01x01 - Episode 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Call the Midwife". Aired: January 15, 2012 to present.*
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Series revolves around nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s and 1960s.
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01x01 - Episode 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Who do you think you are, eh?!
Who do you think you are?

Come on, then! Come on!

I must have been mad.

I could have been an air hostess.

I could have been a model.

I could have moved to Paris
or been a concert pianist!.

I could have seen the world,
been brave, followed my heart.

But I didn't.

I sidestepped love and set off for
the East End of London,

because I thought
if would be easier.

Madness was the only explanation.

- Go on! Fight! Fight!
- Get off!

I am not a whore!

- Only cos he never paid ya!
- Yeah?

Well, I had him
weeping with gratitude!

Yeah, well, he's my husband,

and I'll bloody k*ll him
once I've finished with you!

Ladies, lay off it! Pack it in.

Come on!

That's it!

Go on!

Come on, girls. Break it up now...

Right! Which one of you ladies
is my patient?

Pearl Winston.
Why am I not surprised?

Constable...Mrs Winston
would appreciate your tunic.

And don't get any blood on it.

It's seen worse.

- Tart!
- Wicked bitch!

Midwifery is the very stuff of life.

Every child is conceived
in love, or lust,

and born in pain, followed by joy,
or by tragedy and anguish.

Every birth is attended by a midwife.
She is in the thick of it.

She sees if all.

I knew nothing of poverty
or appalling housing,

nothing of lice, of filth,
of families sleeping four to a bed,

and nothing of the passion
that brings on baby after baby,

labour after labour.

I knew nothing of life itself

Hello. I'm Jennifer Lee.

I was told to report
to the matron-in-charge.

Venus and Saturn
are now in alignment.

It is entirely appropriate
that you should appear!

Welcome to Nonnatus House.

What do you suppose that is?

One hears of visitors
from realms apart from ours.

I think it's an aeroplane.

From the extreme
height of your heels,

I deduce that you are not a nun.

Are you a nun?

We are the
Sisters of St Raymond Nonnatus,

midwives and district nurses,

present at life's commencement
and at its end.

I assume you are possessed
of the appropriate credentials?

I'm a trained nurse
and I've just qualified as a midwife.

The blooms upon this table
are my especial care.

Dear St Raymond Nonnatus,

happy survivor of Caesarean section.

I feel we are prompted
to go in search of cake.

They think they can conceal
things from me.

But they are not sharp enough.

I, you see,
am attuned to feel vibrations.

Only last week, I found a Battenburg
hidden inside a Rinso box.

You must have another slice.

I'm almost full.

You are young -
you can never be filled.

You have an appetite for life.

Ah, hello. You must be Nurse Lee.

I'm Sister Julienne.

This is Nurse Miller
and Nurse Franklin,

who will be your colleagues.

- Hello.
- Pleased to meet you.

Actually, pleased doesn't fully cover it.

We're perfectly thrilled
to have some reinforcements!

I'm sorry we're late -
clinic was busy.

I see you've already met
Sister Monica Joan.

Yes, I have.

We'll take care of the formalities later.

I'm sure that first
you'd like some tea and cake.

I think you'll find, Sister Julienne,
there is no cake.

Sister Evangelina,
may I introduce Nurse Lee?

There is nothing in this pot
but crumbs.

But Mrs B made one this morning.

I saw her when I came in
from my delivery in Mitre Street.

I know she did.

And it was coconut, which is a very
insinuating ingredient,

liable to smear itself
all over the consumer's face!

Are you talking to me?
You must calm yourself, my dear.

You are turning quite scarlet.

Our newcomer was hungry.

Nurse Franklin, go into the kitchen.

You might seek out
something else to eat.

I seem to recall
a packet of gypsy creams.

Let's hope Mrs B has put
a lock on the tin.

I bet the newcomer had one slice,
and you ate all the rest.

If I were a dog,
she would not be satisfied

until I had slunk beneath the table
with my tail between my legs.

How you all foam and fret.

I shall retire to my chamber
and see you all at compline.

Come in.

