08x07 - Mounding Evidence

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Curse of Oak Island". Aired: January 5, 2014 to present.*
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Follows brothers Marty and Rick as they search for the infamous treasure on Oak Island.
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08x07 - Mounding Evidence

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: Tonight, on
the curse of oak island...

Gary: Here we go.
What does that remind you of?

It looks like an enormous key.

Doug: I saw a rock mound that

- doesn't look natural to me.
- Marty: What is this thing?

I ain't got the foggiest.

It's like
some crazy earthen work.

It's a man-made structure.

Let's go find some treasure.

As soon as you got close
to the bottom,

it was that whole area
that was live.


There is an island
in the north atlantic

where people have been looking
for an incredible treasure

for more than 200 years.

So far, they have found
a stone slab

with strange symbols
carved into it,

mysterious fragments
of human bone,

and a lead cross
whose origin may stretch back

to the days
of the knights templar.

To date, six men have died
trying to solve the mystery.

And, according to legend,

one more will have to die

before the treasure
can be found.

♪ ♪

narrator: It is the start of
a new day on oak island.

- Brennan: Well, this is good.
- Terry: Oh, yeah.

- I'm glad marty's gonna get
a chance to look at it.
- Yes.

Terry: Here he comes.

We just want to find
that one thing.


Here at the money pit site,
rick and marty lagina,

along with their team, continue
a core-drilling operation

a strategically placed grid

to locate what people
have been searching for

since 1795:

The fabled
money pit treasure vault.

- Hey, marty.
- Hey, guys.

Tell me something good!

Well, we think we got
something good right here.

- Really?
- Terry: Marty, you were saying

the other day,
this bedded material,

nothing's gonna move
through this.


We got 28 feet of loose material

from 179
all the way down to 207.

Marty: Wow. Yeah, that's a lot.

Yeah. This is
kind of what we're looking for.

Oh, yeah. That is as close

as you're gonna come
to a true open void.

- Yeah. This could have caused
- so...

-The collapse
of the money pit, right?
-Absolutely. This is the type

of material that
we lost the h8 plug into.

I'm sure of it.

- Charles: That's why
we had to show it to you.
- Yeah.

Well, I'm glad you did.

In 1861, searchers
from the oak island association

constructed an adjacent shaft

18 feet west
of the original money pit,

known as shaft six.

At a depth of 118 feet,

they began tunneling east
through the dry ground

in the hopes of retrieving
the treasure from below,

while avoiding
the man-made flood tunnel

from nearby smith's cove.

Unfortunately, just six feet
shy of their target,

ocean water broke through
and rushed in,

nearly drowning two men.

It not only ended the effort,
but just days later

caused a catastrophic collapse

of the tons of wood and steel
cribbing in the money pit,

leaving the fabled treasure
lost somewhere below.

Three years ago,
while excavating

a five-foot-wide,
steel-cased shaft known as h8,

rick, marty and the team

believed that their caisson
may have encountered

the legendary vault.

But unfortunately,
when they dug deeper

in an attempt to penetrate it,

the object they hit
was pushed further down

and somewhere off to the side.

That went from all the way
from up there

down through...

To land just about a foot
above bedrock.

- Yeah.
- So, that would have a density

- of about three or four.
- Yeah.

Gold is 20. Silver's about 11.

So, gold and silver

would fall quite easily

through this very,
very soupy material.

- Proof positive stuff's
moving around down there.
- Absolutely.


The region
of the solution channel

that is, uh,
sufficiently not filled

with things like clay,

such that things
could move around underground.

But more to the point,

we'll know
if there are areas in it

where this treasure could
have fallen down and moved.

(chuckles): I want the great
treasure to surface.

Did you metal-detect this?

Yes. Yes. Nothing.

- Where is it?!
- Not yet.

- Not yet, marty.
- Yeah, I know, charles, I know.

We're getting into
the interesting zone right now.

Well, hey,
this is a success of sorts.

- That's right.
- Absolutely.

All right, keep going, guys.

-Will do, marty. Take care.
-Terry: Absolutely.
-Yeah, thanks.

While the drilling operation
continues at the money pit...

