08x04 - Episode #8.4

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Call the Midwife". Aired: January 15, 2012 to present.*
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Series revolves around nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s and 1960s.
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08x04 - Episode #8.4

Post by bunniefuu »

MATURE JENNIFER: When we're young, there's always more to be embraced - more energy, more joy, more opportunity to flourish.


We live life in forward motion, surging ahead, eyes aimed at the horizon...

...and even hard labour and sacrifice feel worthwhile when offered up as down payment on the future.

Chop chop, Jeannie. We've a busy class ahead.

It's my turn to bring in the biscuits!

I had to stop off for three packets of custard creams!

Due to unforeseen circumstances, this summer's East London Keep Fit Jamboree has had to move from its usual venue, and we will be hosting here in Poplar!

Aren't we going up West? That church hall in Kensington was lovely last year.

Yes, but that doesn't mean we can't offer a warm welcome and some gracious hospitality.

In the meantime, we can start setting out our stall by preparing an absolutely blistering display routine, involving...

...hula hoops! (OTHERS GASP)



I did well today. The foreman noticed my work.

So he should. You work hard.



I don't mind. -Ido.

But if I keep being noticed, maybe they'll give me a job that pays more.

Then we can afford our own place, just the three of us.

1, er, saw your mother on the way home.

Lucky you.

Did she speak to you?

Don't let your food go cold.


Thank you, Jeannie. You can ignore the hula hoop for now.

Jeannie's softly flexed knees and relaxed neck and shoulders means that she can concentrate all of her energy into the lower abdomen.

This exercise is particularly good for trimming the tummy and slimming the flanks, which may well be why Jeannie has regained her figure just a few months after having her second child!

Carry on, Jeannie, SO everyone can copy you.

Gentle, rhythmic circles.

That's right, Valerie.

Lucille, your rotations could be a little bolder.

It doesn't feel decent without the hula hoop.


Ooh, I've come over a bit funny.

Deep breaths! Just take deep breaths and we'll get you to a chair.

Lucille, will you tidy away the hula hoops and put on some Mantovani, please?

It's most unwise to come to a keep-fit class without having had anything to eat.

It's finding the time. My hands are that full with the two boys, especially now I'm back at my little job down the shop.

Only part time, but every penny counts with the move coming up.

Oh, yes, the move!

Is it all going according to plan? Not half!

Not long now till we pick up the keys.

I get the bus that way sometimes just so I can look at the house from the outside and say, "You're mine.

"We're on our way!"

Frank's been working night and day, so we've been able to save.

It's funny to think there's so much work in electrics.

It's a tremendous achievement, buying your own home.

Now, come on, back to class, and next week you're to have a proper dinner and a pudding before you come!



We'll pay for this come the morning.

Daily practice is the key for exercise.

You'd all be better off getting up early and joining me in my Canadian Air Force regime.

I can't be doing with this!

Grown men running about in fancy dress and making out a phone box can travel through space and time!

I shall repair to my room and extend my understanding of the Spanish intransitivo.

Why don't we have a show of hands about putting on the wireless?

Oh! Oh! But it's so exciting!

The Doctor's assistant has just been mistaken for an ancient high priestess who seeks to exploit her influence to outlaw human sacrifice!

I think we will all sleep better if we switch to the Light Programme.



Look, it's your mummy.


How was it?

I enjoy myself more every week.

The teacher thinks I might be good enough to train as an instructor.

Top of the class, eh? She's a clever one, your mum.



I finished a rewire on Dalton Street.

Well worth putting those weekends in.

Seems such a simple thing to want for your kids, doesn't it?

Yeah. But it's massive.

Their own beds in their own rooms.

Not something you or me ever knew.

But they will.

Oh, what a gorgeous girl!

Hello. She's so lovely!

Thank you very much. Thank you.

Good afternoon, Mrs Singh.

This weather's a treat, isn't it?

