03x02 - Springtime

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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03x02 - Springtime

Post by bunniefuu »

ANNOUNCER: The following program

is brought to you in
living color on NBC.

(fanfare plays)

BEN: In the springtime,
a young man's fancy

likely turns to thoughts
of, well, many things.

Anything, in fact,
that'll make him forget

the long, hard winter
and think of all the fun

and good times that lie ahead.

Hyah! Giddyap there!


Giddyap! Hyah!

Dad-burn mules.

Lazy as a fat sow
in the summertime.

Giddyap! Hyah!

Giddyap! Hyah! Hyah!


Pull up!

Giddyap, grey!


Pull, grey!

I ain't gonna do all the work!

Dad-burn your ornery hide, pull!

Hyah! Hyah! Pull!


I wonder where Hoss is.

Well, it was awfully
nice of you to show up.

Yeah, what, did you go to
sleep on your cozy little seat

- and fall off on the ground?
- Yeah.

Them mules remind
me so much of you two,

I just didn't want to keep
their company no longer.

Very funny.

But what happened
to the rest of the poles?

Aw, dad-burnit, they
fell off of that wagon

when the mules bolted forward.

I was down there trying to
roll it through the mud and...

Dad-burn mules, mud and snow.

Yeah, well, we're tired of
hungry steers and green wood.

And I'm sick and tired of you
two moaning and groaning,

so let's finish
stacking these poles.

(geese honking)


What's the matter with you two?

Them posts too heavy for you?

Why don't you watch
where you're going.

Oh, no, no, no. He
did it on purpose!

- What are you talking about?
- All right, that's about enough!

Joe, if you're looking for
a fight, you're gonna find it.

Look, now, we ain't got time.

There's too much work to do.

Now start picking those
things up and watch it this time.

Adam, you stay out of this.

'Sides, where you get off
telling me what to do anyhow?

Because I'm older than
you are and smarter.

Oh, look, Hoss, is right,
it's none of your business!

Stay out of it!

- Who you pushing?
- All right!

Okay, you asked for it.


Oh, two against one, huh?!

I'll fix you!

the first Chevrolet in 1911

to the newest marks a half
century of Chevrolet quality,

and Chevrolet celebrates its
golden anniversary by saying:

Thank you, America, for
50 years of confidence.

Now, Chevrolet presents Bonanza.

(theme music playing)


Well, just because you
got mountains around here

made of silver
doesn't mean I have it.

For $15?

For Pete's sake, you
want the thing or don't you?


(wagon creaks)

Springs aren't much good.

Let's not mention the harness.

Look at the rim on that wheel.

It's almost worn through.

I'll replace it
for three dollars.

Three dollars?!

All right, all right.

I told you forget about this.

I'll give you a good
price on a brand-new one.


$100 to take a man from
one place to another?

"A fool and his money
are soon parted."

Tell you what I will do though.

I'll give you $30
for the whole rig.

And that includes that nag.

Including the horse?

Pitiful creature.

You ought to sh**t
him out of pure kindness.

All right, sir.

All right, take it.

And may the theft lie
easy on your conscience.


The boys have
been stacking timber

to cure it for a
new branding pen.

Nothing ruins a
place like neglect.

As I said, the boys
are building a new one.

It's been a hard winter.

Snow's been especially
heavy this year.

It's a good thing to get a
head start on the spring.

You know, "The early bird..."

BOTH: "Catches the worm."

I know, I know.

I wonder where those boys are.

Anxious to meet
your boys, Benjamin.


Haven't seen them
since they were children.

- They must be big men now.
- Yeah, they are.

Great oaks from
little acorns, no?

They're three fine boys, Jed.

Hard workers and good
head on their shoulders.

They're close to each
other, as brothers should be.

She pull, grey!

Pull, doff!

She pull!

If you knew the
hole was right here,

why'd you back
it in so far for?!

Why didn't you say something?!

'Cause you didn't
ask me, older brother.

Why don't you stop
arguing and start pushing.

That's the smartest thing
that's been said today.






