05x13 - Unhinged

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Curse of Oak Island". Aired: January 5, 2014 to present.*
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Follows brothers Marty and Rick as they search for the infamous treasure on Oak Island.
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05x13 - Unhinged

Post by bunniefuu »

RRATOR: Tonight
on The Curse of Oak Island...

We're on an obstruction.

Houston, we have a problem.

-GARY: Ooh!


NARRATOR: There is an island
in the North Atlantic

where people have been looking
for an incredible treasure

for more than years.

So far, they have found
a stone slab

with strange symbols
carved into it,

mysterious fragments
of human bone,

and a lead cross, whose origin
may stretch back

to the days
of the Knights Templar.

To date, six men have died
trying to solve the mystery.

And, according to legend,
one more will have to die

before the treasure
can be found.


NARRATOR: It is the start
of another day on Oak Island.

One filled with a mix of both
eagerness and anticipation

as the team continues
with their massive excavation

of the shaft known as D.M.T.
in the Money Pit area.

Vanessa, how far is the casing
down already?


So, just over
one section, right?

Yeah. Yep, yep.

NARRATOR: Named in honor
of Craig Tester's son, Drake,

who tragically passed away
earlier this year,

D.M.T.'s location was chosen
after careful research.

It is hoped that by placing
the drill site approximately

ten feet south of the recently
excavated shaft named H- ,

the team might be able to find
the elusive object

that slipped away from the H-
drilling caisson two weeks ago.

VANESSA: Man, it's sure
satisfying seeing full buckets,


That is some thick old stuff
there, isn't it?

Oh, yeah.

And there's no wood at all?
At anything, right?

-Yeah. -Well, that little bit
there, right?

MIKE J.: That piece
that's laying up against there,

and there's some
in the other bucket.

Yeah, we think we just caught,

maybe just that south edge
of the-- of the Chappell Shaft.

NARRATOR: The fact that the team
is not encountering wood

or other evidence
of previous searcher activity

is a promising sign.

It indicates that the D.M.T.
shaft is drilling through

unexplored ground, and that
they may be able to excavate

down to their target depth
much quicker than expected.

MIKE J.: Good bucketfuls
out of her, anyway.

VANESSA: It is, yeah.
He's excavating out really fast.

NARRATOR: While the team
from Irving Equipment, Limited

continues to drill down
into the D.M.T. shaft...

Rick Lagina meets
in the w*r room

with metal detection expert
Gary Drayton

and researcher Doug Crowell.

Doug, look...
As always, thanks for coming.

I think we're all still sky high
about Gary's find.

I mean, I-I know I am.

NARRATOR: They are hoping
to obtain new information

on what could be the most
significant discovery

ever made on Oak Island--

a lead cross found at
Smith's Cove three weeks ago.

RICK: What really captivates
people about Oak Island

is the "what ifs."

You know? What could this
mystery be all about?

If we can directly connect
this object with Templars...

yes, that's huge.

When it first came out
of the ground, I pressed you

for a window on time.

I-I-I was amazed.
to ?

I mean, it's remarkable,

but it all rounds back to your
find-- you're still ecstatic.

I'm gob-smacked!
It's unbelievable.

I mean, I can't believe you guys
are talking about Templars.


There is a direct tie to...

from the depiction in the
Templar prison in Domme

to that figurine right there
that you hold in your hand.

It'll be interesting to see
what Zena thinks of it.



To help identify

and possibly date
the lead cross,

Rick has decided to reach out
to his friend,

New York-based historian
and author, Zena Halpern.

NARRATOR: It was Zena's earlier
research concerning

a number of mysterious maps
that compelled Rick,

along with two of his nephews,

to journey to France
one month ago.

-And it was there...

...while visiting
a former Templar prison,

that Rick spotted a carving
of a crucifix

that bears an eerie similarity
to the lead cross.

Hi, Zena. This is Rick.

Nice to hear from you.

Doug is in the room,

and also, uh, Gary Drayton.

