07x06 - Devil on Her Shoulder

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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07x06 - Devil on Her Shoulder

Post by bunniefuu »


I'm sorry, Reverend Morgan.

I was going too fast.

Gwylem, if you had
been watching your driving

instead of thinking of Essie,

This wouldn't have happened.

It wasn't his fault.
The horses ran away.

Uncle Evan, you
can't blame Gwylem.

It was just an accident.

You're to blame for this.

Evil has stalked
this train ever since

we were foolish enough
to bring you with us.

Emma, that's enough.

You've gone a bit too far.

You defend her only
because she's your niece.

She's the daughter of Satan,
Evan, I've told you before.

Mark my words.

Satan rides her
shoulder like a dark cloud.

You must decide about her.


Would you be the,
uh, Reverend Morgan?

I am not an ordained minister,

but my flock are pleased
to call me reverend.

Well, I, uh, heard you folks

were crossing the
Truckee around here.

Oh, my name is, uh, Cartwright.

Ben Cartwright.

I, uh, I own this,
uh, this land.

Oh, we're gonna be tied
up here a couple of days.

As you can see, my wagon
has been broken down.

You need not be
concerned, Mr. Cartwright.

We'll pay you for the
time that we're here.

No need for that.

This, uh, wagon could
sure use some fixing.

Uh, maybe my boys and
I could help you with it.

The Eternal Brethren
take no charity, sir.

I'm sorry, what's that?

The Eternal Brethren.

We are the people preparing

for the last
conflict with Satan,

the Prince of Darkness,

who all men must meet someday.

Oh, I see.

Well, uh... If you
need some water,

there's a, uh, spring-fed pond
just beyond those trees there.

And if we can help
you with anything,

house is just east of here.

Mr. Cartwright.

Our cows have gone dry

and there isn't any milk
at all for the children.

Could you...

I mean, would it be possible...

Sarah, you're interfering again.

We don't have, uh,
many milk cows, ma'am.

I'll be glad to
see what I can do.

Thank you. You're very kind.

How many times does
the reverend have to tell you

we cannot accept charity?

Now, Emma...

she was only trying
to help the children.

Haven't we suffered enough
already because of her?

You blame me because
the cows ran dry,

so I'm trying to do something
about it and you still blame me.

No matter what,
you always find fault!

I'll, uh, see that you get
some milk by morning.

Thank you kindly, sir.


Now, children,

I think it's time we
learned a little bit more

about this Earth we live on.

But first of all, we
have to change

our idea that the world is flat.

In truth, it is round

and shaped like a ball.

That's not what the
reverend told us, Miss Sarah.

Well, even the reverend
doesn't know everything.

Now, children...

Little more heft, brethren.

It wouldn't hurt to say a prayer
as we put our shoulders to it.

Evan. Eva...

- Oh!
- You wouldn't listen to me before,

now maybe you will.

There's something you must see.

Emma, I'll join you as soon
as we get the wagon upright.

No, no, this is more
important than any wagon.

- Come along.
- Oh, all right, Emma.

Remember, brethren,
the right prayer

can increase your
strength tenfold.

Come along.

You start here

and you go around long
enough in the same direction,

you'll wind up in the
place you started from.

Yes, Thomas?

Why don't we fall off when we
walk underneath, Miss Sarah?

Because of a
force called gravity.

What does gravity look like?

Gravity is something
we can't see,

but we know it's a
great invisible force

that keeps us all here on Earth.

Some of you know what
a magnet is, don't you?

- Yes. -Yes.
- I do. -I do.

Well, then, let's
think of it like that.

Gravity could be
called a kind of magnet.

It's a natural force that

keeps us all from
flying off into space.

We were always told
that the world is flat.

You were told right.

Don't listen to her.

I've been patient
with you, Sarah.

Lord knows I've been patient.

But now your words
have revealed you.

The law of gravity
was discovered

by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687.

That's almost 200
years ago, Uncle Evan.

But there is only one law.

The law of God.

