02x17 - The Execution

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Xena: Warrior Princess". Aired: September 1995 to June 2001.*
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Xena helps people free themselves against injustices.
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02x17 - The Execution

Post by bunniefuu »

And hope was lost.

And that's when Meleager appeared,

and crushed Damon's troups.

Did I mention
the part where Meleager--

hauls a w*r-wagon

full of Spartan javelins

over twenty leagues of rocky road?


The way you build him up,

his head must be in the clouds.

It's not as if I'm making it up.

He is a hero in the

truest sense of the word.

It doesn't bother you, does it?

Oh, it doesn't me.

Well, you should hear

me tell stories about you.

Then I really get going.

You know, I wonder
what he's into here.

All his message said was,

'Come quick.'

Excuse me; excuse me, sir.

Sorry, I can't talk.

I gotta get to court.

Let's try in there.

A tavern?

Xena, that is the last

place we would find Meleager.

I did mention his
you know--

small drinking problem.

Yes, but he conquered

it just in time to
save your village.

Yes, he did.

And think about how
much strength that took.

It's a hard habit to break.

I've seen men ruined by liquor.

Well, I don't like to
mention that part.

It's kind of personal--

even for Meleager the Mighty.

Meleager, huh?

Excuse me, we're looking for a friend.

Meleager's your friend?

He must be your friend, too.

I'm sure you make toasts to

him all the time, right?

Toast this!

Wait! Wait!

I said we're friends of Meleager!

I think they've got that, Gabrielle!

Nice friendly little town.

If you're here because of Meleager,

you're too late!


Late for what?

Why do I get the feeling
that's Meleager?

Gabrielle, I knew you'd come--

Of course, I could've used

you before the verdict came in.

Wait a minute.

This is a terrible misunderstanding-- Sir?

Your Honor?

The name is Arbus, Judge Arbus.

Arbus? I've heard of you.

You're known as a just and fair man.

Thank you--

And who are you to
the prisoner, young lady?

A friend--

Whatever he did,

I'm sure he didn't do it.


Consider this!

When we doubt that
heroes exist in this world,

who do the optimists name?

Hercules, Meleager.

This is a legend in his own time.

The man who slew
warriors at the evil Doll's Can

hundred and
at the rogue Ligurias.

Actually, it was, uh,

Ligurias that had the , all in

the course of, uh,

defending innocent lives-- naturally.

The point being that

this is a very good man-- and a hero.

And I, for one, would swear by him.

A very moving testament,young lady.

But I cannot

allow justice to be
swayed by the heart.

The prisoner has been found
guilty of cold-blooded m*rder;

the sentence to be carried out

in one turn of the sand glass.

And the sentence-- is death!

In a time of ancient gods,

warlords, and kings,

A land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena,

a mighty princess,

forged in the heat of battle.

The power...

the passion...

the danger...

Her courage will change the world..

Check the gates.

the noose.

Secure the roap!

It couldn't have been a fair trial.

If there had been any

real discussion--

There's only one real discussion--

Whether to hang me,

behead me,

or tear me limb from
limb in the public square.

They didn't have a
blade big enough;

the square wasn't wide enough;

so hanging wins. Lucky me.

Don't even think it.

You're innocent, right?

Of course I'm innocent, Gabrielle.

This trial was fixed.

You heard him; he's innocent.

Apparently, your friend

doesn't know me at all.

No, but I know Gabrielle.

And even judges make mistakes.

So tell us what happened.

Who got k*lled?

Some guy I never even met before,

by the name of Kalaman.

It was last winter.

I had already left town when it happened.

I mean, I wasn't even here at the time.

I passed through again recently;

Arbus had me arrested.

Suddenly, I'm center stage at an inquisition!

This Arbus sounds like the

'hang him first,
ask questions later' type.

Not from what I've heard.

Arbus tried Volkur the Vicious.

The people just wanted
to tear him apart,

but Arbus insisted on a fair
trial with lawful evidence.

From what I've hear,

he's not someone
who rushes to judgment.


You know how things get distorted,

blown out of proportion.

What happened to Vulkur-- acquittal?

I'll go talk to Arbus.

Yeah, you do that.

So, what have you been
doing with yourself?

Oh, this and that--

Saving villages;

defending the helpless;

getting convicted of m*rder.

Meleager's m*rder w*apon--

right here!

An actual reproduction of the
possible m*rder w*apon,

that was never found!

Here you go, little lady--

the perfect souvenir for the occasion!

I'm not a little lady.

Oh, point taken, point taken.

But these, um, these,

um, weapons and wooden toys--

they're but a great keepsake!

