03x01 - Death of a Stranger

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Midsomer Murders". Aired: March 23, 1997 to present.*
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Based on the crime-novel series by author Caroline Graham, `Midsomer Murders' follows the efforts of Detective Chief Inspector John Barnaby to solve crimes that occur in the wealthy, isolated English county of Midsomer.
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03x01 - Death of a Stranger

Post by bunniefuu »

Go away, go away!

Go away, go away, go away, go away.

Go away! Go away. I don't know you.

You leave me alone.

Mad, mad, madman!

Leave me alone. I don't know you.

I don't know you, madman.

Let me in!

Leave me alone. Go away. Go away.

Go away.
I don't know you. I don't know you!

Let me in!

Good morning.

I thought we'd go through Fern
Fields and draw Blackthorne Wood.

That'll flush out Reynard.

I see Sarah's riding.

Oh, Lord...

I hope she won't be a drag.

Seven pounds and eight pence.

You didn't bring Harry, Kate?

No, I left him with Nanny.

Shame. He'd have loved it.
Wouldn't he, Grahame?

It's Kate's decision, Mother.

Start as you mean to go on, I say.

Who knows how we'd choose to go on?

We'll have him on horseback
before you can say 'boo'.


I must see to my duties.

She means well, you know.

I'm sure.

We're going to draw Blackthorne.

I don't want you trying those walls.

I can jump a wall, James.

No, go through the gate.
Sammy'll open them.

I don't want you
making a fool of yourself.

Oh, to be in England.

We are in England, Ron.

I meant the scene, Betty. I meant
you couldn't be anywhere else.

Good morning, Superintendent.
Mrs Pringle.

Morning, Mr Fitzroy.
Have a good day. Thank you.

Grip him with your legs.

Show him who's on top.

All right, lads.
Let's have none of that.

It's just a bit of fun.
We're not hurting anyone.

You know who I am.
You're a copper.

I'm Superintendent Pringle.

I've just moved here
to spend a happy retirement.

Soon I'll be a neighbour
like anybody else

and I intend to get on
with everyone.

You have your work cut out
to do that here.

What's your name?

What Gurdie?
Mr Gurdie.

Billy to a chosen few.

Yes, I've heard of you.
You're known to make trouble.

Well, a word of advice.

Don't make trouble with me.

Even when I'm retired,
I'll still have friends.






Come on, girl.

Aaaaagh! Aaaaagh!

You see this? 'Menu gastronomique.'

'Escargots farcis, saumon fume,
coquilles Saint-Jacques
a l'orientale...'

It looks very rich.

This is France. This restaurant has
a Michelin star for its excellence.

We should honour the chef by
sampling the best he has to offer.


Chief Inspector Barnaby, eh?
Yeah, that's right.

Heh! James Fitzroy. We were on the
charity-night committee together.

Oh, yeah, that's right.

Just popped over
for a couple of days.

Oh, this is my wife, Sarah.

This is my wife Joyce and my
daughter Cully. Oh, Cully Barnaby.

You're in The Importance Of Being
Earnest at the Causton Playhouse?

Yes, I'm rehearsing tomorrow.

Sarah's on the committee there.

The Friends of the Playhouse.
Oh, really?

She'll bore you to death about it.

Well, we mustn't bore you any more.
On you go, Sarah.


Almost forgot.

We had a m*rder in Upper Marshwood.

Some old tramp. Superintendent
Pringle's on the case.

He's standing in for me
while I'm here.

Damn fine chap. Had the bloke
who did it inside within a week.

That's what I call police work. Heh!

On you go, Sarah. Go on, go on.


Pringle solves a m*rder
while I'm away. Amazing.

Ron Pringle - he's an oaf!
Dad, forget about Ron Pringle.

You're on holiday.

C'est decide, Monsieur?
Bien sur, mon ami.

Just to help me forget.

Pour moi,
c'est le menu gastronomique.

Ron Pringle!

They're menthols, Mum.

It's like smoking cough sweets.

Sorry, I...

I knew you had a green packet.

I'll get it right next time.

I'm out of here
before the 'next time'.

I've done nothing, Mum.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

Even that stinking old tramp.

I know you didn't. You couldn't.

You haven't been tried yet.

Nobody's saying you're guilty yet.

That fool Pringle's saying it.

He doesn't care who did it,

as long as he's got someone for it.

I'll m*rder that bastard
if I ever get the chance.

Oh, hello, Ron.

Good holiday?
Oh, yeah, yeah. It was fine.


Ready for my
farewell booze-up tonight?
No. Well, yeah, I hope so.

Is there a problem?
I've caught some kind of French bug.

I'm a bit gyppy.

on le nosh and le vino?

No, it's a bug. I'm sure of that.

Wasn't I the lucky one! I solved
a case that should have been yours.

Talk about going out on a high!

Congratulations, Ron.

Unknown tramp living in the woods

got on the wrong side of the local
poacher - chap with a temper.

Tramp was clubbed to death.

Poacher's fingerprints on w*apon.

Good job you were away.
Wasn't worthy of your talents.

You sure you don't want...?

Good morning, sir.

Hello, Sergeant. Good holiday?

Yes - mountaineering in Norway.

