02x05 - Says Who?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "7th Heaven". Aired: August 26, 1996 – May 13, 2007.*
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Eric Camden is a reverend, husband and the father of numerous children who faces everyday challenges of raising a family during permissive times.
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02x05 - Says Who?

Post by bunniefuu »



Is, uh, everything okay upstairs?

Ruthie's hogging the bathroom.
She locked herself in, again.

Before or after your sisters
had a chance to get in there?

- Before.
- Before. That's not good.

They don't get a move on,
you guys are gonna be late for school.

- Can I ask you something?
- You can always ask.

How does a guy get 38 people
to k*ll themselves

so they can get on a UFO with him?

Well, hmm...

Sometimes when you're with a group
of people who believe something,

very strongly,
you can be influenced by that.

And then you start to believe
what they believe.

- Oh, so it's kind of like church.
- No, it's not kind of like church.

See, cults frequently
isolate themselves

from people who don't see things
the way they do.

Now, the Church doesn't do that.

In fact, it's part of the Church's job
to be involved with the community.

And we value the quality
of a person's character and heart.

So we still have room for them
in our lives

even though they might not share
all of our specific beliefs.

Yeah, Dad,
but 38 people k*lled themselves

so they can get on a UFO,

and some guy got them to believe
his specific crazy belief

that that was gonna happen.
How'd he do that?

Well, Simon, when people
keep telling you something

over and over again,
it starts to seep in.

You start to think something's wrong
with you if you don't believe it too.

It's like your mind
isn't your own anymore.

And it's sad for them
and for their families.

For everybody involved.

Yeah, because if those alien guys
want you, they come down and get you.

Everybody who watches X-Files
knows that.

Yeah, but that's fiction, see.
That's-- That's made up.

Although sometimes it's hard to tell
fact from fiction.

So, what do you say
we try an experiment?

- Really? Like what?
- You'd have to play it cool.

But I'll bet if you subtly insist

that, uh, you're shrinking,

you could eventually
get the other kids to believe it.

- You think so?
- Yeah. Except for Ruthie.

- It wouldn't be nice to trick her.
- Of course not. I'm not a monster.

Besides, if you let Ruthie in on it,
then she can help you,

and then you can see
how cult leaders use other members

- to help spread the word.
- Yeah.

Cool, charismatic.

That's me. I'm pretty sure.

- Where's everybody? We gotta go.
- I'll go hustle the girls up.

All right.

- What?
- I don't know.

Either you're getting taller
or I'm shrinking.

- I'm the same height as always.
- I must be shrinking.

- Dad packed our lunches today.
- Yep.


And she's off.

Hope she makes it before
any of that orange starts to digest.

- What are you talking about?
- Word is Shelby Conner's bulimic.

And I'll bet she just blasted out of here
to get rid of that huge lunch she ate.

You don't know. Maybe she got bored
with your scintillating conversation.

Trust me. It could happen.
See you.

He's right.
You don't know anything for sure.

- All you have to do is look at her.
- She's thin. So is she.

- Doesn't mean anything.
- Maybe not.

But Lucy doesn't eat like a bird

and then race off to the bathroom
after every meal.

- And you don't know that Shelby does.
- No. But we could.

Shelby's in my algebra class.

So I'll ask her if she'd like to come over
to study and have dinner tomorrow.

Then we'll see
what happens afterwards.

That will totally work, Lucy.
You're a genius.

BINK: I'm telling you,
if I hadn't driven by Odeille Hinkle's

and seen that for sale sign
in her yard,

I never would've known
that she was moving.

What, you stole her change-of-address
card from the mailman's truck?

You are focusing
on the wrong part of the story.

Odeille's moving so quickly
without telling a soul

can only mean one thing.

That's right.
Her children forced her into this place,

and she's being held here
against her will.

Maybe we should
talk to Mrs. Hinkle

before we jump to any big
hostage-crisis conclusions.

Fine. I just hope that you have better
luck getting through to her than I did.

