05x08 - Dan's Breakthrough

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Curse of Oak Island". Aired: January 5, 2014 to present.*
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Follows brothers Marty and Rick as they search for the infamous treasure on Oak Island.
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05x08 - Dan's Breakthrough

Post by bunniefuu »

Gentlemen, we're almost there.

- "Dan's Breakthrough."
- Time to make history.

It's this hole.
It starts this day.

Well, I'm dumbfounded. Those
bones and now this dating...

That fits with Knights Templar.

Here we go, guys,
another signal.

Looks like a piece
of amm*nit*on to me.

- That's from a cannon.
- Rochefoucauld.

They are
a prominent French family.

This is a family
of Crusader kings.

We now have a pathway

from the Holy Land

to Oak Island.

There is an island
in the North Atlantic

where people have been looking
for an incredible treasure

for more than years.

So far,
they have found a stone slab

with strange symbols
carved into it,

th century coins,

even pieces of human bone.

To date, six men have died
trying to solve the mystery.

And, according to legend,

one more will have to die

before the treasure
can be found.

There's a sight I like.

- Look at that.
- Yep.

Couple of cranes ready to go.

It is the start of
a new day on Oak Island,

as Rick and Marty Lagina...

Along with their friend
and partner Craig Tester...

Head to the Money Pit,

where they are more convinced
than ever

that they are on the brink
of a major discovery.

This is looking
generally familiar.

- Let's go talk to Andrew.
- Good deal. Let's do it.

They are also on the brink

of one of the most
ambitious excavations

ever undertaken on the island:

The drilling of
a inchwide hole

down to a depth of some feet

into the area at the Money Pit
site known as Borehole H .

- Andrew.
- Andrew.

- Hey, Craig, Marty.
- We're back.

- How are you?
- Couldn't get rid

of us that easy, could you?

- Absolutely not.
- Good to see you. -Yeah.

Here we go. Let's make hole!

Last year the Oak Island team

worked with
Irving Equipment Limited

to excavate four steelcased
inchwide shafts

in an effort to find
the original Money Pit

that was first discovered
in .

But although the team made

a number of promising

including mysterious
metal objects,

a handforged, rosehead spike

and an th century
British military button,

their efforts failed to locate
the infamous treasure vault.

Okay, let's go see
"X" marks the spot.

- Excellent.
- It's good.

In an effort to avoid
last year's mistakes,

the team decided to try
and first locate the Money Pit

by means of an exploratory
drilling program

known as Geotech.

And it was only
after drilling some

sixinchwide boreholes

that they found the location
that became, for them,

Borehole H .

Right here, we see this is
the... the top of hole of H .

Over here we see our
deviation for bottom of hole

and over here is that
"X" marks the spot.


So, this is where
we're going, right here.


So, where we actually hit
the bone is about here?

- Yep.
- Okay.

- I think we're ready.
- Drill.

Within the past few weeks,

while carefully sifting through
the spoils from H ,

the Oak Island team has made

a number of astonishing

including fragments
of th century pottery

located feet deep

Small pieces of parchment;

Bits of leather, which appear
to be book binding;

And, incredibly,
fragments of human bones...

Bones which, when tested,

were determined to have come
from two different humans,

one of European descent and
another from the Middle East.


Middle East? Really?

It about knocked me
off my chair.

In addition to all
of the physical evidence

gathered from H ...

We're picking something else up
right here.

The team also discovered
the presence

of what appeared to be
a large, metallic object

at a depth of some feet.

It was at this same depth,
in ,

that treasure hunters William
Chappell and Frederick Blair

reported finding
a sevenfoothigh wooden vault.

A vault which, like H ,
contained evidence of parchment

and also bits of gold.

An awful lot of very
significant things

have come out of
just one hole, H .

I am convinced we found
the original Money Pit.

So, your casing is
that big, right?


inch, yep.

So, it should swallow it all up.

- Good!
- All right. Let's go.

While similar to the excavations

conducted last year,

this year the Irving team
will be bringing in

a custommade rotating oscillator

that will be bigger and more
powerful than ever before.

They will be digging
wider and deeper

in order to minimize any chance

that the team could
miss their target.

Should we drop something down
there for luck?

Drop a coin down there
and see if you get it back.

That's what I was going to...
Exactly what I was going to do.

Here, I want to do that.

Here's the test.