Oh. Very nice.

Do you want something cooked, sir?

No. Erm, look, will you excuse me?

I have one or two things
I ought to do.

See you at the party.
I hope so, yeah.

Afternoon, Mrs Gurdie.

I'll... I'll be in soon, Cath.

Right, then.

She'll be upset.
She went to see the boy.

Well, I'm sorry about that, Ben.

Terrible business.

He's not a m*rder*r, sir.

He's been a bad lad sometimes
and you've been patient with him,

but he's not a m*rder*r.


Hello, darling.
Been anywhere interesting?

Just Causton. Looked around
the shops, didn't like anything,

so I came back.

Hi, Marcia.
Didn't know you were here.

Mother's been playing with Harry.

You know I like to see him
as often as I can.

Come on, darling. Come to Mummy.

It's time for your tea.
I was just going to do that.

No, Charlotte can.
It's what we pay her for.

You love Charlotte, don't you?

Charlotte! Harry wants you.

Oh, darling, I met Tilly in town.

You know - I used to work with her.

She suggested a girls' night out,
take in a movie. Is that OK?



I can cancel it, if you do.
No, of course not.

Good. You're lovely.

Oh, Charlotte,
let's give the boy his tea.

Come on, Cath.

We'll get him out of there,...


Hello, Tom. Sergeant.
Hullo, Ron.

Missed a good do last night.

Er... yeah.

We haven't touched anything.

I thought,
as I've moved into the village,

you'd like the benefit of my advice.

Thank you very much, Ron.

Cross-channel ferry didn't sink,


Poor devil.

Ben Gurdie.
Was employed by the local hunt.

And it was the hunt who found him?

No, Linda Wagstaff found him.

She's a strange old biddy. Lives
in a railway carriage in the woods.

She was here when the hunt arrived.

They made such a mess, we won't
learn much from the surrounds.

OK, your turn.

Ben Gurdie was the father of Billy,
the man who m*rder*d the tramp.

The man accused
of murdering the tramp.

Ben was very depressed
about what happened.

So he shot himself?

Seems like it.

Poor Ben... There are no suicides
in the animal kingdom.

I'm Chief Inspector Barnaby.
May I ask who you are?

My name is Henry Carstairs.

Are you here for some purpose?

I'm looking for dead bodies.

I'm a taxidermist -
animals, birds...

I have permission from my cousin
to look for dead creatures.

Grahame Tranter - he's my cousin.
This is his land.

So, you're in the woods quite often?
Quite often, yes.

Were you here last night,
by any chance?

Yes, I was, for a while.

Quite early. Seven, eight o'clock.

Did you see Mr Gurdie,
by any chance? No.

Or hear a shot?

I'm afraid not.

Did you see or hear
anything at all unusual?


I saw a dead mink.
That's very unusual.

Look great mounted,
especially if I bare the teeth.

Yeah, I can imagine that.

If you wouldn't mind, sir,
we have work to do.

I understand.

This is like Greek tragedy.

To meet his death in front
of the palace of his enemy,

the origin of his black despair.

What is he talking about?

I think he means
that's where the tramp used to live,

where he used to sleep
when he was in the woods.

A strange thing to do, come all
the way out here to sh**t himself.

Not the tramp's fault
his son's in prison.

I think it might be wise

to have a word with his wife.

Thank you, Ron. Good idea.

I can't give you any more time.

I have to see a man about a horse.

I've joined the hunt. The Joint
Master is looking me out a mount.

Then I won't keep you. Thanks.

You know where I am if you need me.
I do, indeed. Thank you, Ron.

Bye, Dan.
Keep taking the tablets, Ron.

Anything interesting?

Not very. Died
between eight and eleven last night.

You have to hang on for the autopsy.

You're beautiful, Linda.

Hello, Sandra.

Old Holborn, please.

Heard about Ben Gurdie, Dave?
Bang, bang, shot himself.

Do you reckon it was cos of Billy?
Don't you know?

He was caught in bed with a hound.

Dave, you are awful.

Got to go to Causton,
load for my dad.

You were going to buy me a drink
last night. Sorry.

Got tied up.

Excuse me, please.

How's Mr Gurdie, Superintendent?

I mean...
You know, the Gurdie still alive.

I'm sure he's well looked after -
but I've retired.

Shame it wasn't earlier.

It's like it's been dumped
by Thomas.

The t*nk engine.
I used to read that to Cully.

Certainly got herself organised.

Rosemary, fennel...

and coriander.

Some seriously good cooking
goes on in there.

Miss Wagstaff?
Who are you? I'm Det -

Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby.
I haven't got television.

I already told them.
What have you come back for?

Go away. We're not here
about your television.

It's about Ben Gurdie,
the man you found dead.

Elderberry cordial?

No thanks, not for me.

Yes, please.

Get the door.

What are you looking at?
I was just admiring your home.

Very comfortable.

Got everything I need: bed,
wood stove, toilet round the back.

I recycle everything.

Thank you.

Would you tell me how you came
across Ben Gurdie's body?

I trod on it.
That must have been a shock.

I saw another man dead not long ago.

You mean the tramp?
Ugh! Nasty, filthy creature.

Did you know him?

