01x04 - Mr. Edward's Homecoming

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
Post Reply

01x04 - Mr. Edward's Homecoming

Post by bunniefuu »

I'll make out the invoice and then
get this stuff aboard for you.

Fine. I'll be back in a little while
and give you a hand loading up.

I don't get to
the big city too often.

I want to pick up a little
present for my wife.

Man: Come on,
step up and get your due.

Come on, any two of you!

Take on all of you!
Come on!

What are you
waiting for?

Come on.

Come on.


Man: Come on.

Grab a chair leg!
He's crazy!


it's me... Ingalls!




My only friend.

Come on.

You're going to be
all right. Come on.


Enough. Enough.

One more time.

I'd just as soon
be drunk as drowned.

Well, right now, I'd say
you're about half and half.


I don't suppose

you have a hair of the
dog aboard, do you?

All right.
All right.

What was going on
back there?

Well, best
I can remember

is I was having a quiet drink or two.
These fellas come in,

and we had us
some social words.

Next thing I know, they
was jumping all over me.

When I walked in, it looked
like the other way around.

Oh, well,
they got me riled.

You're a long way from Kansas.
What are you doing here?

Oh, I don't know.
Just passing through.

Now you bring it up, what
are you doing in mankato?

Freighting. On my way
back to plum creek.

The way things are going for you here,
I think you ought to come with me.

Plum creek?
Where's that?

It's right near a little
town called walnut grove.

Never heard
of it.

Neither did we
till we settled there.

Say, the missis and the
girls, everybody fine?

Everybody's great.

Say, you suppose
they remember me?

Well, they talk about you all
the time, especially Laura.

She remembers you
promised to come see her.

She remembered


Well, it wouldn't do good
to have that youngster

thinking my word wasn't
good as gold... Or better.

Then you'll come?

Yeah. If you'll help me
get onto a wagon.

You got a deal.

Come on.

Edwards: Oop, oop.

Easy there, now.

Oh, my goodness.

Easy, now.

All right.

Last stop... walnut grove.
Everybody out.


This is it?

Yup, this is it.

I don't see
no saloon.

Well, you don't see one
'cause there isn't one.

Soon as we get this wagon
unloaded, we can head on home.

Everything go?

Everything goes.

- Oh!
- Mrs. Snider.

Good afternoon,
Mr. Ingalls.


Well, really!

Well, maybe I ought
to clean up some

before I go out
to see the family.

No. They'll be happy to
see you the way you are.

Is your Laura still
as feisty as she was?

Feistier. Wait till you see her.

Here you go,


it hurts
when I swallow.

I know, but Dr. Baker said
lt'd make you feel better.

That's my girl.

You're gonna
be all right.

Sure she is.

Just a flare-up with
your old tonsils.

Is Dr. Baker
going to operate on me?

He may take them out, but
not while you're infected,

not till
you're all better.

I don't know
which to wish for...

Getting better
or staying like this.

Let's take things
one at a time.

you feel better.

Pa must be back!

We'll bring him right up
to see his little girl.

Mr. Edwards!


Hi, Carrie!

Mr. Edwards.

What a wonderful

Well, me and the bad
penny keep showing up.

How did you two ever happen
to run into each other?

Oh, well, I was in mankato, you
sees, in the middle of a big crowd,

and, uh... Well, you might
say we was having a party.

Your husband here,
he, uh,

he dragged me off and said I should
come out and see the family.


I had a hard time
tearing him away.

What about me? Don't I
get a hug or anything?

Oh, Charles,
I'm sorry.

I was just
so surprised.

So was I
when I found him.

I ain't gonna be able
to do this much longer,

you don't
quit that growin'.

Now, you quit
that growin', ya hear?

Say, where's half-pint?

She's in bed. Her
tonsils are acting up.

I'll unhitch
the horses.

Why don't you two go on in
and give her a surprise?

Good idea.
Come on.

She's up there.



What's this I hear
about you, half-pint?


How you feeling?

It hurts
when I swallow.

Yeah. Sure it does.

It'll be all better
real soon, now.

You wait and see.

Brought you a little
surprise from mankato.

What is it?

Why don't you look
right over there?

Mr. Edwards!

Ha ha!

Mr. Edwards, I never
thought I'd see you again.

Well, I promised,
didn't I?

How's my sweetheart?

Why, she's burning up
with fever.

What are you
doin' for her?

