04x10 - About Face

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Curse of Oak Island". Aired: January 5, 2014 to present.*
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Follows brothers Marty and Rick as they search for the infamous treasure on Oak Island.
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04x10 - About Face

Post by bunniefuu »

tonight on the curse of Oak Island

we have hits in the cavity in the money pit

doesn't get any better than that

how many hits does he have three days

this is a nygma

the face is pointing at Oak Island

have financial constraints at this point

we need to make a decision today

there is an island in the North Atlantic

where people have been looking for an

incredible treasure for more than 200

years so far they have found bits of

gold chain a stone slab with strange

symbols carved into it even a 17th

century Spanish coin to date six men

have d*ed trying to solve the mystery

and according to legend one more will

have to die before the treasure can be


hey Mike John just got here Etan what

you felt for brothers Rick and Marty

lagina every day on Oak Island is a day

that could forever change their lives

and so far today has proven to be no

exception this is a different head once

again they have brought a claim divers

John Chatterton and Mike Conley along

with John's diving partner

Howard Ehrenberg back to the island this

time to explore a mysterious cavern that

lies at the bottom of borehole c1 some

170 feet deep beneath the area known as

the money pit how many hits

does he have it sounds like three the

streets three hits yeah

here we go it was at this same location

that Rick lagina and Island historian

Charles Barkhouse first discovered

evidence of a shiny gold colored object

which appeared to be embedded in the

walls of the cavern the Ellison sir gold

color did sense that Rick Marty and the

team have increased the width of the

borehole to 40 inches and lined it with

a series of one and a quarter inch thick

steel caissons they have also attempted

to excavate the bottom of the cavity by

means of a three-ton immigrant tool

unfortunately the debris collected did

not contain evidence of the mysterious

metallic object prompting Rick and Marty

to invite John Chatterton and his team

to make a more thorough investigation

let me ask you this could you've been

picking up the casing

another hit could divert Mike Huntley

have finally located the mysterious

golden object if so could it be part of

the mysterious Oak Island treasure that

people have been searching for and dying

for for more than two centuries the

world on the edge of our seats it's


we have hits in the cavity in the money

pit doesn't get any better than that the

differentiating factor is you know it

could be natural geology or it could be

man that heard made us look at the

matter man-made was oh man they would be

great game changer you can find some

real tripping down there

game changer game changer absolutely

yeah I mean I think at this point we got

to bring up whatever said you know let

me just say this how do you walk away

from that you want to go back down no

but I came to you know he wants

oh yeah right hey Mike yeah I think it's

time for you to come home

for the team

Mike Huntley has nearly exhausted his

available time at the bottom of c1 in

order to prevent potentially deadly

decompression sickness he will now need

to begin a slow and steady a sentiment

to the surface there's a shiny gold

thing down there if anybody's gonna find

it John chattering in an hour

Aaron Berger gonna find it so Bravo

tango might be forthcoming all right

take care

faster after a period of some 60 minutes

my country has made it back safely and

rich Charles and the team are more eager

than ever to find out firsthand what he

encountered at the bottom of c1

hey you don't buddy called yes sorry

good so what's the situation great at

the bottom about here and that would be

here there's a smooth sort of law almost

like a stucco wall it's kind of smooth

and then I had two hard hits there it

was like we in the wall in the wall and

then you said two words round and curvy

with that smooth and sort of wavy of the

wall itself not an object no no sorry no

no just the wall itself and that's why

there's nothing from there for you to

grab and pull off here's the thing

you're freezing there are legitimate

metal hits in the cavity but there in

the wall we gotta take the hose out so

John can get it it's the typical Oak

Island rollercoaster ride first you're

on a high then you're on the low then

you back up

I just want to find one thing that tells

the story of Oak Island to the most

hardened skeptic for the Oak Island team

the next course of action is clear

Jon chattered and will make the next

dive one which should determine once and

for all if some sort of manmade metallic

object is really located somewhere deep

below the surface of the money pit where

is the focus of your search I'm working

on the wall

with the metal detector any of the floor

any of the hammer grab boy when I get

past the wall you know what every times

left over I'll work that that's that's

