01x05 - Episode 5

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Call the Midwife". Aired: January 15, 2012 to present.*
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Series revolves around nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s and 1960s.
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01x05 - Episode 5

Post by bunniefuu »

'Health is the greatest
of God's gifts.

'But we take it for granted.

'It hangs on a thread
as fine as a spider's web.

'And the smallest thing
can make it snap,

'leaving the strongest of us
helpless in an instant.

'And in that instant,
hope is our protector,

'and love, our panacea.'

What can I get you today?

Hello, dear.

Frank? Frank!


I swear, you'd forget your head!

Try and get something down you,
yeah? Right.

Right, Tip, look after him.
All right, Peggy.

If you want to be a fish man, Tip,
you've got to learn how to buy.

I wouldn't give that to my dog! Oi!

One and nine pence?
You're havin' a laugh!

Go on! Have a pint of oysters.

Looking fresh as a daisy, Elsie.
Unlike your fish.

Oh, here's trouble.
Poison, pure poison!

Disappointed again, Frank?
I wonder quite why you bother coming...

every day.

The early bird might catch the worm,
but he don't pay for it till later.

Then he gets it half-price.

Oh, that'll be lovely tonight.
There you go.


Morning, Peggy.

Morning, Nurse Lee.

Ooh, it's hotter than abroad
out there.

Still, can't complain.
Flowers are loving it.

I forgot to ask,
how's your brother, Frank?

Much better, thanks, Miss,
he's on the salts.


Well, oyster poisoning
can take an age, they say.

I'm sure Dr Turner would be more
than happy to have a look at him.

Oh, he's not one for sawbones, Miss.

No, it's nothing home cooking
and a bit of spoiling won't cure.

I'm not even going to ask what you're
doing with a pig in the middle of Poplar!

Oh, don't worry about that!

It's like dust.

Leave it long enough
and you stop noticing.

I think it would be safer to walk!

What on earth are you doing
with that old heap?!

Shh! She's terribly sensitive! She?!

I'll forgive you, but only because
I know you'll grow to love her.

Will I?

I expect you to fall more in love
with every drive.

Go on. Be off with yous.

Nonnatus daily special.

Only the best!

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.
I tried!


Peg, what's up, girl? I'm sorry.

The workhouse is long gone for us.

There's only people here
who care about you, Peg.

About the both of us.

So, I finished my rounds and I thought
we could walk home along the river.

Get the breeze.



Free as a bird.

Morning, ladies! Are we well?

Morning, Doctor.

It's a bit like a piano scale...

I haven't thought of it
quite like that,

but keep it in mind at
next week's contraceptive session.

A few less crescendos?
A few less results.

I just feel we should make them
aware that they have a choice.

And that God's place is in
the church, not the marital bed.

Look, it's a bit much for me
to say where our Lord should be.

I'm not expecting you to start
a revolution, Nurse Browne.

But if you did,
I wouldn't hold it against you.

Can't catch me, I'm the fastest!
Yes, I can!

Elsie, you really must try
and keep these appointments.

That's three in a row you've missed.
Tide don't wait for man nor baby.

While there's fish to catch,
me and me old man will catch 'em.

Sorry, girls.

Eels. They do tend to linger

Oh! They certainly do. Sorry.

Always had this thing about fish.

Ever since my brother dropped me
in a rock pool.

Good job my old man don't.

It's like garlic. As long as you're
both on it, you don't notice.

Let's hope that baby likes it too, because
he or she is most certainly not far off.

You need to rest, Elsie.

I don't want that filthy thing
anywhere near me!

Well, you needn't worry, she's
very particular about her company.

What a team we're going to make, eh?

Your beauty and my brains
and the price of bacon sky-high!

Oh, you know, bacon isn't popped out
like an egg, Fred.

This IS the bacon,
so don't be getting sentimental now.

Me?! Strictly business
and no mistake!

Well, there's no mistake about one
thing. You've got a lot more pig

than you bargained for!
She's pregnant.

Oh, give me strength, O Lord!
Not more of those things!

Oh! Cloth, Frederick, now!

Dogs look up to us,
cats look down on us.

Pigs treat us as equals!


I should get on.

That oven's crying out for a clean.

And here's me lying back
like Gloria Swanson all afternoon!

We're on our holidays, Peg,
just for the day.

Think of this as Paris.

And that river over there,
well, that's the Seine, ain't it?

How is it you always know
just how to make everything better?

To Frank.

Nicest fellow I know!

And the one with the biggest head.

I've known you longer
than anyone else in the world.

