09x04 - Episode #9.4

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Call the Midwife". Aired: January 15, 2012 to present.*
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Series revolves around nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s and 1960s.
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09x04 - Episode #9.4

Post by bunniefuu »

The heavens don't always protect us.

Nonnatus House, Sister Julienne speaking.

Mother Mildred!

They choose, on occasion, to throw down challenges instead of simply showering more blessings on our heads.


Come on!

Not every tempest passes in an instant.

Not every deluge can be brushed off.

We can cower, we can wait, for blue skies to be restored, or we can take the plunge, defy the elements, and we can seize the day.

Is Dr Turner still on the premises?

At the latter end of patient record completion.

But what could be so urgent as to get caught in such a downpour?

Would a telephone call not have sufficed?

Sister Julienne!

A word, if I may. Well, of course.

I have just received a telephone call from Mother Mildred.

She had previously voiced her concern at the order's position in Poplar.

I might add that I too have similar concerns.

The Sisters of Nonnatus are an integral part of this community.

Always have been.

Being part of the furniture does not equate to our security, Dr Turner.

More mothers having their babies delivered in hospital and the threat of demolition to Nonnatus House itself.

But the urban renewal programme could take years to complete.

The Christopher Row demolition is imminent and that is merely around the corner.

Without Nonnatus, the maternity home couldn't continue. We both know that.

I am determined for us to keep our presence here.

But the times are changing, Dr Turner.

If we do not change with them, I fear we may become... obsolete.

That is why I need your support.

A united front, if you will.

I do believe that to be the signal for my retirement.

You don't know what you're missing.

Indeed I do, Trixie - a fluttering of eyelids and a swooning.

I find the exuberance of young love a joy to behold, and essential for the progression of the human race.

I do enjoy a doctor that's easy on the eye.

Few and far between at St Cuthbert's.

I can tell you that for a fact.

I bid you all a goodnight.

Good evening.

Dr Turner.

If we could prevail upon a few more minutes of your time, it would be much appreciated, Nurse Crane.


All right, lads.

Excellent exercise, although in a real life scenario I doubt if the casualties will be shouting, "Get a ruddy move on," because they're getting a little bit cold.

Still, not a bad exercise.


Someone there?

Dot! Dot!

You get down here right now!

There'll be no supper for you this evening.

Hello! Civil Defence.

Shut the door. I don't want her going out there.

What do you want?

Erm, I heard a noise.

I didn't think anyone still lived here.

Well, you were wrong, weren't you?

That's the second one she's smashed this week.

Stubborn as her nan, this one.

Dot, you get down here right now.

Oh! You want to keep an eye on that.

And you want to mind your own business.

Now if you don't mind, I've got a bird to catch.

Come on, girl.

Come on, Dot. Dot!

Look, sorry for barging in. I thought it was kids mucking about.

We have been presented with an exciting opportunity.

To offer training and guidance to four junior doctors.

All young men.

Nonnatus House have agreed to participate in their interim diploma training.

Won't such extra duties impinge on what is already an extremely tight schedule?

I believe we can manage, Nurse Crane.

It's an ideal opportunity to shape doctors we could be working with in future.

Erm, what will qualified doctors expect to learn from midwives?

We have all this knowledge and understanding which goes far beyond the textbook and the lecture hall.

Is this something in the foreseeable or immediate future?

Quite immediate, in fact.

I have said we will of course accommodate them.

Well, I trust accommodation doesn't extend to residency.

As they are to be on call for the duration of their stay, yes, it will.

Well, at least it's just for the short term.

I have to say that I am surprised Mother Mildred has agreed to men staying at Nonnatus House.

If the men of my tent have not said, "Who is there that is not satisfied with his meat?"

But no sojourner would have to lodge in the street.

For I have opened my doors to the traveller.

Sister Monica Joan, I doubt very much that it will be your door that is opened, or your fellow Sisters who will be disturbed from their beds.

You will, of course, be recompensed for your inconvenience.

It'll be fun - all girls together, hey?

Pigeons! Never mind pigeons!

If there's a big gust of wind, the whole street will fall down.

