08x03 - Episode #8.3

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Call the Midwife". Aired: January 15, 2012 to present.*
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Series revolves around nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s and 1960s.
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08x03 - Episode #8.3

Post by bunniefuu »

MATURE JENNIFER: Every birth begins as a mystery, an enterprise whose outcome cannot be foretold.

We think, "May all be well"

And all is well - almost always.

Your councillor is...Mrs Violet Buckle!

But joy is only the beginning of the journey.

And we must move forward, fuelled by faith.

More flowers?

The Rotary Club and the local traders' association.

I don't know... I've no vases left!

We'll have to put them in buckets. (PHONE RINGS)

You're not going to get that?

It's not stopped all morning.

Councillor Violet Buckle speaking.

May I ask what your call is regarding?

Mum... Oh, Reggie, love, is that you?

Congratulations, Mum.

Thank you, sweetheart.

Are you in charge now?

Not quite, no, but, as council member for Poplar North, I shall do my very best to improve our local community.

You're going to be busy?

I suppose so.

Never too busy for you, Reggie.

Now, don't beat about the bush - make it clear that it's a very important trial and that we're asking the mothers of all eligible babies to take part.

Righty ho.

And tell them that Mrs Turner's giving a short talk at the end of clinic.

Will do.

Well, off you pop.

And don't take no for an answer.

Right, ladies. Measles!

Just take a seat for now. Thank you.

Good afternoon.

Dr Turner referred me for my postnatal check.

Hazel Becker. Ah, yes.

We don't seem to have your records yet.

We just moved from Stepney.

And before that, you were in Cyprus, is that right?

My husband was posted there for two years.

You'll be used to this warm weather, then?

If you'd just like to join the queue for weighing.

And just so you know, Sister Hilda now runs a playgroup here on Thursday mornings.

You'll find it an excellent way to meet other mothers.

Right. I'll bear that in mind. Thank you.

Can I interest you in a measles vaccination leaflet?

Our clinic's part of a nationwide trial aiming to eradicate this very serious disease.

This says measles can k*ll. I didn't know that.

You see children out on the street with it, covered in a rash, spreading it around!

It's a very underestimated disease. It can cause all sorts of horrible complications.

Blindness, heart problems, brain damage...

And death? Absolutely.

So would you like to stay for the talk?

I suppose I'd better.


I'm sorry, Nurse, I couldn't hear you above the racket.

Not to worry. How are you, Betty?

Well, look at me - I'm blooming.

Come in, come in. Give it back! It's mine! Give it!

BETTY: Oi! Give it back!

Well, this is rather disappointing.

I'm so sorry, Mrs Turner.

I spoke to lots of mothers, just like Nurse Franklin said, but maybe I scared them off.

If we can't drum up a lot more interest, we shall have to abandon the trial.

Not to worry.

We shall simply have to alter our approach.

What do you have in mind?

Well, as the stick clearly hasn't done the trick, we'll have to dangle a carrot or two.

I'm sure Sister Frances and I can come up with something suitable.

If you're quite sure...

I'm sorry, but will the talk be starting soon?

I'm afraid we've had to postpone.

But a new date will be announced very shortly.

Excuse the smell.

We was making jam tarts, and the jam caught.

It's mine! Bang, bang!

Yeah, I know the boys should be at school.

But we was having fun.

Besides, I like ‘em here with me.

You'll have the Inspector after you, if you're not careful.

Ooh, let him try!

Well, your blood pressure looks very satisfactory.

It's like I said to Dr Turner - I could do this in me sleep.

Do you know, he wanted me up at the hospital for this one?

Once you get to number six, we like to be careful.

But you'll have two of us keeping an eye on you, so you've nothing to worry about.

Is your, er, Donny still away?

He's on one of them new container ships.

You know, somewhere near Newfoundland.

And have you found someone to sit with the others when the big day comes? Oh, yeah.

Old Mrs Girton from upstairs is going to help.

See you later, Mum. I'm going up west with Petey.

In another new shirt?!

Got to look my best. (CLICKS TONGUE)

First things first, we need to list all the babies who fall within the correct age range.

