09x07 - Episode #9.7

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Call the Midwife". Aired: January 15, 2012 to present.*
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Series revolves around nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s and 1960s.
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09x07 - Episode #9.7

Post by bunniefuu »

There are times when all we can do is our best.


We're tested.

We're challenged.

We must have faith.

We must do our utmost.

We must trust in those around us.

We must trust ourselves.

We have to say, "I can do this!"


We have to believe it, too.

Belief is the beginning of all things.

Well done!

You've done it, Mrs Whitehouse.

There we go.

You've got a baby boy.

Doctor, if I wasn't trussed up like a chicken, I'd give you a great big smacker!

Congratulations, Mrs Whitehouse.

And to you, too, Dr McNulty. Your first forceps delivery.


Now you tell me!

Not the first, Mrs Whitehouse, Dr McNulty's first without assistance.

Right, I shall leave you in very capable hands while I have another delivery to celebrate.

Thank you for taking surgery this afternoon. It's a great help.

I'm just pleased to be of use. You definitely are.

What a wonderful entrance! Thank you, Nurse Crane, boys.

Now, I'd just like to...

Oh! Thank you, Mrs Turner. Er, if I may...?

Today is a very special day for our borough and for our community.

As your local councillor, it gives me the greatest pleasure to welcome the most precious piece of medical equipment on four wheels.

It's a bit small for an ambulance!

Thank you, Councillor Buckle.

Now, if I may say a quick word, Dr Turner and I want to thank everyone who contributed so generously to our fundraising efforts.

Nurse Crane and her Cubs have been particularly generous, and I really don't think we would have made it without the contents of Angela and May's piggybanks!

Thanks to all of you. It means our premature babies will be able to stay with their mothers, where they should be.

Very well said, Mrs Turner.

Now, I expect you're all waiting for the great unveiling.

Now, you might need these, Councillor Buckle.

Thank you, but I always carry my special ceremonial shears.

Music, maestro, please!


May I assist you, Dr McNulty?

I was just going through the list for today's surgery.

Oh! Very well, carry on.

I hear you managed a very successful delivery this morning.

Oh! Dr Turner was there, of course.

But yes, it seemed to go like clockwork.

Hm! This list shouldn't pose any problems, then.

Most are common ailments, although we can always give Dr Turner a call if you're unsure. I doubt that'll be necessary.

Besides, the whole point of me standing in this afternoon is to lighten Dr Turner's load.

One swallow does not a summer make, Doctor.

There's no need to run before you can walk.

I'll bear that in mind.

Mrs Carter? Hi. Here we are.

Afternoon. Good afternoon. How can I help you?

We're here for the antenatal clinic. Are we in the right place?

You are. I'll just get you registered.

If I could take your wife's details, Mr, erm...?

Mrs Irmsby. Marion Irmsby.

As my husband will tell you, I'm very good at talking for myself.

I'm so sorry. Please don't worry. No harm done.

Right, Stewart, you can get off now.

Marion? Go on. I'll meet you outside after.

OK. I'll be out there.

Don't forget your cane.

He seems like a nice young man.

He has his moments.

Do you have your Co-op card? Mm-hm.

Would you like a hand?

Unlike most women, I know how to find everything in my handbag!

You should teach me the secret!

You're registered at a different general practice, Mrs Irmsby.

I want to change now.

I'm not happy with the way I've been treated since I got pregnant.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I can arrange to transfer you to ours.

Is your doctor sympathetic? I don't want one that isn't.

I would say so.

I demand to see a real doctor!

And I will not budge from this spot until my demand is met.

Mr Walsh, it may have escaped your notice, but we only employ real doctors here.

Dr McNulty fits that very stringent criteria.

Five years at medical school and several nicely framed degree certificates confirm it.

I don't give a monkey's.

He's not cutting his baby teeth on me.

Very nice to meet you, Mr Walsh. Dr McNulty.

Is your chest playing up again?

Let's get you seen so we can start to get you better.

Good. Baby's coming through loud and clear, Mrs Irmsby.

You can sit up now.

Have you ever looked after someone like me, Nurse?

Do you mean blind?

No, but I've lost count of the number of mothers I've taken care of.

Good! I won't be any different, then.

Lots of blind women have babies, you know.

I'm sure. So you've been blind since you were a child?


I've got this rare type of retinitis pigmentosa.

That's the posh name.

