01x07 - Who Ya Gonna Call?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Psych". Aired: July 7, 2006 – March 26, 2014.*

Moderator: fpfvst

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Follows Shawn who works for the police department which allows him to convince people that he solves cases with psychic abilities.
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01x07 - Who Ya Gonna Call?

Post by bunniefuu »

RYAN: You're dead, Spencer.

What you doing, Shawn?


Looks like something to me.

Okay. I was running away from Ryan Brickhouse.

That him? SHAWN: Mmm-hmm.

Is he the same kid who's been hassling you all week?


Why is he chasing you today?

I might have thrown a rock at him.

Did you hit him? Almost.

Get back out there. What?

You can't run away from the bad guys forever, Shawn.

Eventually, you got to come up with a new approach.


So, find one.

You're flunking math?


Here's the deal. Leave me alone,

l'll make sure you ace the test tomorrow.

How? Every third answer is ''C.''

There's a pattern to all our tests.

Mrs. Bodansky does it every time.

I memorized it. l'll show you.

You better not be lying.

Not bad. You faced your fears. You got a new result. You came out ahead.

Did you really memorize those test answers?


Who are you calling?

Your math teacher.

SHAWN: No, no, no, no, no.

Yes. Yes.

Nickel. That's a nickel.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Who is that? Who is who?

The girl sitting in our front desk.

Ah, you're talking about the lovely Dagmar.

Dagmar? She's our new receptionist.

How did she get the job?

Agency sent her over.

You contacted a temp agency without consulting me?

Gus, anyone can get a secretary from a temp agency.

It takes real foresight and creativity to get one from a modeling agency.

A modeling agency?


Now, why would a beautiful lady like that want to be our secretary?


Oh, that's a bit of a story, you see.

Apparently, she got it in her head that this was a runway gig.

(PHONE RINGING) I blame the agent. I was very clear on the phone.

But she's cool with sticking around for the rest of the day and seeing how it goes.

You know how slow it gets when it's not modeling season.

Does she answer the phone?

Yes. But only her cell phone. She's expecting a call from Milan.

Does she file?

Mostly her nails.

Coffee? Yes, she wants some.

Can I make you anything? No.


Dude, I thought you weren't coming in till, like, noon.

Big drama at the office today. A doctor we supply product to got k*lled.

Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You didn't call me immediately?

You don't know him.

Gus, this is what we do. Remember? We can solve the case.

The police are already there.

This means nothing to me. They're going to need help, guidance, psychic vibrations.




She doesn't speak English?

Does she need to?

CARLTON: Where in the name of all that is holy is my forensics team?


All right, what can you tell me about this doctor

that I can pretend to ascertain from the spirit world?

Dr. Blinn wasn't on my route.

I did cover him a few times.

All I remember is he always made you wait

and he had a picture of Pete Rose on his wall.

Look how cute she is in the fuchsia.

I have been sent by the spirit of Pete Rose.

Pete Rose isn't dead.

There was a photo of Pete Rose on the wall.

Okay, why have l been drawn here? Was there a m*rder?

Do I need the little booties for the crime scene?

Thanks, but we're doing just fine.

Don't go in the back room.

JULlET: My grandpa loved Pete Rose.

AlI right, I want you guys ringing doorbells.

If anybody in the neighborhood saw anything, I want to know about it.

Patient files. Cabinet's locked. We haven't found the key.

Get ahold of the DA's office. Tell him I need access to those files.

If they say we need a warrant, get it.

Also, get me a copy of his desk calendar.

I thought I told you no.

But your eyes said yes.

Hey, who's that Cincinnati Red over there with the bowl cut?

Let me be perfectly clear. This is my crime scene.

I don't need your help. I don't want your help.

If you don't leave right now, I will have you arrested

for interfering with a police investigation.

Am I clear?

Like butter.

l've given this a great deal of thought.

I think we should take the rest of the day off.

What say you?

All we've done is eat up a box of animal cookies and crash a crime scene.