phase two of my let's go after two

previous attempts to locate the

mysterious gold colored object at the

bottom of borehole c1 a claim dimer John

Chatterton will now make a third dive

more than 170 feet beneath the surface

of the Oak Island money pit two things

need to happen they need to confirm that

these heads are real and hopefully they

can set eyes on target

well good John
any process we endeavor

to undertake on the island the hope

factors through the roof that the target

whatever it is is actually there

because the original or whole and Siwon

was only six inches wide the laginas

hired a team from irving equipment

limited to widen the hole to a width of

40 inches and didn't reinforce it with a

series of solid steel caissons

stretching all the way down to bedrock

at a depth of approximately 160 feet

then a massive 39 inch wide drill bit

was lowered into the hole in order to

make the remaining 11 feet wide enough

for a human diver
yes we can actually

see it now

copy that on the bottom

now you're trying to metal detecting the

place that Mike was metal detecting last

time the whole idea is to prove that the

Hope factor is real that we can

replicate the hit site that points a

matter of retrieval what are you saying

the previous dives into Siwon have

stirred up the clay silt in the cavern

just like John Chatterton's dive in 10x

last year his visibility at the bottom

of the shaft is now virtually zero looks

like you're in a cloud

I turn the light up does that help or


there's no question that it's difficult

for John to have a complete and thorough

understanding of or might got the hits

not sure yeah not sure I'm frustrated

because I'm sitting on a bench when

somebody else is in active search mode

if you will it's frustrating

are you picking something up John with

this allotted time running out John

Chatterton spends the next several

minutes exploring the ceiling and walls

of the underwater cave with the metal

detector one hand he's not found it yet

on the other hand he's not covered the

whole cavity

Island once again be up to its old

tricks tantalizing treasure hunters with

promises of gold and riches only to have

important clues and evidence

mysteriously disappear three years ago

just after finding a 17th century

Spanish coin in the Oak Island swamp

diver Tony Sampson detected a number of

underwater metal targets only to have

them vanish

moments later two-thirds of the way down

and I did a test on my ring yeah and it

says the same sort of sound obviously go

slack the diver three foot the absence

of any heads on John and Chatterton's

metal detector has the team deeply

puzzled do you feel like the business

getting any better worse or staying the


could the thick clouds of sediment

kicked up from the two previous dives

now be preventing John Chatterton from

receiving the same signals Mike Huntley

was getting less than two hours ago or

could the cause be something even more

bizarre is it possible there is some

sort of mysterious energy at the bottom

of the sea one shaft the same energy

that has caused many of the electronic

equipment failures that have plagued Oak

Island treasure hunters for more than a

century that's certainly one thing about

the island electronic stuff seems to

fail like crazy just seems to the answer

is simple its Oak Island we see it all

the time yeah but I mean are you willing

to say that there's a really a curse but

there's really something here that

causes things that malfunction things

don't work here that's us that's where I

end up and things don't work here not as

advertised hey just so you know we're at

30 minutes

John Chatterton allotted time under

water has now expired he must return to

the surface having found no trace of the

metal targets reported earlier today by

fellow diver Mike Huntley

although the situation offers bitter

disappointment to the Oak Island team

Rick lagina refuses to be anything but

optimistic it's disappointing that John

is not gotten any hits from the metal

detector but you don't put the cart

before the horse on Oak Island I'm not

gonna prejudge whether or not this dive

is successful tell you what let me get

warm Marty and Craig are coming in we go

to the w*r room would sit on we talked

about it not only what we've learned but

where the possibilities may lead makes

sense yep awesome did you get warm

after a long day of both excitement and

uncertainty at the Oak Island money pit

nothing but good news right knowledge is

good knowledge is good brothers Rick and

Marty lagina along with Craig tester and

Dave Blankenship have gathered in the

w*r rooms for a final debriefing of the

dive operation at borehole Siwan now

that we're all on the table you know the

issue at hand of course is what happened

didn't see one I would like to think we

got lots of answers when we looked at

our objectives for this I think number

one was naturally man that yes and

number two was shiny gold object

when you did have some visibility you

think you've exploited a hundred percent

with the exclusion of the clay on the

bottom I would say we're probably 90% on

the walls and the ceiling yeah I would

agree with that it's a good number this