And I believe that we've
sent you a picture

of the latest find--
do you have that?

And... what do you think?

Is there a time period for her?

NARRATOR: The cross,
not a Christian symbol,

but one representing
a , -year-old

Phoenician goddess?

Worshipped by ancient

from North Africa to Europe
to the Middle East

and even to parts of Asia,

Tanit was a Punic
and Phoenician deity

who was revered
as the goddess of the moon.

She was also known
as the goddess of fertility,

love, motherhood,

and the protector of sailors
on the high seas.

Although her likeness has been
depicted in many forms,

her most common representation
consists of a circular head

with outstretched arms
and a triangular body.

Is there any record
of the Templars, uh,

having some belief
in-in the goddess figure,

or the goddess...

Gary Drayton and Doug Crowell
have just been told
Coming up...

by historian and author
Zena Halpern

that the mysterious lead cross
they recently found

on Oak Island depicts
the goddess Tanit.


Zena, this is Doug.

What would you think if,
uh, we told you that,

on the trip to France
that Rick made,

he saw the same carving
in a Templar prison?

NARRATOR: Could the cross-shaped
carving Rick Lagina was shown

in the th century Templar
prison in Domme, France,

actually be a depiction
of the goddess Tanit?

In , the order of the
Knights Templar was disbanded

by Pope Clement V
and were charged with heresy

by his close ally,
King Philip IV of France.

Many believe that the Templars
were innocent of the charges,

but their accusers were
desperate to take possession

of the precious religious
treasure they had accumulated

during the Crusades,

including the Ark of the
Covenant and the Holy Grail.

Thousands of Templars were
rounded up, imprisoned

and eventually ex*cuted.

But could the cross-shaped
carving Rick Lagina was shown

in the th century Templar
prison in Domme, France

actually be a depiction

not only of Jesus Christ
but also of the Goddess Tanit?

Was there a period in history
when both were thought to be

symbols of protection
as well as resurrection?

Where does the reverence
for the goddess, uh, come from?

Is it associated with

Would that include Jerusalem
as well?

RICK: I'm not surprised
by what she thought of it;

I'm shocked.

It's a very different take.

I think both Gary and I thought
it was a depiction

of a Christian cross.

Do you think, uh,

Templars, when they were
on their Crusades,

do you think this is something
they would have, uh,

encountered in the Holy Land?

NARRATOR: During the Crusades
in the th century,

the Knights Templar
were headquartered

in the Middle Eastern city
of Jerusalem.

There, they came to adopt
the symbols

of other religious faiths,

including the Jerusalem cross

and the Hebraic Tree of Life.

But could they have also come
to revere the goddess Tanit?

But have you seen a
three-dimensional representation

of the goddess,
because initially,

when we pulled it
out of the-the earth,

I immediately thought
it was a representation

of Christ crucified,

but then we noticed
that the arms,

the outstretched arms are...
rounded, if you will,

as though this... the statue
is reaching out to embrace.

NARRATOR: Although
commonly representative

of Christianity for centuries,

the cross did not become
a familiar symbol

until nearly years
after the crucifixion of Jesus.

The Egyptian cross,
also known as the Ankh,

signified immortality and was
widely associated with !sis,

the goddess of life,
going back thousands of years.

In Greek history,
the cross was said to represent

the four elements of water,
wind, fire and earth.

Could it be possible that the
cross that Rick and the team

believe to be
an ancient crucifix

is actually
an even older artifact?

Okay. Rick-Rick wants me
to tell you about the find

that was made
in the Money Pit area.

One of the holes brought up
a couple pieces of human bone.

DOUG: The origin of the person
that piece of bone belonged to

was the Middle East.

RICK: I do know this--
that she's excited

and Gary is over-the-top happy.

Is it an incredibly interesting
find on Oak Island?

You bet it is,

but we need experts
to give us an opinion.

Zena, you take care.

You-you take care, Zena.

Thank you, Zena. Bye.

Bye-bye. Bye.


