02x06 - Episode 6

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Call the Midwife". Aired: January 15, 2012 to present.*
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Series revolves around nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s and 1960s.
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02x06 - Episode 6

Post by bunniefuu »

MUSIC: "Secretly" by Jimmie Rodgers


♪ Why must I meet you

♪ In a secret rendezvous?

♪ Why must we steal away

♪ To steal a kiss or two?

♪ Why must we wait to do

♪ The things we want to do?

♪ Why? Oh, why?

♪ Oh, why? Oh, why? Oh, why? ♪

MATURE JENNY: 'As nurses and midwives,

'we were adept of silence.

'We shared much with those we cared for

'and saw more than we could ever say.'


'But we had secrets and burdens of our own.

'Who could we turn to

'when our hearts were full?

'Who could reassure us when we were afraid?'

Where are you off to, Sister Monica Joan?

I am going to chapel,

as I do numerous times a day, every day.

Routine is man's saviour, Fred.

It's just that you're not wearing your habit, Sister Monica Joan.

I most certainly am!

Not a thread.

Easily done.


I would never make my pilgrimage to chapel without...

Would you not breathe a word?

There would be utterances.

Of course.

Thank you, Fred.

That'll be the fourth time today, Miss Masterson.

You must be drinking too much tea in the morning.

I'm sorry, Mrs Flynn.

Go. I don't want a puddle.

Thank you.

60 seconds. One alligator, two alligator, three alligator...


Comfortable there, Mrs Tate?

I bet you didn't think you'd get that cape finished before baby came.

Oh, Nurse, you'd think I'd know the difference

between a false alarm and the real thing by now.

I've only done it five times before.


That's a nasty cough.

Had it for ages. It'll pass.


I'm going to fetch Doctor.


Mrs Tate is my third case this week.

Which says to me, we have a new epidemic on our hands.

Doctor, TB has never been choosy.

It's everywhere in Poplar. Always has been.

Not this bad. Not in my time.

Sister, I'm getting there too late.

You can't know they have the disease.

Unless they are screened. Early.

The Mass X-ray Programme?

It's coming, but who knows when?

We need that van now.

Heavens, we are the most over-populated corner of London!

Indeed. And these are the cases we can see.

I've asked to see the board,

and I shall try to make a case for a van to come to Poplar

as a matter of urgency.

You have the full support of Nonnatus House, Doctor.

Whatever you need.

It's worth a try.

Got my letter, then?

You a slow reader or something?

I came as soon as I could.

Prepare yourself.



It's Julia, Dad.



Your daughter.

Well, well, well.

Heard you were under the weather.

Illness always flushes out the guilty.

I wanted to see you.

Like your mother.

Hopeless liar.

What's the doctor said?

No doctors.

You still working in that pub?

No. I went to college.

I got a job at a typing pool.

Typing pool?

Downhill all the way, then.

Something like that.

You need to see a doctor, Dad.

You need proper care.

Don't you come in here, all Miss La-De-Bloody-Da,

after six years of nothing, and tell me what I need.

I thought it was five. It's six.


You'll be wanting to get off.

You're outrageous!


They're wildly uncomfortable, but I don't care a jot.

Where on earth did you get those?


Dolcis. Do they make me walk like Marilyn Monroe?

You'd have to chop a bit of that heel off.

Is that how she does it??

Quarter of an inch.

I read it in Woman's Realm. Helps with the wiggle.


Right. Where's Fred?

You can't chop the heel off a brand new pair of shoes!

Fred! If it's good enough for Marilyn...!

Somebody call?

Can you lop a quarter of an inch off that heel, Fred?

You'd be wrecking them!

Well, it's all in the name of an improved wiggle.

They're brand spanking new!


All right, you win.

I don't know how you can walk in those things.

I'd feel a bit vertiginous myself.

Ah, Fred does hate heights.


Oi. Knock, knock. Why haven't you ordered gin?

It's August, Terry.

Think. Women drink twice as much when their kids are off school.

Crawling all over them.


Good job I'm hanging on, innit?


Keeping an eye on my castle...

Terry, get down here, will you?!

There's someone here for the Master.

Don't you go running off.



Follow me.

Good evening, Mr Masterson.

I will not have doctors in my pub!

Lost your blinkin' memory, have you?

Who called you? I did.

I told her, sir.

She needs the inside and the outside of her head examining.

Your wrist, please?

Too tired.

Your pulse is fast.