There's going to be quite a few.

The more, the merrier.

Then we just need to think of a suitable incentive for the mothers.

Perhaps a free gift of some sort.

Isn't that bribery?

Not when it's in the interest of public health.

Oh! Nurse Franklin?

What is the meaning of this?

We're just retrieving some patient files, Miss Higgins. We won't be long.

And may I ask who gave you permission?

It's for Dr Turner's measles trial.

If you have any objections, do feel free to take it up with him.

Are you on board?



You could display one in your window.

Preferably at eye level.

This looks good!


SISTER FRANCES: 30! Over 30 mothers have agreed to attend?

They have, and we were able to hire the hall at the Institute, as the toddler tap class is currently on hiatus.

Nurse Franklin thought you might like to give the talk yourself, Dr Turner, seeing as we've such a big turnout.

I'd be happy to.

This really is excellent work, Sister Frances.

We also noticed that Teddy's the right age for the trial, Mrs Turner.

Um, yes, that's correct.

So Nurse Franklin wondered if you might like to have him vaccinated as part of the talk, to show the mothers that there's nothing to be worried about.

Well, yes, I suppose we could.

Because if you don't mind sticking a big needle in your son's arm, why should they?


Thank you for notifying us, Mrs Girton.

Morning. Not bad news, I hope?

Oh, no, not at all.

My mother writes to inform me that my cousin is getting married to a young man she met at the church picnic.

Oh! That's nice for her.

My mother also wonders if there are any "clean, well-mannered gentlemen" attending my own church. Nurse Dyer?

Betty Marwick's neighbour has just called to inform us that her waters have broken.

On my way. Nurse Anderson, if you can assist?

Of course.

You'll have rather a full house to contend with.

As I remember, Betty's children can be quite lively.


There you go, sweetheart.

Now, you're going to be good as gold for Mrs Girton, aren't you?

Oh, Sharon, come here, let me sort your plaits out.

Betty, I really need to get you into the bedroom so I can examine you.

Here, wait a minute, Nurse. I just need to find the blessed hairbrush!

CHILD: Dive for cover!

I've still not found any clean bed linen.

That's quite enough, thank you. Out you go.

You're going to have to dismantle that tepee.

May I take this opportunity to offer my congratulations in person, Councillor Buckle?

You're very kind, Nurse Crane.

But, of course, now the hard work really begins.

Indeed. I'm afraid I myself am contemplating a curtailment of my additional duties.

Running Cubs alone has proven somewhat onerous of late.

I hope you won't be abandoning them entirely?

Not entirely.

But the District Commissioner has given me leave to advertise for assistance.

I'm glad to hear it.

Now, delegation - that's the key.

It is so terribly easy to forget the damage that can be caused by the measles infection.

But I have seen children left with brain damage or permanent hearing loss.

This common childhood illness can have very serious consequences.

You mean they can die?

Sadly, yes.

(PEOPLE MURMUR) In some cases, it can be fatal.

But if this trial proves successful, we shall have a vaccine, which will effectively protect all our children.

Speaking of which, if I can introduce our first volunteer - my own son Teddy.

Hello, you!

Hello. It's Dawn Alison Becker.

October 3rd, 1963.


Sorry, I'm just doing my mental arithmetic.

I'm afraid Dawn's too young to take part, Mrs Becker.

It's only for babies over ten months.

That's nit-picking. Splitting hairs.

I'm sorry.

But we have to do as the guidelines tell us.

And in the meantime, what are you telling these babies' mothers?

That measles can blind them, maim them, even k*ll them?

But if you're under ten months, you just have to take your chances?

Mrs Becker, is something amiss?

Do you want to tell her, or shall I?

She's saying that my Dawn can't have her vaccination.

She's only eight months old.

Then Sister is correct.

But if all goes well with the trial, it may well be that we can vaccinate your little girl, too, in a year or two.

A year or two?

I'm sorry for wasting your time!

Oh, dear. She was very angry.

No. She was very upset.


Allright, precious, we're nearly there. Just little pushes.

Little pushes for the head, nice and steady.

