01x07 - Town Party-Country Party

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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01x07 - Town Party-Country Party

Post by bunniefuu »

Girl: Don't peek.

Rich man, poor man,

beggar man, thief.

Doctor, lawyer, Indian...


Nellie first,
Laura second.

You pushed me.

Sour grapes.
I choose Cassie.

I choose Christy.

Nellie: Helen.


Nellie: Margaret.

3 on a side. Only 3.

4. Choose 4,
or give up.

You can choose Olga.

No. She's no good
at relay.

Besides, I don't
need her anyway.

I'm the fastest
runner in school.

I can run twice for our team,
and we'll still beat you.

You just think you will.

Over to that post
and back.

1! 2' 3-

ready? Go!

Girl: Go!

Second girl:
Hurry! Hurry!


Third girl:
Come on, Nellie!

Hurry, Christy!

Shh, Jack. Shh.

Jack, shh. Shh.

Mary: Laura,
where are you?

Why did you have
to yell that way?

Between you and Jack, I'm
never going to find out.

Find out what?

If that crab could snap a stick in two.
You scared him off.

Better stay away from him
before he snaps you in two.

Oh, no.
He couldn't do that.

I'm too big, and his
snappers are too little.

You're not going
to find out now.

Ma wants you
back at the house.

She's got something
to tell us.

Next time, no barking.

Otherwise, I'm leaving
you home, and I mean it!

I found her, ma.
She was down by the pond.

Baked apples!

Your pa likes
apple fritters.

So do I.

Me, too.

I have a surprise
for you.

You're going
to a party.

We are? You mean a real one?

Yes. I was in the
mercantile today,

and Mrs. Oleson
invited you both

to Nellie's birthday party

Do we have
to go?


Well, you know
how Nellie is.

I know she was kind enough
to invite you to her party.

How would you feel if you were
the only one who wasn't invited?

Worse than being
invited, I guess.

All right. Remember that when
you wish her a happy birthday.

But aren't we supposed
to take a present?

We don't have anything
to give her.

I can think
of something.

Ma, don't let her.

A present
isn't necessary,

but you could
give her a big bunch

of those lovely wildflowers
that are growing out back.

That's a good idea.

All right,
you two run along.

I want to see your shoes
polished so they shine like a...

Christmas penny!

Sunday smile.

There. That's fine.

Thank you.

I'll have some more
apple fritters.


Mmm. Thank you.

Pa, do you remember
that crab I showed you...

The one that lives under
the rock in plum creek?

I hope you've been
keeping your distance.

Oh, I have.

Laura, that's not...

Well, I have.

I never get too close.

What I was wondering is, do you
figure he could snap a stick in two?

All depends on the size
of the stick.

What about people? Could he
bite off my whole big toe?

No, he couldn't bite
your big toe off,

but he could give you a pinch
you wouldn't forget in a hurry.

I guarantee you that.

You haven't told your
pa about the party.

Who's having a party?

Mary: Nellie oleson.

It's her birthday tomorrow,
and we're invited.

I can hardly wait!

I can.

Do you suppose their house is
like Nellie's always saying...

Boughten rugs in every
room, lace curtains?

The way she tells it, they
got just about everything.

Charles: I can tell you
one thing they don't have.

What's that, pa?

Apple fritters
like your ma makes.

Or a sister with
an appetite like that.


Those things sticking out of the
side of your head are your ears.

You make sure
you wash behind them.

I will.

Is she clean?

Clean as a whistle.

I'll have your dressing
ribbons ready, Laura.

Now let's see
if you are.


Just did them.
Pa reminded me.

Mm-hmm. Good.

All right, now.
Bundle up.

Good girl. And up!

You'd better hurry up. You don't want
to be late for your first party.

Up you go.



Come on out here. I've
got a surprise for you.

Mary will help you.

Got a little surprise.

Oh, no.

What more
could you ask for?

A clean child
and a clean dress,

all at the same

I've been thinking.

I would like you
to stay home with us.

But it's
a party, papa.

Nellie said there would be
cake, cookies, and games.


What kind of games?

I don't know, papa.

Running games,
like I see them play at school?

Maybe, papa, but if so, I sit
and watch like I do at school.

Do I look
all right, papa?

Yes, very nice.

Can I go now?

Bye, grandma.
Bye, pa.

You said
she needed school.

All right,
she goes to school.

She has to learn.

What she needs to know,
she could learn from you.

She needs friends
her own age.

I have seen her in the
schoolyard, sitting by herself.

