07x14 - All Ye His Saints

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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07x14 - All Ye His Saints

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, Michael.

Hey, Little Joe, Hoss.

Hi, Mike.

How are you, little buddy?


Think you can beat me this time?

Hey, I wouldn't try it, Hoss,

you remember what he did
to your hand the last time.

Yeah, but I been practicing.

I think I can take
him this time.



Aah! Aah, okay!

Okay, that's enough, enough!


I told you, that Michael's
got a grip like a grizzly bear.

Oh, what a grip. Oh.

Is that the mail
you brought for us?

Yeah, it sure is.
Where's your pa?

In the barn. Come on.

All righty, I'll give
you a piggyback ride.

Oh! Ooh, you're
getting too big for this.

- Hey, Little Joe...
- Yeah?

What's "Samaritan" mean?

Well, where'd you hear
that, Sunday school?

No, my dad said it.

He said that the Cartwrights

are good Samaritans
for helping us. Are you?

Well, I don't know. It's awful
kind of your pa to say so,

but we didn't do anything
he wouldn't have done.

Come on.

If you want to be one,

you'll let me win at hand
squeezin' every once in a while.

You see him, Lijah?

No, Mr. Thorpe.

Very dark here.

Hey, Dad, Hoss and Little
Joe brought that mare over.

Uh, just a second, Mike.

What are you doing up
there, anyhow, Evan?

Oh, we got some
stray owls in here.

We're trying to evict 'em.

Hey, Lijah, you're not
gonna k*ll many owls

with that broom, are you?

Well, so far, I k*ll
as many with broom

as Mr. Thorpe with g*n.

Well, I guess that's
enough for now.

When Lijah starts
making remarks,

I think it's time
for a cup of coffee.

You boys got time?

Yeah, sounds good to me.

Say, I want to see
that animal, first.

Hey, that's a
fine-looking horse.


This is the part
of doctoring I hate.

Death watch.

Nothing I can do now
but wait and hope...

and try to think of a way to
tell that boy when it happens.

Doc, isn't there...

isn't there something
more you can do?

I believe in
miracles, Ben, but...

I don't ever count on 'em.

Don't try to talk Evan,
just... just lie still.

It's bad, isn't it, Doc?

Well, it... it's
hard to say, Evan.

Don't lie to me, Doc.

I ain't got no time for lies.

I'm going out pretty
quick, now, ain't I?

I'm doing all I can.

It's not your fault.

Ben... Mike know how bad it is?

Yeah, I-I think so, yes.

Let me see him, will you?


That you, Mike?

Yes, sir.

Well, you... you better
come closer, boy.

My eyes are all
fuzzed up, seems like.

Come on.

Tell me, did you...

did you beat Hoss at
hand squeezin' today?

Yes, sir, I did.

Well, you're a
strong fellow, all right.

And a good boy, too.

Please, Dad...
Please what, Mike?

Please... don't die.

I'll try not to, Mike, I...

I'll fight and I'll pray...

Dad, please... Don't, Dad.

Please don't die, Dad.


Lijah, why don't...

why don't you put Mike to bed.

He's in a coma.

It's up to God now.


You sleep, Michael?

Did you hear what
Dr. Randall said, Lijah?

He said that only God
could help my dad.

Well, Dr. Randall wise man.

God... What is God, Lijah?

God... God is most
strong thing ever.

All people come from God,

and God know everything.

God make everything to happen.

How do you know?

You're just an Indian.

Indian, white man.

All same God.

They teach Lijah at
trader post church.

Did He make Dad get shot?

Make all things happen.

Then I hate God.


No, not right.

God knows better than people.

Always have reason.

Have good reason.

But why would He
want to hurt Dad?

God stronger than people.

Smarter than people.

He have reason.

He watch over
everybody and everything.

Even over birds, He watch.

He live high in the
mountain, all alone.

Like an eagle.

Where's He live?

High in the
mountains, all alone.

What's He look like?



Ooh... I think God
must be a strong man.

Maybe his face a little tired

from all the trouble
people do, I think.

His eyes are cold, like fire.

His eyes see into soul.

He lives in the mountains.


High in the mountains.

All alone.


What should the boys
do if Evan wakes up?

He's not likely to wake up, Ben.

If he does, though,
just come and get me.

Good night.

I'll see you in the
morning, Hoss.

Right, Pa.

I'll see you in the
morning, Joseph.


I'm sorry, Pa.

Just thinking about the boy.

I remember when
I was little, I...

I realized, one day, that all
my friends had two parents

and I just had one.

And sometimes, when...

when you used to go away

on trips for a few days...

I used to wonder
what it would be like

if you didn't come back.

