04x24 - The Way of Aaron

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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04x24 - The Way of Aaron

Post by bunniefuu »

The following program

is brought to you in
living color on NBC.


Yes, darling?

Are you sorry I made
you take me with you?

Not yet.

It's Sunday morning.

We've only been out a few hours.

But by the end of the
week, who can tell?

Oh, I know I'm
going to love it, Papa.

You know, I always thought

the Ponderosa
was your last stop.

But this time,
it's the first stop.


Already she's trying to tell
me how to run my business.

Oh, Mr. Kaufman, what you
doing out this way so early?

There is an expression
in this country...

The early bird wins the race.

Catches the worm, Papa.

So? If he didn't win the race,
how could he catch the worm?

I want to have the
honor to introduce you

to my daughter, Rebecca.

Mr. Adam Cartwright.

How do you do?

It's very nice to meet
you, Miss Rebecca.

Is your father home?

No, he's not. Uh, he went over

to the Edisons' place
with my brothers.

Oh, I'm sorry I missed him.

I have something
special to show him.

Oh, what is it?

Merwin and Hulbert.

.44 caliber.

Can let you have
it for ten dollars.

Ten dollars for a
Merwin and Hulbert?

Never seen one for under $19.

Well, if it were brand
new, I would ask $19.

But you see, it's slightly used.

I got it from a Chicago drummer.

Well, it's still a good buy.

But I don't have any use for it.

That's all right.

Just thought I'd show it to you.

I tell you what, uh...

I'm sure my father
would be interested in it,

so, why don't you drop by
Friday on your way back?

I'll do that. Good-bye.

Take care.

Take care?

Who would bother a poor peddler?

Well, what do you
say... Take a chance?

Uh-uh. We'll wait till Friday

when old Kaufman's
on the way home.

After a week of peddling,

he'll have more in his
sock then than he has today.

Yeah. It'll be
worth waiting for.


We'll never be home
in time for the Sabbath.

Oh, Papa, stop nudging yourself.

Okay, I stop it.

3:00 Friday.

I should already
be in Carson City.

Papa, it's been
such a lovely week.

Don't spoil it.

You did have a
nice time, didn't you?

Oh, Papa, it's
been just wonderful.

It's like discovering
a whole new world.

I just wish that...
Just wish what?

Nothing, Papa.
What's our next stop?

Our next stop will
be at Mrs. Cardiff's,

and after that, a quick stop at
the Ponderosa, and then home.

Oh, the Ponderosa.

Do you think we'll see
Adam Cartwright again, Papa?

Hey. Hello, Adam boy.

Them Edison gals
are gonna be busting

plumb out of their corsets.

Yeah, and don't forget.

You got to save the
youngest one for me.

My, don't we all smell pretty!


- Had your horses curried.
- Oh, thanks, Pa.

Hey, how come you
don't come along?

You might find yourself a
young little widow woman there

and cut yourself a real
hoedown or something.

Yeah, Hoss is right, Pa.

Why don't you come along
and show us how to do it? Uh...

Good evening, ma'am.

My name is Benjamin Cartwright.

I'm the father of young
Joseph Cartwright,

best-looking boy
in the territory.

Would you mind if I had
the next dance with you?

Oh, I'd love to.

You boys better get going,

or those Edison gals are
gonna be fighting mad.

Hey, uh, come on, Adam.
We got to get on out there

if we're gonna go
by the Edison place,

and then on into town,

or we're gonna be
late for the dance.

I'm not going.

Did I hear you right?

You heard me right.

You've got to go!


Why? Well, it's Friday,

the work's all caught
up, it's a box social!

Yeah, and besides,
you done took a bath

and shaved and put
on them clean clothes.

You ain't gonna
waste all that, are you?

Ah, it seems to me

your oldest brother
has his mind made up.

Yeah, but Pa, what
are we going to do

with the oldest Edison girl...
The one with the big... bustle?

Adam, did you promise to
take the oldest Edison gal,

the one with the,
uh, big bustle?

No. I wasn't even over
there last Sunday, remember?

Besides, you're big enough
to take care of two of 'em.

You're right, Adam.

Come on, Joe.

What'd you mean by that?

Mr. Cartwright,
a word of advice!