She has no friends
in that school.

She would be better off
staying home with us.

I have a fool
for a son.

And I have a mother
who does not listen.

At this party, she will try
to keep up, try to run.

She will fall
and hurt herself.

No, she will not.

She promised
she wouldn't.

I had schooling,
but I learned more

from watching people...
And animals.

I have seen what a flock
of chickens will do

to one that is different
from the rest.

They k*ll it,
all of them.

They swarm over it, trampling
it, and they peck...

It to death.

Girls: Hello, Mary.
Hello, Laura.

Wait a minute!

Man: Well, hello there,
young ladies.

Hi, Mr. Oleson.

My, aren't you all just as
pretty as that bunch of flowers.

Mary: Thank you,
Mr. Oleson.

You go right in. You know where
it is... in the back there.

Mary: Yes.
Thank you.

Come on.
Wait till you see.

Child: An alligator...

A donkey...

Happy birthday,

They're from
both of us.

This is from
me and Cassie.

I made her myself,
and you get to name her.

We're playing.

She didn't even like it.

Course she did.

She's just excited,
is all.

Let's see what
they're playing.

Laura: Noah's ark!

It ain't Noah's.
It's mine!

I meant like Noah
in the Bible.

And there's two
of everything,

except for
the giraffe

because Nellie
hid it on me

'cause she knew
it was my favorite.

Did not.
You lost it.

Did not.
You took it.

Uh-uh, will.
It's your sister's birthday.

Nobody cares about
your old ark anyway.

There's no sense in
fussing over the ark

when you have so many
other toys to play with.

They can't play
with my toys.

They can't ride
my velocipede.

Now, children.

Oh, Nellie, show the girls
your birthday doll.

Nellie: All right,
but nobody can touch.

When she's like this,
she's asleep.

And when I stand her up,
she's awake.

Her dress is real silk,

and she has real

with real ruffles
and real lace.

I told you
not to touch!

You did that on purpose!

Laura: I didn't,
Nellie. Honest.

You did so.

Just 'cause you'll never
have a doll this good,

you don't want me
to have one.

I wish I'd never asked
you to my party.

Oh, now, Nellie,
you mustn't be rude.

Oh. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

I'm sorry, ma'am.
It was an accident.

Ma can fix it. She's finer
than most with a needle.

No, no.
That won't be necessary.

I'll have it repaired.

Don't be upset,
Nellie, dear.

You should learn
to be more careful

with things that don't
belong to you.

Yes, ma'am.

It might be wise
if you all went outside to play.

There are just too many things
in here that can be damaged.

Yeah, come on!

Willie: Tag. You're it.

Christy: Cassie's it.
Come on!

Are you
all right?

I'm all right.
I'm ok.

You twisted it
when you fell.

I did something to it.

Maybe we could go sit
on the store steps.

Here, I'll help you.

Maybe I should go get Mr.
Oleson to get Dr. Baker.

No. It's not
that bad.

I was going to
ask you something.

But I better not.

Ma says it's not
polite to pry.

You were going to ask
about my leg?

Well, kind of.

How long has it
been that way?

Since I was born.

if we walk slow...

There are
a lot of frogs

down by the waterwheel
over there.

We just might
catch one.

We can try. Come on.

Olga, how was
the party?

Nice, grandma.
Very nice.

The house was grand, with
rugs and fine curtains,

and they had a clock
as tall as papa.

And what did
you get to eat?

Cake and cookies and
candy from the store.

I was polite.

I took
only one piece.


And you played
with all the children?

Yes, papa.

Nellie let me play
with her new doll,

and her brother let me
play with his toy animals.

I just played, and I
played, and I played.

Did they laugh at you
and call names?

No, papa.

But you did not
play with them.

They let you sit
in the corner and watch.

Tell me the truth.

Inside, I watched,

but outside,
I talked to a girl.

One girl. Just one?

A very nice girl,

Laura Ingalls.

She hurt her ankle,
so we talked.

Always the same.

You should have stayed home
with your grandma and me.

But we had
a good time, papa.

I made a new friend.

One friend.

Caroline: Mary said the fault
was more Nellie's than Laura's.

She also said the dress could
be mended in a minute.

It's going to take a lot longer than
that for Laura's ankle to heal.

She's not going to be able to
walk to school for 2 or 3 days.

She was unhappy about
that until I promised her

I'd teach her how to
make oatmeal cookies.

Little half-pint gets hurt
pretty easy, but she mends fast.

What would you think of the girls
having a party of their own?