It's just blindness to me. And there's worse things, like...

..not being a mum. I couldn't bear that.

Mm. Well, we'll do everything we can to help you manage it.

I can manage fine, Nurse.

Most new mothers need support, Mrs Irmsby.

Babies can be a shock to the system.

And your condition makes things a little more complicated.

It really doesn't.

Er... Why don't we take this one step at a time?

That's you done for today.

And when you pop in to register with Dr Turner, one of the midwives will show you round the maternity home, then you'll know exactly where you're giving birth.

There's no need. I'm having my baby at home.

Mrs Irmsby, I really think that you should...

The council have given us a lovely ground-floor flat in Rigsby Buildings. It's all on one level. No stairs to worry about.

I'll be better in my own home.

I'll make a home visit tomorrow and we can discuss it then.

And that's not me treating you any differently.

I have to do it for every mother who wants a home birth.

Thank you.

See how you get on with the tablets, Mr Walsh. See you again in a week.

Excuse me?

I could've bloody pegged it, sitting here, the time you took with him.

I'm sorry, but this isn't an antenatal clinic.

That's over at the Iris Knight Institute.

Is it, now? That's nice for it.

But I'm not well, so I need to see a doctor...if that's what you are.

Hello, you. Hello, you!

Your hands are cold. You been out here this whole time?

Nothing gets by you.

Dr McNulty, you've admitted Yvonne Smith.

She's got a severe urinary tract infection.

I hope I did the right thing. Absolutely! Well done.

She seems very happy to be here. Did she mention her husband?

Just to make a joke. Why?

Things aren't that easy at home. He drinks quite heavily.

It's a strain on her, though she'd never admit it.

I see.

A break might be the best thing for her.

What Mrs Smith needs is a doctor who'll take an interest in her general wellbeing.

Being a doctor isn't just about handing out pills.

Thank you. What for?

Giving me this chance.

It's not completely selfless. You're doing me a favour, too.

Something wrong?

Nothing serious.

It's just an old shoulder injury from my medical-school days.

It flares up now and then. Must be the damp.

If it gets really bad, I take pethidine.

It might be worth getting to a physiotherapist.

They'd fix you up, and then you wouldn't need to take anything.

We're going to have to tread very carefully with Mrs Irmsby.

I don't want her walking out on us, like she did with her previous doctor.

She's going to need so much support.

We might have to convince her about that.


If only these were in Braille.

Stewart, are you ready yet?

I am now!

Here. What do you think?

It's high enough for you to lift the baby in and out, even when you're sitting on the bed.

What is it? Don't you like it?

Of course I do!

It's perfect!

I often push my bike back to Nonnatus House after delivering a baby.

It's not so much I'm tired, more that I need to slow down, mull things over.

Does it leave pictures in your brain? How do you mean?

The job. The things you've seen and the things you have to do.

When I was a houseman, I'd have days when I'd get back to my room and close my eyes, and it was like a film playing over and over in my head.

Stitches going in, maybe a tumour coming out.

Was it in colour or black and white?

Glorious Technicolor, usually!

Me too! Dark green meconium, bright-red haemorrhage.

I once saw a gastric haemorrhage coming up like a pint of coffee.

I've yet to see one at the other end.

All in good time. I'll bring my wellies.

Those chips smell lovely.

That van does the best battered cod in Poplar, so I'm told.

I could k*ll for a quick fish and a sixpenn'orth.

Well, I'm not allowed to eat in the street.

Or anywhere that's not in the dining room at Nonnatus House.

Those are the rules.

I'm not a nun, though, so they don't apply to me.

Dinner's ready.

Just coming.

Is something wrong?

Mm, just tired.

I'm getting old, lass. Nonsense.

You've done a full day's work, and now you're off to Cubs.

It's not been easy since Sergeant Woolf left.

You'll just have to find someone else to help you.

You wouldn't happen to know anyone, would you?

Er, no-one springs to mind, but I'll give it some thought.

See you downstairs.

Those chips smell divine. Have one.

A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips. No, thank you.

I'm perfectly happy with my slice of ham.

I'll have one. Apologies.

I was preparing for the onslaught ahead.

That uniform brings my rather undistinguished Scouting career flooding straight back, Nurse Crane.

The only badge I managed was fire safety.

What, not even first aid? Especially not first aid.

Perhaps you should go back and try again.

Nurse Crane is looking for a volunteer to help her.