Keep your eye on
that oldest son of yours.

There's something
definitely wrong with that boy.

Goes around all week like a
trap just waiting for a rabbit.

Now he gets all dandied up
and he's not even gonna bother

to do what he
got dandied up for!

I'll watch him, doctor.

Give him an apple.

Have a good time!

See ya, Pa! Adam!


Any particular reason
you're not going to the social?


Well, I might as well
go talk to Hop Sing.

I'll get more
conversation out of him.

Papa, the paisley you brought.

But, darling, she's
tried already the paisley.

And the gold, and the purple.

And the black-and-white stripes.

But Mrs. Cardiff liked
the paisley best, Papa.

Didn't you, Mrs. Cardiff?

Oh, yes, I... I did,
Miss Rebecca.

But I really can't
make up my mind.

I... I don't think I'll
buy any material today.

Just a spool of white
thread, Mr. Kaufman, please...

a small spool?

Just a spool of thread?

That's all right, Mrs. Cardiff.

I appreciate the business.

All sales are welcome.

I... I can understand your
being upset, Miss Rebecca, but...

we're-we're just simple
homesteaders and...

I could never buy
anything from your father

except a spool of thread

or a packet of needles.

Mrs. Cardiff, I... I'm
sorry, I didn't understand.


Mrs. Cardiff, I want
you to do me a favor.

Oh, yes, Mr. Kaufman.

Well, it's like this...

Back East those smart merchants,

they have a new
merchandising plan.

They get a nice lady in a
neighborhood to wear a dress.

When the lady's friends
ask her where she got it,

she tells them to go
back to the merchant.

I want you to make a dress
from this paisley material,

and then when all
the ladies admire it,

you just tell them
that you got the goods

from Kaufman, the
peddler. All right?

Oh. Oh, no, Mr...
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

I know what you
were going to say.

The answer is no.

As a matter of fact, I know,

I should pay for your
making the garment,

and for your recommending me.

But you see... I am
just a poor peddler,

and all I can afford is
to give you the material...

and the thread.

You'll do me the
favor, will you?

Yes, Mr. Kaufman.

For you, I'll do it.

All right.

Now, don't forget!

Kaufman the Peddler!

Now, come on.

We'll be late for the Sabbath.

Goodbye, Mrs. Cardiff.


Well, I must say I've never
seen you sit for so long

in one spot before.

Something bothering you?

No, there's nothing
bothering me.

Everything's fine.

Oh, there's Aaron Kaufman.

So it is.

He's got somebody with him.

It's a girl!

So it is.

A very good day to
you, Mr. Cartwright.

Good day to you, Mr. Kaufman.
Nice to see you again.

Hello, Adam.

Mr. Kaufman.

Oh, Mr. Cartwright,

I want to introduce
my daughter Rebecca.

How do you do, Mr. Cartwright?

How do you do, Miss?

Well, Mr. Kaufman,

I didn't know you had
such a pretty daughter.

She is lovely, isn't she?

But a real nuisance!


It's good to see you
again, Miss Kaufman.

Oh, you've already
met, have you?

Oh, yeah, we were
here last Sunday...

at the beginning of our trip.

Yes, I forgot to tell you.

Well, what do you think

of our wonderful
part of the country

now that you've been
traveling around all week?

It's just wonderful.

I had no idea there
was anything like this.

Of course, it isn't all as
nice as the Ponderosa.

That's what we've
always liked to think.

Like to see some more of it?

Oh, could I?

Rebecca, what have
I been telling you?

We've got to get home!

Don't worry, Mr. Kaufman.
We won't go far.

We'll be back before you finish
your business with my father.

Adam... I don't think we
need anything, Mr. Kaufman.

Oh, yes, we do. We
need quite a few items.

As a matter of
fact, I made a list.

You'll find it on
the kitchen table.

We'll never get home
in time for the Sabbath.

Oh, they'll be back
soon, Mr. Kaufman.

I think we better get inside
and have a look at that list.

Apparently, we
need a few things.

The corral's over this way.

Sounds like Jupiter.

You want to meet him?

- Would it be all right?
- Sure. Come on.

Wait here. He's
busted out again.

Down, boy, down!

Whoa, boy, whoa.