I much prefer the cold. I find it keeps the mind sharper.

Miss Higgins.

Hello, Mum.

You know, I've never known a mother and daughter to be expecting at the same time.

What a support you must be for one another.

If you'd like to come with me, Mrs Singh.

Are you and your mother still at odds, Mrs Singh?

She won't back down on her feelings about Pardeep.

And I'm not going to back away from him.

So, you're caught in the middle? No.

I'm on Pardeep's side and he's on my side.

That's what marriage is, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

It's been a year since the wedding, and I stopped crying about her months ago.

I'm not letting it upset me.

It might be upsetting your blood pressure.

What's wrong with it? It's just a little high.

And there seems to be a tiny trace of protein in your urine.

What does that mean? Is something wrong with the baby?

Baby's doing very nicely.

But we'll be giving you daily checks from now on.

And you're to rest and not get upset about your mother.

I'm not upset.

I was never this big the last time.

As if it's not bad enough being caught out at my age, there's no hiding it.

Well, if you're uncomfortable, we could consider a maternity girdle.

I'm sure we have one in the stockroom.

Second-hand? No, thank you.

I can assure you we adhere to a very strict laundry policy, and you may find it helps.

Lest we need reminding, Nurse Dyer and Nurse Anderson are now off on their tropical diseases course.

We look forward to their return as experts in leishmaniasis, malaria and sprue.

In the meantime, we have ulcers, diabetes and a postnatal list as long as a fashion model's leg.

I'm moving like a well-oiled machine with this now.

And not before time either.

I'm so sorry!

I had to call in at the school and register Angela and May for their September start, and...

Well, I'm glad everything's in order. I've written your list down.

Am I right to leave Enid Wilson on your list, Sister Julienne?

Yes. I won a small victory with a maternity girdle at clinic, and I'm hopeful I might yet persuade her of the merits of hospital birth.

She is 44.

And medical guidelines are medical guidelines.

Right, off you all pop.

Nurse Crane, you haven't given me a list.

Oh. Why don't you assist Mrs Turner?

I'd appreciate that. We have a busy round today.

Queen had hers at home. The Queen is 37.

They don't let husbands in with you at the hospital, do they?

What's husbands got to do with it?

We often find men to be more of a hindrance than a help during delivery.

Sounds very sensible to me.

Well, it's what I want. Shan't be dissuaded.

Perhaps we could agree to a compromise.

What about having this baby at the maternity home?

Fine, if it'll put an end to it.

Now we've cleared that up...

...maybe we could try the girdle.

You've toughened up over the years.

I'll be late back, don't forget. We're still short on drivers.

No stopping off at the Hand & Shears on the way home.

(WHISPERS) Good luck, Sister.


It's a good job you only work over the way, otherwise I'm not sure we'd be able to fit in a fitting.

Well, where there's a will, there's a way.

That seems to be my motto these days.

And when you're ready, we'll have an experimental circling of the hips, 4 la hula hoop mode, hm?


Oh, I reckon that'll do!



I'm sorry.

I've got this really funny thing where my mouth keeps filling up with spit.

It's ever so embarrassing when I'm serving in the shop.

Jeannie, have you spoken to the doctor about this?

No. It's not an illness, it's just a bit inconvenient.

Excessive saliva production sometimes happens in pregnancy.

You mean...?

Find out whether or not you're expecting, yes.

And if you can rule it out, then you can get on with all the other things that you have to do.

I-I can't be!

I'm...I'm still waiting for my monthlies to come back properly after having Mickey.

And I'm using the Dutch cap.

We'd better hurry up. I've got to get back to work.

Well, I suggest a trip to Dr Turner's to make sure that everything's all right.

How does that feel?

It is more comfortable, I'lL give you that, Sister.

So, you're looking after our Cilla, then. How's she doing?

I'm afraid I can't discuss another patient.

Why don't you ask her yourself?

Forget I asked.