I thought, at least initially,

this was a depiction
of Christ crucified,

which she is adamant
that it is not, and-and, uh...

So we need to do
some-some further research.

I'm not saying
that I don't believe her,

but there's always a benefit
to corroborative evidence.

NARRATOR: As the team continues
to investigate various theories

about the mysterious cross
and its possible origins,

they will also need
to subject it

to a number
of scientific tests.

If it can be determined
that the object

really does date back
to the th century--

or even earlier--

they may have come close
to proving

that members
of the Knights Templar

really did come to Oak Island

and that the Money Pit
might be much older

than previously thought.

Amazing find.

I don't know what else
to say other than,

"Let's go back out
and find some more."


Later that day,

Rick Lagina
and Charles Barkhouse

head to the northernmost area
of the Oak Island swamp

on property owned by the family
of Fred Nolan,

the legendary treasure hunter
who passed away in .

Yeah, intake's
on this side, Rick.


One week ago,

Rick and Charles
met with Fred's son Tom,

who shared with them

his father's invaluable
survey maps of the island

and granted them
unprecedented access

to explore the acres
of Nolan's property--

a large area
that was off-limits

to the team's search efforts...
until now.

Let's put this together.

-Let's put it to bed.

No, let's do it.

NARRATOR: One location
long believed by Fred Nolan

to hold the key to solving
the Oak Island mystery

is the northern point, or apex,

of the mysterious
triangle-shaped swamp.

Not only has the swamp
been theorized

to be a man-made body of water,

but its shape has been thought
to be a deliberate symbol

of the Freemasons,
a secretive fraternity

that evolved
from the Knights Templar

and have been connected
to the Oak Island mystery

for more than two centuries.

It is also here
at the apex of the swamp--

a location corresponding with
the Masonic all-seeing eye--

that Fred Nolan believed
important clues,

perhaps even a secret tunnel
entrance to the Money Pit,

might be found.

RICK: Fred related that he had
found some interesting things

in the swamp, and I'm hoping
that, that with the maps, uh,

with Tom's understanding
of some of the w-work

that his father did,
and in fact,

Tom did some of the work.

So I'm hoping that,

again, working together,

we-we can get some answers.

Now, after obtaining permission

from both Tom
and the Canadian government,

Rick, Marty
and the Oak Island team

are draining this section
of the swamp

to see just what could be
hidden here.


I didn't think it was that deep.

Can you give me some more hose?


I think it's gonna draw off
the water pretty quick.


There it goes.

This isn't gonna take very long,
I don't think.

NARRATOR: While the northern
section of the swamp drains

enough to allow
for exploration,

and while the team from Irving
Equipment, Limited continues

excavating the D.M.T. shaft,

Charles Barkhouse joins
Jack Begley

and metal detection expert
Gary Drayton

as they continue
searching an old dump site

believed to be connected
to the construction

of the original Money Pit.

Last week, after studying Fred
Nolan's detailed survey maps

of the island, Rick, Marty
and the team began excavating

the dump and began finding
potentially important clues.

I got some pottery here.

: Oh, wow.

That's a lot of pottery.

-See how we're getting into
the sterile soil now? -Yeah.

This is great.

This is enough room
for me to metal detect

on the bottom and the sides.

How far do you want him
to go, Gary?

GARY: Just to where
the first trench ends.


Oh, I think
what I should do, Charles,

is scan over this area,
and the spoil piles...

-Okay. -Think I'm ready
to start detecting.

Small, small iron.

That'd be a little nail.


First decent-sounding target
of the day.

Here we go.

Come on, Gary. Pull out a coin.

Would be nice.


This is worth digging, guys.

-GARY: That is a beauty.

near the middle of the island,

metal detection expert
Gary Drayton,

along with Charles Barkhouse
and Jack Begley,

have just made
a potentially important find.

GARY: That's, like,
a decorative hinge.

I've found some beautiful ones
that were off chests on, uh,

-Spanish shipwreck sites.

So I would say this is very old.