I'd just like to examine your neck.

Just tip your head to the right.

What are you looking at?

That's it.

And your legs?


Could you lean forward a little?

I need to check your back.

Lean right forward if you can manage.

We need to get this sore dressed.

Are you comfortable here? At the pub?


What? Doctor, he can't stay here.

I disagree.

To move him now might have

a detrimental effect.

But he needs to be in hospital. No! You need me to be in hospital.

So then you can get out of there.

Miss Masterson, your father needs somebody here.

He needs constant care.

I can stay tonight.

A nurse will be with you tomorrow.

Miss Masterson, your father may need you for more than one night.

It's not possible.

I was only planning to be here for an hour.

I have a job. A life.

I certainly will be leaving tomorrow.

He'll do very well without me.

Let me be clear.

I believe his heart attack two years ago caused irreversible damage.

Had he attended his appointments or been open to advice,

we may have been able to slow down this process.

What process?

The care that I am offering is palliative care.

His heart is failing.

Your father is dying.

I see.

As I said, I can stay tonight.

Thank you for coming.

Who's pinched all the clamps?

Sorry, not guilty.

Well, they must have grown legs and marched off by themselves.

I am covering appointments for Sister Julienne this morning.

And shall be making a trip to County Hall with Doctor Turner.

Cynthia, could you take another maternity pack to the Skevingtons

as their pet mouse appears to have nibbled their last one? Yes, Sister.

Nurse Lee, it's said Mr Masterson has a slight manner about him.

But I know you can manage the tricky ones without help.

Thank you. Toughening up, I hope.

You've learnt much, Nurse.

You should be proud of yourself.

Clamp thief!

Sister Bernadette.

Doctor Turner.

I... I was expecting Sister Julienne.

Sister Julienne has been called out. I am covering for her.

I see.

I'm sorry I'm a little late.

I couldn't find a decent tie.

That tie seems perfectly...appropriate.

Thank you.

I do appreciate your support today.

I am here as a favour to Sister Julienne. That is all.

Of course.


The nurse is here, Dad.

Mr Masterson, I'm Nurse Lee.

I'm here to give you an injection,

and to keep an eye on your legs, and check the sore on your shoulder.

Oh, goody gumdrops.

I'll be coming in every morning, early, to get you clean,

tidy and comfortable.

I'll leave you to it.

Oh, you don't have to. Do stay if you want to.

She doesn't.

Have you got children, Nurse?

No, I haven't.

Lucky old you.


I'm sure you don't mean that.

Children are everything.

You don't know, do you, Nurse?

I lost all my children...


..to TB.

But you still have your daughter?

Yes... God chose carefully that day.

Left me with an icy cold wind.


Surely the two of you must be close?

How little you know, Nurse.

I lost my wife.

My five sons.

One, then another, then another.

Good Lord.

It was my youngest, Elizabeth, so happy, so tiny.

On her fourth birthday, she just started coughing and...


..slipped away.

Julia and I were left quite alone.

How dreadful for you both.

She kept the light on for me, kept me sane.

And she left, just went suddenly.

Wanted to make a life for herself, away from this pub.


That girl thinks of herself.

That is all.

I'm sure that's not true.

Oh, it is, Nurse.

Even now, she can't wait to get out that door!



Miss Masterson, are you leaving?

He'll manage without me.

From what Mr Masterson told me,

I would understand if you wanted to run.

I can't stay in this pub.

You're all he has left.

He's your father

and he's still here.


You all right? You look faint.

I'm not the patient, Nurse Lee.

Miss Masterson, forgive me for asking...

Are you expecting a child?

Am I wrong?

The office will lay me off if I'm discovered.

I can't afford not to work.

I certainly didn't want him knowing.

How far gone are you?

Eight months.

Eight months? You're tiny.

It must be the girdle.

The baby will be totally restricted! It's terribly dangerous.

Is there a fiance?


I was hoping my wedding bouquet might have been a bit bigger than most,

but...it happens, doesn't it?

I was about to tell Frank about the baby,

when he told me he was marrying his sweetheart.

It's funny. I thought I was his sweetheart.

Can you lie down on the bed, please?

Nurse, I had to wear it.

I need my job.

I understand. I do.

But this can't go back on.


Sir, with respect,

we need an X-ray van in Poplar now.

While the disease remains undetected, patients will die.

Patients do die sometimes, Dr Turner.

I would say that was an occupational hazard.

Sir, I have just diagnosed a heavily pregnant patient with advanced TB.