I think
it's a fine idea.

Good. Then...

Sounds like
we have mice.

All right, girls,
come on out.

What are you two
doing out of bed?


How can we have
a party

when it's nobody's
birthday yet?

That's the best reason to have
a party... no reason at all.

Just let your friends know you
want to have them around.

Do we get to invite who we
want, all by ourselves?

Of course.
It's your party.

Of course, I know you'll want
to invite Christy and Cassie

and your new friend

And Nellie.


It's the polite
thing to do.

I reckon
you know best.

I'll ask her on Monday.

Good. Now, off to bed,
both of you.

Mary and Laura: Good night, ma.
Good night, pa.

Good night, girls.
Good night.

Our own party!

I can't believe it!

Our own party,

and we can invite
anybody we want!


Wouldn't it be wonderful
if Nellie said no?

And Cassie's coming
and Christy and sudie,

and you can come,
can't you, Olga?

I will ask my father.

He'll say yes, won't he?

Laura especially
wants you to come.

I went
to Nellie's party.

I forgot.
She's coming, too.


Laura won't think so.

She'll be afraid
Nellie will spoil things.

No. I mean, it is good
of you to invite her.

It'll be good for her to come.
Poor Nellie.

Poor? The olesons? They're
the richest folks in town.

Nellie's poor. She has
no happiness inside.

You know, that's
a strange thing to say.

My grandma says that you
know what's inside a person

by the face they wear.

I guess,

but I never thought of
Nellie that way before...

I mean, being poor.

Makes me feel sorry
for her...


Hi, pa!

Hi, Mary!

Everybody said yes!

Laura: Do you hear, pa?
Everybody said yes!

Is that a fact?
What was the question?

The party!

Mary invited them
to our party.

That's right, you're having a party.
It clean slipped my mind.

You're teasing
again, pa.

Why does Patty keep
throwing her shoes, pa?

Well, did you
ever notice how

that left foreleg
of hers is bowed?

Well, I got to give her
a special fitting.

If I don't get it
just right,

she'll keep throwing that
shoe right back at me.

Could I ask you

I don't see why not.

It's been on my mind
for a long time,

and when you mentioned
about Patty...

What makes cripples?

Well, accidents, mostly.

Not that kind.

I mean like being born
crippled, like Olga.

Her legs don't match.

One is shorter
than the other.

That doesn't seem fair,
does it?

No, sir,
it sure doesn't.

I'll tell you,

I don't know if I've got an answer
that will satisfy either one of us.

Some folks just come
into the world that way.

I don't know why. I don't think
anybody else does, either.

I do know that
most of them

seem to be born with
some extra-special gift.

Is gumption a gift?

Sure it is.

I'm sure Olga
has gumption.

Well, from what
you've told us,

she's got
a big heart, too.

And a heart is more important
than a leg, isn't it?

A lot more important.

You've been thinking a lot about
Olga lately, haven't you?

She's so nice, pa.

I keep hoping that her
leg will get better.

I remember
the other day,

we were walking past
hanson's mill,

and she stepped on this plank
and didn't limp at all.

She what?

There was this plank
about so thick...


And she stepped on it
with her short leg.

And she walked
the whole length of it?

Yes. And when she could step
on it with her short leg,

she didn't limp
at all.

If there were enough
planks scattered around,

she'd be able to run and
play like the rest of us.

Yeah, I bet she could.

Why don't you go on back in the
house and rest your ankle, huh?

Yes, pa.


It's Mr. Ingalls,

Mrs. Nordstrom,
I'm Charles Ingalls.

You might say
we're neighbors.

Mr. Ingalls.


Olga talks about
your Laura.

My wife's looking forward
to meeting you.

She sends her regards, and
she wants to meet Olga, too.

I can see your son's
pretty busy,

but I was hoping
to get a chance

to talk to the two
of you, if I might.


Will you hold these
for me, please?

Yes, grandma.

Thank you.
Could you follow?


This is Mr. Ingalls.

He would like
to speak to you.

Mr. Nordstrom.

My daughter Laura has made quite
a friend in your daughter Olga.

Olga's why I'm here.

This is going to come out a
little bit awkward, but, uh...

I've got a pretty good horse, and if
I don't fix her shoe just proper,

she comes up lame.

A special shoe is the difference
between being sound and lame.

That got me to thinking.

What I'm trying to say is, I'd like
permission to work on one of Olga's shoes.

You've got a miracle
in your pocket, huh?

No. I told you this was going to sound
awkward, but I think if I could...

