01x06 - Dog Day Blind Dates

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Laverne & Shirley". Aired: January 27, 1976 - May 10, 1983.*
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Best friends, roommates and polar opposites Laverne and Shirley work together at the Shotz Brewery.
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01x06 - Dog Day Blind Dates

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Five, six, seven, eight ♪

♪ Schlemiel, Schlimazel ♪

♪ Hasenpfeffer, Incorporated ♪

♪ We're gonna do it ♪

♪ Give us any
chance, we'll take it ♪

♪ Read us any
rule, we'll break it ♪

♪ We're gonna make
our dreams come true ♪

♪ Doing it our way ♪

♪ Nothing's gonna
turn us back now ♪

♪ Straight ahead
and on the track now ♪

♪ We're gonna make
our dreams come true ♪

♪ Doing it our way ♪

♪ There is nothing
we won't try ♪

♪ Never heard the
word "impossible" ♪

♪ This time, there's
no stopping us ♪

♪ We're gonna do it ♪

♪ On your mark,
get set and go now ♪

♪ Got a dream, and
we just know now ♪

♪ We're gonna make
that dream come true ♪

♪ And we'll do it our
way, yes, our way ♪

♪ Make all our
dreams come true ♪

♪ And we'll do it our
way, yes, our way ♪

♪ Make all our
dreams come true ♪

♪ For me and you. ♪

Laverne and Shirley is filmed
before a studio audience.

( factory horn blows)

Come on, get on there.

Laverne... Huh?

Did you hear what
happened in bottle capping?

It was terrible.

What happened?

It was just terrible.

I was there, I saw
the whole thing.

What? What was terrible?

I don't want to talk about it.

Okay, forget about it.

All right, I'll tell you.

They speeded up
the conveyor belt;

Waldo couldn't keep
up with the bottles.

He got a little confused
and capped his thumb.

Was he hurt?

No, thank goodness.

But do you know how they
got that bottle cap off his thumb?

A bottle opener?

You heard this story.

I'm standing here like a fool

telling you the story
you've already heard.

A guess, Shirl, a lucky guess.

Well, I got one on at least.

Headed for the prom, Laverne?

No, I happen to be
having lunch with Charles.

He takes me to
false-eyelash-type places.

Oh. Charles.

"Oh, Charles."

What do you say
it like that for, Shirl?

I can't help myself.

There's something about
him I don't like. What?

I don't trust a guy
who wears a pinky ring.

Well, I don't care.
I like Charles.

He's a good-looker.
He's got a new T-Bird,

and, for the two weeks
we've been going out,

he's been a perfect gentleman.

Well, he makes me nervous.

What does he do
for a living anyway?

I think he's some
kind of businessman.

You've been going out
with this guy for two weeks,

and you don't know
what he does for a living?

I mean, how does he
make all this money

that he takes you
to fancy places with?

What, are you the
Internal Revenue, Shirl?

Look, I happen to...

Uh-oh, here he is.
Now be nice to him Shirl.

He thinks you don't like him.

I don't.

Especially when
he taps that ring.

Laverne. Shirley.

Hello, Charles. (
factory whistle blows)

( forced): Hello, Charles.

Listen, Laverne, I
feel like a real heel,

but something's come up,
and I can't take you to lunch.

Something the matter?

Well, yes and no.

My cousin just
phoned; he's in town.

And I'm just on my way out
to the airport to pick him up.

( ring tapping)

Anyhow, my cousin's
name is Buck.

He's from Arizona.

And I know he's going to want
me to set him up with a nice girl

while he's in town...

you know, so we can double date.

( ring tapping)

Does your cousin wear a ring?

No. I'm afraid he's
nothing like me.

He's a cowboy.

Oh, a cowboy.

Shirl loves cowboy movies.

That was when I was a kid.

She's still a kid at
heart. Don't worry.

Great. We'll pick
you up tonight at 8:00.

We'll go anyplace
you girls want to go.

The sky is the limit.

Oh, I can stay in that limit.

Great. Then it's set.

See ya tonight.

Good-bye, Charles.

Hey, Laverne, I love your eye.