I don't mean to pry, Mrs Wilson, but it seems such a shame that the two of you are apart, particularly at such a special time.

The shame is she had her head turned by that boy in the first place.

Now she's living over there in that pigsty with goodness knows how many strange men!

Not two pennies to rub together. I mean, it's not right, is it, Sister?

And I know what you're thinking, but I'm not like some round here.

This has nothing to do with where he's from.

You know, our Cilla is such a clever, beautiful girl - she could have had anyone she wanted, and yet...

Perhaps none of that matters to her, and Pardeep is what she wants.

After all, isn't love the most important thing?

That's what she said.

I know you wouldn't believe it to see us now, but she used to come to me about everything.

I'm not saying she always listened, but we'd talk about it.

She sounds like a young woman who knows her own mind.

If you really are worried about her, why don't you offer some help?

I'm sure the support would be appreciated.

Good news - your blood pressure has come down a little.

And your urine is as clean as a whistle.

I've been resting, like you said.

Mrs Singh, have you thought about who you'd like to have with you when the time comes?

Lots of first-time ladies like to have a family member, as well as the midwives.

I'm happy with just midwives.

Oh, we'll take that as a compliment.

Now, have you everything you need for when Baby arrives?

Pardeep's found a cot from the second-hand place down the road, and we've been trying to put a bit by for a pram, but...

I hate the idea of the baby not having the best of everything.

When a baby has two parents who love them, they have the best of everything.

Given everything you've told me, I'd say you were around three months pregnant.

But I've...I've been using the...the Dutch cap.

I followed all the instructions, did everything the clinic told me to!

Did they refit it for you after you had your last baby?

No, um, it seemed to be working fine as it was.

I didn't want any more children!

Me and my husband agreed - two was enough!

Not to mention my youngest is only seven months!

Siblings often thrive when there's a very small age gap.

Go home, tell your husband. It'll soon start feeling like good news.

There you go, Mrs Turner.

Er, well, its storm apron's gone AWOL and there's a bit of mildew in the corner, but nothing that a damp cloth and a bit of bleach couldn't cure.

They're on their way.

Are you sure your friend Nolly's niece doesn't need this any more?

Nah, the kids are grown. She was only using it to go down the laundry.

She's got one of those twin-tubs.

Mrs Singh is going to be delighted. It's in remarkable condition.

Yeah, it will be, once I've given that wheel a good seeing to.

Two ticks and I'll go and get my spoke spanner.

I wish we could fix the rift between mother and daughter as easily.

I can't imagine ever falling out with Angela.

But there again, I also struggle to imagine her grown up.

A parent and tiny child could have one sort of relationship and two adult women of different generations quite another.

How did you find Sister Frances today?

Keen to please.

Shy with me, not so shy with the patients.

I don't feel as though I know her very well.

Nor do I.

And I feel as though I ought to.


Sister Frances, have you been bitten by something?

You've been clawing at your arm ever since you sat down.

I can never say no to a dog or a cat that comes looking for affection.

Do you suppose it might have been a flea?

I can see a bit of flakiness. Let's have a proper look.

Oh, please! Not right across my cheesy tartlet!

Oh... Oh...

That's not a flea bite, Sister Frances. That's ringworm.

SISTER FRANCES: My cousin caught ringworm once, off a photographer's monkey at the seaside.

My uncle was mayor at the time, and my auntie went mad.

She said ringworm was something dirty people get.

It is something dirty people get, and if they pass it on to those of us who are able to keep cleaner, so be it.

Sister, there are so many adjustments to make when one is new.


Every day is full of things I need to ask or remember or learn how to do.

Balancing spiritual studies with midwifery can be very hard.

My door is always open. All you have to do is knock.

We shouldn't have to rely on charity.

Think of it as neighbourliness, Mr Singh.

I'm sorry, Nurse. I do not wish to sound ungrateful.

We've had a bit of a disappointment.

Pardeep was hoping for a promotion at the factory.