Sister Monica Joan was one of the
first midwives to qualify in England.

Her family did not
approve of her career choice,

nor did they support her
in her entry into religious life.

It is our privilege to care for her.

I see.

It's just...

I ate at least
four slices of that cake,

and I didn't realise
I was coming to a convent.

Oh, dear!

Did you get a dreadful fright?

I thought it was a small
private hospital.

Well, I do hope you won't run away!

Do you have a faith, Nurse Lee?

Not really.

I'm Church of England.

We're Anglican, too.

The way you worship
is your own affair.

We wear the habit,
you wear your uniform,

but we are all nurses first,
and midwives foremost.

I'm just back from Mrs Driscoll.
Baby's turned, no longer breech!

- Sister Bernadette, this is Nurse Lee.
- Oh, greetings!

She's only in early
first-stage labour,

so I gave her chloral hydrate
and left her to sleep.

Thank you, Sister.
Do tn! and get some rest.

I'll see to these first.

I can never down tools till I'm all
set up and ready to go again!

Now, a maternity box is sent
to the mother's home

two weeks before the due date.

These are the tools you will cam!

Tin box for soap and nailbrush.

Canvas case, containing scissors,

dressings, forceps.

Do continue.

Gauze, sterile. Gauze, iodoform.


Enema funnel. Enema syringe.

Rectal tube...


And second rectal tube,
in case the first one breaks. Also glass.

You are charged with this now.
Guard it well.

And we will make no further
mention of the cake.

- Are you all right?
- Oh, yes!

Glorious day.

Mrs Warren?

Mrs Warren?



Um... I'm looking for Mrs Warren.


Es la matrona.

Bienvenida a mi casa.

I'm awfully sorry, I'm afraid
I don't speak Spanish, Mrs Warren.

She's saying, "Welcome to our home."

It's all right. She knows the drill.

How many previous pregnancies
have you had, Mrs Warren?


Veintidos embarazos,
pero veinticuatro niños.

22 pregnancies,
but she had two sets of twins.

There's 24 of us altogether.


But you've hardly got any stretchmarks!

I don't know the word for that
so I can't translate it.

I'll need to ask your mother some
questions, so we can establish dates.

When did you last have a period,
Mrs Warren?

I can't ask her that, she's me mum!

How you been, darling, all right?

Dad? Is that you?

The nurse is here and she's asking
really embarrassing questions.

Well, come down here,
see to Denise.

- Ooh, she needs her drawers changing.
- Don't you, my little dove?

- You behave yourself.
- Let's sort you out, shall we?

I reckon she's new.

Oh, yeah...

Mi Len.

You're even lovelier than when you
first got up this morning.

I'm afraid I need to ask your wife some
questions of a personal nature, Mr Warren.

Do you need to know about her periods?

Well... yes. I do.

Well, she ain't had none of them
in years.

She's had all the babies
one after the other.

- When do you reckon it's due, then?
- Er, 12 or 13 weeks, I think.

Well, don't let us hold you up, Nurse.

That's all we need to know.

This is a booking-in visit.

I'm supposed to advise
the expectant mother on diet

and hygiene in the home.

I've got some leaflets.

Don't you worry about us, Nurse.
We've had 24 babies, haven't we?

We ain't never lost one yet.

I didn't know where to turn,
or how to take my leave...

- they seemed completely unconcerned!
- About the pregnancy, or the mess?

The pregnancy and the mess!
They only had eyes for each other.

Exactly. And look where it's got them.

And how can anyone have 24 children
and still look so young?

Now you've opened a lovely
jar of worms.

Because she was 14 when she had her

She may even have been younger.

Mr Warren brought her
back from the Spanish Civil w*r.

Most men would be happy
with some enemy binoculars.

She was his beaker
full of the warm south.

"With beaded bubbles
winking at the brim."

I know not why you seek to scorn me,
I am merely quoting Keats.

I delivered Conchita's last little girl.
And do you know,

Mr Warren never left her side?

What? A father stayed in the room?

If I was a policeman,
I would ask questions.

A policeman did ask questions.

