05x00 - The Journey So Far

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Curse of Oak Island". Aired: January 5, 2014 to present.*
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Follows brothers Marty and Rick as they search for the infamous treasure on Oak Island.
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05x00 - The Journey So Far

Post by bunniefuu »

Ready, Rick?

It has been
four exciting years

since we first joined Rick
and Marty Lagina...

Hold up!
I think I see something.

...and their incredible team

on their quest to solve
the Oak Island mystery.

We've seen them make
awesome breakthroughs...

Come on, baby.


-I'll be damned.
-Oh, no.

...watched them face
frustrating challenges...

It burst.

...and overcome setbacks.

-Oh! -
But most importantly,

we cheered them on as they kept
finding compelling evidence...


...that something of
great value lies buried

somewhere deep beneath
the surface of the island.

Now, before we launch back into
the search with season five,

we're going to take
the next minutes

to celebrate what has been
an unbelievable four years.

And to help us, we've invited
Rick and Marty Lagina

to join us and share
their thoughts...

on "The Journey So Far."

Oak Island might not
look very big on a map,

but when you're standing here
as I am now,

acres seems pretty darn big.

Now, I guess, if I were
searching for treasure here,

I'd start pretty much
where Rick and Marty did

four years ago.

The place that offered the
quickest way to get deeper

down below the surface than
anyone had ever gone before.

The infamous -foot borehole

known simply as -X.

Oh, that's scary, just scary.

Looks like the mouth of Hell.

Hey, did you see that...

Hey, watch it!

Watch it. You don't know
if that's sturdy, man.

-X was hand-dug
by legendary treasure hunter

Dan Blankenship,
back in the early s.

It was Dan's belief
that in order to avoid

the various flood tunnels
that always frustrated efforts

to dig at the Money Pit site,

he would need to find
another way in.

A "backdoor"
into what could be

an underground treasure vault.

In the very first
episode of the series,

Dan's partners
Rick and Marty Lagina,

along with their partner
Craig Tester,

and Dan's son Dave Blankenship,

got right down to business.

They sent a high-definition
underwater camera

to the bottom of the shaft.

All right, we ready?

Go find us something.

His name is Probert the probe.

Come on, baby. Go find it.

Are you recording?

- Sure.

Yup, we're about to hit.


We're at feet.

What are you seeing?

It's kind of dirty.

Any mermaids?

No mermaids.

Rick and Marty were
using Probert in hopes

of verifying the existence
of several objects

that had been captured on tape
by a Canadian TV station

back in the s.

These included a wooden post,

a possible treasure chest,

tunnels and even human remains.

As that camera
is going down the hole,

there's, like, a fight going
on inside my mind, you know,

the scientific part of me
is highly skeptical

about what
this could possibly be,

but-but the hopeful part of me,

the part that wants
to believe...

Marty, suspend disbelief
for a while,

and maybe this camera
is gonna show us these things

that Dan Blankenship
thinks are there.

So I'm... I'm-I'm
cynical and I'm hopeful.

Let's go to bottom.

Rick, why don't you
come look at this?

-What's, uh... Whoa!
-Whoa! Whoa! Stop!

There's something here.

That first look inside
the borehole was tantalizing.

But one of the best moments

happened later,
in the w*r room,

when they showed the
footage to Dan Blankenship.

I honestly think that
that could be the top of what

I say is a tunnel there.

What depth is that?

There's that damn anchor
or something there.

From that moment on,
it became Rick,

Marty and the team's mission
to get to the bottom of -X.


At first, they tried flushing
artifacts out of the bottom

by means of
the powerful airlift method.

This is a process where air
is pumped into the hole

in hopes of forcing objects
up the shaft

and into a nearby
collection t*nk.

Hit the air! Let's go!

-Watch it, watch it.

So we ran an airlift
into the hole,

hoping a gold coin,
you know, a chest hinge,

something comes out--

I mean, honestly,
even Dan's famous severed hand.

We're looking for something

to come out of that hole.

Dan believed in what he saw.

He admits it's very subjective,

and so the hope is that
we will hold in our hands,

at the end of this enterprise,

the proof for Dan,
his long-sought breakthrough.

That's my hope.

k*ll the air for a minute!


Dig some out of there,
let's see what we got.