You're a real trendsetter.

( taps ring)

What's with him and my eye?

You got one eyelash on, Laverne.

You look like the
jack of spades.

Well, why didn't you tell me

instead of letting me
make a fool out of myself?

When? While you were setting
me up with Cousin Hopalong?

Shirl, did I or did I
not do you a favor

by going out with your
cousin Benjy the welder?

The one who, among other things,

tried to solder my
earrings together?

Now, Laverne, that is not fair.

You swore to me you'd
never bring that up again,

and now you're bringing it up.

Well, I won't
bring it up anymore

if you do me a favor and
go out with the cowboy.

Come on. You owe me one, Shirl.

All right. I'll make
Hoppy happy.

Come on, who knows? A cowboy.

Maybe he'll look
like Gary Cooper.

Ha! With my luck, he'll
look like Gabby Hayes.

Oh, Shirl, they're
here. Haul it out.

All right, I'm ready.

But I warn you,

if I hear spurs
jangling in that hallway,

I'm taking a pass on
this whole evening.

Come on, Shirl, be nice.

( rapping on door)

He's knocking
with his pinky ring.

Just open the door.

Who is it?

It's us... your dreamboats.


Laverne and Shirley,
I'd like you to meet

my cousin, Buck
Wilson, and his suitcase.

You said you wouldn't mention
nothing about my suitcase.

Oh, we would've
noticed it after a while.

I like your suitcase.

Why don't you just come on in?

He carries it with
him wherever he goes.

He's afraid some
big city slicker

is going to run off
with his branding iron.

BUCK: I ain't got
no branding iron;

these is my private things.

Why don't we just
mosey on down to the sofa

and sit ourselves a spell?

Mosey, mosey.

Buck's a little nervous.

He was afraid he wouldn't
have anything to talk about.

Oh... Oh, that's so silly.

Yeah. Look, I'll start.

So, Buck, you're
from Arizona, huh?

Yes, ma'am.

( tapping ring)

Stop it!

Want a shot of red-eye

to clear the trail dust
out of your throat?

I don't drink.

He don't drink or smoke,

but he's a real interesting guy.

You know, he writes poetry.

Really? You write poetry?

Yes, ma'am.

I wrote a poem
when I left Arizona.

You want to hear it? Yes.

"I cried and cried
when I left Phoenix.

So hard I used a
box of 'Kleenix.'"


I think that's very imaginative.

I like poetry.

Well, sweetie, what are
you girls up for tonight?

Well, we thought we'd
like to have some dinner

and then maybe take in a flick.

How about The Wild One?

Oh, uh, v*olence

makes Buck a little queasy.


No, we wouldn't think
of doing that to a poet.

This is Buck's first
evening in town,

and we're here to entertain you.

Now, what do you want
to do? You just name it.

Well, there is just
one thing I'd like to do

that'd really make my evening.

What is it?


( chuckles)


You never heard of it?

Of course I heard of it.

I was born bowling.

Laverne's father runs the
bowling and pizza place

down at the corner.

Well, I'd like to go
bowling with you.

Great. Let's cut out.

Uh, hang on.

Uh, will there be
a lot of folks there?

Oh, sure. Well, I ain't going.

What did I say?

What's the matter, Buck?

Well, I ain't never
bowled before,

and I ain't going out there
and make a fool of myself

in front of a
bunch of strangers.

Oh, Shirley does
it all the time.

She stinks at bowling.

That's right. I...

Well, there is one
thing we could do.

No, that'd be asking too much.


Well, since your
father runs the place,

maybe we could bowl a
game or two after he closes.

Hey, I'd like that. That's
a good idea, Charles.

Well, all right, you got
it. All right with you, Shirl?


Then it's settled.

We go out for a nice
dinner, and then bowling.

We'll go get the car. Yeah.

Okay, we'll be right out.

Huh? Huh?

( laughs): Oh.

Buck's pretty cute, huh?

A real winner, Shirl.

I must admit, I'm
pleasantly surprised.

Well, I hope you don't clam up

when you get with him alone.

I'll be as loose as I
ever am on a first date...