I'd happily do it. I've got too many other commitments just now.

Would his name be Cyril, by any chance?

Master Cyril, if you wouldn't mind.

I would, Nurse Crane, but Dr Turner's relying on me quite heavily at the minute.

I wouldn't want to let him down.

I can't imagine that would happen, Dr McNulty.

You seem to have settled in Poplar remarkably well.

Now I've tasted Granger's fish and chips, I won't be leaving in a hurry.

Sister? Would you like to try one?

I will oblige, but only in the interest of historical research.

I wish to know if they're as good as they used to be!


It's me, Marion. It's Beryl.

Well, I hope you haven't come to make trouble.

I think trouble's well and truly on its way, don't you?

Going to let me in, then?

Why didn't you tell me you were moving?

I didn't think you'd be bothered, not after the things you said.

Well, I only spoke the truth.

A baby needs proper care, Marion. Who's going to do that?

I'm its mother! I'll care for it.

Listen to yourself! You're living in cloud-cuckoo-land.

Not everybody wants to take the pill.

That's the midwife. You'd better go.

I'm going nowhere. Perhaps she'll make you see sense.

No, Beryl, no!

Midwife calling. Is Mrs Irmsby in?

In there.

Mrs Irmsby, it's me, Nurse Franklin. Nurse!

Is everything all right?

No, it isn't.

My sister's about to make the biggest mistake of her life, and I won't let it happen.

I'm...not sure what you mean, Mrs...

Cairns. I'll tell you what I mean.

Marion can't see.

She's a danger to herself, so imagine what she might do to a baby!

How could she give it a bath, for pity's sake?

Marion can get help with that. That's why we're here.

You going to move in with her, then? Her husband will be here.

Not all the time. He works.

He can't not work, or they won't eat.

Well, can't you help? You're her sister, after all.

I don't want her to. She told me I was selfish and had no right to bring a baby into this world.

It is selfish!

And I won't be party to it. It... It's not right.

It's not fair on the child.

Mrs Cairns, I think you should go.

You're upsetting your sister, and it's not fair on her or the baby.

You're right, Nurse. You have a responsibility to that child, too.

So do your job.

Get that baby up for adoption, for its own safety.

No! How can you know that?

Baby isn't even here yet!

I've taken care of my sister since she was 13, and I will not stand by and see her fall to pieces.

If you won't talk to social services, then I will.

Oh, sweetie, there, there.

Can they do that? Can they take my baby away?

I'm afraid they can.

Temperature's gone down. It's a good sign.

You're not going to send me home, are you?

It still hurts when I go, and I'm up and down like a yo-yo, aren't I, Nurse?

She still has urinary frequency, Doctor.

Then I want you to drink as much fluid as you can.

It'll help flush the infection out. I'll drink this bloody place dry.

Just don't send me home yet!

As hotels go, this one ain't bad!

Though the beds are hard as nails.

Mrs Smith, if there's something bothering you, something at home, you can tell us.

It will be entirely confidential.

I'm not prying, but I am here to help you get better.

If there's anything making that harder for you, it helps me to know.

There's nothing to tell. I just don't want to go home yet.

It's quiet here.

Here. Drink this.

It's hot. Be careful.

I have got it, thank you.

Who's the knitter in the family? Oh, I am. My pattern's in Braille.

You'd be surprised at the things I can do, Nurse.

I can see that. You seem very well prepared.

It certainly doesn't feel like you've just moved in here.

That's Stewart. He's made sure everything's organised for me.

He's a wonderful husband, and he'll be a wonderful dad.

What does he do? Bus driver.

He's saved up all his holidays so he can take them when the baby comes.

That's good.

Social services will want to know you've got someone with you.

You're also entitled to a home help. I can arrange that.

No, I don't want any strangers. Mrs Irmsby, please...

I won't let ANYONE say we're not fit to look after our own child.

Not Beryl, not social services, not anyone.

That's you all nice and comfortable again.

Did the doctor mean that?

About letting me stay a bit longer?

If he said it, he meant it.

I've not met a bloke who means what he says yet.





Where's my wife? Huh? What have you quacks done with her?

I'm afraid you can't see your wife just now. It's too early.

Visiting isn't until this evening.

Yeah, I don't give a stuff.

She's my wife, and I'll see her when I like.

So you mind your own business, you interfering old...bag.

Miss Higgins? Is something wrong?