She was of interest to us
when she disembarked at Tilbury.

But the rector wanted them married,

so every legal obstacle
was simply waved away.

See? I am not deemed capable
of coherent recollection.

But some things are etched
upon my membrane,

they are preserved like...
like watermarks on vellum.

Oh, come on. Stir your stumps.

I'm first call,
and you're coming with me.

There are between 80 and 100 babies
born each month in Poplar.

Soon as one vacates its pram,
another one takes its place!

And thus it was and ever shall be,

until such time as they invent
a magic potion to put a stop to it.

Sister Evangelina.



She's upstairs in bed.

The pains are even! ten minutes,
and I've got the hot water on.

Cup of tea, Sister Evangelina?

We shall have one apiece, and put some
extra condensed milk in Nurse Lee's.

She's very junior and needs to keep
her strength up.

That's unless you've any cake.

Peg, go down to the shops
and fetch some Devon splits.

- Fresh cream or artificial?
- Can I have a bottle of pale ale?

- Don't you push your luck.
- Cheeky beggar!

You, me, your mother, Nurse Lee.

Anybody else coming up those stairs
will have me to answer to.


My sister's come over, and then
my friend Dot, and my Auntie Peg!

She's brought some cod, for me
to have afterwards. I hate cod.

I have prepared the razor.
Nurse Lee will give you a shave.

I did it myself this morning
After I had the show.

You shaved yourself?

I know the drill, Sister.
This is my fourth!

I suppose you gave yourself
an enema, to boot?

I don't want an enema.
It's not dignified!

If you were that keen on your
dignity, you wouldn't be here now.

Blasted chimney.

High, hot and a hell of a lot!

I hope you're ready with that po.

Excuse me, Nurse.
Is that the afterbirth?

No. Baby isn't here yet.

Oh. Fair enough.

Only, when you're done and dusted,

I'd like the afterbirth to take down
the allotment.

- Oh.
- Brings my tomatoes on lovely.

I'm too tired for all of this!

Come on, Muriel.
Where's all that fighting talk?

No cod, no enemas.

- No Eddy.
- I meant it about Eddy!

Don't you go pulling
a fast one on me!

Muriel, no father has ever been
allowed in one of my delivery rooms

and no father ever shall be.

And there go the waters!

Splendid. Nurse Lee,
we will change the bed.

No, stay where you are.
Nurse Lee and I will roll you.

That's it.

I'm fed up with having babies.
I'm only 23!

There's newspaper under here!

Well, saves on laundry and lets
the mattress live another day.

You're not in hospital now, with
cupboards full of spotless linen.

Oh, come on.
Be quicker to do it myself!

Look, get rid of that.

And sort that fire out,
it's not drawing properly.

- Yes, Sister.
- Nurse Lee?

- Yes?
- You stick with me, love.

I'm an old hand.

Well done, you. Well done.

I can see the baby's head!

We're going to turn you onto your side,
into the correct position for delivery,

and then I want you
to listen to Nurse Lee.

That's the way.

Excellent! Right knee tucked up
under the chin.

That's it. Good girl.

See how it all comes flooding back!

Little push now, Muriel.
Little push...

don't push too hard...

And that's it! The head is born.

- Is it nearly here?
- Yes, it is.

You're almost done.

Well done.

Well done.

Well done, well done.

And that's it!

You have a little boy!

I'm that proud of you,
I could burst!

What's happening?

I'll swing for that bleedin' sweep!

Is he all right? Is he all right?

Oh, Baby's in fine fettle.
He's fast asleep.

I, meanwhile, am lathered in soot,
right down to my drawers.

Me too.

I haven't got any on!

We need to clamp and cut the cord,
Nurse Lee. Why the delay?

- I'm sorry.
- Come along.

Sometimes we need to deal with
what the Lord has sent us.

You must be back first thing in the
morning, to do the routine checks.

I'll wait for you
by the West Fem! Bridge.

- Mr G!
- All right, Sister?

Oh, bravo! All pink and white again.

Still, they always say
soot is good, clean dirt.