I don't see a lot, but I mean,

the bottom line is,
we're getting a lot of stuff.


Now, that...
that is very peculiar.

Although the team
did find evidence

of man-made workings
using this method,

they knew they needed
an even better look

at the bottom of -X.

Send her down.

Well, here we go with the
emotional roller coaster again.

Uh, we now have
sonar in the hole,

state of the art sonar.

When they ran scanning
sonar in the bottom chamber,

the results were nothing
short of astounding.

Oh, my goodness.
Look at that.

Look at this, gentlemen.

-What's that?
-It's an opening.

And all kinds of stuff
starts to be revealed.

It is very exciting.

We did find something
I think is kind of unique.

Uh, there's a structure
down there, it sits right

in this area right here.

It's roughly two and
a half feet by two feet.

It's got a nice curved top.

What we think this box could
be is a possible chest.

Wait, wait.

Percent confidence that
that is a man-made chest.



I suspend disbelief

because you can see
these images, they're crisp,

and I am very excited
that maybe it is true,

maybe there are all kinds
of things in -X.

He actually denoted several
things that Dan had not seen.

-Yeah. -Remember those circular
objects that were on a shelf?

Yeah, he thought
it was a pulley.

He also believed
that there was a half a wall,

and behind which,
he could not see,

but what's behind "half a wall"?

At that point,
I'm beyond where he's at,

he's still analyzing data.

I'm thinking "How do I dry
this up and get down there?"

The results of
the scanning sonar convinced

the Oak Island team
that Dan Blankenship was right.

Something strange and unknown
was lying at the bottom

of the -X shaft.

Something that merited
further investigation.

And to do that,

they would have to find
someone experienced enough,

and brave enough,

to make their way down
the increasingly narrow

-foot-deep shaft.

For this, Rick and Marty
turned to world-renowned diver

John Chatterton.

Are you ready?

I'm ready.
-Okay, stand by .

Okay, proceed down.

When John Chatterton
finally did reach

the bottom of -X,

it was the Oak Island

of landing a man on the moon.

Yeah. What-what is that, John?

John Chatterton
made an extensive search

of the chamber,

but because of all the silt
in the bottom of -X,

he had to do it in near
zero-visibility conditions.

Does it feel natural to you,
or does it feel like

it could be possibly man-made?

Could he walk into that?

You had to crawl in
or could you walk into it?

As soon as the dive
operation was over,

it was time for the debrief.

And, just like
everyone at home,

the guys in the w*r room were
on the edge of their seats.

One of the things that,

that you guys were definitely
interested in was,

-was the box.

Right about here.

I had a rock that I would
estimate was ten inches

to inches.

It was very angular,

had at least one
ninety-degree angle on it.

Here's the ultimate question.

Odds from your exploration
of that being man-made?

I think...

it looks like
a natural formation.

So Rick, can we put an X in -X

and move onto other
places on that island?

Not right now.

We've yet to discern anything
that is targetable,

i.e., retrievable.

All the tools we put down

and the human beings
we put down there have...

have said there's
nothing in -X.

In order for me
to rest easy on -X,

I have to go down there.

We'll see how that turns out.

-X and its secrets
have yet to be fully revealed.

But as far as
fans are concerned,

the same can also be said
for other places on Oak Island.

Whew. This place is foul.

The swamp.

This strange,
triangular-shaped area,

located right in the middle
of Oak Island,

is believed by many
to be the key to solving

this -year-old mystery.

It was early in season one,
when the Oak Island team

first learned that
something astounding

might be hiding beneath
the swamp's murky surface.

That's when Lee Lamb,

the daughter of famed
Oak Island treasure hunter

Robert Restall,

returned to the place
where both her father

and her brother Bobby Jr. died,

along with two others,

while searching for
treasure here in .

These are Bobby's journals.

It was during her visit

that Lee shared
with Rick Lagina

information about a mysterious
"mystery box"

that her brother
Bobby was convinced lie buried

in the southeast area
of the swamp.

I want you to look
at this entry.

Wow. It's like history
coming alive.

BOBBY: Jack Adams located
approximate position

of his "mystery box."

I started cutting wood

for a working platform.

We can't change this.

We can't do anything about it,
but I hope, perhaps,

on the end of this book,
you and I can fill in,

-here-- excuse me--
that we finish. -Mm-hmm.

