08x05 - The Pursued: Episode 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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08x05 - The Pursued: Episode 2

Post by bunniefuu »

(fanfare plays)

I must save the souls of those
misguided Mormon women.

It's a mockery
of the Lord's will

that Heber Clawson
should claim two wives.

I know how you feel, Preacher,

but it'll be dark in
a couple of hours.

Two women, one pregnant.

They won't get very far.




Suppose they followed us?

I don't know.

How do you know anything
when something like this starts?

Just how do you measure
hatred and prejudice?

It all happened so fast.

Just a few days ago we
were all sitting in church,

you, Susannah,
Elizabeth Anne and me.

You saw it born there, Joe.

That's the way it always is.

The least expected time
and the least expected place.

Well, we'd better get moving

if we're going to catch up with
Susannah and Elizabeth Anne.



If we could stop soon...

All right.

We'll stop in those
rocks right up ahead.

(shouting at horses)

You don't have to do for
me this way, Susannah.

Our husband has lost his ranch,

the horses that he loves.

And he's had his
faith in his fellow man

put to still another test.

Elizabeth Anne,
this child, our child,

we mustn't let it
be taken from him,

regardless of the cost.


(theme song playing)

Well, it's been a real pleasure

doing business with
you, Mr. Cartwright.

Well, thank you
very much, Mr. Baker.

And thank you
for your hospitality.

Next time you're
up around our way,

you make sure you stay
at the Ponderosa with us.

Now, you can
really count on that.

I've got to congratulate you

on choosing Heber Clawson
for your cutting horses.

That man really has
a way with horses,

even if he is a Mormon.

Well, come on, boys,

better head back
to the ranch now.

- Good-bye, sir.
- Bye, Mr. Baker.

- Bye, Hoss.
- Adios, Mr. Baker.

Well, (sighs)

we done pretty good here.

I hope Little Joe
has done as well.

I'm sure he has.

Pa, you reckon the two of
us can move all them horses?

Well, son, we're
just about to find out.


(horses neighing)


Look there.



Go to Elizabeth Anne, Heber.

She needs you.

She needs your
strength and reassurance.

(sighs) I was so worried.

Well, maybe now that...

now that Carbo and the
preacher got their fill of v*olence,

maybe they'll leave us alone.

I wish that were true,

but it's not and you know it.

So does Heber.

Well, things could change.

Besides, we'll be joining up
with Pa and Hoss pretty soon.


What on earth are you doing?

Finishing the
clothes for our child.


We have so much
to be thankful for.

You and Susannah and I.

We have our love.

And as long as we keep that,

nothing can happen to us.

We'll always have that.

So we have nothing
to worry about, do we?


Won't you smile for me, Heber?


Hadn't you better go
give Susannah a hand?

I guess I had.

(chuckles) You sure
don't need any help here.

And, Heber.

Don't you go sending
us off by ourselves again.

I'll be with you forever.

And a day.

Do you know what
that girl is doing?

Does she have any
idea what's going on?

Of course she knows
what's going on.

She's knitting, isn't she?

That's what women usually
do when they have a baby.

I swear, if you aren't two

of the doggonedest women
I have ever met in my life.

- (laughs)
- Susannah.

Got a confession to make.

Up to five minutes ago,

I was ready to give up.

You were?

Now, even this country is
beginning to look good to me.

Well, it's pretty quiet.


You know, I still
can't believe it.

I talked to those
people in Beehive.

They seemed decent enough.

Well, they are, Joe,
for the most part,

but prejudice has never
respected decency.

I've seen it so many times.

But I kept telling myself,

it couldn't happen to me.

You just wonder what
happens to people.

Well, anyway, we're
going to make it all right.

Some fine doctors
in Virginia City.

No, Joe.

I'm going back to Salt Lake.

I want to be with my
people where I belong.

I defied my church once

when I stayed in Beehive

while the others
were called back.

And they forgave me.

Now is my chance to prove
myself worthy of that forgiveness.

I'll start all over.

Build a new house
like Susannah and I did

when we were first married.

Most important,

I'll raise my child
in my own faith.

Why, I've got no
fear of the future, Joe.

