01x02 - Episode 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Call the Midwife". Aired: January 15, 2012 to present.*
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Series revolves around nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s and 1960s.
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01x02 - Episode 2

Post by bunniefuu »



MATURE JENNY: I used to think that night
was a time for women.

All day the docks were raucous
with the lives of men.

Lightermen and stevedores,
dockers and pilots,

the sailors
and the drivers of the trains.

In the smallest hours,
only the river's voice was heard.

Only women were awake.

- Men slept




Are you sure you're a midwife?
You don't half look young.

Don't worry, Ingrid. You're quite safe.



I'll k*ll him!

I'll bloody k*ll him when I'm done!


- Short breaths.


MATURE JENNY: She wouldn't k*ll him.
No mother ever did.

She would only curse his name,
and say there'd never be a next time.

- And she would mean it.

And there always was.

SISTER: # O God, make speed to save us

ALL". # O Lord, make haste to help us

# Glory be to the Father and to the Son

# And to the Holy Ghost

ALL". # As it was in the beginning
ls now, and ever shall be

# World without end, amen

SISTER: # Praise ye the Lord

ALL". # The Lord's name be praised

SISTER: # Have merry upon ma, O God

# After Thy great goodness

ALL". # According to the multitude
of Thy mercies

# Do away mine of fences

# Wash me throughly from my wickedness

Zakir. I'm with someone.

# And cleanse me from my sin #


Take him to the Crystal Room.


Oh, she's a bit of all right.

I'm going to call her Dawn.

It's a beautiful name.

- Ah, hug, hug.

- That's it, nicely. There's a good girl.

- Baby.
- Baby, yeah.


Don't short-change me.

It's eight bob, if I bring you inside.

Thought he'd dropped off on the job.

I tell you what, some of them lascars,
they don't half rub off on you.

Mary! You've got one in the oven.

Is it any wonder?

There's things you can do, Mare.

Things you'll have to do.

And what if I won't?

You can't keep it.

They won't let you.


MATURE JENNY: {had entered a house
1?? the dead of night,

and emerged into sunshine,
leaving a new life behind,

and I wouldn't have changed my job
for all the world.

Oh, hello, jenny! Up all night again?

Mrs B kept you a kipper.

I'd be quick, if I were you,
or Fred will have it.

I heard that, and I hate kippers.

I tried smoking 'em once.
It's a mug's game.

Flat tyre.

Three advance delivery packs, one
booking-in and two final home visits.

Nurse Lee! How is Mrs Mason?

A little girl, Sister. No complications.

Good. You'll have to see
to Sister Bernadette's list later.

She's been seconded
to the hospital today.


Nonnatus House. Midwife speaking.

-(SIGHS) Short-staffed again.
- The new trainee is on her way.

I can't deny I'm looking forward
to an extra pair of hands.

Doreen Riley.
She's the twins case in Quebec Street.

We don't need an extra pair of hands.
We need an octopus.

When I get back from Mrs Riley,
I'll contact the aquarium.

In the meantime,
the new girl's details are on here.


Ah! Camilla Fortescue-Cholmeley-Browne?

- Yes.
- Come in.

I generally answer to Chummy.

My pa used to say,
"Long dogs need short names".

Mm. Follow me. And mind your head.

I understand you qualified by a whisker,
Nurse Fortescue-Cholmeley-Browne.

I did pass. It was a bit of a scrape.

Before that I was nursing
for five years, and, well...

Come on, inside.

Do you need me to go through this
piece by piece?

No, not remotely. What's that?

- It's an enema nozzle.
- It's made of glass.

- Do you break things?
- No.

- And are all your dresses pink?
- I do have another, in eau de nil.

I bet you look a picture in that, too.

- Nurse Lee!


- JENNY: Uniforms.

Standard pale blue. Two.

- I found some in the airing cupboard.
- All girls together.

That's what we used to say at school.

I could never bear all that fussing
and flapping under dressing capes.