She pull!

She pull! She pull!

Hyah! Hyah!

(Hoss laughing)




What in the world?

"As you sow..."

All right!


No, Joe, don't, don't!

- (laughs) - Now
you're going to... Ow!


Stop it!

Did you hear what I said?

Now, stop that nonsense.




Stop it!

Now, what's going on here?

- What is going on here?!
- Ben!


What's the matter?

"What's the matter"?

My foot is smashed;
that's what's the matter.

Well, you satisfied?

Here, let me, let
me help you up.


These, I take it, are your
sons, Benjamin Cartwright.

My sons.

(fingers tapping)

Would you please stop that?

- What?
- The pounding.

(door opens)

Doctor, just how-how
serious is this?

Well, it's hard to say.

He has a very
painful foot there.

Better keep him off his feet,
uh, oh, several days at least.

You know, a man of his years,

it's hard to say how
really serious it could be.

Well, we'll do all we
can for him, Doctor.

I know my way out, Ben.

Good night. Good night, boys.

Thank you for coming, Doctor.

(door opens, closes)


Well, now you know how
he is as a result of your...

Ten-year-old schoolboys
would show more sense.

(fingers tapping)

Do you realize that...

Will you stop that pounding!

Do you realize that
man started with

nothing on his
back but his clothes?

He accomplished
everything, strictly on his own.

I wanted to show him what
we've done with the Ponderosa.

I wanted him to meet my sons.

Well, he has.

I don't know what's gotten
into the three of you lately!

Dad-burnit, Pa, we've
been working for two weeks

in mud belly-deep to a tall cow.

It's rained dang near every day.

Yeah, when it didn't snow.

We haven't been in Virginia
City for almost a month.

Personally, I'm sick of
the Ponderosa right now.

Oh, you are, are you?

Well, you listen
to me, young man.

I still run this ranch.

I'm still your father.

And as long as you continue
to live on the Ponderosa,

you'll do exactly as I say,
and that includes volunteering

to perform any errands
or business deals

Mr. Milbank has been forced
to delay while he recuperates!

And we're going up

and tell him so right now!


(weakly): Come in.

I hope I didn't waken you.


I was having a little
trouble dropping off.

Well, Jedediah, the, uh...

boys have been...
worrying about your affairs,

and they insist
that you let them

take care of whatever
business you came out here for.

(Jedediah chuckles)

Well, that's very thoughtful.

As a matter of fact,
there are a few little things.

Well, I suppose
they might handle it.

Oh, of course they can...
Why, each one of them

has taken care of the
Ponderosa by himself on occasion.

Oh, I don't want to take any
of them away from his work.

Oh, no, no, no.
No, no. We insist.

(Jedediah chuckles)

Never put off till tomorrow
what you can do today.

Here we are.

Let's see.


Exactly three little items

that need attention.

Little Joe.

Here's a small
piece of land I own.

Been hanging on to it
until the railroad realizes

they need it for
a watering stop.

I had word a
squatter's moved onto it.

Let one in...

next thing your
property is overrun.

Think you can
chase them off, son.

(Little Joe clears
throat softly)

Yes, sir, Mr. Milbank.

- I think I can chase 'em off.
- (Jedediah chuckles)


(paper rustling)

There's a small
ranch on this map.

It's located exactly
at the spot I need

for a fattening
station for my cattle.

Now, I've made out a
bill of sale in advance.

(chuckles): All you have to do

is fill in the correct amount.

I'll pay a lot more than
the land's worth. Buy it.

Yes, sir. I'll get
it, Mr. Milbank.

Ah. Now, this is
a little different.

I sold a nice little ranch here.

Couple paid me half.

The rest is supposed to be paid
in a certain amount each year.

Payment's overdue.

I want the ranch back.

Evict them.

Why don't you give
them a little more time?

Maybe they'll come
up with the money.

I've given them enough time!

Time waits for no man.

Evict them.

(Jedediah coughs quietly)

Well, Jedediah...

you can relax now...
everything is being taken care of.

(laughs): Yes, Ben.