Are we going to find this
or not, right?

Go find your brother.

Did you hear that?

- I did.
- It clicked.

No. He said, "I will."

Okay. We're good to go.

As Rick, Marty, and Craig wait

for the final loads
of heavy digging equipment

to arrive at the Money Pit,

they have invited other members
of the Oak Island team

to join them for an important
meeting in the w*r room,

where they will be revealing
the results

of the carbon testing
that was conducted

on the two fragments
of bone from H .

Well, gentlemen,
as you are aware,

we fished two bones out of H
when we were drilling it.

They were identified as human
bones, through DNA analysis.

And then we asked Craig
to check into...

Using C ...
How old they might be,

and I understand
you have the results.

That I do.

Beta Analytical
got us the results,

and I have the dates here.

The first one
is the Middle East bone.

The date is between
and .

- Wow.
- That's a long time.

That's a very long time.


So, the second one's
the European,

and the date is to .

Well, I'm dumbfounded.

Those bones, and now this dating...

Don't make any sense to me.

Two human bones?

Each dating from between

the late th
to mid th centuries?

And found some feet deep
in the Money Pit?

But how did they get there?

And could the identities
of these two individuals

hold some clue as to what
they were doing on Oak Island

and, perhaps more importantly,

what they might have
left behind?

That's great, Craig,
that's fantastic news.

I don't know what to make of it.

II find it very odd
thatthat there'd be

two different humans
down in the, in the same pit.

- Yeah.
- You know?

What are human bones doing
down at feet?

III find that incomprehensible.

Me, too.

Maybe my belief level has
come up a bit with that data.

His hasn't, 'cause he's
rocksolid anyway.

- But people were down there...
- At those depths.

At those depths,
around the th, th century.

Predates searcher activity,
below searcher depth.

Yes. What were they doing?

Where is it?

Where's the stuff?

I find that very intriguing.

Those dates.

What theory do you like,
that these put it...?

There's lots
of different theories.

- Templars.
- It would.

That certainly falls
into the time frame.

European and Middle Eastern.

And that fits
with Knights Templar, too.


I don't care
which theory you pick.

It puts people
way deep in the Money Pit

way prior to when
it was discovered.

That has always been one
of my absolute requirements

to get excited about this,

is that definitive evidence

of human workings
deep in the Money Pit

prior to .

And those bones might be it.

Unfortunately, it's another puzzle.

- But a good piece.
- Yeah.

Well, we will slowly unravel it.
Yeah, yeah.

You're supposed to be solving
the mystery, not adding to it.

I know.

We're trying.

It will just make it more
interesting when we do.

All right.

Do you got anything else today,

- That's it.
- Okay.

So, I think our work here
is concluded.

We have to get to the bottom
of this and find the one thing.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Let's get back out there.

- Yeah.
- Sounds good.

As the team
from Irving Equipment Limited

continues assembling
more than tons

of excavating equipment
at the H dig site...

Rick, Marty and members
of the Oak Island team

have arranged to meet
at the Mug and Anchor Pub

in the nearby town
of Mahone Bay.

- Hi, Doug.
- Hi, how are you?

- Hey, Doug.
- Hey, Doug.

- Gentlemen.
- Welcome.

Although the team is convinced

they have found the original
Money Pit,

they still do not know
who may have dug it

or what they might discover
at the bottom of H .

Good to see you, Doug.
Where you been?

- Been well?
- I've been well, I've been well.

Spending a lot of time
in the archives. -Okay.

- Chasing leads.
- Okay.

Helping them
to find an answer is

area historian Doug Crowell.

Doug Crowell is a... I mean his
fascination with Oak Island

rivals our own, I think,
if not exceeds it.

From a research agenda, I mean,
he's like a terrier with a bone.

He's probably our goto guy
in terms of doing research.

Anyway, Doug,
what have you got for us?

One of the things I was
following up on from last year

was, remember the French Oak
Island map that Zena showed us

last summer there?

- Hello?
- Hi, Zena, it's Doug.

Last year,
New Yorkbased researcher

and historian, Zena Halpern,

provided the team
with a handdrawn,

th century map of Oak Island.

It supported the theory that
members of the Knights Templar

sailed to the New World
as early as the th century

to hide priceless religious
treasures on the island,

including the Holy Grail
and the Ark of the Covenant.