I've always been a longshanks.

Even as a child in India,
I was always taller than my brothers.

Poor old Mater, she used to be in tears,

but my ayah just sewed flounces
at the bottom of my frocks.

It would look a bit rum
round the hem of a nurse's outfit.

Oh, I can't move my arms.

Those are the biggest size.

Oh, well. Nil desperandum.

The rotating handle
is delicately mechanised.

The cogs will be deranged
if it's pounded out of rhythm.

Oh, don't worry, I've got the measure
of this little warhorse.

I was at the Royal School of Needlework
before I turned to nursing.


Have you thought of French knots,
to make that jolly fellow's hair?

I intend to furnish it with a beret.

- The scalp will not be visible to view.
- Oh.

MAN ON RADIO: # Embrace me

# Embrace me

# Embrace me
# My sweet...

# My sweet embraceable you

# Embrace me

# My irreplaceable you

#1115? one look at you

# My heart grew



# Bring out the gypsy in me

# I love

# All the many charms about you


# Above all


# Ooh, ooh, ooh, I#

I thank you and I love you all.

Oh, I wish I could make my own patterns.
I'd save a b*mb on clothes.

Yes. I've loved clothes
ever since the Newioo/r.

TRIXIE: NewLoo/Hs old hat, darling.

Aren't you bored
of ironing all those layers?

Oh, no.
I'm only wearing four tomorrow night.

No room for six
in the Royal Festival Hall.

Another concert? On your own?

Yes. Rachmaninoff.

(GASPS) Oh. I've chopped
Princess Margaret's head off.

I was cutting out the sleeve.

She'll be giving me
one of her hard cold stares.

I'm sure she'll forgive you.
I always think she looks like fun.

Oh, she's frightfully vivacious
when she's had a gin and it.

Not that I know her well. No, I haven't
really seen her since Pa's investiture.

- Investiture?
- Yes, he was just...

Well, he was knighted for, uh,
services to the viceroy.

I'd keep that from Sister Evangelina.

- Why?
- Oh, well.

By all accounts, she grew up
drinking out of jam jars.

It's made her a bit of an inverted snob.

- FRED: Right, young madam.


I've got a very nice Rival of Norwich,
with a lightweight frame.

Or a Rover Imperial, which I reckon's
come off the ark. The choice is yours.

Oh, I don't need a bicycle.
Thanks awfully.

Shanks' pony will suffice for me.

Darling, you won't last five minutes
on shanks' pony.

We cover eight square miles.

You can ride a bike?

I can ride a horse.
That can't be so very different, surely?

The thing you have to remember is that
once somebody's learned

to ride a bicycle,
they never, ever forget.


So, you're only going
to have to do this once.

It's like learning to smoke
or having your ears pierced.


- Ready?
- Oh! Oh, gosh, urn...

- Buckle down.
- Uh... Oh.

- All right.
- Yes, feet on.

- And go.
- Oh, urn...

- Keep going.
- You want to tie her to our go-kart?

- You want to button your lip.
- I'm sure he means well.

- Feet.

- What?
- Feet.

- Yes.
- Feet! Work your feet, Chummy.

- Feet.
- Yes. Oh!


Pedal up, pedal down.

- Oh, no! Sorry. Sorry.

It's just this alternate
body parts business.

Feet, you know, doing different things.

One fears there is something in her
that is misaligned.

One suspects a planetary influence.

CHILDREN: Pedal up! Pedal down!

- Pedal up! Pedal down!
- The East End'll eat her for breakfast.




Miss? Miss? Could you change
a five-pound note for me?

A five-pound note?
No, I'm sorry. I can't.

What about in that café over there?

Oh, no, I daren't.
They'll think I stole it.

Would you go in and change it for me?

I'm sorry.


I've not eaten today.

Nor yesterday.

Well, I suppose we could go in together.

We could get you something to eat.

