me, sir. If I can ask your indulgence, this is a restricted crime scene.

Mulder. I'm with the Bureau. Nobody called them.

They should have.

LAPD has seen, I don't know, a couple of weird crime scenes down the years.

We can handle it. There's no time for agency rivalries.

I don't care about credit for the arrest or what goes on whose record.

In the past year these K*llers have m*rder*d six people. They only k*ll at night.

In a week, two more people will be dead and they will be gone.

How do you know? There's a file on the previous murders.

I've studied it. I've studied them. I've been waiting for them to reappear.

How can you be sure these are the same K*llers?

The wire reported a body drained of blood,...

..bite marks on the exterior jugular and median cubital veins.

Every mirror in the house was smashed.

Yeah, well, it's what the wire didn't report that distinguishes this scene.

There's writings on the wall, written in the victim's blood.

"He who eats of my flesh and drinks of my blood shall have eternal life."

"And I will raise him up on the last day."

They have the same feeble literal grasp of the Bible as all those big-haired preachers do.

The victim - was he a father?

Yeah. Three boys. The, uh, family's been notified.

In Memphis they m*rder*d James Ellis, 58, father of Ellis & Sons Clothiers.

The second victim was a Korean woman, Linda Sun.

The third victim was a Jesuit theologian.

Excuse me.

In Portland, three months ago, the first victim was a priest.

The second victim was the only son in a family of six children.

The last victim was the owner of a New Age book shop - The Holy Spirit.

I believe that's how they perceive themselves, as a kind of unholy trinity.

They use these to extract the blood and then store it for a quick fix later.

Their need is insatiable, but murdering for blood risks exposure and capture.

If my profile of the previous cases holds true,...

..they've been working near blood products for a month.

Look, Agent Mulder, I'm really sorry I was such a hard-ass back there.

But in this town it's really tough to trust anyone.

I'd be happy to have you work on our investigation. This is...

I'm working alone.

An FBI agent without a partner?

Our department's under a crisis alert right now because of the fires in the canyon.

The fact is, I don't think I can free up any resources for you now.

I only need one thing.

Hollywood Blood Bank. Hi. This is Marty Mulder from Payroll.

I have a question regarding the W-4 form of a recent employee.

You mean Frank? When was he hired?

A couple of weeks ago. He's the night watchman.

Federal agent! Hey! Easy, man! Easy!

Sorry, man. I didn't know you were there.

Damn freak night watchman down there always breaking the light bulbs.

I'll wait upstairs.

Federal agent!


Turn off the lights! Turn 'em off!

You're k*lling me! Turn 'em off! Turn ‘em off!

Tell us your real name. Please! I can't take it.

Turn off the lights! You're k*lling me. Turn them off!


Turn off the lights!


Turn 'em off!

That better?

I'll only talk to him.

Lucky you.

You know what we are.

What are you?

He is the Father, I am the Son and she is the Unholy Spirit.

And the three of you k*lled Garrett Lorre.


Your fingerprints were found at the crime scene.

No. When a snake eats a fly, it's not m*rder. It just is.

Frogs eat flies.

Are you dead?

I never will be. You believe that?

Don't you wanna live for ever?

Well, not if drawstring pants come back into style.

Look, what nobody realises is that there is no afterlife.

I know this - listen to me, listen to me. I know this because...

..when we prolong our lives by taking theirs,...

..all I see is such... horror in their eyes.

And that's because at that moment they're face to face with death.

And then suddenly they realise there's nothing else.

There's no heaven. There's no soul. There's just rot and there's just decay.

And I will never, ever, ever, ever have to face that.

It's a stiff price, though. Look at yourself. Drinking blood, living in darkness.

Unable to see your reflection in a mirror. Or is that just a myth?

I can't be seen in a mirror.

Look, anything worth anything has a price.

And when I'm standing next to your deathbed looking as young as I look right now,...

..and I see that fear in your eyes at the moment of death,...

..then, then tell me the price is too stiff.

It's more likely I'll be looking into your eyes before they lead you into the gas chamber.

But that's a moment you won't have to face if you tell me where the others are.

Why would I? They're the only ones that can k*ll me.

If you are what you say you are,...

..I know what can k*ll you.

It'd be very easy to cover those windows. Just tell me where the other two are.

In a couple of hours, there'll be no escaping the sun... Son.

If he wants to talk, cover the windows and call me.

What if he turns into a bat and flies out through the bars?

That man is delusional, but I get the sense that not even he believes his own claims.

We've gotta play along with his beliefs.

I'm hoping that the sunlight will give him an excuse to talk.

Go back to your hotel and get some sleep. I didn't check in to a hotel room.

I don't sleep any more.

Number four! Right away! Number four, right away!

An oedema ball at the nostrils, rupture of the skull due to internal steam pressure.

These are indications of long exposure to extreme temperatures,...

..not a sunburn for 15 seconds.

The guards found no flammable materials?

I had believed that...

..this man's illness was psychological.

There is a condition known as Gunther's Disease.

Congenital erythropoietic porphyria creating cutaneous photosensitivity.

I'm familiar with porphyria. It causes lesions and blisters...

..when skin is exposed to sunlight, not fourth-degree burns.

Sufferers have a deficiency which can be supplemented by a small ingestion of blood, ..not... the kind of bloodthirst that this man had.

It's probably ignorance of porphyria as a disease that led to the vampire myths...

..in Asia in the Middle Ages.