But this baby has other ideas!

You couldn't wait, could you, sweetheart?

You couldn't wait to come out and meet your family!


Boy or girl?


It's a boy.


We're calling him Kirk, like Kirk Douglas!

Is that right?

You just lie down now.

Catch your breath for a moment.

BETTY: I loved him in that one where he was a Viking.

Do you know the one I mean?

Oh, he was that handsome!

Well, let's have a look at him, then.



Betty, now, I don't want you to be alarmed.

Well, you're alarming me, just saying that!

You're alarming me by just looking so kind.

Kirk is fit and well, Betty, and he's got a prize-winning pair of lungs! You heard him just now.

But his top lip and, we think, the roof of his mouth didn't develop properly in the womb.

So he doesn't look quite like your others would've done.

Is that why you're covering his face?

We didn't want you get a shock.

But you can see for yourself when you feel ready.


Have you uncovered him yet?

Oh, my God!

We will need the doctor to take a look at him.

We're going to call the maternity home and say we're sending you both over.

BETTY: Poor little lad.


Can't believe that nurse turned us away.

But if Dawn's too young... That's not the point.

You didn't hear what they were saying.

The horrible things that could happen if she caught it.

They said Dawn could die.

She's not gonna die. Nothing's gonna happen to her.

You've got to stop thinking like that.

You could try putting her in a cot.

She's getting a bit big for that thing. She's fine.

And can you remember to leave your boots outside of the flat? She's crawling now, so I don't want you walking in all the dirt from the factory.

I can hardly leave ‘em in the corridor.

Someone'll pinch ‘em. Put them on the balcony, then!

Is that really too much to ask?




Well done!

Right, Pack, we shall return to the art of semaphore at a later date, but for now, if you would please return your flags to the receptacle on this table.

Now, a reminder for your mothers - there will be no meeting on the 18th because, as you may know, it's the Whitsun Bank Holiday.

My Auntie Lorna's going to Southend.

She says they have ice creams and real live donkeys.

So I understand.

She said she'd take me next year, but Mum says she's all talk.

All right, young man.

All done.

So, how big is it, this gap in the roof of his mouth?

It's sizeable.

In a day or two, the surgeon at St Cuthbert's will have a look at him and start to plan the operation.

So, once he's had that, will he be all right?

We can repair his lip straight away.

But the surgery inside the mouth won't be for some months.

One step at a time.


I'll leave you with these ladies.

I think the young man's feeling peckish.


Is he in pain? Is that why he's crying?

No, not at all. It's like Doctor said, he's just hungry.

Luckily, we have some bottles with long teats that the little chap will be able to drink out of quite happily.

We'll set you up with a pump.

Pump? What do you mean, pump?

MAN: Nurse Crane! Good Lord!

It would behove you to wear a heavier shoe, or at the very least to announce your presence in a more timely fashion!

My apologies, but, er, I've come to offer my services.

In what capacity?

For the position of Assistant Cubmaster, as per your advertisement.

I have extensive experience within the Scouting community and can provide references from the Akela at my former pack in Stepney, should you require them.


Providing the District Commissioner is agreeable, I suppose we can consider the implementation of a trial period.



I'd seen it in training, but I'd never delivered a baby with a cleft palate before.

It did come as quite a shock.

The condition can be extremely disfiguring, but a good surgeon really can work wonders.

Of course, at this stage, the main worry is that he'll fail to thrive.

To be honest, I didn't feel I knew enough to offer much assistance.

Well, that's easily remedied.

I've a reference book with a chapter on facial anomalies.

If you can visualise the anatomy, you'll find it helps immeasurably with the practical care.

Phyllis, can't I tempt you to a pedicure?

One wouldn't want to reveal un-sandal-worthy feet in this glorious warm weather.

Rest assured, Trixie.

In the unlikely event that I should don sandals, they will be worn with a pair of socks.

My mother never approved of painted toes.

She said they were too forward.

But a soft pastel in a pearl finish, it's so elegant.

It's what all the Italians were wearing.

Why shouldn't we bring a little Portofino glamour to Poplar?