I could pay using the banknote, so
if anyone sees they'll think it's mine.


MAN: Rag and bone!

Rag and bone!

First dinner I ever had in England
was like this.

That pie was in silver paper, too.

It was in the transport café.
That's near Liverpool.

You're not from Liverpool, though?

County Mayo.
Then Dublin, after Dadda died.

That was where our luck ran out.

And Mum fell in love with the drink.

I don't like it when people pry.
I shouldn't pry myself. I'm sorry.

She'll be on the cold tea
and meths by now.

She used to tell me the story
of d*ck Whittington and his cat,

and how they came to London
and he heard the bells.

I used to think, "What sort of an eejit
goes off to make his fortune

-"and takes his cat with him?"

When she took a man to live with us,
I knew I'd have to leave.

I thought, "I'll take a leaf
out of d*ck Whittington's book.

"I'm just not taking any pets."

I thought the boat went from Dublin
straight to London.

I didn't know there was any other city.

And I hitched a ride
from Liverpool docks.

It was the driver who bought me the pie.

Did he take advantage of you?

I like your scarf.

JENNY: It's from Paris.

Is that what the writing on it says?

Did the lorry driver
take advantage of you?


He was the last good Englishman I met.

It's just...

- I can see you're expecting a baby.
- Can you?

I've a trained eye. I'm a midwife.

You're not old enough.

- I'm older than you.
- Sorry, girls.

I'm closing me till.
That's two and nine, please.

I can't change that.
Haven't you got anything smaller?

If you can't change this banknote,
we can't pay for the meal.

Which, of course, has now been eaten.


Four pounds seventeen and thruppence.


Is there somewhere you can go?

There's the place I used to work.

But, if I go there, they'll hurt me.


People like you
are supposed to help people like me.


Come on.

I can't wake Sister Julienne now.

It's the middle of the night,
and the nuns get up to pray at 4:30.

I hate 4: 30.

It's cold, even in the summer.

Will she let me stay?

She'll know where you can stay.

I thought you were one of my sort.

Only of the grand kind.

It was your lovely coat, and the way
you let it swing when you were walking.

There's a girl called Charmaine in
the place where I was living with Zakir.

She said she was gonna go up West

and wear white gloves
and a touch-me-not expression.

She probably thought
she could look like you.


Mary, is Zakir the father of your child?

I don't think so.

It's such a long time
since he wanted me.

And some nights
I've been with three men.

Even four.

God love your innocence,
Nurse jenny Lee.

Which of us is the oldest now?



You're not still up?

Bit of an argument with the bust darts.

- Night.
- Night.


- Pedal up.
- Up.

- Pedal down.
- Down.

- Pedal up.
- Up.

- Pedal down.
- Getting it! Getting it!

Bravo, Chummy!

CHILDREN: # Champion the Wonder Horse!
# Champion the Wonder Horse!

I'm so proud of you, Chummy!

# Like a streak of lightning
flashing across the sky

# Like the swiftest arrow
whizzing from a bow

-\/\/ell done, Chummy!
- Oh!

# You'll hear about her
everywhere you go #

Oh! Oh, no! Aah!


- Move out of the way, please.
- Are you all right?



I'm not going out of that door!
I'm safe here!

You'll be safe with Father Joe
at Wellclose Square.

He's set up a refuge for girls like you.

I'm not going out! Someone will see me.

You're very afraid of something,
aren't you, Mary?


If you can tell us what it is,
you may be able to help us help you.

There was a girl with a baby in her.

And they sent for a woman to come.

She had a hook,
like the one you knit with.

I had to help to hold her down.

And there was blood,
like in a butcher's.

Did the girl lose the baby?


There was a chamberpot
in the corner of our room.

It had violets printed on the china.

And I saw the baby in there,
no bigger than my hand.

My baby's bigger than my hand now.

I can feel it underneath my heart.


We're not a nursing home, or a clinic.


This is where the midwives live.

We look after women in the community.