Yeah. Finish the search.

Let's make a promise.


Thank you.

Oh, you're welcome.

No family has paid
a steeper price

in terms of the pursuit
of answers

the Oak Island mystery,

other than the Restalls.

And for me, it was
emotionally charged visit.

And I turned to Lee and
I said, "I promise you

that we will write
that last page."

And we've not written it yet,
but we will.

In an effort to find out

if Bobby Restall's theory about
a mystery box was true,

Rick, Marty and the team
attempted to drain the swamp...

Throw the switch.

-I hope number two works!
-It better work.

(engine running)

...only to suffer
a seri of setbacks.

the team's determination

to investigate the swamp led
them to a breakthrough find.

STEVE: I'm getting a hit
here, definitely.

(metal detector beeping)

Right there.

There's something there.

Oh, (bleep).

What is it?

I believe this is a coin.


-Are you serious?
- What?


-What's that "eight" on there?
- What the hell is that?

- It's an "eight".
What is it? - Yeah.


The Spanish coin
that we found in the swamp

was a big, big deal to me,

because after we had it
scientifically tested,

the-the people who understand
these things told us

the condition of the coin
was consistent with it being

in a non-saline environment.

In other words,
it didn't come out of the sea.

So here's a piece of evidence
and it's a pretty good one.


The discovery
of the Spanish coin

was an amazing find.

It also added credibility
to another intriguing theory

about the Oak Island swamp.

One long held by another
famed treasure hunter,

the late Fred Nolan.

It was Fred's belief
that Oak Island was once

two adjacent land masses,

and that sometime
during the s,

pirates sank a Spanish
galleon loaded with treasure

between the two islands.

They covered their tracks
by building two enormous

cofferdams on both the north
and south sides of the islands,

pumped out the water,

and sank the ship right
where the swamp now lies.

Seem farfetched?

Well, it was just last season

that the team found evidence
to support

this extraordinary theory.

-What is that?
- It's a large board.

It's definitely not our
target, but it's interesting.

It's probably feet long,
which is an odd dimension.

I'm thinking, plank,

either deck planking, or
the side of the ship planking.

The best place to hide something
is in plain sight, right?

Well, the swamp
is in plain sight,

and the other thing is,
is that Fred has been, uh,

reluctant over the years
to tell us everything

he-he has learned of the swamp.

And then you add in
the-the finds.

Fred found a ship's mast,
the ratlines of a ship,

the scuppers of a ship,
then, our finds.

You add all of that together,

perhaps, there was some...
thing done

to manipulate the swamp.

The discovery of what
appeared to be a plank

from a ship's deck
compelled the guys

to redouble their efforts
to finally drain the swamp.

And after they did,
they made yet another,

potentially greater discovery,

with the help of metal
detection expert Gary Drayton.

Ooh. Now, that's a good signal.

Okay, I'll give it
a little test.

All right.

-It's somewhere around there.
-Get it out of there.

-Oh, yeah.
-Ooh, look at that. That's nice.

That is old.
It's an handmade spike.

This type of nail
was specifically made

for putting decks down,

thick decking, on the old boats.

Well, the board that Tony found
in the south part of the swamp

looked like decking.

It probably is. For sure.

I found exactly the same
objects as this on...

off Spanish galleons
from the late s,

early s.


You know,
as disgusting as it is,

further exploration of the swamp

really might provide us
with the answers

we're all looking
for on Oak Island.


if only Rick and Marty could
find someone to join the team

that has no sense of smell.



MA On the eastern endy
of Oak Island

sits one of its most intriguing

and mysterious places:
Smith's Cove.

It's here that many searchers
have invested major resources

in trying to solve the
-year-old treasure mystery,

and for good reason.

It may hold the key to getting
to the bottom of the Money Pit.

In , workers
from the Truro Company

found their efforts to dig
in the Money Pit halted

by an unexpected flood of
seawater at a depth of feet.

After searching the island,

they suspected that
one of the places

the water was coming from
was at Smith's Cove.

To investigate,
they built a large cofferdam

around the area.

They then drained out
the water,

and were astonished
at what they found:

a network
of five stone box drains

that converged
into one central flood tunnel

leading beneath the island
towards the area

of the Money Pit.