But he's been passed over.

Mr Jones likes to keep the Indians on machine work.

Says we work harder.


And you know what else?

He can pay ‘em less.

Try not to be discouraged.

We have a visitor.

Hello, Mum.

What brings you here?


Is this it?

Why don't I make everyone a nice cup of tea?

No, thank you. Don't want to catch anything.

My considered professional opinion is that Mr and Mrs Singh are managing beautifully.

(SCOFFS) I think you should come home, where we can look after you properly.

She is looked after properly.

And does your invitation include Pardeep?

Should've known better than to ask.

Sit down, all three of you.

I'll make the tea and then leave you to talk things over as a family.

Don't bother.

I'll wipe my feet on the way out.


I know we said we didn't want another.

He or she's here now. Would a third be so bad?

And what if there's a fourth one, Frank? And a fifth?

Then we'll carry on going until we have a football team.

Yeah, because that would be really funny, wouldn't it?

My mum kept popping ‘em out and she just sat there laughing till the tears rolled down her cheeks!

I'm sorry.

Look, when we've had this one, we can double up on the contra-thingummy.


You can get something from the clinic and I'll get something from the barber's.


What if I can fix it so there was no "this one"?

No, Jeannie. It's not legal, and it's not safe.

There's proper doctors can do it, in the right circumstances.

We ain't in the right circumstances, and that's that!


Oh, my waters!

Mrs Tennant...

...are you asking me to arrange a termination of your pregnancy?

If that's the polite way of putting it, or the way a doctor would put it.

I don't want to say "get rid".

I don't even want to say "abortion".

I want to use the medical words because this is a medical matter.

And it's a matter of legality.

I can't change the law, Mrs Tennant.

You can get round it!

You can, if it's a matter of life or death.

My life and my death!

If...If the baby's dangerous for me and for my health, if it puts my sanity at risk!

But it s/f putting your sanity at risk.

It's making you miserable and scared and unhappy.

I can see that, I...

I can see all of that.

And I can look for ways for our midwives to help you.

But I can't see any medical reason to refer you for an abortion.

I'm sorry.

Labour won't be too far off now your waters have broken.

But it hasn't started yet.

So, can I go home?

It's better you stay here until Baby's ready to make an entrance.

We can get a message to your relatives.

Straightaway, if, er, if you'd like visitors this evening.

Charlie will be working underground on the Central line.

There's no getting any messages to him.

Is there no-one else you'd like to see?

No. No-one else.


Let us see if there are any improvements on last week's debacle.

And where is your cap, young man?


And you, James Custance, with the wrong socks on!

Oh, lads!

A uniform should be worn with pride.

We want the 5th Poplar looking their best for the pack photo.

Take a good look at Baloo here - immaculately turned out.

Over by the stage.

With some cunning refiguration, perhaps we can disguise the worst of it.

I've always had a keen interest in photography.


In fact, I notice there's an exhibition on in town tomorrow evening.

I hadn't picked you out as an art aficionado...

(CAMERA CLICKS) ...Sergeant.

Oh, I try and get along whenever I can.

Maybe you'd like to come.

Yeah, why not?

It's always interesting to see professional work.

Pleased and proud, boys. Pleased and proud!


MISS HIGGINS: Mrs Tennant! Better late than never.

And welcome back to the maternity clinic.

Why don't you take your boys to toy corner?

You can come straight through.

Everything seems exactly as it ought to be.

I keep hoping I'll lose it.

Oh, Jeannie, don't say that! I have to say it to someone.

I know it isn't what you planned, but...

It isn't what I wanted!

Are women not allowed to want things or not want things?

I thought it was meant to be different for us, that we were going to be able to choose.

And what I don't want, what I would never choose, is to end up like my mother did - seven kids in 11 years, and in and out of the Linchmere with her head falling apart!

Did your mother have a nervous breakdown?

More than one.