I had... dismissed the possibility of the actual existence of such a creature as myth.

You are really upsetting me... on several levels.

When will you get the blood tests back? Next week.

What's this purple stain here?

Could be an ink stamp, like they give at a party or a club.

Can you read it?

It is possible that the heat burned the ink permanently into the lower levels of the skin.

An old coroner's trick.

I can make a quarter appear from behind your ear.

Are you about to ask what a normal person like me is doing in a place like this?

How do you define normal?

Misha, red wine.

I don't. How do you?

All I know is, uh,...

..normal is not what I feel.

You've lost someone.

Not a lover. A friend.

I'll get these.

"He who drinks my blood..."

"Has eternal life."

You're not interested in this place, in what we do.

How do you know? You're afraid of me.

I take the life of others...

..inside me... into my blood.

I need to know.

And all day long I deal with equity,...

..notes, bonds...

Nothing that's real.

And this gives my life... life.

My name's Kristen.

It's a normal name.


Aren't you afraid?

I wish I could die.

The Father, the Son.

I don't know who you are, freak, but we're two consenting adults.

Now, get the hell outta here.




Come out.


It's my turn.

Don't worry. I took care of that guy.

I told you I'd protect you.

The murderers cut off the power supply at some point, and the phone. Fits their MO.

This is our forensic dentist you requested. Doctor Jacobs.

How do you do?

I don't wanna bias your report, but I need a preliminary examination for anything...

..unnatural. Uh-huh.

Shine the light down here.

Agent Mulder?

All this time I've been putting raspberry sauce on ice cream.

Check these prints. One will be the victim's. The other should be the woman we‘re after.

The bites are not done by an animal. These are human.

And, realise this is a cursory exam, but I'd say they were made by three different people.

The Unholy Spirit.

We got the front. You go around the back. You, check the garage.

OK, do it. Open her up.

Ms Kilar? Los Angeles Police Department. We have a warrant to search the premises.

I found these. Veterinary needles.

The size matches the puncture wounds on the previous victims.

And look at this. From a snakebite kit.

It's placed over the wound to extract poison.

Only this one... Has blood in it.


Over here.

The other side down.

Well, she wasn't at work and she's not here.

She's gone, and she's not coming back.

Special Agent Fox Mulder, Federal Bureau of Investigation.

They're after you.

How do you know? The bread. Legends in Eastern Europe.

It's said that one can protect oneself by eating bread filled with blood.

You were protecting yourself.

And now you're protecting me?

I think it's best if I took you into protective custody. They'll k*ll once more.

They'll try to k*ll you.

Why are you here alone?

Because you think you're not afraid?

Because you need to know? You need to know they are who you believe they are.

What I believe you to be.

One change in the wind and the fires will move this way.

Have you ever tasted blood?

No, you haven‘t.

Blood tastes... dangerous.

It's sweet... and thick.

You were in Memphis and Portland when the other murders occurred.

How are you connected?

When I was a little girl, my father beat me.

Abuse is too frail a word.

He showed his love for me by beating me.

I was dead.

One night he hit me so hard, he knocked out two teeth and locked me in my room.

The blood poured from my mouth onto the floor...

..and down my throat.

It was the only way I knew I was alive.

I met John in Chicago.

You know him as "the Son".

He also beat me. I guess that's the way it works sometimes.

He hit me once and cut open my lip.

I was angry... and as revenge I jumped on him and I bit through his lip.

He tasted my blood...

..and I tasted his.

After that we were into blood sports.


I never...

I lost him.

One night he came home with two others and it turned...


I left him and I moved to Memphis.

But they followed you. They want you.

I'm tired of running.

And you're here to protect me.

Are you trying to ward me off?

It's from someone I lost.

Well, I hope you find her.

The one you lost, John, he‘s...


But they've picked up another. They're three again.

Kristen, I think you'll be safer if you come back to the police station with me.

Without him, they won't come for me.

I won't go.

Then I won't go.

You need to get cleaned up.



No mirrors.

I don't like the way I look.

It makes this hard.

I'll do it.

It's not who you are.

It doesn't make you happy.

I've been watching.

I had to wait for you to finish.

I had to wait to tell you...

..it's true.

I was as surprised as anybody.

You can live for ever.

Everybody else just dies, but we, we come back.

The Spirit showed me.

And now she'll show you.

We live in a different world, Kristen.

And nobody on the outside can end my life.

You can't k*ll me.

But I can k*ll... you.

I know, Kristen, what I did to you was...

If I were to die, I would certainly go to hell for what I did.

But I love you, and I can atone for eternity.

k*ll him...

..and we‘ll be together.

You've got to drink the blood of a spirit.

But he's not... No! He is.

A spirit is one who believes.

He knows we're possible.

You don't have much time before the sun comes up.

Cut him open...

..and we'll finish.

You have to go.

Are they here? The fire...

You have to go. My car's down the hill.

Mine's in the garage. The keys are in it. You have to get your things.

I'll be right there.

He's not dead!

John's alive. I saw him.

Come on.

Are you all right? I'll go. I won't leave without him.

We'll rise up.

You can't k*ll us!

You're not one of us.

But I will be.

I'm tasting the blood of a believer.

But you haven't taken a life.

I'll take mine.

Don't do that. Don't do that! Don't!

Don't! Don't! No, don't!


Agent Mulder.

I'm sorry. We found four bodies.

A“ dead.

No remains? The fire was extremely hot.

It's just ashes and bones.

I made this!
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