Boy, it used to frighten me.

Course, I n... I never
had to face that.

But... if just the thought of it

scared me that way...

I just wonder what that little
fella must be going through.

It's a pointless story, I guess.

Oh, no.


Joseph... there's
never any need...

to apologize for compassion.

Good night, son.

Hey, it's kind of late
for you to be up, isn't it?

I couldn't sleep.

How far is it to
that mountain, Joe?

Oh, that one? That...

that's very, very far away.

Why'd you ask?

I just wondered.

Lijah said that God
lives in those mountains.

Oh, well, see, that's a...

that's an old Indian legend.

They used to...

they used to think that
mountain was sacred.

The place of
God, they called it.

What's a legend?

Oh, a legend. It...

it's kind of a story, you know.

Like they teach
in Sunday school?

No. No, not exactly.

See, in the... in the Bible...

God's in the Bible, isn't He?


Lijah said that God
could help my dad.

Oh, I... I think Lijah's right.

I see.

Good night, Joe.

Mule, we're gonna go find God.

We've gotta talk to Him.

You be quiet, hear?

Don't make sense
he'd skedaddle off

in the middle of
the night like that.

I think Michael go see God.

Michael did what?

God live in mountain.

Michael go see God,
ask Him to help father.

Did you tell him that?

Did he believe it?

He believed.

Michael go see God.

You know, I think
he's right, Hoss.

Boy asked me how far
away those mountains were.

He's got a pretty
good head start.

- Let's get going.
- Oh, but, Joe, wait a minute.

We can't just leave Mr. Thorpe.

All right, you ride into town,

get Doc Randall,
bring him out here.

In the meantime, Lijah
can stay with Mr. Thorpe.


I'll see if I can get a couple
of deputies from Roy Coffee.

We're gonna need
all the help we can get.

God take Michael to
mountain to help father.

Man should not interfere.


I can't see anything, mule.

Dad says never to
ride a lamed-up animal,

and you're sure enough lame.

And if I can't ride you,

there's no point
in taking you along.

So, mule, you can go home now.

Well, go on. Go home.

I'll be all right, mule, honest,

but you're all lame, and
I don't want to hurt you.

I can take care of myself, mule.

Go home, mule.
Don't you understand?

You're hurt, mule. You're hurt.


My name... is Michael Thorpe...!



I need to talk to you...!








Here we go, Mike.

You sit up nice and slow.

I want you to
drink some of this.

It'll warm your tummy up.

That's a boy.

Yeah. How's that head of yours?


Yeah, let me look. Whew...

I guess it is. You really
got an egg on there.

We'll have the
doc take a look at it.

The doctor?

Yeah, as soon as we get back.

I can't go back.

I got to stay.

I saw Him.

See, see, God isn't...

isn't something
you can always see,

like a... like a tree or a rock.

I did see Him.

Up there, Little Joe.

It was God.

When was that?

Just before I fell.

Yeah, now, you sure that
wasn't just after you fell?

No. That's why I fell.

He scared me.


And, um... what
did He look like?

He had a tired face... Mm-hmm.

And eyes like cold fire.


Eyes like cold fire?

Just like stars.

Now, Mike, Michael,

you know, you're old
enough to know the difference

between telling the
truth and telling a lie.

I saw Him.

I'm not telling a lie.

Oh. Well,

see, sometimes-sometimes

people want to see
something so bad

that they really
think they see it.

No, it-it... it's not... it's
not really lying, but...

But I saw Him.

I've got to stay.

I've got to ask
Him to help my dad.

You know, God answers
everybody's prayers.


Sometimes, the answer is "no."

What are you gonna do if...

well, if God's answer is "no"?

I'll give Him a lickin'.

You say your prayers?


Dad always says grace at meals.

And we go to church
sometimes. Why?

Well, when you pray,
you're praying to God,

and He's right inside of you.

Same as... same
as He's inside me.

He's inside everybody.

But He's not a man who
lives up on a mountain.

Don't you see?

There's a man living up
in the mountains right now.

- Where are we going?
- Up there.

You live up there?


I live up there.

Looks like an
eagle's place, don't it?

Well, that's what I
am boy... A wild eagle.

I k*ll for my food, I
live off this country.

I sit up here on
top of this mountain,

and I see all that goes
on down below me.

Don't you get lonesome?

I've gotten used to it.

Now, move on.

You know me, don't you?

Yeah, something about your face.

I'm Tom Caine.

Tom Caine, Summit
Ridge m*ssacre.

The very same.

And I thought you were dead.

I am.

Or I was... till you came along.

Now, move on.

That suit your fancy?

Just about as much as you do.