Where's the doctor? Why
ain't there a doctor here?

The doctor was here. Little
ones run fast fevers.

They get over 'em
just as quick.

Sure. Why, you'll be up
playin' in no time at all.

Will you be here?

Well, don't you worry
none about that.

You just
get yourself well.

That's not
what I asked you.

Oh, well,
I'll tell you what.

I'll be here when you
get over that fever.

That there's
a promise.

Now, you just
get yourself some rest.

Mr. Edwards...

I can spit
as far as you now.

I've been practicing.

Well, practice
makes perfect.

Get some sleep.

Charles: You know, I think the best
medicine for Laura was seeing you.

She really perked up. Come on.
You can bunk up here.

Not the fanciest
place in town,

but it's the only
loft around.

At least you'll have
plenty of privacy.

Good fresh hay here.

Look, you had
a long day, uh...

Why don't you rest up a little
bit before supper, hmm?


When I blew up at you
in there, I, uh...

I'm sorry.

Don't worry about it. You were
just worried about Laura.

No. It's more than that.

I owe it to you
to tell you.

You don't owe me

I want to tell you.

I, uh...

I was married once.

Had me a daughter...

A couple of years
younger than Laura.

They don't look alike,
you know...

But there's something
about Laura...

Guess that's why
I take to her so.

Well, they're gone now...

Both of them.

My fault.

I brought small pox to 'em
on a homestead claim

so far out
in the woods that...

Nobody could hear
my distress signals

when we all
come down with it.

There's no way you can
figure that's your fault.

Well, I shouldn't have
taken 'em so far away.

That's why when I...

When I saw Laura up there
burning up with fever,

I just, uh...

For a minute,
I was right back there.

I'll tell you, if I could borrow
some soap and that creek of yours,

I'll make myself
more welcome for dinner.

It's coming
right up.

You know, ma'am,

I just clean forgot
what a good cook you were.

Then I'll expect you
to have seconds.

Well, I really

Mary, will you take
Mr. Edwards' plate, please?

Thank you,
thank you.

Mary: You're gonna
stay, aren't you?

Well, I hadn't thought
much about it.

You have to. You promised
Laura you'd stay.

I only said I'd stay till she got over
her fever. That's all I promised.

Please stay.

Caroline: We really
would like you to...

Unless you have some other
commitments somewhere.

Commitments? No, ma'am. That's
one thing I don't have.

It's settled.

You'll like walnut grove...
Nice town, nice people.

Well, a man can't just
up and stay somewhere.

He's got to have
a place to live and a job.

Well, you got the first. We can
get you the second one tomorrow.

Hanson can always use another
good man at the mill.


I don't want to impose
on you folks, you know?

I'm not much of a one for
settlin' down to a steady job.

Please, Mr. Edwards?

Please stay.

Please stay.

Talk yourself
out of that one.

Well... well,
I'll make you a deal.

I'll stay if you get on back
to bed where you belong.

Welcome home.

You eat your stew.

The widow snider.


The widow snider.

What about her?

for Mr. Edwards.

It'd be a whole new life
for both of them.

Typical woman...

Wrong as usual.

Why do you
say that?

I couldn't think of two people
more different from each other.

Everybody knows
opposites attract.

I always wondered
why you went for a...

Shy, sophisticated,
educated man like myself.

what did you say?

I said
good night, dear.

Ja, sure.

I can use someone with a strong
back and a willingness to work.

Well, Edwards here has got both.
I can vouch for that.

All right.
You start now.

Thank you.

You won't
regret it.

Ja. You come on up
to the office.

I show you what
you're going to do.

- See you at supper.
- All right.

♪ Old Dan Tucker
was a fine old man ♪

♪ Washed his face... ♪

♪ Face in a frying pan ♪

♪ Combed his hair
with a wagon wheel ♪

♪ Died with a toothache
in his heel ♪

♪ Get out of the way
for old Dan Tucker ♪

♪ It's too late
to get his supper ♪

♪ Supper's over
and dinner's cookin' ♪

♪ Old Dan Tucker
just stands there lookin' ♪

♪ Ohhhh ♪



That's looking
much better...

Not so red anymore,

just a pretty pink.

Can I go
to school tomorrow?

Well, we'll see.

If her fever stays down, Mrs.

she can get up
this afternoon.

Are you going
to operate on me?


Oh, for a sore
throat? Well, no.