Friends in need
are friends indeed.

(quietly): Yeah.

- (exhales)
- (door closes)

HOSS: Well, it'll be just about
our luck to run into more rain.

LITTLE JOE: Well, maybe
we'll be lucky and drown.

ADAM: At least I won't
have to put up with you two

for a couple of days.

Do a good job, boys. Good luck.

HOSS: Thank ya, Pa.

ADAM: Thanks, Pa, we'll need it.


Hello, in there!

Come on out!

All right, I'm
gonna count to five.

One... two... three, four...

- five!
- Howdy, stranger!

(chuckles) You're a
sight for sore eyes.

I come up from the creek

as soon as I seen
you crossing it.

Parley is my name.

And welcome. (chuckles)

I don't get much
company up here.

Why, this is the first chance

I've had to chin
with a soul in weeks!

You know who this
property belongs to?

No. Who?

Jedediah Milbank.

Nice name.

He's from San Francisco

and he doesn't like squatters
overrunning his property.


Well, that's a
Bible name, ain't it?

I guess so.

Huh. Must come
from a nice family.

You know, folks don't read
the Bible like they used to.

I still do.

Well, you can tell him

that I'll, I'll watch
out for his place

for him while he's busy
up there to San Francisco.

Well, no! No, no! He wants
you to get off his property!

He does? What for?

'Cause it's his, not yours!

Now you got to get off!

He planning on using it?

He gonna farm it, maybe?

No, he's not gonna farm it.

He's going to wait and
sell it to the railroad.

Well, that's the
difference in folks.

I look at this land, I
see tall meadow grass

and pretty spring poppies,

and that nice little
creek over there,

running along, snickering
at the white-tailed deer

that come down to drink.

And Jedediah Milbank,

all he sees is something
to sell to the railroads.

Bible name, too!

Well, all I'd like to see is

you packing your things
and getting off the property.

Uh, you got a badge?

I don't see it.

You a sheriff?

No. No, I haven't got a badge,

but I got a g*n.

And I don't want
to have to use it!

Now that's a right
smart idea, son.

Why, a man can get his self
k*lled using a thing like that.

Now, I said I don't
want to have to use it.

But I'm not gonna spend
the whole day passing time

with a stubborn,
cantankerous old squatter!


Cantankerous? Me?

Why, you ain't said
a neighborly word

unless "Get the
blazes off of here"

is the way you
pass the time of day!

All right, all right. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry if I didn't put it
to you the way you'd like,

but I made it plain.

Get off the property!

No, I'd just as soon not.

What'd you say?

I'd just as soon not.

Now look, old man, I'm
sick and tired of arguing!

Now get your things
and get off the land!

Son, you move too fast.

You gotta learn to relax

so's you can think
about what you're doing.

Oh, no, oh, no.
I'm know what I'm...

Put me down, will ya?!

- (chuckles)
- Hey!

Hey, look, cut me
down, will ya?! Hey!

- (laughs)
- Cut me down, will ya?!

I didn't... I didn't mean
that bear trap for you.

Why, I just put it there

to keep them bear
out of my tote sack.

Well, fine! Then let me down!

Now listen, you-you
just got to learn to relax.

Why, it's the best thing
in the world for you.

The blood will all
rush to your head

- and refresh your mind.
- Whoo!

Why, I ain't doing
this land no harm.

There's plenty of fish,

fresh game for the sh**ting,
wood for a fire, water.

Well, the land gives a
man everything he needs

just as the good
Lord intended it.

Hey, please cut me
down. It's making me dizzy.

Hey, come one!

Look up at the sky,
son. Look up at the sky.

You had your
mind on little things.

Look up at the sky!

How could I possibly
look up at the sky?! Oh!

Hey, come on. Cut me down.

Now I don't want you to think

that I don't appreciate
your coming to visit me,

but you're a kind of
strong-minded boy.

You just got to learn to relax.

Hey, come on! Cut me down!

Well, you think it
over, and I'll be back.

You, you'll what?!