is from above looking down this is our

40 inch caisson we've got a wall that

comes around here and I would say around

1:00 o'clock we've got a fissure that

runs back something like that when you

first mentioned the fissure I thought it

was only like a cr*ck but you're saying

extended the hole it's irregular but you

know like I could have my arm in there

from the top down for the bottom this

then comes across down to about here but

it's over huh and over here we've got

the smooth wall the section where Mike

had the possible hits and then over here

we're up high

we've got an opening that runs back here

but it's kind of like that and that it's

not a straight sh*t it's very irregular

and no sense of how wide open that is

after that second obstruction no

done and here we've got a funnel here

underneath this from the grab we've got

another little overhang here and

underneath it you've got rock on one

side rock on the other side and you have

clay and it basically runs as far down

into the bottom as there is clay on the

bottom so this here is not more than two

feet wide this way so I'm like when you

got those hits and you were extremely

excited what were you doing I was

standing in where the hammer grab was

that's what I was used to try to

maintain my stability that kept getting

hits in the same spot which kept trying

to extend my arm and go slowly back and

forth in a cross position to try to

replicate those hits I feel pretty good

about the survey that we did on the

walls up into the over chances of it

being man-made

chances of it being man-made very small

same small small chance in the w*r room

Mike Huntley and John Chatterton are

reporting on the dives they each

performed earlier that day down to the

bottom of the sea one shaft they went in

there they metal detected they tried to

repeat the metal detection they probed

right so typical Oak Island you know I

mean it's just so damn typical we don't

know where this shiny gold object was

was it in wall the ceiling but I was

hoping need to get some hits in the

floor of the cavity it really was is it

possible that by widening the hole and

then digging with a three-ton hammer

grab tool the strange metallic object

became dislodged and now lies buried at

the bottom of c1 beneath several feet of

clay sediment it begs the question what

else can we do given that we still

believe that that is something if you

can flush that chamber out get better

visibility in it this is a visual image

that you're chasing do it in a visual

way we've got this conduit a human-sized

2 conduit down into that chamber are we

done with that wall I don't know we

might have another go at it

for Rick Marty and the team until the

sediment in c1 settles sufficiently and

visibility is restored it is pointless

to have John Chatterton

or Mike on

continue diving

the shiny gold colored object that the

team photographed last year will have to

remain a mystery at least for the time

being in this moment we can't say thank

you enough it's been a real honor to be

be part of this I'm being right back out

here on that one we appreciate the

effort then we may be calling you back

thank you very much that job well done

in my mind they see one hole was really

conclusive in the sense that we're not

done there I agree you know we have to

again don't give up you know keep going

till you get an answer and we don't have

that answer yet

Terry Deveau contacted me and he wants

us to come out to the Peggy's Cove area

and take a look at a very interesting

Rock he's found heart he didn't give me

too many details he just said these he's

quite excited about it

after being bitterly disappointed by the

lack of a breakthrough at borehole Siwan

Rick lagina has agreed to join area

historian Charles Barkhouse on a trip

which will take them some fifty miles

east of Oak Island to an area known as

Peggy's Cove they have been invited

there by fellow researcher Terry Duvall

who believes he has made an important


Terry how you been oh yeah good to see

you again so I really want to show you

this stone that I think could be pretty

important now this is a stone that is

not widely known myself and a few other

people as far as I know are the only

ones who know about it so this is

something new for you guys to to take in

well if it's half as intriguing is you

know what you showed us last year

I'm on board one year ago

Terry Duvall invited Rick Marty Craig

tester and Dave Blankenship to the town

up Overton some 144 miles west of Oak


there he showed them an incredible

series of carvings which are believed to

be hundreds of years old you have the

cross with the circle that obviously is

a Christian symbol that is quite

remarkable and the synthetic Templar

cross could Terry have found another

important clue one that connects Peggy's

Cove to the Oak Island mystery several

miles away so Terry when exactly did you

discover this stone yeah about four

years ago just scouring the area around

here looking for any walls or

foundations or always on the lookout for

petroglyphs you don't find them very

often so when I notice that this

particular stone had been worked as