- Here we are, mate.
- ...On lot 13,

metal detection expert
gary drayton

and rick and marty's nephew,
peter fornetti,

are searching an area that rick,
marty and craig recently cleared

of trees and heavy foliage.

It was also near this area that,
three weeks ago,

oak island theorists
chris morford and corjan mol

presented their belief that
priceless religious artifacts

connected to the knights templar
could possibly be buried.

- All right.
- We're gonna find
something today.

- Let's go.
- Okay, mate.

Gary: Peter and I

are gonna be doing
a lot of digging,

because the stuff that
I've brought this year

is gonna be detecting targets
really deep.

And this is an area

I'd never been able to get into,

because it's always been
so overgrown.

All right, so, get ready
for some digging, mate.


- (electronic squealing)
- ah.

It's iron, but it intrigues me

'cause it's right next
to this big boulder.

All right, you got it out, mate.

- I see it.
- Ox shoe.

Gary: Is it?

Yes, it is. An oldie as well.

- Peter: Mm-hmm.
- Look at that.

Yeah, I like this
because the width of it.

That tells me it's more than
likely it's a british ox shoe.


And it's an oldie,
'cause this is really heavy.

Yeah, I'd go back easily to
the 1700s on this one, easily.

Narrator: An ox shoe?

Possibly of british origin

and dating back to before
the discovery of the money pit

in 1795?

- Jack: Ooh, there's another one!
- (laughs): Another ox shoe.

Four weeks ago,
gary and jack begley

found similar ox shoes
on lot 15,

and also a finial,
or decorative harness piece,

just yards from a rock structure
believed to be the remains

of a possible 16th-century
british military pine tar kiln,

one possibly linked
to the massive stone-paved area

discovered last year
in the swamp,

as well as the construction
of the original money pit.

Okay, we'll keep going.

(low beeping)

- ooh.
- (electronic whine)

yeah, it's in there, mate.

Do your best.
Just dig a hole and try and get

- the pinpointer in there.
- Yep.

See if I can winkle it out.

- Ooh, another ox shoe.
- Ox shoe.

Gary: Yeah.

Another chunky one, as well.

Which way was I going?
I think I was going that way,

- wasn't I?
- Yeah.

- (beeping)
- oh. Just there, mate.

(electronic squeal)


- Another ox shoe!
- Wow.

We've pulled up
several different ox shoes.

The interesting thing
about ox shoes

that we're detecting is
they all seem to line up.

A path on oak island
can only mean one thing:

It's a trail.

Trails are important,
because trails are areas

where cargo was hauled.

So is this
a potential treasure trail?

We've got a trail that obviously
leads down to the beach

and the old wharf, mate.

Headed more towards the swamp

- than anything else.
- Yeah. Yeah.

Could gary's suspicion
be correct that,

just like the pathway he found

between the swamp and the
mysterious structure on lot 15,

he and peter
have discovered evidence

of another pathway used to
transport cargo onto oak island?

If so,
what kind of cargo was it?

And where did it end up?

Good digging, mate.

- I'll go down there,
I'll keep the same line.
- All right.


here we go.


just here, pete.

(electronic squeal)

ooh! Look at that!


Ke some kind of lynchpin.

Peter: Isn't that similar

to what carmen thought was
a decorative piece?

Yeah, that is.
That is very similar.

Narrator: On lot 13,
near the northern shore,

metal detection expert
gary drayton and peter fornetti

have just discovered
what may be evidence

of a pathway once used
to transport cargo of some kind

onto oak island.

I'm not gonna mess with this.

I'll let the guys clean it off

and see if it is similar
to that other piece.

- Yeah.
- I think you should call

your uncle, mate,
and get rick to come down

- and show him what we've found
in the area.
- Yeah. I'll give him a call.

We've just pulled up a really
nice little artifact, and...

It makes me believe

that there was some hauling
going on of cargo.

Hey, guys.

- Hey.
- All right, mate?

I thought they might enjoy
seeing your finds.

Yeah. The interesting thing
about these finds is

they're very similar
to the finds

that we recovered on lot 15.

And we know the date

and the nationality we got back

on those artifacts.