A little of this, a little
of that, but no petting.

Couldn't you do a
little more of that?

I mean, he came all the
way in from Arizona, Shirl.

I do not change
my first date rules

for out-of-towners, Laverne.

I ain't no Welcome
Wagon, partner.

Aw, you missed the turn.

I most certainly did not.

Oh, yeah? Then how
come you just hit a cow?

That was no cow.

That was only a school bus.

Only a school bus?

That's ten points off.

Some dinner.

Hi, ladies.

Dessert on fire?
I'll tell you... Hi, Pop.

Hi, sweetheart.

You know Charles.

This is his cousin Buck.

Is this the guy who's
ashamed to bowl in public?

He's a very sensitive
individual, Mr. DeFazio.

Please don't embarrass
me. Just close up.

All right, all right.

( shouting): All
right, everybody out!

Closing time!

Closing time, pal. Closing time.


My father built his
business on his charm.

Out, out, follow the
thumb, thumb here.

Here, here, let's go.

Out, this way.

Everybody, move, move!

You want to show me the alley?

Oh, yes, I'd love to.

You're going to just
love bowling, Buck.

I want you to think of the ball
as a very heavy tumbleweed.

Don't worry, Pop.
Everything will be all right.

I hope so.

I'm going to lock the
door when I go out.

You're going to lose,
you're going to lose.

I know more about
driving than you do.

I got more tickets
and everything.


Laverne, throw these bums
out of here for me, huh?

I just washed my hands.

Your dad's right.
These guys better leave.

Buck really doesn't want
anyone watching him bowl.

All right.

Come on, guys, we're
closing. Get out of here.

Oh, come on, I only got one
more mile on the machine.

No, I think we're
gonna win a free ride.

I'll give you a free ride.

Come on, come on.

Hey! What's the matter?

They're not hurting anybody.

Yeah, we weren't hurting nobody.

That school bus was painted on.

Well, they're not
supposed to be here.

Hey, what's the
matter? Are you all right?

Maybe we ought to
go home. Let's go...

No, no, I'm fine,
I'm fine. I'm sorry.

You better be sorry!


Look, they're my friends.

I'm not proud of it,
but... they are my friends.

You're right. It's okay,
guys, you can stay.

Why don't you go
on into the alley?

We're going to drive
this into the alley.

It's a toy!

Would you just finish
up and get out of here?

( murmuring)

I'll get you an after-
dinner beer, Charles.


Hey, Buck.

I loved cowboy movies
when I was a kid,

and now I know why.

Sure enough?

Yeah, Charles, what is it?

Buck, I think it's time
to go to the bathroom.

What about them?

Uh, no, thanks, we just went.

They're okay.

Go to the bathroom.

Excuse me. I have
to go to the bathroom.

I know. I heard.

your beer, Charles.


So, how's it going?

Well, Buck and I are
getting a lot friendlier.

I sure would like to know what
he has in that suitcase of his.

Beer, Buck?

( expl*si*n)

Boy, he had to go bad.

What was that? What happened?

What happened here?

This is a holdup.

You're robbing the bathroom?

No, we just blew our way
into the bank next door.

Ha! Now I know what
he had in that suitcase.

He had dynamite
in that suitcase!

Now guess what
I got in this g*n.

( gasps)

It's b*ll*ts.

This is a holdup.

Keep your hands up, and no
one gets hurt. Come on. Come on

Now, remember you
promised that, okay?

Don't worry. The police must
have heard that expl*si*n.

We have it all figured.

It takes the cops two
minutes to get here.

You two idiots,
get in the bathroom

and help Buck load
up the money, come on.

Yes, sir, you're the gangster.

Don't be scared.

Well, now I know what
Charles does for a living.

Come on, put your hands down.

Don't be upset, Laverne.

We're not here to hurt.
We are here to steal.

Boy, are you a big
disappointment, Charles.

I even had you penciled in
as my New Year's Eve date.

You are a very rude man.

Oh, come on, girls,
don't take it personal.

It's just business.

Besides, we had some good times.

Not enough for this.

