02x04 - Excuse Me, May I Cut In?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Laverne & Shirley". Aired: January 27, 1976 - May 10, 1983.*
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Best friends, roommates and polar opposites Laverne and Shirley work together at the Shotz Brewery.
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02x04 - Excuse Me, May I Cut In?

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Five, six, seven, eight ♪

♪ Schlemiel, schlimazel,
Hasenpfeffer Incorporated. ♪

♪ We're going to do it ♪

♪ Give us any
chance we'll take it ♪

♪ Read us any
rule we'll break it ♪

♪ We're gonna make
our dreams come true ♪

♪ Doin' it our way ♪

♪ Nothing's gonna
turn us back now ♪

♪ Straight ahead
and on the track now ♪

♪ We're gonna make
our dreams come true ♪

♪ Doin' it our way ♪

♪ There's nothing we won't try ♪

♪ Never heard the
word "impossible" ♪

♪ This time there's
no stopping us ♪

♪ We're gonna do it ♪

♪ On your mark,
get set and go now ♪

♪ Gotta dream and
we just know now ♪

♪ We're gonna make
that dream come true ♪

♪ And we'll do it our
way, yes our way ♪

♪ Make all of our
dreams come true ♪

♪ And we'll do it our
way, yes our way ♪

♪ Make all of our
dreams come true ♪

♪ For me and you ♪

Laverne and Shirley is filmed
before a studio audience.

I'm trying to watch it though.

Still got ghosts there.

Thank you, thank
you. Just great.

Let's really have a big
hand for Topo Gigio.

Thank you, little fellow.

Now, the moment all you
ladies have been waiting for.

Here is... the fabulous Fabian.

Let's really hear it out there.

Hey, you know, that
was some expl*si*n.

Every light in the whole
apartment building blew out.

Yeah. Are you sure
you girls weren't hurt?

Oh, no, we're fine. Don't worry.

Oh, there they are.

I can't understand it.

I just rewired this set.

Well, it's an old set.

It had to go sometime.

This television has great
sentimental value for me.

It was given to me by
my Aunt Mary Margaret

at my sweet 16 birthday party.

The same day she told my mother
I'd grow up to become a tramp.

My aunt told me I'd be a tramp,

but I got married
before she could prove it.

My aunt is a tramp.

I'm gonna go visit
her next summer.

Listen, I gotta go check
on Lenny and Squiggy.

When the lights went out,

they thought it was a
Russian sneak attack.

They are now preparing
for guerilla warfare.

Well... no TV unless you want

to go over to my Pop's
house and watch it.

I don't care to spend
the evening watching

"Victory At Sea."

Well, we can't afford
to buy a new set.

I know.

Now we're gonna miss
all our favorite programs.

Yeah. "Sea Hunt."

"Oh, Susanna."

"Twilight Zone."

Pop, can't you lend me
money to buy a TV, please?


You want air? A lot of air.

Nothing in there, see that?

Well, Mondays are always
slow, Pop. Monday, Wednesday.

Spy on you? I'm
sorry, I'm sorry.

Okay, this'll only
take a second.

Hi. Hi.

Any luck with your father? No.

Well, don't worry about that,

'cause I've got
it all figured out.

Look, Shirl, could
you speed this up?

Lucille's waitin' for
me in the car there.

Oh, big deal, Lucille.

It is a big deal.

She's taking me to
Europe next month

and she's gonna take me out now

and buy me a whole new wardrobe.

Tell Laverne what you're
doing next Saturday night.

Tell her. Oh, I'm gonna go
over to the Jefferson High School

Victory Dance
Contest there and, uh...

they asked me to be the
Master of Ceremonies, thank you.

Oh, that's real nice, Carmine.

Why are we listening to this?

Tell Laverne what the
winning couple gets.

Two beautiful portable
TV's... one for the guy,

one for the girl.

And Carmine's gonna steal
us one! Way to go, Carmine!

Hey, the Big Ragu
doesn't steal nothing.

You are going to enter that
contest and win us that TV.

Oh, just like that?

No, I think you've got
to dance a little, Laverne.

Who was the best girl dancer

at all Fillmore High School?

Me. That's right.

Who is the best boy dancer
at all Jefferson High School?