British and old.

- And I'm not talking about me.
- (laughter)

we have found
some cool artifacts.

You see that one there?

What does that remind you of?

What we found on lot 15.

Yeah, that's the thing
that you referred to as a...

Yeah, I thought it was, like,

- a-an ox knob off a-an harness.
- Mm-hmm.

But it turned out
to be an old finial.

It looks like an enormous key.

- Peter:
Yeah. That's what he thought.
- Rusted key.

It kind of looks like a key,
doesn't it?

- It does.
- All three

ox shoes and that finial

- were all found within,
like, a 15-foot radius.
- Yeah.

- Oh, really?
- And they all seem

to be leading

from the beach
towards you-know-where.

But look at that.

- Look at the weird...
- Yeah. That's huge.

They're all british ox shoes.

And we know.
We got the dates back, mate.

It could go back, you know,

early 1700s, even in the 1600s.

That's bloody brilliant!


and so we replicated a success
on lot 15

down there
in just the place we need to,

opposite that old wharf.

- Rick: Great finds.
- Terry: Absolutely.

-All right, well, good luck.

- All right, thanks. All right.
- Happy hunting.

- Rick: See you, guys.
- Gary: See you later, mate.


Later that afternoon...

Rick: Let's get
these last two holes drilled.

- Sure.
- Get the rig back up and running

- and we'll move on.
- Narrator: ...While rick lagina,

charles barkhouse
and terry matheson

continue to oversee
the drilling operation

in the money pit area...

It's a gorgeous day to dive.

It is a gorgeous day to dive,

...Marty lagina's son alex;

his cousin, peter fornetti;

jack begley;

and professional diver
tony sampson

meet at the nearby marina

to begin a dive operation

to explore the waters
surrounding oak island.

Tony: Okay.

- Let's go find some treasure.
- Alex: Yeah.

Narrator: In addition
to their planned investigation

of a possible shipwreck just off
the island's northern shore,

they will also be exploring

possibly man-made feature

that alex, tony

and geoscientist dr. Ian spooner

discovered during
their sonar scanning operation

near the swamp.

Ian: This might be, uh,

of a human-made structure.

The remnants of an old wharf,
something like that.

The team hopes that, today,

they can determine
if this feature

might be connected
to the discovery made last week

by rick lagina and dr. Spooner

while they were probing in
the swamp's southeastern corner.

- Do you hear that?
- (tapping)

there's rock here.

That could be it.

- (tapping)
- rock.

And it's flat.
It's all exactly the same depth.

It's like a road
across the swamp.

This is very interesting.

Okay, so what we're gonna do now

is we're gonna head out
to that number one target,

and that was the one
that me and alex and, um,

dr. Spooner saw out there
that day.

So, alex saw a really large
spike when we got there.

There might be a shipwreck
out there,

and maybe they had captured
another ship

and they used iron
or, um, cannonballs.

We have no idea.

You'll see the line
when we get out there.

Me and alex
actually marked the spots.

♪ ♪

so, we're approaching

the boulderless beach area
now, guys.

And, um, what I've got
on my screen here

is all these strange features.

So, it's almost a line that goes
right up the side of this beach.

So, what we're doing
is we're approaching

that first mark here.

- Jack: Are we diving on it?
- We're diving on it.

So, let's throw the block over
and, uh, see what we get

- down there for depth, buddy.
- Alex: Okay.

- Tony:
So, that's our mark, alex.
- Okay.

Even though they are restricted
by canadian law

from removing anything
from the ocean bottom,

tony and alex will use
a metal detector

capable of identifying
both ferrous metals such as iron

and nonferrous metals
such as silver or gold.

Tony: Okay, so what
we've got here, guys,

is a pulse 8x metal detector.

So, we'll scan the area
with that.

On the bottom, the vis
is not as good as I hoped.

The waves
are beginning to pick up.

We'll communicate by comms.

If we have a problem
and we lose comms,

- then it's just back
to hand signals.
- Alex: Okay.

Probably go out 100,
maybe a couple hundred feet.

- Okay.
- That way,
we cover that whole area.

- Yeah.
- Okay. We're on.