He used to bang on my door
asking to come in.

Did he think I was born yesterday?

How long did he live in the woods?

Oh, not long.
I wouldn't speak to him.

Miss Wagstaff...

My name is Linda.
I'm not an old maid.

Oh, I'm sorry - Linda.


Were you out in the woods
last night?


Did you hear a shot?
I often hear sh*ts.

When did you hear a shot last night?

When I was in bed.

What time did you go to bed?
When I was tired, of course.

You found Ben Gurdie's body
in the morning. What time was that?

When I got up.

When you got up?

Linda, were you surprised...

that he shot himself?

Not really. They're a funny lot.

Who? Them down there.
They k*ll things for pleasure.

Of course,
I have to be careful what I say.

I do needlework for them
and I need the money.

But I don't trust them.
There's hatred down there.

Why is there hatred?

I just feel it, that's all.

Linda, do you feel hatred...

for the man who k*lled the tramp?

Who did k*ll the tramp?
Billy Gurdie.

Oh, don't be daft!

Billy Gurdie's a lovely boy.

You'll have to go to London

For God's sake,
I've been up once this week.

It's the Founder's Night tomorrow.
You'll be back in time for that.

James, it has to be done.

Hello, Chief Inspector.

Mr Fitzroy, this is Det Sgt Troy.

Hello, Sergeant. Yeah.

Hello, sir.
It's about Ben Gurdie's death.

I'm here to see Mrs Gurdie.

She lives in a cottage over there.
Dreadful business.

This is Marcia Tranter.
She and I are joint MFH.

Masters of Foxhounds, old boy.

How do you do?
Pleased to meet you.

Is it your husband that owns
the land where the body was found?

My husband is dead.

Oh, I'm - I'm sorry.

My son Grahame owns the land.

There was a man in the woods who
said he had Mr Tranter's permission

to look for dead animals there.
Oh... Handbag Henry.

It's just an affectionate nickname.

He's always carrying a bag, right?

And Ben Gurdie was an employee
of the hunt, yes?

Yeah. A jolly good one, too.

You didn't see him last night before
he went out? What mood was he in?

No. I didn't see him at all.

And Mrs Tranter, you didn't see him?

I was at home in the Dower House.

On my son's estate.

They're not very happy bunnies

All right. Right. Antony.

There, there.

It's so unfair on them!

They've had
the excitement of the chase

without the satisfaction
of the k*ll.

I didn't even know he was missing.

He went out last night
about nine o'clock.

Why did he do that?


He's been trying to find something
to help Billy.

He knew who did it
is still out there somewhere.

Did you wait up for him?

Ten o'clock or so I went to bed.

I took this pill the doctor gave me

what with Billy's trouble,
I couldn't sleep.

When I woke up, he wasn't there.

I thought he'd gone off to work.

Didn't anybody come looking for him
when he didn't arrive for work?

He does different jobs. Everybody
thought he was somewhere else.

And nothing else unusual happened?

Nothing at all?


young Mrs Tranter
from the big house -

her car went past.

I think it was hers, but...

it's not very unusual.

What time was that?

Just after Ben went out.

We'll be all right.

Hello, Sarah.
I didn't mean to disturb you.

No, Harry was having a nap.

Such a wonderful sight,
I couldn't resist watching him.

I envy you.

I'm on my way to Causton -
Playhouse Committee.

James wanted you to have the final
list of guests for Founder's Night.

He needn't have bothered to send it.

You know James -
dot the i's and cross the t's.

How's Kate?

Oh, she's fine, thanks.

She's gone to Causton with
an old friend she used to work with.

They're buying a dress, I think.
Oh, she'll enjoy that.

I like Kate.
Do you?

Oh, yes!

And I sympathise.

I mean, coming from the real world
to Upper Marshwood and all of us...

It's not easy for her.

I was the same
when I first married James.

I fitted in eventually.

And so will Kate.

Let's hope so.

'You were heard
threatening the tramp.'

I thr*aten lots of people.
I've k*lled none of them.

And your prints were on the w*apon.

I explained that to him!

I found the tramp dead
when I was poaching.

I picked up the stick,
I saw the blood and I threw it away.

Billy, you were seen in the woods
that morning.

I was having a laugh.
A laugh?

I was trying to get back
at those snobs.

Did you tell
Superintendent Pringle that?

Of course I did.

That just made up his mind
I must have done it.

You're worse than a m*rder*r here
if you make a fool of the hunt.

I did not k*ll him.

I did not k*ll him.
I did not k*ll him.

Quite a well-kept garden,
Miss Cardew.

'So glad you like it, Miss Fairfax.'

I had no idea there
were any flowers in the country.

'Oh, flowers are as common here

as people are in London.'

Dad, it's meant to be funny.

You're reading it like you're
announcing the Titanic going down.

Dinner's nearly ready.

Let's eat
and I'll feel a bit jollier.

Wanna bet?

It's plain English food from now on.

I got caught by that woman we met
in France today - Sarah Fitzroy.

God, does she bore for England.

Poor old you.

I had a word with her husband today.

He said that one of his workers
had just committed su1c1de.

Is that what's been on your mind?

Well, I'm puzzled by it.

