03x10 - The Horse Breaker

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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03x10 - The Horse Breaker

Post by bunniefuu »

Hyah! Hyah!

Come on! Stay with him, Johnny!


He sits that horse
like he was born there.

Maybe so, but I
got four bits says

he don't ride
him to a standstill.

All right, you're on!



Come on, John! Come on!


I gotta say, brother,

it's always a pleasure
to take your money.

It's worth it for
a ride like that.

He'll make a good working
horse, Mr. Cartwright.

That ride just cost
me four bits, Johnny.

Well, we're gonna need a lot
more like him before this drive.

Well, how soon do you
figure on moving your beef?

In about a week.

Oh, well, that's plenty of time.

You'll have enough
mounts by then.


How long you been at this game?

What, breaking horses?

Since I was 14.

That's ten, 11 years by now.

And a broken bone for
every year, I bet, huh?

Yeah, just about.

But the pay's good.

I get more in one day than
most wranglers do in a month.

Yeah, you do.

Still, it's a hard
way to make a living.

- Well, I'd...
- Yah!

I'd better start
earning it, right now.

Uh, Johnny, you've
had a hard day.

Why don't you pack it in?
Start with them tomorrow.

Well, the fellas
got him all set.

I'll just... I'll let
him be the last one.

Well, he's big and he's mean.

Johnny, if he... if
he's tough to handle,

you, uh, leave him the
best way you know how.

Now, Mr. Cartwright, there's
two things I can handle:

horses and women...

in that order, of course.

Let him go!



Come on, Johnny. Come on.

Gee, that's a big ol'... horse.

Stick with him, Johnny!


- Stick with him, boy!
- Hey!




Stick with him, Johnny!

Oh... John, what's wrong?

Oh... my legs... My
legs, Mr. Cartwright...

I can't move them.

I can't even feel them.

Well, you just take
it easy, Johnny.

You'll be all right.

Uh... Adam, Joe,
hitch up the wagon.

All right.

Hoss... can you lift him up?

Here, Pa.


Well, Paul?

I've known people
with an injury of this type

to be up and about
in a week's time.

Others took months.

Still others...
never walked again.

Well, how long do you think it
will be before Johnny'll walk?

Sometimes it's a matter
of attitude... of the mind.

Only time will tell,
Ben, time and exercise.


Just what'd you
have in mind, Doc?

We'll try several things.

We'll begin with leg massage.

When I was studying in
Europe a few years ago,

they were having
considerable success

with a hot water treatment.

Oh, well, when can
all this be started?

- The sooner the better.
- But where will he go?

He has no folks. He
told me that himself.

That's right. He ain't got
no kinfolk he can depend on.

Johnny was
working for us when...

when he got hurt.

I guess he's our responsibility.

When can we take
him home with us?

As soon as we get
his things together.

Ann, would you come in, please?

Ann, this is Ben
Cartwright and his sons.

This is Hoss,
Adam and Little Joe.

Gentlemen, this is Ann Davis,
my most capable assistant.

- How do you do, Miss Davis?
- Miss Davis.

Well, how's our patient, Ann?

As well as could be expected.

Good. Will you get
him ready to leave?

The Cartwrights are taking
him back to the ranch with them.

Would you mind going to
the Cartwrights' occasionally,

just to get him started?

I'll stop by twice a week.

Well, Miss Davis...
Uh... you know, it's...

well, it's quite some
distance to the Ponderosa.

If I may make the suggestion,

stay with us, as our guest.

My sons and I will
work along with you,

and that way we'll learn the
exercises that John needs,

and we'll be able to take
over for you if... if necessary.

That's an excellent idea, Ben.

Is that all right with you, Ann?

Whatever you
think best, Dr. Kay.

I'll get the patient ready.

I have a few things to
attend to, Mr. Cartwright.

I'll be out at your
place in the morning.

Thank you.

How are you, Mr. Cartwright?

Fit and able, I trust?

Why, I'm just fine,
Nathan. Yourself?

My name is Clay.

Only my friends and my
kin call me by my first name.

Well, Clay, we were
friends at one time.

That was before
you k*lled my son.

That's not true and you know it.

Easy, son.

You took my land.

The government took your land.

