07x24 - Her Brother's Keeper

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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07x24 - Her Brother's Keeper

Post by bunniefuu »

Mr. Cartwright...
it's ironic, isn't it,

that even with that
injury to your eye,

you can still do twice the
amount of work that I can do.

Carl, I'm so used to
doing this kind of stuff,

I can do it blindfolded.

I don't know how to thank you.

Without you and your sons...

Aw, Carl, come on.

You want a leaky
roof all winter?

Whoa, whoa.

Well, that didn't take too long.

Well, Hoss here had to prove

he could load the
shingles faster than I could.

- Oh, and did he?
- Sure did.

Four to his one.

Yeah, I gotta admit,
he's a champ, Pa.

Hoss, sounds to me like
you did most of the work.

Yeah, that's right.

Yeah, that is right.


Hoss, you don't
think for one minute

- that I would...
- I don't think nothing.

I know.

Well, you know, that hurts.

I mean, that hurts me,
that-that you would think

that I would do
something like that.

- Here.
- Joe, I...

didn't mean to hurt
your feelings, I just...

Well, it just doesn't
make sense to me.

- Joseph?
- Hmm?

Maybe sometime during the day

you'll prove to me that you're
able to nail these shingles

faster than you were
able to load them.

Yes, sir.

This mountain air

takes a bit of getting
used to, doesn't it?

It sure does.

It takes getting
used to, all right.

Well, you've only
been here a week.

Another couple of
days ought to do it.

Hey, why don't you sit down?

The boys and I can
take care of things.

Oh, I'd feel guilty
not doing my share.

I've already presumed pretty
heavily on your generosity.

Oh, don't be silly.

If my neighbors
here hadn't helped me

when I first got to
this part of the country,

there'd never have
been a Ponderosa.

There. Clarie'd never be...

never believe it,
seeing me work like this.

Oh, is that your wife?

I didn't know you were married.

Oh, I'm not.

Claire's my sister.

We have a home in San Francisco.



Carl? You all right?

It's all right, it-it...
it'll pass in a moment.


Get over here, quick.

- Come and help me with him.
- What's the matter, Pa?

I don't know.

- Get the doctor, Joe.
- Right.

I can admire
self-reliance, Mr. Armory,

but in your condition,
it's foolhardy.

You aren't going to
lecture me, are you, Doctor?

I laid down a strict
program for you:

no smoking, no drinking
and plenty of rest.

True, I may not
have said anything

about unloading wagons
and repairing roofs.

When is your sister
arriving from San Francisco?

Frankly, I... I haven't
wired her to come.

Then let me send
someone out from town.


No, I'd... I'd rather
you didn't do that.

I've never been able to get
along with a housekeeper.

Claire's the only woman
in this world who's...

ever been able to tolerate me.

All right, now. Why
don't you send for her?

Well, Ben, don't you see?

It would mean taking
her away from her friends

in San Francisco and
bringing her out here

where she doesn't have
an acquaintance in the world,

and-and having
none of the excitement

or social life of the city.

Oh, well, I...

I must admit, Carl,
we don't have the same

kind of social whirl in
Virginia City as you do

in that big town of
San Francisco, but

I think we could entertain
your sister while she's here.

Well, how?

I... don't know a
soul in this country.

Other than you, of course,

and you've got
better things to do

than to play host to my sister.

Like what?

Thank you, Ben.

Would, uh...

would you send
the telegram for me?

Sure I will. I'll write it out

and have the doc
take it into town.

Oh, that... that'd
be fine, fine.

There's a pen and paper
right over there on the desk.

- Oh, fine.
- Don't forget, Ben.

Before I leave, I want
to take a look at that eye.

Yeah, you'd better, Doc.


Are you quite sure you
haven't seen Mr. Armory?

No, ma'am, I'm sorry; I haven't.

Um, excuse me, are
you Miss Claire Armory?

Oh, yes, I am.

Would you put the bags
in the buggy, please?