I just told you a
couple of minutes ago

while you were dragging me

out of the backseat
of Lucille's car.

Do you remember that?

Well, tell me again.
Potsie Weber.

Potsie Weber?

Yeah, he's been to a
couple of my classes.

Carmine... Oh, hello girls.

Hi, Lucille.

Hello, Mrs. Lockwash.

Carmine, my motor's running.

We're gonna do eight
countries in six days.

Boy, the lucky dog there.

Okay, you're going to go
to that dance with Potsie,

enter the contest and
win us that television set.

What, are you crazy?
I hardly know Potsie.

He came in here once.

He asked for extra cheese
and then cried until he got it.

Think, Laverne, who
is Potsie's best friend?

His dog?

I'm burning the old lumber
here and you're making jokes.

No! It's Richie Cunningham.

Oh, that red-haired kid?

That's right. He's
nuts about me.

I'm gonna get him to
set up a double date.


The old sex appeal.

What do you have to
do if you want a color TV?

We don't do those things.

When he gets here,
let him in, sit him down,

make him
comfortable, then beat it

and I'll take it from there.


♪ I found my thrill ♪

♪ On Blueberry Hill ♪

I think it's Fats Domino.

Well, you look really...

Thank you, you, too. Oh, thanks.

Uh... Shirley's getting dressed.

She'll be right out. Oh.

I'm in kind of a rush.

I'm gonna go, uh...
Bowling? Yeah.

Why don't you just...

Uh, wait in the
living room. Yeah.

There's uh... chips
and... Dip. Yeah.

You know, you're
real easy to talk to.

She wears an "L" on her shirt.

Hello, Richard.

Oh, Shirley... hi.


Did you see Laverne?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, we
had a real nice chat.

You look very pretty.

Why, thank you.

You're not looking so
bad yourself, handsome.

Thanks. How about a drink?

Yeah sure, that sounds great.

I'm a little... oh, man, wine.

Heck, yeah... sounds good.

My, my it has been
a long time, hasn't it?

Yeah. About how
long has it been?

11 and a half months.

11 and a half months!

Why, it... it seems like
yesterday, doesn't it?


What have you been doing
with yourself since I saw you last?

Well, uh... after you left,

I had to go on to bed 'cause
I needed to get up early

the next morning for
basketball practice, you see.

No, no, no, I meant, uh...

recently what have
you been doing?

Oh. I'm a senior.

A senior! Oh!

I'm going to be graduating
at the end of the year.


What are you going to
do after you graduate?

I think my parents
just want to have

a little party at the house.

Dad wants to invite
over the Leopard Lodge.

Just have a few people in.

No, no, I meant what
are you going to do

with your life
when you graduate.

You know, where are
you going from there?

Oh, I'm going to college.

Oh. Yeah.


Gee whillikers,
college. Congratulations.

Oh, thanks.

Yeah, I'm already
starting to get pamphlets.


Uh... sure.


Maybe on the next one.

So, uh... how are
things at the brewery?

Oh, same old stuff.

The bottles roll
by and we cap 'em.

Uh, you girls really
do a terrific job.

I-I had a beer the
other day and boy,

that cap was on tight.

I had the opener and
I was trying to open it

on one side and I
couldn't even get it...

Why did you invite me here?

Because I had a lovely
time on our last date.

11 and a half months ago?



Well, maybe we should...

do something together some time.

Anything but m*rder, mister.

Oh, well...

there's going to be a Victory
Dance this Saturday night.

A Victory Dance!

Oh, yes, a Victory Dance.
How I'd love to go to a dance.

Yeah? Well, they're
gonna have a dance contest

and they're giving
away a TV set. Really?

Oh, that would be lovely.

We would have
such fun, wouldn't we?

But I bet you
already have a date.

You'd go with me
to the Victory Dance?

You bet your booties I would.

Well, that's great.

Let's just call it a date.

Yes, yes! Let's do that.

Hey, I bet Laverne would
love to go to that dance.

You must have a nice,
polite single friend?

Ralph Malph. No, no.

Potsie Weber? That's the one.

Oh... well, I don't know.

Potsie's kind of in demand.

You see, he's the best
dancer in the school, and, uh...

Has Potsie ever been
with a mature woman?

Are you kidding? Potsie's
never been with any...

No, no, not lately.