Where did that map come from?

That map was found in a book
between the pages,

and it was more or less
discovered there.

The quality of the map...
It's obviously handdrawn,

and it's not done
by a cartographer.

Like handdrawn maps
before the cartographers

really got a hold of it and
fancied it up for publication.

- Yeah.
- If you recall,

up in the upper
righthand corner,

a loose translation of what was
written there was,

"A small gift for
François de La Rochefoucauld."

Well, I've been following up
on that name,

and I think I found something
really interesting in the way

that name connects
to Nova Scotia.

So, Rochefoucauld.

This is a really
interesting family

because this is a family
of Crusader kings.

So, these guys have a direct
connection to the Crusades,

which I find really interesting.

A reference
to a noble French family

linked to the Crusades
on a th century Templar map?

Dating back
to the tenth century,

the French noble family
La Rochefoucauld

were a powerful house from
the ancient region of Neustria.

Their lineage can also be
traced to the Lusignan family,

who were among the ruling class
in the holy city of Jerusalem

during the Crusades.

Their bloodline also extended

to George Washington,
Winston Churchill,

and even Prince Charles
of England.

Could this illustrious family,

whose name appears on an
alleged th century map,

be one and the same?

I think we all have
questions about the map.

You asked about where did
the map come from.

III don't know that we ever
have created a proper timeline.

No, I don't think we have.

You know, and I think that's
what we need to do next.

What I'm thinking is the college
that I work at, COGS,

has a special collections room,

which is a lot of old history
books on Nova Scotia and Acadia.

And I'm thinking
that we might be able to find

some pertinent information

And I guess I'm wondering
if anyone wants to come along

and help me delve
into that information.

I'd be glad for any
extra eyes I can get.


- Sure.
- Excellent.

We have a reference to the
Rochefoucaulds on Zena's map,

and now Doug
has found a reference

outside of Zena's research.

When you get
corroborative evidence,

it's always a "aha" moment,

that this may be important
and we should follow this,

and that's exactly
where Doug is headed.

I think the information hunt
to me is every bit as important

as what we're doing
on the island.


Well, so the hunt continues.

- Cheers.
- Cheers. Cheers.

To the hunt.

The next day,

Rick and Marty Lagina,
along with Dave Blankenship

and metal detection expert
Gary Drayton,

are searching for clues
on Lot ,

just north
of the Money Pit worksite.

There we go, guys.

Ooh, another one.

It was here that
the team recently recovered

two th century British coins,

offering further evidence
of human activity on the island

nearly a century before
the first documented discovery

of the Money Pit in .

Look at David,
he's pretty excited.

Right, baby!

It means something!

That is fantastic.

They are looking
for any further evidence

that may indicate
who may have visited Oak Island

centuries ago, to deposit
something of great value.

I find it interesting that
all the targets we're getting

in this area
are underneath the trees.

Well, this was all farmed
at one time, Gary.

Funny, you talking
about farming, Dave.

You can see what this is.

It's a horseshoe,
part of a horseshoe.

Is it?

Looks like a fairly small one.

Gonna say it's a mule or a pony.

That's what it looks like.

So what's the deal
with all the wells around here?

I don't think
they're wells, Gary.

I don't think they are, either.

- I think they're search pits.
- Search pits?

- Yep. Yep.
- Somebody... -Old ones.

Search pits?

Located at shallow depths
on Oak Island?

Ever since the Money Pit
was first discovered

by Daniel McGinnis
and two friends in ,

other searchers have snuck
onto the island

to try their luck at locating
the fabled treasure.

Numerous residents,

from th century former
American sl*ve Samuel Ball

to th century landowner
Anthony Graves,

have been connected to rumors
of valuable finds.

Could their mysterious
good fortune give credence

to the theory that Oak Island
holds not one vast treasure,

but many,

and in different,
secret locations?

People have been digging on this
island for, well, years.

And the most intriguing story
is they hear digging at night.

- You've heard this story, right?
- Yeah.

They heard digging, and then
they went to investigate,

and they found a hole,
and it appeared as though

an object had been
pulled out of the hole.

And then they see a drag trail...
Drag marks.

Through the woods, to the beach.

They see the prow of a ship
coming onto the beach.

They drag the chest,
or whatever it is, to there,

they obviously lift it
in the boat,

- and the boat takes off.
- Off they go.