The case with the doctor.

They're coming back to us eventually. You know this.

So, let's go to the beach. It's too nice a day for m*rder and mayhem.

(DAGMAR SPEAKING GERMAN) ROBERT: I have to see him right now. It's important.

I'm sorry. I don't mean to barge in, but I need help.

SHAWN: Mr. Dunn, Robert, how can we help? And can I call you Bob?

This is difficult.

Take your time. We're here. Yeah.

I'm just gonna come out and say it.

I'm being haunted.

Haunted? Yes.


(WHlSPERlNG) He's crazy.

Gus, can I talk to you outside?

Not now, Shawn. We're in the middle of something.

Gus. Stop talking. Sit down.

Now, what exactly do you mean when you say, haunted?

Well, my home,

sometimes I smell perfume when no one else is around.

Things get broken or move.

(CELL PHONE BUZZING) Oh, Gus, I think you have a text message.

l'll get it later. I think you should get it now.

Sorry. Work business.


Can I ask you a question? Yeah. Yeah.

Do these spirits ever speak to you?

No. No. Whatever,

whoever it is, it hasn't spoken to me.

Oh. Have you contacted the police?

Yeah. But they said that there was nothing they could do.

So, here I am.


Robert, we deal with this kind of phenomenon all the time.

What you need to realize is that evicting a spirit

is a very time-consuming and absurdly expensive process.

I don't care, okay? I just can't go on living this way.


Oh, really? Yes!

Yes, Shawn.

Look, all I'm saying is that it might be easier

to try moving into a different house, one that's less haunted.

ROBERT: l've tried that.

Whatever this thing is, it followed me all the way from San Francisco.

Maybe it likes you.

No, I don't think so.

What makes you say that?

I think it tried to k*ll me.

♪ ♪ I know, you know that I'm not telling the truth ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ I know, you know they just don't have any proof ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ Embrace the deception learn how to bend ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ Your worst inhibitions tend to psych you out in the end ♪ ♪

Gus, what is all this?

Gear we might need.

If we're going to be hunting spirits, we might as well do it right.

Methodically, systematically, scientifically.

Who knows, we might be surprised what we find.

Video camera? Nice. Audio recorder, motion detectors.

Gus, I'm very impressed.

You only forgot one thing.

Really? What?

There's no such thing as ghosts.

Yes, there is.

Oh, Gus, no.



Please. Let's just, let's just stop.

Come here, sit down. Please, sit.

All right, this is me talking. This is Shawn.

What's going on? I usually to have to drag you to these cases,

kicking and screaming, and those are real police cases.

Now, all of a sudden we have some client who's either bonkers

or, judging by the size of the bags under his eyes,

suffering from nothing more than waking dreams or hallucinations

and you, you're ready to go ghost-hunting.

Talk to me.

All right.

All right.

I never told this to anyone before, but I was 1 2.

Gus, it's me.

It was late.

I was in my room with the lights off.

I heard a voice.

Gus, I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation.

No, no, no, Shawn. It wasn't on TV and it wasn't a radio.

It was coming from the walls.

And the voice,

the voice told me

that our house was built on an old Indian burial ground.

Shut up.

And she said...

She said she was sad because she had died many moons ago

and was trapped between worlds.

When I asked her her name, Shawn,

she said,

''My name...'' (MIMICKING WOMAN'S VOICE) ''My name is Wilting Flower.

''I died without knowing love.

''Will you be my friend?''

How did you know that?

I never told that to anyone before.

I was Wilting Flower.

Gus! I can't believe that you fell for that.

I put an old walkie-talkie in the wall when your dad put in the new insulation.

The old Indian burial ground, you bought that?

I got that from Poltergeist or Poltergeist II.

Gremlins? No, it wasn't Gremlins.

That's not funny, Shawn.

You know what? Let's add a ''Trixie'' to that.

She is the companion to ''Scrappy'', right?

Okay, great. Let's add that to Girl With Flowers

and Merry Musicians.