Hey, move it down!


I'm not missing this.

A lovely day for an execution,
don't you think?

If you wanted a front-row seat,

you should've
gotten here earlier!

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah!

The execution of Meleager

is for everyone,
not just you early-birds!

I come when I want. Now hush!

I got knitting to do!


We've been waiting--!

I said, 'Quiet!'

Now, listen to me,
and listen good.

This is an execution,
not a public spectacle!

A man is going to
die here today!

And I will not have that

cheapened by this kind of behavior!

Any more of this!

the execution will take
place behind locked doors!

Some people have some

pretty sick ideas of entertainment.

Sadly, that can't be helped.

It has nothing to do with

the reason I ordered this.

If justice is to mean anything,

the people must see it in action.

I missed the trial,

but I have heard of
Meleager's reputation.

He's not known as a m*rder*r.

Mistakes get made.

I'm sure even someone

as respected as you can agree that.

You know my reputation as well, then.

Just as I know yours, Xena.

I guess formal introductions are out.

I'd heard you'd changed your ways,

looking to amend your past.

All well and good;

but I could still call you to
judgment for past crimes.

But not without proper evidence

and witnesses
That's the law.

Which brings us back to Meleager--

A man with no past

crimes against his name.

One is all it takes.

Believe me, the eye-witness

testimony was compelling.

Someone saw him do it?

Rena, come here.

Tell her what you saw that night.

Well, it was late.

Our mare was near
giving birth, dear thing.

And I was hurrying
towards the stable and--

I saw it in his hand--

It was covered in blood.

I'm sorry another man's gonna die,

but that's what I saw.

I gotta get back to my seat, if that's OK?

You told the truth , Rena.

You can be proud-- Go now.

Sometimes, the truth
can be a heavy burden.

Yes, it can.

Xena, I know what we have to do.

Now, Meleager was camping

with a guy when the m*rder happened.

He's some hermit.
He has one eye.

Meleager's eye-witness is a Cyclops?

He's not a Cyclops;

he's just a one-eyed guy.

It can't-

Sounds like a wild goose chase.


Maybe you should think

about spending the time between now

and tomorrow with Meleager.

You think he's guilty?

I don't think he's being
completely honest with you.

Gabrielle, Gabrielle, Ga--

Hello, it's me again.

What's in the cart?

Your Warrior Princess friend?

This is Meleager's last meal.

Do you think it's enough?

Oh, Mmmm! Smells like I've
died and gone to Elysia already--

Uh, bring it here!

Wait! Boys, it's our job
to sample everything.

What do you know?

Something to wash it all down.

You brought me wine?

I had a feeling it would
never touch those lips.

What goes with lamb?

White or red?

It's bad enough that I'm gonna die,

but my last meal's

disappearing before my eyes.

Just hang in there-- Oh, sorry.

A little kabob,

chicken schwarma,
in just the right mix.

You add a little wine--

Puts 'em out every time.


You find that one-eyed
man and clear yourself.

Gabrielle, you're gonna
have to leave town.

These guys are not gonna be happy.

Don't worry about me-- Go!

Let me go!

Let me go!

Get your hands off me!

Quit pulling me!

Let her go! Get back! Get back!

Enough! Enough!

There will be no lynching here!

Meleager is innocent!

He's gone to find someone
who'll prove it!

He had every chance
to prove it, young lady!

Now, I intend to hold you
responsible for his escape!

I'll bring him back.

No, Xena!

But, she comes with me!

She let him go!

Very well!
I'll trust you, Xena.

But even I can't hold
this town back forever.

I'll have to send men out
if you don't return!

Go! Go!

He's headed north
that makes sense.

The Gauls won't care
what his crimes are.

Xena, you've got
to give him a chance.

Please, I'm begging you.

Don't make this more
difficult than it already is.

I don't wanna bring
him back, but I have to!

He is an innocent man.

You don't know that!

I do have some questions
I wanna ask Arbus,

but first things first,

and that means getting Meleager back.

His running won't help his case any.

Neither will his hanging.

Meleager, run!
Into the woods!



You're gonna have to go
through me to get to him!

Don't do this, Gabrielle.

Let's just walk away.

We never even came to
this part of the country.

If Meleager is guilty, and I
let him escape justice--

He is not guilty!


Give it up, Meleager!

Xena! No!

Run, Meleager! Run!

I'm closing in on you, Meleager!

I'll not use a sword on you, Xena.

But I can't let you stop me.

Well, I can't let you get away.



You are so good!
As good as I was once.

But you can't stack youth
and ambition against age and experience.

Oh, I have experience, too.


I'm not going back.