- What do you mean?
- I phone,

and I've stopped by here
several times.

And I could never get past
the front desk.

Well, maybe
they just misunderstood you or...

Or maybe...

Maybe you didn't ask
in the right way.



BINK: Hello.
- Hello.

We're guests
of Miss Odeille Hinkle's.

And we were wondering
could you just point us

in the direction of her apartment?

- Hinkle?
BINK: Hinkle.

- H-I-N--
- Here we are.

I'm sorry. Mrs. Hinkle has requested
that she not be disturbed.

That's all I've got. I'm through here.


Excuse me? Hi.

Would you mind calling Mrs. Hinkle?
I'm pretty sure she would want to see

her best friend, Mrs. Bink,
and her minister, Eric Camden.

If she knew that we were here.

I'm sorry.
We respect our tenants' wishes,

and she's requested
that she not be disturbed.


- Would it be okay if we left a note?
- Of course.

Mm-hm, that's it. Mm-hm.

- I'll see that she gets this.
- That'd be great, thanks.


Front desk.

Two nineteen.

Okay, room 219.

Hey, Shelby.

Did Mr. Root say anything in algebra
class today that made sense to you?

Um, just the part where he said,
"See you tomorrow."

Listen, if you're not doing
anything tomorrow,

would you like to come over
to my house to have dinner and study?

Yeah. I mean, I'll have to ask my mom.
But I'm pretty sure it'll be okay.

- Great. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
- Okay, I'll see you later.

LUCY: Bye.
- Bye.

I can't believe
you're actually doing this.

- Me either.
- We'll talk later.

What? All I'm trying to do is find out

what's really going on with Shelby
and maybe help her.

I'm concerned, that's all.

Oh, my mistake. I thought
you were being catty and nosy.

Well, I'm not.

I'm just being concerned.
I'm not afraid to get involved.


He's coming.

--what's going on. Let's just hope...

You should've kicked the remote to me
so I could be in charge of the TV.

Sorry, but it's not like
I could reach it.

RUTHIE: Weird. My feet never touch
the floor, but yours...

- I'm shrinking.
- Just scoot forward a little.

You're sitting too far back
on the cushion.


You need to see a doctor.

"You need to see a doctor."
Nice touch.

I thought it would be good.

Doctors are important,
and everyone believes them.

Yeah, well, I think it worked on Matt.

Yeah, it worked for sure.
He got huffy and I got the remote.

It's official, then. We're geniuses.


Mom, is it okay if Shelby comes over
to study and have dinner tomorrow?

It is if you tell me who Shelby is.

She's a friend in my algebra class.
We've become very close, very fast.

Oh, an algebra friend. Good thinking.

Um, Shelby's more than welcome.
I'll just set another place at the table.

Or one of you will. Or somebody will.

I could reach these yesterday.


Thanks. There was no way
I was gonna reach that on my own.

- I must be shrinking.
- Not fast enough.

You need to see a doctor.

- Thanks, Mom.
ANNIE: Oh, don't mention it.

- We got him.
- Matt's mind isn't his anymore.

It's practically ours.

ERIC: They wouldn't let me
or Mrs. Bink in to see Mrs. Hinkle,

but I left a note for her
with the receptionist.


What are you gonna do
if she doesn't call?

I'm not sure.
I haven't gotten that far yet in my plan.


- Oh, look, I gotta go. I'll call you later.
- Okay. I'll see you later.





- Yeah?
- Didn't you get my beep?

I tried to call you
and your line was busy.

Yes, I got your beep.
I tried to call, but your line was busy.

Oh. Well, I was calling you.


Do you have any idea
how many times you beeped me?

Well, you know, that's not important.
Have you had any word from Odeille?

- Nope, not yet.
- That's it. I'm going over the wall.

- What are you talking about?
- Odeille Hinkle is my best friend,

and I'm gonna get her
out of that place one way or the other.

Now, you can either
come along and help

or you can read about it
in the front page after I'm done.

- Now, it's up to you.
- I'm on my way.


Here we go.