If our Divine Maker had meant
for us to walk upside down,

he would have put
feet on our hands.

Children, listen to me.

Look around you.

All around you, as far
as the eye can see...

The Earth is flat.

Now you see it that way

because that is the way
the Lord intended for it to be.

Anything else is heresy.


Well, there's that wagon
I was telling you about.

Yeah. Already had that spotted.

Well, little brother, you
feeling up to helping me

get that wagon
back on its wheels?

Well, I'll give
you a hand, Hoss,

if you really think you need me.

Let's go.

But Uncle Evan, Columbus proved

the world wasn't flat
by sailing around it.

If he was sailing upside down,

the water would have
emptied into the sky.

Why can't you accept it?

It's a proven, scientific fact.

Sarah, what you speak is heresy.

Our Divine Maker intended us

to walk upright,
not upside down.

We've had enough
of this scientific

nonsense of yours.
School is over.

From this moment on,

you will no longer corrupt
our children's minds.

But the children need me.

Not anymore, they don't.

Uh... Uh, the, uh,

boys and I, we brought
the... brought the milk

and, uh, boys are
working on the wagon now.

Thank you, Mr. Cartwright.

On behalf of the
children, I thank you kindly.

Where would you
like us to put it?

I've already accepted
more than I should.

I'll take care of it.

Thank you.

- Oh.
- Don't jump so, Essie.

I was just looking at myself
in the water, Miss Sarah.

Every girl likes to
see herself sometime.

Miss Sarah... do you
think Gwylem likes me?

Of course he does.

But I'm not very pretty.

You most certainly are.

This is the last thing I
saved from St. Louis.

And even if no one else
could see it, I knew it was there.

It made me feel pretty.

Next time Gwylem comes to court,

pin it on your petticoat.

If a girl feels
pretty, she is pretty.

Oh, thank you, Miss Sarah.

No, don't, uh, don't
let me drive you away.

May I...?

Oh, please.

It's a quiet day, isn't it?

You must be very puzzled by us.

Yes, I am.

Although, I-I must say...

I'm a little more
puzzled by you.

You don't seem to
belong with them.

I do.

And I don't.

You see, I was born

and brought up
among the brethren.

My father was
Uncle Evan's brother.


I've been away
for several years.

Now that I'm back, I...

I just don't understand
them anymore.

My uncle is turning
those children's minds

back into the Dark Ages.

Is that why you stay with him?

Because of the children?

That's one of the reasons.

The others don't matter.

And, uh, what are you gonna do

now that they've forbidden
you to teach the children?

I don't know.

But it's just so
wrong of my uncle

to fill those children's minds
with ignorant superstitions.

They'll be like nomads,

running away from change,

from... anything
they don't understand.

Oh, sometimes I wish I'd never
left St. Louis and civilization.


Um... you know, we, uh...

we have a town close by
here, called Virginia City.

Oh, it's a... it's a small town,

but it's kind of civilized.

It has restaurants, and...

maybe we could have lunch there.

Like, uh, today.

Maybe right now.

Would you like that?

Yes, I would, Mr. Cartwright.

I'd like that very much.


How's it going down
there, little brother?

Well, better than
they got coming,

considering all the
help they're giving us.

Yeah. Well, they're all over
there in a meeting of some sort.


Come on. Let's get this wheel
on here and get out of here.

There's a jim-dandy of
a little rainstorm coming.

You about ready, ain't you?


I'm as... ready as I'll ever
be on an empty stomach.

Ain't this something?

Been working out
here for hours and...

nobody's even offered
us a drink of water.

No food, nothing.

You reckon they'll even be
polite enough to thank us?

I wouldn't count on it.

Hey, what do you suppose
they're doing over there?

Hey, uh... hey, friend?

Friend, what-what are you
painting on the wagon there?

These are shields against
Satan and his disciples,

as any fool can see.


Satan, huh?

And his disciples!

Well, uh... just
who might they be?

Not "they," her.

The Daughter of Darkness.

Oh, and, uh, does
this Daughter of, uh...

of Darkness have a name?