Kid, see them
canteens over there?

There's a creek
across that knoll.

You take them canteens
and get 'em filled, you hear?

Yes, sir.

And don't get any
notions about running away

'cause you got no place to go.

Why should I run away?

I came to see you.

What? You know me?

Yes, sir. I know you.

Well, all right then. You do as
I tell you, do you understand?

Why'd you hurt my father?

What are you talking about?

You shot my dad.

Well, I've been blamed
for a lot of things I didn't do.

I don't even know your father.

Yes, you do. Lijah said
that you know everything.

Now, what's all this talk?

You do as I tell you.

Michael, go on. Do what he says.

We'll talk about your dad later.

Go on.



You tie your horse
up to that tree.

Then you get inside here...

where I can keep an eye on you.

Go on. Move on across.

Now, what are you doing

bounty hunting with
a kid like that along?

I'm not bounty hunting.

He said you were
looking for me, didn't he?

No, not exactly.

His father was
wounded in an accident.

He's not expected to live.

What's that got to do with me?

Well, an Indian who
worked for his father said

that God lived up
here in this mountain.

He came up here to ask
God to spare his father's life.

And he thinks that I'm God?


That's kind of funny, ain't it?

Me, old Tom Caine, huh?

You know, in a way, I
am God, though, ain't I?

I think that'll take a little
stretch of the imagination.

Does it?

You just think about
that, you and that boy.

Your lives are in my
hands, aren't they?

The power is mine to...

give a life or to take it.

Oh, that's a good
feeling, you know.

That's a real good feeling.

You ought to
know it pretty well.


You sit down... right there.

Put your hands behind your head.


You're a tough kid, aren't you?


Yes, you are.

All you kids are tough.

You got to be to
survive this country.

I was.

You wait'll you get old like me,

and all the things you
done, they come back on you.

You know, even up here alone,

up here alone...

it seems crowded sometimes.

The memories and the faces.

Yeah, that's called
a conscience.


Yeah, you got to have
a crutch to fight that.

Like this.

Yeah, go ahead, kid. Go
ahead and make it easy for me.

Be tough.

I'm gonna k*ll you anyway.

You'd just save me the
trouble of getting drunk to do it.

Coals are still hot.

That's Little Joe's bedroll.

They can't be too far away.

Little Joe dead.

Lijah... This is God's place.

God k*ll Little Joe.

Lijah, you quit that
kind of talk, you hear?

Spirits take Little Joe away.

How you think we find him?

Look, Lijah, that's
superstition talk.

Now, let's get this straight.

There ain't no spirits
on this mountain.

There ain't but two people and
they desperately need our help

and we're gonna find 'em.

Hoss, Bob and I found
some tracks up ahead.

What'd I tell you?

They're going up
on that mountain.

There's something mighty
strange about them tracks, Hoss.

Yeah? What's that?

Well, me and Charlie
could make out

where Little Joe and the kid
was walking, leading the horse,

but there's another set.

Who do you figure it
could be, way up here?

I don't know,
but let's find out.



Well, what are you looking at?

Is it all right to talk
about my dad now?

It'll be all right when
I say it's all right,

not before.

Now what are you staring at?

Not much.

Well, stop staring at me.


you go on down the slope
there and gather up some wood.

It's gets cold up
here in this mountain.

Yes, sir.

Boy, I hate kids.

Did you know that?

Yeah, I've heard stories.

Summit Ridge.

Yeah, there were a lot of
little Indian kids that night,

up on Summit Ridge.

We rode in there,
the eight of us,

drunker than newborn calves.

We k*lled 'em.

Boy, did we k*ll 'em.

Well, it was no worse than
k*lling a bunch of young wolves.

You know, you get
'em when they're young

before they're old
enough to take your scalp...

That's what we figured.

The government...

the government put a price
on our heads. For what?

It was no worse than
k*lling young wolves.

That's why I led that raid.

Why, if those Indians
had been here now,

burning and raiding right
now... That's why I stopped them.

And He curses me for it.

Takes my wife.

Takes my daughter,
takes my land,

takes everything I had
and He drives me here

to this blasted mountain.

What are you
telling me this for?

You think I'm gonna
feel sorry for you?

No, I don't want your pity
and I don't want his either.

You don't want it or you
don't think you can get it?

Where should I put this wood?

Put it over there.


What are you doing?

Just wanted a drink,
if you don't mind.

A drink?

Well, no.

No, I don't mind at all.

Yeah, I'll, uh...

I'll pour you a real good drink.

You might as well enjoy it

as long as you can.

Hey, kid, come here.

If you can take this over to him

without spilling one drop,

your father will be all right.