Okay, now just be prepared.

I've read about these places
that children force their parents into.

She'll probably be in restraints,
drugged up,

and eating some kind of dog food.

We'll handle whatever we have to once
we find out what's going on, okay?

Yeah. Agreed.

Nice try, Odeille.

You coming?

- This place is lovely, Odeille.
- Thank you.

I still have some things to move in,
but I'm getting there.

Oh, yes, I could see.

If I didn't know better, I'd say this was,
um, just too good to be true.

Well, I'm just glad to see you're okay.
I hadn't heard about your move,

so when I saw the for sale sign
on your lawn, I got a little worried.

And you're a tough lady
to get ahold of.

Why, I'm sorry about that.
There was an opening here,

and I had to jump immediately
or risk losing out on it.

I would've told you both,
but there just wasn't time.

And I've been pretty busy
since the move.

My refrigerator makes ice.

In little crescents. Right in the door.


- That's great.
- Yes.


So is there anything we can do?
Anything you need?

I mean, we're your friends
and we'd love to help.

No, no, I'm fine.
The kids were a great help.

And now I'm just, uh,
rearranging small stuff

and getting the feel of the place.

Speaking of the kids,

did they have anything to do
with your fly-by-night,

seat-of-the-pants decision to move?

Gladys, give it a rest.

You and I have talked a hundred times
about my house and lawn

being too big for me
to take care of by myself.

And lately, I've been feeling vulnerable
in that big house alone, at my age.

Well, you know
what you do, Odeille?

You get a big dog or a big boyfriend.
But you don't sell your house.

You don't, I do.

Well, we're just glad to see
that everything's okay.

Well, it's nice to have friends
who care enough to drop by.

Even if they don't have the manners
to call first.

We're sorry about that.
So you'll call?

If I need anything, yes.

We never talked about your house
being too big.

Or your security issues, never.

So I know you're not telling us
the whole story about this move.

And you know what? I don't like it.

Any of it.

I know. That's why I didn't tell you.

I could never be bulimic like Shelby.

I don't have the self-discipline
to throw up like that.

You know, this conversation
might not annoy me so much

if you actually knew
that Shelby was bulimic.

But you don't.
So you and this conversation

have gone way past annoying
and into the land

of I might have to k*ll you
if you don't shut up.

Oh, please.
Everyone knows that she is.

Everyone says she is.
There's a big difference.

You know, sometimes word of mouth
gets around because it's true.

Sometimes word of mouth gets around
because there are a lot of mouths.

I don't believe everything I hear.
Give it a try sometime.

Like I don't.

How much longer do we have
to keep this stuff on anyway?

"Fifteen minutes a day is all it takes to
watch the stress of the day melt away.

Fifteen minutes and you'll see a dewy
glow you thought was lost forever.

Fifteen minutes to a new you."

- All that in 15 minutes?
- That's what it says.

- Cool.
- Yeah. There you go.


RUTHIE: You're right.
These make me look much taller.

Good. So when you stand next to me
that makes me look smaller,

which means I must be shrinking.

Okay, I've got a dishwasher to unload,
so I'm gonna cut to the chase.

You have been huddled in here all day.
That means you're up to something.

I haven't seen you tonight,
so that means you don't want me

to know you're up to something.
Everyone's door is open but yours.

You think you're getting away
with whatever it is you're up to.

- But you're not, so spill it.
- You're good. She's good.


Okay. We're not up to something.

- We're conducting an experiment.
- Really?

See, this morning
I was asking Dad about cult stuff

and how they work and everything.

And he said
that if you really believe something,

sometimes you can get
other people to believe it.

- It's called "subtle insistence."
- He's right.

And he also said it helps
if you're charismatic. He said I was.

- He's right again.
- I'll have to take your word for it.

We tried looking up "charismatic"
in the dictionary and we couldn't find it.

- Try looking under C-H-A-R.
- Oh. Well, that helps.

SIMON: Anyway, he told us
to do this experiment

to see if we can get everyone
to believe I'm shrinking.