Well, let me put
it to you this way.

Would Potsie rather
go to that dance with

a giggling teenager who
has to be home by midnight?


Or a mature experienced
woman like Laverne?

If he goes with Laverne,
he'll have a real good time.

And I know somebody else
who'll have a real good time.

You've got another
girl for Ralph?

No, I was talking of you.

I was speaking about
you and you know...



Oh... No, no!

Not on the first date.

No, this is our second date.

Well... let's
wait till the third,

after the dance.

Potsie will take Laverne. Yes!

We'll all going to go
to the Victory Dance

and we're gonna have
a great time together.

A great time together!

Oh... is our date
over for this evening?


Two down, one to go.

Hey, Shirl, I found
my lucky socks.

They were in my yearbook.


Come on out here.

I want to show you
a few new steps.

Okay, I'm all ready.

Oh, you look so
cute and I look stupid.

Well, Laverne, you
can't help but look stupid.

You're gonna dance.
You're gonna dance.

Well, can't you do something?

Can't you wear white
sox or something?

I'm not wearing white
socks with high heels!

Are you crazy?

♪ I found my thrill ♪

♪ On Blueberry Hill ♪

That's them.

It's them? All right.

Here, stand there. What?

What? We'll be right there.

All right, just pose yourself,
here. Pose? What for?

Tilt you head, lean
in, put your chin up.

Here, I got you a little scarf.

That'll help you out.
What do I need a scarf for?

Just chin up, chin
up, old girl, that's it.

Chin up, chin up for what?

Hi, fellas.

Are they in?

Laverne, this is Potsie Weber.

Oh, hi, Potsie.

Yeah, hi.

Well, let's go to the dance.

John and Mary,
couple Number Seven.

Not always a good number there.

Okay, now, the band will
now take a five minute break

to, uh, smoke or whatever.

And we'll be right back.

Don't go away.

Uh, would you like
to get some punch?

Sure, sure.

Where'd Laverne go?

Oh, uh,

she's in the hallway
with Potsie practicing.

Oh, good. Comin' through.

Comin' through.

Hi, how's it going?

Oh, terrific.

The janitor gave us a 94.


How's the competition look?

Pots, you have no competition.

You are gonna
win easy, I promise.

There you are, Potsie Weber!

You said you were going
to take me to this dance.

You broke your promise.

Debra Lee, I never promised I...

Who is this?

One of the teachers?



She is not a teacher.

Her name is Laverne De Fazio.

I don't care what its name is.



Think of the television.

Think of the TV, please.

I'll tell you something, Weber.

There's no way
you're going to dance

with that girl in this contest.

Ah, ha, uh, she's kiddin'.

She's just kiddin'.

Kiddin'? You know
what I'm gonna do?

Debra Lee, this is a nice dance.

I'm gonna go out on that floor

and stand between
you and not budge.

Okay, that's it.

Debra Lee, um, uh,

I'm sorry about this whole thing

with you and Potsie here,

but what do you say
we take a little walk

and I'll explain the
whole thing to you.

Oh, I'd like to hear this.

Oh, you're gonna hear it.

How's she gonna explain that?

Hi, Angel Face.


I was talking to Shirl here.

Oh, oh, yeah, well, I
was just jokin' around.

You see, I'm, I'm
gonna be a journalist

and journalists are
supposed to be witty,

so I was just being... witty.

Hey, look, have you
seen Laverne around here?

She's around.

Well, look, when
you see her again,

will you wish her luck for me.

Oh, yes, yes, I will.
Okay, nice meeting you.

I meant you this time.


Seems like a nice guy.

Yes, he's very nice.

Laverne, what
happened to Debra Lee?

Ah, she got, she had to go home.

She got suddenly bruised.

She, she got, suddenly bruised?

Uh, did we miss anything here?

What number are
they up to? Yeah.

Oh, you and Potsie are up next.

Oh, oh, we better
warm up, come on.

Yeah, let's rehearse, come on.

Okay, while the
band is getting ready,

I have a quick announcement.

Will whoever locked Miss Jacoby,

the gym teacher in a
locker, would you let her out?

She made the sandwiches
and she'd like to know

if they went over big.

Okay, to continue
with the dance contest!

Here's couple number eight.