Oh, uh...

well, I-I'm Ben
Cartwright, ma'am.

Yes, I know, from the stable.

I told them to send
me a good driver.

I do hope you're experienced.

Yes, ma'am, of course.

Uh... Clancy, would you, uh...

would you put those
bags in my buggy, please?


You, uh... you are from
the stable, aren't you?

Well, no, No, not
exactly, ma'am. I...

Uh, my name is Cartwright

and your brother asked
me to meet the stage,

but the stage was early
and I was late and I...

I-I'm terribly sorry,
I must apologize.

Oh, I should be the
one to apologize.

No, not at all.


- Uh...
- friends.

Well, it's nice meeting
you, Miss Armory.

Thank you.


Hope you don't mind.

We'll just stop
here for a moment,

give the horse a breather.

Oh, not at all.

Well, I can see
why you prefer this

to San Francisco,
Mr. Cartwright.

It's absolutely breathtaking.

Yeah, it's beautiful here.

You know, in another month,

all this will be
covered with snow.

Oh, what a pity.

And it's so lovely
and green now.

Oh, it's beautiful with snow.

You want to see the high
country before the snow sets in.

That's something
you'll never forget.

My brother seems to like
this country, too, doesn't he?

Yeah, I believe he does.

How well do you know him?

Well enough to know

that he's a pretty
good chess player.


Oh, I was just wondering.

How much farther is it?

Oh, just over the
bridge about half a mile.


And she thought...

she thought you
were the liveryman?

I'm afraid so, Carl.

Oh, it's that eye
patch of yours.

Makes you look very sinister.

I know, I know.

You should've told her

you got that in a
hunting accident.

A hunting accident?

Oh, it was nothing.

Just a... a shell exploded
in the g*n chamber.

Just a... powder burn.

It'll be all right in
a couple of weeks.

Well, I'm afraid that
did influence me a bit.

It's really very funny.

Claire is, uh, usually so...


Excuse me. Excuse
me, I'm-I'm sorry.

Well, Carl, I-I think I'd
better be getting along.

- I still have that ranch to run.
- Oh.

Can't you stay for a while?

I don't make friends easily

and when I do, I tend
to monopolize their time.

Claire accuses
me, quite rightly,

of being selfish
in that respect.

Uh, when will we see you again?

I did enjoy the
ride, Mr. Cartwright.

The countryside's
just beautiful.

Well, the name
is Ben, and, uh...

I'd like to show you the rest
of it, you and your brother.

There's still a good
deal of it to see.

Yes, I'd like that very much.

Would noon tomorrow
be all right, Ben?

Why, yes, noon
tomorrow'd be fine...

if it's all right
with... Claire?

Yes, of course.

Well, then, till noon
tomorrow, then.

Fine, Carl. I'll see you then.

- Good-bye.
- I'll show you to the door.

Thank you.

I don't know what my
brother's told you, Ben,

but believe me, you're
under no obligation

to entertain me.


Miss Armory, I
consider it a privilege

to entertain you.

- Until tomorrow.
- Until tomorrow.

You like him, don't you?

I just met him.

I neither like him
nor dislike him.

But you wonder what he's like.

I could tell you, if you want.

Thank you, but I think
I'd just as soon not hear it.

Oh, my dear Claire, come, come.

He's rich.

Very rich.

Yes, they always
are, aren't they?

Of course.

I feel you should have
every chance for a happy life.

A happy life?

Come on, now, Carl, let's
stop fooling ourselves, shall we?

Do you know what I went through

after you left San Francisco?

After you ran away?

Please spare me the
sordid details, my dear.

I'd just as soon forget it.

You have such a morbid
tendency to martyrdom anyway.

Well, you needn't
look so frightened,

because I borrowed the
money and repaid Charles

at the same time I
gave him back his ring.

You borrowed money?

How much?

How much?


Just enough to pay
off your gambling debt.

But let me tell you,
Carl, that's the last time.