The son of the dead man's
in prison on a m*rder charge.

I have a hunch
he shouldn't be there.

Are you coming to eat? I'm doing
a new boeuf bourguignonne recipe.

Oh, that's very nice.

Hello, Barnaby. Oh, hello, Troy.

No, no. I'll be over right away.


What clinched it
was a schoolboy howler.

The g*n was in the right hand,...

but Ben Gurdie's left-handed.

How do you know that?

He was a manual worker.

The left hand's got the calluses

and the harder skin.

That was the hand he used most.

It's easy to confirm it
with his wife.

So whoever wanted
to make it look like a su1c1de

put the g*n in the wrong hand.

You're dealing with a m*rder.

I was pretty sure.

You never said.

It didn't add up, did it?

So... two murders,...

in the same wood,
within three weeks.

By two different murderers?

Oh, I don't think so.

Well, if you're right, it means
dear old Ron Pringle's boobed.

Can't crow yet. It means somebody's
about who's already k*lled twice.

Don't know who they are,
or the motive.

So I don't know
what might drive them to k*ll again.

I'd like the whole area
tooth-combed, please.

Anything that's not naturally
part of the wood

may give us a clue
as to why Ben Gurdie was k*lled.

Thank you, Sergeant.

Right, Troy.

Ron Pringle.


Here he is.

Well, what do you think?

Good Lord.

It's very... big, isn't it?

He isn't big.
He's the right size for a hunter.

Oh, hell, what does he want?

Hello, Ron.
Hi. Are you looking for me?

Yes, I am. That's a big horse.

It's a hunter.

Used to be Lord Kitson's mount.

Oh, really?

Hello, Betty. Settling in OK?

I think so, Tom. Hope so.

Good. Ron, could I have a word?

What, now?

I'm mounted.
Well, preferably unmounted.

What do I do with the horse?

Hitch it to the rail,
like in westerns.

This is a very valuable animal.

I can't leave him unattended.

Sergeant Troy will attend to it.

So Gurdie was probably m*rder*d

near where the tramp used to sleep.

But that doesn't begin to prove
that Billy didn't k*ll the tramp.

I didn't say it did.
I'm relieved to hear it.

I'm just suggesting it's possible

that the two murders are linked,

so I have to re-examine
the tramp's death.

Ben Gurdie was k*lled for a reason.
Or by a psychopath.

Ron, if there is a psychopath
on the loose,

he may also have k*lled the tramp.

Billy Gurdie k*lled the tramp.

Excuse me. Coffee?

No, thank you, Betty.

The sergeant might like one.

Bit chilly out there.

I don't think it's a psychopath.

No psychopath would make it look
like a su1c1de.

If someone else shot him,

then Ben Gurdie
must have given him his g*n. Why?

Maybe he was threatened
with another g*n

or knew the other person well
and didn't mind handing it over.

To go back to the tramp...


You could find out nothing
about him?

We've got nothing back on
his fingerprints and dental details.

He was in the village shop
just before 11.

He bought cider and some buns.

According to the doc, he died
somewhere between 11am and 2pm.

Nobody saw him
after he left the village? No.

But the hunt went past the spot
where he was found at midday?

Yes. Look, these people
had nothing to do with it.

Tom, I have to live in this village.

I'd prefer you didn't pester them
about it.

Ron, I've got two dead bodies
in the morgue.

Yes. Yes, of course.

When did Linda Wagstaff say
she found the body?

Don't ask me. 'In the night.'

She didn't tell anyone:
'None of my business.'

It wasn't till the next day
we knew about it.

Henry Carstairs reported it -
the taxidermist.

It was...

7:52am when I found the tramp.

That's very precise.

I'm always precise about corpses.

One has to be.

One has to time the process right.

And you came across the body
quite by accident?

I had no reason
to be looking for it.

It was a terrible sight.

You wouldn't expect a stoat to be
popular, would you? Huge in Japan.

I've got to finish another fox.

Everybody wants a fox.

It's the lollipop
of the taxidermy trade.

Mr Carstairs, when I asked you
if you were in the woods

the night Ben Gurdie was k*lled...

Oh, the body was arranged
to make it look like su1c1de,

but in fact he was m*rder*d.

Good heavens. Why?

Well, that we have to discover.

You said you were in the area.
What did you mean by that?

Well, I wasn't precisely
in the woods, just... round about.

But you said
you found a mink that night,...

so surely you could be very precise?

Completely stupid of me. Yep.


8:27, Ashley Dell.

It's about half a mile
from where they found poor Ben.

As soon as I found this,
I came straight home.

And you stayed in all evening?
Indeed, I did.

Had the initial preparation to do -

clean the skin, that kind of thing.

Do you live on your own?

That's why they call me
Handbag Henry.

What they imply is far
from the truth. I'm a ladies' man.

I just haven't found
somebody that I fancied

who would fancy me poor.

If I had inherited
the Tranter estate...

How would you have done that?

Well, my uncle
was Grahame Tranter's grandfather.

He was very rich.
He died without leaving a will.

The inheritance
should've gone to his son Simon,

but Simon disappeared 30 years ago.

Isn't that Marcia's husband?

She said he was dead.
May not be. He just walked out.