Gave it to you and
took it back again,

because you let it go to
waste. You didn't improve on it.

That's a lie.

It was put up for
public auction,

and you bought it to
raise Ponderosa cattle.

Clay, if I hadn't
bought that land,

someone else would have.

I told you before,
and I'll say it again:

pay me what I paid for the land,

and I'll be glad
to sell it to you.

That's decent of
you, Mr. Cartwright.

Selling me back
something that was mine.

But tell me... how
will I get back my son?

My Pa had nothing
to do with that.

Jody got himself k*lled.

He was trying to get money
so we could get our land back.

You don't do it by trying to
rob a bank with a shotgun.

Was that your son that tried
to rob the bank in Placerville?

That was him.

He was just a boy like you.

Well, I was there
when it happened.

The sheriff caught him.

Told him to drop the shotgun.

He tried to fight it out.

It was a stupid thing to
do. He didn't have to die.

Why don't you
boys just step back?

Gunnar... Gordie...

Jody died because
he wouldn't give up.

Us Clays never give up.

You think hard on
that, Mr. Cartwright.



How'd you make it, Johnny?


Oh, he'll make out fine.

- Good.
- Ah, he was good.

- Easy with the chair.
- Yes, sir.

We'd be in a heck of a shape

if you had to pack me
around like this, wouldn't we?

I'd never make it.

Set him down easy.


Well, let's roll.

There we are.

Well, this is your
new home, Johnny.

How do you think you'll like it?

Well, first home I've had
since I was 14. I like it fine.

We're gonna have to find
a place for you to bunk in.

Well, he can bunk in with me,
and I can move in with Hoss.

That is, if he promises to sleep
with his head under the pillow,

so I don't have to
hear that snoring.

Sounds like a herd of cattle
stampeding through the room.

That's funny... It never
seemed to bother me.

Your, uh... your
bedrooms are upstairs.

Um... Johnny...

can you read and write?
Do you know your numbers?

Sure. My Ma saw to that.


You know, it takes
a lot of paperwork

to get a cattle
drive on the trail.

I usually wind up doing
most of the work myself.

I could certainly use
some help, though.

Now, uh... suppose you
were to bunk down here?

That way you could
be close by me,

and work with me and, uh,

even take over when
I have to be away.

He's right, John.

Any time he has to add
up two columns of figures,

you can hear him
bellowing all over the ranch.

- You'd be doing us a service.
- That's for dang sure.

Yeah, and look. Look, you
could put your bunk here,

put your dresser over here.

Make it real easy for
you to move around.

Well? What do you say?

Well, if you're sure it
wouldn't make for trouble...

No trouble at all.

No. As a matter
of fact, there's a...

there's an extra bed and dresser
out there in the bunkhouse.

Come on, Adam,
help me bring them in.

- Good.
- I'll get you some clean linen.

We'll have you
set up in no time.

And when Miss Davis gets
here, we'll start on those exercises.

Well... I guess that's
all settled then, huh?

Thank you, Mr. Cartwright...

for everything.

Well, that's the
last of the lot.

What do you think of them?

You got some prime stock.

I sure wish I was
going with you.

Don't worry. You'll
go with us next time.

You better believe it.

I do believe it.

Hey. We got some company.

Yeah, female company at that.

Howdy, Miss Davis. Welcome
to the Ponderosa, ma'am.

We're mighty happy

to have you come
live with us a spell.

I didn't come here
to live, Mr. Cartwright.

I came here to work.

Yes, ma'am. Whatever
you say, ma'am.

If you'd be kind enough to
point out the way to my quarters.

Well, that's, that's the main
house over there, ma'am.

Pa's been expecting you.

Thank you. Oh.

It'll take me about
half hour to get settled.

Be ready to start
your exercises then.

Yes, ma'am.

She's not getting
any friendlier, is she?

Well, just wait'll
she gets to know me.

- Try it.
- Try it? Sure.

I hope this doesn't
hurt too much.

Wish I could feel it.

That's right.

How's that, buddy, hmm?

- Don't go too far.
- Hmm?

- Okay.
- That's right.

- Very slowly.
- There we go.

- And let him back slowly.
- Slowly.

- All the way down.
- Take it easy, Johnny.