Although years
of digging on the island

have all but obliterated
any traces of the box drains,

Rick, Marty and the team believe
that if they can figure out

which way the drains
were headed,

they might be able
to pinpoint the exact location

of the Oak Island treasure.

You guys good
at digging rocks?

As good as you can
get at that, I guess.

We're slowly trying
to drain this down

so we can get at where, uh,
the coconut fibers are.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

DAN H.: Is that the mother lode
right there?

That looks like it.

-Yeah, there it is.
-ALEX: Looks like it to me.

We got to go tell Uncle Rick.

When the box drains
were first discovered,

they were reported to have
been covered over by layers

of both coconut fiber
and eel grass.

Since coconut trees
and coconut fiber

aren't native
to the North Atlantic,

this was a major find.

You guys actually
found coconut fiber?

That's incredible.

-We got proof.


Let's go down to the wet one.

When the guys later took
the coconut fiber to a lab

to be carbon dated,

they received even
more startling news.

Okay, I got test results in

on coconut fiber
found in the beach.

They're dating it
between and AD.

So, that's old, old, old stuff.

- That's what I figured.

Coconut fiber being found

by our team is very important
to me because coconut fiber

should not be on an island
off of Nova Scotia.

There's proof.
There's Marty's proof.

Give me the proof.

There's your coconut fiber.

Proves the old story.

And then to have the... the C-
testing come back s,

you tell me
that doesn't mean something

about the story of Oak Island,

what may or may not
have happened here,

and I'll say you're wrong.

But Smith's Cove
isn't the only place

where ocean water is brought in

to fuel the islands many
booby trap flood tunnels.

At least two other
inlets are believed to exist,

and to find them

took an ingenious method
known as a dye test.

In season two,

the guys poured an
environmentally safe green dye

down Borehole -X.

Since -X is flooded
with ocean water,

like the Money Pit,

it was the team's plan to see

if the dye would seep
out of -X,

and into the ocean
at specific points.

Finding these points
might allow the team

to seal up the flood tunnels
for good,

and in so doing, allow
the Money Pit to be dug up

without the persistent

and other problems
caused by flooding.

No, man, we don't see
a thing out here at all.

No dye out there.

Then suddenly,
a promising sign.

You can see it looks like green,

uh, green coming out of there.

Although the results
of that first dye test

proved inconclusive,

the guys were determined
not to give up.

Last year, Rick, Marty,

Craig and the team
put an inflatable cofferdam

around a section
of Smith's Cove

in an attempt to find
the original flood tunnels.

Instead, they were surprised
to find evidence

of an ancient irrigation
structure known

as a French drain.

It is interesting--
the gradation, right?

You know how you got the
smallest rocks at the bottom,

then bigger,
then big walloping great ones

that seem to be holding
it all in place.

Based on your expertise, with
certainty, this is placed here.

-It's a man-made something.
-I believe so, yeah.


Very significant finding
in Smith's Cove

that an archeologist
says this is man-made.

And his best guess was
some sort of French drain.

French drain is to
conduct water somewhere,

and we have these stories

about the famous
water booby trap,

so it was corroboration
and, um, made that effort--

Rick's, Rick's big effort
at Smith's Cove--

I think that made that a winner.

As far as the Oak Island
team was concerned,

they now had
all the proof they needed.

Something really big
had once happened on the island

centuries ago.

We have to continue the, our
search agenda in Smith's Cove.

There are answers there.

I don't know what they are, I
don't know where they'd lead us,

but we have to continue.

But to find out what it was

would require going
back to the place

this epic mystery began
more than years ago,

the Oak Island Money Pit.

Somewhere, right around here
in this area, When "The Journey So Far"

is the location of the fabled
Oak Island Money Pit.

It was here, years ago,

that three area teenagers,

Daniel McInnis, John Smith,

and Anthony Vaughan found
a strange depression

beneath an old oak tree.

They looked up and noticed
a block and tackle

hanging from a limb,

and concluded that
the depression was the result

of something
being buried there.

They began to dig,

until, at a depth of ten feet,

they found what looked to be
a floor made of oak logs,

tightly packed together.

They kept digging,

and found the same
oak platforms

at intervals of ten feet.