Oh, hey! Hey, no!

(theme music playing)

Ah, I don't see how
anybody can trade

this beautiful blue sky

and warm sun for a mess
of greenbacks and silver.

Okay, okay, old man.

You got me sold on the
sun, the sky and the wind,

but I've been sitting
here for over an hour,

and I haven't even
got a nibble yet.

I've been telling you, boy.

You got a nervous
hand on that pole,

and the fish know it.

Look, you just gotta relax.

But how can I relax with
you catching all the fish?


Well, I'll tell you, son.

You know what day it is?


It's the first day of
spring. That's what it is.

So, what about it?

What about it?

That means you can forget about
the rain and the snow of winter

and start enjoying living again.


Hey, you know, I never thought
about it that way, old man.

Maybe that's because I've never
been hung upside down before

so I could think straight.


Oh, boy, boy, you
got one! You got one!

Wha...? Hey, hey! (gasps)

(Parley laughs)

Hey, hey, did you ever,

did you ever see a fish
like that in your whole life?

No, boy, I ain't never seen
a fish like that ever before.

Fresh, tender trout
fried nice and crisp

with hot biscuits,
mmm-mmm! Let's go!

Wait, wait, wait a minute.

Wait? What for?

Yeah, now you got to
learn to relax, old man.

Look, if you're
as hungry as I am,

we ought to stay a while
and catch another one.

Less, of course,
you're in a hurry.

No, boy, I ain't in
no hurry. (chuckles)

Here, put him on the string.

(both laugh)

Whoo-hoo, what a fish!

Hello, pup. Hello there.

Want some water? Wait a minute.

Come here. Here.

(dog barks)

Yeah, drink that then.

Things will get better.

We'll paint the house,
I'll make some furniture.

The baby will be
company for you soon.

We tried it.

We came out here to the
middle of nowhere to be farmers

instead of city people.

"Close to the land" you
said, "was close to God,"

but it just didn't work.

Look. This isn't a
home, this is a shack.

The other things came first.

We knew that. You agreed.

Oh, yes, but I know
enough to admit a mistake.

This has been a
terrible year, Paul.

We never see anyone,

we never have any time
for anything but plowing,

and building and
clearing the land.

Annie, this will be a
good place someday.

Everything we've
done will be worth it.

It's beautiful here.

It'll be a good way to live.

Oh, it never will.

Paul, that man came here
last night out of the blue,

and he is offering us every
cent we paid for this place,

plus a $300 profit.

Now, why can't you just
thank God and take it?

"You can't buy the way
I feel about this place."

That's what you said
to me last summer.


(door opens)

Here you are, ma'am.

Sit down, Mr. Cartwright.

It's ready.

(sniffs) Ah, ah.

It sure does smell good.

Some, uh, bread.


You bet. (sniffs)

Ain't nothing smells
like fresh baked bread.


We thank thee
for these thy gifts,

which we have received
from thy bounty, oh, Lord.


Well, you folks said you'd
make up your mind by tonight.

I reckon this is sort of a
celebration dinner, ain't it?

There's... too much of us here.

We don't want to sell.

I'll tell you, old man Milbank
really wants this place.

He wants it for a feeding
station for his cattle.

He told me to pay
anything I had to, to get it.

He did?


Ain't no use in us
arguing back and forth

like a couple mule traders.

Tell you what I'll do.

I'll give you $1,000
instead of the $300.

Now, that ought
to be fair to you

and satisfy old man Milbank.

$1,000. Oh, thank you.

Paul, did you hear?

This place is not for
sale, Mr. Cartwright.


Well, it... it'd be
like selling our...

our own flesh for $1,000.

Paul, I didn't... I
didn't mean to start...

No, no, no, it's nothing.

I'm sorry.

Please, go... go ahead and eat.


She'll, uh, be all right.

Having a baby all alone's

been making her
kind of nervous lately.


Women's sort of
funny like that, I reckon.

Filled your lamp.


I, uh... Is that
offer still good?


Then we'll take it.

Be leaving first
thing in the morning.