- There we are.
- That's right.

- Let's try it once more.
- Okay.

Yeah, you're doing
real good, Johnny.

- The water's hot.
- Yeah.


Feels good.

Yeah. Now, now try to
move one of your legs

like Miss Davis wants you to.

Hey... hey, that's great. I
think I saw one of 'em move.

Try it again.

You mean, you think you
think you saw one of 'em move.


Hey, Hoss...

watch, watch the left
leg. I'm gonna try it now.

Watch the shin right there.

- See it?
- Yeah.

Johnny, you...!


Aw, come on, Hoss.

Is this part of the exercise?

I'm sorry, teacher.
I was a bad boy.

I'll stay after school.

You may think this is
all a big joke, Mr. Lightly,

but I can assure you
it's a very serious matter.

No one's more aware of
that than myself, Miss Davis.

I just don't know
what I'd be doing.

Oh, I think you'd
get along fine.

Oh, listen, son, there's
something I want to show you.

Now, in this, in this
little... Ah, here they are.

Would you mind, would you
mind adding this thing up?

Because, you know, I'm, I'm
really just no good at figures.

Thank you.

Thank you.

If we're gonna get any
results at all, Mr. Lightly,

you'll have to listen
carefully to what I tell you.

Yes, ma'am.

What I'm trying to do now is

restore the
circulation in your legs.

Yes, I know what
you're trying to do.

Do you have any feeling yet?

No, just as if they
belong to somebody else.

Do you have any
feeling, Miss Davis?

Now, why do you dislike me?

I don't dislike you.

Well, I'd say you're making
a pretty good attempt at it.

Maybe you, uh, maybe
you just don't like men, huh?

Not men, Mr. Lightly.

Your kind of men.

My kind? What do you mean?

Do you know what
you represent to me?

A shiftless no-good.

Everything I've seen and
heard about you bears it out.

You like to break your women
the way you break horses.

But this time you were broken,

and I can't find it within
myself to feel sorry for you!

Was that the way he was?


The fellow who broke you...

and ran off, left you...

Was that the way he was?

I don't know what you mean.

What's the matter? The
memories bother you?

Leave me alone.

Is that what you really want?

You really want
to be left alone?

Why do you pull away?

You're attracted to my kind.

And besides, Miss Davis...

I can't run off and leave you!

Sorry I busted in
at the wrong time.

Mr. Cartwright and his
boys are up on North Platte.

I know that. That's
why I'm here now.

What do you want?

How are you, Ann?

Do you really care how I am?

Anything that
belonged to my son...

well, I got a
strong feeling for.

I never belonged to Jody.

You was his girl.

His girl, not his wife.

He said he wasn't
ready to take on a wife.

Well, he would
have been... in time.

If the Cartwrights
hadn't-a k*lled him.

Did the Cartwrights k*ll
him or did he k*ll himself?

Or did you k*ll him?!

Don't you talk to me like that.

Yes, yes, I'll talk to you like
that because you can't hurt me!

No man can ever hurt me again.

That's what your son did for me.

I didn't come here
to listen to you.

I come to tell you...
don't work here.

That goes for the both of you.

I'm warning you.

Get out today.

You tell your sons
what to do, Mr. Clay,

just as you have all their
lives, but I owe you nothing.

I'll do as I please. And it
pleases me to stay here.

All right, I'm telling you this.

There's gonna be
trouble here soon.

Now I've spoke my piece.

The rest is up to you.

So, it was his son?

It was his son.

I don't think he's a good
rule to judge all men by.

I'm sorry,

but he's the only
rule I have to go by.

Well, that about winds it up.

Yeah. We still have the
supplies to pick up in town.

Oh, yeah. Well, I'll get Hoss
to pick them up this afternoon.

What about Nathan Clay?

You didn't forget about him
coming out here, did you?

No. I've known
Nathan for some time.

He, uh, he likes to talk big.


That, uh, that g*n you keep
in the desk... is it loaded?


But I don't think that's the
way to handle Nathan Clay.

Pa, that list of buyers
we're supposed to see

when we get to Grant
City, you got it ready?

I knew there was
something I'd forgotten.

Wait a minute, Adam, here it is.