Well, if not,
it's Gabrielle who'll pay.

Arbus will hound her
forever for freeing you.

Is that what you want?


I won't let you do this.


She's not taking you anywhere.

Gabrielle, listen.

If I have to go in your place, I will.

Gabrielle, stop! Stop it!

There is no one-eyed man.

I ran because I'm guilty.

I k*lled that man,
just as they said.

Everything's a blur--

I can't remember details because

I was--drunk at the time.


He must have thought
I was trying to rob him.

He came at me.

After I saw the lady, I ran.

I held onto the sword--
I didn't even drop it.

You can take me back.

I won't give you
any more trouble.

It's late.

We'll camp here and
head back in the morning.

I didn't want you to know
I started drinking again.

I thought I could handle just one.

Then it was another and another.

I thought I--

Xena, you tell Gabrielle I'm sorry.

You should tell her yourself.

I tried, but she never
wants to hear from me again.

I can't blame her.

I really screwed up
when I lied to her.

Which lie?
The one about the drinking,

or the one about the k*lling?

I deserve that.

But I betrayed her faith
and turned her against you--

her best friend.
Hanging's too good for me.

Out of curiosity,

how did those simple
villagers catch you anyway?

Were you drunk then?

No, I haven't touched
a drop since that night.

No, to fight my way free,

I would have hurt
some innocent people.

They were only doing
what they thought was right.

Argo's fed, watered,
and so brushed she shines.

I'm keeping busy.

Keeping away from
Meleager, you mean.

He needs a friend
now more than ever.

Friends don't lie.
You were right;

he wasn't being honest.

I'm sorry for not believing you.

That's not an issue.

You and I have plenty
of time to talk about it,

but Meleager's not that lucky.

Besides, I can't help wandering

if you're more angry
at him or yourself.

You put people on a pedestal.

Sooner or later,
they're gonna fall, and

your expectations fall with them.

I put people on a pedestal?

Meleager's made his
mistakes drunk and sober.

Tomorrow he might
have to pay for one--

at least talk to him.

If you don't, you'll regret it.

You don't deserve that guilt.

Meleager, when you saw
Kalaman get off his horse,

did he look all right?

Yeah, I guess so, I don't know.

It's hard to remember.

But, I think he stumbled a bit.

But if you're asking me whether

he fell on his sword,
I wish I could say yes.

That witness wasn't wrong
about what she saw.

But, she didn't actually
see you k*ll Kalaman.

The bloody sword was in my hand,

so, I would say that was the tipoff.

Well, someone told
me it was never found;

what happened to it?

Next morning, I woke up in
a cave with it beside me.

I don't know why I held onto it.

It was a clumsy skull
encrusted monstrosity.

Kalaman was a big man, burly
Butt-ugly in a good light?

Yeah, you knew the guy?

Whoa! Nice catch!

Gabrielle, get down!

Second round!

Meleager, don't move!

You dropped these!

Let me go! I'm supposed
to bring Meleager in!

Dead or alive?

More dead than alive, apparently?

Long arm of the law, I take it?

An execution's an execution,

whether it takes place here

or in town! I'm within my rights!

You tell Arbus that I said
I would bring Meleager in.

Let's go.

Excuse me if I have mixed
feelings at the moment, but,

you just saved me
from an execution

to take me back
for my execution?

I'm not taking you back
not yet.

Where are we going?

Meleager's cave.


I wanna see that sword.

There it is--
right where I left it.

Xena, if you bring it back,

it'll be more evidence against Meleager.

No it won't.

Because now I know you're innocent.

You didn't k*ll that man.
I did.

It was last winter when Gabrielle
was at the Athens Academy.

On the road outside Quellmire

I saw this Kalaman
attacking an unarmed man.

We fought.

When it was all over,

he'd taken his own sword
right through his chest.

His horse must have headed
instinctively back to the stable,

where Meleager and the witness
lady crossed paths with him.

I was at the stable earlier,

and I noticed some
dried blood on a saddle,

but I didn't think anything
about it until you told your story.

Nobody could have
suspected that

he was already
dying at my hand.

Gabrielle, I wasn't lying;

at least I didn't know I wasn't lying.

I am innocent.

How are we going to prove
this to Judge Arbus?

The little guy that Kalaman
was trying to k*ll could prove it.

He was scared witless

and kept raving about some
more assassins coming after him.

Why would he be a target?

Ah, he wouldn't say.

I told him about a hiding
place my men used to use.

You think he's still there?

There's one way to find out.
You two stay here.

Once I have him, I'll bring
him back to Arbus.

I thought Xena was
a woman of her word.