Yes, sir.

I won't spill it, sir.


Tell him you're lying.


Tell the boy it's a lie.

Well, now, kid, I
ain't exactly lying.

Uh... I'm, uh...

I'm just sort of testing you.

That's all.



No, no. Not you.

You can't do that.

All right, kid.

You look after him.

You can't leave! You can't!

You get out of my way.


They're coming...



We'll return to tonight's
story of Bonanza

in a moment.

And now the exciting
conclusion of tonight's story.

Hoss, we gotta get after him.

You just lay here
and take it easy.

Hoss, you don't understand.

Michael's gone after him.

He might k*ll the boy.

I know. You told
us all about it.

Just don't worry about nothin'.

How is he?

He'll be all right.

- That Indian just took off.
- Took off where?

I don't know.

He just lit out of here
like he was on fire.

Guess he was scared
stiff of them spirits of his.

Well, we can't be
worried about that now.

Look, Joe, we're gonna
track that feller down.

You stay here and
just take it easy.

Don't you worry about nothin'.

We'll be back as soon as we can.

You've done
everything you could do.

Let's go, Bob.





What are you tryin' to do, kid?

Did I pass the test?


My dad always said
that God tests people

to see if they're worthy.

Did I pass?


Yeah, you passed, kid.

You, uh, come on with me.

What's your father like, son?

He's just a father, like
everybody else's father.


He must be pretty special.

Or you wouldn't be
doing all this for him.

He must be a pretty good father.

He is.

Hey, what are you doing?

Don't you know?

I-I just prayed that you
would make a miracle happen

to save my father's life.

Well, listen, kid, I...

I don't know where you got
this cockeyed notion that I'm...

Well, I'm not who
you think I am.

And I'm sure that I
believe in Him, but...

Look, kid, I...

I'm just a guy
that's on the run.

See, I'm-I'm the guy they
preach the sermons about.

You know,
the-the-the-the lost sheep

or whatever they call 'em?

Now, listen, kid... I'm nothin'.

Just that.

Just nothin'.

Lijah's my friend.

He wouldn't lie to me.

You're testing me
again, ain't you?


Just say Dad will get better.

Now, kid... listen to me,

and listen to me close...

Hey, fellers...

Those tracks go right
over that little knoll.

Let's go.

That's Hoss. He's my friend.

You keep away from me,
kid, I'm fighting for my life.

They won't hurt you if
you tell 'em who you are.

Look, you stay back, will ya?

Just calm down, Bob.

He's got that kid
up there with him.

We sure don't want to
sh**t in that direction.

He could hold off an army
from that mountaintop.

What can we do? We
can't just sit down here

and let him take potshots at us.

I think I can get across that
clearing and up the other side.

That's a good idea,
Charlie. We'll try it.

Bob, you keep me covered.
Make sure you don't sh**t

any lower than the
top of them pine trees.

We sure don't want
to hit that youngster.

I'm gonna try to outflank him.

That's Little Joe.

He's my friend, too.

- You get...
- But he's...

Joe! Little Joe!

Go back, Joe! Go back!

Go back, Joe! Go back!

- Kid, don't go out there.
- Go back!

Kid, come back... you
want to get yourself k*lled?

- Let me go!
- Come here!

Don't die, God.

Please don't die.

- Help him, Joe. Help him.
- Mike...

Mike, you...

you go on over to
Lijah, now, you hear?


Lijah, you k*lled God.

You k*lled God... No.

No, kid, no.

He didn't.

You listening to me, kid?

Kid, I-I ain't testin' you now.

I'm telling you the truth.

I ain't God.

I'm about as far from
God as a man can get.

I can't save your father.

But-But let me tell
you something, kid.

If there is a God,

and He cares about
someone who believes in Him...

Someone like you...

No matter how tough things get,

your dad'll be all right.

He couldn't save my father, Joe.

He couldn't save him.

Well, maybe he saved himself.


Michael... Michael.

Michael... your father
wants to see you.

He's alive?

Yeah, you bet he is.

Dad! Dad!

Hello, Mike.

When did he come
out of the coma?

About three hours ago.

Joseph, the doctor
had given him up.

It's-It's-It's like a miracle.

You know, Pa, I think
that's just what it was.

Hi. Just been looking at this

brand-new Chevelle
Malibu station wagon.

It's a real beauty.

Solid body by Fisher

and new Chevelle styling.

Here, here...

and here. An all-vinyl interior

as tough as it is good-looking.

And behind you, up to
86 cubic feet of cargo area.

Believe me, friends,
this Malibu wagon

is big enough for
just about anybody.

Or my name's not Dan Blocker.
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