Okay, now listen, I need the card to read, ''Happy birthday.

'''Ex' is the loneliest letter in the alphabet.''

But I need you to spell it, E-X, as in...

Oh, you got it.

Okay, well, see, it continues,

''From your not yet 'ex', E-X, husband,


Perfect. These will go out today, right?

All righty-dighty. Thank you very much.

I didn't know you collected figurines.

You know, I have a grandmother... Do you not knock?

There's no door.


Sorry. The DA's office called.

They said that we can have access to Dr. Blinn's patients' files.

About time.

Let's go get in there, get those addresses.

Bring these nut jobs in for questioning.

Here's where I found all my paintings last weekend upside down.

(DEVlCE BEEPING) l've got a cold spot. Right here.

Feel it? Yes.

Yes, I do. Robert, we've definitely got something here.

You're standing under a vent.

So, all these are yours, huh?

Yeah. I'm trying to get ready for a show.

No kidding. Has anything strange ever happened here?

Sometimes I get the feeling that the furniture has been moved.

Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm.

Did you actually see it happen?

No, no, I just come into a room and everything's not where I left it.

Robert, do you have a photo album?




That's a nice shot, huh?

(EXCLAlMlNG) I feel it! I feel it.

Oh, Gus, Gus, oh!

Oh! She is angry!

She is angry! She is soaring!

With rage and...


She wants to go to the bedroom!

Where's the bedroom?

It's here! Here! Take me! Oh!


l've lost her.

You don't believe me, do you?

No, no, of course we do. You saw it, too, didn't you?


please, stay the night.

Then you'll see.

I mean, you don't know what it's been like.

I can't work. I can't concentrate.

I wake up in the morning more tired than when I went to bed.

Days pass when I can't remember what l've done...


This pulls out into a bed, but that's all I got.

Oh, no worries. What's a little spooning between old pals, huh, Gus?

Well, good night.

Good night, Robert.

You got the floor.

Oh, we'll make it work.

You don't mind if I nude up for the sleepover, right?

Seriously, Shawn, only one of us is sleeping at a time. The other one is on watch.

Oh, no, we'll both sleep.

l'll put on some socks, make you feel more comfortable.

Stop playing, Shawn. We're here to solve a case.

I already solved it.

When? When you were flapping a book like a bird?

Gus, if you must know, it was a bald eagle.

And, yes.

You found the ghost?

There's no such thing as ghosts.

Yes, there is, Shawn.

No, there isn't, but there is such thing as a pissed off ex-girlfriend.

What ex-girlfriend?

No one mentioned anything about an ex.

You didn't look at the photo album?

Redhead. She's cute.

What makes you think she's an ex?

Oh, come on, there's dirty dishes everywhere.

His bedroom is a mess, his nails are filthy, his hair is horrible.

No girlfriend is gonna put up with that.

And, exhibit A,

who else would ''X'' through his face in all these pictures?

Okay. Okay, say she's the ex,

we still don't know if she's actually been here.

There are strands of red hair all over the studio.

Should we tell Robert?

How psychic would that be?

No, we'll spend the night. It's fine.

Catch up with the ex tomorrow.

Talk to her, see what's going on.

Meanwhile, I'm going to do some sit-ups.

Come hold my feet.

I'm going to do a thousand.

Shawn! Get up! Fire!


Get Robert!

I could have died.

If you guys weren't here, l...

Why is it doing this to me? Why is it trying to k*ll me?

Okay. Okay, Robert, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, Bobby, look at me.

Now, who here has communicated with more dispossessed souls,

you or me?

You? That's correct.

Now, I am telling you that this, this fire was not an attempt on your life.

It wasn't? No.

This was a sad and desperate cry for help

from a very frightened, very lonely apparition.

Are you sure about this? Absolutely.

Of course it's also possible that someone simply left a candle burning.

I don't burn candles.

Gus, did you burn a candle?

Why would I do that? Cry for help it is.