She has five children.

She might well die, because I didn't know she was ill.

You know that TB need no longer be a death sentence.

We can treat it.

But we have to get in early

so people have the chance to recover.

We don't seem to be making much ground here, do we?

We are stating, plainly,

that this is a highly complex, logistical programme.

The vans ARE coming to London.

Where to?

Mayfair? Chelsea?

What, pray, are you suggesting?

Have you ever been to Poplar?


In Poplar, we might have up to a dozen people

living in one small house or tenement flat.

When conditions are over-crowded and unventilated,

infection spreads with ease.

Meanwhile, someone who is infected unwittingly takes the disease

to an over-crowded production line and transmits it to his colleagues.

And even if they re-infected just 20 fellow workers a year,

which would be a very conservative estimate,

that means 20 whole families exposed to the disease.

Including children!

So, while you plan your "highly complex programme",

the disease is travelling.

We can fight it,

but we do need that van now.


Doctor Turner and Sister Bernadette have made their point.

We shall have to give this some consideration.

Congratulations, Dr Turner. You were really quite tremendous.

As were you, Sister.

I wish I had been there. It sounds terribly dramatic.

Doctor Turner sounds like he was quite the hero.


I'm deeply grateful to you for stepping in, Sister.

You more than deserve the last Scotch egg.


Be a fat lot of work.

We're already stretched to full pelt as it is.

If anyone is not prepared to work, let them not eat.

'Good evening. This way, Doctor. Thank you.'

When you speak of the sun, so it shines.

I'm sorry to interrupt, but felt I must come at once.

They are sending a van to Poplar a week next Tuesday.

ALL: Oh!

That is truly marvellous news.


And so, the gamma-rays enter our galaxy.

Hang on a giddy minute.

They're sending a van on the day of the Antenatal Clinic?

Indeed. Not wholly convenient.

Yes. Well, we shall just have to manage.

I'd like to know how.

Sister Evangelina could control the masses.

She has a voice somewhat reminiscent of a...




Right, Mr Masterson.

We're going to see if any of this fluid is reducing today.

Ooh, you spoil me, Nurse Lee.


I'll leave you to it.

There she goes again.

Little Miss Selfish with her own fish to fry...

Just stop. Stop. I can't stand it.

My family died too! Remember?

I couldn't stay here.

So selfish.

No, I'm not.

I couldn't stand being near you!

Could we have some calm, please?


Now, Miss Masterson, I'm going to teach you

how to give your father some lymphatic massage.

It will help with the build-up of fluid,

and take the pressure off his heart.

So, if I'm not here, you can help relieve him.

And lift...

No, I don't think I should.

It will really help.

I'd prefer if you did it, Nurse.

Oh, for goodness' sake! You're both as bad as each other! Now, come on.

It'll be over before you know it.

Now, Miss Masterson,

would you place your hands on your father's ankle, like this?

Go on.

And push up towards the knee.

Bottom to top.

Firmer than that.


Mr Masterson, could you refrain from speaking

while we do our work, please? Thank you.

Off you go.

Grasp the ankle

and push up firmly towards the knee.

And again.

Keep going.


And again.

Good, now the other one.

Do the same again, firm movements.

That's it.

Good. And rest.

Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?

Excuse me.

I won't let her leave.

You did that on purpose, didn't you?

I don't know what you mean.

About that baby of yours,

I'd like you to come for an antenatal appointment.

I can't.

That baby is coming out

and the sooner you come to terms with that, the better.

This isn't how I wanted it to be.

I wanted to come back one day,

show him that I'd made something of myself.

Make him proud.

I haven't got a hope in hell of that now.

Maybe he will feel some shame.

But this would be his first grandchild.

That's quite a legacy to give a dying man.

There's an Antenatal and Baby Clinic tomorrow at the Parish Hall.


She'd better come. Otherwise, I'll pop her in a wheelbarrow

and push her down there myself.

Ow! Sorry!

You could leave my hair in pins for a week

and it would still be poker-straight.

I'm destined never to curl.

But, at least, you'll have a scalp, Cynthia. I presently do not.

Heaven knows what Mr Masterson will say

when he finds out she's pregnant.

In a fix and unmarried, she'll certainly be the talk of the pub.

Do you think there'll be an awful scene?

I bet he loves her really. Love without question.

That's what makes the world go round.


Sorry, Trixie. Beauty is pain!

Just wait until I do your hair, Jenny Lee!