Olga was born
with a lame leg.

We accept that.
So does she.

We've got a saying in this
part of the country...

The lord helps those
that help themselves.

I'll take care
of Olga myself.

I don't need your help.

Mr. Nordstrom,

your daughter watches the
other children run and play.

She seems to do it
with a happy heart,

and that's
to her credit.

I really think if you gave me
permission to work on that shoe,

she might get a chance to
do some running herself.

I did not send for you.
I do not want you here.

I'll thank you
to get off my property.

I don't see what harm it would
do to give me a chance...


A pleasure meeting you,
Mrs. Nordstrom.

Could you have done it?

Could you have made a shoe
that would have helped Olga?

Oh, I don't know.

She wouldn't be any worse
off than she is now.

Just a stubborn man.

We'll just have to forget
about it, I guess.

Mrs. Nordstrom.

Mrs. Nordstrom,

I'd like you to meet
my wife Caroline.

How do you do?

Mrs. Nordstrom,
and that's Olga.

Olga: Hello.

You are very kind. Could
I talk to you a little?


Olga, why don't you come back to the
house with me and say hello to Laura?

Yes, ma'am.

Mr. Ingalls, my son
is not like you think.

He loves Olga very much.

They were always
very close.

Only since the death
of Olga's mother,

he only wanted
to protect Olga.

He even didn't want her
to go to school.

Your son isn't
the easiest man

in the world to talk to, Mrs.

but I guess that does
explain some of it.

He would like to build a wall around
Olga, that she cannot be hurt,

but that would be wrong because she
would have no one when we are gone.

Does he know
you're here?

No. I will
tell him later.

You will make
a shoe for Olga?

I'll try.

How does that feel?

Maybe a little more.

All right.

How's that?


Feel even?

Then we got
the right height.

All we have to do
now is build it.

No school today.

You should be
helping grandma.

Party day, papa.

She's invited to a party
at the Ingalls'.

Her little friend
invited her.

Now, before noon?


She was asked
to come very early

in order she can help them
to get ready.

Now, run along, now.

Bye, grandma.
Bye, pa.

Go ahead.
Now try to walk on it.

It's all right.
Go ahead.

Laura: Pa, it's perfect.
Olga, look at you.

All right, try it again,
a little bit faster.

Let's go outside and practice
before the others get here.

They plain won't believe their eyes.
It's a miracle!

It is.
It's a miracle.

They're coming!
They're all here!

Caroline: Good.
They're on time.

Charles: I think I'll just leave
you ladies to your guests.


you're right.

Come on.
Let's say hi to them.

When they come in,
you just sit where you are.

I got a good idea
how we can surprise them.

How you doing, girls?

Girl: Where's Laura?

She's right inside. Go on in.
Have fun, now.

Girl: Hi, Laura.

Other girls:
Hello, Mrs. Ingalls.

Hello, girls.

Laura: Didn't Mary tell you
it wasn't dress-up, Nellie?

Nellie: Mama always has me
dress, even for country parties.

Where's your room?

Mary and me
have the loft.

Mary: Do you want to see it?
Come on.

I have my own room.

Yes, you told us.

Nellie: A loft.
That's like an attic.

Second girl: I wish ma would
let me sleep in the attic.

Did you ask her?

Wouldn't do no good.
We don't have an attic.

Olga, you wait until
we're all up in the loft.

Then you go outside.

Do you remember where I showed
you we were going to play?


You go sit out there, and we'll be
out there in just a few minutes.

I'll say,
"let's play two o' cat."

Then when
your turn comes,

you run as fast
as you can,

and that will
surprise them.


This is the kind
miss beadle wears.

It smells so pretty.

Nellie: Where are
your dolls, Laura?

I don't play with dolls.
I play in the creek.

I know where... the
wide place we passed

on the way here.

Nellie: You and Mary
share the same bed?

Mary: Yes.
Pa made our bed.

I have my own bed
in my own room.

It's too nice of a day
to be poking around inside.

Let's go outside
and play.

Mary: Yeah. Come on, Nellie.
Come on, everybody.

What will we play?

How about 30' cat?

Others: Yeah!

That's a boy's game.

We're tomboys.

We can use
the buckets for bases.

Let's play over there.
Come on!

I'll choose one side. Nellie,
you choose the other.

Nellie: Since I'm a guest,
I get to choose first.

I choose Mary.

Mary: Oh...

I choose Olga.

You just said that so when you
lose, you can blame it on her.