NARRATOR: A decorative hinge
from a chest?

-PETER: Oh, look at this.
-Check this thing out.

Could it be connected

to one of
the three missing chests

that once belonged to the
pirate Captain James Anderson?

And if so,
could there be a connection

to the skeleton key
found by Fred Nolan?

Back in the old days,

you don't take your money
and put it in a bank.

People kept it
on their property.

They put it in a tin can.

They put it in a chest
or somewhere,

and they buried it
on their property.

Let's see if there's any more.

It's amazing.

I'm still hearing
little pieces of iron.


Chirpy little iron signal.

You don't want to go for it?


Here's something.

What is that?


It's got a nail in it,
or something.

-It's got a...

By the look of it...

That's a strap of some sort.

-No, it's a hinge.
-That is a hinge.

-That's another hinge.
-Oh. Whoa. Yeah.

-That's exactly what that is.
-And it looks...

-JACK: Wow. -Yup.
These are the type of hinges

that come off chests or boxes.

-GARY: Look at that.

-We saved the best till last.
-JACK: Yeah.

Another hinge?

Possibly belonging to a chest?

Could these hinges be evidence

that this centuries-old
dump site

was used not only during
the construction

of the original Money Pit,
but also as a place

where treasure was deposited
long ago?

If so, what else might
this so

Here's some pottery.


-Tiny little pottery shard.

-Oh, hey.
-Gentlemen. -Hey, guys

-Hey, guys.


Well, has he danced yet?

-Not yet.
-No, no dancing yet.

I mean, we've really
hammered this area.

-It sure looks like it.

And I'm pretty positive
this is the site of the dump.

All right. Well, that's good.
Let's, uh-- you have

-a whole bunch of stuff.
-GARY: Yeah. -CHARLES: Yeah.

Here's a couple of nice finds
that came out at the end there.

What are they?

-GARY: Hinges.
-MARTY: Oh, yeah.

GARY: And I've found decorative
hinges like this

off boxes or chests.

RICK: I mean, for me,
the Nolan property

is a mystery within a mystery.

I don't know
what Fred came to know.

But there are answers there,
there's no question about that.

Who knows what may be
excavated out of that?

Who knows how many more items
of interest may surface?

-MARTY: That could be
the missing chest. -GARY: Yeah.

So this is a really good
first step,

in terms of cooperating
with Tom.

I think that, you know, we find
the limits of this dump...

-...and, you know,

as we go forward with
cooperating with Tom, again,

this is the first step.

I-I think it's a positive
first step.

It's a success.

We were looking for an old dump

and we found an old dump.

-Yup. -MARTY: Good job,
guys, carry on.

The next day, as the excavation

of the D.M.T. shaft continues
at the Money Pit...

...Rick and Marty Lagina,
along with Marty's son Alex

and metal detection expert
Gary Drayton,

are now ready
to begin investigating

the apex of the swamp located
on Nolan's property.

Hey, Rick!

If you see these gloves
sticking up out of the swamp,

I want you to come get me.

Got it?

MARTY: I do not want to go
back into the swamp.

I will follow him
into the swamp, if I have to.

He knows I don't like it.

It stinks, and you never know

where the bottom's gonna be
on your next step.

-You know, I mean...
-That is true.


Oh, God.

I'll go with Gary, you guys run,
start that other pump.

-ALEX: All right.
-See what it looks like.

NARRATOR: With the first
of the four small ponds

on the Nolan property drained,

Rick and Gary begin exploring
with a metal detector.

Meanwhile, Marty and Alex
continue to drain

another nearby area,
preparing large plywood boards

to create a safe walkway
over the deep sludge.

God, I hate this swamp.

Going down.

It is the team's hope

that by searching
an area of the swamp

that was previously
closed off to them,

they may discover
compelling new evidence

that the swamp is man-made,

and that it was created to hide
either a sunken pirate ship

or a secret entrance
into the Oak Island Money Pit.

Digging on the Nolan side
of the swamp,

it's important to me
for one reason.