Death by hairpins!


Won't catch me going anywhere near that X-ray van.

Rotten for baby's health, apparently.

Rumours are not to be believed.

X-rays are extremely low-risk to an established pregnancy.

Indeed, you are putting your child at greater risk

by not having the X-ray.

Oh, dear.

I fear we may need to up our game a little. Indeed.

Miss Masterson!

Welcome. You look well.

I feel like a trolleybus.

This way.

Julia, are you sure you're only eight months?

I'd put you more at nine. Your baby feels low.

It was Christmas Eve.

I'm not going to forget that in a hurry.

Too much port and ginger with Frank down The Cock And Bull.

It couldn't have been earlier?

No, I don't think so...


Frank took me to a bonfire night.

Bloody Catherine wheels were popping in the field behind us.


No more fireworks now.

Any day now, then.

Nurse Lee?


I hope you don't mind me asking,

does your father...approve of you?

I think so.

He was a little testy when I moved to Poplar,

but he's getting used to the idea.

I often think about what it would be like to have a proper father.

One that cares.

Miss Masterson, he lost everything apart from you.

So I would say that, to him, you are most precious.

Most precious indeed.


Brought you some porridge.

You can get rid of that flower for a start.

It'll only get knocked over.

I remember you shovelling porridge in when I was little.

Sitting at the bar. All over that account book.

You counting out the bottles on the abacus.


You were good.

Well trained.

Got to keep an eye on the accounts.

Trust nobody.

Apart from family, maybe.

Oh, God, don't look at me like that.




You think I haven't noticed?

You got anyone?

He went.

I'll knock his bleedin' block off.

I'm so sorry, Dad.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry it was only me left.

I'm sorry I wasn't Mum or Elizabeth or the boys.

It was me.

I'm sorry for being the one who didn't die.

What consolation could I ever possibly be?


It's just...

I needed you...and you went.

And I needed my dad.

I lost six of my babies.

I lost them too.

I have a broken heart, love.

I do.


What have I done to you? Dad...


We're very alike, you and me.

I saw that in you, very early on.

Stubborn, strong...

Never one to back down.

When's your little one due?

Any day.

D'you know what you're going to do?

You could stay here.

Please stay.

Have the baby here.

I should like to be able to hold my grandchild.

I'd like that very much.

All right.

MUSIC: "When" by The Kalin Twins

♪ When, when you smile

♪ When you smile at me

♪ Well, well, I know

♪ Our love will always be

♪ When, when you kiss

♪ When you kiss me right

♪ I, I don't want

♪ To ever say good night

♪ I need you

♪ I want you near me

♪ I love you

♪ Yes, I do and I hope you hear me

♪ When, when I say

♪ When I say, "Be mine"

♪ If, if you will

♪ I know all will be fine... ♪

I resign.

♪ When will you be mine? ♪

Morning, Sister.

Ah, the X-ray cards. Let me help you.

Thank you, Sister.

Oh. I do think we've been sent rather too many.

Oh, I don't think so.

I think we can expect great things from today.

I'm pleased to see your optimism.

You have a little spring back in your step again, Sister.

I am glad.

If people come today, so many lives and future lives will be saved.


Shall we?

It's here!

Oh, Lord!

It's big, isn't it?

I'll be able to see my little one inside me!

I can't wait.

Me too.

Do you think people will come?

Oh, I hope so. I really do.

Bloody hell.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

You might want to put that crossword away, Doctor.

But I've only got one left.

Clue is "launch". Begins with K, two words,

second word ends with F.

Kick off.

Sister Monica Joan?

Sister? Our X-ray appointment is today, remember?

The door is quite jammed.

Oh, my.

'I shall not be attending any such X-ray machine...'

I am in my Ark.

There is no point in pushing, sir!

I shall not topple that easily!

I shall say it again.

Form a queue!

Oh! That means, one,

and then one behind, then another one,

that's right, and you, stay like that!

Excuse me. Thank you.

Have you never queued for a bus, madam?

Good morning, Doctor.

Sister Bernadette.

The posters worked, then.

Never in my wildest dreams.

A queue does mean a queue. Please!

All right, good morning, everyone.

ALL: Good morning!

Now, you will only be in the van a matter of moments.

After we've taken your snap shot, you will be handed your X-ray,

which you must then give to Sister Bernadette here,

along with your name and address card.

Are you all right there, Sister?

Oh, yes, Doctor. I was born for days like this. Oi, you!