When you go to Father Joe's,

you'll be in the community
and we'll look after you.

I'll go if jenny comes.

Fred's mending the dent on your
mudguard, and you've got gravel in that.


You are going to have to get
cycling under your belt.

You'll have to find time for it,

just like you've got to find time
for your extra study.

I know, Sister. I know
I barely scratched a pass at my exams.

But I won't give up.

If you can't serve your patients,
you're a hindrance, not a help,

and you'll have to be replaced.

But I need district experience.

Without it, I can't go to Africa.

What do you want to go there for?
Aren't we good enough for you?

I feel I've been called
to work in Africa by God.

Do you feel called
to the religious life?

Oh, gosh, no.

One always hopes there might be
some sort of a chap along the way.

I'm quite happyjust to be a missionary.


But when I close my eyes to pray,
I see all these little black faces.

You don't have to up sticks to Africa
to see them.

You just need to go
a bit nearer the docks.

It's not that far. By bicycle.


That's the place I used to work.

It's all right.
I'm not taking you anywhere near there.

Yes, you are!

No! You are! No, no, no!

Do you know him?

- No.


Tea for three.

I hope you've no objection to fig rolls.

Never had one. Are they foreign?

Probably. I never reckoned
they were up to much.

They taste like treacle
wrapped in a doormat.

I'm not a fallen woman.


I had a boyfriend.

His name was Zakir.

He took me in, when he found me
eating bread left for the birds.

But he worked for his uncle.

And I had to work for his uncle, too.

We understand that you were forced.

There is no shame in it.

There isn't for the men.

(SIGHS) It's a pimp's trick,
old as the hills.

A young man finds a vulnerable girl,

lures her to bed
with a kiss and kind words.


By the time he's finished with her,
she'd do anything for him.

But don't the girls have
any sense of danger?

They've usually been in danger
all their lives.

If not from v*olence,
then from hunger and disease.

It's hard to imagine, I grant you,
if you've never lived like that.

I work in the East End, Father.
I know about poverty.

Nurse, I don't think you do.

Poverty isn't bad housing,
dirty clothing, families of 10.

It's never having been loved,
or even respected.

Not knowing the difference
between love and abuse,

a kiss that wasn't down payment
on a blow.

I'm sorry.

You must think me very ignorant.

I think you're very fortunate.

And there's no need
to apologise for that.

SISTER: # O God, make speed to save us

SISTERS: # O Lord, make haste to help us

SISTER: # Praise ye the Lord

SISTERS: # The Lord's name be praised

SISTER: # Have merry upon ma, O God

# After Thy great goodness

SXSTERS". # According to the multitude
of Thy mercies

# Do away mine of fences

# Wash me throughly from my wickedness

# And cleanse me from my sin #



- What happened to the Wonder Horse?
-\/\/ill you put a sock in it?

You've got a voice like you've swallowed
a foghorn! Good afternoon, Nurse.


Excuse me.

Size of her.
She could pull a brewer's dray.


I hope everyone's brought
their sample today.

Oh, not the syrup tin again, Mrs Teeman.

It plays havoc with the sugar test.


Ah, good afternoon.
Or is it good evening?

You're with Dr Turner.
Cubicle on the end.

Hello, Brenda!

I never thought
I'd be bumping into you here!

I remarried. Two years ago.

Well, that's a poke in the eye
for Adolf, innit?

How did you lose
your first husband again?

In the Blitz.
When the sugar works caught fire.

Oh, will I ever forget it? The gutters
were running with fudge for a week.


- You're happy, I presume?
- Delighted. Aren't you?

Ah, I come round to the idea.

I was disgusted at first.
I mean, it don't seem right, does it?

Mother of the bride
being in the family way.

Her Wedding's in a fortnight.

I've had to buy one of those
trapeze-line coats.

Mrs Brenda McEntee to see Dr Turner.

- Good luck, love.
- Thank you.


Bowels been normal and regular?