A week after he left,
Marcia discovered she was pregnant.

After the statutory
seven years were up,

she had her husband declared
legally dead.

So when my uncle died
without leaving a will,

the inheritance went to her son.

So how could you have inherited?

In intestacy, Sergeant.
Where there's no will,

the inheritance goes
to the nearest blood relative.

After Grahame, I was next in line.

There were some who suggested
I was nearer than that.

Meantime, I must make my fortune...

the best way I can.

Oh, God...

I done the work.

How much?

Fifty pound.

Fifty pounds?

There's policemen in the woods.

What are they doing?

Walking up and down, looking.

That's their job, isn't it.

Give the work to Mrs Fitzroy.

I hate him.


Mr Tranter,
did you hunt through the woods

on the day Gurdie's body was found?

No, not me personally.
I had a headache, so I stayed in.

Did you go to the wood
the previous evening?
No, I didn't go out at all.

But you did hunt
on the day the tramp was k*lled?

Yes, I did. Did either of you
notice anything unusual that day?

No. Nothing unusual at all.

Do many people use the woods?

This is private land.
We don't allow trespassers.

Surely the tramp was trespassing?

Well, yes, he was. When I found out,
I asked Grahame to run him off.

Well, I was intending to...

There didn't seem to be much hurry.
He seemed harmless.

Harmless! Just look at all
the trouble he's caused.

Isn't Linda Wagstaff trespassing?

Well, yes, she is. But she's
been there for over 30 years.

We tolerate her.

30 years! What's her history?

I don't know, really.

There was a man there for some time.

Husband, lover - nobody's sure.

But he moved on
and she stayed put.

I understand Henry Carstairs was
in line to inherit this estate...

after your husband disappeared?

Well, yes, he was.

If your father suddenly turned up,
would it all be his?

I mean, as the nearest blood
relation to your grandfather?

My husband is officially dead

and would inherit nothing.

And there was no news of him
from the day he walked out?

Well, yes.
We have a photograph of Simon...

sitting outside an Antwerp cafe.

He has a girl with him.

They were registered together
in the local hotel.

He moved on
and hasn't been heard of since.

Darling, I was wondering -

Oh, I'm sorry.

Hello, darling.
This is Det Chief Inspector Barnaby.

And Sergeant...?

This is my wife, Kate.
Hello, Mrs Tranter.

It appears
that Ben Gurdie was m*rder*d.

m*rder*d? We won't take up
any more of your time.

Oh, there is one more question,
Mrs Tranter.

The night before last,
when Ben Gurdie was k*lled,

could you tell me
where you were going

when you drove past the kennels
about nine o'clock?

Past the kennels?
Mrs Gurdie says she saw you.

She must be mistaken.

My wife went to the cinema
the night before last,

with an old girlfriend.

What was it you saw?
Oh... Erm... That sci-fi.

The Silver Planet?

Well, thank you.

I'm sorry to have troubled you.


James, it's me.

They've discovered
that Ben Gurdie was m*rder*d.

Oh, God.

I heard they were back in the woods.

James, this means they might -

Marcia, shut up.

Sorry, but this a mobile phone.

Things are tricky enough without -

Er... Well, goodbye.

^ Bottle tops across the years.

Look at that, Troy.

That is an original Tizer stopper.

Bird and animal bones...

What do you reckon to that?

Fox? Dog? Could be
where they bury their hounds.

There was something else.

Not quite sure.

Might be of interest.

Good God.

The headless woman.

Where did you find this?

Nothing else here?

No, sir.

Drop that off at the lab.

Get it fingerprinted and copied.

Copied, sir?

Well done, Sergeant.
I think we're on track.

Ah... This is very nice.


Yes, it is.

Very good punch.

Just the fiver.
Excellent. Thank you.

Oh, God... I'll have to go
and have a word with them.

Go easy on the drink.
You know how silly you get.

Hello, James.

Hi, Sarah.
Hello. Hello, Betty.

Lovely party.

Oh, good, good.
How's the investigation going?

Not down to me, I'm afraid.
I'm retired.

Damn pity, that.

That Barnaby chap...

Takes his time a bit, doesn't he?

Well, he has his methods.

James... Er...

Excuse me.
Can I have a word about the raffle?

Yes, of course. Would you excuse us?


You're avoiding me.
I'm not, I promise.

What happened in London?
Can we talk about this later?

What's the prize, then?

For the raffle?
Oh! Erm...

It's a famous fox...

caught in 1932, I believe.

Oh... Very nice.


Well, we'd best have some tickets.

Top up, please.

Lovely. Thank you.

Hello, Marcia. Been playing hooky?

Hardly. I'm the hostess.

I was opening the windows
to let the smoke out.

Great party.

Ooh, what lovely earrings. They new?

Grahame bought them for me
last week. Sweet, isn't he?

Excuse me.

There's a queue at both the loos.

I'll ask if there's another one.

I'll find it.

For God's sake, Marcia.

I'm doing what I can.

There's no danger.
Why should there be?

He can't last much longer.

Come on, dear. We're the hosts.

Let's get back to the party.

Your mother's in heaven
on mornings like this.