I made it out yesterday.

You got the names there

and the allotment of
beef each one gets.

Thanks, Johnny. I'll have
the men start the tally count.

We'll see you at supper.

Well, you certainly
saved me a big day's work.

Johnny, you've
been a big help to us.

What do you think you and
the boys have been to me?

If it hadn't been
for all of you,

I'd have packed it in long ago.

Ah... you're not that
kind. You're a fighter.

Yeah. How long
do I have to fight?

Give yourself time, son.


You can't fight
time, Mr. Cartwright.

You just have to live with it.

Yeah. Oh, say, I
forgot to tell you.

Dr. Kay's coming
over for supper tonight.

He'll probably, you
know, look you over.

He may have some
good news for you.

I hope so.

Johnny, you've been
working pretty hard lately.

I think you need a breather.

Why don't you ride into
town with Hoss this afternoon?

Change of scenery
will do you good.

Well, yeah, it might help.

Soon as I finish up
here, I'll get ready.

Johnny, you comfortable?

You sure you
ain't getting tired?

No, I'm fine, Hoss.

Yeah. Let me go in pay old man
Fuller, and we'll be on our way.

Maybe I can talk you into
a long, tall, cool drink, huh?

Okay, you talked me into it.

Dad-burn beats me, that
persuasive power I got.

Except when it comes to
talking Pa out of chores.

Well, look who's here.

If it ain't the little man who
enjoyed seeing Jody die.

I only said he
didn't have to die.

He brought it on himself.

We don't see it that way.

Well, you can see
it any way you like.

I don't want any
trouble from you.

Want it or not, boy, you bought
it when you lied about Jody.

You want him?

Yeah, he's mine.

Get down off that wagon, boy.

Looks like he talks big

and acts small, don't it?

Maybe this will change his mind.

Hold it!

You boys can't make it.
Why don't you move on?

Cantankerous pair.

Thanks for getting
them off my back, Hoss.

I enjoyed it.

First time it ever
happened to me.

What's that?

Somebody had to fight my battle.

I guess from now on
somebody will always have

to fight my battle.

Listen, Johnny, I don't know

what I would have done if
you hadn't stopped them two.

That gate swings both
ways, you remember that.

Come on. Let's go
get that cold drink.


Thank you.

I drink to my host for
setting the best table

in this part of the country.

That dinner was excellent, Ben.

Always a pleasure to
have you in our home, Paul.


Well, tomorrow's the big day.

I suppose you're
eager to get started.

Well, I'll tell you, Doctor,

I've sort of lost my
eagerness for cattle drives.

I'm gonna let the
boys handle this one.

Pa, it'll be the first
one you missed.

You sure you don't want to go?

No, my bones are kind of weary.

Besides, Johnny and
I have a lot of things

to attend to, don't we?

Yes, to get back to
my number one patient.

Ann, are you sure that he's been

doing his exercises
regularly every day?

Yes, he's been very
good about them, Dr. Kay.

And as I said
before, I think there is

a slight muscle
reaction in his legs.

Good, good.

That's fine.

Let's have another
look, shall we?


You feel that?

A little.

It's like it was far away.

That's good, that's good.

Those muscles are
beginning to come back.

Now, let's see if
you can move them.

I-I just can't do it.

Doctor... tell me
straight, no nonsense...

will I ever walk again?

Well, I can't say.

But I do know that
you've made progress.

I think, in time... Time!

It's so easy to talk about time

when I have to live every
day of it right here in this chair.

Now, why don't we
stop kidding ourselves?

I'm never gonna walk again.

I didn't say that.

I won't say it.

You keep on with your exercises

and keep busy, and I'll stop
by again in a couple of weeks.





I'll do this by myself,
or I won't do it at all.

Now, don't be foolish, Johnny.

No point in torturing yourself.


I've got to know.

One way or the other,
I've got to know now.


Let me help you back into bed.

You shouldn't feel
disappointed, Johnny.

You tried too soon.

Ann said... "slight
muscle reaction."

How many weeks before
I can even move them?

How many months or
years before I can even walk?

I don't think anybody knows.

But however long it takes,
that's what we'll work for.

I-I can't cut it,
Mr. Cartwright.