I think I can guarantee
you that I won't.

That's good.

And this is for
being such a good girl

and taking
your medicine.


Now, I'll tend
to my other patients...

If I can get down from here
without breaking a leg...

I'm sorry,

Perfectly all right, Mrs. Ingalls.
I'll see a doctor.

Hi, Jack.
How you doin'?

Mr. Edwards!

Hello, half-pint!

Well, I'll be.


Hey, you shouldn't be
runnin' around like this.

I'm all well.
Doctor said.

That's a good girl.
Say, you know what?

I was in the mercantile store today.
Guess what I found.


Well, close
your eyes.

No peekin'.
Can't abide peekin'.

Here you are.

Lemon verbena!

It's my favorite.
How did you know?

Well, a little
"beadle" told me.

You know
miss beadle?

Met her today.
She asked about you.

Now I can smell
just like her.

Oh, thank you.


You going
to go away again?

Ma said you only promised
to stay till I was better.

Well, you know, I might just
change my mind about that.

Take a hard-hearted man to
leave a pretty girl like you.

Laura, voice-over:
It was wonderful to have

Mr. Edwards back with us again.

He said it seemed like
old times.

Different house,
different part of the country,

but the same loving family.

Oh, Mr. Edwards,

uh, since you're working
across from the post office,

I wanted to ask you,

would you mind stopping by and asking
for our mail around closing time?

Oh, I'd be glad to.

- But that's our job.
- We always do that.

Shush, now.

Sometimes the freight
wagons are late

or, uh, it comes in after the
girls have started home,

and then we don't get our
mail until the next day.

Oh, I'll be glad to do that.
No trouble at all.

Thank you.

Well, come on, girls. Let's go, now.
We don't want to be late.

Caroline, that was
really a very good idea.

I mean, it wouldn't do to let
those letters accumulate,

the way they come pouring in
one or two a month sometimes.

Afternoon, ma'am.

Oh. May I help you?

Oh, my name's Edwards.

I'm staying out
at the Ingalls' place.

Mrs. Ingalls asked me if I'd come
in and pick up her mail for her.

Well, their daughters usually do that.
Are they ill?

Oh, no, ma'am.
No. No.

She just thought
something might come in

after they'd gone home
from school, you see.

I just work right
across the way.

It ain't no trouble
at all.

Well, are you
a member of the family?

No, ma'am.
Just an old friend.

Well, there isn't anything
for them today,

but you'd have to get an
authorization signed by Mr. Ingalls

before I could accede
to your request.

Oh, that ain't even my request.
It's Mrs. Ingalls'.



Well, been nice talking
to you, ma'am.


Would you like
a cup, ma'am?

Oh! Oh, Mr. Edwards. Well...

I'm afraid I owe you
an apology.

Oh, well, if you figured
I was a drinking man,

you'd be right
more often than not.

Well, it's really
none of my business.

I'll go along with that.

But I can also see why,
being the postmistress,

you wouldn't want to hand out the
Ingalls' mail to a drunkard.

Well, then, you do
accept my apology.

Oh, sure do.
Heh heh heh.

Let's have
a drink on it.

Oh. Ha ha ha!

Mrs. Snider.

Oh, Mr. Hanson.

Well, I guess I'd better
be getting back to work.


I never knew her
to drink.

Oh, well, it's always
them quiet ones.


Edwards: ♪ old Dan Tucker
was a fine old man ♪

♪ Washed his face
in a frying pan ♪

♪ Combed his hair
with a wagon wheel ♪

♪ Died with a toothache
in his heel ♪

♪ Get out the way
for old Dan Tucker ♪

♪ He's too late
to get his supper ♪

♪ Supper's over,
and dinner's cooking ♪

♪ And old Dan Tucker
just stands there looking ♪

My, you must have
had a good day.

Oh, that I did,
that I did.

Got a fine post office
there in walnut grove.

Glad to have seen it.

If you'll excuse me,
I'm gonna wash up.

Weren't no mail.

It worked.

It worked just like
I said it would.

Well, I wouldn't start
sending out

any wedding invitations until
you check with Mrs. Snider.

I intend to.

Edwards: ♪ old Dan Tucker
was a fine old man ♪

♪ Washed his face
in a frying pan ♪

♪ Combed his hair
with a wagon wheel ♪

♪ Died with a toothache
in his heel ♪

And what excuses
we invent for ourselves,

so that we may take that drink.