We were in foster homes sometimes, me and the little ‘uns.

I've worked so hard to give Mickey and Mark a proper chance.

I was going to do better.

I needto do better, and not for me.

For my kids.

I can manage two of 'em, I can love two of ‘em, but...

...I can't do more than that, and work, and make them a life.

Jeannie, we never know what we can achieve until we try.

I can't even do the display now, can I?

I'm sure we can make some adjustments. Now, come on.

Touch up your face before you leave the cubicle.

You won't tell anyone...

(WHISPERS) ...about what I said in here, will you?

No, I won't.

Have you been on your feet a great deal, Mrs Singh?

Your ankles seem a little puffy.

Do they? Don't remember the last time I saw them.

I have to say, my shoes do feel a little tight.

We can have a chat about wearing something more sensible once I've checked your blood pressure.

When I was expecting, I favoured a nice, neat lace-up.

(LAUGHS) Lace-ups? I haven't worn lace-ups since I was at school!


Do you know, Mrs Singh, I'd be much happier if we could keep you close to hand until the baby's born.

Could you reconcile yourself to a stay at the maternity home?

Hm. I wouldn't mind going somewhere I can have a bit of peace.

I shall telephone the ward.

I'm pleased to say that it's much better.

So, how come you're in, then?

Observation. Same as you.

My offer still stands, you know.

This week's Woman's Own comes highly recommended.

There's an excellent knitting feature - “blackberry stitch without tears" - and an offer for wipe-clean recipe cards.

Just what I'm looking for.

Do you suppose we'll be rolling out barbed wire between the beds?

If they keep ignoring each other, there won't be any need.


If everyone in the class goes bouffant for the display, we could all have coral headscarves pinned into place.

What do you think?

I think it's insanity. Trying to change our hairdos in the middle of the week?!

I set my hair on the weekend, and then I just add more lacquer on a daily basis.

The H-b*mb couldn't budge it by the weekend.

Are these hairpins meant to be sticking in my head?

Lucille, have you never heard what the French say?

“A woman must suffer to be beautiful.”



I think it's the dryer that's suffered the most.

Oh! I only bought this five years ago when I had the Jean Seberg pixie cut!

Jean Seberg could dry her hair by sticking her head out of the window of a bus!

Whoa! It's a good job I don't come bearing naked flames!

You're looking very polished, Phyllis.

Where are you off to in your next-best two-piece?

An exhibition of photography, as it happens, in Soho.

Soho?! Are you sure?!

I've never been one to eschew a fresh experience, and I shall enjoy the chance to utilise the parking meter system.

One must remain in step with the times.



Ah, hello.

Oh, this place certainly attracts an intriguing clientele.

I wasn't quite sure I had the right address.

Have I misconstrued? I thought you were a regular.

I'm a regular admirer of the artist's work.

Whilst I know nothing at all about the gentleman.

What are horizons for if not to be expanded?



Has anyone seen Jeannie Tennant?

She never misses a class. Perhaps she's just running late.


Where you going, love?

Phwoar, look at that!

I'll show you a good time!



SERGEANT WOOLF: Can I tempt you to a Murray Mint?

My preference is for barley sugar. I've brought my own.

And you're a regular admirer of this artist's work?

Well, it would appear his approach has evolved since his last exhibition.


I have to say, Sergeant Woolf, I had thought there was no inch of the human anatomy that I hadn't seen before.

Suffice to say, tonight has been an education.

Yeah, I've learned a lesson from it, too.

What's that?

Not to tell falsehoods to make myself seem cultured.

You didn't have a clue who that photographer was, did you?


Why were you so bothered about seeming cultured?

Oh, the arts rather passed me by when I was younger.

There's nothing wrong with having a straight-up-and-down and sensible approach to life, if that's the way you're made.

I can only apologise if I caused you any embarrassment or distress.

No apologies required.

You haven't managed to put me off my photography.