- Any vomiting or nausea?
- No. That's stopped.

Any swelling of the ankles?
Any fainting or dizziness?

- No.
- Then we'll examine your tummy.

Mrs McEntee had rickets as a child, and
has a skeletal malformation as a result,

including what's known
as a rachitic pelvis.

- Have you come across it before?
- No, I haven't.

Mrs McEntee is a rare bird.

She was deprived of sunlight
and malnourished as a child.

Rickets was a disease of poverty.

Now we have the welfare state
it's become a disease of the past.

As are the problems of pregnancy
she experienced in the past.


- Now, come along, Mrs McEntee.

I've been coming along!
I've... I've been trying to be brave.

But I had the quickening this week.

I've felt it move.
Like the others moved.

(SOBBING) And I lost every one of them.

Mrs McEntee had four obstructed labours,
many years ago.

- Her babies were stillborn.

But we can refer her for surgery now,
all free of charge.

There's no need to attempt
a natural childbirth.


I'm sorry.

It's just that...
Well, things come back, you know.

Did you hear Doctor, Brenda?

This a brand-new baby,
and a splendid chance for you.

We're all here to help,
and Doctor's going to help most of all.

BRENDA: I... I know.

I... I'm making a show of myself.

Not at all.

Now, let's start by letting him
look at that old tummy.


- Look out!

EVANGELINA: I hope you take
greater care of the babies.

They're not quite so easily replaced.

Well done.

You made Brenda McEntee feel safe.

Magic handkerchief. Never known to fail.

No. You made her feel safe.

It's the mark of a good nurse.

A midwife, too.

Everything else is just mechanics.
You'll soon get the hang of it.

Do you think so?

Yes, I do.


# See the pyramids along the Nile

# Watch the sun rise on a tropic isle

#1115? remember, darling, all the while

# You belong to me

# See the marketplace in old Algiers

# Send me photographs and souvenirs

# But remember when a dream appears

# You belong to me

# I'll be so alone #

BERNADETTEI We like t0 hold
refresher classes when we can.

Some complications come up only rarely,

and it's as well to stay
on top of all the theory.


Approximately 3 to 4% of babies
arriving at term are born breech.

That is to say, the buttocks and not
the head will be the presenting part.

Didn't Shakespeare describe
Richard III as being breech?

Uh, something about him coming
into the world with his legs forward?

In Poplar they call it
arriving arse-first.


Did anyone see any breech births
during training?

I saw two.

I saw one, the second of a set of twins.

Nurse Browne?

- Oh, urn, I did and I didn't.
- Oh?

All tickety-boo to start with,
then after the legs descended,

the midwife wrapped the baby in a towel
and let its body hang there.

It was dangling. Still with its head
inside the birth canal.

Yes. That is done to increase
the flexion of the head.

It increases the risk of asphyxiation.

It is a showman's trick, in my view.

- How long was it allowed to hang?
- I don't know.

I suddenly felt all peely-wally
and passed out.

Came to face down
on the lino in the corridor.

Nurse Fortescue-Cholmeley-Browne?

According to the duty log, you were late
for your first three appointments,

and missed the last two altogether!

Sister Evangelina, Chummy wrote
those entries in the log herself!

Oh? As if it's something to be proud of?

Chummy has to walk everywhere.

Then why isn't she doing
something about it?

MONICAJOAN: "Blow, winds,
and crack your cheeks! Rage!

Ye cataracts and hurricanes, spout."

Sister Monica Joan...

I refer to the fact
that her nose is running.

Oh. Here you are.

You need to have more respect
for your patients.

If you can't be trusted
to turn up on time,

you can't be trusted to do
your own deliveries,

no matter how much studying you do.


I love it every time it kicks.

All I can think is,
"Please let it be born strong".

Everything else can wait till later.

Quite right, too. You just need to keep
resting and eating as much as you can.

That's it. Perfect.