Everyone except me. I'm being a cult
member and help spread the word.

Oh. Wonderful.

See, we tried it on the girls
in the kitchen.

- With the glass.
- Yeah, but that didn't go so well.

So we decided to concentrate
on one person at a time.

And I figure since Matt's the oldest,
if I can get him to believe I'm shrinking,

I can use him to get the other kids
to believe it too.

Yeah, and we want Matt's mind.


So are you gonna rat us out?

Not yet,
but I'm not gonna help you either.

That would be abusing my authority.

Oh. Well, see, that's okay. Because
Matt's practically ours already.

And he doesn't even know it
because we're playing it cool.

Real cool.


Now, I don't care what Odeille says.

Those kids have something to do
with her move.

Well, why would they do that?

BINK: For the money
that she'll get from selling the house.

She loves those kids. They know that.

- They're using her love for their end.
ERIC: Mm, I don't know.

Oh, listen. I know Odeille
better than you do,

and I know her kids
better than you do.

Why can't you just
take my word for it?

Because Mrs. Hinkle's reasons
for moving make sense.

It is a big house. She is by herself.

It may not be enough for you or me
to sell our homes,

but for her, it is. Look,
we checked on her, we talked with her,

we gave her every opportunity
to ask for help or drop a hint

that she might want or need some.
She didn't.

And she seemed fine.
Well taken care of,

of sound mind and body.
There's nothing we can do.

Yeah, you're right.

There is nothing we can do.
Not with an attitude like that.

Call yourself a minister. Ha.


Left another message
on Mrs. Bink's machine.

I know she's home.
She just won't talk to me.

She won't talk to me,
Mrs. Hinkle won't talk to me.

I'll talk to you. And if you lift
that end of the sofa, I'll even listen.


Gladys Bink hates change.

So she's convinced herself
that there's some kind of conspiracy

behind Mrs. Hinkle's move
that she can expose

so things can go back
to the way they were before.

You know, there was
an open house announcement

for Mrs. Hinkle's old place
today in the paper.

I know things change
and people have to move on,

but it makes me sad
to think of her selling

and someone else living
in that house.

So a part of me really feels
for Mrs. Bink.

Yeah, me too.
She's one of my favourite people.

It's just it kills me
to see her reacting this way.

- I know, and I feel for you too.
- Thanks.

But it's not okay for Mrs. Bink
to barge in on Mrs. Hinkle every day

till things go back
to the way they were.

- What are you gonna do?
- I don't know.

Barge in on Mrs. Bink every day till
things go back to the way they were.

- Good luck.
- Thanks.

I'm gonna go downstairs
and get us a snack.

Do you feel like
anything in particular?

Um, no.
Anything would be great.

Lucy, where's your bathroom?

Down the hall,
first door on your right.

Okay, so get this.
I asked Shelby if she wanted a snack,

and she said okay. Then she asked me
where the bathroom was.

- How much more proof do you need?
- Proof of what?

This is all yours. Run with it.

There's a rumour going around school
that Shelby's bulimic.

Because other people say it
you believe it?

No, I knew we needed
more proof than that.

Like maybe inviting her over for dinner
and seeing what happens afterwards?

That's not the only reason
I invited her over. It's just part of it.

But if it turns out that Shelby is,
maybe I can help her.

Oh, really? What do you plan to do
besides, you know,

confirming the rumour
for the entire school?

You know, bulimia
is a very serious problem.

And it requires more training
and more...

Frankly, more maturity and sensitivity
than you've shown.

I would think you were capable
of knowing when someone is in pain

and showing them compassion
instead of curiosity.

I know my motivation wasn't great.

Okay. It was probably
more like horrible.

But can't we try
to make something good out of this?

- Like what?
LUCY: I don't know.

But you'll think of something, right?

- You should've known better.
- I did know better.

I just didn't know how to stop it.

Oh, here, you just--
You missed the real estate agent.

- You can catch him in the kitchen.
- It's okay. I know my way around.