I'm sorry I got
you into this, Shirl.

It's okay.

Boy, this definitely
rules out petting.

CHARLES: Come on,
Buck, we're running late!

Okay, everybody on the floor!

Oh, no. Not on a
first date, I don't.

Get down there.

Come on. On the
floor, on the floor.

Wait a second.

This is my best outfit.

Do you know how hard
it's gonna be to clean?

You know how hard it
is to get bloodstains out?

Everybody get on the floor!

Get on the floor.

Now wait a minute,
wait a minute.

I don't lie next to him.

What difference does it make?

( all talking over each other)

Okay. All right.

Boy, girl, boy, girl.

( all clamoring)

Buck, we've got half a minute.

Let's get out of here.

You stay put!

I think I got a plan.

We give them both a judo
chop, and we get their g*ns.

Then we make them
give us the money.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Let's make them
give us the money first,

and then we can
buy our own g*ns.

Do you guys ever
listen to yourselves talk?

They're gone already anyway.

Oh, no, they're not.
I just remembered,

my father locked the
door from the outside.

That's a better plan.

Laverne, sweetie,
the door doesn't open.

Where's the keys?

Why should I tell you?

MAN ( over bullhorn):
All right, in there.

This is the police.

The place is surrounded.

Come out with your hands up.

Now what are we
going to do, Charles?

You said we had two minutes.

Well, they came a few
seconds early. So k*ll me.

You idiot!

It's an expression.

Calm down. I'll
figure something out.

You'd better. I'll
go watch the back.

See? I told you the
police would get here.

All right, okay, all right...

Ha, ha! Okay, Charlie,
so the gig is up.

Those coppers won't be satisfied

until they see your guts

splattered all
over the pavement.

You may as well
give yourselves up.

I don't have to.

I got hostages.


You had to bring
up splattering guts.

CHARLES: Okay, coppers,
we got hostages in here...

Two defenseless
girls and two... wimps.

You got 15 minutes to
bring us an armored truck

to take us across
the border to Canada.

If it's not here, we start
tossing out hostages...

One every five minutes...

And they're not
going to be breathing.

Oh, yeah? They'll
have to k*ll me first.

That's what they
had in mind, stupid.

They're going to k*ll
us, Shirl... as in dead.

Oh, we're too young to die.

( whistling)

( whistling)

Uh, we were just leaving.

Uh, I have this very important

Army Reserve
meeting I must attend.

Oh, nuts, oh, nuts,
I just remembered,

I told my mother I'd be
home by midnight for dinner.

Uh, well, I'd better be going.

Uh, good-bye, everybody.

So long, hostages.

I can give you a lift.

I'm going your way.

Let's go, let's go.

You guys are making me nervous.

Get in the bathroom.

The ladies' room?



Excuse me. Excuse me.

I have a question.

Who are you
going to sh**t first?

I don't know.

Well, I'll give you a buck

if you sh**t him before me.

Get in there!

Now, you ladies
stand right there,

and don't try anything silly.

Okay, coppers, your
time is running out!

You got two minutes before
we heave out the first body!

CHARLES: What do you say?

POLICEMAN: We don't make deals!

BUCK: Let me go
get one of the clowns.

minute. Are you kidding?

If we k*ll one of those
guys, the cops will applaud.

It's got to be one of the girls.

Check. I'll watch out back.

Right. The first one
goes out in two minutes.

Oh... Oh... Oh...
oh... two minutes!

I got two minutes to live!

Calm down, Shirl.

I'm going to die
like Tom Dooley!

Get a grip I'm going
of yourself. to die!


Oh, I'm very calm now.

That smarts!

It hurts so bad... ( sobbing)

Oh, no, no, no, no. Don't cry.

You had to hit me.

You had to.

I'm not crying about that.

I'm just thinking of all the
things in life that I missed...

All the things we
should have done.

You know, Shirl, I
never even had a facial.

I never even had a baby.

Oh, that would
have been nice, Shirl.

But you know what we
really should have done?


I mean, once in our
lives, we should have...


You mean, done the deed?

If we die now, we
saved it for nothing.