Whoa, boy. Back

Well, Miss Rebecca,
why don't you come over

and say hello to Jupiter?

Hello there, Jupiter.

You know, in many
ways he's still my favorite.

Whoa, boy.

I found him out on the range.

Wild as a maverick.

He fought me every
inch of the way,

but he's saddle-broke.

You're proud of
that, aren't you?

Oh, he's still a handful.

I can see that.

You know, to my father, a
horse is just a necessary evil;

sort of a strange,
incomprehensible animal

that nobody could
possibly reason with;

sort of a hide-covered
steam engine fired with oats

instead of wood or coal.

Is that the way
you feel about it?

Well, that's the way I
was brought up to feel.

But you know, this last week,
traveling around the way we have

and seeing so many things
and meeting so many people,

well, for the first time
in my life I feel like, like,

well, I'd like to
be part of all this.

You know, I've never
even ridden a horse.

Would you like to try?


No, no, no, no, I don't think
you are ready for Jupiter,

but I think you could
handle old Betsy over there.

Oh, Adam, I'd love to
try it if you'd teach me.

Well, there's no
time like the present.

Oh, no, not now.

Well, you see, I
haven't the time.

You heard Papa. He's,
He's in a hurry to get home.

Tonight is the Jewish Sabbath,

and Papa doesn't do
anything on the Sabbath,

not even drive a horse.

Your father's a very
dedicated man, isn't he?

Yes, he is.

But I'm afraid he's
rather old-fashioned.

Target practice.

Well, for a minute there
I thought we were at w*r.

A Merwin and
Hurlbert for ten dollars.

Or as I said to your son
last Sunday, it isn't quite new.

I got it from a
drummer in Chicago.

It sure is a thing of beauty.

That's why I asked
Mr. Kaufman to bring it back

so you could take a look at it.

Nice g*n, but I'll have to
think about it, Mr. Kaufman.

Thank you.

To think about it is
the customer right.

Ach, we'll never get home!

Come on, young lady! Get aboard.

Come on! Come on!

We'll see you again?

I hope so.


See you soon!

What's this?

That's what you owe me.

What for?

For the list you made up.

Oh. Sorry about that.

They're nice people.

Nice girl.

What are we gonna
need next week?

Och! This stupid horse!

If God wants me to keep
the Sabbath at home,

he should please
change it into a gazelle!

Please, Papa, the way
you're driving the poor animal,

you're gonna k*ll him!

So we'll be an hour late.

Yes, yes, you're right.
You're right, Rebecca.

Maybe when the sun
sets, we'll have to stop.

Out here, Papa,
in the wilderness?

That's absurd.

The ways of God absurd?

Since I was born, I have never
driven one mile on the Sabbath.

I've never bought or sold
or even touched money.

At my age, I do not
intend to change.

Papa, this is a new land.

All the more reason that
the old ways not be changed.

Ah, it's no use, Rebecca.
The sun is going down.

I think it's time to
stop and prepare.

Over there. There
is a nice place.

Hey, look, they're turning off.

Looks like they're gonna
stay the night there.

If they do, all
the better for us.

Let's go.

Wait till it gets dark, will
ya? It won't be long now.

What's on your mind?

Ah, nothing.

It's that girl.

Yeah, I suppose so.

I was just thinking...

I get the impression that
she'd like to meet new people.

So... why don't we
give a big party?

Invite people from all
over, really do it up big.

And that way they'll
get to meet new people,

make new friends.

Hmm. It's an idea.

You think the, uh...

think the Kaufmans would come?

Well, why not?

Beside, there's only
one way to find out...

and that's to ask.

So I was wondering
if you wouldn't mind

if I spent the weekend
in Carson City.

Seem to have your mind

pretty well set on it
anyway, don't you?

By the way, uh...

did you make up your mind
about that Merwin and Hurlbert?

What's that got to do with
what we're talking about?

Well, I just can't go
rushing in and say,

"Mr. Kaufman, do you
want to come to a party?"

All right, buy the g*n.

Okay. Take care of the
old homestead, will ya?

Oh, it's so peaceful here,
Papa, and so beautiful,

but is it proper to conduct
the Sabbath service

out under the
open sky like this?

Well, of course,
it's proper, child.