The pressures of life,

a disappointment, perhaps.

Or a sorrow,

where the pain may be
temporarily lessened by whisky.

But "temporarily"...

That's the key word.

For only in the inner peace
of the lord,

will we find
lasting happiness.

A man came to me
the other day.

His wife had requested
that he see me.

Now he told me

that he drank
for medicinal reasons.

Now I have never heard
of the good Dr. Baker

prescribing a quart
of medicine a day.

I hope you didn't mind my asking
our guest to stop by for our mail.

Well, as
a matter of fact,

I was
a little dubious at first.


- Oh, Mr. Hanson...
- Good morning.

A fine sermon, wasn't it?
On the evils of drink.

Well, I thought it
went on a bit long.

Well, I have known many a poor
soul to take the wrong road.

Yes, it's a common
weakness with some men.

Oh, Ja.
And women, too.

Charles and I were wondering
if you would come over

and have supper
with us tonight.

Oh, well, that's very kind of you, Mrs.

but I'm sorry.
I can't.


I'm sorry, too.

Mr. Edwards was looking
forward to seeing you.

Well, I can't,

but I thank you
for the thought.


Dear father in heaven,
we thank thee.

Bless this food to our use

and bless our hearts
to thy service.


All: Amen.

Half-pint, next time, get rid of the
licorice before you say blessing.

Next time, don't eat
sweets before the meal.

Yes, ma.

I thought you said we was
havin' company for dinner.

She couldn't
make it.

Oh. Too bad.

Probably knew she couldn't hold
a candle to my 3 girls here.

What did you girls learn
in Sunday school today?

Susan ziggler passed a
note to Freddy Hopkins,

and it made Amanda
butterfield jealous!

I meant
about religion.


Amanda wouldn't talk
to Freddy in school,

then she saw the note,
and she got all mushy with him.

She did, huh?

You should have
seen her!

Charles: Well, that's
all very interesting,

but I think you go
to Sunday school

to learn about something
else, don't you?

Mary: Sunday school
was all about Jesus.

Well, that's
more like it.


Laura: E... D...

W... a... r...

D... s.

Is that right?

Hey, that's good writing. You're
doing real good with your writing.

Miss beadle says
I'm doing better.

You sure you want to send
a letter to yourself?

I sure do.

The good thing
about having a friend is, uh,

the friend don't ask you
a whole lot of questions

when you ask him
to do you a favor.

Another thing
they don't do

is they don't, uh,

they don't go telling
everybody what they done.

There ain't any law in this family
about having a secret, is there?


Good. You and me...
We got one.

Can you spell
"walnut grove"?

- Sure.
- Well, put her down there.


This here
the mail wagon?


I got this here letter
I want you to mail for me

when you get to mankato.

Got a penny here
for the stamp.

Says it's going
to walnut grove.

That's right.

Mister, you're
in walnut grove.

I know that!

If you know that, why do you want
to waste all that time and money

sending this here letter
clear into mankato

so's it will wind up not 2 miles
from where you're standing?

That's my business.
It's my penny.

You sure you know
what you're doing?

Of course I know
what I'm doing!

This here's the United States
mail service, ain't it?

Of course it is.

Well, it's your job
to deliver the mail,

so just go on.
Deliver it.

Smells funny.

It's lemon verbena.

Well, are you going
to mail that thing,

or you just going to sit
there and look dumb?

♪ Old Dan Tucker
was a fine old man ♪

♪ Washed his face
in a frying pan ♪

♪ Combed his hair
with a wagon wheel ♪

♪ Died with a toothache
in his heel ♪

♪ Get out of the way,
for old Dan Tucker ♪

♪ It's too late
to get his supper ♪

♪ Supper's over
and dinner's comin' ♪

♪ Old Dan Tucker
just stands there lookin' ♪

There you are.

A week's money
for a week's work.

Thank you.
Much obliged to you.

I'll finish that Thompson order
for you right after lunch.

You know, I'm glad I got you.
You do good work.

Thank you.


Fine day,
isn't it, ma'am?


Oh, yes.
Yes, it is.

Say, I don't suppose there's
any mail for the Ingalls.

No. No, there isn't,

but I think... I think there
is one here for you. Yes.




Well, much obliged
to you, ma'am.

Oh. Heh heh heh!

Oh. Ha!



Would you
like a drink?

