08x14 - Tommy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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08x14 - Tommy

Post by bunniefuu »

(fanfare plays)

Heh! Giddup!

MAN: Hey, Hoss.

Come on over.

I want to talk to you.

HOSS: You want
to talk to me, Dave?

What have I done now?

Plenty, as like as not.

I got a passenger for you.

You got a passenger for me?

Well, not for you, really.

He's addressed to your dad.

Dave, you got a passenger
addressed to my pa, right?

Come on over and
look for yourself.

Come on, boy.

This is where you're going.

Where'd you get him?

Lady put him on in Elm City.

Had that tag on him.

Says "Ben Cartwright"
on it, plain as day.

Come on, little buddy, let's...

let's find out what
this is all about.

DAVE: He sure don't talk much.

Ain't said a word
since he got on.

Come on, little feller, come on.

Come on, let's see what...

(grunting): what this
is all about anyhow.

(Hoss chuckles softly)

My name's Hoss. What's yours?

DAVE: It ain't no use.

You ain't gonna
get him to speak up.

Tell me what your
name is, little feller.

You're right, Dave.

This youngster ain't
gonna speak up.

He can't.

This little feller
can't hear, neither.

Come on.

(theme song playing)

I put those extra
men on for two weeks.

If we need them any longer
than that, I'll take care of it.

All right, Joseph, I'll leave
that to your good judgment.

Well, as long as you do that,
Pa, you can never go wrong.



(door opens)

BEN: Well, what do we have here?

Hey, you know, I told you
we needed extra hands,

but isn't this one
a little bit small.

(Ben and Little Joe laugh)

Well, young man, how are you?

Pa, this, uh, this little
feller can't hear you.

He can't talk, neither.

Well, uh...

Here, why don't we just sit
you up here, young man, huh?

"Ben Cartwright, Ponderosa."

Who is he?

He gave me this on
the way out, read it.

From Allie Miller.

"Dear Ben, I'm sending
you my son, Tommy..."

"for you to take care
of him for a while.

"His stepfather
has been in jail.

"He broke out a few days ago,

"and I'm afraid he will show up

"and might harm Tommy.

Please take care of him."

Allie's boy.

All the years, all the
letters Allie's written,

she never mentioned
anything about the boy being...

Well, that would be like Allie,

keeping her troubles to herself.

Like her father.

Best ranch foreman I ever had.

Well, there's
one thing for sure,

he ain't gonna be a big
chore for us to keep, is he?

No, sir.

He's sure not gonna be
any big chore, are you?

Hoss, why don't you take
him up to Adam's room?

Yes, sir.

There we are.




There you go.

Hey, yeah.

That's it.

You're gonna be
all right, little buddy.

You don't have to
worry about the boy.

Hoss and I will
keep an eye on him.

Oh, I know that.

I'm not worried about
Tommy, I'm worried about Allie.

She's in trouble.

Joe, I'm gonna ride
over to Elm City.

If Allie's in trouble,
she belongs here.

Saddle my horse
for me, will you?


(door opens, closes)

(hoofbeats approaching)

Hello, Allie.

I reckon you know why I'm here.

ALLIE: Yes, Sheriff.

I know.

I'll have to ask
you plain out...

Has Jess been here?

I told you a year ago
I was divorcing him.

He wouldn't risk coming here.

He's a dangerous man, Allie.

Turned out to be
even more bitter

than he was two years ago.

Nobody knows
better than I do how...

how dangerous he is.

I'm sorry about it.

Now, we're gonna
take a look around,

and we'll be back.

I understand, Sheriff.


They gone?

Yes, they're gone, Jess.

I knew you couldn't
turn me in, Allie.

Now, let's forget all that
talk about you leaving me.

You're still my wife.

I waited two years for that.

Two years in that stinking cell,

wanting you.

But everything's
gonna be different now.

I got a stake, the
bank money, I got it hid.

We're gonna go to Mexico, Allie.

We're gonna start all over,
just like we always talked about.

It's too late, Jess.

Too late?

It's only just beginning for us.

Now, don't say you're not
going with me, because you are.

You're coming with me, Allie.

I would have once.

I would have gone
anywhere with you

when we were first married,

when I loved you.

You still love me.

I don't even know you, Jess.

You're an outlaw.

I haven't known
you for two years.

You still love me.

You hear?

You haven't gotten over me.

Jess, go away.

Tommy was always afraid
of you, and now I am, too.

It's all over, don't
you understand?

Now, I know how
you feel about the boy.

But we got money now,
we can send him away

to a school of some kind.

No school would take him.

I'm all he has.

You're my wife, Allie.

I want to do for you
the way I promised.

Don't you understand?

I've finally made it big.

Was it big of you to rob a bank?

What did you want me to do?!

Work for pennies, be small-time?

I-I had no up-bringing,
no learning.