- Fred told this story, right?
- Yeah.

Well, yeah, well, let's see
if they missed something good.

Here we go, guys.

Another signal.

All righty.

That sounds good!
I like that one.

It's deep as well, so I don't
know what the heck it is.

It's reading inches.

So it could be even deeper.

Where did it go?

Once you get in here...

It's not in that pile?

Now, that's weird,
it's disappeared.

Let me see if it's out on top.

No, just deeper.

That's a good sign.

I just can't tell
what metal it is.

All bets are off
when the targets are this deep.

Good. Boy, that is
richlooking soil.

Let me have a recheck.

This is a difficult...

Threshold's disappearing.

That means it's iron,
and it's probably out.

How can you tell that?

Because the threshold

on the metal detector.

- Yeah?
- Meaning it's...

- Boy, I would never...
- blanking it out as iron,

it's rejecting it.


That's from a cannon.


While searching
the area on Oak Island

known as Lot ,

Rick and Marty Lagina,
along with Dave Blankenship

and metal detection expert
Gary Drayton,

have just made
a potentially important find.

I think this is a piece
of grapeshot, by the look of it.

Really? Let's see it.

What would you use that for?

I don't know.

Looks like a piece
of amm*nit*on to me.

This wouldn't have been
used by a farmer.

That's from a cannon.

Yeah. They would have packed it
and fired a lot of it.

Grapeshot is
a shortrange a*tillery round

that was used in both
landbased and naval warfare,

dating back to as early
as the th century.

Consisting of metal balls
linked by iron rings,

the amm*nit*on,
resembling a cluster of grapes,

was tightly packed
in a cylindrical form

and fired from cannons,

creating a lethal blast pattern
to k*ll troops

or to cr*pple warships
on the high seas.

But if grapeshot is on the
island, how did it get there?

- Is it evidence of a cannon...
- Fire!

Fired from Oak Island?

Or of someone sh**ting at it?

The possibility that, you know,

a cannon or cannonballs might
be in that area?

You know, who knows
what we're gonna find?

I'm gonna keep
going along this rock.

I'll shout you back in if I get
any more interesting targets.

That sounds sweet.

This is a perfect scenario.

You've got rocks trapping stuff.

Stopping it from sinking
further, whatever it is.

Just here, mate.

What the hell?

The heck did it go?

Typical Oak Island, isn't it?

- It's over there.
- It's over there.

I mean,
you moved some big rocks.

Hopefully, it was underneath
one of the big rocks.

Come on, baby.

It's getting smaller
and smaller.

Ooh, it's a coin.

- Is it?
- Yeah.

Check that out.

How long has that been there?

Is it an irregular shape?

- Yes.
- Fantastic.

That means
it's more than likely old.

Could this mysterious
old coin be connected

to the grapeshot that the team
just found earlier today?

And after cleaning,
can it be dated

to provide Rick, Marty
and the team a clue

as to when it was left
on Oak Island,

and who brought it here?

It looks a lot
like that maravedi

we pulled out of the swamp,
but we'll see.

We'll clean it up and we'll see.

Couple of top pocket items,

Look, here's what's encouraging.

This acres?

What did we do?

- Maybe half an acre?
- Yeah.

And look what we found.

So, the possibilities
are incalculable.

We got a lot of area to cover,
and we need to continue.

As the team continues
their exploration of Lot ,

Alex Lagina,
along with Peter Fornetti

and Charles Barkhouse,

travel approximately miles
northeast of Oak Island

to the Centre
of Geographic Sciences

in Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia.

- Gentlemen. How are you?
- Good to see you.

They are joining
researcher Doug Crowell

to find information
that may give them insight

into the origins
of the Oak Island Money Pit.

What I thought
we'd do here today

is take advantage
of the resources that are here,

and see if we can find
any further connection

to Nova Scotia
in the Rochefoucauld family.

After noticing
the name Rochefoucauld

on a believed th century map

connecting Oak Island
to the Knights Templar,

the team is eager to see

if evidence
of that noble French family

can be traced to Oak Island
and the surrounding areas.

Evidence that could validate
the map's authenticity.

This is getting
really interesting,

because this family
is one of the oldest

and most noble families
in France.

We want to find further ties.

And really, it's just to roll up
our sleeves and dive in,

- and see what we can find.
- Way ahead of you.