No need to hurry.

Ain't... ain't no rush.

Well, we'll want to.

Maybe, uh, you'd give me a hand
with the packing in the morning?

Yeah, I'll help you.


Well, there she is, Paul.

Everything in the house
that wasn't nailed down.

I certainly thank
you, Mr. Cartwright.

Glad to help you.

Uh, you better get
a line over that stuff.

Otherwise, first
good rut you hit,

it'll all come tumblin' up
the front seat with you.

Thanks again.

I, uh, think I'll
take a look around.

I don't want to forget anything.


(dog whimpering)

I was taking a walk, and
look what I found, Paul.

Aren't they sweet?

So that's where she's been.

She must have been
hiding them someplace.

They're three or four weeks old.

Look at them... so tiny.

Oh, I'm not scared
anymore, Paul.

That sounds silly,
but I just feel different.

PAUL: It's the morning.

You always feel
good in the morning.

Oh, I found something
else in the back of the barn.




Violets are for a man to give
to a woman, not vice versa.

Oh, Paul.

Oh, I don't want to go anymore.

I just want to have
a dozen children

and stay right here
on our own farm

for the rest of our lives.

What are we going to do?

PAUL: I don't know. I...

I signed the bill of
sale this morning.


You've got to make
him give it back, Paul.

I really want it more than
anything in the whole world.

Well, I ain't going
to give it to you.

Tell you what I will do, though.

I'll make you a trade.

Trade for what?

I'll trade you this bill of sale
for that pup your wife's got.

Never was a very
sharp trader nohow.

Bye, Paul.

Thank you.

See y'all.



Company comin'.


I wonder who.

Now, isn't that
just like a woman?

Wanting to know something
before she could possibly know.

Better set another plate.

Man coming in this time
of day will be hungry.


There's not enough
for another person.

Well, we'll just stretch
what we got, then.

It's already stretched.

A man coming in this late's

got a right to expect
something to eat.

Now, we'll not let him go
hungry in our house, huh?



Howdy. Adam Cartwright.

Ted Hackett.

You're just in time
to sit for supper.

- Oh, thanks.
- You look tired.

You come all the way from town?

Yeah, it's a... it's a long way.

Sure is.

Come on in.


This is Adam Cartwright.


- This is my boy, Ray.
- Ray.

My daughter, Barbara.



you get some of that
trail dust off of you,

and I'll go out and
take care of your horse.

You know, it isn't often
we get somebody out here

- to share some of Ma's good...
- Mr. Hackett.

I think you ought to know

that I was sent out here
by Jedediah Milbank.

Well, a man can't talk
business on an empty stomach.

You go ahead and
have your supper,

and we'll talk later, huh?

Okay, if you say so.

Thank you.


You can go ahead
and serve supper now.

I don't want you to worry
none about me not eating.

I've had a... kind of an
upset stomach lately.

Touch of colic, I reckon.

I can't keep nothing down.

Now, you kids mind your manners.

I'll go put your horse away.

(water splashing gently)

TED: Hackett's Folly.

That's what I called him.

I figured a prize bull
would give me a prime herd.

Pay for himself in the long run.

Well, that's what we've
done on the Ponderosa.

Improve the stock.

He was a fine animal.

Then, with the late snows,

bear came down out of the hills,

got a hold of old Folly
in his pen one night

and broke his neck.

Well, we lost a lot of
cattle to mountain lions.

Worst winter we ever had.

I, uh, heard the ruckus.

Went out and
got the bear, but...

well, he's the most
expensive beef

we've eaten around
here in a long time.

Cost good money.

Every cent we made on the
crops for the past two years.

And that did it, huh?

TED: That's just the beginning.

We still figured we were ahead

the ten calves old
Folly sired for us.

Then, with the bad winter,
I had to buy feed for them.

Then all but two of them drowned

when the spring thaw
flooded the creek.

Well, look, maybe if I tell
Mr. Milbank what happened...

No, no.

One of the things we
liked about this place

when we bought it

was that it had a good
windmill and a pump.