I could get used to perfect.
I can't get used to them fig rolls.

They'll do you good.
They've got fruit in.

The night I met Zakir,
he gave me chocolate cake with fruit in.

He'd given me wine to drink,
and I hadn't liked it.

The cake was supposed
to make the wine taste sweeter,

but it only made it taste more sour.

You can open the curtains now, Mary.
I've finished examining you.

MARY: It was after that
that he took me to the Crystal Room.

I knew what men did to women.

I'd had it done to me.

And I didn't think it could be beautiful

or that it could happen
on a bed with golden sheets.


He said afterward s,

"Did you think anything like that
could ever come to you?"

As if he knew I'd never known it could.


What Zakir did to you
was obscene, not beautiful.

You shouldn't speak of him.
You shouldn't think of him.

I can't help it.

He's standing in the street.

He comes and stands there
every afternoon.

I don't care how many calls I have
to make or how far we have to send her.

But I am going to
get her out of Stepney.

She's younger than most,
she's not sharp in the head,

and she's valuable to them
on both those counts.


MATURE JENNY: A plane was found for Mary

at a Catholic
mother-and-baby home in Kent.

She would be cared for there, with her
child delivered in the cottage hospital.

Thank you for being my friend,
jenny Lee.

Well done, Chummy!

We're going to go straight ahead
and then turn right into Lisbon Street.

- Don't forget your hand signals.
- I just stick out my arm, don't I?

Medal for that woman!

Slow down now, Chum!


- Lean in as you turn.
- I don't know how to turn.

I've forgotten how to turn!


Brake! Brake, Nurse!


- They were going too fast.

- All right? That's it.

You all right, Nurse?

- I think so.
- All right, darling?

All right, take it easy.
Come out of there.

Anything hurt?

Oh, dear, I'm such a fool. Sorry.

Just take a minute.

First, I'm glad that none of you
are more seriously injured,

and, second, that you aren't
all up before the magistrates.

How did you persuade the policeman
not to charge you?

Assaulting an officer
is a criminal offence.

I can't remember what I said. I just
tried to say it as nicely as I could.

"Sweet voice, sweet lips,
soft hand, and softer breast.

"Warm breath, light whisper,
tender semi-tone."

Not even the softness of the breast
or any other portion of the form

helped to turn away
the policeman's wrath.

I don't care if they did.

Nurse Fortescue-Cholmeley-Browne
has got off scot-free.

We're short-staffed
and our patients will suffer.

Nurse Browne was diagnosed
with shock and mild concussion.

After bed rest, she will recover

and then she'll be attending deliveries
by herself.

She's not competent!

Cycling aside, she's competent enough.

She is a qualified midwife
and a highly experienced nurse.

There's experience and experience.

What experience has she got
of ordinary people?

What experience have they got of her?

They like her.

They laugh at her.

And they've every right.
She's no better than a tourist.

She's using them for her own ends.

The East End's nothing
but a stepping stone to her.

What if it's the stepping stone
to her life's work?

This is our life's work.

We don't need Madame Lah-di-dah looking
down on us from her great height!

Nurse Browne!

- What are you doing out of bed?
- I've been to the off-licence.

To buy some whisky for the policeman.
Thank you.

I asked if they had the Glenlivet,
but they'd never heard of it.



#1115? one look at you

# My heart grew tipsy in me #

I called her Kathleen.

It means pure.

It's a shame you gave that Scotch
to the bobby.

You could have done with a nip tonight.

Do you suppose this is
how fighter pilots felt,

waiting for the call to fly?

I dunno. I was an Army man myself.
Pioneer Corps.

Gosh. One of the glamour boys?

Well, I specialised in lavatories.

It's a myth that an army
marches on its stomach.

What your fighting man needs
is a top-notch khazi.

- And not to panic.

Like Monty said at El-Alamein,
"It can be done, and it will be done!"


Nonnatus House. Midwife speaking.