I'm Mrs. Hinkle's minister,
Eric Camden.


- Kevin Hinkle.
- Oh.

And this is my sister Dana.

- Hi, nice to meet you.
ERIC: Nice to meet you.

So it must be kind of sad seeing
your mom sell this old house, huh?

I mean, I feel that way
and I didn't even grow up here.

Well, it is a little sad, but, you know,
it's what my mom wants,

so we're trying to be supportive
and stay out of her way.

She's been saying over and over
for the past few years

the house and the lawn are too big
for her to maintain by herself.

That's pretty much--

Actually, that's exactly
what she told me.

- Plus, she's starting to feel vulnerable.
- Living in this big old place.

All alone, at her age.

Well, whatever the reasons,
she wants this baby sold.

Yeah. And if that's what she wants,
that's what we're gonna do.

Well, she's very lucky
to have both of you

working so hard on her behalf.

- Well, we love her.
- And she loves us. Very much.


- What's wrong with your lucky pants?
- Nothing.

They've always been this way.
I like them this way.

Whatever. I thought your legs
were shrinking or something.

You need to see a doctor.

We're doing great.


I dropped by Mrs. Hinkle's
open house.

Really? How was it?

Well, you know,
there were people there and--

Well, people go to open houses.
That's why they have them.

Well, two of the people at the open
house were Mrs. Hinkle's kids.

Something doesn't feel right. I'm gonna
head over to Mrs. Hinkle's apartment.

And I'm supposed to interrupt my day,
tag along with you,

barge in on my best friend
for another chat

- just because you say so?
- Yeah.

Let me get my bag.


Hey, the clothes bar
seem a little high to you?

I always stand on a chair
to hang up my clothes, so no.


- Can I borrow your red marker?
- Sure.

- What?
- I thought you were just being weird,

but I think you're right.
You are shrinking.


I know.

That's weird. You used to come up
much higher on me.

- You need to see a doctor.
MATT: That's probably a good idea.

I mean, you don't wanna shrink down
to nothingness.

We did it. Matt's in our cult.

My head used to reach
the door handle.

And now it's at the bottom
of the tyres.

I know.

I know.

You wanna know why
Matt thinks I'm shrinking?

Because we influenced him
and took his mind?

No, because I am shrinking.
For real.

You need to see a doctor.


We should try and be subtle
with what we suspect.

I know. This is a fluid situation.
I can handle that.


You are such a liar.

Subtle never really worked for me.

I'm sorry for intruding like this.

But you haven't been truthful
about this move.

And as your friend
of 20-odd years, uh,

I think I deserve better,
and so does he.

You know, just on principle.

I may not agree with your real reasons
for this move, whatever they are,

but we have been together
too many years in this life

for you not to have the guts
to tell me what they are.

You know, I stopped by
your place today. Your kids were there.

- Really? How were they?
- Committed to selling your house.

And for reasons that sounded like
you'd all studied for the same test.

Well, it isn't like we studied them.

It's more like we talked
and agreed upon them.

And they're not bad reasons.
They're not the whole story, are they?


The whole story is much simpler.


I wasn't a very good mother.
I didn't teach my children

to be strong and independent people.

And now when they get in trouble
or want something,

it doesn't occur to them
to do anything but run home.

Kevin's run up
his credit cards again, hmm?

And Dana and her husband want
to travel before they get too old to do it.

And I figured, well, they're gonna get
the money someday...

Yeah, but it doesn't have to be today.

Not if you've changed your mind
about moving.

Of course she's changed her mind.
It wasn't her mind to begin with.

Well, the truth is, it was.

I just lost it for a while.

But I do miss my house.

And, for another thing,

the security at this place
is not all that great.

Come on. Take me home.

Come on.

Hope you guys are ready to eat
because dinner's almost ready.

What's going on?

Well, I don't want you to worry,
but I'm shrinking.

So I want you to take
a good long look at me now.

Because, like Matt said, I'm probably
gonna shrink into nothingness soon.