What'd you expect me to do?!

I expected you to be my
husband and a father to my boy.

I was willing to
forget our dreams.

Why weren't you?

Because I'm not a quitter.

I'm a man.

You're a failure.

You took what
you refused to earn.

You're no man.

You keep forgetting just
how much of a man I am.

You're coming with me.

There's not one thing on Earth

that would make me
go to Mexico with you.

(Jess laughs quietly)

Nothing on Earth?

That's right, Jess.

Where's the boy?

Where you won't find him.

You're wrong, Allie.

I'll find him.

And when I do, I'll take
him with me to Mexico.

You wouldn't.

Yeah, I would.

That's what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna take him
to Mexico with me.

And you know
what you'll do, Allie?

You'll come crawling
on your hands and knees

looking for that boy.

What kind of a monster
have you turned out to be?!

You... I told you, Allie.

I want you.

And I'm gonna have you.

So get that in your mind.

(hoofbeats approaching)

See who that is,
and get rid of him.

Don't let him in here.

(door creaks open)


Hello, Allie.

Ben. Ben, it's, it's
good to see you.

Well, it's good to see you.

(quietly): Did Tommy
get there all right?

Well, of course he did.
Don't worry about Tommy.

I, uh... There wa...
there wasn't time

to write or anything, Ben. I...

I didn't know where to turn.

Ben, it was, it was
good of you to come by.

He's in the house, isn't he?

No, Ben. I swear.



That was Jess, wasn't it?

I was frightened for you, Ben.

He was desperate.

I didn't know what he might do.

There was a posse here
looking for him a little while ago.

Allie, why did you stay here?

Why didn't you come to
the Ponderosa with Tommy?

Because that's the first
place he would've thought of.

He's heard me talk
about it so many times.

About when I was a
little girl growing up.

He... he knew it was
just like home to me.

Ben, I had to see
him just one more time

to see if he'd changed.

But he's worse than ever.

Well, you're coming back to
the Ponderosa with me now.

But what if he finds out?

What if, what if he
comes after me?

You say there's a
posse, didn't you?

I'll talk to the sheriff.
They'll keep him busy.

Now, go pack your things.

So, you got treasures, have you?

A pocketknife... mm-mm!

A rabbit's foot.


What is that?

What have we here?

That's the best
treasure of all, I bet ya.

Your ma.

Ain't seen her in a long time,

but I'd recognize her anywhere.

A mighty beautiful woman.

Here, you jump down.

I'll see you in the morning.

Put your ma's picture right
here so you can look at it.

Good night, little buddy.

(door closes)

Ah, good morning, brother.

Morning, Joe.

Did you get up before
the rooster this morning?

Yeah, I want to get
out and check that herd,

so I can get back to Tommy.

What? He's still asleep?


Poor little feller.

I guess he's all tuckered out

from following
me around all day.

Well, he sure has taken
a liking to you, hasn't he?

No more than I have to him.

I better get going, so I can
get back before he wakes up.

- See you.
- Take it easy.



Hey, Hoss!

(whistles) Hoss!

Buddy, did you think I was
gonna run off and leave you?


I was just gonna go out
and check on the herd,

and then I was gonna
come back and pick you up.

I'll tell you what.

You and me... both of us

will get on the horse, ride out

and check on the
herd together, all right?

Good. Come on.

Let's go get you some breakfast.


See if you can round up
some hotcakes from Hop Sing.

Tom here is gonna have
to have some breakfast

if he's gonna go out and
check that herd with me.

Meantime, we'll get washed up.

I think I can work it out.

Hop Sing won't feed you
unless you're washed up.

I learned that a long time ago.

(hoofbeats approaching)


Oh, Tommy!



I reckon he's
introducing us, Allie.

I told him we were all friends.

But he doesn't seem to realize
that I was brought up here.

It's mighty good
to see you again.

Oh, I've missed you so much.

Yes, Tommy.

Ben brought me
here to be with you.

We owe him our thanks.

Why, just having both of
you here is thanks enough.

Let's go in the house.


That's-that's two in a row.

You want to play another one
and give me a chance to catch up?

Tommy seems so at ease here.

Well, that's the way
we'd like you to feel, Allie.

Well, I just can't stop thinking

about what Jess
threatened to do.


I think that was
just a lot of bluff.

He's either in Mexico by now

or back in jail.

Maybe you're right, Ben.

Maybe it's foolish of me
to worry about Tommy.

Well, of course it is.

Okay, go ahead. Go on.

Don't worry about him, Allie.

I'll take care of him.

(Ben laughs)

Ooh, he's anxious.

Just hold on there a
minute, Big Charlie.

(grunting): Okay.

We'll be back by lunch.

(both laugh)

I'm so grateful to you, Ben.

If Dad were alive, he...

he couldn't have been nicer.

- Well...
- You've made Tommy very happy.