Is there a better place to
worship and sing praise to God

than under the
canopy of His heaven?

It's one of the Cartwright boys.

I told you we
shouldn't have waited.

Take it easy. We'll
see what he's up to.

Boruch ato Adonoi, Eloheinu
melech ho-olum asher

kiddshonu b mitzvosov,

v'tzivono l'hadlik
ner shel shabbes.

L'cho dodi likras kallo,

pnei shabos n'knablo.


Hello. I, uh, was on my
way to Carson City to see you

when I saw your
wagon tracks lead here.

I know. Papa won't drive his
horse after the Sabbath starts.

So you're staying here tonight?

Oh, yes, we'll be all right.

I was rather frightened
when I saw you.

We've already
started the service.

I know. I've been
watching. It's quite lovely.

I suppose so.

You said you were on your way
to Carson City to see me. Why?

My father changed his mind.

He wants to buy the revolver
that your father offered him.

Oh, but Papa can't
sell anything now.

The Sabbath's started.

From now until sundown tomorrow,
Papa can't even touch money.

You see, he can't
even allow his thoughts

to turn to worldly things.

I hope you understand.

I do.

I'm sorry you rode all
this way for nothing.

I didn't.

What I mean is, the
g*n was just an excuse.

It's... it's such
a beautiful night.

Let's walk a little.

In the middle of the service?

Oh, just till Papa
finishes his prayers.

It takes quite a while.

All right.

You know, Adam... every
minute of this last week

has been just... just wonderful.

Well, I think we ought
to keep it that way.

You see, the real reason I,
uh, came to see you was...

Well, we want to throw you
a big party at the Ponderosa.

Adam, how nice!

I think you'll
have a lot of fun.

You and your father will
get to meet everybody.

Oh, Adam, that
sounds just wonderful.


Well, what's the matter?

Our people...

well, we live somewhat
differently than other people.

You see, my
father's very strict.

We live very much the
way he did in the old country.

I don't go out very much.

I stay home, and
cook and sew and knit.

But you're going meet
somebody one of these days.

Start a life of your own.

You mean get married?

Well, most girls
lean towards the idea.

I suppose I do, too.

If he showed up tomorrow...

what would he look like?

Well, if Papa had any say,

I suppose he'd look very much
like Papa did 30 years ago.

But I can't draw a
physical description...

It's not supposed to matter.

The only thing that's supposed
to matter is that he's a lamden.

A lamden?

Yes, a scholar...
Above all else, a scholar.

There's no thought given
to the ruggedness of jaw,

or the stone hardness
of his muscle,

or strength of his hands.

All those things that

suddenly seem
very attractive to me.

I suppose I should
feel ashamed of myself.


There's nothing wrong
in feeling like a woman.

Is there?

What's that?

It's the "Shalom Aleichem."

"Shalom Aleichem" what is that?

It's a song welcoming the
Sabbath angels of peace.

It means the prayers
are almost over.

I'd better get back, Papa
will be looking for me.

All right.

You'd better wait
here. I'll go on ahead.

Papa will want to
give me his blessing.

How do you mean?

Well, it's something
very ancient.

It's been part of our
service for centuries.

The Lord bless
thee and keep thee;

The Lord make His
face to shine upon thee

and be gracious unto thee;

The Lord lift up His
countenance upon thee,

and grant thee peace.


Oh, we have a visitor, Papa.


It's Adam Cartwright.

I'm surprised to
see you here, Adam.

I came to buy that revolver
that you were showing my father,

but Rebecca explained to me
why you can't sell it to me now.

I told Adam about the
Sabbath traditions, Papa.

You did right, child.

Please give your father
my respects and apologies.

I'm sure he'll understand.

Yes, sir.

I... you know, I don't feel
right about you and Rebecca

staying out here all alone.

My son... we are not afraid.

Good night.

Good night, sir.


Rebecca, darling...

You like this young
man, don't you?

Yes, Papa. He
seems very nice to me.

Yes, certainly... a
very nice young man.

But after all,
Rebecca, what is he?

A scholar?

A lamden? A great teacher?

What is he?

I'll tell you what
he is, Papa...

He is a man!

Oh, Papa, I'm sorry for the
way that sounded, but it's...

But you meant it.