Jack: Looking great. Yeah.

Tony: Good, buddy.

Good luck.

Nice. Splash down.

All right, going down.



narrator: Multiple signals
for metal objects?

Could tony and alex
have found the location

of some kind of structure
that is buried

just below
the bottom of the ocean?


due to canadian law,

they are prohibited
from digging to find out.

Comms check. Comms check. Over.


comms check. Comms check. Over.



Everything looks to be working.

You want to try it
one more time?

I can.

Comms check. Comms check. Over.



He northern shore of oak island,

jack begley and peter fornetti
have just lost communication

with alex lagina
and tony sampson,

who are diving
in some 30 feet of water,

attempting to investigate
a buried metal structure.

Comms check. Comms check.


comms check. Comms check. Over.


Due to the decreasing

and danger of continuing
to dive in this location...

Can you hear 'em,
even a little bit?

I can hear 'em a little bit.

...And also because
they are unable

to communicate
with jack and peter on the boat,

alex and tony decide to make
their way back to the surface.

I'm keeping an eye out for 'em.

♪ ♪

peter: I don't see 'em.

It'd be nice to hear
what they're talking about

- down there.
- Yeah.

Jack: Oh, they're up!

Yeah, that's alex.

Yeah, there's tony.

Peter: They're both up.

The wind picked up,

started muddying
the waters down below.

And so that is what caused...

All the stuff on the bottom
started picking up.

And, again, just like
always seems to happen,

we got a perfect day for it
and something goes wrong.

I could hear you guys clear.
Could you hear me?

Peter: Well, we could...
The speaker, the volume

was very, very low.

- Okay.
- So, I could make...

That's why we were doing
so many comms check,

-'cause we couldn't hear.
- We thought it was broken
at first.

- You and I could talk
on the bottom.
- Tony: Yeah.

- Peter: Yeah.
- I think I heard you guys
at one point.

- But I was having trouble
just understanding.
- Yeah.

But I-I heard enough to know

I mean, I saw enough to know
the visibility was crap.

- Mm-hmm.
- As soon as we hit down,

-just a cloud.
-When we had the wind,

um, coming out of the south
like we were supposed to,

yeah, we were actually not
moving too badly.

But then we actually felt it

- change direction on the bottom.
- Alex: Yeah.

But that's when we came across
those two boulders

on the bottom.

The metal detector
just went nuts.

- Alex: Yeah.
- Narrator: Two large boulders?

Are they natural features?

Or could they,

like the numerous mysterious
boulders around oak island,

have been placed here
for some purpose?

And could they be connected

to the multiple hits
tony received

on his metal detector?

What made the boulders look

so weird?

They were
the only feature there.

- Alex: Yeah.
- And by that stage,

the metal detector
had quieted down

but the same thing
as to... soon as we got close

- to those rocks...
- I heard that one. I heard it...

...It-it went off again, yeah.

So there's definitely
metal anomalies in the area.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Now we know there really is
a metallic target down there.

We've confirmed it
with a metal detector.

And the comms failure is just
another check mark in the, uh,

weird, sort of,
electromagnetic column.

I really don't know
what to make of it.

We need to keep investigating.

The weirdest thing is,
you know, it's almost like

- something
didn't want us to find...
- Peter: Yeah.

...What was down there, 'cause
as soon as we hit the bottom,

- things snapped like that.
- Right.

- Yeah.
- Tony: So, if we go around

and we do the second target,

then just throw me in.

- I'll go down for a quick look.
- Yeah.

And, uh, if we have the
visibility like we've got here

- at the moment,
then it's a bust for the day.
- Yeah.

- If it is better,
then, you know.
- Tony: Yeah.

If it's better, then great,
we'll do it together, buddy.

- Alex: Yeah.
- Sounds like a good plan.

- Okay. Let's do it.
- Let's do it.

While peter, alex, jack and tony

make their way toward the waters
near the oak island swamp...

-Doug: Hey, gentlemen.
How are you?
-Marty: Hey, doug.

I understand you got
something interesting for us.

Yeah, I think, maybe.