Oh, Mr. Edwards.

Yes. Thank you.


are you
calling it a day?

Oh, yes, ma'am. I got to
get back, see, for supper.

Mr. Ingalls says he's going to
catch us a whole mess of pike.

Oh, I envy you. I haven't
had pike for ages.

Why, if Caroline Ingalls
heard you say that,

why, she'd be
inviting you to dinner

before the words
was out of your mouth.

she isn't here.

Well, you know what's going to
happen when I get back home

and tell her
I run into you.

Why, she's going to bawl me out
right in front of the whole family

for not
asking you myself.

She's going to say, "Mr.
Edwards, well, you know how long

"we've been trying to get Mrs.
Snider to come to eat with us.

"Now, you don't have
the good manners

to ask her when you
find out she likes pike!"

Oh, you're going to get me in all
kinds of trouble, you don't come.


Since you put it
that way, Mr. Edwards...

Either grace is just set
on being a lonely widow,

or he doesn't
appeal to her.

Well, either way,
it's kind of a shame.

I had a feeling he kind of
took to her a little bit.

I know. That's why
I feel so bad.

Well, don't feel bad.

What's meant to be
is meant to be.

Edward: Hello in the house!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What's meant to be
is meant to be.

Hope you caught
a lot of pike!

We got company!

Here we go. Here we go. Yes.

It was kind of you
to bring me home,

but I hate to think of you walking
all the way back to the Ingalls'.

Ma'am, it ain't
nothing at all.

And thank you for doing
the stabling for me.

My pleasure.

After all
that dancing,

I'm not sure I'd
have been up to it.

Well, you're talking
like you're an old lady,

instead of being in the
prime of your life.

Oh. Listening to you,
I almost believe it.

I wouldn't lie
to you.

Wouldn't you,
Mr. Edwards?

No, ma'am. Only lie
about poker hands

and the size of the
fish that got away.

That's why
you can believe me

when I tell you how grateful
I am to the Ingalls

for persuading me to
come to walnut grove.

Oh, I am, too.

It must have been a
difficult decision to make.

I mean, mankato's
a much livelier community.

You must have
close friends there.

What makes you
think that?

Oh, no reason.
I just thought...

Oh, I feel much closer
to folks here.

How'd you like
to go fishing?

Oh, I think
I'd like that.

Then we'll do her

Well, um,
good night, grace.

Good night.

Edwards: ♪ old Dan Tucker
was a fine old man ♪

♪ Washed his face
in a frying pan ♪

♪ Combed his hair
with a wagon wheel ♪

♪ Died with a toothache
in his heel ♪

♪ Get out the way
for old Dan Tucker ♪

♪ It's too late
to get his supper ♪

Grace: We may not
be catching many fish,

but it sure is
peaceful out here.

Edwards: Well, uh,
excuse me, ma'am, but, uh,

you ain't doing it right.


You see,
what you got to do

is you got to move that
line every once in a while.

Let them see the bait move.
There. Just... Easy, now.

That's good.


Oh, look at that. Pull it up!
Pull it up! Pull it up!


Oh, it's too bad.

I'm sorry.

I'll bait
your hook.

Ooh, that's
a lovely fragrance.

Lemon verbena. Mr.
Edwards gave it to me.

Oh. It's lovely.

You only need a few drops,
and it lasts all day.

Remember when you put
it on that envelope?

You could smell it all
through the house.

Uh, Laura, why don't you go, um,
uh, get us some more worms?

You know, we're
running out of worms.


Sure is... sure is funny how many
worms you go through fishing.

I thought the odor
was familiar,

but I just couldn't
quite place it.

Well, miss beadle
uses it.

Not on letters
she receives.

You sent that letter
yourself, didn't you?

Oh, well, ma'am, uh...

I thought if it worked
on Amanda butterfield...

Who is
Amanda butterfield?

Well, she's a little girl in
Laura's Sunday school class.

She got jealous 'cause some other
little girl sent a note to a boy

she wouldn't give
the time of day to,

till she thought the other little
girl was interested in him.

So that's why you sent
the letter to yourself?

Well, you ain't mad at me,
are you, ma'am?


Oh, no...

Not in
the slightest.

You look like you got
a powerful thirst on.

Ha ha ha!

You sure you
won't have some?

Oh, no, ma'am. No, I'll just
finish up what I have here,

and then
I'll be on my way.