We appear to have something of a situation, Doctor.

There's my girl!

Oh! That's a nice welcome... You're drunk.


Where's the kid? You had it yet? What seems to be the problem here?

Hm! And who's this? The cavalry? I must ask you to leave my ward.

You're disturbing the other patients, not to mention upsetting your wife.

She's not upset.

Not upset, are you, darling?

See? She's not upset.

I told you to get out. Now get out!

Mr Smith, I have called the police.

I'm going.

So get off me. Now!

You better have your bags packed when I get back.

You're coming home with me.

You all right, Doctor? Yes, I'm fine.

I'm sorry, everybody, for losing my temper.

You won't be the one to suffer because of it, though.

To what do I owe this honour?

Nothing. I was just passing. I'm glad you were.

It's a lovely surprise.

That's not like Nurse Crane, not to speak.

She's not herself at the moment. What's wrong?

She's tired. She's doing too much. The Cubs are taking it out of her.

I feel a bit bad. She asked me if I could help out and I said I couldn't. Why did you say that?

Because of us! We hardly see each other as it is.

Well, how about we do something about that?

We help Nurse Crane, together.


Oh, Nurse Franklin. I'm afraid I've just had a deeply upsetting phone call from social services about, Marion Irmsby.

Her sister threatened to contact them today.

Well... she's now reported Mrs Irmsby as an unfit mother.

The poor woman hasn't even given birth yet, and she's already seen as a failure!

Social services will have to be involved now. They have no choice.

The welfare of the baby is paramount.

We will be obliged to inform them as soon as that baby is born.

They will decide on its future.

If she loses her baby, it will devastate her.

No-one wants Marion Irmsby to be separated from her child.

But if we want to put her case to the social services, then we have to be convinced that she can cope.

If we have any doubt, we must express it.

It is our moral duty.

I understand, Sister.

Come in.

I thought you might need a little pick-me-up.

Just what the doctor ordered. Thank you.

My shoulder's playing up again.

It was horrible. I've never seen anyone that drunk before.

It's not a pretty sight.

Thank goodness Dr McNulty was there.

Indeed, Sister.

Poor Mrs Smith. I'm sure she bears the brunt of it.

And she has a child on the way now, too. Mm.

It hardly seems fair. There's your young couple, Nurse Franklin, who, in any other circumstances, would be considered ideal parents.

But because she's blind, they're held to higher standards.

You're right, Sister Hilda, it's definitely not fair.

I've been thinking. Have you?

About what?

About the Cubs.

If the position's still open, I'd like to take you up on it.

Well! This is a turn-up!

In fact, I'm not the only one. Cyril has volunteered too.

Two for the price of one! That's a bargain.

I shall be very glad to have you both.

Don't get too comfortable. I need your help.

Now? It's bedtime!

That's as may be, but we need a project.

Now that the incubator fund is over, we need to come up with something exciting for them.

So put your thinking cap on.

Good morning.

Is the water warm enough? It's just right.

I need to feel it for meself, Nurse. The baby's not any different.

Er, where's the chair gone? It should be here.

Oh, it's just here.

I moved it to make it easier for you to get to the bath.

I need everything to stay exactly where it was, or I'll get confused.

I'm so sorry. I didn't realise.

Now we're going to pour the water into the bath.


Now pick baby up.

Using the cotton wool, we're going to dip it into the water and wash baby's face.

Hold baby securely, with her head over the water.

We're going to wet her hair by scooping up the water with your free hand.

Now with soap, we're going to lather up baby's hair.

Where's the soap gone? It's on the floor. I'll get it.

No. You can't do it for me. I have to do it myself.

Don't worry. It's your first time.

I can do it! I'm just nervous because you're watching me.

You just need more practice.

Now, why don't we carry on and finish this bath?

I'm just going out for a bit of air, Miss Higgins.

I seem to have a headache coming on.

Very well. Try not to be too long.

Dr McNulty, Mrs Smith is in labour.

She's already three fingers dilated, and her contractions are strong.

The pain relief we've given her must have masked her early contractions.

But she's not due yet.

She must have got her dates slightly wrong.

She's got a way to go yet, but I'd like to give her 50 milligrams of pethidine.

I think sedation and pain relief will help her at this stage.

Can you countersign the book?

Her husband was drunk, wasn't he?

The full three sheets to the wind, I'm afraid.

Poor man.