I won't do it again.

Not ever.

Where are you going?

To unpack. Do you mind?


Oh, let me help you.

I... I can help myself.

Oh, you mustn't drink.

The doctor told you
you shouldn't drink.

Oh, hang the doctor
and... hang you.

Oh, Carl, you've got to
take better care of yourself.

Does it really matter?

Oh, of course.

Of course it does.

My dear sister,

I want only the best for you.

I promise you,
no tricks this time.

No games.

Oh, Carl... if only I
could believe that.

You can.

And now you'd... better
go and get unpacked.

Oh, Claire?

Do you still have that

lovely white dress
I bought for you?

Yes. Why?

Oh, nothing, I...

I just thought perhaps

you'd wear it tomorrow.

Ben Cartwright has
marvelous taste in everything.

I'm sure he'd like
you in that dress.

Will you wear it?

As a favor?

You know what
they call this place?

No, what?

Gray Rock.


Come here.

Because of this rock.

There's an old Indian legend.

Once, there was a-a w*r chief

who fell in love with
an Indian maiden

and she belonged
to another tribe.

One day, her people left

and she went with them

and he never saw her again.

And he came to this
place to mourn for her.

And he was never seen again.

In his place, they
found this rock.

You mean he's
still waiting for her?

Well, the Indians think so.


You see that mountain?

The one with the highest peak?


Now, the Indians say

that that's where God lives.

They call it the Place of God.

And this lake, uh, well,

there's another Indian
legend about that lake.

See, one day, God looked out

to look at the world which
He had just finished creating,

and it was so beautiful it
brought tears to His eyes.

He began to cry.

And those tears went all the way

down the mountainside

and all the way along here
and they formed this lake.

And that's why they
call it the Lake of Tears.

Oh... oh, Ben,
it is so beautiful.

Yes, it is.

I meant the lake.

Well, of course.

Tell me, do you
come here very often?


No, I, uh...

I-I haven't been
here for some time.

Why do you say it like that?

Who did you bring
here before? Tell me.

Little Joe's mother.

It's getting colder.

Your eye feel any better?

Hey, Pa.


Is your eye feeling better?

Oh. Yes, yes.

Oh, good.

Now what's your hurry?

You didn't finish
your breakfast.

Oh, I, uh... I-I've
gotta go into town.

I've got to make sure that they

send out that
last load of timber

before the big snows
clog up the road.

I reckon Little Joe and me'll

drop over to Carl's and
finish that roof today.

Roof? I thought we were
gonna work on a chimney.

Well, now, I think we ought

to get that roof
done first, don't you?

Um, who said something about

fixing Carl's chimney?

I did, Pa.

Carl said he had
something stuck in there;

we told him we'd fix it for him.

Oh. Oh, well, good.

Then I'll, uh, I'll
meet you there

on the way back from town.

Notice Pa's kind of
preoccupied lately?


Sure had. I...

wonder what's
troubling him, anyhow?

You looked at
Carl's sister lately?


Well, ma'am, there
it is, good as new.

It's the most beautiful
roof I ever saw.

Thank you, boys, so much.

I'll guarantee you it
won't leak a drop, neither.

You'll be as snug as a
bear in there this winter.

Now, Hoss Cartwright,
do I look like a bear?

Oh, no, ma'am.

I reckon you don't,
on second thought.

Uh, Hoss, we'd better
get started on the chimney.

Now that I've
got the roof fixed,

I'm gonna need all
the help I can get.

I've got the hammer;
you bring the ladder.

Ah, work is never done.

You see anything up there, boss?


well, there's-there's some
kind of obstruction up there.

Oh... - Really? - Yep.

Wait a minute.

I think I know what it is.

- Yeah? What?
- Yeah, yeah.

You-you remember... you remember

- the shingles you couldn't find?
- Yeah.

- The ones you misplaced?
- Yeah.

You probably pushed
'em in the chimney.