Well, if you've seen the show,
you know the rest of the story.

How, in ,

at a depth of feet,
a stone slab was discovered,

with strange, almost
hieroglyphic symbols on it.

How the shaft then flooded,

and how, after more
than two centuries

of digging and drilling
on the island,

the precise location of
the original Money Pit shaft

and the secret to what
lies at the bottom of it

has been lost.

We kind of danced around

the Money Pit
for a long time, you know?

The Money Pit is
a technologically difficult dig.

And I might as well just
come out and say it,

it's also hugely expensive.

So we were looking
for enough clues

to give us the correct impetus
to dig in the Money Pit.

In season two,

the team made a concerted
effort to pinpoint

the original treasure shaft

by drilling an exploratory
borehole they named,

"Valley Three."

Earlier on, we tried drilling

where those small
PVC white pipes are,

but we couldn't get
down deep enough.

So we pulled forward
a little bit.

We still should be in what they
call that "triangle area."

That's where M.R. said
his father

had drilled into the "vault."

-Yeah. -M.R. Chappell.
Back in the 's.

Yeah, a long time ago.

We're hoping to do that
again with this hole.

The Triangle Area
is the name given to an area

between two old searcher
shafts that, well,

forms a triangle.

And it is somewhere
in the center of this area,

where the original Money Pit
is thought to be located.

Drilling down to a depth
of approximately feet,

Rick Lagina and Craig Tester
made a major discovery.

One that convinced them
that they had found

not only the Money Pit,

but a mysterious
wooden box known

as the Chappell Vault.

Look at that chunk of
wood that came out of there.

Definitely got wood.

See what else we might have.

That's definitely... clay.

That's what they found
at top of the vault.

Think that's
bedrock right there.

I don't think that's bedrock.

Maybe it's concrete, Rick.

That is a possibility.

Concrete and then wood,
that's the description.

In ,

Oak Island treasure hunters
Frederick Blair

and William Chappell drilled
into what they believed to be

a seven-foot tall wooden box
encased in concrete.

When they recovered
their drill bit,

they found what looked
like flakes of gold,

as well as a piece
of parchment,

on which was
written the letters "V-I."

But before Chappell
could dig a hole deep enough

to reach what he called
the Chappell Vault,

the shaft was once again
flooded by seawater.

The hole caved in,

and the box and its contents
were swallowed up.

This is the core?
This is the first core?

This is the core.

Looks like concrete in it.

It kind of does
look like concrete.


Oh, yeah.

You're right.

The odds are is that
that is cement.

-That's, you know,

like the top of a wood vault?

-Is that what you're thinking?

Craig is, you know,

he has always been
my science guy.

Very smart guy, very
technologically, uh, adept.

So this core comes out,

and it's exactly as described
to be the top of the vault.

I mean, Craig was over
the moon about it,

and I was pretty excited.

It looked like we'd come
down on the Chappell Vault.

It was what caused us
to dig a great big hole there.

Finding evidence
of the Chappell Vault

is one thing.
Getting to it,

without hitting
the booby-trapped flood tunnels

is another.

At the end of season three,

as the team tried to figure out

a way of reaching
the Chappell Vault,

Oak Island historian
Charles Barkhouse

convinced Rick to try looking
for the original Money Pit

at a different location.

One that was later named "C- ."
And it was here,

after drilling down to a depth
of approximately feet,

that the team made
another astonishing find.

No? No rock?

Zero rock. No rock.

Let's just drop him.

Huge cavity!

That's huge!

- Perfect.
-GLEN: Okay. Here we go.

When Rick and the team
put a camera down C- ,

we all saw something
so awesome,

we just couldn't believe
our eyes.

GLEN: We're approaching
meters right now.

- Cavity. -CHARLES:
That's a cavity right there.

GLEN: I'm thinking,
I'm in the cavity there now.

What's that?

-That right there.
-GLEN: Yeah, exactly.

-Looks like it might be...
-What is that?

It looks, like, shiny,
like metal.

Yeah. Looks metallic.

A shiny,
gold-colored object,

more than -feet deep

As we continued to look at it,

I think we all became
convinced that it was something,

but what was it?

Well, are we gonna do everything
we can within reason

to try to retrieve it?

It was at this moment
that Rick, Marty and the team

believed they were
finally getting close.