No one came in while we were sleeping.

I checked the doors and windows.

They were all locked

from the inside.

Why are you looking at me like that?

That's all you did? Checked the doors and the windows?

Yeah, why?

Where did that come from?

Don't look at me. I'm not wearing lipstick.

This is the only post office box listed for Regina Kane.

According to Dr. Blinn's calendar, she was his last appointment.

She might have seen something. I want to find her.

Well, if this is where she picks up her mail, she probably lives close by.

Canvas the neighborhood, see if anyone knows her.

That's a really smart approach.

What? That, that shocks you?

I meant that as a compliment.

Really? Yeah.

Thanks a lot.

Was that sarcastic?

No. Oh.

Okay. You're welcome.

GUS.: Do you still think it's the ex-girlfriend?

A woman scorned is a woman with motive.

We need to talk to this woman.

You're on your own. I'm tied up with work for the rest of the week.

Gus, that's so lame.

Pull over.

SHAWN: Good morning, detectives.

Collecting donations for the Policeman's Ball?

We don't have balls.

I honestly have no response to that.

Need I remind you, Mr. Spencer,

what happens when you interfere with a police investigation?

The case gets solved?

Wait a minute, you guys are working on that m*rder thingy, right?

I completely forgot about that. How's that going?

Silly question. We'll let you guys get back to your investigating.

Bye, Juliet.

SHAWN: Okay, where to next?

Listen, we change our clothes, we get some lunch, then l have to get back to work.

Gus, the plot is thickening.

Shawn, l've already missed two days this week.

Oh, fine, fine, fine. I respect your wishes.

Thank you. Jerk chicken.

You know that's right.


Oh, boy. Oh, boy. SHAWN: There he is.

What time is it? Daytime.

What happened?

I might have dropped six allergy pills in your frosty while you were peeing.

You did what? Where are we?

Palo Alto. San Francisco?

No, but close.

Robert's ex-girlfriend lives up here, Gus, and we really need to talk to her.

I will k*ll you, Shawn.

And then you're going to buy me some new tires.

Oh, come on. This is fun. Road trip.

Kidnapping. That's exactly what this is.

That's it. We're not talking.

What, seriously?

SHAWN: So, we're really not talking now?

Come on, how mature is this?

The silent treatment is not how conflict gets resolved, Gus.

We need to work through this, we need to share our feelings,

maybe a smoothie.


Never mind. It's not her.

Pardon me.


What do I mean, ''It's not her?''

Lips. The lips don't match.

The lips that kissed your forehead do not belong to Amy Kessler.

Therefore, she's not our ghost.


''You didn't drive all the way out here so you could say, 'It's not her' and leave.

''We're talking to hep.''




''separation means apart.''

What you got there? Nothing.

Are you okay?

Of course I'm okay. You look sad.

I am sad. Why are you sad?

I'm sad because I don't have my forensics report on my dead doctor.

Or a lead on my possible witness, Regina Kane.

What about that psychic guy?

isn't Shawn great at this sort of thing?

Finding people. I mean, maybe we should bring him...

Maybe you should just keep your ideas to yourself.

That's a joke, right?


Yes, it is. Okay.

Very nice.

Exquisite brush strokes.

It's a print.

I'm referring, of course, to the original.

I'm sorry, what's the name of your gallery again?

That's been a bit of a problem, actually.

We wanted to call it Le Petit Louvre,

but apparently the art snobs in France

think they have a monopoly on all things Louvre.

We also tried Louvre Two,

Louvre, Junior,

Night Gallery, nothing cleared.

The important thing is we want to show the amazing work of Robert Dunn

and he listed you as a character reference.

Oh, we are very select with the clients that we take on, isn't that right, Francois?

I have to admit, I'm surprised Robert would list me as a character reference.

We dated for a period and it didn't end well.

Can I ask why?

Not to pry, but he did list you as a reference.

The usual, forgetting dates, standing me up,

sometimes he'd get so wrapped up in his work he'd disappear for days at a time.