You don't get in that state if there's not some sadness eating at you.


You go. I'll sort the pethidine injection for you.

Dr Turner's surgery.

Yes, er...

Where's the kettle?

Fred's fixing the whistle on it.

My brother and I always forgot the kettle when we went camping.

Please don't suggest we take the Cubs camping.

I don't like the idea of sleeping under canvas!

You don't know what you're missing.

We used to have to do it all the time in El Alamein.

Anyway, what were you talking about?

Nurse Crane's Cubs. We've been roped in to help her, and we're racking we're racking our brains trying to come up with something to do with them.

Hmm. Well, seeing as you've asked for my opinion...

..boys love to build things that move.

You're a mechanic.. why don't you get them to make something with wheels on?

They're only ten! They're not allowed to drive.

They don't need an engine.

Huh? Mm. Yeah.

You are fully dilated, Mrs Smith. Baby won't be long now.

Don't tell my husband.

I...don't want him here.

Let's get you to the delivery room.

Mr Irmsby!

Just keep your wife calm, Mr Irmsby. I'll be as quick as I can.

You must be her eyes now.

I'll do my best, Sister.

Right, things are moving quite quickly, Yvonne.

I'm just going to get some towels, and I'll be straight back.

Dr McNulty's here, so you don't have to worry.

Make it stop!

Right, let's get baby out safe and sound.

You still uncomfortable, Mrs Murphy?

Shall I bring you some more painkillers?

No, I'm fine. If you're sure.

Thank you. Mm.

SHE CRIES OUT All right, Mrs Smith, calm down. You're all right.

Why has he cut me? Why has he cut me?!

You won't have to push nearly so long, Mrs Smith.

Baby'll be here very soon.

Doctor, can you put pressure on the incision?

Yvonne? There's no need to panic.

I'm going to call for Dr Turner.

I'm sorry if this hurts, but I have to keep the pressure.

It won't be for much longer, Mrs Smith.

We'll get baby out very soon.

We won't need the forceps, Doctor.


If I deliver baby, can you prepare to suture?

Then you can be ready as soon as baby's out.

Yvonne? I can see baby's head, so I'm going to ask you to give me a big push now with the next contraction, to help baby out.

No! It hurts! I know you're in pain down there, but I want you to push the baby down, as it will push the pain away.


You HAVE to trust me, Yvonne.

That's it.

Take a breath.

Long, steady push.

Well done.

Take a breath. And again.

Can you manage a third push with this contraction?

Slow this one down now.

Well done!

Syntometrine, please, Dr McNulty.

He's a beautiful little boy, Yvonne.

Oh, thank God! Thank God!

Now, Yvonne, baby's a little on the small side.

It's nothing to worry about, but we're just going to have to put him in the incubator for a little while.

He'll just be in the nursery.

You can hold him now, though.

Well done.

I'm glad to see everything's under control, Dr McNulty.

Don't forget to check her haemoglobin in the morning.

That's it.

That's it, sweetie! That's it.

Baby's nearly here, Marion.

When your next contraction comes, I want you to push and imagine baby is in your arms.

That's it.

That's it, that's it! That's it, sweetie.

Short pushes.

Ah! That's it.

The hard work's nearly done.

Take a breath.

Almost there. Almost there.

And again, Marion.

Go on! You can do this.

A little girl, Marion.

A little daughter!

There we are, sweetie.


She's got hair! What colour is it?

It's dark. It's dark, like yours.

She's beautiful!

Just like her mum.

Sister Frances!

I just couldn't stand to see her pushing so hard.

I thought an episiotomy would shorten the second stage.

It was an unnecessary risk that I wouldn't have taken.

Goodnight, Doctor.

She's sleeping.

This little one's almost out for the count, too.

Marion wanted to feed her herself.

It's easier for her than making up bottles.

She still can, Mr Irmsby.

I'll stay until she wakes up, and then we'll try again.

Thank you, Nurse. I don't know what we would have done without...

Mr Irmsby...you have to persuade Marion to accept a home help.

No, no. We don't want strangers coming in, watching our every move.

You don't have any choice. Social services will insist on it.

What have they got to do with it? Everything, I'm afraid.

Your sister-in-law told them that Marion isn't fit to be a mum.

Are they going to take my baby?

Please don't let them take my baby!

Please! Please!

Er, I thought you were out on your rounds.

I am. I just popped in to pick up a dressing pack.