Perhaps closer
than anyone before them

had ever been to getting
to the bottom of the Money Pit,

and solving
the Oak Island mystery.

Whe During season four, r"
the Money Pit was the site

of many epic moments.

Not just in
The Curse of Oak Island series,

but in all
of Oak Island history.

It began when Rick,
Marty and the team

brought in more than tons
of heavy digging equipment.

- No, there it is...
- There it is...

Right there. The oscillator.

(truck beeping)

Time to let the big dog eat.

Come on, Dan.
Show us your stuff.


Here we go.

To dig the team's
three target shafts,

a casing oscillator was used
to rotate a -inch-wide

steel caisson back and forth
down to target depth.

Then, a seven-ton hammer grab
was used to dig out the earth,

and hopefully,
evidence of a treasure.

Target number one:
the Valley Three borehole,

better known as the place
where Rick and Craig found

what they believe to be
the so-called Chappell Vault.

- Wood. Wood. Wood!
- Got wood in there.

Well, I'll be damned.
Look at that.

At a depth of some feet,

they found wood,
and not just any wood,

but the exact same wooden beam

that they had obtained
a core sample of

from two years before.

You core it from a hole
that's wandering off,

and then you put this big can
down and you get it.

Man, did we bingo that!

I mean, come on,
that's pretty impressive.

But then,
a heartbreaking realization.

Are we seeing
saw marks on there?


If that really
is a circular saw,

-then it's surely not .

What the team thought
might be a piece

of the original
Chappell Vault

was actually a part
of a searcher tunnel

built by William Chappell's son
in the s.

Undaunted, the team moved on
to their next target site:

Borehole C- ,

where Rick and Charles spotted
what appeared to be

a glittering metal object
some feet below

the island's surface.

After widening the hole,

diver Mike Huntley then made
the harrowing -foot descent

to the bottom.

Copy that, you're in the cavity.

Find the shiny gold thing.


(high-pitched beeping)

Oh, yeah.
I hear something, yeah.

He's got something on
the metal detector.

Despite the
zero-visibility conditions

in the heavily silted
bottom chamber of C- ,

Mike Huntley obtained
a number of hits

with an underwater
metal detector.

How many hits does he have?

-Sounds like three hits so far.
-Three. Three hits.

That's what he said.

Due to poor visibility,

Mike was unable to find

that elusive glittering
gold-colored object.

And the team's third hole,

T- , turned out to be
a bitter disappointment.

We're done.

It also triggered
one of the most memorable

and emotional
moments in the series,

and led to the digging
of a critical fourth hole.

I want to leave here with
having done a damn good try,

but your criteria's always been:

you don't want to leave here
with regrets.


Charles has picked a hole,
Craig has picked a hole.

I think the final position
of this one should be yours.

No, I-I think we do it
for the Laginas.

You, me, Alex and Mom and Dad.

So let's name it
for our parents.

Let's call it the
George and Ann Lagina...

number one.

-GAL number one.

You all right with it?

Mom was quite a gal.

Okay, I like that a lot.

That makes me feel a lot better.

You get to choose
a hole on Oak Island.

I mean, nobody deserves
that more than you.

Nobody has put their soul
into this like you have.

Nobody has been less
self-aggrandizing than you.

Look, you deserve it.

It is as simple as that.

Well, thanks.

So, anyway...

We'll do it together.

I had great promise
for picking the GAL location,

and it had nothing to do
with my insight,

or even intuition or anything.

It was based upon
the archival records.

I read a lot about
Oak Island, I...

Now there's an understatement.

And so, you know, I tried
to puzzle things together,

and I thought,
"You know what?

"I just want one thing--
hold in my hand--

predates searcher activity
below searcher depth."

The one thing that says
to the most hardened skeptic...

that this is real.

Here. Here's your proof,
and to go to Dan and say, "Dan,

here's your long-sought-after

All right,
talk to me. Where are we at?

ANDREW: We're feet
with the casing,

feet with the excavation.

We would be, by all accounts,

right at the top of
the vault, then, right?

-All right.

Come on! Bring something up!

Right here, right now!

Look at that. Yeah, baby!

GAL- turned out to offer

some of the most impressive
finds of the entire season.

(metal scraping)

Wow. What's this?