He needs to get in touch with the housing officer.

But he doesn't take kindly to strangers.

But it's not safe, Fred.

I've got a council meeting to go to.

There's some Battenberg in the cake tin if you get peckish.

Thanks, Mum.

He'll have to come out of there, one way or the other.

It's sad to lose a home.

Do you fancy going on a little jolly after work tomorrow, Reggie?

All right.

Is everything all right, Sister Frances?

I've just received a bathroom roster.

Sister Julienne is being most efficient.

How will I know how long to take? It says I'm number four.

My concern is having to queue in the first place.

I do believe Sister Monica Joan is taking secret baths in the day.

The water was positively Arctic.

What will it be like with four extra bodies?

And male at that.

And as for this rostering system.

Makes one feel like a pedalo on a boating lake.

Pardon the intrusion.

I believe that the commandeering of our room will be the preferred option due to its slightly larger dimensions.

They can't expect you to give up your bed.

Bags are already packed.

Then I insist on you taking my bed.

I couldn't possibly impose myself in such a manner.

It's for purely selfish reasons.

We can't have you putting your back out again on a camp bed with all these doctors swarming round us.

Then I shall gratefully accept your offer.

What if a big wind comes?

I think we'll be safe enough.

Here - you like pigeons, don't you?

I like all birds.

Well, he has got the most beautiful pigeon called Dot.

And I'm sure he'd let you hold her if we ask him.

Hello? Anybody home?

Oh! You caught her, then.


I was telling Reggie here about Dot.

He loves pigeons. Can I hold her?

He's never handled one before. Please.

Not too loose but not too tight.

You don't want to strangle her but you don't want her flying away either.

Hold it in, close to your chest.

That's it.

Your heartbeat, it keeps her calm.

Fred, by the way. Fred Buckle.

George Benson.

Well, you should come to the CDC and do a talk.

Do you good, get you out of here for a bit.

There's nothing wrong with here.


You do know this place is due for demolition.

Would you like to come and meet her kin, Reggie?

Yes, please.

You follow me.

Doctor Livingstone, I presume.

Nuns have certainly changed since I was at school.

I'm a resident midwife.

I'm so sorry we are late.

Navigational issues.

I'd be wary of letting him near your patients when he can't even handle an A to Z.

If you wouldn't mind waiting, I'll fetch Sister Julienne.

Cheery looking fellow.

Raymond Nonnatus.

Patron saint of childbirth and midwifery.

Born of Caesarean section.

A learned scholar in our midst.

Thank you, Sister Monica Joan.

Welcome to Nonnatus House, gentlemen.

Sister Hilda will show you to your quarters.

We have saved some supper for you and you will then be introduced to the midwives with whom you'll be working.

If you would follow me.

Dr Turner's surgery.

Erm, Dr Turner? It's Fred. Apologies for the late call.

There's a bloke I'm worried about.

It is of paramount importance that we keep our focus over the coming days and not be distracted by this intrusion.

With all due respect, Phyllis, I deem us all to be a little beyond the giggling schoolgirl phase of our lives.

I'm glad to hear it.

Though none of us have taken the habit just yet.

With the exception of Sister Frances, of course.

Good evening. Evening.

No need to rise on our account. Kevin McNulty.

Dr Benedict Walters.

Are you any relation to Sir Howard Walters?

My father, as it happens.

Obstetrics And Gynaecology In The Modern Age it's a seminal work in the field.

So everyone keeps telling me.

There's not a midwife in the country who doesn't know who your father is.

Big shoes to fill, young man.

Yes, everyone tells me that too.

Shall the others be joining us?

They're still unpacking.

Perhaps you would be so kind as to pass this along to your colleagues.

Bathroom roster?

You'll find punctuality is imperative at Nonnatus House.

It would appear we're last on the list.

I'm glad to see there's nothing wrong with your observation skills.

We'll need hot water for shaving. We do have a kettle.

Deep breath in.

And out.

And again.

I do wish you'd come to the surgery sooner.

I am putting you on a course of penicillin and sulphonamides as a precaution.

I have it, don't I? The TB.