Maybe you should
take a picture of him. I'd like one.

Last I heard, the experiment

was for you two to convince Matt
that you were shrinking.

Something must've happened to make
you think that you're shrinking.

Yeah, you know what happened?
I started shrinking.

Simon, listen to me carefully.
You are not shrinking.

It's not possible,
and it's not happening.

I expected you
to say something like that.

Thank you for trying though, Mom.

Simon, don't you see
that your own subtle insistence

and charisma worked?
Just on yourself, not Matt.

That's the point, Mom.
I didn't think I was shrinking.

Everyone else did.

- Including Matt.
- Really?

What else did your big brother say?

Well, he said that
I used to come up higher on him.

He just hugged me,
so he should know.

- Uh-huh. Matt.
SIMON: There's nothing Matt can do.

There's nothing anyone can do.

Maybe you and Dad
should just adopt another son.

Call him Simon the Second.

A little blond kid with...

...magnetism and charm.

Magnetism and charm?

We looked it up in the dictionary.


- What's going on?
- Well, the trash needs to go out,

dinner's almost ready, and your brother
is shrinking, really shrinking.

Simon, you're not shrinking.

Already been down that road
with Mom, Matt. Thanks for trying.

I overheard you and Ruthie telling
Mom about your experiment last night.

So I decided to turn the tables on you
before you could get to me.

- You know about the experiment?
- The whole family does.

I told Mary to say something
about your height.

- Clothes bar in the closet?
- Raised it, and your posters.

- Lucky play pants?
- Lowered the cuffs.

You're just saying that
to make me feel better.

- I need to see a doctor.
- Take him.

- Where?
- To the doctor's.

Dr. Peterson's office is still open.

If you hurry, you can make it back
before we're through with dinner.

I'll go get my jacket
and wait for you in the car.

I'll go with you
in case you can't reach your jacket.

You probably should bring
a few weeks of allowance too,

since I'm not certain
that height confirmation

is included under our insurance.

And they'll probably expect payment
at the time of service.

- You're kidding. He's not shrinking.
- I know that and you know that.

But Simon, unfortunately,
does not know that, thanks to you.

You didn't have a problem
when they were playing with my mind.

Because I knew there was little
to no chance that an 11-year-old

would have the sophistication
and resources

to convince his 17-year-old brother
that he was shrinking.

And even if he did, it's one thing to
believe that your brother is shrinking,

it's another thing to believe that you
are shrinking into nothingness.

- I know it, and you're right.
ANNIE: You're his big brother, Matt.

And it's your job to make sure
that he doesn't buy any bridges

or magic beans
or myths about shrinking.

I know, and I'm sorry. But the doctor?
You know they freak me out.

- I can't handle the waiting room.
- Convince yourself that you can.


Right. Doctor.

Hey, Mom. Things are looking good.

Because you and Dad
took such great care of the house,

- there's a lot of interest in it.
- Yes, there is.

First and foremost, my own.
I've changed my mind.

- I'm not selling.
- Not selling.

Mom, what are you talking about?
I thought this was all settled.

Yeah. It's not like
we haven't talked about it.

- We're counting on you.
- And I'm sorry about that.

I guess you'll just have to count
on yourselves a little more.

Your father and I worked very hard
to build this place.

And it's filled with memories
and familiar noises and much of me.

It's my home,
and I'm not ready to leave it yet.

You'll be the first to know
when I am.

Well, that's all well and good, Mom.
But what about your safety?

You're an older woman
living alone in a big house.

What if someone breaks in
and tries to hurt or rob you?

Do you think some stranger could
hurt me worse than my own children

trying to scare me out of my house

so they can pay off
their credit cards and travel?

I'll take my chances
with the stranger.

It'd be less hurtful.
And frankly, less embarrassing.

You're lucky I'm not carrying
my pepper spray.

- Oh, I have mine.
- No, no. I don't think we need that.

And, uh...

...we don't need this either.

- Sorry about this.
- Don't worry about it.

- These things happen all the time.
- I'll call you tomorrow.