We could always
irrigate ten acres

if a dry spell come along.

Pump broke, and it takes
$200 to get a new one.

Why don't you fix the old one?

Even if we could fix it, we
need a new cylinder, and...

we can't even afford that.

We were ambitious.

Probably tried to do too much

without setting
anything away for a...

a rainy day.

We hate losing the place.

We're not going to cry about it.

No, sir.

My name's Theodore.

Theodore stands
for "the gifts of God."

The good Lord's given me
plenty of his gifts in my day,

and I'm sure not going
to start complaining

when he takes a few
of them away from me.

Well, I guess I better look
to the stock before I turn in.

I'm sorry the only
thing I got to offer you

is the loft to sleep in.

He's looking for his
tobacco in his pockets.

Used to smoking that
smelly old thing like a stove.

Well, I'm not as proud as he is.

Do you have any tobacco
on you, Mr. Cartwright?

That man wouldn't buy
himself none in over a month.

No, ma'am, I don't.

A man shouldn't have to do that.

Not my man.

ANNOUNCER: We'll return
to tonight's story of Bonanza

in a moment.

ANNOUNCER: And now the
exciting conclusion of tonight's story.

(metallic clanking)

- Morning.
- Morning.

What you doing?

Well, that pump of yours
sure was smashed up.

I got most of it back together.

You've been working on the pump?

Ah, I couldn't sleep last night.

I thought I'd take a look at it.

You'll have to drop
everything else

for a couple of days
and help me out.

But, uh, like I
told you last night,

even if we could
fix the pump, I...

We got to have a new
cylinder, and we can't afford that.

Well, I'm going to go
to town for the cylinder.

You can, uh, finish putting
all this back together.

But... Ted?

What's the matter?

Just a minute, Mama.

Go ahead, speak
what's on your mind.

All right.

Now, listen and don't interrupt.

I'm going to sell those
two calves you got left,

'cause you're going to be too
busy handling a double crop.

What do you mean, a double crop?

Well, I got a plan that will

let you irrigate
twice as many acres.

I worked half the night on it.

And I just forget about
Mr. Milbank and the bank, too, huh?

No, I'll take care
of both of them.

You can pay me
when you catch up.


I've given a lot of
favors in my day,

and I'm not too proud
to take them, but not this.

We made our mistakes, and
we'll pay for them, not you.

I'm not paying, Mr. Hackett.

I'm sharing.

It's springtime, Ted.

A time for beginning
things, not ending them.

I wouldn't be surprised
if we run across

a little tobacco, too.


I wonder why he did that, honey.

I reckon he just felt like it.


Fresh earth, new grass,
pure, invigorating air.


(breathes deeply)


Smell... smell... (sneezes)


You all right?

Yes, yes, I'm all right.


You know, Ben,
I've been thinking.

Got a big house here.

Lots of space.

Plenty of rooms.

Oh, it's a... it's a
comfortable house.

Oh, such a big house
just for four men?


Do you ever think about
letting rooms out to travelers?

Oh, no, no, Jedediah.

I would never think of
doing a thing like that.

Well, just a suggestion,
just a suggestion.

You know, "Idle
hands are the devil's..."

BOTH: "Workshop."

Well, I know you're
anxious to get back to work.

- I'll do what I can with this foot.
- (taps cane)

Oh, no need for
anything like that.

Well, now, Ben, you
know I'm not the sort of man

to sit around
twiddling my thumbs.

I know a ranch like this
needs lots of attention,

especially with your boys away.

Oh, they'll be, they'll
be back in a day or so.

I'm glad you came
here, Jedediah.

Set them a good example.

Well, come on.

Let's make hay
while the sun shines.

Chores won't get
done standing around.

I'll go get my coat.



That ought to do it.

Now, Ben, a job worth
doing is worth doing well.

Why don't we finish
the rest of the pile?


That's deep enough, Ben.


You know, Ben, I wish
I had a couple of hands

like you on my spread.

Two good days work like this,

we'd have the place
in pretty good order.