Would you credit it?

The one time the wholesaler's delivery comes early!

Ithought I'd never get away.

Is no-one here yet?

The surgery was advertised as starting at nine sharp.

How about we get you settled in the café and I'll make you a nice cup of tea?

Well, just mind you put the sign up, cos I can't have people traipsing in, looking for iced buns, when I'm conducting private consultations.


Feel her head.

Do you think she's hot?

Well, maybe a bit.

Look how flushed she is.

Well, maybe she's teething.

Hey, that it, sweetheart? Getting your first tooth?

Been awake half the night.

She's not the only one - that sofa's hard as a rock.

Been months since I got a decent night's sleep.

Martin, I'm serious. I think there's something really wrong.

A beach? Outside Nonnatus House?

That is correct.

I would like the council's permission to create a sandpit in the courtyard for Whitsun Bank Holiday.

And you think this is a...a good idea?

Well, as Nurse Crane says, if the young ones can't get to the seaside, then why don't we bring the seaside to them?

I know a man I can see about some sand.

I believe we could obtain all the necessary materials as donations from local builders and tradesmen, so there would be no cost entailed.

I'm sorry, but I've never heard anything so ridiculous.

I mean, if people are that keen, they can always go to Tower Beach.

Oh, come on, Vi! Where's your sense of fun?

I have to act in the best interests of the community.

To my mind, this would be just that.

It will certainly create a strong feeling of civic pride.


If - and only if - you can guarantee that every single grain of sand is cleared by Tuesday morning.

You have my word, as an officer of the law, Madam Councillor.

Very well, then.

We shall have a beach.



I don't mean to be unkind -

I know her baby's come out a bit...funny - but wouldn't it be better to move her to a room of her own?

Better for who, exactly?

I can't do it, Nurse! I just can't.

My milk's in, and I've been up all night with that flaming pump!

I can hardly get anything, and what I did get he won't take!

You know, with the others, I just used to clamp ‘em on and we were away!

Now look at me!

And I can hear what they're saying out there.

Well, they won't be saying it any more.

Meanwhile, the pump can have its marching orders.

Shh, shh, shh, shh!

I'll mix him a feed from powdered milk, and we'll just concentrate on getting it down him.


Please, I need to see the doctor. Do you have an appointment?

No, but I'm worried there's something wrong with my baby.

Then I shall endeavour to be of assistance, but, as you can see, there are already several patients waiting.

But she's very hot. I think it might be something serious.

Mrs Becker, everything all right? Doctor...

I was just explaining to Mrs Becker that without an appointment...

Please, can you just take a look at her?

Something's not right, I know it.


She does have a slight temperature.

But that's because she's teething.

And you did have her quite wrapped up for the time of year.

All the books say to keep them warm.

I haven't taken her out without a hat and a matinée jacket since she was born.

The sunshine is good for them. Good in what way?

Well, you don't need me to blind you with science, but there are a lot...


You do need to blind me with science.

I need to know everything about this.

Everything about bringing up a child, about getting things right, about not letting things go wrong.

It's normal to be anxious around the first baby.

But you're doing really, really well.

So far.

She needs her mid-morning milk. I have her on a very strict routine.

We can have a chat about your worries, if you aren't in a rush.

No, I've already wasted enough of your time.

I'll admit I wasn't aware the vaccination trial would generate so much additional paperwork.

Accurate record-keeping is the cornerstone of medical advancement.

Dr Turner might do well to remember that before allowing all and sundry access to my filing system.

Well, we're all working towards the same goal, aren't we?

Miss Higgins tells me you let Mrs Becker jump the queue.

Mrs Becker was in rather a state about her baby's temperature.

Was anything wrong?

With the baby? No, a simple case of teething.

But the mother was rather in need of reassurance.

They're new to the area.

She may be feeling a little isolated.

Perhaps I should try and look in on her?

That would be a very neighbourly thing to do.

Excuse me, please.

NURSE DYER: You might get on better if you can picture what's going on inside.

Try putting your finger in his mouth, like this.

Then just gently feel for the hole.

I'm scared I'L hurt him.