Wouldn't do to have a custodian
of the United States mail

falling asleep
on the job.

Say, how'd you like
to go fishing again?

Yes, I would.

How about
Sunday morning?

After church?

Well, I thought before. You know,
the fish always bite better early.

But Sunday's
the lord's day.

Oh, well,
whatever you say, ma'am.

How about
I meet you afterward?

Well, I thought maybe
we could go together.

Me? Oh, no, ma'am.
Not me.

Why not?

I don't believe
in it.

Well, you do
believe in god.

Oh, I did once.
Not anymore.

You can't mean that...

Surely you can't.

Why, yes, ma'am,
I do.

Well, how about it,

How about what?

Fishing Sunday.

No. I'm afraid
I can't.

Oh, um...

Well, uh, guess
I best be on my way.

You sure are hard
to figure out, ma'am.

We've been together most
every day for 2 weeks.

We had fun... at least I did.
Thought you did, too.

What difference does it make
I ain't a church-going man?

I'm still the same person
I was when you met me.

So am I.

Yeah, well, uh,
probably just as well.

The fish ain't biting
too good anyhow.

Oh, Mrs. Snider,
I'm so glad to see you.

I just stopped
by the post office.

There's nothing
for you today.

Well, I really just
stopped by to tell you

how much we enjoyed having
you over the other night.

I enjoyed it, too.

We'd like to have
you out again.

I couldn't.

But I thought...

I'm sorry.

He didn't say 2 words
during supper.

Caroline, there's no law
against being quiet.

It has something to do
with the widow snider.

I told you how she was
in town today.

Several times.

I'm going
to talk to him.

Caroline, if he wanted us
to know what was wrong,

he would have told us.

I feel responsible.

I've got
to talk to him.

Oh, Mrs. Ingalls.

I hope I'm not
disturbing you.

Oh, no, no, not at all.
Come on up.

Sure am
a sloppy packer.

Well, then,
I guess most men are.

You're leaving us?

Yes, ma'am,

in the morning.

I hoped
you'd be happy here.

Oh, have been, ma'am.
Have been.

You know, being here
with you folks is...

Then there's walnut grove,
you know... no saloon.

Town ain't no town at all
without a saloon.

And I'm not one for staying in
one place very long, you know.

Like to be on the move.

I saw grace today.

I really took to that woman.
Don't mind admitting it.

Well, we just put store
in different things is all.

I mean, I couldn't live her kind of life.
I'd feel like a hypocrite.

I don't understand
what you mean.

Well, she's
a god-fearing person.

I'm not.
Just as simple as that.

Oh, I ain't saying
there ain't no god.

It's just, I'm saying he ain't
never had no time for me,

so I ain't got
no time for him.

Do you believe
in anything?

Yes, ma'am.
I believe in me.

That's not enough
for the widow snider.

Is it enough for you?

You tell me
something, ma'am.

You tell me why god
let my wife and daughter die.


I'll, uh, I'll be gone by the time
you get back from church tomorrow.

Hate good-byes,

so it's better all the way
around if I'm just gone.

Mr. Edwards, do you know
what you're doing?

You're punishing god,

and if you go on punishing him
for what happened in the past,

you aren't going to have
any room for the future.

Oh, I'd be so sorry
if you did that.


Old Dan Tucker
was a fine old man...

Washed his face
in a frying pan...

Combed his hair
with a wagon wheel...

Died with a toothache
in his heel.

Congregation: ♪ we shall come
rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves ♪

♪ Sowing in the morning ♪

♪ Sowing seeds of kindness ♪

♪ Sowing in the noontime ♪

♪ And the dewy Eve ♪

♪ Waiting for the harvest ♪

♪ And the time of reaping ♪

♪ We shall come rejoicing,
bringing in the sheaves ♪

♪ Bringing in the sheaves ♪

♪ Bringing in the sheaves ♪

♪ We shall come rejoicing ♪

♪ Bringing in the sheaves ♪

♪ Bringing in the sheaves ♪

♪ Bringing in the sheaves ♪

♪ We shall come rejoicing,
bringing in the sheaves ♪

♪ Sowing in the sunshine ♪

♪ Sowing in the shadows ♪

♪ Here beneath the clouds
or winter's chilling breeze ♪

♪ By and by the harvest ♪

♪ And the labor ended ♪

♪ We shall come rejoicing,
bringing in the sheaves ♪
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