Uh, we're still warming
up, Carmine. Yes.

Okay, here they are!

The luscious Couple Eight!

Nobody two-times
Debra Lee Pilsner.

Ow, Oh!

Ow, oh, oh!

Oooh, ow!

Why you. No, no, no!

Oh, ow, watch my knees.

Watch my, oh! Are you all right?

Are you hurt? Oh, ow.

Can you dance? Ow!

Oh. Oh, what are we gonna do?

I think we lost couple
Number Eight here.

No, you didn't lose
Couple Number Eight here.

We didn't lose Couple
Number Eight here.

Ah, ha!

We have a substitute,
ladies and gentlemen.

Couple Number Eight,

Laverne De Fazio and, uh,

Mr. Witty himself,
Richie Cunningham.

Hit it!

I can't dance very well.

Just follow me here.

One, two, three, four.

- ♪
- Welcome, to the hop ♪

♪ Welcome, to the hop ♪

Just put your hand up and smile.

Go, go, go, go.

Bend down and tie your shoe.

Tie the other one.

All right, bend over.


Bend over again.

Start clapping now.


Dig to China, dig to
China, dig to China.

Dig to China, clap.

Oh. Oh.

Follow me.





Where'd you go, Kid?

I'm over here.

Catch me.

Hold on.



Laverne, we're doing great.

Sell it.

Come here, kid!

Come here!


I'll be right back.

Catch me.


We did it!

We did it.

Here we are, the
champions, here.


Oh. Oh.

Hey, isn't that some baby there?

Oh, it's great.

Oh, look it says, hers.

Hers, oh, it's fabulous.

You were fabulous out there

twisting and twirling.

Oh, thanks.

Aw... Oh.

Come on down here, come on.

Go on there, you
were just terrific, Rich.

Oh, thanks.

I usually do well
under pressure.

It was a fabulous
evening all the way around.

Yeah. Thanks a lot. Thank you.

Oh, yeah, all right. Thank you.

And thank you, I'm sorry
about the knees. Wait, wait!

Haven't, uh, you
forgotten something?

Like what?

Well, like, I hurt my knee

and Richie got the
television set Yeah.

And, you know,
after the dance...

Tell 'em, Rich.
Yeah, tell me, Rich.

Well, uh, see we were gonna...

and we, we both
shaved and, uh... Yeah.

We just figured, uh...

It's not every day
that we get to shave

for such experienced,
mature women.

I'd better... Uh...
exactly how many, uh,

mature women have
you been with, Pots?

Oh... nine... Yeah?

Well, ten.

Come on.



Well, you see, I've been
with a lot of men... Yeah.

And I hope you won't
be no disappointment.



Pucker up, pal.

Good night.

Oh, Richie... No,
no, don't worry,

you don't have to
try and scare me off.

Oh, I'm so sorry...

No, I know why you and
Laverne wanted to go out

with Potsie and me.

You, uh, you wanted to win a TV.

Now, how'd you know that?

I'm a senior.

I'm wise to the
ways of the world.

Oh, gee, Richie, let me explain.

You see, our television
blew up last week and,

and they're so expensive.

We didn't have the
money... No, Shirley,

you don't have to
explain anything.

I had a great time.

I went out with a
very pretty girl and...

and I won a television
set in a dance contest,

and my name's gonna
be engraved on a trophy

at Jefferson High School.

That's because I wanted to,

not 'cause I had to.


Nice closet.

Drive carefully.

They gone?

I can't wait to
plug this baby in.

What are you gonna watch?

Who cares?

Oh, it's gotta warm up first.

Aren't you gonna
write in your little diary

how I won the TV set?

I don't think so.

I'm kind of ashamed.

Aw, what are you talking about?

You wanted me to win the TV.

Yeah, but I feel a
little guilty, you know.

I mean, we kind of
used Richie and Potsie.

Richie was real nice
about it and everything,

but I don't know if it was fair.

Wow, look at that
gorgeous picture, will you!

♪ We're gonna do it ♪

♪ On your mark,
get set and go now ♪

♪ Got a dream, and
we just know now ♪

♪ We're gonna make
that dream come true ♪

♪ And we'll do it our
way, yes, our way ♪

♪ Make all our
dreams come true ♪

♪ For me and you. ♪
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