The soot was the least of my worries!

I've never seen conditions like it.

Quite! The first time I saw an
East End bathroom, I actually shook.

- Bathroom? You were lucky!
- Little did I know!

I mean, tap on the tenement landing,
some of them.

Sister Evangelina never turns a hair,
she grew up very poor.

Somewhere near Reading.

- Are you decent?
- We're all in our unmentionables,

the sight will make your day.

This is Fred, our handyman.

You won't be able to resist his charm.
Good day off yesterday?

I've had better.

Erm, do you like toffee apples?

Not really.

I'm thinking of going into toffee apples.

Fred has a wide range of sidelines,
some of which are actually legal.

You can keep your aspersions
to yourself, young madam.

I'm not complaining. We thoroughly
enjoyed your alcoholic ginger beer.

It was just a shame you sold
some to those children.

There's no point in discussing it,
for you cannot understand.

Brewing is a science.
There was error of exactitude.


You really do have
the most lovely hands.

Do YOU play the piano?

I've played since I was tiny, but nursing
doesn't leave much room for practice.

No. I have this fantasy
about painting my nails.

Chem!-red talons,
gleaming in the light.

One day, I won't be able to
resist it any longer.

I'll chuck out my rubber gloves,
the carbolic soap

and that infernal nailbrush.

Trade it all in for lashings of Atrixo
and a proper manicure.

But not yet?

Absolutely not yet.
There's work to be done.

♪ When I was just a little girl...

♪ ...I asked my mother
What will I be?

♪ Will I be pretty?
Will I be rich?

♪ Here's what she said to me

♪ Que sera, sera

♪ Whatever will be will be

♪ The future's not ours to see

♪ Que sera, sera

♪ What will be will be... ♪

I can still smell cabbage
from the pensioners' luncheon club.

One week we were weighing babies

and there was still an old man in the
corner finishing off his mince.

Not to mention Madame Enid's
dancing class comes in at half-past five.

- Excellent! Aspirin.
- Why, have you got a headache?

No, I've lost a button
off my suspender belt.

I ought to get garters, really,
like the nuns.

I've seen them in the laundry room,
drying. Quite vile.

♪ ...Now I have children of my own

♪ They ask their mother
What will I he?

♪ Will I be handsome?
Will I be rich?

♪ I tell them tenderly... ♪

- It's twins!
- ♪ ...Que sera, sera

♪ Whatever will be, will be

♪ The future's not ours to see

♪ Que sera, sera

♪ What will be, will be

♪ Que sera, sera! ♪

Have you come to see Mum?
We're about to have our tea.

All right, then, kids.
What are we going to have tonight?

How about a lovely boiled pillowcase?

- No!
- I fancy some fried pyjama bottoms.

No, we had pyjama bottoms
last night.

I'm hoping it's underpant soup.

We had that last night!

Vamos, Mamà! Tenemos hambre!

Magia potagia. Abracadabra.

¿Estàis listos? Olé!

Oh, not stew and dumplings again!

Nurse, you going to join us, look?

Maureen, que coma Lizzy o se va a quedar
como el espiritu de la golosina.


A ver, los demàs, ni una miga en el suelo.
¿Me habéis oido? Venga, a comer.

Muy bien.

Coma. Coma.

She says, "Eat up. Eat up."
Do as you're told.

There are no plates.

We never use them. Tuck in, Nurse!

No quiero caras de asco.

A bit too hot!

Cor, that don't half
pen and ink, Nurse.

I don't know why you're bothering.

Conchita's ankles are swollen.

When that happens we have to check
for a condition called pre-eclampsia,

by looking for signs
of protein in the urine.

Is that the same as toxaemia?

Yes. It is.

Well, then you ain't got
to bother with the test, Nurse.

Sister Bernadette always says
you can't get toxaemia

except with your first and second.

- We're on our 25th.
- Conchita's ankles are swollen.

Well, Sister Bernadette
used to say that it was

cos she was on her feet.

Perhaps you could persuade Conchita
to lie down for an hour or so each day,

with her legs slightly elevated.