It's not sore.

It's not like it's an injury. It's just the way he's made.

Right. Yeah?

There we are.

God, it goes ever so far back.

That's why we need to be careful where the teat goes.

Come on. Let's have another go.

BETTY: I think it's working!

I think he's getting something!

You're good at this, Betty.

Yeah, we'll see.

It's all very well Nurse Crane coming up with this wild scheme of hers, but she's no idea the level of planning involved.

There's permits to organise, there's road closures to be approved.

Oh, how did you get on with the sand? All sorted.

One ton of the finest quality builder's sand to be delivered Saturday before Bank Holiday.

Well done!

I was thinking - we could have some sort of opening ceremony, make a bit of an occasion of it.

Perhaps we could ask the Mayor.

Or a certain very attractive lady councillor?

Oh, Fred! Don't be daft.

Why not? After all, you're the one that's making all this happen.

Sister Hilda and Nurse Dyer, you will be assisting Mrs Turner at the maternity home.

Betty Marwick is to see the surgeon at St Cuthbert's this afternoon, so she will need to be escorted to and from the hospital with baby.

Of course. Nurse Crane, do you know anything about a rather large quantity of sand?

I'm afraid it appears to be blocking your car.


It's a mother's worst nightmare, isn't it?

It was supposed to be delivered next week and piled against the wall!


I reckon Nolly Watling got the wrong end of the stick.

You think?!

Well, you did ask for a beach.

It will have to be moved.

I require access to my vehicle at all times!

Well, get to it, then, Fred.


Mrs Becker, I'm sorry to call in unannounced, but I understand from Dr Turner that your little one's been suffering with her teeth.

Er, yes, that's right.

Well, I happen to have some marvellous teething powders that I thought might help.

That's very kind.

I was just changing the bed.

Oh, I won't hold you up.

No. Please, come in.

After the palate repair, your son may have some difficulty breathing, in which case we shall intubate.

And what's that?

It's a very simple procedure.

We insert a tube into the windpipe which connects to a ventilator.

Oh, God!

It's unlikely he will require assistance for more than a few days.

However, your son may experience some hearing loss moving forward, as well as dental and speech issues.

But there's a great deal that can be done with ongoing treatment.

Now, do you have any questions, Mrs Marwick?

She's a smashing little eater! And so bonny.

It must be quite lonely, on your own with a little one, and in a new place to boot.

I should be used to it.

We moved all the time when Martin was in the Army.

Nevertheless, it's different once you've a baby to care for.

Yes, it is.

I'm sorry about the other day at the Institute.

I shouldn't have got so upset. Not at all.

We all just want to keep our children safe.

I'm afraid I shall have to get going.

No, I'll see myself out.

But do come along to the playgroup if you can.

It's such a help to be able to ask others for advice when you're a first-time mum.

I'm... I'm not a first-time mum.

You aren't?

I'm sorry.

Would you like to tell me what happened?

No. I don't talk about it.

Not to anyone.

Everybody said that was the better way.

Of course.

At least now you know what's to come.

All those operations and treatments?

We can make sure you have help with the children.

What, some stranger?

They won't want that.

Betty, why not have the children come and visit?

Let them meet their little brother.

It might make things feel a bit more normal.


It'll just upset ‘em.

It's hard enough!

Phyllis. -Hm?

I wondered if I might ask a favour.

I don't understand.

You want to take his picture?

I know you're worried Kirk's appearance might come as a shock to the other children, so I thought, if we show them a photograph and let them get used to it, then it won't seem so frightening.

Well, I suppose.

Let's find a clean bib, then, shall we, Nurse?

We want this young man looking his best.

Come on.

Hazel Becker's previous GP says that she gave birth to a son just over three years ago.

So Dawn isn't her first baby.

The little boy died in his sleep, aged eight months.

An unexplained death?

Was any cause found?

There so seldom is.

Imagine the t*rture for the parents.

Apparently, poor Hazel found the lack of an explanation very, very hard.


Mrs Becker's notes, Dr Turner, delivered by messenger.

I did tip him out of the petty cash, but only sixpence because he was chewing gum.