He's really come out of his
shell now that you're here.

If only things
could've been different.

You see, Tommy was
less than a year old

when his father was k*lled.

We didn't suspect
Tommy's condition.

I was alone with Tommy.

We didn't have much.

Breaking horses
doesn't pay much,

and then when Clyde was

thrown and trampled...

I loved Jess when
we were married, Ben.

And I know that he loved me.

But when we found
out about Tommy,

why, Jess started to change.

He was always irresponsible

in kind of a charming way, but

it was as if Jess was...

Jess felt Tommy
was an added burden,

and he wasn't up to facing it.

(Ben sighs)

I wish it could've
been different for you.

I could've taken anything

if there had just
been a relationship

between Jess and Tommy, but...

Jess seemed to resent the
boy more and more, and...

and Tommy felt it.


I'm sure he did, but
Tommy'll be all right now.

There's always a tomorrow,

and you two will find it.

There has to be, Ben.

For Tommy's sake.

He's the one who has
to have the tomorrow.

Oh, of course he'll have one.


Thanks for listening, Ben.

I just had to talk to someone.

Well, I'm glad you talked to me.



There's no
question about it, Pa.

That fence had been ripped down.

It looked to me like 20 or 30
head of cattle through there.

Well, Ben, if there's
cattle rustlin' going on,

that kind of makes it my job.

BEN: I appreciate the help, Roy.

Hoss, you better get some
men up there and fix that fence.

HOSS: Yes, sir.

I'll ride out with Hoss,
have a look around.

Well, you have a look
around if you're a mind to,

but I'm going to get
me a posse together

and run this thing down.

Thank you, Roy.

- Let's get started.
- HOSS: Yeah.

It's Jess, Ben.

He's found Tommy and me.

BEN: Oh, Allie, that's only a...

that's only a
guess on your part.


It's more than just a guess.

I know him.

I know what he's
capable of doing.

He knows I'm here with Tommy,

and he'll just keep
striking and striking.

Now, now...

Allie, you're just
getting yourself

all upset over nothing.

But you don't
know what he's like.

He'll never give up...

until he gets me back.

(hoofbeats approaching)

(cattle lowing)




Oh, Ben! Ben!

Bring him right over here.

We'll take him upstairs.

- Ben!
- BEN: What happened?

He's shot in the back.

Upstairs, quick.

I sent one of the boys
into town to get the doc.

He's lost a lot of blood, Ben.

But he's healthy
as a young bull.

He'll pull through.

You ought to thank
Jess Miller's poor aim.

An inch lower, there wouldn't
have been a thing I could do.

Well, good night, Ben.

Hoss, Mrs. Miller.

I'll look in on him
again tomorrow.

Thanks, Doc.

Oh, look, Pa, you and...

you and Allie go
and get some sleep.

I'll stay here with him.

No, Hoss, let me stay.

It's my fault that he's here.

Allie, I told you
not to feel that way.

- You stay with him, Hoss.
- Yes, sir.

(door closes)

Tommy... Tommy,
please try to understand.

I love you so much.

On the day you were born, Tommy,

when you were first
placed in my arms,

I knew I'd been favored

with a very
special little boy...

A handsome, sturdy,
very brave little boy.

And the past seven years have...

have proven that I was right.

That wonderful world
you live in, Tommy...

if only I could be a part of it.

There are things that
grown-ups have to do.

And there are so many
things that grown-ups do that...

a little boy like you
couldn't understand.

I'll come back for you, Tommy.

Please understand that.


I wanted to give you
a father and I failed.

But I can't fail our
friends... Ben, Hoss,

Little Joe.

I love you, Tommy.




I've been watching you
since just before sunrise,

when you left the Ponderosa.

I knew you'd be out
here, waiting for me.

You win.

Where's the boy?

I left him at the Cartwrights'.

He'll be safe there.

Yeah, now you're
gettin' smart, Allie.

We're gonna have
big times, you and me.

We'd better get out of here.

That posse's getting
too close for comfort.


How Little Joe this morning?

Oh, just fine.

He had himself a good
night's rest, Hop Sing.

Oh, that is good sign.

Hop Sing fix bacon, egg, coffee.

- Everything Little Joe like.
- He'll love it.

- I'll have some, too.

Oh, Ben, open up,
will you? It's Roy.



Found him early this morning.

What the deuce was
he doing out there?



Hop Sing, where's Allie?

Hop Sing up early.
Not see Missee Allie.

Uh, give me that towel.

- Get the medicine chest.
- Yes.

His feet are cut to ribbons.

- And find Allie.
- Yes, sir.

Hey, Pa.

It's a note from Allie.

"I'm leaving to meet Jess

"and try to reason with him.

"Maybe then he will let
you and your sons alone.

"And then it might be safe

for Tommy and me to
go back home. Allie."

Pa, we got to go get her.