It wasn't for nothing, Laverne.

And it's too late anyway.

We still got two minutes.

With those crooks?!

I wouldn't give
them the satisfaction!

No, not them. Lenny and Squiggy.

You crazy, Laverne?

Well, these are
desperate hours, Shirl.

I'm sorry, I don't know
what I'm talking about.

I don't think I want
to go through eternity

linked with Lenny and Squiggy.

Besides, if it's
gonna be anyone,

it's gonna be Carmine Ragusa.

He's waited so patiently.

FRANK ( over bullhorn):
Laverne! Laverne, are you there?

What is this, you got
your own private cop?

No, it's my father.

Go ahead and answer
him from right here.

It's me, Pop!

FRANK: Are you and
Shirley okay, Muffin?

Yeah, we're fine.
We're just scared.

Well, don't worry.

You'll be all right.

They blew up your bathroom.

I don't care.

I'm just worried about you.

( sobbing) Thanks, Pop.

Was it the men's room
or the ladies' room?

It was the men's room.


I just put in new towels.

Okay, that's enough.

That's enough, Pop.

What a sweet and sentimental
way to say good-bye.

Well, I'm not ready yet.

I'm not ready to die yet, Shirl.

What are you gonna
to do, Laverne?

Whatever I have to.

Oh, no! No!

Good-bye, Shirl.

Good-bye, Vernie.

Oh... ( Shirley crying)

Oh, Charles...

I really hate to see
you leaving so soon.

Yeah? How come?

Well, in all this excitement,

I sort of got turned on.

Yeah? I mean...

I wouldn't mind going
to Canada with you.

Can I be your g*n moll?

You're my kind of girl, Laverne.


You know, when
I was a little girl,

my idol was a French lady.


The Statue of Liberty.

I don't know. I guess...

I don't know, she
looked so elegant

with her torch up in one hand

and little ring
binder in the other,

you know, saying, "Give
me your tired, your hungry,

your g*n!"


( Shirley screaming)

Help, police!

Both hands out. Don't move.

What's going on?

Nobody move, this is a stickup.

All right, everybody, freeze!

I never saw such
scuzzy-looking hoods.

No, no. They're just scuzzy.

They're the hoods.

Trying to be tricky, huh?

Charles, this is all your fault.

He's not even my cousin.

I met him at a dirty-book store.

Stop whining.

Now you'll have plenty of time

to write that stupid poetry.

Well, good night, ladies.

It was a lovely evening.

Laverne... He paid for dinner.

Good-bye, Charles.

I'll call you in,
uh, eight to ten.

You know, "Phoenix"
and "Kleenix" don't rhyme.

Ah, Squiggy, crime
doesn't pay, huh?

Not the way they do it.


SQUIGGY: Well, at least we got
to see the inside of a ladies' room.

( sighing with relief)

Well, all I have
to say is we did it.

We didn't die.

We're alive!

( yelling)

You all right? You all right?

Oh, yeah!

Aw! Oh, boy, you okay? Didn't...

Everything's good.
Oh, wonderful.

They didn't hurt us. Oh, boy.

I'm going upstairs.
I got to lie down.

Don't you want to see
your bathroom, Pop?

I did. It's out on the street.

I'll turn out the lights.

Aah, well, I got to go
home and lie down myself.

You see, Shirl?

You got to live each
moment like it was your last.

From now on, I'm doing
everything I ever wanted to do.


That's right.

Tomorrow, Laverne
DeFazio starts living.

You know, I realize
you've been through

a terrible ordeal
here tonight, Laverne,

but that's no reason to give up
a lifetime of morals and ethics.

I made up my mind, Shirl.

Tomorrow... I'm
going to go get a facial.


I thought you were gonna
go to do something smutty.

That's what I'm
getting the facial for.

( theme music plays)

♪ We're gonna do it ♪

♪ On your mark,
get set and go now ♪

♪ Got a dream, and
we just know now ♪

♪ We're gonna make
that dream come true ♪

♪ And we'll do it our
way, yes, our way ♪

♪ Make all our
dreams come true ♪

♪ For me and you. ♪
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