opposed to just being a purely natural

boulder now obviously that really caught

my attention

in recent years Rick Marty and the team

have found a number of strange and

potentially significant stone carvings

both on and around Oh Kyler's from New

Ross to the Bedford Barrens is it

possible that a number of these carvings

were deliberately created to form a

series of clues clues that would help

solve the Oak Island mystery

do you think you see the features

definitely features see where the most

the nose and in the faces this way it

faces out to see yeah I'm also intrigued

by you think that that was manipulated

into that position because I see little

rocks under exactly yeah doesn't look

like there are some shims under there

that were put down to make sure it

stayed in that configuration and there

are some modifications to the outline to

make the facial features more prominent

there was a face on it and a carved face

when you first look at it there's

definite shape dude there's something

that says well that's strange-looking

get a closer you look at the things that

teri points out then you your mind opens

up to the possibilities

if you look carefully there's a

difference in texture from this surface

to this surface it's rougher which means

it's younger maybe if you look here yeah

this has been hacked off right to make

the shape better - and it's not here

though it even here I mean these

surfaces appear to be natural weathering

the result of glaciation but these

surfaces look like they've been

subsequently worked what else could have

subsequently shaped it other than the

hand of man near Peggy's Cove some 50

miles from Oak Island stone carving

expert Terry Duvall has just shown Rick

lagina and charles barkhouse a giant

boulder which he believes has been

carved to resemble a human head

Terry we have a headstone on Oak Island

- oh that's right at the center of the

animal and cross yes

in 1981 while surveying his property

near the center of the island Oak Island

treasure hunter Fred Nolan discovered

five large cone-shaped boulders that

formed a megalithic perfectly

symmetrical cross

believing there could be something of

great value buried at the center

Fred dug down several feet where he came

upon a sick Boulder but this one instead

of being round like the others what's

different because this one appeared to

be carved into the shape of a human face

it's the same thing you know not from

every perspective because it's laying

flat right now but I think if it were

standing up like this surely there were

similarities kind of a rough carving

outlined the provenance of the nose and

the nasal features and the mouth yeah

and in the eye socket you know where it

would be when mr. Nolan found it it was

actually buried right at Oak Island

there is of course no one's cross kind

of the same angularity to it are they

similar perhaps I might there be a

connection perhaps but it's curious like

everything Oak Island unfortunately one

of the first things that came to mind

when I first saw this as far as I can

tell this is a magma relic but not only

that I mean we know that the MiG MA were

very active in this area the McMunn also

known as the First Nation people are the

original native inhabitants of Nova

Scotia although much of their actual

history is unknown it is widely

documented that they began trading

various goods including fish and furs

with European explorers as far back as

the 15th century

the features of the face to me jump out

as a mig moss style of feature that you

will see and make my art even today now

for me

these distinctly big ma features

absolutely look like a depiction of the

magma god cusco do you mean Prince Henry

Sinclair Prince Henry Sinclair the

Templar Knight who many believed came to

Nova Scotia nearly 100 years before

Christopher Columbus discovered the new

world in 1492 according to the folklore

of the mikveh people in 1398 a

mysterious white traveler arrived on the

shores of Nova Scotia along with an army

of men and large sailing ships

after proofing that he meant them no

harm the stranger taught the McMunn new

waste of fish and navigate the

surrounding waters in time the Mick ma

came to worship this mysterious visitor

as a God and gave him the name Glooscap

over the years many theorists have

speculated that Henry Sinclair came to

Nova Scotia on a Templar mission to hide

priceless religious treasures rescued

from the Holy Land

including the Ark of the Covenant and

the golden menorah of King Solomon

could this large stone carving really be

a depiction of Prince Henry Sinclair and

if so might it connect to the mysterious

face found at the center of Nolan's

cross some 50 miles away I have long

believed that Glooscap was a

representation of Prince Henry Sinclair

and of course Prince Henry Sinclair has

ties to the Templars Templars of course

tied to many theories suggest that they

have a connection to Oak Island so my

ears perked up at that mention of that I

think I truly believe there's a marathon

connection here yeah that's the

orientation of it how it's set up on a

high prominent point you know as it was

there some islands some Bay some land