All right, so let's start
with these, yeah? -Okay, yes.

This is what you've been doing?

Just read through these? -This
is what I do a lot of, yeah.

We're looking for evidence
that the Rochefoucaulds

are connected to Nova Scotia

by more than just
a handdrawn map.

Basically, what we know

is that they're
a prominent French family,

and they would have had
the resources to do something

like what we suspect might have
happened on Oak Island.

So it's really just a process

of going over and over
a ton of different stuff,

and kind of building up
these connections.

As Charles well knows,
you might flip a hundred pages

before you find that one gem
of information. -Exactly.

Guys, look at this.

Here we go. This map.

This was Samuel Champlain.

- Yeah.
- He was an early cartographer

that came over here.

You and I have always been
intrigued by the fact

that Champlain left
Mahone Bay off of...

- Exactly.
- Off his map.

Mahone Bay?

Missing on a th century map

drawn by the famed cartographer
Samuel Champlain?

Known as
the "Father of New France,".

Samuel Champlain was a key
figure in the exploration,

and mapping, of Northeastern
Canada in the early s.

And yet, the map
that Champlain made

of the area encompassing
Nova Scotia.

Mahone Bay,

the region
where Oak Island is located.

But why?

Could it have been
a simple oversight?

Or could there have been
a more strategic reason

why all references
to Oak Island and its location

were omitted from
this otherwise definitive map?

It's a heck of an oversight,
isn't it?

A mile by mile oversight,
with plus islands in it.

That's a big oversight.

It's hard to believe
it wasn't purposely done.

That's what I've always thought.

How can you miss Mahone Bay?

The man would have to be blind
not to see Mahone Bay.

And he was too good of a
cartographer to not see the bay.

As final preparations
for the massive excavation

of the H shaft are being
completed at the Money Pit...

Does this kind of
bring back memories?

Sure does.

Brothers Rick and Marty Lagina,

along with their friend
and partner Craig Tester,

carefully inspect
the hammer grab equipment

that will be used
to retrieve soil,

and possible artifacts,

from what will become
a inchwide hole.

It must just be phenomenal,

the force when this hits.

That's why we have to be
very careful.

There's significant trepidation
on my part...

Fear, if you will...

That we damage something
that is irreplaceable.

We've got pottery at feet,

leather book binding,

we've got indications
of the Chappell Vault...


We've got bone.

He doesn't want the last quote
on the wall up there

to be... in the museum... to say,

"Rick and Marty Lagina,
they solved the mystery

and destroyed the treasure."

The crew
from Irving Equipment Limited

now moves a ton "bridge"

into position over the dig site.

The bridge will offer
a stabilizing platform

for the , pound
rotating oscillator

that will be used to drive
the massive steel caissons

some feet deep
into the earth.

Because of its size,

the oscillator had to be
custombuilt in South Korea

and then shipped to Oak Island,
exclusively for this operation.

While the team awaits
the arrival of the oscillator

at the Money Pit,

miles away,
in the rare documents archive

at the Centre
for Geographic Sciences,

Alex Lagina and Peter Fornetti,

along with historians Doug
Crowell and Charles Barkhouse,

are continuing their hunt
for ties

between the Rochefoucauld family

and the Oak Island mystery.

Here's a book, guys.

"Pierre Dugua, Sieur de Mons."

So this was the gentleman
who Samuel Champlain...

- That's right.
- Came over with.

Champlain was his cartographer.


Guys, look at this.

Genealogy of the Dugua family.

François de La Rochefoucauld.

Married into the Dugua family.

Pierre Dugua?

The founder of the first French
colony in Nova Scotia?

Related to a member
of the Rochefoucauld family?

A family whose origins date back

to the days
of the Knights Templar?

Could this be a descendent

of the very same Rochefoucauld
that appears on Zena's Map?

And could this explain

why the famed cartographer
Samuel Champlain

did not include Mahone Bay
when he created

the first known maps
of the area around Oak Island?

Is it possible
that he might have omitted it

under the direction
of Pierre Dugua

and the Rochefoucauld family,

in an attempt
to protect something

of great value hidden there?

And does this connection mean
that Zena's map,

found in an ancient book,
is authentic?

So now we can see that this
isn't just a name on a map,

it's actually connected
to the early history

- of Nova Scotia.
- Right.

I will say
this is one of the, the more

cohesively connected theories
that we've had.