I do regret that I've had to put

Susannah and Elizabeth
Anne through all this.

Why don't you go on
down there to them?

Thank you, Joe.

I'm going up on the
hill to take a look.


They're coming!


Get on there!

Move on!


Come on!



We've got to slow down.


I'm all right, Heber. I'm fine.

Go on, Susannah!


(horses whinnying)








(g*nshots stop)


We can't do this
to Elizabeth Anne.

We're gonna k*ll her.

(g*nshots resume)



Let me go to Carbo and
try and reason with him.

You can't argue with
the Devil, Susannah.



Don't let Susannah try to
bargain with Grant Carbo.

That man is evil, and you
know how he feels about her.

I know. Don't worry.

Now, we just have
to wait 'em out.


If we could just get the
men over to one side.

I don't want anything to
happen to those women.

Nothing's gonna
happen to Susannah.

I'll promise you that.


I was really thinking
more of the other one,

the one that's going
to have the baby.

She's the second wife,
and that's where the sin is.


that's a moral
problem, I reckon,

and that puts it in
your camp, not mine.

How much further to where
we're supposed to meet Pa?

If we can get moving again,

it's only about
four or five miles.


You take the
wagon and get going.

What makes you
think I'd do that?

My pa and brother get there,
tell them I could use some help.

Joe, I'm not listening to you.

Look, I'm not going to
argue with you about this.

Those two women need
you, and so does your child.


Try and give us
just five minutes,

and then you come on.

We have to get moving.

It's only a little ways.

There's no other choice.

Come on, Elizabeth Anne.

You lie down in the back.

You'll feel better.

Boss, Heber and the
wagon are making a run for it.

We got to stop them,
we got to stop them!

Send two men and cut 'em off.

We can't let that
kid stay at our back.

Now listen.

There's only one
of 'em up there.

Move in on him.



Giddyap! Hyah!


Hyah! Come on!


(g*nshots continue)

- (g*nshots)
- SUSANNAH: Get on there!

Move on!

(g*nshots continue)

Pa, that's Joe.

Get these horses moving!


(Ben and Hoss shouting)


(whooping continues)


(g*nshots continue)

Good to see you.

Yeah, we just
thought we'd drop by.

Who are they?

It's Carbo and his men.

- Carbo?
- Listen,

if you three think you
can hold them down,

I'd like to get back
with the women.

- The women?
- I'll tell you about it later.

Go ahead.

Dave, you got any
idea of why we're here?

Yeah, wages.

Well, I don't like it.

Them Mormons never
done nothing to me.

All four of them are
out there together.

That means the two women
are alone at the wagon.

Then I shall go to them.

And I shall pray with them,

here in this barren land,

and I shall drive the
sin from their souls.

I've spoken to you
before, Preacher.

I'm gonna speak to you again.

You stay put.

I'm running things.

We are both soldiers marching

in the army of the
Lord, my friend.

It is your duty to destroy
the Danite and the heathen.

It's my duty to save souls.

Now, you're going to stay put

if I have to knock
your teeth out.

Mr. Carbo!

Our church.

You wouldn't have no church
unless you had my money.

It's about time you
understood that.

Now, you behave
yourself and do like I say,

or that money stops.

(gasps quietly)

(whispering): Susannah.


I'm here, dear.

The sh**ting has stopped.

Is it all over?

I don't know.


Don't leave me, Susannah.

I won't leave you ever, dear.

- (gasps in pain)
- HEBER: Susannah?

Oh, thank heavens!

What's happening?

Ben Cartwright and
Hoss are with Little Joe.

They'll be able to hold off
Carbo and his men for a while,

but I just don't know how long.

How's Elizabeth Anne?

I think her time's very near.

What are we gonna do, Heber?

What are we gonna do?

(Elizabeth Anne moaning)

Haven't seen anything move
over there in ten minutes.

Reckon we run 'em off?

No. They're still
there, all right.

I'll go have a look.

Tex, Dave.

Come along with me.

What are you going to do?

I ain't gonna save
any souls, Preacher.

I'm just gonna get
me what I come for.

Our mission must not fail.

It won't.