What will she do if she gets up

and finds the Lord is anti-hunting?

Welcome to the Marshwood, Ron.

Thank you, Master.
I'm looking forward to it.

Good. Enjoy the party last night?

Yes. Excellent.

Good. Good.

Walk on.

Oi, oi!

How often do that lot go hunting?

Two or three times a week.

Don't they have proper jobs?
It looks like she's in.

She knows more than she's told us.

Madame Butterfly.

Do you consider it good manners

to look through people's windows?

Sorry. We're policemen. We're nosy.

Couldn't help noticing the photo.

That is nothing to do with you.

You're not looking in there
without a warrant.

I know my rights.

Oh, I'm sure you do, Linda.

I erm...

I wanted to ask you about the time
just before the death of the tramp.

Did anyone ever visit him?

I don't know.

Did he meet up with anyone?

I don't know.

Did he sometimes leave the woods,

perhaps to visit somebody?
I don't know!

I don't know.

You shouldn't have mentioned
that photograph.

It really clammed her up.
I'm aware of that.

Think that was her lover?
Yeah, quite probably.

Amazing, isn't it, him fancying her?

I dare say
she didn't always look like that.

People change as they get older.
Even you will.

Yeah, I suppose so.

Could even be her
in that nude picture.


Whoa! Whoa!


I'm so sorry, Betty.

I had... You know...

I had a bad feeling
about this place.

But he was so full of it all.

He's not...

He wasn't really a snob.

He just liked to see himself mixing
with those sort of people.

And... the hunting...

He's always wanted to do that.

It was an accident, Betty.

Horse bolted.
It could happen to anyone.

He did have something on his mind.

I don't know what it was,...

but at the party
he'd been outside to...

relieve himself.

When he got back,
I knew something was wrong.

Did he give you a clue?

He wouldn't tell me what it was.

I think it was something
that suggested he'd been wrong.

Oh, Tom...

Oh, Tom...

Poor Betty.

She really, really loved him.

God, what a bloody awful day.

Cully still rehearsing, is she?

Oh, yes. It's the opening soon.

Must keep that first night free.

Oh, yes. Right. Right.

I'll say you're not here.
No, no. I'll get it.

Hello. Barnaby.

Right. Well,
thank you very much for calling.

That was the vet.

Ron Pringle's horse was doped.

Ron Pringle was m*rder*d.

According to the vet,
it was a tranquilliser dart.

It would make the muscles convulse.

The horse would bolt
before it was tranquillised.

But why?

Something happened at the party.

When he went outside
or on his way back,

he must've seen or heard
something he shouldn't have done.

Bye, sweetheart!

Any luck?
Nobody saw a thing.

I found this in the summerhouse.

What is it?

What does it look like?

It's the corner
of a contraceptive packet.

It was under the chair.
Somebody slipped out
for a bit of the other?

It's possible.
Kate Tranter and her lover?

If he exists. We found no proof.

Pringle saw them,
they saw he saw them and k*lled him.

It could fit, but how would it
tie up with the other murders?

Ben Gurdie might have seen them too.

That would make them
a very unlucky couple.

They may as well do it
on the village green.

It's not as simple as that.

I picked up
the report on the photograph.

It was taken
on a badly-angled self timer.

That explains cutting off the head.

They've matched the fingerprints.
They're the tramp's.

Did you think it would be?
Didn't you?

I always believed
blackmail was on the agenda,

which would mean what, Troy?


You wouldn't get far
blackmailing somebody with this.

There must have been more pictures
in the tree

and this one got left behind.

The others will have heads on

and could involve another person.

So either person in the photographs
could be being blackmailed?

Or someone connected in some way

with the people in the photographs.

There's something there,
in the back of my mind.

Now, what the hell is it?

Sir, there's a fax for you.

It's from Holland, sir.


Oh, good God.

I've just had a communication
from the Dutch police.

In January 1971 they arrested a man
for dangerous driving

and he went to prison for a week.

They kept his fingerprints
on record.

Now, those prints
match those of the tramp.

That man was your husband,
Simon Tranter.

Would you like to sit down?

Thank you.

Could he be Simon?

Well, we believe so, and so do
the Dutch police. How tall was he?

Five feet eleven, I think.

Yes. He's five ten.

Could it be proved
one way or the other?

Oh, yeah - quite simply, if your son
would agree to a DNA test.

I never met him, of course.

He treated my mother very badly.

I'm aware of that.

But he was my father.

Dear God, to end up like that.

You never met him
while he was living in the woods?


I saw him once or twice
from a distance, but...

Of course he looked nothing like -

The um... the last picture
that I have of him...

Mother doesn't like it on show.


It's the one I told you about, the
one the private detective took.

I thought of going after him,
but my pride stopped me.

No, I have no objection at all
to the test.

The sooner, the better.

A handbag?

Yes, Lady Bracknell.
It was in a handbag.

A somewhat large, black,
leather handbag with handles to it.

An ordinary handbag, in fact.

In what locality
did this Mr James...

or Thomas Cardew -


- come across this ordinary handbag?

Hold it. Hold it.

I must ask you to leave the theatre.

I'm so sorry.

Don't be silly.

It was so kind of the director
to let me watch

and then I repay him
by behaving like that.