My daughter's waters went, all over the
carpet, when they cut the wedding cake.

- And is the lady in labour the bride?
- Br/de's mother.

I'd hurry up if I was you. This is her
fifth, and she don't half have 'em fast.

I looked in the book.

She's two weeks before her due date
so nothing's been sent on ahead!

Thank you.

Oh, you put a nip of something in it.

- Army trick.
- Before going into battle?

Before going
into the other ranks' latrines.


ALL: Oh, the hokey-cokey!

Oh, the hokey-cokey!

- Oh, the hokey-cokey!
- Whoo-hoo!

Knees bent, arms stretched,
rah, rah, rah!

# You put your left leg in!
You put your left leg out!

# In! Out! In! Out! Shake it all about!

# You do the hokey-cokey
and you turn around

# That's what it's all about!

Run for your lives!

# Oh, the hokey-cokey #

- Watch it!
- Look out!

Get out the way!


I will not have you giving cheek!

Especially to the nurse
who's come to help your mum.

Here! What you walloping him for?


Come here.

I know your wallops.
You're too soft on him.

The midwife had a moustache.


She kept bending down between my knees

and looking where
I don't like being looked at.

I yelled a Little bit.

She kept on saying, "Nearly over.

"Nearly over."

And all I kept thinking was,
"It's nearly starting.

"I'm nearly a mum."

JENNY: What was it like
when you saw her face?

Like I'd been missing her my whole life.



That's the girl! Let it rip.

They're singing Old Marflona/d now
so no one can hear you.

Now, after your contraction,
I'll carry out an examination,

and we'll see
how close to delivery you are.

I hope it's born before the party ends.

Be a right lark, making an announcement!

I don't want no attention
being drawn to this, Mum!

I'm 42. It makes me look loose.

- It makes him indoors look loose.
- Oh!

You should have
made him take up dominoes.

Oi! My tortoise is under that bed!

- It went into early hibernation.
-\/\/ell, he won't wake up.

All tortoises are deaf.

- Now come on. Shoo.
- Oh.

- Come on, out you go.


This is happening too fast.
I haven't even had my enema yet.


Everything in order, Nurse?

It would seem, Betty,
as though your baby

is presenting in the breech position.

You what?

It's coming out arse-first.

That's bad.

She's not quite fully dilated.

So, there's time
to transfer her to hospital,

where she might feel
a little more secure.

I feel secure here!
I want to stay in my own bed.

And it's not like
you're one of them slips of girls.

Betty's had all hers delivered
by Nonnatus, just like I had mine.

Mum. Quick, get the bowl.

- Ooh.

She's moving on, Nurse.
She's getting ready to want it out.

I shall be back in precisely one moment.




BOY: Get him!


- Stop!

I want all the children
to go downstairs.

Apart from jack.

Jack, I need you to go to the telephone
and ring Nonnatus House.

That's Poplar 459.
Tell them the baby is breech.

What's that mean?

Just say "breech"
to whoever answers the telephone.

It's like the beach, the seaside.
But it's got an R in it.

Tell them we need
additional support. Go.


Betty. Betty, listen to me.
I need you to change position.


I need you with your bottom
right at the edge of the bed.

I can't move.

I'm sorry.
I know it's a rotten business.

But I do know the form.



CROWD: Hey! Hey!


Nonnatus House?

Well done.

I can feel your hand. It's shaking.

It's excitement. I'm always the same.

- CROWD: Hey!



- CROWD: Whoa!
- Can I sit with you?

I told them to keep on dancing.

I told them your mum says
the noise is a help.

Now, Betty.
I'm sure you want to push like billyo.

But I need this baby
to come very, very slowly.


- Pant, pant.

- Little push.

Little push. Stop.

- Bravo.

Little push.

- Little push.

- Little push. Stop.


Bravo, Betty.

Your baby's bottom is now delivered.


I need you to stay very still,

breathe very calmly

as I hook my fingers

over her legs

and bring them into the world.