Have you got time for a cuppa?

What is it?

It's my gran.

I'm so worried about her, Lucille.

If you could see what it's like in that place. It's...


I've never been in a prison, but I can imagine.

Oh, it's worse than that, I promise you.

When are you going to see her again?


I haven't been for a couple of weeks. I feel so bad about it.

I'm desperate to see her...but I'm dreading it at the same time.

Mrs Smith...

..you weren't in any danger. You know that, don't you?

Neither was the baby. We had it all under control.

Sister Frances did, you mean.


I should have known better than to trust one.

You're all talk.

Never owning up.

Blaming everyone else.

Doesn't matter whether you've got a big, fancy job like you or whether you're like Vic, without a pot to piss in.

You're all the same underneath.

The same scared little boys.

BABY GRIZZLES - Give me the baby, darling. No!

Marion, baby needs changing.

If you let me take her, I'll change her and bring her straight back.

How do I know you won't walk out the door with her?

Marion, come on! Nurse Franklin wouldn't do anything like that.

You need to snap out of this. It's not helping.

Don't you tell me to snap out of it!

I'm going to lose everything!

Not just you, Marion.


I'm going out for a walk before I say something I'll regret.

I won't be long.

What's happened?

That was social services.

I was legally obliged to inform them when Marion Irmsby had her baby.

I felt like Judas.

You had no choice.

Why isn't she feeding?

You're too upset, sweetie. Let's leave it for a little while.

There. That's better, isn't it?

I can hear her sucking! She must be starving.

Is that them? Don't let them in.

I'm afraid I'll have to.

It's all right, Mrs Irmsby. It's just your sister.

She was worried it might be the social services.

I'd like to see her.

No! I don't want to see her.

I'm sorry, but I can't.

I didn't mean for this to happen. I was only thinking of her.

It doesn't feel like that to her.

We were so young when our mother died.

Just children ourselves.

But I was the eldest, and if anything had happened to Marion, I'd never have forgiven myself.

And I don't want that fear hanging over my sister.

But she's an adult now, Mrs Cairns.

She's blind, Nurse!

How can she look after her baby?

And what if her baby turns out to be blind, like her?

Retinitis pigmentosa is usually hereditary.

I'm sure she'll face it with the same strength that she faced her own, IF she's allowed to keep HER baby.

There must still be a way that you can be part of this, surely.

She can come in.

Just for five minutes.

She was hungry.

What's her name?


It's pretty.

Would you like to hold her?


It's best not.

In you come.

Oh! Ohhh!

You're a sight for sore eyes, and no mistake!

Sorry I haven't been for a couple of weeks, Gran.

I've been run off my feet at work.

Winter's coming. It feels like every child in the district's going down with something!

Make sure you don't catch anything.

These bugs can wipe the feet from under you.

I'm a Dyer. I've got the constitution of an ox.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

You brought the paper? Yeah.

I hope you've brought a pencil.

Have you lost weight?

A little bit.

Noting to write home about.

Well, you look a bit pale. You feeling all right?

Fine! Just can't stomach the food in here, that's all.

I'm fine!

The Cubs' parents will be pleased they'll be learning new skills.

You're right, lass.

You've Got Your Troubles by the Fortunes

I'll be glad to get back to work and have a rest!

What's that meant to mean? Doesn't mean anything.

You can't say those things, not ever! It's what they're waiting for.

They want us to say it's too much for us.

Maybe it is, Marion.

What's the harm in having someone in to help?

No! It's giving in.

You're making this harder than it already is.

Well, you know what to do, then.

I'm just here to wet the baby's head.

I won't stay long, so don't get your knickers in a twist, Sister.

Vic, have some respect. This it, then?

The kid?

Billy. His name's Billy.

Billy the Kid!

Congratulations, Mr Smith. He's a handsome boy.

Well, he would be, wouldn't he?

Now, if you don't mind, I have to examine your wife.

Be my guest.

I'm coming, darling, I'm coming!

Don't cry, baby, don't cry.

I'm here. I'm here, darling. All right, Mummy's here.

Go away! Just go away!

Mrs Irmsby, it's me, Nurse Franklin.

We'll see how baby gets on in a cot for a couple of days before we can discharge you both.

It might be better, given how things are at home, if you were to stay with a relative.

Is there anyone?

I've got an aunt in Margate. Well, the sea air will do you good.

She'll love this. She never liked him.