And you're so kind to let me sit
in here. I should've gone home.

I couldn't go home like that.

Oh, God, I'm such a boring woman!

I never used to be.

The truth is,...

sometimes I never want
to go home again...

to that awful man
and that bloody woman

whom he'd much rather be with
than me.

And I'm frightened, Cully.

There's been three murders.
Why not four?

Did she say she thought James and
Marcia were involved in the murders?

No. It's more the impression I got.

What did she actually say?

That they'd been behaving oddly

that they'd been rowing and that he
goes to London more and more often.

What for?

A charity committee, he says.

She can't believe the committee
meets every couple of days.

Another woman?

She overheard Marcia telling him
he must go to London again.

Marcia wouldn't tell him
to go and see another woman.

She wants him all to herself.

- Hello, late caller.
- Come for cocoa

Oh, don't be stupid.

Let me in.

You know what I'm here for.

But do you have
your share of the bargain?

Fifty thousand.

Well, that was easy, wasn't it?

Business complete.

We'd better give him space.

We don't want to be seen.

Oh, right.

If Simon was legally dead
and couldn't inherit,

why would Marcia Tranter k*ll him
or get him k*lled?

If she did.
And where's the blackmail?

And where does Fitzroy come into it?

That's what I hope to find out.

Well, well.

So what's all that about?
He must be visiting somebody.

Good guess, Troy. Perhaps the woman
in the photo.

She'd be about the right age now,

Yeah, well, I suppose it's possible.

Oh, God. How stupid can I get?


Get out.

When Fitzroy leaves, go inside, find
out what he was doing there.

I've got to see Linda Wagstaff. Go!

How am I going to get back?
Well, hitch a lift. Go on!

Mr Fitzroy is such a generous man.

Fred Rodale is an ex-employee of his

and Mr Fitzroy pays for all of his
expenses and visits him often, too.

Mr Rodale is seriously fading

and wandering in his mind, poor man.

You won't get much out of him.

Mr Rodale? You have a visitor.


Search the woods.
If you find her, call me at once.

How are the hounds, sir?


They're fine. Fine.


never, never forget that day.

I thought the hounds
were going mad that day.




sir, sir...

Sir, the hounds are going berserk.

I was out exercising them, sir...

and... and they found...

They found...

They found something.

We shot the hounds...

and I never said.

You've always been so good to me,

I swear...

I swear...

I swear I never said.

Never said what, Fred?

I swear...

Who are you?

Hello, darling. Come on. Come on.

Mr Tranter's at a business meeting
in Causton

and won't get back until late.

I'll take Harry out for a while.

Oh, where, Mrs Tranter?

I don't know. Just out.

Taken him where?

Well, didn't you ask her?

She just said...

I've been worried. Where were you?

You said you'd be late.

I got fed up.

Where's Harry?

Excuse me,
what dressing room is Michael in?

Michael Darrow.

There isn't a Michael Darrow
in this production.

Don't be silly. I got his clothes.

Evening, Mrs B.
Evening, Gavin.

Let's go in.


^ Where the hell is it? I'm on soon.

Is that my suit?

Yes. What on earth are you doing?

It's Michael's.

So what's it all about?
Whatever it is,
the old boy has nightmares about it.

And Fitzroy's scared
he might say something he shouldn't.

As he almost did to me.
There is one clue, though.

I've seen the report on those things
they found in the wood search.

There were several dog bones.

What, the hounds that were shot?
Yeah. There was also something else.

Fragments of a human collarbone.

Harry's safe.
I'm taking him with me.

Look, Kate, please don't take him.

Please don't go.

I've had enough. You, this place,
your mother - I've had it.

I want a new life.

With Dave Hedges

With him?

I know about him, Kate.

You don't have to give him up.

You can carry on, just as you are.

Just as long as you stay with me.

You're pathetic.

For God's sake! You don't think
he loves you, do you?

He thinks you'll get half my money.

I'll get my share of it.

If you run off with him,

I'll fight you to hell
before you get a penny.

You'll be generous.
Remember, I've got Harry to trade.

I am always smart,
am I not, Mr Worthing?

You are quite perfect, Miss Fairfax.

I hope I'm not that. It should
leave no room for developments.

And I intend to develop
in many directions.

Now, please, out of my way.

I'll k*ll you before I let you go.

Don't be stupid, Grahame.

No, I will. I'll k*ll you.


Would you take my case for me?

I'm going away for a couple of days.
Yes, Mrs Tranter.

Goodbye, Grahame.

It's going well, isn't it?
Very well.

Cully's very good.

There's some pictures
of the last time they did it.


There's the girl
who played Cully's part.

She's nowhere near as -
What's the matter?

'Michael Darrow.'

Good God. That's it.

He's beautiful.

That's when he fell in love with me.

It weren't him out there.
He wasn't beautiful.

He was filthy. It wasn't him.

Wasn't who, Linda?

You must tell me, Linda.
Who wasn't who?

Yes, of course. Right away.

That was Marcia.
There's a problem with Grahame.

I've got to go and help her out.


I want a divorce.

Don't be stupid, Sarah.

We'll talk when I get back.

I won't be here when you get back.