In the research center,

brothers rick and marty lagina,

along with dan henskee,

who worked
for nearly five decades

with the late dan blankenship,

join oak island historian
doug crowell

and surveyor steve guptill

to hear about
a potentially important find

doug has made
while exploring the area

near the believed
16th-century pine tar kiln

on lot 15.

So, I was out looking
at the rock walls

on the lot 15
on the hillside there,

where david macinnes is digging

-this year. -Yes. Yeah. -Yeah.

And I just was wandering around,
and I saw a rock mound

that doesn't look natural to me.

I have some film.
I set up a gopro out there.

- Let's look at it.
- Rick: Bring it up.

- Marty: Oh, yeah.
- Rick: Those are
some big stones.

Doug: They are. It's strange.

So, I'm filming this,

and I'm watching
the videos I was taking,

and I got curious
about this rock structure

because it's
on the highest elevation

of lot 15. So, it's
the highest point on the island.

This structure,
once I got looking at it,

I realized it's quite long.

It's this ridge
of-of boulders and soil.

-Do you know this, dan?
You recall seeing this?

Oh, I have a vague memory.

It was not of prime interest.

We looked at everything
and then tried to classify it,

but, uh, we certainly were
more interested

in anything that had to do
with the treasure hunting.

Doug: There's no sign of...

Of field clearing up there.
If you look around this area,

it's as rocky as all get-out.

- Well, let's go look at it.
- Let's do that.

Rick: When we go out to lot 15,

I hope that it leads us
to a tunnel.

But the other hope is

that the archaeologists
will come up with an answer

as to what it is
and why it was put there.

All right. Well,
let's go have a look.

I'll grab my gear, and I'll
meet you guys out there.

Dan, you want to drive with me?

Dan h.: Better than walking.

(all laugh)

while rick and marty lagina
head to lot 15

to inspect the mysterious mound
discovered by doug crowell...

So, we're gonna go around,
and we're gonna look

at that second anomaly
on the south shore side,

- and that was
that square-shaped structure.
- Yeah.

Narrator: ...Professional
diver tony sampson,

alex lagina,

peter fornetti and jack begley
make their way to the waters

just outside
the triangle-shaped swamp

to investigate
a mysterious feature

recently discovered using sonar.

Okay. So, what we're going
to do, guys, it looks like

with the wind
blowing us this way,

um, we're gonna do a drift dive.

And if that works well with you,
alex, I'll leave you up here

- with the guys.
- Yeah, it's fine with me.

I mean, with the weather
the way it is now,

it seems like
a more technical dive.

So I'll stay topside.

Fantastic. Let's do it.

After we dive the first target,

it's really obvious
that this is a...

Kind of a more technical dive

than I'm used to.

The wind picked up.
Visibility was zero.

So surface conditions
are a little dangerous.

Since the communication system

is still not functioning

tony must perform this dive
not only alone

but also with no ability
to speak with alex,

jack and peter back on the boat.

Tony, you want your detector?


Alex: Back up.

You're good.

Jack: Now we just wait

-'cause he doesn't have
comms or anything.
- Peter: No comms.

Follow the bubbles.

I know we had other anomalies
in the past,

but what was it that you
and tony were going after

in this spot
that was of the higher interest?

Well, the thing we saw
on the side-scan

is kind of coming off the swamp,

there's a strong drop-off.

And if the square structure
is part of that,

then we could be looking
at maybe the remains of a wharf.

But tony should be able

to see
if that's a natural drop-off

or not.

♪ ♪

- Tony's got the experience.
- Peter: Mm-hmm.

He'll know
something of significance

when he sees it, and I just hope

he does.
I hope he finds something.

Peter: Yeah, absolutely.

After several minutes
of searching,

suddenly, tony finds
a square formation of rocks

near the south shore
bordering the swamp.

But is it a natural feature
or a man-made one?

And could it also be connected
to the flat, rocky surface

that rick lagina
and dr. Spooner found

at the swamp's
southeastern border?

Jack: Tony's up.

Alex: Welcome back.

Let me put these
in front of your left foot.

Fantastic, thanks, buddy.

- How'd it go, tony?
- Tony: Well,

it was good, mate.