What the hell is that?

That's metal.

After drilling down
to a depth of feet,

the team began
pulling up everything,

from bits of old wood,

to a mysterious
piece of sheet metal.

A metal brt,

and even a gold-plated
th century

British military button.

What's it doing
deep in the Money Pit?

I could not come
to an understanding

of what that sheet metal was
doing down there unless it was

part of the original works,

and I was impressed
by the retrieval of those, um,

pieces and they're...

-I mean, they were big pieces.
-They're big.

And to me, when I,
when we first look at them,

-I think we all commented they
look hand-hammered. -They did.

So, if we're retrieving
these modern metals,

we know we're closeto th,

-because the Chappells
believed it. -Yeah.

So, you know,
what's going on here?

The finds in GAL-

convinced the team
they were finally

getting closer than ever

to solving
the Oak Island mystery.

Let's dig.
It's time to dig.

-Without question.
That is a given. -Yes!

We've already shown you some of

The Curse of Oak Island's
most popular moments.

I'm sorry I doubted you.

-(both laughing)
-How's that?

-How's that, brother?
-That's a good deal.

But for many fans,
the real Oak Island treasures

are our two treasure hunters,
Rick and Marty Lagina,

two brothers from
Northern Michigan

who shared a special dream
for more than years.

You're making me feel bad.

You want me in there?


Oh, yeah, this is just
frickin' magnificent.

If we didn't come
up with that coin...

-Yeah? -...I was gonna ask you
to call it quits.

I'm not sure what
the answer would've been.

(both laughing)

Okay, but here's the thing.

I'm still in.

It's a good day, Rick.

Not just a good day.
It's a great day.

One for us.

Rick and Marty,
while I've got you here,

talk about the journey
you two have shared together

over the last four years
on Oak Island.

I'm grateful in the sense
that who gets to do that, right?

I mean, we're-- lets face it--
we're old guys now,

and we're off playing like
when we were young brothers.

You know, I've said it before,
we trust and respect each other,

and we're getting
to do this together

and you know,
who gets to do that?

I'm exceedingly happy
that we came to Oak Island

from completely
different perspectives--

yours was you were
quite skeptical, um,

-you know, still are,
to a degree. -Still are.

But it's important,
that's an integral part

of this process as it evolves.

-But you've come a ways,
and, uh... -Yeah.

And I find that probably the
happiest part of this for me.

Looking back on four years,

what's your main takeaway
from Oak Island thus far?

I have learned an enormous
amount in this quest.

You know, I've learned a lot
about history I was unaware of.

I have learned a lot
of scientific things.

I've learned about the limits
of science,

but it's been
a hell of an adventure,

and it's not over yet.


I don't know how
or why the story bit me

when I was a little boy,

but we sit here now
as affirmation

that it was something about it.

And it's also affirmed
by the fact that such

a wide community of people now
are engaged in this process

and we love it.

Finally, guys, I'd like to get
your thoughts on your hopes

for the future of Oak Island.

To, of course,
solve the mystery.

Secondly, to leave a positive
footprint if and when we left,

and, uh, to try to heal
the island

physically and emotionally.

-I don't want to fail,

and what I mean by that,
is I want

to have taken the best attempt

we could make here,
so that we, you know,

at some point, we'll be done.

Who knows? We may,
we may put a period at the end

of the Oak Island story.

Well, guys, I always
love spending time

with you and I always appreciate
your openness and your honesty.

Thank you so much, again.

-Thank you, Matty, it was great.
-Appreciate it. -Thank you.

Always a pleasure
talking with you.

Bring a shovel next time.

-Thank you, guys. You got it.

After four awesome seasons,
I think it's safe to say

that just like Rick,
Marty and the team,

we the fans, feel exactly the
way they do about Oak Island:

"Once in, forever in."

-Cheers, guys.

MATTY; But now, after four
years of finding clues,

-compiling evidence...

...and gathering pieces
of an enormous puzzle...

Humans built that.

It's time to look ahead
to Oak Island's future.

The question is,
where do we go from here?

Will this be the year

that the mystery
is finallyolved?

Or will the island continue
to guard its secrets?

There's only one
way to find out.

We have to keep digging.

And, of course, keep watching
The Curse of Oak Island.
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