Papa, all my life

I have had teachers and
scholars preached at me

like they were the only
men in the whole world!

Well, I'm sick of it,

and I'm sick of being shut
away behind locked doors!

I want to live...

The way these
people out here live.

I want to mix with them.
And I want to be part of them!

Papa, Mr. Cartwright and
Adam want to give a party

at the Ponderosa so that
we can meet everybody.

That's the reason
Adam came out here.

Rebecca, my darling...

this you will always remember:

you are the
daughter of my house.

And it is our tradition that
a child will honor her father.

And it is our tradition
that anger and worldliness

shall not be indulged
in on the Sabbath day.

You will now prepare
the supper, child.

Well, boy, I didn't know we
were gonna stay the night,

or I'd've brought you some oats.

Tie him and gag him.

What for? I'll take care of him.

Do what I say! Get the rope.

Thank you, Rebecca,
for preparing our meal.

We shall now give thanks to God.

All right, peddler...
let's have it.


Will you please take your
hands off my daughter?

Just watch her, Stiles.

The money... where is it?

Come on, get it.

It's the Sabbath.

I mustn't touch any money.

What do you mean, the Sabbath?

This is just Friday night.

You heard him, get it!

Ease off, Stiles.

Where you hiding
the money, Kaufman?

- Don't tell him, Papa!
- You shut up!

You'll find what you want
under the wagon seat.

I got it. Let's go.

Lay off, Stiles... let's go.

Papa, I was so frightened!

It's all right.

All right, child.

Always remember...
God takes care of us.

Oh, Papa... aren't you
going to do anything?

What's there to be done?

We could hitch the
horse to the wagon and...

Hitch the horse? On the Sabbath?

But Papa, two ruffians just
robbed you of all your money,

and you're just standing there!

I-I don't understand, Papa,
what's the matter with you?

Why don't you do something?


I will do something.

What I have always done.

I will remember the Sabbath day

and keep it holy.

So you will do nothing.

Papa, you always do nothing.

The world spills scalding
hot soup all over you

and you stick out
your tongue to lick it

- and say thank you!
- Rebecca!

I know one thing for sure, Papa:

if Adam Cartwright had been
robbed by two men... or 32...

He wouldn't just stand
there and do nothing!

He would have gone after them,

and... and fought them, or
k*lled them, or done something!

Adam Cartwright's
ways are not our ways.

No, he doesn't live
in the dark ages!

He's got common
sense and courage and...

and I wish he
were here right now,

and he could do
something for us!


Easy does it, now, Cartwright.

You try anything, I'll
put a b*llet in your back.

All right.

Get up!

There's something
I want you to see.

Get goin'.

Go ahead... take a look!

Adam! Oh, Adam!

What do you want
from these people?

Just trying to make
the old man tell us

where he's hid the
rest of the money.

But he told you, you
already have all his money!

Water... Water...
Give him some water!

Oh, please!

All right, I'll give
him some water.

Did you have to do that?

They got it coming to them.

Trying to pull a fast
one like they did?

What have they done?

When we counted the money
the old man handed over to us,

there was less than $12.

We came back for the rest,

but he won't tell us
where he's got it hid.

Maybe you can get
him to talk, Cartwright.

If you don't, you
ain't seen the half

of what's going
to happen to him.

Adam, please help us.

Give him some water.

Not a drop, till he opens up.

Is it worth it?

Answer me,
Kaufman! Is it worth it?

I don't know what you mean.

Adam, what are you saying?

You know what I'm trying to say.

Is saving the
money worth all this?

Why don't you
just give it to them?

I haven't got any money.

He gave it all to them already!

You're as bad as he is.

How much is it worth to you?

His life? Yours?

You know they'll k*ll you
if you don't give it to them.

Adam, why... why
won't you listen to me?

He hasn't got any money!

Oh, yes, he has.

I know he has.

Adam Cartwright...
you are a liar!

Am I?

Well, listen to
me, you old miser.

If you want to sacrifice
your life and hers

for $1,000, you can...

but you're not going
to sacrifice mine!

$1,000, Stiles!

Yes... $1,000 even.

I've seen it.

He showed it to my father.

He's a liar!

Don't listen to him,
please, he's lying!

You saw it.