Fred believed that the swamp
was key to solving the mystery.

Is there a treasure galleon
in the swamp?

Or is there a vault?

And my hope is that it's there
and that we can find it.

Because, look,
it's part of Fred's legacy.

See, this is the type of area

where you've got that trough,
and there's a runoff.

Could expose something.

You okay?

Yeah, I just...

I got something here,
I don't know what it is.

You said it's a piece of wood?

A piece of wood, yeah.

Long, too.

That is not
what we're looking for.


-Look at that.

Now, that's what
we're looking for.

Holy schmoly.

Look at that.

NARRATOR: At the northern point
of the swamp,

on property belonging
to the family of Fred Nolan,

Rick Lagina has just found
a large wooden stake.

Does it look old to you?

Tough to tell, isn't it?

-It looks likes it's been
hacked. -It's hacked.

It's ax-cut.
There's no question about that.

Yeah, it's not sawed.

A wooden stake?

Found in the swamp?

In , Oak Island landowner
and treasure hunter Fred Nolan

set out to drain the swamp
after becoming convinced

that the answers
to the Oak Island mystery

were located within it.

During his investigation,
Fred was astonished to discover

several uniform lines
of wooden stakes,

which were carbon-dated
to the s.

A land surveyor by trade,

it was Fred's
professional assessment

that these stakes were evidence
of centuries-old survey markers

used to plot out the boundaries

in a massive
construction project.

This led Fred
to the astonishing conclusion

that Oak Island was once
actually two islands,

artificially joined together

by means
of the triangle-shaped swamp.

How many cuts are there?

Fred and Tom both told me there
were four or five on every one.

-One, two... three...


-GARY: Yeah, five.
-RICK: That's...

that's exactly
what they described.

Fred actually did show me one.

It's certainly got
the proper look to it.

It's got the proper size,

and thus, one could speculate--

again, it's speculation--
that the swamp had been created.

If it were a fence post,
there'd be fasteners.

Yeah, there is nothing.

I mean, I went over that area
with the metal detector.

-Oh, that's right.
-It didn't detect anything.

-So there's no iron in it.
-That's definitely ax-cut,

-Oh, yeah.


Dan and Fred,

they pulled one up together.

Cut the tip off,
and Triton Alliance

sent it off to be carbon-dated.

Carbon date came back ,
plus or minus years.

Finding a survey stake
is important

because it's corroborative.

Is this really
a man-made activity

that is associated
with the swamp?

You know, it's items like that

that may provide answers.


I think I found one
of the survey stakes.

Why don't you come over
and take a look?

Hey, that sounds great.
We're on it.

-All right. -ALEX:
That's a pretty big deal, right?

MARTY: Yeah. Well, that's
what he was looking for.

All right, let's see it.

What you got?

Oh, yeah.

Well, that's for real.


That's not a natural shape.


And remember how they said
it was preserved?

-Yeah, from the bottom.
-From the bottom.

ALEX: Well, it's definitely been
in place a while,

'cause you can tell, if you look
at the preservation here,

and how much
it's decayed up there,

so you get a kind of
sense of time,

-with the top being so much.
-Oh, yeah, this looks virgin.

Right, but this looks old,

-is what I'm saying.
-Very much so, I agree with you.

It's pretty cool.

Okay, so I don't get it.

Why aren't you over the moon
about this survey stake?

Why aren't you doing
a stake dance?

Cause I don't do...
I don't do stake dances.

I'm very interested in it.

-To me, they look...
-Exactly right.

Exactly right.

It is what you were looking for.

Yeah, I was impressed,

because to me
it looks identical

to what he's described.

And my skepticism level

For Rick, Marty and the team,

finding new evidence
that the mysterious

triangle-shaped swamp
is man-made

could soon lead
to another major breakthrough.

It also means that the access
they now have

to Fred Nolan's property
could allow them to gather

a host of even more
important clues.


The next day,
back at the Money Pit...

Hey, Dave, how deep are we?