Maybe that's got something
to do with it.

It's the sitting down.
Don't suit you.

I need to get those vines in.

We shall have our own wine
next year, Peggy, my dear.

That's a promise now?



Sorry, it's an emergency!

'Nonnatus House,
Sister Bernadette speaking.'

It's my Frank! He's took bad!

Please, Sister, please come quick!

Dr Turner is making arrangements
for Frank to be seen at the London.

You do understand, Peggy, Frank
must be seen as soon as possible?

Thank you.

I won't go in no institution.

It's a hospital. Not a mortuary!

You'll have to drag me there.

Work your magic, please, Peggy.

If there's a choice, I'd rather not
drag him there, but if needs must.

There's nothing wrong with a bit of
gut pain, it's nothing wrong with me!

I'm telling you! Good.

Then we won't have to worry
about the results, will we,

when you go in?

Dr Turner has asked me to take the
contraceptive clinic. But nobody's here.

We must have got in a muddle
over our days.

Never mind. No point
in carrying coals to Newcastle!

I suppose onward
with the antenatal!

That's Hollywood for you.
Full of happy endings.

Give us a pill that makes fellas
do the washing up!

Or something useful like drowning!

I hope they're not expecting
juggling. No balls, you see.

Metaphorically, of course!

Chummy, let me take the session.
No, wouldn't dream of it.

Dr Turner's tasked me for a reason.

And they say there's no such thing
as average.

Good morning, ladies.

My old man wouldn't know
whether to smoke it, eat it

or shine his shoes with it!

Do you mean johnnies?!

There's me thinking
you'd be making ME money!

I'll be spending more on feed
than I'll be making!

Here. Here!

Only the best for you, girl.
Don't let on, eh!

If it helps you to get your husband
to wear one

and reduce the number of unexpected
little miracles then johnnies it is.

Have you even seen one, lovey?

Maybe I should go over there.

I have seen... I have seen
many things, Mrs Leonard!

I have seen the horrors of eclampsia
with convulsions so violent, bones broke.

Standing on the toes, was you?!

Button it! Let her talk!


I have seen breech births where
one wrong move, one moment's delay,

would cut off baby's oxygen.

I have drawn mucus
from the lungs of newborns

who would otherwise
have choked to death.

And I have seen the utter joy
that only childbirth can bring.

So, please. Please don't doubt

that I have seen enough to have earned
the right to speak to you today.

I'm just saying, it goes against God.

It's stopping what's natural.

If God hadn't wanted their use,
he wouldn't have created rubber.

It too is entirely natural.

Now... taking your penis,
or rather your husband's...!

this level of audience whilst
experimenting with your prophylactic.

The reservoir goes at the top. This
is where the semen will be held.

Looks like a tiny sombrero, really!




Peter. How lovely.

I was passing,
so I thought I'd drop in.

There's been some thefts in the area.

I thought you should be alert
with regard to security. Thefts?

Well, a few shopkeepers
have had some losses.

It looks like the work of a chancer,
but best be on guard.

Tell the girls not to leave their
handbags and the like lying around.

And my mother would very much
like you to come for tea.

I should like that very much.

I'll telephone you with a date.

And, um... I'd be very grateful
if you didn't bring that thing.

Oh! Quite!

'Go to the farms.

'And you will see a state
of prosperity

‘such as we have never had
in my lifetime.

'Or, indeed,
in the history of this country.

'Indeed, let us be frank about it.

Most of our people
have never had it so good.'

Nurse Lee. Good morning. Is Peggy in?

She's just inside.

Are you in a terrible hurry?

He feels terrible about bothering you
all. Everyone being so kind and concerned.

Strong as an ox, my Frank.
Don't you worry about that.


Frank's suffering
cancer of the pancreas.

Pancreas, you said?

We'd like to begin
a series of radium treatments.

Well, it's not like his stomach
or his liver, is it?

More like an appendix.

Well, you hear about people doing
without their appendix every day.

Ain't that right, Nurse Lee?

Dr Turner hopes the radium treatment
will stem the cancer.


The quicker we move on this,
the better your brother's chances.

I'd like him to stay in the London
during the treatment.

It just makes things easier
and better for Frank.

No. He won't stay in there.
He don't like institutions.

We'd have to carry him in,
feet first.

You must try and persuade him, Peggy.
As an inpatient,

Frank can be assured
the very best care.

He will need it. I'm telling you.

He won't stay anywhere,
except his home.

You're doing it for me, Frank.
You've got no choice.

Mr Hobson.
Would you like to come through?