The worst was when he cheated on me and lied about it.

Oh. You must have been burning with furious anger.

He was just so stupid.

A girlfriend of mine saw him at a club with another woman.

He was drunk and pretended that she had him confused with someone else.

He said his name was, get this, Martin Brody.

Martin Brody?

Roy Scheider's character from Jaws?

Yes. How did you know?

l've seen Jaws.

It's his favorite movie. Anyway, when I asked him about it,

he pretended he'd never even heard of the club.

(IMITATING FRENCH ACCENT) That's...horrible.

You must have wanted to k*ll him.

Probably not so much anymore.

You're pretty happily engaged, aren't you?

Yes. isn't the ring great?

SHAWN: Okay, so she's not our ghost.

Even the longest journeys can start with a tiny misstep.

Overall, still a very good day.

How is it a good day?

Oh, come on, Gus.

First of all, road trip, always fun.

We got some fresh-baked sourdough, very nice.

And the agency is sending us a new secretary tomorrow.

And yes, she speaks English fluently.

Shawn, we talked about this. We can't afford a receptionist.

I don't think we can afford not to have one.

Gus? What?

I think maybe we should move.

Come on, Gus! Get it in gear! Go! Go! Go!

Hey! Hey!

Guy's like a Whippet. Tell me about it.

What's the super-smeller say?

Somebody had too much to drink.

What are you so happy for? We almost got k*lled.

This was not an accident.

Whoever that is was waiting for us and we have a new suspect for Robert's ghost.


He didn't answer his phone. Maybe he's not home.


Or maybe whoever tried to k*ll us last night also paid Robert a visit.

And left the door unlocked.

Anybody home?

Robert? Bob?

Shawn, you might want to see this.

''Save me. I'm trapped.'' Hmm.

I don't want to jump to conclusions here,

but this very well may be a cry for help.

Maybe someone died here. Or was buried alive.

This could be the cry of a tortured soul.

So this guy just happens to move into two haunted houses in a row?

Don't touch that. It's blood.

It's not blood.

Enjoy your hepatitis.

And this tortured soul might be less tortured with a latex enamel.

He wouldn't get these messy drips.

Now what?


GUS: I got it. I got it. I got it.

SHAWN: Hallelujah.


SHAWN: What?

You got to see this.



Not what I was expecting.

Okay, I know what I'm looking at, but what does it mean?

Is it a ghost?

No, buddy, it's not a ghost.

Is there a woman living up here?

Well, that would certainly explain the perfume Robert's been smelling

and all the red hair laying everywhere, but no, no dice.

Then, what is it?

Oh, come on, Gus. Look.

What? Robert is a woman.

No, he's not.

Not all the time, but sometimes.

No. Doesn't seem like the type.

He's not the type. Then how?

Unless he has that personality thing.

What personality thing?

Oh, you know what I'm talking about.

The multiple personality disease.

You know, that what's her name had,

The Flying Nun in the other thing, the TV movie.

Smokey and the Bandit?

Yeah, dude, Smokey and the Bandit. Yes.

What does that have to do with multiple personalities?

You asked. I asked a real question.

You were supposed to give me a real answer, not a random guess.

Okay. Fine. Hooper.

Hooper? Hooper.

Hooper was a stuntman. Oh.

I don't think Sally Field is even in Hooper. Who are you thinking of?


Terry Bradshaw.


Is it Norma Rae?

No, but that would have made that movie a lot cooler.

The thing you asked about Shawn,

is referred to as dissociative identity disorder.

That's it! That's what Robert has, Gus. It all makes sense.

Do you know how rare that is?

I'm not saying all of Santa Barbara has it, just Robert. One guy.

I think that qualifies as pretty rare.

I don't know, Shawn.

These are huge. Look. Think about it.

There's two separate, but distinct personalities,

one body.

One's a man, the other's a woman.

The female personality cooks dinner.

Robert thinks the meals are the work of a ghost.