Oh, Jedediah, Jedediah...

(hoofbeats approaching)

Hiya, Pa, Mr. Milbank.

Well, real nice job
stacking those poles.

Yeah, well, we didn't have too
much to do while you were gone.

Chased that squatter
off my land, did you, boy?

- Pa, I-I got a trout this big.
- Oh, yeah?

Yeah. Melted in
your mouth like butter.

(chuckles): Yeah.

Went fishing?

No squatters?

Well, yeah, there was
one: m-man named Parley.

A real nice fellow, and
he's going to keep an eye

on your land for
you, Mr. Milbank,

so you haven't got a
thing to worry about.

Uh, Joseph, you mean there
was someone on the property,

and there's still
someone on the property?

Yeah, but he-he wasn't
doing any harm, Pa.

Not doing any harm?!

Now, Jedediah, Jedediah,
hold on a moment.

Joseph, perhaps it would
be best if you would explain.

(hoofbeats approaching)


Pa, Mr. Milbank, Joe.

See you got them all stacked up.

Neat and pretty, too.

Yeah, Hoss, uh, h-how
did you make out, son?

Did you get that land
that Jedediah wants?

JEDEDIAH: Well, did you
buy that property or didn't you?

Well, Hoss?

Well, Pa, I reckon
them folks were just

a little sharper
traders than me.

Well, I told you I
wanted that land.

How much extra
did they want for it?

A thousand?

Two thousand?

Well, what did
they demand, Hoss?

Well, dad-burnit, Pa,
they didn't demand nothing.

They just flat didn't want
to sell that land, that's all.

They offered you a bribe.

The scoundrel took a
bribe, that's what he did!

They're trying to hold me up!

It's a plot, it's a plot!

That's right.

That's what I done,
I-I took a bribe.

I knew it, I knew it!


What'd they give you?

I'll show you.

(puppy yelping)

Look at there.

Ain't he cute?

(hoofbeats approaching)


Pa, Hoss, Mr. Milbank.

Yeah, that's a good, even job
of stacking you're doing there.

Yeah. Uh, tell me, Adam,

did you, uh, have
any trouble at all?

Uh, no, no, not at all.

- Good, good.
- Ah.

You're the oldest... the only
one with a head on his shoulders.

(puppy yelping)

Where'd you get the pup, Hoss?

Well, Adam, uh, why-why don't
you give, uh, Jedediah the deed?

Oh, I didn't get it, Pa.

They paid the installment.

With what?

Where'd they get the money?

From me.

I'm sorry, Pa, I had to do it.

They needed it.

Ben Cartwright, you, you...

You, you, you Judas!


You jackal, you
father of jackals!

Now, calm down, Jed.

"Calm down"?!

First they heave
a log on my foot...

Well, that was
simply an accident.

"An accident."

You, Ben Cartwright,
are the worst of a poor lot.

(puppy yelping)

Now, Jed, I...

I always said, "Like
father, like son."

You, sir, you've sired a
litter of lazy, shiftless whelps.

(puppy whimpering)

"Like father, like son."


Come on.


Hyah! Hyah!

(laughter continues)

(laughing): Oh, oh!


Come on, the three of
us lazy, shiftless whelps

better get back to work.


it's been a long,
tough, hard winter.

Smell that fresh air.

Feel that warm sun.

It's spring.

Ponderosa can
take care of itself.

I'm going to town.

(puppy whimpering)

Oh, what are you up to?

"Like father, like son."


Hyah! Yah!

- Yahoo!
- (whooping)

(theme music playing)

(Bonanza theme playing)


Well, there they are for 1962.

A new World of
Worth from Chevrolet.


Well, I can tell you, I
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And another thing
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And of course you can see

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This is the new
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GREENE: This is the
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I figured, if you saw Hoss
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That's the idea behind
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Modern, basic transportation
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If you're a purebred
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Excitement is
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Be a good idea to let
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The new Chevrolet,
the new Corvair,

the new Chevy Il,
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A whole new World of
Worth from Chevrolet.

You'll like 'em.
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