Of course.

Sarah. Mrs. Reynolds.

The one your daddy was fool
enough to take to town with him.

Hey, what do you
think of that, Hoss?

Pa's taken a fancy to a witch.

Sure enough.

Look! Look!

The sky is on fire!

Satan's fire, leave us now!

Satan's fire, go
back to your source!

Satan's fire, leave us now.

Satan's fire, go
back to your source!

Satan's fire, leave us now.

Satan's fire, go
back to your source.

Satan's fire, leave us now...

Poor fools, they...

they ain't never seen
a St. Elmo's fire before.

Just a little extra
electricity in the air.

Well, even if they
did see it before,

they still think it's
the work of Satan.

The cursed woman
brought it here.

But no more.

Hear me now!

Bring no harm to my flock!

The fire is gone.

We have been given our answer.

It is a sign from above.

Come on. Let's get out of here.


We made it.


What a lovely house
this is, Mr. Cartwright.

I'm so glad the storm came
up and we had to stop here.

I think it's just a
passing storm, but...

I'm glad it came up, too.

I'm glad you approve of
the house, Mrs. Reynolds.

Please call me Sarah.

Well, I will if you call me Ben.

Then Ben it is.

Then Sarah it is.

Oh, you're-you're chilled?

Well, just a little, but...

is there someplace I
could, um, freshen up?

Oh, of course. Um,
well, there's a guest room

right up at the, uh,
head of the stairs.

- Oh, thank you.
- I'll get some coffee and tea ready.

Which do you like, coffee
or tea? How 'bout some...

how 'bout some sherry?

No, tha... Sherry
might be lovely.

Good, good. I'll start the fire.

You know, it's a
remarkable thing.

What's that?

Only one short day, and...

I feel we're very old friends.

We are old friends.

How charming you look.

Thank you.

It's been a long time
since a man said that to me.

It's true.

You're charming.


You said something about sherry?

Yes, I guess I did.

Now, you sit right down there.

Thank you.

And there is the sherry.

Thank you.


Oh, I haven't relaxed
this much in months.

How I envy you.

This is a wonderful home.

Thank you.

Uh, it's... comfortable
and warm.

Though sometimes it's a...

little lonely.


I know what loneliness is.

My husband died five years ago.

Tom was a doctor.

We'd made great plans
for ourselves and our son.

You have a son?

Little John died when
he was two years old.

Then my husband died.

I was all alone.

No place to go.

Going back to the brethren
was like going home in a...

in a way.

Oh, but let's not spoil a lovely
day by getting into all of that.

How's your sherry?

Oh, fine, thank you.

Do you know something?

I'm hungry again.

So am I.

Isn't it ridiculous?

After that huge
lunch we had in town?

I'll tell you something else.

You are now talking to the man
who makes the best Welsh rarebit

in the territory of Nevada.

- Oh, really?
- Oh, yes.

- It sounds divine.
- I hoped it might.

- Can I do something to help?
- Yes.

Enjoy it.

Come on.

- Madam.
- Sir.

To the kitchen.

Uh, Essie, child, what's wrong?

- What's the matter?
- Speak up, child.

- What's the matter?
- I don't know.

I got this terrible pain.

Better get you in the wagon.

What's this?

What is this?

It's something Sarah gave me.

Sarah gave it to you?


To make me... pretty for Gwylem.

It's nothing, it's...
It's a love charm.

That's what it is.

A love charm?

That's what's wrong with her.

She's devil-struck.

That woman you've
been listening to...

I've tried to warn
you about her.

I was wrong, Emma.

I should have listened to you.

Evan... there's only
one thing to do now.

I know.

It shall be done.

Even though Sarah
is of my own blood.

It shall be done.

The evil spirit will
be driven out of her.

I say it.

I say it...

So you've never been to Wales?

No, never.

Then where'd you learn to make
such delicious Welsh rarebit?

From my Chinese cook.

Oh, no...

How is she?

She's dying, Gwylem.

I'm going for Sarah.


you know where to find her?