We seem to be forgoing the cheese and wine through mutual agreement, Should we repair to a café and plan our next excursion?

Thank you, but my parking meter beckons.

I must answer the call.


(DOOR CLOSES) How did you get on?

Did the teacher put her feet up and let you run the class?

Not tonight, but it won't be long.

What's wrong?


I just overdid it with the jumping jacks.

I'll make us a cup of tea.

Here we are.

Can you pass me the pepper, please?



We missed you in class the other evening.

Oh, sorry, I was sick as a dog.

But I'm back firing on all cylinders today.

Well, I wish I could say the same for this.

We've been through so much together. Please tell me it's not terminal.

Leave it with us. A few days' bed rest ought to put it right.

The sooner you can discharge it, the better.

I had to dry my hair by a two-bar electric heater last night.

You still look a little green about the gills, Jeannie.

Have you tried ginger biscuits for the nausea?

I'lL stick with my custard creams, thanks.

And that's five minutes since the last one.

Things are coming along nicely.

Come here, chick. Let me straighten those pillows.

I thought the pain was all in your stomach.

Nobody told me it hurts your head!

Have you got a headache, Cilla?

Yeah, and my eyes have gone all funny.

It's like I keep seeing little silver sparks.

I'm going to take your blood pressure, and perhaps Nurse Dyer would pop and fetch Dr Turner.

What for?

I just want him to take a look at you.

Having seen the blood pressure charts, I think we all know what this is.

Can someone get me an aspirin? Feels like my head's in a vice!

Cilla, it looks as though you have something called toxaemia.

Just for now, we're going to move you to a side room where you can rest quietly in the dark, and we can give you something to help you sleep.

But I don't want to! I want Pardeep!

Please, can somebody tell him? He works at Haywards Paints.

It's all right.

If you can prepare the sedative, I'll call the flying squad.

Let's get her transferred.


Sorry I'm late, love.

Where's your mum, eh?

Where's your mummy? Shhhh.

Oh, love.


What's wrong?

My stomach's off.

It was like this once in a while when I was having the others.

You never had a temperature.

I'll look after the lads. You go and have a lie-down.

Doctor, is my wife here?

Her name is Mrs Cilla Singh.

They told me the baby is coming.

Yes, it is.

I'm glad you're here.

Is she well? Is everything as ought to be?

What's happened? Where's my daughter?

Cilla is suffering from toxaemia.

Toxaemia?! I had that when I was having her!

Is. Is that a sickness? Yes.

With a bit of extra help, all will be well.

Don't you go making out it's nothing! I nearly died when I had her!

Please, Doctor, can I see my wife?

We'll look after her, I promise you.

You can look after each other.


You're getting worse.

Hot as fire.

I'm cold!

I think we should call the doctor.


It's not you, it's the little "un.


What can I do?

Get in next to me.

Help me to get warm.

I've just spoken to St Cuthbert's.

The flying squad hasn't even set off, because there wasn't an obstetrician free.

So, what will we do?

We'll deliver her here, under sedation.


VALERIE: It's never easy when a mother cries out in pain, but when she's silent it seems so unnatural.

Local anaesthesia effective?


I can see the head.

Going in gently with the forceps.

Good girl, Cilla.


DR TURNER: Episiotomy. SISTER JULIENNE: Good girl.

She's still under OK?



Mission accomplished.

A bonny little boy.

Come on, soldier. Time to do your bit.




How about that for teamwork, eh, Master Singh?

Oh, my goodness!

Jeannie! Jeannie!

Mr Singh?

You have a son.

A son?

How is my wife?

We're still keeping a close eye on her, but she's sedated, and therefore sleeping.

Which is why I thought this young gentleman might want to make your acquaintance.

It is the answer to my prayers, that he is here, and his mother has survived.


You are so skilled in medicine.

I am thankful.

But I think perhaps...

...your prayers were the same.

God is good, Mr Singh.

My granny used to say that.