'Jenny? Is that Jenny Lee?

'I've tried not to call,
but I needed to hear your voice.


'His name was Gerald.

'He said he wanted to hear my voice.

'I did not want to hear his.

'It stirred too many memories.
Too much pain.

'His voice came from a place
of broken rules,

'a time of love cut short.

'It was easier to silence it.

'Easier to hide.

'To fill my life
with other people's stories.'

Keep on with the cod.
We can't get rid of it fast enough.

But from next month, don't be having
nothing to do with oysters.

No matter how hard
old Billy tries to push 'em.

You'll be back on the stall by then.

That's right.

Enjoy your moment, Tip.

I'll have you back fetching
and carrying before you know it!

Frank's dying, Peggy. Are you
quite sure he shouldn't know?

Been through that ruddy treatment
for weeks.

Body's done in.

Cancer's still there.

He can't know that, Sister.
It would destroy him quicker.

Only thing that keeps him going
is the thought he's beating it.

Frank's taken a turn.

I don't know what to do.

That's all right, Tip.
We'll look after him.

You go on, love.

Frank needs you on the stall.

but we're going to help you
with the pain, Frank.

Morphia? So soon?

It's a very low dose, Peggy.

But Dr Turner felt it was necessary.

How long do you reckon
before I'm back?

Not very long now, Frank.

I'd have done that, love.

It's quite all right, Peggy.
It's my job.

I happened to see the rest
of the house today, Sister.

Extraordinary, isn't it?

It was a shock.

Those prefabs are only ever expected
to last four or five years.

I'm not talking about the prefab.

They share a bed.

Yet Peggy and Frank
wouldn't trade theirs for a palace,

everything just as they need it
for their little bit of peace.

And Lord knows,
they need it at the moment.

You know, don't you?

That Frank is dying?

That his sister will lose him?

Or that love couldn't save
either of them?

But it has made them richer.

Every time I feel exhausted,

I stop and imagine
what a sad little porker's feeling.

Really, Chummy, you mustn't talk
about Sister Evangelina like that!

So, go on, Jen.

They're at it?
All I know is they share a bed.

It's the quiet ones.

What did Sister Julienne say?

She didn't.

She discussed the merits
of prefabricated housing.

I wish my mother
was that unshockable.

Well, I for one think
Peggy's a spiffing girl

and Frank had some of the
finest dabs I've ever tasted.

Darling, no-one's doubting him
on a marine level.

Just a moral one. He's her brother!


I imagine none of you girls
has ever been inside a workhouse.

Actually, my grandpapa set up a holiday
fund for children of the workhouse.

Fascinating, I'm sure.

They were designed
to break the spirit.

Worse than dying. That's what anyone
who'd been in one said.

And Frank and Peggy
would tell you the same.

They went in there
when they were just little 'uns.

Mother and father dead,
no-one to look after them,

but Frank, only seven,
he swore he could look after Peggy.

He fought everyone
to keep them together,

but the minute they went through
those gates, they were torn apart.

Now, she cried every night, didn't
know how to survive without him,

and Frank,
he never stopped looking for her.

So when he finally found her
years later,

it's not surprising
they clung together for dear life.

Their love was the only good thing
that ever came out of that place.

But, Sister, it's incest.

Now, if you've got no work to do...

You go on,
I'd better check the phone.

I'm hoping perhaps I may receive
a call of a personal nature.

I'm meeting Peter's ma.

Date of execution yet to be set.

If Peter thinks enough of you to meet
his mother, I'm sure she'll love you too.

One little thing has been
on the old mind a bit.

What does one wear
in a mother-meeting situation?

Nothing - not until you've checked
with us first.

I do have rather a nice frock
Mother's dressmaker made for me.

It would be a bit tight now, but...

Not until we've approved it.


So, fancy getting out
of the East End for a bit?

I know a lovely little place
in the country.

Yes. Yes, I do.

I told you you'd fall more in love
each time.



Oh, hello! Hello!

No, no, you're with me, I'm afraid.

Chauffeur's perk.

♪ We'll be in heaven if you meet

♪ Me on the corner tonight... ♪

You look worn out.

I thought workhouses
were the stuff of Dickens,

but one of my patients grew up
in one.

And he's never left it. Not really.

It puts a roof over people's heads.

They didn't starve.

It's fate of birth, though,
isn't it?

We've been so lucky, Jimmy.

It's about being good people.

Frank and Peggy are good people.

If I'm not mistaken,
you've finished work for the day.

So, we're officially trespassing?

You always have to split hairs,
don't you?