I need to send your sputum samples off to be tested.

I'd also like to send you for an X-ray and do a Mantoux test, which requires an injection just here.

I won't go to no sanatorium.

In an ambulance, middle of nowhere, and out in a box.

Like my Uncle Raymond.

You don't even know if you've got it yet, George.

Fred does have a point.

Let's see what the test results show, shall we?

I've a colleague who should be able to rush them through for me.

You know how to ride one of these? Black Betty?

Prefer the Raleigh Supreme myself.

Lighter of frame but still sturdy on the cobbles.

My father owned a bike shop back in Coventry.

I assume it's this way.

Well, this is going to be an interesting clinic.

Clearly a tension between those two doctors.

Well, that basement won't be helping his chest.

I'm watching you, Fred Buckle.

I wish you wouldn't put temptation in my way.

It's because of people like George that the council want the urban renewal programme fully implemented.

He don't want to live in a box halfway up in the sky all alone.

He won't be alone.

It's perfectly possible to move into a tower block and make friends with your neighbours.

I mean, the council's got all sorts of schemes to help people settle.

What about his pigeons?

Ah, excellent question, Reginald.

Unfortunately, there are some matters that can't be resolved.

Fred! Fred!

Hello, Dot. Come on then.

Oh, no, no, no. Go on. Hey!

Hello, Dot. Hello, Dotty.

You sit there, that's good.

Hey, I'm the most popular bird man in Poplar, did you know that?


My waters have broken.

Ah! Nurse Franklin, could you oblige Mrs Jessop - waters have broken.

Of course. This way, Mrs Jessop.

Five finger dilation.

Not to me. To the patient.

Mrs Jessop, you're halfway there already.

Hope it's as quick as the last three.

Like dogs out of a gate, they were.

Perhaps, Dr Walters, you could ask Sister Frances to telephone for an ambulance. Non urgent case.

It'll be a while yet, Mrs Jessop.

Not a bad looker, that one.

Let's concentrate on the job at hand, shall we?

Blood pressure 130 over 85. Normal.

For a pregnant woman, it's a little high but it's nothing to worry about.

If you could write it up on her co-op card, Dr McNulty?

This lady used to model swimwear for Perlmans catalogue.

Another lifetime.

Lesley is a fully signed up woman of leisure now.

How's Harry? You know what he's like.

Sell sand to an Arab, that man. Meet himself coming back, he will.

If he's not arrested first.

Everything all right, Nurse Dyer?

Everything seems to be in its rightful place, Dr Turner.

It feels different. In what way, Mrs Pike?

I dunno. Bigger or something.

Dr McNulty? That's not unusual for a second child?

Address Mrs Pike, Dr McNulty.

Sorry, erm...

That's nothing to worry about, Mrs Pike.

Dr Pontin seems to have urinary frequency and a tendency to babble.

He spends more time in the lavatory than he does on the floor.

It's probably nerves.


Is someone in labour?

May I be of assistance? Follow me.

Remain calm, help is on its way.

The ambulance appears to have lost its way.

I trust you've no objection to Dr Walters being present?

You can have the whole dockers union in for all I care.

Just get it out of me.


Dr Walters, would you pull the curtains and send the others out, please?

Please take your belongings and vacate the area immediately.

There we go.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to hurry you away now.

We have a mother in labour.

You'd never get a job in Pickfords! Hurry!

I'm sure you can all understand her need for privacy.

I can see baby's head. Keep your eyes on Mrs Jessop.

It's not me you should be addressing.

Sorry. Mrs Jessop, I can see your baby's head.


Elsie, you know the drill better than anyone.

Small controlled pushes for me.

Don't expect restitution and a pause for the shoulders on this one.

It's coming.

I'm sure Elsie won't mind you using her Christian name.

Don't you take that hand away.

Almost there, Mrs... Elsie.

I believe we may have a soprano in our midst.

You clever, clever woman.

There she is!

Congratulations. Thank you, doctor.

It would appear you've inherited your father's gift, Dr Walters.

Could walk a mouse across it. Oh.

Exactly how I like it.

You know they've got all the modern conveniences, those new flats.