Dr Turner's surgery.

Doctor, she's upstairs!

Can you hear me, Mrs Tennant?

Mrs Tennant? It's Dr Turner.

I need you to wake up for me.

Come on, Jeannie.

Will I get into trouble?

No, Jeannie. No, you won't.

What's happening? Is she losing the baby?

Mr Tennant, could you call for an ambulance? Quickly.

Tell them it's urgent.

I need you to tell me when this happened.

Two days ago.

Did the baby come away?

Ithought I'd feel better.

You have a very nasty infection.

I'm giving you some penicillin.

Small scratch.

Then we're going to get you to the hospital.

They'll do the rest.



ENID: Oh, look who's awake.

It's no fun all on your own, is it?

How about we keep each other company, eh?


Oh, there we go.


Going dark...

Look at me, Jeannie! Jeannie, look at me!

Don't... Don't close your eyes, Jeannie.

Listen to me, Jeannie.

Now, don't close your eyes.



Come on, Jeannie! Come back. Come back.

Come on, Jeannie, come on!

I know, I know, I should be in bed.

Got me slippers on.

I have no objection to you sitting with your grandson.

Cilla was left on her own the night she was born.

Can't tell you how guilty I felt about that.

SISTER JULIENNE: It wasn't your fault. You were very ill.

She was on her own again tonight.

I weren't ill this time.

I was...just stubborn.

I'll watch over him for her.

Just for now, so she knows he weren't by himself.

I'm sure that can be arranged.

I don't understand.

My sister lost one and she was all right.

Your wife's case was...complicated.

This didn't happen naturally.

Jeannie came to me the other day.

She asked for a termination.

I...I couldn't refer her - there weren't the grounds.

But...it seems she tried to arrange things herself.

She came to you?

She came to you and you sent her away?!


SISTER FRANCES: Do you suppose she went to the same abortionist as Cath Hindman?

Both of them seem to have caught streptococcus infections.

Sister Frances, I don't care who poor Jeannie went to.

I'd just like to get my hands around the filthy woman's neck and wring it!

(PHONE RINGS) I'll see who it is.

What I don't understand is... is how they know who to ask.

The pregnant women.

How do they know where to go if it all goes on in secret?

Child, do you ask how the fish in the murk of the ocean finds the light?

How the rat in the rubble locates the air?

In extremis, necessity finds a way.

It has always been thus. It will always be thus.

Sergeant Woolf is here.

He wants to talk to Trixie.


Patrick? Patrick, shall I make more coffee?

Oh, no, I'm heading off in a minute.

I'll have some if he doesn't want any.

I've told you before. Percolator coffee isn't good for you!

Tea's quite strong enough for a teenage boy.

Now, upstairs, all three of you.

Timothy's in charge of supervising teeth.

I'm planning to be a doctor, not a dentist.

Teeth, now.

Spit spot.



There's nothing in the paper yet, is there?


And if and when there is, it will only merit a column inch or so.

It won't say anything about the two little children she left behind, or...or the look on her husband's face when he knew that she was gone.

I won't have you blaming yourself for that poor woman's death.

You didn't make the law, you obeyed it.

And you did everything you could to save her.

Yes, last night.

But the truth is, I failed her weeks ago.

I gave her no choice.

You had no choice!

If you can shed any light at all on Mrs Tennant's thoughts or movements, anything...?

I'll tell you everything that I know.

Jeannie was unhappy.

Jeannie was frightened.

Jeannie did not want to have a baby.

And I can also tell you that we see this all the time.

Young, young girls.

Exhausted older women.

Mothers who don't know where their next penny or their next beating's coming from!

And others who want to take control of their bodies and their lives!

And all we can do is pat them on the hand and say, "You'll manage, everybody does."

But not everybody does!

Not everybody believes us.

(SNIFFS) I'm so sorry, I can't help you.

But I'm even more sorry that I couldn't help fer.