The female rearranges the furniture.

Robert thinks the ghost is moving things when he's not around.

His old girlfriend did say that he would disappear for stretches at a time,

which would explain when the female personality was in control,

Robert would disappear.

And he would have no clue to any of it.

Now, all we need to figure out is how to bring out the woman so that we can talk to her.

Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.


We sh**t him? Then what?

No, no, sights, sounds, smells.

Something that would trigger the personality to come out.

Triggers it is.

Gus, this is going to be kind of cool.

Or weird.

Where did all this stuff come from?

Is this where she lives?

The angry female spirit that you sensed?

Oh, yes.

I feel her very strongly here, Robert.

Do you?

Do you feel



Do you feel pretty?

He means do you feel a...

female presence?

No, but I'm not a psychic.

Do you think that you can


communicate with her?

I'm trying. I am.


Okay. You guys are starting to creep me out.

So, if I'm not needed, I think l'll go back downstairs.

Okay. Let me just put this away. We'll all go down together.

You coming, Shawn? Yes.

Oh, wow, Robert,

these are some terrific clothes.

I bet they look absolutely beautiful on you,


Regina? Who... Who are you talking to?

Yes. Yes, Gus,

why don't you tell Regina

how much you like

her nice clothes.


Yeah, Regina.


You look beautiful.



Thank you, Gus.

I can't tell you how glad I am

that you got my message.


do you think that you can help me?



This isn't right.

I must look horrible.

No. Not at all.

ROBERT: You are too kind.

But then again, I already knew that the way you comforted Robert.

You are so sweet.

Unlike most men, afraid to show their emotions.

l've been hurt a lot.

Now if you two don't mind, I really must put on my face.


So, Regina, this message on the wall,

this was your way of trying to get Robert's attention?

Well, he doesn't even know I'm alive.

Why not write him a letter? Or an e-mail? Even a post-it even?

I tried. I really did try.

But every time, something or someone stopped you.

What are you talking about? I think there's another personality.

Regina, there's another personality, isn't there?

I mean, you don't smash pictures or start fires.

You would never strangle Robert.

No, I wouldn't.

Regina, the police would like to speak with you.

They're investigating Dr. Blinn's m*rder.

They think you might have seen something. You could be in danger.

I didn't see anything.

I didn't even go to my appointment.

Why would anyone want to hurt Dr. Blinn?

He was such a nice man and he was doing so much to help me.

With what?

Well, you ought to know better than to ask that.

That's between a woman and her doctor.


Unless you're going to ask her out, I think we're done here.

How do we get Robert back?

I have no idea.

Well, you're her very special friend.


We would like to speak with Robert.

Can you let Robert come out and play?

For you,

of course I can.

Thank you.

And I do hope that we meet again.




Try Bob.


SHAWN: Easy, easy, easy, easy.

We know it seems weird and... Actually, it is.

Yeah. It's really weird.

But we have good news.

We figured out who your ghost is.


BOTH: You.

You're haunting yourself.

SHAWN: Yep. Life is good. Life is great.

I mean, Robert gets the help he so desperately needs,

we get to marinate in the delicious satisfaction of another job well done.

And leading Lassiter to Regina, even though she saw nothing.

That's professional courtesy.

Plus it helps raise our stock, Gus.

(EXCLAIMS) Crime scene photos.

Love crime scene photos.

May I help you?

Detective O'Hara,

what a truly pleasant surprise. Mmm-hmm.

I just dropped by to tell Detective Lassiter that I have...

We have information regarding the whereabouts of a one, Regina Kane.

How did you know about it?

Never mind. Stay right here. Don't move. l'll go find him.



Shawn, don't do this.


Look at this. Look at this. Look! Look! Look!

Here, on the floor where poor Dr. Blinn's body was laying.

A toothpick.

A chewed toothpick.

GUS: Yeah? So? Don't you remember?

The car that tried to ram us, on the seat?

Chewed toothpick. Oh!