Is that why you came back here?

No, Reggie wanted to see how you were.

Wanted to see how my Dot was, more like.

Go on. You know what to do.

Not too loose... Not too tight.

No news?

No news is good news, I suppose.

You're a natural, Reggie. A born natural.

My father was a breeder. Like his father before.

No-one still knows how they do it.

Find their way home.


Yes, certainly are clever birds. I was never much of a mixer.

Then I found one out in the yard one day. Its wing was broken.

Cat, I'd say.

The next thing, I'm building myself a pigeon coop.

Just like my old man.

Learnt everything I could. Made up the rest.

The generations that've passed through these hands.

Me and my birds. Family.

What is it this time?

Tea maker.

A fresh cup of Rosie for when you open those sparkling mince pies of yours.


You'd want to be careful. All legitimate and above board.

Pull the other one.

Why do you think I picked the top floor?

There's no way Dixon of Dock Green's coming all the way up here to check me out.

We do have another one on the way, Harry.

Why do you think I'm doing all this?

It won't be always like this, wheeling and dealing.

I'm building us an empire, Lesley.

Have your tea before it gets cold.

Sorry love. Got a van load of these to shift.

Even empire builders have to eat.


I'll say goodnight, Dr Turner.

Goodnight, Miss Higgins.

Be wary of burning the midnight oil, doctor.

You do have a loving home to go to.

I'm waiting for a call from a colleague.

Oh, if you require my presence...

That won't be necessary.

No man is an island, Dr Turner.

Goodnight, Miss Higgins.

Hello. Edward!

Really? Yes, yes of course.

If you could pass the cold meats, Sister Frances?

Allow me.

I'm afraid there isn't much left.

Sorry, have I taken too much?

Absolutely not.

Man does not live by bread alone.

No doubt all that learning has given you quite the appetite.

I believe, Dr Walters, congratulations are in order for your delivery of Mrs Jessop's baby.

Is that a first for the clinic? I believe so.

Apologies for our tardiness.

Louise Mary Phillips was reluctant to introduce herself to the world.

It would appear there's no room at the inn.

Please. Don't disturb yourself, young man.

Some digestives and a glass of milk in the comfort of my chambers should suffice.

Or wherever it is I lay my head.


Just as I thought.

George, I am glad to inform you, you don't have TB.

Do you hear that, Dot?

A fine specimen.

You should have met her nan.

Now, she were special.

She nearly never made her way out the shell.

You'd never know to look at her.

That's because I stayed up with her night after night.

Out in that yard.

Yeah, you probably think I'm mad. Not at all.

I don't know why. There was just something.

Something about our Nellie.

But she blossomed.

How she blossomed. Indeed she did.

Cross channel, 1957.

I'm waiting out back. It felt like the others were waiting too.

We were waiting in anticipation.

Then out the clouds she flew. I recognised her straight away.

White tail feathers.

And even before I clocked her in, I knew.

I knew she were my champion.

These birds are more than just a past time, doctor.

Do you understand? They're part of me, each and every one.

They are lucky to have you. So, you keep taking those antibiotics.

It'll clear up that nasty chest in no time.

A little air might do you good, too.

Read it and weep, my friends. Not for long.

I think you'll find our patients are more than just a tick at Nonnatus, Dr Walters.

Racing is not just about winning.

It's about the process.

The rearing. The training.

Take Dot here, she may be of good stock, but she still needs to be bred in the right way.

You need to get to know your bird, to understand them, to understand their temperament, their intelligence.

Only then will you know their true capability to fly hundreds of miles from a foreign shore and land right back on your doorstep.

Right, lads, let's give Mr Benson a round of applause.

Take your time.

I probably shouldn't have come.

Doc said it'd take a couple of days for the antibiotics to shift it.

Well, we'll be finished here in a minute and I'll walk you home.

I'm not a complete invalid.

Don't be a stranger.

Go home, rest up and, erm, we'll see you back here next week.


I do find Dr Walters rather dismissive.


Though I do concur that his bedside manner does leave a lot to be desired.

Dr Fielding barely talks at all.