You got any idea where to look?

(men laughing)

(laughter continues)

(low conversations)


Ah, come on.

Come on, Allie.

You haven't hardly
said a word in a week.

We're over the
border, now we're safe.

Let's get a drink and celebrate.

It's just the beginning for us.

We're gonna have
good times, you and me.

(laughing): Ah, señor.

Welcome to our little city.

I can get something
for you, señora?

You got champagne?

(people laughing)

How about champagne, Allie?

We can afford it.

(people laughing)

Everybody else in here
seems to be having a good time.

Why don't you let down?

Señora, señora.

You see the padre there?

Whenever the padre is there,

we have a lot of fun
with Padre Nicholas.

Please, have some fun, señora.

Bring us a bottle
and two glasses.

When the padre first came here,

we used to laugh at him.

But look what he
has done for us.

Our fine church,
he teach the peons

how to raise crops.

He take care of
our little children.

Forget the priest,
bring us the bottle.

Brother Nicholas
is not a priest.

He is what you
call a lay brother.

We call him padre only
because we love him so.

He could not be a priest.

He could not say the Mass.

He could not hear
the confessions.

Brother Nicholas,
he cannot hear,

and he cannot speak,

but he can talk with his eyes

and tell jokes with his hands.

- (people laughing)
- (speaks in Spanish)

Did... did you say he
can't hear or speak?

S I, señora.

It is so.

Bring the bottle.

S I, señor. (speaks in Spanish)

Forget the boy, will you?

We're here to have a good time.

Now, I'm in the mood
to do some celebrating.



You can understand when I speak?

I know you're not a priest,

but I don't know where to turn.

I need your help.

I am not of your
faith, Brother Nicholas.


(Allie gasps)

What are you doing in here?

Jess, can't I have just
one minute of solitude?

Come on.

I don't want you
even seeing him.

Little boy not eat
enough to keep bird alive.

Maybe you try, Mr. Hoss.

No use, Hop Sing, I've
tried everything I know.

I can cure the body, Ben, but...

how do you cure a
little boy's broken heart?

I'll be back tomorrow.

HOSS: Okay, Doc.

Three weeks since Allie's
been gone and not a word.

Just wish there was something
we could do for Tommy.

Just keep hoping.

(door opens)

Ben, there's, uh,
someone here to see you.

Welcome, Father.

To what do we owe this pleasure?

Uh... This is Brother Nicholas.

A monk from Mexico.

He's a deaf mute.

You... you read lips?

Father, won't you come
and sit down, please.

Hop Sing, will you get a
cold drink for the Father?

HOP SING: Yes sir.

Thank you.

Hey, it's from Allie.

"Dear Ben," Everything is fine.

"I miss Tommy something awful.

"Hope he's well.

"Sorry to have left
without saying good-bye.

I hope to get..."

What is it?

Oh, y-you mean this isn't true?

Is Allie in trouble?

Padre, where is she?

I'll go to her.

Tommy. He keeps
pointing to Tommy.

She wants to know how Tommy is.

Tommy's a very
sick little boy, Padre.

He misses his mother.

You want to see him.

Come with me.



BEN: Buenas tardes, señor.

Buenas tardes.

What can I do for you?

I'm looking for a
couple of people I know.

Is it an Americano
and his wife you seek?

That's right. How did you know?

It's always so.

One of his kind come
here, others follow.

He's a bad one, señor.

What do you want with him?

I was looking for his wife,
she's a friend of the family.

As far as he's concerned,

I'd be just as happy
to see him back in jail.

So would I, señor.

Unfortunately for me, he
has broken no laws here.

And I have no authority to send
him back to the United States.

You think you might know
where I might find his wife?

Well, he's always near her.

So you just have to wait.

He goes, he comes.

Thank you very much.

De nada.




I did not like to
do this, señora,

but he would have
k*lled you both.





Oh, Tommy.

That dad-burn stage hasn't
been on time in two years.

Will you relax.

The stage is not late,
you're just anxious.

Gotta admit, it's
gonna be kind of nice

seeing that little feller.

Hey, here it comes.



- About time you was getting back.
- How does your arm feel?

- Fine, just fine.
- Good.

Make the reservations at
the hotel, like I asked you to?

Yeah, everything's
all taken care of.


How come Brother
Nicholas came back?

Well, Brother Nicholas came
back to start a school here.

HOSS: Hi, Tommy.

- Tommy, how're you doing?
- HOSS: How you doing, buddy?

Allie, how are you?


Yeah, Brother
Nicholas is starting

a school for people like Tommy.

And he and Allie are
going to give children

the kind of help
that Tommy needs.

He's, uh, sort of formed
a three-way partnership.

Oh, yeah, four.

Well, let's, uh,
let's go to the hotel.


Who's the fourth partner?

Oh, yeah.

The, uh, man upstairs.
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