Now, it looks as though
she's siding with Meleager.

I tried! But she's
just too, too, Xena!

I believe someone
here sent for me.

Ah, the executioner.

Welcome, welcome.
There's been ay, uh, a slight delay.

So, there's no point in
getting ready just yet.

Why don't you go change into
some comfortable clothes?

I'll-- call for you
when we're ready.

These are my comfortable clothes.
I'll be at the inn.

Gather the men.This time,
I'll lead them myself.

I will make sure that
justice is carried out.

This is where they left me.
This is the place.

There's the rope
I told you about.

This way!

Go away!

I'm not going to hurt you.
Remember me?

I saved you from that assassin.

How do I know you haven't
taken the job for yourself?

'Cause if I had, you'd
already be dead.

I see you've made
yourself quite at home.

No choice.
I figure I'm safer here.

That man must think I'm dead, still.

And that's why he didn't
send another assassin.

Who? Who thinks you're--

Who?! The power-hungry
hypocrite who pretends

he's a man of justice.
But I know the truth.

Judge Arbus?

Judge Arbus--

Builds his career on the Volkur case.

But here's the kicker.
It wasn't Volkur.

Arbus ex*cuted an innocent man--

and he knew it--
all for his reputation.

Don't go outside.

When Xena says to stay put,

she means right where she left us.

I don't think anyone saw me.

As long as you're scribing,

I'd like to dictate my last will and testament.

Don't be silly.

I'm not being silly--

Do it; write it.

These are my belongings.

Everything in the world

I own is in here-- mostly

just trinkets given to me

by villagers for saving their lives.

Small things-- hah-hah.

It doesn't matter
how valuable they are,

as long as it's priceless to you.

Besides,you wouldn't
have carried

it all around with you.

You're right--

They are priceless to me.

OK. I,Meleager the Mighty,

- bequeath all these my worldy--
- Slow down.

Priceless possessions to my family--

To you.You're the closest
thing to a daughter

I've ever known, Gabrielle.

Anyway,just write it down.

Good, that's done.

Did you hear something?

Nah, that couldn't be Xena already.

Meleager, Gabrielle?

Whoa! Someone had a
heck of a party in here!


He's got them

How much longer?

Over here!

Come on, we don't have time.

No, no-- No way!

I'm not going back.

Well, if you don't,

some innocent people are going to die!

I thought you were
taking me to Athens,

or someplace to testify.

But you're going
back there! No way.

Arbus owns that town.

Arbus is that town.

Postpone the execution.

Xena is on her way here with proof

that Meleager didn't do it!

I'm sorry. He was found guilty,

and the people demand justice.

This isn't about justice.

If it were, you would wait.

Say your goodbyes.

You don't have much time.

Post archers on every
gate and parapet.

If Xena show, k*ll her!

You heard Judge Arbus, come on!

Xena will get here, you'll see.

Arbus will hang us both.

It's best she doesn't get here.

Look, Gabrielle,
when the time comes,

don't look outside.

I have to.

I want you to look at me.

I want the last face

that you to see in this
world to be a friend.

If you give us any more trouble,

we'll settle this now.

I wouldn't give you
the satisfaction.

Let's go!


There he is!

Make him pay!

You deserve it!

It's time!

Clear the gate.

The gate is clear.

What about Xena and the girl?

Tell the archers to
stay at their posts.

We'll try the girl for setting
Meleager free in the morning.

Go now.

Cause of death: Justice.

Is that what you said

about Volkur the Vicious?

Who's there?
Who's there?

You're dead!

You've crossed
to the other side!

The guilty can never
escape the dead, Arbus.

This will never end for you,

unless you confess you

k*lled an innocent man.

I don't care how many
innocent people die.

If I pass judgment,

that makes it right!

You, do your job, k*ll him!

I never did the first time.

I don't understand.
I saw him hanged.

I saw the executioner do it!

Don't believe everything you see.

Clear the gate.

The gate is clear.

Fortunately, Meleager
catches on quick.

Not that quick-- Rope burn.


I gave you all what you
wanted-- law and order!

Without me, you are sheep!

All of you! Lawlessness will rein!


Come now, Judge Arbus.

For your last official act,

you're gonna pardon a friend of ours.


You're too late.

For what, what did I miss?

You're alive!

You made me think
you were dead!

Well, I practically was.

Xena, that was close.

Yeah, well I'm sorry.

We had no time
to warn you,Gabrielle.

See you guys.

Bye, Meleager.

When I'm that age,

I hope I'm knitting socks.

Ah, don't worry about it.

People in our line of work never

get to be that age.

That's a comforting thought.
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