What about your Dr McNulty, Val?

He is of a pleasant disposition.

Though his communication skills also leave a lot to be desired.

Pleasant on the eye also?

Is that a blush I see?

No, I just find the room quite warm.

It must be the extra bodies.

Are you absolutely sure that we can't tempt you to come to keep fit?

I shall stick with my tried and trusted Canadian Air Force routine and fully embrace my brief solitude.

You missed Timothy today. How is he?

Been given a rare night out and he's on his way to a gig.

A gig? It's what they call concerts these days.

On a week night?

The school probably felt they needed to blow off some steam.

He has been working flat out since he got there.

I suppose a little R&R never hurt anyone.


You're very late. Mm, I had a house call.

We need two of you.

These adoption papers. Ah. They can wait til morning.

Eat up, before it gets cold.

Down the hatch. Cheers.

You really shouldn't be doing this.

Ah! Dr Immaculata.

Gentlemen, I give you the Nonnatus - full of the holy spirit, but a little bitter.

Fill your cups.

Not imbibing, Dr McNulty?

I'm first on call tonight. Oh, one won't hurt.

No, not when Daddy can bail you out, it won't.

Anyone for cricket?

What was that?

Is it a break in?

Come on, they won't have gone far! Leave this to me, Sisters.

I urge you to proceed with the utmost caution.

I think I've dislocated my hip.

Perhaps you should try more soothing music the next time, some Matt Monro or a little Calypso music perhaps.

Mr Walters!

Nonnatus House is a place of sanctity and solace.

It is neither a lodging house nor is it the Oval, and I will not allow it to be treated as such.

To the sisters of Nonnatus...

..the great silence is a time of contemplation and spiritual peace.

And if you are unable or unwilling to abide by the rules of this house then alternative accommodation will be found for you for the duration of your stay with us.

I hope you are suitably ashamed of yourselves.

Well, at least he turned up.

That's a start. Hm.

I might drop in on him later. See how he's getting on.

That's the reason I married you.

Now, Fred's got to drive me to the wholesalers.

So, you've got your comic, you know where the biscuits are, and don't touch the cooker.

Yes Mum.

You promise? Promise.

And don't go bothering that nice Mr Benson.

Good lad.


Mr Benson?

Mr Benson?

This is me, Reggie.

Mr Benson... Help me.

Fred! Fred! Mr Benson needs help!

Shouldn't you be teaching me something?

Manners, perhaps?

Last night had nothing to do with me.

Dragged you along, did they?

So, what is the deal with you and Dr Walters?

There is none. Right!

Everyone loves Benedict. He's a natural.

I spent six months with him on a chest ward.

I studied every book I could get my hands on, every disease there was.

He never opened a book the whole time we were there.

Yet he ends up top of the class.

Some of us... just have to work for what we get.

It's the way we were dragged up.

The antibiotics I gave you aren't working, I'm afraid.

But you said I haven't got TB.

No. Still, I am concerned.

You're not well, George.

I'm going to send you into hospital for some further tests.

What about my birds? Dot?

I'll look after them for you, Mr Benson.

Don't worry, George. That's what friends are for.

We'll take care of 'em.

The patient is presenting with all the symptoms of TB - lung shadow on his X ray - but the skin test proved negative, as did the results from his sputum samples.

And he's living on his own in a condemned building with only his pigeons for company.

Yes, I'm very concerned about him.

They've been here for over a week now.

I told you they wouldn't sell around here.

Some goods move a bit slower than others.

Yeah, well, they've come to a full stop.

Little tr*nny radios are flying out. I had to order more stock.

From your dodgy docker? What you don't know...

But I do know.

No silver spoons where we come from.

If you get nicked, I ain't coming visiting.

I better not get nicked then.

You need to speak to him. He's a GP with over 30 years' experience.

I can't go barging up telling him I know better!

What if I don't know better?

What if I'm just blindly barking up the wrong tree because of something I saw happen once, 100 years ago?

Before I even went to school. Dr Turner?

Dr McNulty would like to speak to you.


Hello! Please? Anyone!

Ah! Oh, oh!