Couldn't have
been you, could it,

when you was leaning
up against the chimney

up there bossing me, huh?

That's very unlikely.


Can you give me a
hand with the ladder?

We'll have it done in a second.

Easy does it.

Boy, it's dirty.

Got it solid, there?

There you are, little
brother. Go get 'em.

Okay, better get up there.

Why me?

Well, how am I
gonna go up there?

I can't see, it's dark up there.

Oh, yeah.

Have it done in a second.

Easy, there.

Hey, see anything?

Not a thing.

It's dark up here.

Yeah, well, I told
you it was dark.

Can-can you
reach whatever it is?

Just a little bit
over to the right.

To the right? Gotcha.


You know, Joe, we
ain't gonna never get

all that stuff off of that rug.

Aw, sure you will.


Now, we ain't gonna
start that again, are we?

Well, fine. If you
want Claire to know

you're just doing a job
halfway, that's up to you.

Yeah, Pa always did
say if a job's worth doing,

it's worth doing all the way.

That's the spirit.

She sure is a nice
lady, ain't she?

Yeah, she sure is.

Here's some soap.

She took it real good,

the way we messed
up her living room.



reckon how serious Pa
is about her, sure enough?

Well, I don't think we
got a thing to worry about

until he starts
buying her roses.

Yeah, this'll be just
fine, Charlie, just fine.

Oh, and, uh, don't forget
the champagne, eh?

Don't worry, Ben.

I'll take care of everything.

Friday evening, the
private dining room,

Ben Cartwright and guests.

Exactly. Fine.

Oh, and, uh...

let's have some flowers
around the table, huh?

What kind of flowers?


Red roses, lots of 'em.

Just leave it to me, Ben.

Thank you, Charlie. Bye.

These roses are
so beautiful, Ben.


How did you know they're
my very favorite flower?

Well, I just hoped
they might be.

And the dinner was delightful.

I'm sorry Carl wasn't
well enough to join us.

Yeah, so am I.

No, I take that back.

I'm... I'm glad he wasn't here.

If he'd been with us,

it would've been a
different kind of evening.


In what way?

Well... I wouldn't
have been able

to talk about myself so much.

Has anyone ever told you

you're a very good listener?

Has anyone ever told you

you're a very good storyteller?

Well, anyway, now you know why

my roots are so
deep in this country.

What about you?

Was it always San Francisco?


No, once it was New England.

That's where Carl
and I were born.


But after our parents died,

we were shifted from
one relative to another.

Never stayed in any one place
long enough to call it home.


Then... then later...


Later, there was a
marriage to a young doctor.

A very brief one.

We were both terribly young.

And I'm afraid I
was bit too fanciful.

I built my castle so high

that there was no
possible way to reach it.

You, uh... you
never tried again?

No, I found that dreamers
are too vulnerable.

Dreams can be very painful...

and the price of
castles much too high.

Claire... if... if the
price of castles...

ever came down...

would you try again?


I'd like to propose a toast.

May the price of
castles plummet.

Was that Ben leaving?


Didn't he come in?

We said good night at the door.

Are you feeling better?


The pain subsides
when I lie down.

It was wrong of me
to go off and leave you.

You really shouldn't
have insisted.

Well, there was nothing
you could've done.

Was it a pleasant evening?

Oh, yes, it was wonderful.

Ben had everything all arranged.

I'm sorry you missed it.

The important thing
is that you didn't.

Is he... falling
in love with you?


We're... we're just
good friends, that's all.

Are you sure, Claire?

I'm really quite tired.

I think I'll say
good night, Carl.

Good night, Claire.

Oh, Claire...

are you going to
see him tomorrow?

As a matter of fact, I am.

He's showing me the Ponderosa.

Oh, that'll be nice, won't it?

Carl, please.

You promised me.

Of course.

And I always keep
my promises, don't I?

Whoa, whoa!


Well, I'm gonna
tell you something:

this is the... last
of the Ponderosa

I'm gonna show you today.