Caisson , and the plug is .

All right. Sounds good.

...Rick Lagina joins members
of the Oak Island team

where the excavation
of the D.M.T. shaft continues.

So far, the caisson is
advancing faster than expected,

having reached a depth
of some feet.

DANNY: This is gonna be
a beautiful day.

I can feel it.

-RICK: That's good.
-I can feel it. I know it.

I hope you're right,
I hope you're right.


We're ready.

We're ready
for when the gold comes over.

We'll know soon.

RICK: All goes well, how far
do you think you'll get today?

He was taking full scoops.

If we keep in this material,

we'll probably at least get that
can down, and another can down.

Well, tomorrow, you'll get to
the zone of interest for sure.

NARRATOR: As the oscillator
drives the -foot sections

of -inch wide caissons
into the ground,

it is Rick Lagina's hope
that within one more day,

the excavation will reach
a depth of feet,

where the team hopes
to encounter

the so-called Chappell Vault.

Son of a bitch.

Oh, no.

Buckets! We need buckets!

NARRATOR: Having reached
an excavation depth

of just feet
in the D.M.T. shaft...

Go grab me a pan or something
to contain all that.

...the drilling oscillator

has suddenly stopped working

and is leaking massive amounts
of hydraulic fluid.

There it is. There it is.

Probably just split it, eh?

Split it, yeah.

NARRATOR: The Irving team
has found a failed O-ring,

a round gasket designed to seal
the hydraulic fluid needed

for the oscillator
to safely operate.

That O-ring was no match.
Poor little guy.

No, he didn't stand a chance.

Casualties of w*r.

NARRATOR: But what has
caused the oscillator

to suddenly malfunction?


We can't get
any material out, Mick,

because of that obstruction.

We may look at putting
the smaller grab on

and go kind of around it.

NARRATOR: An obstruction
at a depth of just feet?

Although the Irving team
is unable to advance the casing

until the oscillator
can be repaired,

they will attempt to break up
and remove whatever lies

at the bottom
of the D.M.T. shaft

using the hammer grab tool.

It ain't a rock. I know that.



It's strong enough
to stop our grabber.

What do you...
No sense of a boulder or...

No, but like I said,

it's strong enough to slow
that thing down on a free-fall.

That's crazy.

Lots of crazy things happening.

Yeah, I know. I'm learning that.

NARRATOR: Since it is
Danny Smith's opinion

that the obstruction
is not made of rock,

what could it possibly be?

And is it natural or man

Okay, so, how-how...
what do you want to do, then?

DANNY: We're gonna,
we're gonna chisel it,


We'll put the chisel on and
try to mash it out of the way.

-That way he can get
his free-fall going. -Yeah.

Okay, th-th-then
let's get on to it.

See if that thing'll come up.

NARRATOR: With all other options
proving unsuccessful,

the team is resorting
to a four-ton, steel chisel bit

in a calculated effort

to penetrate
the mysterious obstruction.

Using it as a type
of vertical battering ram,

the device will be repeatedly
dropped down the shaft

and onto the object below.

If the bit can successfully

break up
the mysterious barrier,

the pieces will then be removed
by the hammer grab tool.

What is the obstruction?
Is it steel?

Is it a boulder?
Is it something else?

What is this thing?

And there's no record
of there being a casing

an-anywhere near that hole.

So if they can break it
and pull it

or just smash it
out of the way...

if they can get past it,
they can continue.

At the end of the day,

they got to get past
this obstruction.

the Irving team's assessment

that the chisel bit
may have broken through

whatever was blocking
the D.M.T. shaft.

They will now switch back
to the hammer grab tool

in an attempt
to remove the obstruction

so that their drilling efforts
can continue.

GARY: Well, that's good, they've
started hammer grabbing again.

Hopefully, it'll go through
whatever's stopping it.

JACK: Well, hopefully they tore
it up with that chisel bit.

Although the team from Irving

believes they have
been able to begin

breaking up the obstruction,
removing it, for some reason,

is strangely proving
more difficult.