I'm not sure I
did the right thing,

letting him go that way.

Preacher... you
do the right thing

when you do what Grant
Carbo tells you to do.

There just ain't
no other way to go

in this part of the country.

Bless especially, dear Father,

those who have caused
such pain in our lives,

that their hearts may
be opened to thy love.

- Amen.
- Amen.

My dear husband... Heber...

my dear sister, Susannah.

Try to rest now.

You're both so good to me.

You mustn't worry about me so.

We love you, Elizabeth Anne.

We love you so very much.


I don't know much
about delivering babies.

She should have a doctor.

Yes, I know, I know.

What's to become of us?

God wills.

Are we to run forever

because our faith is
different from that of others?

No, Susannah. Not forever.

Someday there'll
be a better world...

a world without bigotry and
hatred and blind prejudice.

There has to be.

I refuse to believe that
men have died in vain

from the beginning of time.

I love you, Heber.

I love you with all my heart.


- (Heber grunts)
- Oh! Oh, my God!

Oh! Oh... Oh, Heber... (sobbing)

You left me no other way.

Don't you see that?



SUSANNAH: Elizabeth
Anne, stay back!

- (screaming wildly)
- Stay back, Elizabeth Anne!

- Elizabeth Anne, stay back!
- No!

- (screams)
- Elizabeth Anne!


(Susannah yelps)

(Elizabeth Anne sobbing)

I told you I get what
I'm after, Susannah.

(screaming, sobbing)







(Elizabeth Anne screaming)



(sobbing): Oh, no!



(sobbing, groaning)


Hold it!

(hoofbeats approaching)

(Elizabeth Anne screaming)


(Elizabeth Anne sobbing)

Oh, no!

No... Oh... I... (sobs)

Oh, no... oh... (panting)

Well, there's only three of 'em.

(horse snorts)

What are you waiting for?

Can't you see there's
been m*rder here?

That's right, Parley, there
has been m*rder here.

And you're responsible for it.

I'm not listening to this.

You three are Danites.

Hired K*llers.

Are they, Mr. Parley?

Grant Carbo shot our
husband in the back.

He never had the
chance to defend himself.

Ask them. They
must have seen it.

Are you men enough
to stand up and admit it,

or are you still afraid of
Carbo, even when he's dead?

(sobs quietly)

Don't listen to her.

You men know why we're here.

We're here on a
mission for the Lord.

Those three Danites must pay!

In the name of the
church, they must pay!

What Lord, Mr. Parley?

What church?

You call yourself a man of God.

You don't even know
the meaning of the phrase.

Look. Look there.

Look at our husband.

There was a true man of God...

and you and your
hatred and your prejudice,

you've k*lled him.

Now, you men
know why we're here.

Those two women must
be cleansed of their sins.

In the name of the church.

Carbo never gave a hoot
about you or your church.

He was just using you.

I don't want no
more trouble, Joe.

All Carbo ever wanted
was this woman.

And everybody knew it.

Except you, Preacher.

No, you're wrong.

Mr. Carbo was a devout man.

You can't go!

Don't talk to me, Preacher.

You make me sick at my stomach.

But you can't leave!

Our work's not completed!

You two women...

y-you must know
I meant only good.


it was just like the story
of Mary Magdalene.

Believe me, I never
meant any harm.

Why don't you leave
them alone with their grief?

I only...

I only wanted to
save their souls.


I think you should concentrate
on saving your own soul.

(hoofbeats receding)



We must all work for salvation!

You must stay!

Wait! Please wait.


What do you think, Pa?

Well... I'll tell you,
her time is near.

I wouldn't like to
move her in that wagon.

I think it would be fatal.

I can make the ride
to Humboldt Crossing.

There'll be a doctor there.

Oh, I think you'd
better do that.

I'll tell Susannah.

At least we can give
her that much hope.



She's so still.

Well, rest is the best
thing for her right now.

Look, Susannah,
why don't you, uh,

go get you something to eat?

Pa, she ain't eaten
since yesterday.

I know.

Well, I ain't doing a whole
lot of good around here.

I think I'll saddle up again

and see if I can't round
up some of those horses.