Have you done it yet?

- We're doing this together.
- Yeah.



Here, your hand's not shaking no more.

Now, Betty,
I'm going to wrap the baby in a towel.

Her head is still inside
the birth canal,

and, if she becomes cold, she may gasp,
which would be unfortunate.


Now, with the next contraction,

you will feel the baby move,
as I turn herjust a quarter circle,

and that will help
ease the shoulders out.



Well done.

- CROWD: Hey! Hey!


Hey! Hey!

She should have called you direct.

Doctor is always called for
in the case of a breech.

You called for me. Now we're both here.

Now, Betty,
I don't want you to move a muscle.


I'm going to loosen my hand on Baby

and let her body hang.



Oh. Oh.

- Not a muscle, Betty.
- Ah.

Can we have quiet
for the mother, please?

EVANGELINA: Why are you holding back?

It looks to me as though
Nurse is managing things beautifully.


Now, old thing.



- Keep it coming.

Keep it coming.


That's it.

- Keep it coming. Keep it coming.



- Oh!


My baby.

- Come on, you big girl's blouse.

- It's only a baby being born.




- You're all right.

(WHISPERS) Thank you.

Gone to sleep already.
just like her dad.



(SOBS) Kathleen!

(SOBS) Kathleen!




Jenny Lee.

Do you know where my baby is?

She needs me to feed her!

She has abscesses in both breasts!

Isn't her mental agony enough for them?

Babies are always placed for adoption
in these cases.

It's thought to be
in the child's best interests.

What about Mary's best interests?

She's that child's mother
and she did not consent!

Nurse Lee.

She can't consent.

She's only 15,
still legally a child herself.

It was a case
of which child should we choose.

How can a girl of 15
with no home, no education,

no trade other than that
of prostitution, bring up a baby?

She gave up prostitution.

She doesn't have that choice.
And you're not the only one who's angry!


But you're young.

You can be angry in the abstract,

and our Lord will love you
for your righteous indignation.

Even while Mary's condemned as a sinner?

God forgives. The Church forgives.

The Church took her baby.
I think it will k*ll her.

Without a baby, Mary is employable.

She could find love.

She could have another child.

And you think that will console her?

It consoles me.

Your milk ducts
have become blocked, Mary.

That's the cause of the infection.

It hurts.

It hurts
like I never knew hurt could hurt.

Reverend Mother has sent for the doctor.

He'll prescribe you antibiotics.

In the meantime,
I'm going to bind your breasts

so we can help stop the flow of milk.

I don't want it stopped.

It's Kathleen's.

Can I use this?


MATURE )ENNY: Mary was never reunited
with her child.

She might look for her, but her name
would not be Kathleen any more.

a? Love

# Is a many-spfendoured thing

jack became Chummy's devoted guardian.

Never 'taunted again by any passer-by,

she finally mastered
the art of the bike.

a? Love is nature's way... a?

All right, Constable?

MATURE )ENNY: Unused to such kindness,

Chummy bought him a bicycle
from her generous private funds.


Brenda McEntee delivered a daughter

by the Caesarean section that could have
saved each of her stillborn children.

The National Health Service
gave her the gift of motherhood.

- She called her child Grace Miracle.

And she was perfect.

jimmy? What on earth are you doing here?

I'm in a bit of a tight spot, jenny.

Don't worry, Nurse Lee,
I shan't go telling any tales,

since you've no doubt caught sight that
I had a few overnight guests of my own.

- You look well.
- And you. Very well.

- As do you.

It's not right, Mr Collett.
They can't make you leave your own home.

Don't cry over
an old codger like myself.

- I'm scared!
- We're going to take good care of you.

- Don't worry.
- You don't understand. I'm scared.

What are you so afraid of, Mrs Luce?

A? Once

# On a high and windy hill

# 1n the morning mist

# Two lovers kissed

# And the world stood still

# Then your fingers touched #
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