I'll tell Maureen to tell her.

I take my hat off to the kids.
I mean, even the nippers can do it.

I was never much good
with the foreign lingo.

You don't speak Spanish?

No, there's never no need, no.

Conchita and me,
we understand each other.

Mrs Merrick!

Hello, Muriel.

Hello, Pearl. Long time no see.

I've just come in for my check-up.
He's my fourth.

That's a lovely hat. You can pass it
my way once his head gets too big.

Your youngest's just weed
on the floor.

Yeah, I know.
We're toilet-training him

but it's all right,
he ain't got no pants to wet.

Mrs Winston.

Keep an eye on him for me, will you?

Ah, first lie down I've had all day.

I see you're 32 weeks pregnant.

I shall need you to do a urine sample
for me.

Oh, can't you just examine me first?
I've only just got comfy.

I keep having twinges, on and off.

Well, let's take a look at you,
shall we?

I've got some shocking discharge.

Heels to bottom,
knees nice and wide apart

Are you aware of this?

Little lump in my down-belows?
Yeah, it's been there a while.

I can't really reach it now.

Your face! You reckon I've got
a dose, don't you?

I'll have to... check
with someone more senior.

I'm afraid the lump in her vulva
appears to be a syphilitic chancre.

Other symptoms support the diagnosis.

And, of course, the foetus is at risk.
Dr Turner is already on his way.

I imagine he will prescribe
a course of penicillin.


You won't catch anything.

How could she not have known?

How could she have felt that thing
and never cared?

Pearl Winston
isn't accustomed to caring.

- Or, indeed, being cared about.
- How can you be so calm?

When I was new to district practice,

I often found it hard
to conquer my revulsion.

I'm sorry.

I didn't know people lived like this.

But they do.

And it's why we're here.

Tea's on its way!
You look as though you need a cup.

- Can I smell smog?
- There's a mist closing in.

It's coming up off the river.
And that ain't an encouraging sign.

Temperature out there's
dropping like a stone.

No good looking in there.

There was a chem! sponge,
but guess who's had it!

There is frost fingering its way
beneath the door into the hall.

You must take
these into bed with you.

You are young, you see, and your
vibrations will stimulate the corms.

They were mistaken into thinking
spring had come.

I am very much afraid that they will die.

And the demise of something
barely born goes against

the sacred nature of our calling.

Sister Monica Joan?

What about the bowl?

But it would be missed...

by Sister Evangelina!

I am sure we do not wish
to unleash the beast.


Dr Turner wanted you to start
the injections straight away.

He'll need to see your husband, too, and
arrange the same treatments for him.

Where are you going to
put the needle? Leg or arse?

In your bottom, I'm afraid.

I should have been a stripper!

I mean, at least I'd have met
a better class of man.


Mum? Mamà? Mamà?



Help! Mum!


Room service!

Strictly entre nous,
I could m*rder a Dubonnet.

But we're both on call,
so Horlicks is our lot.

Did you find it hard,
when you first came here?

I thought I deserved
all manner of medals! Up all night.

Cycling for miles. A wall of wimples
at every single meal time.

And then one day I realised.

I didn't deserve any medals at all.

The mothers are the brave ones.

Baby after baby, in abominable
conditions, and they keep on going.

They're the heroines.
I'm just here to help.

You will find your feet.

You ought to come out
with Cynthia and I.

They have these tremendous dances
down at the church hall.

Unless, of course,
you already have a chap.


Do you?

What? Have a chap?

Well, I used to go out with
this curate called Roger.

But he couldn't be seen in the parish
with a woman on his arm.

We had to catch separate buses
all the way to Monument

before we were even permitted
to hold hands.

I can't tell you how tedious it was!

I thought you might be pining after
some beastly absentee boyfriend.


Are you sure?

There's a look about you,
that's all.

A look that only the lovelorn have.

I've loved someone since I was 17.

But I can't have him.

And I can't give him up.

So until I can do that,
no-one else will stand a chance.

Nonnatus House. Nurse Lee speaking.

Conchita took a tumble in the yard.
We think she's got concussion.