landing some area that this allowed

peoples the big muff to sail to what we

should do is take a bearing on the

direction that the face is pointing you

know you've been very convincing about

the Glooscap but I still have this you

know maybe it's a reach but I still want

to know the orientation of Mahone Bay to

Samara grits Bay and how this is

oriented in that relation

so I would say that the face is pointing

pretty much due west yeah with within

about five degrees of due west so it's

pointing in your direction right is it

possible that the carved Boulder at

Peggy's Cove was deliberately positioned

so that it would point in the direction

of Oak Island and if so does it provide

additional evidence that the Knights

Templar really did hide a secret

treasure there several centuries ago you

know might it be a bit of a stretch yes

but there's so many unknowns and that's

part of what you're trying to do is

uncover history yes the unknown history

leave no stone unturned this is as much

information hunters treasure hunt the

information hunt perhaps will get you to

the treasure hunt and indeed the

treasure the mystery the story of Oak

Island m*llitary look I congratulate you

on your fine it said it's intriguing as

always the amount of work you've

dedicated to the pursuit of for either

revisiting history or changing history

you're to be applauded but the damning

part of it is if I may say so is you've

just given us more questions always more

questions what right records to pleasure

I can't judge you're able to come visit

our stone here this egon thanks Charles

after a year that has seen breakthroughs

in the swamp

maybe a ship's plank and on property

that was once owned by former American

slaves Samuel ball I think this is an

encampment this is quite a haul Wow 1700

that changes a lot the laginas and their

partners are frustrated that their

enormous engineering efforts in the

money pit area have not produced similar

results we need to get Craig Craig we

got some big decisions to make you know

we're kind of up against it now there's

only so much in the budget and there's a

couple competing projects in an effort

to regain momentum and make the most of

this summer's rapidly shrinking

operating budget the laginas have

invited their partners Craig tester and

Dan and Dave Blankenship to join them in

the w*r room for an important meeting

the core of this meeting really is that

we have financial constraints at this

point and the decision to be made really

is where do we go from here there's only

so much money there's only so much that

we can do and the two looming things

that should be done are jetting 10x

which we've talked about many times and

digging a third hole in the money pit

and it's gonna be tough to decide what

we do we have the gear we have Irving up

at the money pit and we have to make a

decision today 10x

when you say 10x what do you mean by

that blow the water out of it

airlift it all out see what's down there

and if it doesn't collapse then we go

down there and see what is down there

okay but as I understand it even the

airlift 10x is relatively the same cost

it's digging this next hole in the money

pit where we gonna put it we've got no

data no hard evidence on should put it

let's go wrong the table for me its

tenants wait a minute wait a minute

you're saying if it's got to be one or

the other you want to take the remaining

budget and go to 10x with it I want

answers in 10x this year right right

I've always had a desire to do what my

brother says put an X through things and

we still have ambiguity in 10x after all

kinds of attempts

perhaps this will decide once and for

all yay or nay

I got an objection of that Rick because

we will never ever be able to dig as

cheap as we can right now with all that

equipment mobilized up there you Craig

you want to weigh in on that I'm

definitely for the money pit to do it

sometime in the future it's just really

high cost you know I just think about

one more in the money pit and hold off

on 10x if one has to be sacrificed I

don't think we can give up the

opportunity to dig yeah I see you

dilemma you're damned if you do and

you're damned if you don't

right but if there has to be a

sacrificial lamb I'd rather give up 10x


hey Dan you've never lost faith in 10x

have you you believe it's there's

something there

I believe what I see I believe what I

can look at I believe in what can be

analyzed you saw that what came out of

10x and in my opinion I would stay in

connection because I mean that that's

where the actual tangible evidence came

from that if we sent away and had sister

and you also know by this time that

basically what I think theirs is that

the original site of the so-called money

pit has been lost over the years the

money pit area is the crapshoot it's a

real crapshoot I understand that by like

NX do you have to honor people's

position in the hunt but I think a lot

of these decisions over here are

emotional we coach them in terms of

logic I'd like to think that I apply

logic but you know I'm probably as

emotional as anybody else in my own way

and and the decisions are combination of

logic and emotion hell it's like Star