It's getting cold.

I'm sorry about the wind.

It comes with the
season, not the ranch.

Oh, Ben, I love it.

It feels like winter.

Ah. What you feel is that...

that snow on the mountains.

You know, that wind
whips across the snow

and across icepacks
a million years old.

Oh, nothing's a
million years old.

Oh? Some things
are a million years old.

Like what?

Like wind and glaciers
and mountains?

Yeah, like wind and
glaciers and mountains.

And what else?

Well, uh... I can't
think right now.

We'd better get back.

Maybe Hop Sing has
some hot coffee on the fire.

- Get!
- Oh. Sounds delicious.


Hyah, hyah!

- Oh!
- Whew!

Well, you get
yourself over by the fire

and thaw out.

I'll get the hot coffee.

Like it?

I don't have to tell
you it's magnificent,

you know that.

It's you, Ben.

It's you and someone else.

I'll, uh... take your coat.

You make yourself comfortable.

Oh, uh...

would you like some
brandy in your coffee?

Oh, no, thanks.

Just coffee.


Did you enjoy your ride?

Oh, it was marvelous.

The Ponderosa's unbelievable.

Well, I'm glad you liked it.

I just wanted to say hello;
I've got some work to do.

Joe... is this your mother?

Yeah, that's her.

She was very beautiful.

Yeah, she was.

And so are you.

You were quite young
when she died, weren't you?


Yeah, she died
right after I was born.

I never knew her.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Oh, don't be.

It's something I never
had, so I never missed it.


Almost never.

I better stop talking
and get to work.

If you want your coffee hot,

come and get it.

I've been exploring.

- Oh?
- I hope you don't mind.

Not at all.

The house is yours.

Oh, no.

Not mine.

It's yours, Ben Cartwright.

It could never be mine, really.

Now, you... you
don't really mean that.

But I do.

You see, I think I'm
falling in love with you.

And that's ridiculous.

It's not possible, not for me.

Why not?

Why not to both of us?

You know, in all my life,

I've never met
anyone quite like you.

Even in the short time
we've been together,

I've come to know you.

Black patch and all?

The kind of man you are.

But loving you,

being anything
meaningful in your life...

that's impossible.

Are you sure?

Oh, no.

No, I'm not sure of anything.

Let's not make
it more difficult.

Will you take me home?

On one condition:

that you give us time
to know each other.

Give us both a chance.

All right.

At least we can
always be friends.


Hello, friend.

Hello, friend.

There's... there's-there's
one other condition.

There is?


You see... we must
have that coffee,

because if we don't,

Hop Sing will never
make another meal for us.

Oh, Ben...


You have just
walked into a disaster.

Reaping the harvest...


Looks like the end of the game

any way you look at it, Joe.


how was I supposed to
know you were a genius?

Well, you spend so
dang much of your time

thinking about yourself
being a genius, that's why.

Hey, Pa, how about a
little game of checkers?

The competition's
getting a little thin.

Yeah, but sure
as heck you're not.

It's all muscle.

Between your ears.

You know, I was just thinking

how wonderful it is
to be in this house.

Ever... you ever stop to think

how well-ordered
this household is?

If you mean how well we
all get along here, that's right.

No, you know, how...

how things are done
properly and routine...

Well, with Hop Sing
doing all the housework

and the cooking

and you keeping me and
Hoss busy with the chores,

we get everything done.

Oh, come on, I don't
work you that hard.

I was just thinking that,
for three bachelors...

we do pretty good.

Yeah, I reckon we do, at that.

I don't reckon there's
three fellers anywhere

that get along any
better than we do.

You reckon, Joe?

I know there's not.

No, that's... that's for sure.

Of course, uh, most
other households, they...

they'd need a... a woman.

Well, course, uh...

of course there is a
lot to be said for 'em.

Oh, of course, of
course, of course there is.

A great deal to be said for 'em.