Oh, no! No! Please, no.

It was my Uncle Judd, sir. My mother's brother.

He lived a bus ride away, in a mining village.

There wasn't much there apart from the pit and the cottages, but to me - coming from where I came from - it was the countryside, and I loved it.

Was he a coal miner? Yes.

I thought he was heroic.

My dad owned a bicycle shop. It wasn't quite the same.

Mine was an ironmonger.

When I was about ten, my uncle started coughing.

Coughing, and coughing, and he just carried on going down the pit every day.

Then one day my Uncle Judd coughed blood, and everybody thought he'd got TB.

And was it? No.

One of the doctors had seen it before in another miner who kept pigeons.


The doctor ran blood tests and diagnosed histoplasmosis.

It's contracted from a dimorphic fungi in bird droppings.

One of the endemic mycoses? Yes, sir.

It's relatively asymptomatic when confined to the lungs, but life-threatening if it enters the system as a whole.

I thought it might be worth investigating with regard to your elderly gentleman.

But I didn't want to jump to conclusions.

Good doctors never jump to conclusions.

But they can reach for them.

And they can be led. Thank you, Dr McNulty.

Oh! Whoa! Lesley!

It's happening now, Harry.

All right. All right. Wait there.

Don't, Harry. Please! You just... Please!

You just... I'll be right back. Harry, please! Ah!

Nonnatus House. Midwife speaking.

Hello. It's Harry Pike. Please! Please, you've got to hurry.

It's extremely important you keep her calm til we get there.

So that means you need to stay calm. Do you understand, Mr Pike?

OK, yeah. We'll be there as soon as we can. OK.

Take me with you. It's what I'm here for, isn't it?

I need your car keys.

What? Now, Benedict!

This way, doctor.

I will, of course, be running further tests...

..but I'm now convinced that you have an illness called histoplasmosis.

Not a chest infection?

There is a treatment that will involve a daily dose for two months after which you'll have a clean bill of health.

However, the fungicide used, can only be administered intravenously.

It will mean going to hospital again.

I don't understand.

It's your pigeons that are making you sick, George.

Not the birds per Se.

Their droppings react with the soil in your yard causing these spores that have made you sick.

My birds?

In order to be cured, you have to let them go, George.

No. No, I won't. I can't.

They're making you sick.

With me now, Lesley. Look at me.

It might be advisable to move to the bedroom, Mr Pike.

I can see the head.

You hear that, Lesley? Almost there.

Again for me, Lesley.

Slow advance, but it's coming.

Well done, Lesley. Take a breath.

Don't remember the last one being this hard.

You're doing great.

Keep your hand on the head.

You don't know how quickly this baby might move once mum starts pushing again.

Here we go again. Just pant for me now.

And I need a little push.

And again.

Well done! That's the baby's head, Lesley.

Head is still very tight. No restitution.

What? Nothing's wrong, Lesley.

Baby's face is still pointing down, that's all.

It's nothing to worry about.

Now, I need you to move towards me.

I've already talked to the Royal Pigeon Racing Association.

Some of their members are willing to take your birds.

I bet they are. Why wouldn't they? Prize fliers and all.

There's nothing?

Not even my Dot?

I'm afraid not.

The disease is currently confined to your lungs, therefore treatable.

But further exposure puts your life at serious risk.

Do you think that's what your birds would want?


It is all going to be fine.

Dr McNulty, change places with me, please.

That's it. Nice and gentle now, Lesley.

You're in the best of hands.

Lesley, I just need to locate the shoulders.

I'm sorry, Lesley.

I know this isn't nice for you and you really want to push, but please try not to.

They're bad for you, you know.

If they're good enough for Ms Hepburn...

I watched you yesterday.

I watched your colleagues.

The compassion you show, the kindness, the elation you feel with each birth.

Me - I feel none of those things.

Then perhaps it's a path you are destined not to follow.

My father is Sir Howard B Walters.

He has the entire alphabet after his name.

It is preordained that I follow in his rather large footsteps.

We make our own choices in life, Dr Walters.

You won't find any solutions in there.

Believe me, I know.