Looks like she was right, eh?

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. You won't...

..tell him where I've gone, will you?

Of course not.

You going to tell them about Dr McNulty, Sister?

I don't know whether to, either.

I'm sorry. I should never have left you alone.

If social services had turned up, God knows what would've happened.

You're going to have to leave me alone sometime.

Marion, please listen to me.

We can't do this all by ourselves. We need help.

There's no shame in it. It doesn't mean we're bad parents.

I don't mind help! Nurse Franklin helps.

I do, but I won't be able to forever.

I don't want somebody I don't know.

It doesn't have to be. You have a sister.

And I'm sure when you were young, Beryl would have done exactly the same thing to get to you as you did for Rosemary today.

Ah! Kevin, come in. How are you?

Not great, to be honest.

I just wanted to let you know I've got an appointment with a physiotherapist next week.

Well, that should sort you out.

Is it possible to have one prescription of pethidine?

Just to...see me through until I see him.

I'd rather you took codeine.

It doesn't touch it.

Give it another try.


They're lovely, darling. Thank you.

Well, they're not the most delicate fairy cakes you've ever seen, but they taste all right.

I've had three.

Here, before I eat the lot.

Well, they're not that bad.

Here. Take a swig. Go on.

Went down the wrong hole, that's all.

You should get the prison doctor to have a look at you.

There's nothing wrong with me! I'd be wasting his time.

It can't harm.

If it happens again, I'll go.

Thank you for coming.

I hope it doesn't cause any more trouble, that's all.

Mrs Irmsby, your sister's here.

Oh! Hello, Beryl. Marion.

Stewart. All right, Beryl?

Hello, Peggy? Yeah? Who is it?

Nurse Franklin. We spoke on the telephone.

Oh, yeah! Come in. Watch you don't trip. There's toys everywhere.

What are the bells for, Peggy?

So I can hear exactly where she is. She's a rascal, that one.

I have to keep tabs on her!

The bells get on your nerves after a while, but they do the job.

I can't see an inch in front of me, but I can hear a bloody pin drop!

I can tell exactly why the baby's crying just from the sound.

When I hold her, I feel how she feels.

What about the nappies?

You don't need to see to know if a nappy needs changing, that's for sure! When it's sopping wet, it's down by their ankles.

I use nappies with snaps. No pins.

Babies don't know the meaning of the word "still".


Get all of your medicines labelled in Braille.

And take all of the help you can get. You're entitled.

I will. I definitely will.

I'll make sure of it.

What's happened?

My gran's not very well.

She's lost loads of weight, and she's struggling to eat.

I...I don't know what to do.

If Beryl agrees to help us, does that mean social services will leave us alone?

I think they'll still want to be involved, Marion.

But if Beryl's here, they won't be so worried.


I know we've had our differences, but this isn't about us any more.

It's about Rosemary. We're her family.

She should be with us.

All of us.

If it's what you both want.

I still want to do for myself, Beryl.

Have I ever stopped you?


I have something I should tell.

But if I do...

..I will get a friend into serious trouble.

When a secret weighs heavy...

..we imagine it is our burden alone.

But...the opposite is true.

Once it is spoken...

..it disappears.

Now, I'd like to introduce you to two new friends who have kindly volunteered to help us with our next project.

Nurse Anderson is one of my esteemed colleagues, and Mr Robinson is a wonderful mechanic who has expertly tuned my Morris Minor many times.

Good evening, boys. Hello, everyone.

Now, I expect you're all eager to find out what our next project's going to be. Hm?

Well, with Nurse Anderson and Mr Robinson's help, we are going to build...



Morning. Hey!



There are always challenges in life.

There are pieces to put together...

..plans to lay...

..and progress to be made.

Sometimes there are no prizes, no medals to polish, no trophy for the shelf.

A reward comes as a smile...

..a touch...

..a dawning sense that all WILL be well...

..that the future is smiling...

..and opening its arms.

Good luck.

And so we take courage...

..or it is given to us...

..in a squeeze on the hand or a pat on the back...

..and the magical words...

.."I believe in you."

You are in here because you're clearly not well, Gran.

I'm acting up, ain't I?

The work of your order is clearly going to decline in importance.

I think he needs a girlfriend.

I think he just needs to concentrate on his job.

Everything's going to be perfect.

We can't run the maternity home without the order!

You did what was right then and you're doing what's right now.
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