I guess when...

when three fellas live together

for any length of
time, they sort of...

tend to get...
staid in their ways.


And, uh... if any
outsider came along,

a stranger or
something, it would...

tend to disrupt
things, I'd think.

Well, no, no, I-I
don't think it has to.

I mean, I think it'd all depend
on who the person was.

I mean, some people'd
come in and disrupt things,

but then again, there'd be
other people who'd come in

and, I mean, they'd be welcome.

They'd fit in just fine.


Uh, right one came along, why,

she'd be more than welcome.

Yeah. Well, I... I
would think so, too.

It's just that...

well, I think the-the
subject would have to be

discussed, you know?

It wouldn't be right just to
bring someone in without,

well, at least asking for...

well, approval.

Well, I think that's something

we ain't got to worry
about around here, Pa.

I mean, if one of
us decided to, well,

like, get married,

I don't think he'd have to worry
about the others approving.

Do you, Joe?

No, no.

I mean, I'd approve.




Leave Virginia City?


It's time we found a
warmer place for you.

The frost will be setting
in here very soon.

But that won't be
for a few weeks yet.

It's still early October.

Well, then, I'll go on ahead
and find something for us.

You can join me
in a week or two.

But... don't you like it here?

I... I thought you and Ben...

What did you think about us?

Well, Ben's grown fond of you.

Yes, I know he has.

He's been courting you, Claire.

I don't want to hurt him.

But you do care
for him, don't you?

My relationship
with Ben Cartwright

won't go any further.

We're leaving here,
Carl, and that's final.

On what?

We're broke.

We're living here on credit now.

Well, I have a
little money saved.

It isn't much, but if
we're careful, it'll do.


Well, come on in!

Good to see you.

I was just on my
way back from town

and I-I thought I'd stop by.

Well, good. I'm glad you did.

Give me your hat.

Now... hot drink, cold drink?

- What'll it be?
- Oh...

No, uh... no, thank you, Ben.

Is something wrong?

The real estate
broker informs me

he's found a
buyer for the house.

Claire and I will have to
be out within the week.

The pity of it is,

I'd planned to purchase
the house and stay on here,

as a surprise to Claire.

Now it looks as though we'll
have to return to San Francisco.

Well, Carl, if you were gonna
buy the house, why don't you?

Well, the broker tells me

he can't hold the other
buyer past 4:00 today.

He'll require a check
from me as a binder.

Does that... present a problem?

Well, my funds are in
transfer from San Francisco.

They won't arrive
until tomorrow, and...

my account here is
insufficient to meet that need.

Well, how much do you need?


Well, I think I can
let you have that.

You'd do that, Ben?

Well, of course.

Well, I'll give you a post-dated
check to cover yours.

Oh, that won't be
necessary, Carl.

Oh, I can hardly expect
you to take me on faith.

Well, I'd expect you
to take me on faith.

Well, I-I insist upon it, Ben.


I won't tell Claire about this

until the papers come
through in a few days.

I want it to be a surprise.

Well, I hope she'll be
pleasantly surprised.

There we are.

This really isn't necessary.

No, I feel better about it.

I've dated mine the
day after tomorrow.

It'll be... it'll be
good by then.

Well, good.

All right, now, let's, uh...
let's have a drink, huh?

Oh, no. No, thank you, Ben.

Um... I've, uh... I've
got to get to the broker.

Oh, yes, yes, you'd better.


Thank you, Ben.

I didn't intend to cheat
Ben out of that money!

I may have lied about why
I wanted it, but that's all.

You promised me no
more lies, no more swindles.

I did it for you, Claire.

From the moment I arrived here,

you threw Ben and me together.

You made excuses
so we could be alone.

You had everything all planned!

It was just another one
of your crazy schemes.

Why won't you listen to me?

Because I know
what you're up to.

And I'd hoped and prayed, I...

I'd even dared to dream again.

Listen to me,
I-I did it for you!