Stand back, I say!

Ah, Dr McGuinness, Sister Bernadette will be helping us today.

Marvellous. Good to know the Lord will be with us!

Ah, Fred, thank goodness.

Where's Sister Julienne?


Sister Monica Joan's stuck in the bathroom.

And we're due at the X-ray van for our screening.

Sister Monica Joan? Are you all right?

'Tickety-boo, thank you, Fred.'

Are you?

I'm going to try the door. Stand back!





'All this thrashing about...'

when I am quite comfortably settled in my Ark, Fred.

'I am quite immovable.'

Just get in there! Don't want to!

Just do it! No!

Can I help?

You won't be able to do nothing.

She's just doing it to show me up.

I tell you what.

I don't want to go in there, either.

Shall we make a pact?

If you go in, I'll go in.


May I, Doctor?

Of course.

Come along.

Thank you.

She's only little.

You're a natural.


I'll hold your ladder.

Sister Monica Joan, can you hear me?

'Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil!'

Well, have no fear. Fred's coming up.

We'll get you out of there.



Just one tiny thing. I...

I have a little problem with heights.

I see.

Ordinarily, I'd be sympathetic, Fred.

But today, I'm not. What?

Come on, up you go. It won't take a minute.

I can't! Up!

Don't look down!

Oh, oh!



Sister. Noah, being warned by God about things not seen,

prepared an Ark for the salvation of his household.

Behold, the gamma rays will bring forth a flood to this earth

which will destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life.

There will be no flood, Sister.

But they did not understand the power of the atomic poison

until the floods came and took them all away.


..I will bet on my life, you need not your Ark.

There's not a cloud in the sky.

All is calm.

And I will escort you to and from the X-ray van,

never leaving your side.

How about that?

Never once?


I appear to be in your debt, Fred.

Shall we bring life belts?

No need. I've got my paddle sports activity badge.


My rock and my fortress.

Thank you, Fred.

MUSIC: "If Dreams Came True" by Pat Boone

♪ If dreams came true, dear

♪ I'd dream you everything

♪ That you would always

♪ Be happy as a king

♪ If dreams came true, dear

♪ No trouble would you see

♪ Just song and laughter

♪ To keep you company

♪ Oh, my darling

♪ Oh, my lover. ♪



Thank you, Sister. You did wonderful work today.

Forgive me, Doctor. My glottis is a bit ragged.

Doctor, could I have a word?

Thank you for coming, Nurse.

He's so breathless. I didn't know what to do.

His heartbeat's very fast.

He might be taking a turn for the worse.

No. Not yet.

He knows about the baby.

He asked me to stay, Nurse.

That's wonderful.

Right, you massage his legs.

Anything might help to relieve the pressure on his heart.

Today is a testament to you, Doctor Turner.

And to you, Sister. I couldn't have done it without you.

Everyone worked so terribly hard.

Would you join us for a cup of celebratory Horlicks?

I won't, thank you, Sister.

Might I see Sister Bernadette in private?

I have something I need to discuss with her.

Of course.


Dr Turner.

Sister. Oh, what a day we had!


Is all well?

Would you mind sitting?

Of course.

This has my name on it.


The lesions are small.

But there is more than one.

I see.

How many?

Dr McGuinness counted nine or ten, in the upper lobe.

But, as you know, this film is basic.

You will need a more detailed chest X-ray.

Have you had any symptoms?


Well, a little breathlessness, maybe.

No cough? No.


I will need to carry out an examination.


Breathe in.

And out.

And again.


..on both sides.

I've arranged an X-ray for you in the morning.

It might be more convenient if I drive you.

Thank you, Doctor.

You don't need to do that.

I'll drive you.

His heart's a little calmer.

He's hanging on.

Thank you.




I think Sister Monica Joan has a soft spot for our Fred.


If she had a soft spot for Fred,

I don't think she'd have wanted him up that ladder!

Oh, poor Fred! His worst nightmare.

Well, he got her out, which is surely the main thing.

I have something I need to tell you.

The milk will help you sleep.

Thank you, Sister.


Sister, I'm sorry to disturb you.

But Nurse Lee has asked for you to come to The Masters Arms pub at once.

Miss Masterson has gone into labour,

and Mr Masterson has taken a turn for the worse.

We will fetch Sister Evangelina and ask her to go in my place.

Sister, you must go.

I don't wish you to be alone.

Sister, if you continue with your work as normal,

then nothing will be out of sorts.