You know, there is a chain
that goes from Oak Island

right to where it needs to go.

We now have a pathway

through this family,
from the Holy Land

to Oak Island, if you will.

In the w*r room,

Rick Lagina and his nephew Alex

are meeting to follow up
on critical new research

into the origins
of the Oak Island mystery.

You know, I've always been on
about the information hunt.

You've heard it over and over
and over again.

And, you know,
once Zena's map surfaced...

When she was kind enough
to show us her research...

You know, this question

of the Rochefoucauld family

and, you know, possibly
a Templar connection there.

My idea was
to hire a researcher.

After collecting
compelling new evidence

that the Rochefoucauld family...
Whose name appears

on a th century map
of Oak Island...

Came to Nova Scotia as early
as the s...

the team has decided to pursue
further information

in the Rochefoucaulds'
native France.

So, I reached out to someone
embedded in France.

Her name is Nichola Lewis.

And what I've asked Nichola
to do is to reach out

to the
"family Rochefoucauld castle."

And the hope is that she can
help us gain access to that.

I will call her up.

That would be great.

Hi, Nichola.

Hi, there.

Based in SaintMarcel,

Nichola Lewis is a researcher
and translator,

with experience deciphering
French documents

dating from the th
to the th century,

specifically concerning French
activity in the New World

and during the American
w*r for independence.

The reason for hiring
Nichola is very simple.

We can't do everything.

Really, it was Doug
who gave us the idea

to hire Nichola

because he's not fluent
in French.

He's followed that trail
as far as he can go.

But I am of the opinion

that it's always best
to have boots on the ground.

Was wondering how
your research is going.

Specifically, what about the
followup on the Rochefoucauld,

because we have keen interest
in that,

given the fact that
that name appears on Zena's map.

Well, I have been in touch
with Sonia Matossian,

who is a Rochefoucauld

and she lives at the castle at,
at La Rochefoucauld itself.

And I asked her
if she would be willing

to meet you
and to show you around.

So, she's kind of
invited everybody.

So, if you would like to
do that, it's definitely on.

I would very much
appreciate that and...

- I'm in.
- Alex is already nodding.

So I know Alex is in.

And I would love to be able to
include my other nephew, Peter.

So, we kindly accept
thatthat gracious offer.

I'm hoping that Sonia Matossian

will be able to help us a bit
on the map.

And to see if she comes up
with anything interesting there.

We very much look forward
to meeting you

and getting an update
on your research.

Well, me, too, and, um,

I'm looking forward
to seeing you all.

Thank you.


I'm looking forward to it.

I think this is gonna be a
really, really cool opportunity

to go to a... an ancient
family house in France.

I truly think that the answer
to solving this mystery,

um, lies in many places.

And perhaps, you know,
we'll find

some of those answers in Europe.

There's a specific reference
to a specific family

on the map.

It's one of the best clues
on the map.

We have to follow it up.

I've always been on
about the information hunt.

And this is an information hunt
to France.

Great. Looking forward to it.

Later that day...

Today's the day, Rick.
Today's the day.

Rick joins his brother Marty

as they head to the Money Pit

for the start of their massive
excavation of Borehole H ,

where they've already found
evidence of a vault,

ancient pottery,
and even human bones

more than feet below ground.

Well, think of the effort
we went to.

I mean, all those Geotech holes

and painstakingly looking
at the samples

and then looking
at the samples again

and washing 'em and
finding these really odd things,

- all of 'em in H .
- If there's one spot

where there's something
in the Money Pit,

based on the pattern drilling,
it's there. -Right.

Many, many years ago,

when we were sort of dreaming
about this island as boys,

we had the idea
to be able to dig,

dig up the fabled Money Pit,

and now we're about to do it.

It's been a long time coming.

This is the culmination

of everything
we've done up till now,

and we're ready to get after it.

Here we be.


- Good morning! Today's the day.
- Are you excited?

- Yeah. -Yeah.
- Okay.

- Morning, guys.
- Morning.

The oscillator's on its way.

It's coming around the turn,

- Here you go.
- There it is.

- There we go.
- Yeah.

Time to make history?

Time to make history.

There we go.

- We're in the air.
- We're floating.

It's good right there, brother.