I think so, yes.

Then bring her back here.

Bring her back here.

Evan, what's wrong?

It's nothing.

Gwylem has gone for Sarah.

He's going to
bring her back here.

We must be ready.

Remember the fire of Satan.

It showed us the
way. The old way.

Kindle a need-fire.

Have the brethren
collect the juniper wood.

Linen for tinder.

Put out all the other fires.

The need-fire must
burn alone and pure.

It will destroy her wickedness.

Or she herself will be forfeit.

Be about it, Emma.

What are you gonna do now?

I don't know.

I haven't any life
except for the brethren.

And the children.

Sarah... how long
are you gonna try

to replace your lost son

with someone else's children?

Excuse me.

Mr. Cartwright, sir,
is Miss Sarah here?

Yeah, she is. Come in.


What are you doing here?

Miss Sarah, it's Essie.

Your un... Your uncle
says she's dying.

But how, what's wrong with her?

It's some kind of sickness.

She was fine this morning.

It happened all of a sudden.

Please come, Miss
Sarah, she needs you.

Of course, I'll come at once.

I-I'd like to get back to her.

If you don't mind,
I'll ride on ahead.

Please hurry, Miss Sarah.

Yes, Gwylem.

Now, look, there's got
to be somebody out there

who can look after her.

Essie needs me, Ben.

I'll get the buckboard ready.

Satan's daughter,

go out, your house is burning.

Satan's daughter,

go out, your house is burning.

Satan's daughter,

go out, your house is burning.

Satan's daughter,

go out, your house is burning.

Satan's daughter,

go out, your house is burning.

Satan's daughter...

Ben, they've burned my wagon.

Stay here.

They're driving the daughter
of Satan out into the wilderness.


Me, Ben.

They're driving me out.

You stay here.

Satan's daughter,

go out, your house is burning.

Satan's daughter,

go out, your house is burning.

Satan's daughter,

go out, your house is burning.

Satan's daughter,

go out, your house is burning.

Satan's daughter,

go out, your house is burning.

Satan's daughter... Morgan!

What's going on here?

Where is she?

Where is the daughter of Satan?

Go out, your house is burning!

All right, clear out.

All of you, right
now! Clear out!

Essie is dying.

She's got the cholera.

Is anybody else sick?

Morgan, is anybody else sick?

You've got to get a doctor here.

- Miss Sarah.
- They've hurt you, Gwylem.

You've got to get
away from here before

- they do what they're planning.
- What about Essie?

The witch is here.

The witch is here!

Morgan. Morgan!


What are you gonna do to her?

There's only one way
to drive out her power.

The woman will not be harmed,

only the devil within her.

Morgan, let her be.

You laid your curse upon Essie.


The cholera is here.

Yours is the evil.

Oh, no...!

I can help you.

It doesn't have
to touch all of you.

Don't bargain with me, Satan.

That's what was wrong
in Oreana, don't you see?

You and Essie, you went to town.

You must have drunk
some of the water. Did you?

- Take her!
- No!

Listen to her!

Don't try anything.
We're determined on this.

Don't, Ben!

Speak the word.


I'm ashamed for you.

For all of you.

Right be on our side, Sarah.

Morgan, don't.

If... If I be shorn...

then my strength will go from me

and I will become weak,

and be like any other woman.

Daughter of the
Prince of Darkness,

flee from here or it
shall go ill with thee.

Take her and get away from here.

It's all right, Sarah.

It's all right. It's all right.



Essie needs water.

Boiled water.

Miss Sarah...

Force her if need be,
but she must drink it.

Will it cure her?

It helps, sometimes.

Nothing cures...

All she wanted to do was help.

Sure hope you didn't
drink any of the water

while you were there.

Not a drop. Didn't eat
a bite of food, neither.

Never thought I'd be
thankful for an empty belly.


Fact of the matter is,

Morgan wouldn't let us
near any of the other wagons.


Well, I think I'll go up
and see how Sarah is.

She wasn't feeling
too well before.