Uh, visibility
was a lot better that time,

but, um, current the whole way.

What about, you know, the
feature that we saw with ian?

Did you find
the square structure?

Tony: Um, I found

- there were rocks in a square.
- Alex: Mm-hmm.

But maybe the remains
of an old, cribbed wharf.

This probably was

a solid feature
leading into the swamp area.

I know from different underwater

3d models that there is
this box-shaped structure

just off the coast.

- Whenever you're ready.
- Jack: But when tony said

he saw it visually for himself,
I believe him.

I think there's something there.
It's not just in the surveys.

Now we have confirmation
visually from tony.

I think we need to investigate
this a lot further.

Tony: Well, guys,
interesting day on the whole.

Um, anomaly one over there,
I think we definitely showed

that we need to go back and have
another look at that, alex.

- Yeah.
- Tony: That was weird.

You know, we got those hits
on the metal detector.

Comms was interfered with.

Site number two, again,

that square structure

also worth a look
in better weather

and might be able to improve
what we see

- through these channels here.
- Alex: Yeah.

We could really use a way
to-to visualize

the whole bottom down there.

- Uh...
- I-I totally agree, alex. Yeah.

I think we should go back
and, uh,

get everybody together
in the w*r room,

- tell them what we found today.
- Sounds fantastic.

-Okay, we'll start heading back.
-Alex: Cool.
-Peter: Perfect.

As alex, jack, peter and tony

finish their dive operation...

Marty: Right in there?

Yeah, just on the other side,

Narrator: ...Rick and marty
arrive on lot 15

with dan henskee
and doug crowell

to inspect the mysterious,
mound-like feature

doug recently discovered.

Rick: I'm looking at it,

trying to disprove it, right?

Well, the other option would be
it's from a dig,

and there's a considerable-sized
dig that fred did.

But, if you're with a crane,
you start piling, right?

You don't want it too high
'cause it could be dangerous.

- But you'd fill in the middle.
- Hmm.

So, it's almost like, okay,

they pointedly left
that area open.

- Like who?
- Transient people.

People who just stopped here
and-and did

- some work and left.
- Is that what
you're thinking, though?

- I mean...
- I don't know.

I never noticed the
rock structure the way doug has.

In my observational system,

I would've just said,
"oh, there's another rock wall."

the difference with this one

(is, a)
it's not on a property line,

and it seems to have
some sort of pattern to it.

So, it's-it's
actually quite a lot different

than the other rock walls
on oak island,

which makes it interesting.

What I'm trying to do is,
it's fun

to guess at the sort of
interesting concepts

of what this might be.

Let's guess at what

-the mundane concept
might be. (chuckles)
-doug: Right.

It could be the bulldozer push

- from an excavation
of some type.
- Marty: Okay.

But the problem with that is...

...From where?

Well, there's dunfield's
ditch right over there.

Well, where are the spoils
from dunfield's ditch?

You'd think after ten years,
we'd know what happened here.

Just so many different stories
from what you would consider

- legitimate sources.
- Yeah, I know.

Well, let's get, uh, gary here.
Metal detect it.

Step one. Step two,

we'll get those
dreaded archaeologists up here.

See if they can see something.

Rick: In my mind,

it certainly warrants
further investigation.

Probably the next step
is to get laird and aaron

and-and david macinnes over
to take a look at it.

Marty: What is this, rick?

Rick: I don't know.

Rick: There has
to be ox shoes around.

These stones are far too big

- to move around by hand.
- Yup.

Narrator: On lot 15, some 200
yards north of the money pit,

rick and marty lagina,

dan henskee and doug crowell
continue to inspect

what they believe
to be a man-made mound.

Marty: Here comes the maestro.

What do you make of this, gary?

Wow! What you found?

Having been called to the site

in order to help search
for potential clues,

gary drayton arrives
to scan the mound

with his ctx 3030
metal detector.


Marty: What is it?

Why don't we ever notice
these things before?

- (laughter)
- it's just like...

Marty: I don't know.
It's such a small island.

I ain't got the foggiest.
This is crazy.

Try standing up
on top of it, gary.