Hey, Mike. Troubles?

Well, i-it's not
something normal.

Any of the pipes
that we ran into before,

we were able to get through.

The obstruction seems to be
in underneath the edge.

Hopefully, it's gonna
work for us.

every scenario now,

um, like, there,
right there again.

It just felt like he-he got
ahold of something there

and it slipped off.

NARRATOR: While the team
continues their attempt

to bring the mysterious object
to the surface,

Jack Begley and Gary Drayton
begin searching

the excavated materials
for artifacts and clues.

Oh. A tooth.

No missing that.
That is for sure.

Another tooth, Jack.

Yeah, I don't think

they're gonna be happy
about this.

NARRATOR: Finding cutting teeth
from the steel caissons

in the spoils is
a concerning development.

It means that whatever
the obstruction is,

it is made of something
that the massive steel shaft

may not be able to dig through.

But if that is the case,

what on earth
could the obstruction be?

Well, mate, we'll see
if there's any more in here.

Another one right there, too?

Yeah, probably another, yeah.

: Oh, gosh.

-Okay, that's two.
-GARY: Yeah. Yup.

Three teeth.

Really dulled down.

-Yup, even more.

It's not good.

This is not good at all.

-Oh, Mike.

Um, we have a problem.

I hear. I see it. We-we just
all discovered it, I think.

We're only just a little bit
into this pile

and we have
a lot of teeth, yeah.

MIKE J.: Now, we're on something
very, very solid.

JACK: So, what happens if we
don't have any more teeth?

You don't go any further.

You're , son.

Look at the state of that.
That's been chewed up.


out of ... we ain't
gonna have no teeth on it.

There's another one in here.

JACK: That was
our biggest fear come true.

Rick Lagina and representatives
from Irving Equipment, Limited

now gather to discuss
their possible options.

Let me get
my brother's opinion here.


Hey, guess what.

Houston, we have a problem.

I-I'll let Mike and/or Danny
explain what's going on here.

So, basically,
what we ended up with, Marty,

uh, definitely feels like
we're on something very solid.

Our casing is down feet
and the casing has to come out

to get the teeth replaced.

Shocking. I'm... yeah.

Danny has suggested the
possibility of pulling the can,

fixing the teeth,
moving the hole forward

about a foot and a half
and-and restarting from surface.

The other option is
to introduce flock and a camera

tomorrow morning and try
to get a picture of it

and see-see what's happening.

NARRATOR: For Rick, Marty
and their partners,

both options will cost
precious time, money,

and perhaps a key chance to
solve the Oak Island mystery.

If they choose
to begin a new excavation

at a different location,
they run the risk

of just missing their target.

Why not try
to put a camera down?

Put the big blue lights on it

and you might see that
it's cutting into it.


All right.
We'll be on top of it.

-Very good. Yup.
-We got a game plan.

A game plan that we didn't
anticipate making.


NARRATOR: For Rick, Marty
and the Oak Island team,

identifying just what
the mysterious obstruction

in the D.M.T. shaft is, and
finding a way to get past it,

are critical if they ever hope

to reach what lies at
the bottom of the Money Pit.

But if they are successful,
what will they discover?

Priceless religious treasures
of the Knights Templar?

Vast riches ingeniously hidden
by Spanish pirates?

Or will they find
that on Oak Island,

the price they may be required
to pay for the answer

will come at too high
and too dangerous a cost?

Next time
on The Curse of Oak Island...

-MIKE J.: We're gonna put
the camera in. -DANNY: On it.

Let's see what this thing is.

DOUG: We come through
all that undisturbed ground

and then hit something man-made.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Damn it.

-GARY: Look at that.
-MARTY: Oh, my goodness.

-That's clearly a keyhole.

Oh. This was how
they smuggled gold.

There was gold under this cross

and the cross
was covered with lead.

So there's a chance that they're
out in the Smith's Cove still?

You want to rewrite history,
we're rewriting it now.
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