What do you think?

Look at it, it's amazing!

Come on, we can always
dry our drawers.

Hello. I'm Chummy,
delighted to meet you.

No. Not Chummy.

Dignity, poise, presence.

Hello, I'm Camilla.
It's a delight...

You're feeling brighter, aren't you?

I knew you would.

I know you better
than you think I do.

I can't, Jimmy.

It's all right, I've got you.
I've got you, I've got you.

Breathe. Jenny, have some air.
What's wrong?

Asthma. Cold water
must have shocked her lungs.

Perhaps even the chlorine.

Get a rug, a jacket,
anything that's warm.


Thank you, Jimmy.

It's always been you, Jenny.



The shell must be broken
before the bird can fly.

It's for little Evie.

Something with a bit of cheer.

Only the stale ones, mind.

I didn't understand a word of that.

Evie, my pig.

I should want something other than
just peelings if I was expecting.

The pig's called Evie?

Fred, isn't that
a little near the knuckle?

No, I prefer to think of it
as homage.

Then in honour of her namesake,
I think

we should set our culinary aims
somewhat higher.

I haven't seen a thing.

I certainly haven't seen half
a freshly baked Victoria sandwich.

And I certainly know nothing about
that little crispy bit at the end

that's just begging to be eaten.

I'll leave that bit for you!


Am I the sort of girl
a chap's mother would like?

Well, if she didn't,
she wouldn't be worth knowing.

"a day of trials
and tribu-bleedin'-lations".

Here, poured too much milk.

I just feel done in by it all.

I feel quite pointless today.

Jimmy is handsome, kind.

And he's mad about you.

And more importantly,
he's in your life, not your past.

So, please,
just forget this man you can't have.

That's just my trouble,
I can't forget him.

He was everything to me,
except mine.

He must have been amazing.

how about you try this?

We're stuck. Two words -

"A clock through the air."

You've got until tomorrow.

I'm dying...

ain't I?

Frank, everyone has
tremendous hope for you.

Don't tell her, love, will you?

You and me both know what's what.

But I don't want my Peg knowing.

Not until she really has to.

For the moment,
we can still have our times.

Peg can still read to me.

Little pleasures, love.

But they mean the world
to both of us.

So let her keep that world,
just as long as she can.

What do I do, Sister?

How do I be without him?

You draw strength from knowing that
one day, you will meet him again.

If you will spare a moment,
I would see it infinitely well spent.

"The sea green of the emerald -
shining together in incredible union."

Where in heaven
did you find silk like this?

It needs a thread or two,

but not beyond your hands
that fly like birds in spring.

It's absolutely perfect.

And it'll be you I have to thank.

Now, they said there would be gold
and there would be silver

and I should never have cause
to wor...

Shouldn't you be with your mother?

I'm here with you.
Just as I should be.

Well, I won't lend money.

And I won't dance for your entertainment.
Other than that, ask away.

Could you give me
some of your wonderful pig shit?

I thought you'd never ask!

For the vine.
It does wonders, apparently.

Oh! Let's have a look.


You can't buy that sort of quality.

Oh, you are kind.

Maybe we'll make wine after all, eh?
There's a thought to keep us going.

Big and strong, that's
how you'll grow. My little vine.

I want first taste
of anything half decent.

You look wonderful, Chummy.

Damn Peter's mother--

I approve!

Always brings me luck.

I might have guessed.
You and that flaming pig!

She's started to drop. Only this
poor little fella didn't make it.

We're going to need hot water
and clean towels.

Fred, now!

Fred, but...
No, quick as you can.

Nonnatus House, midwife speaking.

Mind the steps.

Thought you were meeting your chap.
So did I.

You will save her, won't you?

She's my responsibility, see? She's the
only thing I've got what really needs me.

Daft old bugger! We've delivered
half the babies in the parish.

We're not going to let a pig
beat us.


It could be a very long night.

Then the more the merrier.

All hands on deck.

No. No, we'll manage, Chummy,
you go.

Not to worry.

I'm afraid my dress and I are already
very much involved in this operation.

Please hurry.

I didn't like to move her. She's sort
of where she dropped, so to speak.

Are you all right, Miss?

I can offer you tea--kippers,
whelks even, if you haven't eaten.

As much hot water as you can manage.
And some towels.

Oh, Peter.
I'm so dreadfully sorry.

It's Fred's pig. He's in an awful state
and every time I think I can leave,

we have another little sadness.
Seven so far.

I'm hoping I can sponge
the worst of this off.

You look beautiful.

Now, tell me what you need from me.