Marcia gave her the shawl recently.

You mean it's a photo of Marcia?

And the tramp was an actor
called Michael Darrow.


He met Linda here.
She was the wardrobe mistress.

When the company packed up, they
lived in the railway carriage.

Didn't she recognise him
when he came back?

He told her who he was,
but he'd been so handsome,

she wouldn't believe
he'd turned into that.

But how did he know Marcia?

He got himself a part-time job
working up with the hunt.

They must have had an affair.

He took the pictures then.
So why did he leave?

That photo, supposedly Simon -

I'm pretty sure
that was Michael Darrow.

Pretending to be Simon Tranter?
He looked a lot like him,

so he used his passport and got paid.

Yeah, but why?

Because I bet Simon Tranter
is buried in the woods.

That's what your collarbone's about.
The hounds dug it up.

You're best off without her.

She's taken Harry.

We'll get him back.
The lawyers will see to that.

We're not going to leave Harry
with a slut like her!

'A slut like her.'

That's good, coming from you.

What do you mean?

I've seen the pictures, Mother.

Those disgusting pictures
of you with that man.


Oh, thank you. To Marshwood.

Grahame Tranter's wife called.

She's walked out with the kid.

She says he threatened to k*ll her.
Well, lots of people say -

And they've had the DNA results.

Grahame is related to the tramp.
So the actor is his father?

Then he's lost everything.
I think so - and he knows it.

He's k*lled three times.
He could k*ll again.

He said I wasn't entitled
to the inheritance.

I wasn't a blood relation, he said.

'He said he'd go to the trustees
and tell them.'

'I know Kate married me
for the money.'

'She'd only stay with me
for the money.'

My life's nothing
without her and Harry.

I didn't know what to do.

And then, suddenly,
I had the chance to k*ll him.


I can see why he'd want to k*ll
the tramp, but why Ben Gurdie?

Maybe Gurdie caught him
looking for the photos.

He didn't have the photos on him.

I knew they had to be hidden

'I said I was after badgers.'

'It was so stupid,
he couldn't have believed me.'

But I was the boss.

And when I asked to see his g*n,...

he just handed it to me...


And Pringle?
The cinema.

My wife went to the cinema
with an old girlfriend.

What was it you saw?
Oh... Erm... That sci-fi.

The Silver Planet?

He was covering for her.
But what's that got to do -

The summerhouse.

Suppose it was Kate and her lover
in there.

And Ron Pringle saw them?

Not just that.

He saw them.

He saw them!

He could put up
with her being unfaithful to him,

but not with Pringle seeing it.

He k*lled Pringle for her?
But now she's left him.

It's all right, darling.

It's all over.

The police think
that tramp was Simon.

The tests will prove
that you're his son

and everything will be
as it was before.

As before?
Yes, of course, darling.

Now, forget
about those silly photographs.

Henry Carstairs found them...

and I bought them from him.

Everything will be as it was
before you brought that girl here.

We'll get Harry back

and we'll bring him up together.
You don't understand, do you?

I don't care about the money
if I haven't got Kate.

I want her and Harry.

I don't want you!

Now, steady on, old boy.

She is your mother, you know.

What's he doing here?
I asked him to come.

What the hell for?

(Have they found out whether...

(the tramp wasn't Simon?)

No, the tramp wasn't Simon.

The tramp was my father.

What on earth is he talking about?

The tramp was my father -
a man called Michael Darrow.

There's pornographic photos
of them together.

But you told me...

You swore to me.

Oh, dear Lord.

Did she tell you you were my father?

What a disgusting lot you are!

Shut up. Of course I'm your father!

Simon Tranter was sterile.
He knew he was sterile.

And when your mother was pregnant...

That's why we had to...

Why you had to k*ll him.

Sorry, I think I'm going to be sick.

What did you tell him for?

Why did you lie to me?

You made me k*ll a man.

You made me k*ll him
for no reason at all.

Grahame! Don't.

You ruined it for me, Mother.

I had two loves.

Because of you, they're both gone.

She'll bring him back to you.

The police will find out who I am.

She'll bring him back to you anyway.

Not with you here, Mother.

Mr Fitzroy!

Mr Fitzroy.

I'd like to question you
about the disappearance -

Oh... God!

Get a doctor.

She made me k*ll Simon. She...

She made me k*ll him.

Get away, you!

She's coming with me.

Oh, my God.

- Don't be stupid, Mr Tranter.
- Stupid?

If she's not staying with me, then
neither of them are going with you.

Go away, Dave. I won't hurt you.

Who are you going to hurt, then? Us?

It's Daddy, Harry. It's Daddy.


All right then.

All right then.

Grahame, please!

No, Grahame, please!

Are you all right?

You sure
you're going to be OK on your own?

I'm looking forward to it.

I'll be so on my own,
they'll all wonder,

'Who's that mysterious lady
in Cabin 82?'

Well, you take care.

You've been so kind.

What would Marcia say about
something as vulgar as a cruise?

Oh, thank you.

Take care.

Goodbye. Thank you so much.

I've got some spare time.

Let's take your mother out to lunch.

How about that new French place?

I'll settle for steak and chips
at the Fox and Hounds.
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