I'll take care of her.

I promise, Heber,
I'll take care of her.

And I'll take
care of your child.

(horses neighing)

She have the baby yet?


I tell you, if that doctor
doesn't get here pretty soon...

Hoss, I'm real worried.

Things, things are
real rough with her.

(hoofbeats approaching)

This is Doc Bingham, Pa.

- Glad to know you, Doctor.
- How are you?

We'll-we'll visit later.

Where's the patient?

In there.

How is she, Doctor?

She's gonna die.

And there's nothing
I can do about it.

I don't know how she
managed to last this long.

Just-just hanging on
for the baby, I guess.

Well, what about the baby?

Will it be born all right?

It's questionable at best.

But the mother's struggling
to give it every chance.

What if she dies
before the baby's born?

That would reduce the
chances of the infant's survival

to almost none.

Would you put some
more wood on the fire?

Hello, Susannah.

Are we home?

No, not home.

We're safe here.

Our baby will be all right.

Of course it will.


Yes, it will, won't it?

Of course.

Now-now, don't worry.

You go to sleep now.

The doctor's here.

HOSS: Look, Pa.

BEN: Who's that?

LITTLE JOE: I don't know.

I'm Reverend
Blaisdale, this is my wife.

As soon as we
heard what happened,

we came to see if we
could be of assistance.

(slaps, baby cries)

Reverend, Bessie, glad you came.

It's a fine baby
boy, Mr. Cartwright.

And Elizabeth Anne?

She's conscious now,
but she can't last very long.

Perhaps my wife and
I should go to her now.

They asked to be alone.

He's beautiful.

If only Heber could have known.

He knows, Elizabeth Anne.


Yes, I believe he does.

(baby coos)

I love you.


Will you take care of our son?


Of course I will.

(baby coos)

Do you remember
how in times of stress

Heber always recited
our 13th Article of Faith?

I remember.

Would you recite it for me?

I want to hear it...
just once more.

"We believe in being honest,

"true, chaste, benevolent,

virtuous, and in
doing good to all men."

"Indeed, you may say

that we follow the
admonition of Paul."

"" We believe all
things, hope all things.'

"We have endured many things.

We hope to be able
to endure all things."

"If there is anything
lovely, virtuous,

"of good report or praiseworthy,

we seek after these things."

"We believe all
things, we hope..."

- (baby coos)
- "...all things."

"We have... "endured...
"many... many..."

(baby cries)


Poor, innocent infant.

What's to become of it?

We'll take it, of course.

SUSANNAH: You'll take it?!

You'll take this child?!

You stand there in your
great and mighty righteousness

and tell me you'll
take this child from me.

Susannah, please.

Your bigotry and prejudice have
already taken my husband from me

and my sister.

And now you stand there and
tell me that you'll take this child?

Mrs. Clawson, I only meant...

I know what you meant.

That this is not my child.

That it was born of another.

But don't you understand?

This child's father
was my husband.

We wanted children,
my husband and I,

more than anything in the world.

But when the Lord in his wisdom

saw fit to deny
me that privilege,

my husband took
Elizabeth Anne to wed

with the blessing of our church

and in the sanctity
of our church.

This child is as much mine
as if it were born of my body.

It will be raised
in its father's faith

and in its father's image.

Mrs. Clawson.

You did not let me finish.

No one will take
your child from you.

We were a family,
the three of us.

We loved each other.

I meant only that we want
to take you into our home.

We want to help you.

We want you to stay with
us as long as you wish.

Your faith is not ours,

but we have deep
respect for your church.

It is proper that a
son should be raised

in the faith of its father.

You don't want to take my child?

Oh, no, dear.

Forgive me, forgive me.

For a moment I lost faith.

We all have moments when
we lose our faith, my dear.

We would be less than
human if this were not so.

Let me help you with
your son, Mrs. Clawson.

It's a beautiful
baby, Mrs. Clawson.



You know, Pa,

there's still a lot of good
folks in the world, ain't there?

Yeah, there sure are.

And someday, hopefully,

they'll make the world
that Heber was seeking.

I just hope it comes soon enough

so his son can see it.

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