Mr Warren, you should call the
doctor, not a midwife!

No, we keep calling
but we can't get any answer.

Can you get her to a hospital?

No, you can't see
hand in front of your face out here.

It's you we need now, not him.
She's in labour.

Waters are still intact. The pains are
about even! five minutes.

Mr Warren must know labour
when he sees it.

The birth will not be remarkable, but such
a premature baby is unlikely to survive,

- even if the ambulance arrives on time.
- Has it been sent for?

The whole obstetrics flying squad
are on their way.

Dr Turner will meet you
at the house.

Have you delivered
a stillborn baby before?

In training. Under supervision.

I should go with her.

No. I have a complex case to go to,

and who knows what else the night
might bring?

Worst fog in five years.
Hurry up, it's a bit of a step.

Come on, Nurse.

You'll be all right.

God be with you.

Good luck.

- You still there, Nurse?
- just about.

Not far now.

She never screams like this!
She always keeps her head!

- Has the doctor not arrived yet?
- No.

We ain't never lost one before, Nurse.

Sometimes we have to deal
with what the Lord has sent us.

All right.

I think the concussion is preventing her
from recognising the pains as labour.

She doesn't know what's happening,
she's too scared to co-operate.

All right, my love.
We'll soon be done. I promise you.

I don't think it will be long now.

The urge to push will overtake her body,

whether she knows what's happening
or not. You need to be prepared.

How easily will it come away?

I wish the ambulance would come!

If you come with me, Maureen,
help get your mum on her side.

Get me the bowl, please, Maureen.

I've got you, my darling.
I've got you. I've got you.

You can go downstairs for me now,
Maureen, boil me some water, please.

Don't ask me if she's all right,
because I don't know.

Well, she's gone limp.

She's going into shock.

We need to keep her warm.

We don't know when help will arrive,
she's still losing blood.

You're doing perfect, my darling.
You are doing perfect.

It's even weaker.

Dónde està el bebé?

No bebé. Not this time,
my beautiful.

It's alive, Nurse!

I didn't wrap him up!
He'll be so cold.

Wrap him now!

It's a little boy.
Come on, little one, come on.

Come on, little one, come on.

Come on.

- What's happened?
- You've got another brother.

He's smaller than a doll.
How's he still alive?

I don't know.

Mi niño.

Dónde està mi niño?

She's saying,
"My baby. Where's my baby?"

Està aquì'.
La matrona lo està secando.

I said he's here.
I said you were just drying him.

You must tell her
it's very small and fragile.

Es muy pequeño.

Muy fràgil.

Todos los niños son fràgiles.

She says, "All babies are fragile."

Oh, no...

- No, no...
- What's up? Tell me what to do.

- She needs ergometrine.
- What's that?

- Straight upstairs.
- Mind out the road, kids.

The children are to stay
out of the way.

- O.5cc of ergometrine. Second dose.
- What happens now, Nurse?

We need the rest of the afterbirth
to come away,

or the bleeding won't stop
and she might need surgery.

She ain't never been to hospital.
She's had all 25 of them at home!


If you value her life,
you will let us do what's best.

The name's Turner, patient's GP.

Sorry, I was delayed.

Three bronchitis patients,
one after the other.

We, meanwhile, have a haemorrhaging
mother and a viable neonate.

This young midwife's been very capable.

Well done. Can I help?

Take over on the oxygen.

Call Great Ormond Street,
tell them to prepare for a 30-weeker.

Yes, sir.

And you can bring
the ventilator from the ambulance.

- Ventilator? Great Ormond Street?
- He needs help.

He might need to be tube fed.

- That's it, it's out!
- Check it. Match it to the rest.

Lips pinking up.
And the baby's still breathing.

Oh, thank God.

I'm all for giving medals
to the gentleman upstairs, sir,

but in this case, credit should go to
the National Health.

Ten years ago we would have had none of
this. No obstetric flying squad,

- no ambulance and no chance.
- Placenta's complete, sir!

Stabilising. She'll need a further
transfusion, but we can do that here.