I wasn't made to live this way.

In the time you've been here...

we've come to know
each other pretty well.

Isn't that right?

Yes, sir.

In that time, you've
come to mean...

more than just someone
we want to take care of.

You've become... like a son.

I know that, sir.

You've been more a father
to me than any of my kin.

Then you'll believe that
what I'm about to say,

I'd say to Hoss or
Adam or Little Joe, hmm?

Yes, sir.

I've seen you thrown off a
bucking horse a good many times.

And each time, you'd
climb up and try again.

And you'd keep on
climbing up until you'd won.

And now you've been
thrown again, the hardest ever.

Now, you're gonna have to decide

whether you climb
up and try again

or stay down and give up.

No one can make
that decision for you.

I want you to know that,
no matter what happens,

you'll always have
a home with us.

Oh, not because
we feel sorry for you,

but because you've
become a part of us.

Good night, John.

Good night, sir.


So you've decided to
take the easy way out

and leave them to
pick up the pieces.

You get out of here.

Leave me alone.

I have no intention of trying
to stop you or calling for help.

Then what do you want?

It's so easy, isn't it?

Just pull that trigger, and
all your troubles are over.

Well, so are theirs.

Who, the Cartwrights?


I do this, and I'm not a
burden to them anymore.

I can't ask them to
take care of me forever.

And that solves your problem?

Doesn't it?

Well, it gets rid
of you, all right.

But it also tells
them that they failed.

You k*ll yourself,

and they know that
nothing they did was enough.

That's not true.

How do you convince them?

Oh, go ahead.

Go ahead and take your life.

But you and I will always know
that you were the one who quit.

Good night, Ann.

See you in the morning.

They'll be moving the
herd right soon now, Pa.

I got eyes, boy; I can see.

You sure Ben Cartwright's
not making this drive?

I got ears, too.

I heard talk of it in town.

He's staying.

They'll need all their men
to move this much beef.

He should be alone.

That's what your
Pa's been counting on.

That's what he's
been waiting for.

You got everything?

Yeah, Pa, right here.


When they move them
cows out, we move in.

Pa, do we have to do this?

Uh, isn't there some other way?

Boy, I don't want
you doubting me.

Now you do like I say,

and let me decide
which way we go.

All right, boys, let's go with
the procedure once more.

Dad-burn, Pa, you
done told us six times.

You might have to tell
Adam or Little Joe again,

but you don't need to
tell me; I know what to do.

Oh, that's right; just make sure

you don't get lost
on the trail this time.

After we make delivery,

we bank money and
order the list of supplies.

- Right.
- Now you got the list?

- Yeah, right here.
- Good.

You'd think we've never
been out alone, wouldn't you?

Now never you mind.

Just make sure you don't
move that herd too fast.

Every pound you take off them

means that much less
we make at market.

Hey, what about Hoss?
I figure we could run

about a hundred pounds off
of him and still make a profit.

Tell you what I'm gonna
do to you, little brother.

I'm gonna burn about
eight pounds on you.

So long, Pa.

So long, Pa.

Have a good ride.

Adam, take good care of them.

Oh, I will.

Any luck, we ought to be
back in two or three weeks.

Good-bye, Johnny.

Miss Davis, see you soon.

Good-bye, Adam.


Well, that's done.

Now, suppose we go
in, grab a bite to eat,

and I'll give you a chance to
win back some of that money

I won from you at cribbage.

All right, you're on.


30 for one.

Your count.

All right, one for last card,

and I've got 15 two, 15 four,

15 six, and a pair is eight.

And that puts me out.

Hey, that's three in a row.

Get down; we got to move quick.

What about one more,
double or nothing?

Oh-ho, no, young man.

You're too hot for me tonight.

I'm gonna wait
till you cool down.

Would you like to
take him on, Ann?

No, thanks.

Well, put that down now.

- Mr. Cartwright?
- Hmm?

Um, I'll be leaving
in the morning.


My work's done here,

and John knows
what he has to do.

I'm sure Dr. Kay needs
my assistance in town.

Well, of course,

whatever you-you
think you should do.

I want you to know
what a pleasure it's been

to have you here at our home.

Well, I want to thank
you for making my stay

such a pleasant one.