He got it in a deal from
a Chicago drummer.

Those were your exact
words, Mr. Kaufman...

you got it in a deal

from a Chicago drummer.

Oh, no.

No, Adam.

That would lead
to more v*olence.

I hate v*olence!

And you've got it, old man,
you just admit you've got it.

Please go away.

Leave me alone.

I'll leave you alone...

I'll break every
bone in your body.

Hold it, Stiles!

Beatin' won't help much.

Maybe there's another way
we can get him to talk, Stiles.


I been thinking about
that a long time, Hank.

Leave her alone!

Thought you were on
our side, Cartwright.

No... No! Don't!

Don't touch me,
you... you animal!


No, no!

All right!

Oh, Lord, God of Abraham...

Untie me.

Just remember, old man, I
can pick up where I left off.

Now, where's the money?

Untie me, and
I'll get it for you.

I can get it!

You would never find it.

Turn him loose, Stiles.

He can't do much
in his condition.

Now where is it?

In the wagon.

We searched the wagon!

Not in 1,000 years could
you find where I hid it.

Don't try anything, Cartwright.

You neither, girlie!

Oh, so that's where you hid it,

a secret compartment, huh?

No wonder we couldn't find it.

I wish you did not
make me do this...


Papa, are you all right?

You got them both, Mr. Kaufman.

That's pretty good sh**ting.

Good sh**ting?

I k*lled two men.

Rebecca, get these ropes off.



He's hurt!

No, he's all right.

- He's just exhausted.
- Oh, Papa...

Why don't you get
him a little water?

We'll get him back to the ranch.

- Yes.
- I'll get the horses.

Papa... Oh, Papa...

Papa, how do you feel?

He's gonna be all right.

We'll keep him
here till he gets well.

Joe, why don't you ride
into town for Doc Martin?

- Right.
- No, no, no doctor...

Take me home, please.

I am a man of
strict orthodox faith.

I would be a most difficult
guest in your house.

Oh, nonsense, Mr. Kaufman.

We have plenty of room here,

and Hop Sing is the
best cook in the territory.

That may be... but
can he cook kosher?

All my life, I've never tasted
anything but kosher food.

I understand.

You're right.

So I tell you what we'll do.

We'll strip your wagon down,
and make a comfortable bed.

Why don't you get a
mattress out of the bunkhouse

- and put it in the wagon, huh?
- Sure thing.

I'll, uh, I'll get the
blanket and some pillows.

All right, thanks, Pa.

You have a very
understanding father.

Yes, he is.

We're kind of proud of him.

That is a father's
finest reward...

when his children
are proud of him.

Oh, Papa... I'm so ashamed.


For what, child?

We've all had a terrible ordeal.

But Papa, I said
such awful things.


Well, I was ready
to turn my back on...

on everything you
ever taught me.


Not on everything...

- just on me.
- Oh... For a moment.

Maybe I am sometimes
a little too strict.

No, you didn't
turn on your faith.

See, Adam, it is a fine thing

to have a faith you
know you can never lose.

"Blind faith,"
the world calls it.

But the very blindness of it

has eyes that
pierce the darkness.

Well, I'll tell you one
thing, Mr. Kaufman,

I've never seen greater courage.


It's easy to have courage
with a g*n in your hand.

But without a g*n... Ah!

That's another thing.

Oh, Papa, I have learned
so much these past two days,

things... things I
never even realized.

You're not the only one
who learned, my child.

I always hated v*olence.

I thought I... I could
never tolerate it.

And I took two lives.

You had no choice.

They would have k*lled us.

The cause might have been good,

but still... I took two lives.

And I had to be
stern with this child

because she rebelled
against an ancient discipline.

Because she saw
that this was a new land

that welcomes all
people, and all cultures...

I think the God of my fathers

smiles down upon
me now... in pity.

Well, we're all ready.

Thank you, Mr. Cartwright.


don't give that
party until I am well.

I should like to be invited.

Mr. Kaufman, we'll have
a party to remember.

Thank you.

Adam, will you take
us to Carson City?

It's my pleasure.

And perhaps you could plan
on having dinner with us tonight,

in our home?

I'd be very proud.

On one condition.

That is...?

It has to be strictly kosher.

Strictly guaranteed.
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