PARDEEP: I am so proud of you.

I'm sorry I wasn't with you last night.

He was well cared for.

Thank you, Sister.

Don't thank me, thank his grandmother.

My mum was with him?! (BABY GURGLES)

He won't go to bed without Jeannie.

I keep saying, "She's coming, she's coming.” But it ain't true, and I know he knows it.

If there's anything at all that you can remember that you can pass on to us...

...anything she said, any hint she dropped, even accidentally...

I know it cost seven pound.

Cos that's what's missing from the pot.

(BABY CRIES) Shh-shh-shh-shh-shh-shh.


I don't know this woman's name.

I don't know where she lives.

But I know she charges...

...seven pound.

Thank you...

...for looking after him, Mum.

I thought I'd lost you.

When I think what our last words might've been...

You didn't lose me.

I'm right here.

It's something when they put them in your arms, isn't it?

I knew straightaway I'd do anything to keep him safe and to give him the best.

I understand, Mum.

I've been the worst sort of fool.

So fixed in my ideas, I forgot what's important.

I'm sorry...

...to both of you.

Are the Underground still looking for drivers?

I think the lad's a bit young yet, Enid.

I was thinking more of his dad!


Oh, I'm sorry, Sister Julienne.

I didn't mean to interrupt your private devotions.

No. Come and join me.

Sometimes prayer is like any other form of conversation - better with more than one voice.

You may lead us both.

Almighty and everlasting God...

...give unto us the...

BOTH: _.increase of faith, hope and charity.

Make us to love that which thou dost command. (DOOR OPENS)

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.

My huge apologies, Sister.

Enid Wilson's labour is progressing and only you will do.


She don't look well, Sister, she really don't.

Are you sure there's nothing wrong?

This is normal labour, Mr Wilson.

Keep it going, Enid, right through to the end.


Well done. Oh, blimey!

Shall we do that thing with the flannel again on your head?

No! You keep getting water in my ears!

Do you want to move to the end of the bed, SO you can see?

No, I'm sure I don't.

You think he'd be used to the sight of things coming out of tunnels!

Are you feeling quite well, Mr Wilson?

Because if you're not, may I suggest you step outside for a little air? Enid has work to do.


Keep pushing, that's it. (EXHALES)

There, there!

Is it out yet? Is it out?

Not yet, but you're doing so wonderfully well.

I think we'll have Baby on the next one.

Just one push, Enid. Hold Cilla's hand.

I don't know what you're doing in here. Come on, Mum.

You show me how it's done.

I've had a baby and I'm none the wiser.

Oh, you did all right.

Keep... Keep going.

That's it, push.

Come on, Mum! Come on, Mum!

Come on! I've got the head.

Come on!


You have a daughter.


A beautiful daughter. And a sister.

Hello! Oh, hello!

Does this mean this one's been born an aunt?

I can't make head nor tail of it!

Oh, hello!


MATURE JENNIFER: Some have no horizon left to run to.

Those left behind must walk on as best they can.

And things that were once part of the present, and the future, speak all too loudly of the past.

Do we lay them down, or love them? Let them live?

Love is never the only answer, but it is always the best the simplest the one most likely to withstand the test of time.

The solution we remember when the question has been laid down, all quarrels put aside.

Love is the beginning.

It should be the final word.

Everyone ticked off, all present and correct.

Except one.

I can take her place in the display.

I can smooth over the gap in the routine, and...it will look all right, but...

But...it's all wrong, isn't it?

Come on.

Let's do it for her.

MATURE JENNIFER: There are always shadows, but they fall behind us - echoes, but they fade upon the air.

We will sometimes forget, but not always.


Go forward in joy.

I don't want to.

Hello? Cyril Robinson.

He wants to be a dad so badly!

You and your assistance has ruined my daughter's life!

This is all your fault!

She deserves your respect, not your anger.

I am here to work, Cyril, and I cannot allow myself to get distracted.
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