Oh! That means the person that k*lled Dr. Blinn

is the same person that tried to k*ll us.

It's a chewed toothpick, Shawn.

Lots of people chew toothpicks.

Yes, but we were working for Robert. Robert is also Regina. Regina is a patient of...

Dr. Blinn. Yes! Take the baton!

So, whoever the k*ller is knew both Robert and Regina.

He said his name was, get this, Martin Brody. How dumb is that?

Oh! Martin Brody.

Of course! That's Robert's other personality. The violent one.

But, why would he k*ll Dr. Blinn?

Depends entirely on what Regina was seeing him for.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.


Dr. Blinn's patient files.

All we have to do is find Regina's.

What are you doing?

Hmm? What are you doing?

sh**ting. It relaxes me.

Shawn Spencer says he has information for you.

Where is he? At your desk.

Is anyone watching him?

Found it!

Oh, no.


Gender reassignment?

Oh, Regina started feeling like a woman trapped in a man's body,

so she wants to have her parts...

Oh, my... Wait a second.

That means if Regina was successful,

both Robert and the Martin personality would also lose their parts.

(EXCLAlMlNG) Martin can't do anything to hurt Regina

because he would only be hurting himself.

So, dressed as Regina, he goes after Dr. Blinn.

GUS.: That would explain how Robert got the marks on his neck.

And with Dr. Blinn dead,

Robert figured that Regina would change her mind about the gender reassignment.


We got that, Shawn!

Only she hasn't.

Gus, no, no, she found another doctor. She's seeing him today.


Right now.

Right now, Shawn? Like, in 10 minutes.

Oh, okay.

There had better be a really good explanation for this.

He was in some sort of trance. I couldn't control him.

He says this is the k*ller.

The k*ller, he's going to k*ll again.

This is ridiculous.

Who? Who's he going to k*ll?

What is it, Shawn?


Watch out! Watch out!



Dr. Drake?

Gender reassignment? That's a big step, Regina.

Why don't you tell me why it's important to you?


It's okay. The machine can get that. This is your time.

Thank you, Dr. Drake.

No answer. Just the machine.

We have to go now. It could already be too late.

Let's go!

I know this can be a difficult process,

but it really is necessary to ensure that you're ready

psychologically for a change like this.

You do seem like an excellent candidate for the surgery.

Our time is up.

Why don't we pick up here again next week? Okay, Regina?



my name is not Regina.

Hold it!

Get up!

What's going on? SHAWN: Robert?

Bob? You back there, buddy?

What am I doing here?

Great. Thanks.

Good news.

They're going to admit Robert into the HT Windsor Facility in Chicago.

And his doctor thinks his prognosis is good.

Don't you understand, Shawn?

That's the premier mental health hospital in the country.

That's good. That's awesome. Who is that?


Oh. Oh. No, no, no, no.

Leslie's supposed to be a swimsuit model.

Unfortunately, he is. Although, he says he's getting completely sick of the grind.

I have to call the agency.

They're completely misrepresenting their clientele.

Leslie's a guy's name, too.


We have to fire him.

Fire him? On what grounds?

What grounds? On the grounds that he's a dude.

That's discrimination. We can't do that.

Okay, listen to me.

No woman is going to look at us twice

if we're sharing our office with that ridiculous Adonis.

He's better looking than both of us put together.


I'm not doing that.

But, Gus,

you know I can't fire people. They look too sad.

This was your idea. Figure it out.


♪ ♪ In between the lines there's a lot of obscurity ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ I'm not inclined to resign to maturity ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ If it's all right then you're all wrong ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ But why bounce around to the same damn song ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ You'd rather run when you can't crawl ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ I know, you know that I'm not telling the truth ♪ ♪

I know, you know they just don't have any proof

♪ ♪ Embrace the deception learn how to bend ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ Your worst inhibitions tend to psych you out in the end ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ I know, you know ♪ ♪

♪ ♪ I know, you know ♪ ♪
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