It looks a lot different
standing on top of it.

What in the world?

It's like some crazy
earthen work, isn't it?

- Mm.
- It's not too far away from

that pine tar kiln
operation in this area.

Marty: Yeah.

This stone feature has got

Maybe we've got some
kind of roadway leading up to

either the feature on lot 15,

or maybe it turns a corner and
goes straight to the money pit.

- (metal detector chiming)
- marty: There's that sound.

- Gary: I'll do the top first.
- Hello.

Also having just been informed

of the potentially
important find,

archeologists laird niven,

liz michels
and dr. Aaron taylor arrive

to offer
their professional assessment.

Laird: What's going on, guys?

Well, you're-you're sort of
walking on it.

Uh, we want you to tell us
what's going on right here.

What is this thing?

It sort of reminds you of, uh,

a little bit like
the serpent mounds in ontario.

Laird: Yeah.

Seriously? That occurs to you?
That-that... It does?

Well, it's-it's long.

It's got a lot of dirt
on top of it.

Located nearly 1,100 miles west
of oak island

in keene, ontario, canada,

the serpent mounds park is
comprised of six

elongated curved mounds
measuring up to 180 feet long.

Dating back
as much as 2,000 years,

these so-called "serpent mounds"

are believed to have been made
by an ancient culture known

as the point peninsula complex.

Is it possible that this
mound, found on oak island,

could be evidence of human
activity dating back hundreds,

if not thousands of years?

- Rick: Have you seen them?
- Aaron: Yeah.

What was the purpose of those?

Do-does anybody know?

Uh, I think, uh, ceremonial. Um,

I don't believe they'd found
any burials in them,

to my recollection.

But I think
they were mostly ceremonial.

My issue would be,

kind of proximity
to some of what fred did.

No, I already asked tom.
Tom said, "no."

tom said there's no way.
He has video.

It's not his dad's work.

Well, the dirt on it
is what's confusing me.

If it just was boulders,
if I was just clearing,

why would I cover it in dirt?

That's what I find interesting
for me.


The structure of it's kind of
odd for a spoils pile, too.

I mean,
the length would be fine,

- but all this...
- Marty: Yeah. And why the hollow

- in the middle?
- Where it's kind of... Yeah.

The water's right there,

but I would think that,
you know, something

like a bastion
or like a fort wall

would be a little bit closer.

- Laird: The higher ground.
- Liz: The higher ground.

Doug: When you're standing
beside this mound,

it just looks like
a long row of rocks and soil,

and it's not until you get up
on top of it

that you realize
the scope of this structure.

It's about 130-some feet long
from what looks like a tail.

I mean, what's going on
on lot 15?

Laird: It might be an idea to...

To try to do a 3d model of this.

Maybe give us
a different perspective?

- And then...
- A really good, top-down look

- at, uh, the shape of it.
- Yeah.

- It is curious.
- Yeah.

All right, so, what's next?

I think you're gonna
continue cleaning it off.

Um, steve and I can come back

and get a 3d representation,
as best we can.

So, at the minimum,
it's a head scratcher again.

Steve g.: I think for us
to get a real understanding

of this, laird and I need
to do some work.

And when we can get a good
aerial view, create a 3d model,

then we can get a good
understanding of what it is.

'cause standing here,
it's impressive,

but it's hard to picture
what it is by standing here.

And you can't
twist it around and look

at different angles, right?

Well, guys, I think
what I might do,

once we're done
cleaning this off is,

I'm gonna look into the history

of serpent mounds
across the world, and

the symbolism that might be
in an effigy like this

and see what I can find out.

All right, well,
let's get after it.

Doug: Yeah.

: Jack, why don't you
get craig and marty up?

Call 'em up.

-Hey, guys.
-Tony: Hey, guys.
-Alex: Hey, guys.

- Hey, team!
- Hello.

- How are you doing?
- Good. Fantastic.

Narrator: One day
after their dive investigation

in the waters
surrounding oak island,

alex lagina, jack begley,

tony sampson and peter fornetti

gather in the w*r room
with rick lagina,

along with craig tester and
marty lagina on video conference

to give a full report
on their findings.