Once in place over H ,

the oscillator will apply some
three million pounds of torque

to drive the inchwide
caissons down

as deep as feet
in an effort to reveal

what has been hidden
in the Money Pit

for more than two centuries.

Watch your toes!

It looks like they're trying
to pick up

that first piece of pipe.

Right now, they're gonna be
picking that starter can.

- Two and , feet long.
- Yeah. Yeah.

We'll place it
into the oscillator,

wedge it down, - Yeah.

Get it in place, and then
we can start oscillating.

We'll be slamming can, right?

Slamming can.

See those teeth?

Those teeth are gonna get
to the bottom of this.

- There he is.
- Hey, Daniel!

It is a historic
moment on Oak Island,

as Rick, Marty,
and members of the team

are joined by veteran treasure
hunter Dan Blankenship.

Now age ,

Dan has spent more than half
his incredible life

working to solve
the Oak Island mystery.

And although he is unable

to be as active in the field
as he once was,

his determination to find
an answer is as strong as ever.

I should go write
on that, "Breakthrough."

- Want me to do that?
- You could.

Yeah, all right. I'm going to.

I suppose I should have
a hard hat on for that?

Give me that.

- Hey, guys!
- Yeah.

- Can I get up there?
- Of course.

This is historical and this
is big, and we're all excited.

It just seemed like a ceremony
was required of some sort,

and I know there had been
writing on casings before.

I remembered how many times
Rick has said,

"We need to find
Dan's breakthrough,

the breakthrough he's sought
for years."

So, I thought,
"All right, maybe this is it."

"Dan's Breakthrough."
That's what I wrote.

How's that?

"Dan's Breakthrough."

"Dan's Breakthrough."

- Right? There it is.
- Yeah.

It's on its way.

Here he goes, guys.
Jack's got something, too.

For the Oak Island team,

breaking ground in H
has offered an emotional moment

filled with both joy
and sadness...

That's nice.

As they reflect
on another moment...

Here you go, bro.

Just one year ago,

when the words "Forever Family"

were first written
by Jack's brother,

Drake Tester,

who died earlier this year.

Way to go, Drake.

Watching the oscillator
about to break ground

- and watching Marty...
- you know,

write "Dan's Breakthrough"
on there,

I had an overpowering feeling

you know, I needed to...

I needed to go up there and...

and write "Forever Family"
for my brother,

'cause I just wish
he was here right now.



That's right, Jack!

That's right, Jack!

It was very poignant and
very moving, very appropriate.

- Absolutely.
- So, he wrote.

"Forever Family"
for his deceased brother

and then he just initialed it,
Drake Tester.

So that was beautiful.

So, Dan, we'rewe're about
to get everything going here.

Would you do us proud and step
over there and press the button?

Sure. Yeah.

It seems appropriate

that Dan Blankenship,
who's given

years of his life to this,
win, lose, or draw,

has a chance to start

this year's big dig
in the Money Pit.

So, when he presses
the button, it's...

here we go, you know?
This is gonna be your proof

that what you started long ago,

you will now see the completion
of it, hopefully, in this hole.

We all believe that this is it.

It's this hole.
It starts this day.

Yeah. Let's hope you're right.

Yeah. -I believe we are.
Right. -

Now put the torque to it!

Let's oscillate.
Right here, sir.

All right. There she goes.

- All right.
- Making hole.


Good job, Dan.

For Rick, Marty,
and their partners,

the possibility of solving the
yearold Oak Island mystery

has never been greater
than it is right now.

And the answers they and
countless others before them

have been so eager to learn

have never been closer.

But will they find
a priceless treasure

buried on the island
by th century pirates?

Or will they find a vast vault
filled with precious artifacts,

hidden away and guarded
for centuries

by the Knights Templar?

This much is certain:

Hundreds of lives
have been invested

on a centuriesold quest.

Six have paid
the ultimate price.

And the remains of two souls
lie deep underground.

Could the human cost equal
the value of what lies below?

Or will the island demand
an even steeper price

before it reveals its secrets?

Next time
on The Curse of Oak Island...

This takes the information hunt
to another level.

On his shield,
he's got this cross,

which is exactly like the H.O.

There was a reference
to your family name.

Are there Templar connections?

There obviously is a connection.

They're trying to relay
some sort of information.

The secret's behind that wall.

This is a Templar cross.

These don't exist anywhere else.

They only exist here.

It's what we came for, really.
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