Is the postmortem report included?

I took the liberty of placing it on the top.

There's a particular detail I felt you ought to note.

I'm sure Doctor is quite capable of directing his own investigations.

The date of the demise of the little boy.

He died in May, and an anniversary is approaching.

Pain can be redoubled at such a time, as those of us who have been bereaved will testify.

Hazel is locked in grief and old patterns.

Silence and secrecy have made things worse.



Just need my pillow.

Will you at least try and get some sleep?

Of course. You can't watch her all night.

Shh! She's nearly asleep.

I still think we should try putting her in her own room.

That way, you can sleep.

Sleep through her crying? Sleep through her choking?

Sleep through her stopping breathing?

When is this going to stop, Hazel?

We can't carry on like this! (BABY CRIES)

Now look what you've done!

Shh, it's OK.



Get away!

We shall have no defecation here!

The thing to remember is that Kirk looks quite poorly, but the doctors are going to be able to make him better.

Would you like to see the picture, too, Lynette?

Come on.


She's not stopped crying since her mum went.

And as for them boys, Betty's not so much brought ‘em up as turned them loose and let them run wild.

And it's too much for me, with my rheumatics.

Mum! Mum! Slowly, slowly now.

It's not a playground.

Hello, baby Kirk!

Careful there - mind your brother!

So you are coming home now, are you?

Because, I'm sorry, lovey, this lot's more than I can take.

Hey, shh, shh, shh, quiet!

Just give it another couple of days.

I can't. I need to go home.

It'll be so much better for Kirk if you stay.

I've got six kids, not just one, and it's better for them to have me home.

When's your husband coming back? I dunno.

Depends if he picks up another ship.

I was also thinking about a paddling pool.

Oh, yes?

Apparently, the Brownies had a great big one at their summer jamboree.

I think it would be just the thing.

I mean, you can't have the beach without the sea, can you?

I suppose not.

So I'll leave that to you, then.

And if you can ask Sister Julienne to sign the waiver on behalf of Nonnatus House regarding road closures.

And, of course, there's still the decorations to finalise.

Well, I had merely envisioned a few swathes of bunting.

But should you wish to provide something more elaborate...

Oh, no, bunting will be fine.

Your towering edifice of dirt has been claimed by the local feline population.

Come Whitsun, I predict it shall be contaminated beyond all repair.

I shall speak to Mr Buckle about finding some tarpaulins.

Well, I think that seems to be everything for now.

Goodness! This really is becoming quite a production.

More like a three-ring circus, and I think we know who the ringmaster is.

I won't tell you again - get back into bed!



It's all right, it's all right, we're nearly there.

For God... It can't still be too hot! Shh!

What now?

Lynette's wet the bed again.

Mrs Becker, I'm so glad you could come.

I might not stay very long. Had a bit of a broken night.

They've sent through all these dates for follow-up appointments - half a dozen of ‘em - and it says he's going to be at the hospital for at least a week!

Look, what have I said about fighting in the kitchen?!

Go on, get out!

He will need quite a bit of time to recover after the surgery.

But this is just the start, isn't it?

I mean, the surgeon says the other operations are gonna be even more serious.

Here, I need to make up another bottle.

And that's another thing!

You know, I thought formula was meant to make it easy.

Well, what with all the heating and sterilising, and now I'm running out of the blessed stuff, and I ain't got no time to buy any!

Just sit down a minute. I'll make up the bottle.

It wasn't like this with the others.

It was so easy with them.

I knew what I was doing.

He's feeling a bit hot.

That'll be from all the screaming.

Something wrong?

# The driver on the bus goes "Move on down"

# All day long

# The babies on the bus go "Wa-wa-wa, wa-wa-wa, wa-wa-wa"

# The babies on the bus go "Wa-wa-wa"

# All day long

# The mothers on the bus go "Shh, shh, shh"

# All day long... #

Oh! Goodness!

Did you see that? She just hit my daughter!

Oh, dear. -I'm so sorry.

What is wrong with you? I didn't mean...

Yeah, you should go.

You're not fit to be around children, you hear me?