Well, I hope you
come and visit us often.

Thank you, sir, I will.

I think I'll take a
turn around the place

before I call it a night.

I'll see you people
at breakfast.

Good night, sir.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Well, I, uh... I guess
I'll say good night.


Please don't leave.

Not like this.

I think we've said
all there is to say.

Except for one thing.

I'm sorry.

I had no right to
say the things I did,

do the things I did.

I... I guess we were both wrong.

We tried to hurt each
other through self-pity,

and in the end all we
did was hurt ourselves.

When I'm able to
take care of myself,

I'm coming to see you.


No, i-it won't be any use.

Ann, come here.


No, please don't.

Now kneel down.

Right here beside me.

I've been hurt enough, Johnny.

Please, don't you hurt me.

I promise you that
no one or nothing

will ever hurt you again.


Don't let me have to use this.

He was real obliging.

Let me slip up behind him.

All right, you two,
get over next to him.

He can't get up.

Can't or won't?

I told you.

Get over there.

You feeling better,
Mr. Cartwright?

I want you to feel
real comfortable,

so you can see
what's gonna happen.

What do you hope
to gain by this?

Peace of mind, Mr. Cartwright.

What you've done to me
and mine has choked me up.

I'm full up.

You know what this is?

Coal oil.

You know what
I'm gonna do with it?

I'm gonna burn your
place to the ground.

I'm gonna take
this place from you,

just like you took mine.

So, you just stand there

and watch what I do.

I'm gonna light
up the whole sky.

You can see it for miles around.


if you destroy what it
cost me my blood to build,

I'll k*ll you.

No matter where you try to hide,

I'll find you and I'll k*ll you.

You know, I believe you.

I never got to
fight for my land,

but I'm gonna let you try.

No, don't.

Oh, he'll try.

Mr. Cartwright would
die fighting for this place.

That's just what he's gonna do.

Suppose you k*ll me, Clay.

I am gonna k*ll you.

Don't forget about my sons.

Don't you think they'll
know who did this?

They'll track you down

no matter where you try
to hide, and they'll find you.

If and when that happens,

I'll know how to handle them.

Enough of this talking.

I'll give you to three.

Then I'm gonna
sh**t no matter what.

One, two...

Johnny! Johnny!

Pa, are you all right?

Ann, get over here quick.

They'll be breaking in.

Pa, answer me!

Hold it, boys.

Clay, it's up to you.

They'll break that door
down if you tell them to.

I know they will.

Go ahead.

Let's have some more k*lling.

You're a fool, Nathan.

You don't hate me
for buying that land.

You hate yourself.

You hate that stubborn,
wasteful failure that you are.

The failure that
cost you Jody's life,

and that's the truth, isn't it?



It's that guilt of yours that's
been choking you to death.


That's what's been eating
away at you all this time.

Shut up.

Prove me wrong.

Go on, tell them to
break that door down.

Let's have one more dead son.

Put up your g*ns, boys.

It's over.

I mean it.

What happened
here is best forgotten.

I was gonna k*ll you.

There's been enough k*lling.

I'd like for it to be ended now.

It will.

It's finished.

Boys, take care of your father.

Get him over to a doctor.

Watch his arm.

Ben, sometime...

could we talk to you

about that piece
of land you own?

Yeah, Nathan.


You walked, Johnny.

You walked.

Home again, home
again, jiggety-jaw.

- Well, the lost are found.
- How you doing, Pa.

Hey, what happened to your arm?

Oh, nothing. I'll tell
you about it later.

Well, how-how did things go?

Well, almost as good
as if you'd been with us.

Sold every head of beef.

Made five dollars per head.

Hey, that's wonderful,
wonderful, wonderful.

How's Johnny?

Yeah, is he still
taking his exercises?

Well, why don't you ask him?

They wanted to, uh,
they wanted to stay here

until you boys got home;
they want to say good-bye.

They're, uh, getting married.

Getting married?

You're kidding.

It looks like that cure
took both ways, huh?

Why, the son of a g*n;
you got to hand it to him.

He took the frost
off that little gal.

Yeah, they bought
the Jackson place.

- They're gonna be neighbors.
- Yeah?

They'll make good neighbors.
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