May I come in?

Just a minute.

Come in.

Why are you wearing that?


It's not your shame.

Sarah... not too many hours ago,

you said that...

it seemed as if we
were old friends.

But you won't let us
treat you like an old friend.

Now, you know what
I'd like you to do?

I'd like you to
stay here with us,

until you know exactly
what you want to do.

I can't stay.

I just keep thinking what's
happening back there.

Sarah, you need your
rest, you need your sleep.

Sleep? My own
son died of cholera.

I just keep thinking
of those poor children!

I told you, we're going to have
the doctor there in the morning.

You understand even now.

They'll send the doctor away.

What are you gonna do?

You gonna take care of
them all by yourself? Is that it?

But I went through
this with my baby.

I'm the only one there
who knows what to do.

All right, then
I'll go with you.

No, you can't. I'm going alone.

No, no, I'll go with you.

I'm afraid what
they'll do to you.

All right, no matter if
you go alone or with me,

the first thing you're
gonna do is get some sleep.



I'm... dying.

It's all Sarah's fault.

I tried to warn you.

Hasn't she taken any
of the boiled water?

No. It's no use. It won't help.

It-it's helped Essie,
just as Sarah...

I see it wasn't
enough what we done.

Sarah is a witch.

There is no witch!

There was sickness
in Oreana, and...

everything that's gone
wrong after that just...

just went wrong, that's all.

Why is it... the sign?

It shouldn't be that I died.

It shouldn't be.

Boy, Emma is right.

Sarah is a witch.

She is!

Whoa, boys.

Miss Sarah, get away
from here while you can.

It's too late. They don't
want any of your help.

I must try, Gwylem.

I have to make them understand.

Don't you see they don't
want to listen to you?

They'd rather live and
die with their ignorance.

Why don't you leave us be?

Get out of our camp.

She's helped Essie, I tell you.

She's helped her!

Please listen to me!

The cholera can be
stopped if you will just listen!

Surely you can do that
much. What harm can it do?


She's just come to help you.

You poor fool.


My wife is dead.

Don't you believe
me when I tell you

she was sent here by
Satan to destroy us all?

What can we do?

There's only one
thing that we can do

if we are to get
out of here alive.

No! Stop it!

No! No!

You can't do this! You can't!

Nothing can save you now, Sarah.

Daughter of Satan, you must die.

This is m*rder!

You're all murderers!


- You must stop-stop it.
- Shut up.

She has to die!
It's the only way!

Do you understand?!

- Don't cut her loose!
- Get... get... get him!


Brethren, they must be stopped!

She is the daughter of Satan,
and must be destroyed by fire!

Follow me!

Follow me, brethren!

She must be burned!

That's the only way
we can destroy her!

Please... forgive me.

Save us.

Save us...

Mercy... mercy for my flock.

He's dead.

Isn't he, Gwylem?

Isn't he?

- He...
- Stay.

There's nothing you
can do for him now.

Well, who else wants to die now?


Who else wants to die?

It's easy, you know.

All you have to do
is close your ears

to what Sarah's
been trying to tell you!

You've been doing a lot
of praying around here.

How about getting down
on your knees to her?

She's the only one
that can help you!

Please... trust me.

What do we have
to do, Miss Sarah?

We have to boil everything...
Clothes, bedding, utensils.

It stops the spread
of the infection.

But right now!

Ben, I'll need your help
more than ever now.

Of course.

Can you let us have
some big iron kettles?

Some bedding?
Whatever you can spare.

I'll get it right away.

We'll be in your debt as
long as we live, Mr. Cartwright.

Well, I...

I hope you'll be
very happy together,

and I hope that you find

what you're looking
for in California.

Oh, thank you, Mr. Cartwright.


Well, time has come, hasn't it?


If I would...

If I really tried to
persuade you to...

Don't, Ben.

You've made me
feel so... wanted.


They want me now, too, Ben.

And more than
you... they need me.


You've made me feel
like a woman again.

I'll never forget you.


All right, move 'em out!

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