Trek all over again I agree we need to

make a decision today and that's that's

that's difficult given our uncertainties

here and our differences in terms of

what the agenda well that's where I'm in

one way I'm gonna offer up something

myself and you're gonna be surprised

find myself somewhat outvoted at this

point I which is very unusual it is kind

of in a meeting in the oak island w*r

room Rick Marty and their partners find

themselves at logistical crossroads

having already exhausted most of their

finances for the year they are

struggling to come to an agreement on

whether to dig a third large hole in the

money pit or return to their exploration

of borehole 10-x how close are we

budget-wise are we close the optimist in

me says we could do both that's what the

optimist says but we may not be able to

have our cake and eat it too

we might have to reach in our pockets a

little further yeah

you know what here's what I think

basically if I was searching my soul at

this point in the end I'm gonna decide

it because of Dan because I respect him

he wants to do 10x we owe it to him

right I don't want I say oh hell let's

go for broke

let's do them both even though we don't

really have the budget let's do them

both hey shake the dice as you know one


oh here we go now first we airlift

airlift the hell out of it before before

we put a person in there nicely with you

you're with me I'm with him I think we

should do it what do you say Craig if we

keep the cost reasonable you know

hopefully the airlift gets rid of the

dough you know we come up with anything

that I mean anything a hinge of a strap

piece of gold that right shiny stuff

then yeah then it justifies the risk in

the trains and everything else yes great

yeah okay

I'm relieved you know I mean we were it

was agony really trying to decide what

to do but you know what by god

we're here to try and get something done

this year and what the heck we're going

for broke we'll get them both done all I

have to do is do this

and we're here too we're here to solve

it okay it sounds like we've rallied to

a consensus yep okay the Fellowship of

The Dig goes for broke that we're gonna

finally break Oak Island

now Scott yeah that didn't take much

just as if another year had begun the

laginas and their partners are once

again re-energized and rededicated to

solving a 221 year old mystery that's

quite impressive today's operations will

begin at borehole 10-x where with the

help of the crew from urban equipment

limited the team will use an airlift

system to pump hundreds of pounds of

sediment and hopefully evidence of

treasure from 235 feet underground

you're only a step or two away from

starting up go up there and talk with

Andrew see where they're at open there

and swing

hey mornin mornin how are you boys

good good yeah just the one there yes

the air lifts in the hole there now so

far so good we just got to make this

connection to the cyclone here now once

that's done we'll start thinkin

bressler's and start drawing some water

I think airlift is an appropriate agenda

if you won't mr. Blankenship has long

advocated that position there sediment

in the bottom of 10x and that's why we

don't have visuals on objects on the

floor which he believes are there mr.

Blankenship deserves this opportunity so

we have to find something good good so

what do you think that's a message you

got it's not like anything I have read I

guarantee you so we lowered the pipe

down in the cavity today never felt any

resistance whatsoever so once we turn on

the air compressors the air will go down

it'll force its way back up its gonna

draw the water and the spoils it's all

gonna come out through that black hose

into the yellow cyclone and then from

there we got these two pumps right here

that's gonna draw the water back into

10x well with your permission we'll turn

it on right now we'll see what happens

okay all right you guys good to go yep

all right thanks Andrew thank you good

luck to all of us amen amen

all right

this is exciting yes because if

something comes up from this airlift

that we hold in our hands some man-made

object whether it's a coin and implement

a tool part of the chest

something that screams further

investigation at that point I am

absolutely 100% committed to drawing it

up and going down

with the airlift operation at 10x and

the promise of a third major excavation

at the money pit to soon follow Rick

Marty and the team are more determined

than ever to solve the Oak Island


what will their latest go-for-broke

strategy pay off with the discovery of a

vast treasure or will the island manage

to keep its secrets hidden one fact is


a mystery that is so far claimed six

lives will not be solved without a


next time on the curse of Oak Island in

that dumpster there's something that

comes from the law we'll find it

that's a phone dan believes that there

is a body going there we're back

in ten arcs we know that FDR was

interested in the treasure hunt here on

Oak Island we will define the

president's personal file to guess what

I found in that folder that's remarkable
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