Just you.

She'll be all right, Fred.

Baby's fine.

Oh, here. Here.

Have some water.

You must think me an absolute fool.

Oh, I'm the same with chickens.

'A dying person

'needs to have someone
with them to hold their hand,

'stroke their forehead,

'whisper a few words.'

I'm here, Frank.

It's all right, my love.

I'm here.

He's gone.

Catch of the day.

Ain't he just?

Oh, dear.

You are welcome here any day,

and you can have the best of our
fish with our love and our thanks.

Oh, I couldn't possibly deprive you
of your living.

Not with another mouth to feed.

It's a beautiful shroud, Peggy.

You knew, didn't you?

We were more than brother and sister.

More than husband and wife even.

He come back for me.

He worked day and night to get the
money to free me from that workhouse.

Said I'd never have to scrub again.

Course, by then,
it's got its hold on you.

Got inside your head.

Having each other, though.

It was our little bit of perfect.

Don't call the undertakers
before the morning.

If you want me to stay...


I just want it to be him and me

Tip should have this.
Frank would want him to have it.

He's been like a son to us.

Good night, Peggy.

You will telephone us, won't you?

If there's anything at all you need.

Don't think of me as gone,
my love.

I will always watch over you.

I will always keep you safe.

Evie-- I can't think
of a more wonderful name.

Don't think this means
I've forgotten about the cake.

Well, I'll bake you one myself. Oh!

I would rather
you went to the baker's.

And you're wrong, you know?

What you said before, about that pig
being the only one that needs you.

I've given up bacon,
just so you know.

Oh, what, in case
I decide to cook you breakfast?

Do you have any other dresses?

Don't you like this one?

I think it's wonderful.

But I don't think
you'll get it clean tonight.

And my mother insists on meeting the
woman I can't stop talking about.

She's bowled him over
for a second time.

But this time without the bruises.

Don't count on it!

"The only friend I ever had,"
cried Rose, clinging to her.

"The kindest, best of friends.

"My heart will burst.

"I cannot... cannot bear all this."




Oh, Lord!

The morphine.

I shouldn't have left it.

I never dreamed...

You could never have predicted this.

She couldn't live without him.

I should have thought!

I should never have left her alone.

If we had stayed with her
for every minute,

she would have still been alone.

Without Frank,
the world was too much for her.

Perhaps it always had been.

He was her safety,
her rock to cling to.

Whatever we feel...

... she is at peace now.

Perhaps for the first time.

'Love permeated
every nook and cranny,

'every corner and crevice
of that little house.

'You could feel it as soon
as you entered the front door.

'A presence so tangible
you could reach out and touch it.'

♪ I'm a little lamb
who's lost in the wood... ♪

♪ To one who'd watch... ♪

I'm falling in love with you.

♪ ... over you... ♪

What else do you want?

That feeling... like you're drowning
under the weight of it -

love, passion.

Like you would die for each other.

That's the stuff of nonsense.

It's for novels and the pictures.
It's not real, Jenny.

What we can have, that's what's real.

A home, a family.

A good life together.

You think I haven't thought that,
tried to make it enough?

You are a wonderful man,
Jimmy, and I...

Everything in my brain is telling me
that this is the right thing.

Then what else?

My heart wants what it had before.


What, this... phantom love?

How could I not know?

You look at me and there's
someone else you want to see.

For me, it's just you.

So that's it?

You're shutting yourself off
to everything else

because of something
you can never have?

We could have enough, Jenny.

Well, for a year, perhaps.

Before you realised you loved me more
than I did you. I would hate that.

My work, Jimmy...

... that's what I need
to give myself to.

To these people?

That's why you'll be my friend,
but never my soul mate.

And we both deserve soul mates.

'Peggy had found her escape

'from the horrors of her childhood
through her work.

'Everything she touched
she made more beautiful.

'She made perfect.

'She and Frank kept a world which
had brutalised them both at bay,

'through a love so strong

'they created a new world,
and it was their own.

'I played such a small part
in their story,

'but their devotion showed me that
there were not versions of love,

'there was only... love.

'That it had no equal
and that it was worth searching for,

'even if that search took
a lifetime.'

Do you understand the nature
of the charges brought against you?

I do.

Oh, look, I'm in jail.
Hello, Sister Monica Joan!

I want to meet your mother.

Hello, Mater.

If I may interject, Sister.
Who is this person?

He is your barrister.

He's not very good.

Chummy, you aren't thinking
of taking Holy Orders?

It has presented itself as a solution.


I rest my case.
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