Right, let's take this little chap,
get him sorted out.


Maureen... Tell her.
He's got to go to hospital.

- Mamà, tiene que ir al hospital.
- No!

Lo necesita! Morirà. Morirà.

I said he'll die. He'll die
Morirà, Mamà!

Se queda conmigo.

She says, "He stays with me."

Tell her she needs blood and
penicillin, and rest at home.

The baby will be treated in the finest
children's hospital in England.

- Mamà, necesita sangre...
- Se queda conmigo!

Yo soy su hopital y el es mi sangre.

She says, "He stays with me."

"I am his hospital. He is my blood."

No morirà.


No morirà.


♪ ...And lighten with celestial fire

♪ Thou the anointing spirit alt

♪ Who dost thy sevenfold gifts impart

♪ Thy blessed unction from above

♪ Is comfort, life, and fire of love

♪ Enable with perpetual light

♪ The dullness of our blinded sight

♪ Anoint and cheer our soiled face

♪ With the abundance of thy grace

♪ Keep far our foes
Give peace at home

♪ When thou alt kind, no ill can come

♪ Teach us to know the Father, Son

♪ And thee, of both, to be but one

♪ That through the ages all along

♪ This may be our endless song... ♪

May we come in?

Yeah, you're just in time
to see him take his milk.

You wait till you see
his little tongue come out.

Ain't no bigger than a daisy petal.

What is that?

Oh, that's something Maureen uses
in domestic science.

She says it's an icing rod.

How often has he been fed?

Even! half an hour since
seven o'clock this morning.

Six or eight drops, he has.
just sort of licks them down

and then she tucks him back
in her nightie.

We have no experience of caring for
such babies.

In the olden days,
they did not live.

And now they're nursed in a hospital.

Not this one.

We won't send the baby to hospital,
will we, Sister?


We'll visit three times a day
for the first six weeks,

and then even! day
for as long as is required.

Only time will tell
whether Conchita will succeed.

We must see what love can do.

It frightens me, seeing him
without his little nightie on.

His ribs is that delicate,
they look like kipper bones.

I seen an incubator baby
in a newsreel once.

Looked like a landed fish, it did.

Laying on its back,
glass all around it.

It looked lonely to its marrow.

He's put on two ounces,
Mr and Mrs Warren! We're on our way.

Teach yourself
to be a good home laundress.

Washing and ironing most things
in the home

- are covered by this helpful advice...
- Midwife.

from Cecille.

Follow her message
and you 'll find your weekly wash...

Did you hear I lost it?


I did. I'm so sorry.

Can't win 'em all, eh?


I'd like my milk dried up.

I know.
I brought you some Epsom salts.

I'll make you a cuppa.

- Let me do it, Pearl.
- No.

You got to keep going.

My grandma left me this. Mind you don't
sit on that chair!

The little fella weed on it.

Bet you think we're all slatterns
round here, don't you?

As a matter of fact,
I think you're all heroines.

That concludes
our household tips for the day.

Now to our afternoon
music programme.

Stranger In Paradise)

♪ Oh-oh

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Take my hand

♪ I'm a stranger in paradise

♪ All lost in a wonderland... ♪

I had begun to see
what love could do.

Love brought life into the world
and women to their knees.

Love had the power to break hearts
and to save.

Love was, like midwifery,
the very stuff of life,

and I was [earning
how to fly with if,

through all the streets,
like the river to the sea.

♪ ...An angel like you... ♪

Ah! Camilla

- Yes.
- Come in.

I generally answer to Chummy.

My pa used to say,
"Long dogs need short names."

You can ride a bike?

I can ride a horse. That can't be
so very different, surely?

Miss? Miss? Could you change
a five-pound note for me?

People like you are supposed to
help people like me.

You're very afraid of something
aren't you, Mary?

It would seem, Betty, as though your baby
is presenting in the breech position.

It's coming out arse-first
It's bad.

♪ There's a chance that you care

♪ Won'! you answer the fervent prayer

♪ Of a stranger in paradise?

♪ Don't send me in dark despair... ♪
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