- And you too.
- Not too early.

Yeah, not too early.


I've never been prouder.


- You wanna get something to eat?
- Yeah.

- Yeah, let's.
- I could use a beer too.

Okay. I'm buying.

- And I'll be the designated driver.
- Big surprise.

- You're a good friend.
- So are you.

You're not a half-bad minister either.

Oh, it's hell getting older.

How would you know?

Oh, that's so...

That's so sweet.

So, what did the doctor say?

Simon's not the same height
as he was this time last year.

I'm an inch and a half taller.


- Did she charge you?
- No.

I'm also broader around the chest.
I wasn't surprised. I work out.


I still have half of mine left.
Do you want it?

No, that's okay. Thanks.

I just need to excuse myself
for a second. Excuse me.


I'm glad she didn't take my roll.
I was just offering it to be nice.

Oh, hi. You left so suddenly.
I wanted to make sure you were okay.

Usually, the kids run to the bathroom
on the nights their dad cooks for them.

- You think I just threw up?
- I'm not sure what to think.

- No, I was just brushing my braces.
- Oh.

But, you know, it's okay that
you think I have an eating disorder.

- It's less embarrassing than the truth.
- Which is?

- I'm hungry.
- What?

You know, my mom's welfare
and stuff got cut off,

and things are tough.

So tough that you don't have
enough to eat?

Sometimes, but, you know, it's okay.

No, it's not okay. And we're gonna
do something about it.

No, no. I don't want you to do
anything about it.

And I don't want people to know
that I'm poor.

Nobody has to know anything.

- Even Mary and Lucy?
- Yes.

They're really nice,
but I know why they invited me over.

Word gets around.

I figured whatever
you were having for dinner

would be better
than what we were having.

And I'm really sorry that I used them.
And you.

You're not using anybody.

You're accepting an invitation that you
and your family have here any time.

We can work something out.

Starting with the church's
Meals on Wheels programme.

Make sure I have your address
before you go home.


Who's up for dessert?

I could force something down.

Me too. I like a little something sweet
after dinner.

- I'll see what I can do.
- Let me help you.

Is everything okay with...?

Yes. Shelby wasn't throwing up.
She's not bulimic.

- That's it?
- That's what you can tell your friends.

- What do you think went on upstairs?
- I don't know.

What are you gonna tell
your friends tomorrow at school?

What I do know. That Shelby's nice
and funny and really good at algebra.

Oh, yeah,
that's what they want to hear.

Oh, well. I wonder if Shelby wants
to go to the volleyball game tomorrow.

Hey, one of those are for me, right?

There's more of me to feed
these days.

Yes, I heard. And your ice cream
will be waiting for you

when you get back
from taking out the trash.


- So will yours. Help your brother.
- Ha!

Hey, guys. What's going on?

The doctor said I'm an inch and a half
taller and broader around the chest.

- Something went wrong.
- Well, sort of.

You see, Matt convinced me
I was shrinking.

Which proved your point about people
convincing people weird stuff's true.

But I was supposed to convince Matt
I was shrinking,

so the experiment
did go wrong there.

Matt convinced you
you were shrinking?

SIMON: Yeah.
- So much so you went to the doctor?

For some reason I had it in my head
I needed to see a doctor.


You know, when you look up to
or love someone,

you put your trust in them and that
makes them an authority figure.

Even if that person
is just your brother or sister.

- Yeah, I know, Dad. I get it.
- Good, I hope so.

You have my word.
I will never use my big brain

to mess with his little one again.

So that's it, then?
No more mind games? It's over?

- Completely.
- Yeah.


- What?
- I thought your hair looked different.

- But it doesn't.
- Different how?

Well, like, less hair. But it doesn't.
It was probably just the light.

What? It looks like
I'm losing my hair?

Well, not like Grandpa.

Wait a minute.
Yeah, I see what you're doing.

- You're playing with my head again.
- Yeah. Yup. You got me.

Hair looks great. Really.

Not bad for a little brain.
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