Nothing will have changed.

As you wish.


Excuse me. Sorry.

I thought she looked a bit pale this morning,

but she wouldn't let me do anything.

Just like her dad.


She woke with labour pains, but didn't let on.

Her waters have broken,

but Mr Masterson's so fragile she won't leave his side.

Hot water's on its way!

Thank you, Terry. End of the corridor.


Miss Masterson, the baby's coming.

We need to get you settled, and monitor the baby's position.

I'm not leaving him!

Miss Masterson, I understand you want your father

to meet his grandchild?


Then let's get this baby out.

I'll stay with your father, I promise he will not be alone.

Don't you dare.

Sister, are you all right?


It has been rather a taxing day, Nurse.

Yes, it has.

It's hot in here. Need some air.

It's the pub. When it's busy, it's like a furnace up here.

We need to get you on the bed.

All right?

Let's get you on the bed.

Well, you can't stay down there,

you're having a baby,

not sweeping the carpet.

Let's have a listen, shall we?


A steady 1.30.

That's what we like.

You must be comfortable there.

Do you feel any pressure?

My word, Julia.


I think you're entering the second stage of labour,

which means your baby is on its way.

Nurse Lee, would you check on Dad?

All right, just for you.

But, remember, we have a job to do.

She's quiet, but I think she's in transition.

She's on her knees, Sister. Won't move.

Is she comfortable? Yes.

That is the main thing.

How is he?

His heartbeat is weak. He's fading.

It's a matter of time.

Mr Masterson, your daughter has gone into labour.

You're about to have a grandchild.

Thank you, Terry.

Your father's still with us.

Right, I know you want to push,

but not quite yet.

Slow and steady.

That's it. Your baby's really hurtling out now.


I can see the baby's head.

Nice deep breaths.

Concentrate on breathing just like that. That's it.

If you can hear me, please hang on, Sir.

Now, then.

I want you to push but not too hard.

Good, deep breaths.

Another big push, as hard as you can.

And that lovely head will be with us.

Keep going!

That's it.

All right, Julia, one more big push for me now.

And it's here.


That's it, this one isn't wasting any time. That's it!


A little boy.

Oh, Lord, you are having a very, very busy day.

He's beautiful.


Can you take him straight to Dad?

A boy.

He's still breathing.

Oh, thank goodness.

The placenta still needs to be delivered.

Then back you go.

Mr Masterson?

Mr Masterson?

A grandson, Mr Masterson.

A boy?


He appears to be rather perfect.

Can I hold him?

My grandson.

I'm just leaving, I'm afraid.

And you've just arrived.

We're passing, you and...you and I.


I'm very pleased to meet you.


You look after your mother.

Don't have her doing the barrels.

That's...that's your job.




MATURE JENNY: 'The world is full of love that goes unspoken.

'It doesn't mean that it is felt less deeply

'or that separation leaves a cleaner wound.

'Its beauty...

'and its pain are in its silence.'


MUSIC: "Your Precious Love" by Jerry Butler

♪ Your precious love

♪ Means more to me

♪ Than any love

♪ Could ever be

♪ For when I wanted you

♪ I was so lonely and so blue... ♪

MATURE JENNY: 'The typed formal lines of the Master's will,

'spoke with greater eloquence than he could do in life.

'Drawn out during the years of his estrangement from his daughter,

'he'd left the thing he loved most, his public house,

'to the person he loved most, his last surviving child.

'And so the past was laid to rest.

'And her future made secure.'

♪ They say that our love won't grow

♪ But I just wanna tell them

♪ That they don't know... ♪

The triple treatment can be miraculous.

We shall see.

Thank you, Doctor.

You've been more than kind.

MATURE JENNY: 'Some of us are not blessed

'with revelations or confessions.

'Love cannot be spoken, only shown.

'And everything that makes the heart beat must be hushed.'

My mother has this china.

Mine too.

Come here, you hag of a woman!

You stop this instant!

Call the bloody midwife. They don't answer.


Not too fast! You don't know the machine.

Whatever next, nuns on skis.


MUSIC: "The Walk" by Jimmy McCracklin

♪ Well, I know you heard Of the Suzy-Q

♪ And I know you heard Of the Chicken too

♪ I know you heard Of the Cha-cha-choo

♪ Cos the Walk is a dance That you can do

♪ You just walk, you just walk

♪ Oh, you walk

♪ Yes, you walk... ♪
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