We needed that money to
get away from here, didn't we?

I-I hoped that I
could make a better...

a better life for you.

I hoped that I could
in some way repay you

for all the years that
you took care of me.

It won't work anymore, Carl.

I've heard it too many times.

Why won't you listen to me?!

You're a liar!


Please believe me.

You must believe me!

It's too late, Carl.


You-you wouldn't leave me alone?

You can't leave me alone!





Carl, answer me!

Ben... Ben!

- What is it?
- Oh, Ben, it's Carl.

He's had another attack;
it's the worst one yet.

- Hoss, get the doctor.
- Right, Pa.

Let's go.

The doctor's gone.

And Claire...

the doctor said he couldn't find

any reason for Carl's attack.

Any physical reason.

But he did say that Carl
seemed awfully upset.

Well, we... we'd quarreled.

I refused to accept
his excuses any longer.

Oh, Ben, I'm so sorry

for what he tried to do to you.

He-he just doesn't understand.

He's like a child.

He-he doesn't realize
what he's doing.

He honestly believes

some of these wild
schemes of his might work.

Yeah, I guess it is
childish to think that

you can say you have a bank
account when you don't have one.

It's so easy to check.

Oh, he's never had an account.

He's squandered
every cent he's ever had.

Why do you put up with it?

Because I have to.


because one night,
when we were little, I...

I woke up because I was cold.

There were some
embers in the fireplace...

and I poked at them.

The next thing I knew...

the curtains had caught fire
and the house was in flames.

Our mother and
father lost their lives.

And Carl's lungs

were permanently
damaged by smoke.

I... I remember when they...

when they carried him out.

I was crying, and I said, "Oh,

"Oh, Carl, don't worry, I'll...

"I'll always be here.

I'll always be here
to take care of you."

That's an awfully long
time to bear a cross.

Oh, Ben, he isn't really bad.

I-I know he'll change someday.

Maybe. Maybe he will.

But until he does, if he does...

what about you?

Are you just... gonna
go along with all his

crazy schemes

and get-rich-quick
plans and... deceptions?

Oh, I don't know. What can I do?

Marry me.

Oh, Ben... I failed
once because of him.

Carl will be well taken care of.


Oh, Ben.

Dear Ben, if only
that could be true.

It can be true... if you let it.

Please... let it.

I-I... I can't give
you an answer now.


I have to have time to think.

Please, I-I have to
have tonight to think.

All right.

But tomorrow...

Oh, yes, Ben.

Yes, tomorrow.

Do you know what I've been
thinking about, lying here?


My sixth birthday.

It was the first year
after Mother and Father...

left us.

Do you remember?

Yes, I remember.

You were the only one

to remember my birthday.

You gave me your last toy.

And it's been that
way ever since,

your taking care of me.

It'll be different
in the future.

I'm going to do for you.

Are you still angry with me?

No, Carl, I'm not angry.

There is going to be a
future for us, isn't there?

You didn't mean
what you said before?

Yes, I meant it.

Claire, I'm... I'm sick
and I'm-I'm afraid.

Don't you know how
frightened I am when I'm...

- when I'm alone?
- Yes, I know.

Then don't leave me.

You're going to marry him

and leave me alone, aren't you?

He's asked you, hasn't he?

Yes, he's asked me.

Don't marry him.

Don't leave me all by myself.

I'll... I'll be good,
Claire, I-I-I promise.

Please, please don't marry him.

Please, Carl, don't.

You did this to me!

It's... it's your fault
I'm the way I am!

You started that fire, Claire!

It's-it's all your fault!

Please, Carl!

Please don't do that!

You promised.

You promised you'd
never send me away.

You-you-you swore
you'd take care of me.

Claire, I need you!

I need you, Claire, I need you!

Oh, Carl...

Oh. Joe?

Well, Hoss and I just
rode by the Armory place

on the way up to
the north pasture.

The whole house is deserted, Pa.

There's nobody there.





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