Well done, chick.

I know this is uncomfortable. Baby has its arm around its back.

It's causing a bit of a blockage so I'm going to deliver the posterior arm first.

An episiotomy will give you more room.

Those won't be necessary, Dr McNulty.

Almost there - one arm's out.

Now, I need you to push again for me, if you can.

That's it. Good. Good. Keep it coming.

What's the heart rate? Not good.

Why isn't it crying? Shouldn't it be crying?

Whoa, stop!

Don't cut yet. Clamp first, otherwise baby will bleed.

What's happening?

What's happening with our baby, doctor?

Harry! I'm here.

It'll be all right.

Come on now.

There we are!

Oh! Oh!

You have a beautiful baby daughter, Lesley.

Oh! Hee-hee!

Think we're going to have our hands full with this one.

She's a beauty. Just like her mum.


Give yourself a tick, Dr McNulty.

I was about to cut her. Yeah. But you didn't.

I take it you had an eventful day, Nurse Dyer.

Poor little one had her posterior arm twisted behind her back.

No problems after that was resolved though.

Excellent job. Well, I didn't do it alone.

No, I don't suppose you did.

Well, you've both earned yourselves a cuppa.

I believe there may even be some chocolate digestives stashed away in the cupboard.

Very sad.

Hm. You're not wrong there, Reggie.

Not used to it being this quiet.

She's yours. If you want her, that is.

I've cleared it with the powers that be at The Glasshouse and they're more than happy to oblige.

What do you say? Thank you.

She couldn't be in better hands.

I know he's doing it all for us.

His beautiful girls.

But I just keep thinking he's going to get nicked one of these days, I know he is.

And I can't bring our girls up on my own stuck in this flat.


Hey! Talk to me darling, what's wrong?

Strong and healthy.

Sensible to leave listening to the heart til baby had calmed down.

I have a good teacher. Indeed you do.

You have a very healthy baby boy, Mrs Foster.

Thank you. And now, it's your turn.

Dr Walters? Of course.

Dr McNulty, you will be pleased to hear that your diagnosis of George Benson's lung condition was correct.

And how is the patient?

The disease is confined to the lungs and so the outlook is a positive one, with certain restrictions, unfortunately.

Ah, Mrs Brown. Now, how is that blood pressure of yours?

You had me a little worried, I'll be honest with you...

Does he ever stop? Never.


Varicose veins in need of support.

Hello. How are you today?

It makes a nice change having a few chaps about.


My name's Beatrix. Hello, Beatrix.

And I'm an alcoholic.

And I have been sober now for 23 months, 2 weeks and 3 days.

If you're finished your tea, go brush your teeth and on with your pyjamas.

And no running in your stocking feet.

Sorry, Daddy. Go on!

It felt good to be able to share the load these last few days.

You've always been doctor first.

I knew that when I married you.

You have been working some very long hours.

And I'm not getting any younger. I didn't say that.

You didn't have to. I'm not.

Maybe it's time we thought about taking on another doctor.

I can discuss the financial implications with Miss Higgins, if you like.

Let's do that.

Did one emerge victorious?

It all appears quite infantile now.

A parting gift.

Sometimes our lives overlap with others, only briefly.

We share troubles through laughter or learning and move on.

Afterwards all we will hold in common is a memory.

I do believe this first sojourn has proved quite fruitful.

Hmm. I'm inclined to agree.

Although if we were to repeat this exercise, alternative lodgings would be a prior requisite.


Bye. Bye!

The chapter passes like a storm, or sunshine, or an ordinary day.

But the heavens always send us something new.

A chance, a lease of life.

A soulmate...

..or a friend.

Come on, Reggie.

And the best, like love itself, fly back to us.

In us they make their home.

The Sound Of Music! Everyone's talking about it.

Patrick! Perfect timing!

I honestly don't think I'm going to have time.

I'm sorry.

This is my wife. Aileen Mallen.

Her water's have broke. Come on, lass.

I'm not leaving her side.

How are you feeling? You don't look fine.

And what business is that of yours anyway?

Sticking your nose in where it ain't wanted. Like you really care!
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