I'm gonna turn it over
to the guys and let them

give us the download
as to what happened on the dive.


I got to say that was one

of the more difficult dives
I've ever done.

- Oh.
- Just in terms of visibility,

and it did feel like when the
wind picked up, it felt like

there was some movement that
started happening down there,

- as well.
- Tony: It went to hell
in a handcart.

Went from nothing to about
30 knots out of the west.

- Wow!
- Tony: What we did,

we went out,
and we hit the anomalies

that we, uh, had
targeted out there.

And so,
the first one was the one

of most interest, I think,
alex, wasn't it?

- Yeah. Yeah. Definitely.
- Yeah.

So, that anomaly was the one
off boulderless beach.

When we actually went down
and dove it,

we did actually come
across a couple of boulders.


And the metal detector
was going off,

but we couldn't get
any perspective

as to what
we were looking at there.

Alex: Right. So bottom line,

there's something down there

that's setting off
the metal detector.

You know, when I see
gary do metal detecting,

it's very specific.

It's like one little place
where he...

Then he zeroes in, and you dig,
and that's where it is.

Was it doing that, or was it
kind of a broad area

where it was detecting?

No. It was the broad area,

- Okay.
- Jack: So, is it something

big or a-a debris field

of a bunch of different,
smaller objects?

'cause if you have
something big,

it will just go off
on the whole area.

It was the whole area.

We probably still need
to do more work there

to figure out what it...
What it is because it...

I believe that it is something
at this point.

- Yeah.
- I think we need

to fit gary with some fins.


- what else?
- Tony: Um, the second one was

on the southern side
of the island.

And that area protrudes
in towards the swamp.

And so,
there was an anomaly there,

like, square,
rock-shaped structure.

So, that sort of fits
into the whole idea

that that could have been
an inlet into the swamp there.

But again,
due to the visibility,

we couldn't get too far
into that, as well.

So, that would have to be

another dive on a...
On a day with better visibility.

Diving as kind of a search
was difficult,

but maybe we can use some
other technology to scan this

and maybe get a map
of the bottom

- that we can use.
- Yeah.

This confirms the need

to exploit this area,

including the discoveries
in the swamp, particularly.

They've got
some metal detecting hits,

and they confirmed
some anomalous features.

But both alex and tony said,

"look, it's limited
what we can do."

there's water clarity issues.
It was hard

to maintain their position.

That demands us

or focuses us
on that very thing.

Sounds good to me!
Good job, guys! Sorry about

the sudden curse
of the wind shift.

-It's oak island.
-Alex: Yeah. Well,
we still call it

- a success on the boat,
and I think...
- Yeah, absolutely.

- It was a success.
- Yeah.

Oh, I think so, too, because...

Because you proved that it's
worth further investigation.

If you'd gone down there
and got flat bottom

and no metal detector hits,
I think we could probably say

we're done with this,
but we aren't done with it.

So, that's good.

There's a lot of hope
and promise here.

- Yeah.
- Marty: All right, guys.

That sounds
like a successful mission

- with more missions planned.
- Alex: I think that

- sums it up, right?
- That's about it, yeah.

That sums it up.

The search continues.

For rick, marty, craig
and their team,

the clues that could help solve
a 225-year-old

mystery continue to mount

both on and in the waters
that surround oak island.

They serve as further evidence

that someone went
to great effort

to hide something
of incredible value.

But as the laginas and their
fellowship keep searching,

where will the evidence
ultimately lead them?

To a vault buried deep
in the money pit

full of gold
and historical documents?

To priceless, religious relics
hidden in the swamp?

Or are they following

a deliberately laid trail
of enticing clues

carefully designed
to fulfill a deadly curse?

Narrator: Next time on
the curse of oak island...

- You guys ready
to make some history today?
- Yeah.

It's somewhere
from 400 bc to 900 ad.

That is fan-dabbing-tastic.

- That looks like it's hand-hewn.
- It looks like

- a slipway, doesn't it?
- You are right.

Erin helton:
La volta bas de terre

is pointing right to the vault.

Zena's map has been pointing
to the vault

- this entire time.
- Wow.
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