Well, who says
I'm going to lose?

I choose Cassie.

I choose Christy.



Now, that's 4 each.

Since you chose first,
we get to hit first.

That will be home base.
Come on!

This will be
home base,

and since there's
only 4 on a side,

I'll catch
for your team.

Olga, you hit first.

Come on, Mary.
Pitch it good!

Come on, Olga. You can do it.
Come on!

Run, Olga!
Hurry! Go!

Run! Hurry!

Girl: You ran, Olga. You beat Nellie.
What happened?

Olga: It's Mr. Ingalls.
He made it for me.

It's wonderful,

I never saw anything
like it.

You run better
than I do now.

It was Laura's idea
to surprise you all.

You surprised us,
all right.

You sure
surprised me.

Girl: Surprised
Nellie, too.

You going to stand around gawking all
day or you going to play 3 old cat?

Olga: Isn't it nice? And
I can run and play now.

Come on, play!

Laura: Yeah. You go out,
and we'll beat you.

you're up next.

Yay! Run, Christy!
Go! Go!

Come on, Christy!

Go! Go!

Go, Mary! Go!

Run, Rosemary!
Run! Run!

Come on, Rosemary!

Faster, Rosemary!

Girl: Run faster!
Faster, Nellie!

Hurry! Go, Helen! Run!

Hurry, Helen! Go!
Go! Run!

Come on, Helen!

Go, Helen, go!

You bat again, Olga.

Laura: One more hit,
and we win.

Girl: Yeah. Come on.
You can do it.

Go! Go, Olga!
Go! Go!

Girls: Yay!

Girl: What are we going
to play now?

Laura: How about
drop the handkerchief?

That's no fun.

How about another game
of 3 o' cat?

Second girl: No.
You already won that.

How about
hide and go seek?

Other girls: Yeah!

No, it's too hot.
I know.

Let's all take off our shoes
and go wading in the creek.

Not here. In the big pond.

No. That's no fun.

You said you liked
playing in the creek.

You said you liked it
better than dolls.

Last one there, kiss a pig.
Come on!

I'll stay here
with you, Olga.

No, it's all right.

You go on and play,
and I'll wait for you.

But I go wading
all the time.

I don't want
to go wading today.

No, really.
I told you.

You go on.
It's all right.

I'll just stay
and wait.

Nellie: Quit it!


Quit it!

Quit it!

I don't mind if you go
wading in the pond, Nellie,

just so long as you don't
come over here by this log.

Why shouldn't I go there
if I want?

Look there
in the grass.

That's my special,
secret place.

And since you're
my special friend,

I'll show you
what's there.

It's real pretty, see?
Look over there.

Get close. Closer.
Get closer.

Can you see it?
See? Get closer.

Look out, Nellie!
Look out!

He'll bite your toes!
The other way!

Hurry! Run! Run!
Hurry! Run!

Let's go have some cake.

Girl: Boy,
wasn't that funny?

Boy, wasn't that funny?

I knew you were
up to something.

Do you have to shout
to your mother?

When you lie
to me, yes.

Olga had 2 pair
of shoes.

She is wearing
one pair.

What have you done
with the others?

You give them
to Ingalls.

Yes! Yes, I did!


I told you
not to meddle.

I know what you told me.

Laura: Olga's it.

Laura: Olga, you're it.

Girl: Uh-oh, here she comes.
Look out! Look out!

Girl: Uh-oh.

Laura: Hurry up, Olga.
Get somebody!


Olga: Did you
see me run, papa?

I saw you.

Watch me play, papa.

Watch me play.

Girl: Look out!

Girl: Be careful!

Girl: You're it.

Second girl: Look out.
She's going to get you.

Third girl:
Hurry! Hurry!

Olga: Who's it?

That's the best party in
the whole world, ma'am.

I thank you
for asking me.

Thank you, Christy. You know
you're welcome anytime.

Are you sure none of you girls
need a ride home?

No, sir, thank you.
We're just fine.

Well, I'm not just fine.

That pond's dangerous,
Mr. Ingalls.

Got a crab in it
that big.

Come close to getting
my whole toe bit off.

Thank you.

Good-bye, Nellie.

Bye, Nellie!

Now, I wonder where Nellie got the
idea that crab could bite her toe off.

I think it would be
a good idea

if we walk home
a ways with our guests.

Well, why don't you
do that?

Bye, girls.


Second girl:
Bye. Thank you.

Can I walk with them, pa? Can I?

My mother is right.

She has a fool
for a son.

She did have.
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