Let's all remain calm, shall we?



Poor little soldier.

I'm afraid it looks as though he's breathed in some of the milk while he was feeding.

It will have been irritating his lungs.

It's my fault. I couldn't get it to go down the right way.

You are doing really well, Betty.

Feeding a baby like Kirk can be a bit tricky till you get the hang of it.

I will give you some antibiotics to keep any infection at bay.

I'm sorry.

It's just so much harder now I'm on me own at home.

You're not on your own, I promise you.

You can phone for us at any time of the night or day.

And I will drop in and give this one the once-over tomorrow.

DR TURNER: I've seen so many women struggling on their own over the years.

Husbands dead, or drunk, or in prison or at sea.

Like Betty's other half.

Most of them cope.

But they don't always thrive.

They need support if they're going to do that.

Dr Turner?

Nurse, erm, I was hoping to speak to Mrs Betty Marwick.

Is now an appropriate moment to call?

This is not the first time I've witnessed your son and his friend driving in a reckless manner.

You said Keith wasn't the one driving! In this instance.

But both your son and his friend have repeatedly driven in such a manner to risk damage to other vehicles, not to mention the potential to endanger life.

We never damaged anything.

Look, that is enough from you!

Is there anything else? Not at present.

But I'll be keeping my eye on you, son.

As if I haven't enough to deal with!

Go on - out of my sight!


Good girl.

There we go.

Oh, God! Oh, God!

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, please!

Do you know what I thought last night?

When Kirk wouldn't stop crying and I couldn't do anything right?

I thought it might've been better if I'd let him slip away.

Then he wouldn't have to deal with all he's got to come.

What kind of monster does that make me?

It doesn't make you a monster in any way, shape or form.

It makes you a mother, Betty.

Cos you want to protect him.

When I had Keith...

...it was like there was a party in the room.

Me mum was still alive, and she was there, me Auntie Rita, and the nun what delivered him.

I had a hard time getting his head out, but when I did, and when he cried...

...I got a round of applause.

I'd never had a round of applause in me whole life!

Even me husband clapped - he was outside on the landing.

But no-one's clapping now.

Kirk'd be better off with someone else.

Someone who can look after him properly.

Please, I think my baby's dying!

Allright, you're here now.

I'll fetch the doctor.

It's measles, isn't it?

She's caught it, and now it's too late. It is a rash, but it's not measles.

It's something called roseola infantum, or sixth disease.

Is that worse? Is it worse?

Is she going to die? No!

It's just a mild virus.

It's very common, not serious at all.

It will pass in a day or two, and Dawn will be perfectly all right.

You can't know that. You can't be sure.

I am absolutely sure.


It must've been unbearably painful to lose your little boy, Hazel.

I don't tell people about that.

I don't talk about it.

It's in your medical notes.

And so it should be.

A loss like that will make so many things in your life so much harder.

Including bringing up a lovely, healthy baby like Dawn.

He was healthy, too.

They said that.

And he died.

I wish I could give you a reason why that happened, Hazel.

But I can't now any more than the doctors could then.

I can only tell you that you are a wonderful mother...

...and I have every confidence in you.

Do you?



And one day, you will have confidence in yourself again.

Because you deserve to.

I need to get her home, in the warm.

There's a bus in a minute.

You're not getting the bus.

You have a long list for this evening's rounds, Doctor.

I have no objection to driving Mrs Becker to her residence.

Betty was very clear. She told me to contact the adoption agency straight away.

Are you certain this is what she wants?

I don't know.

I mean, it's not as if she's been coping since the birth.

And it's taken its toll on the whole family.

Her eldest son's got himself in trouble with the police, and now, with the baby ill...

She is really struggling.

If it's a question of practical support, that can be provided.

Perhaps if Betty could be persuaded to send the older children to school more regularly...

It's more than that.

She keeps saying, "It's not like it was with the others."

She doesn't seem to feel the urge to cuddle him or show affection.

I'm sure she's in a very dark place at the moment.

But a few hours of peace and quiet and a chance to get on top of things, it should start to feel a great deal more manageable.

I won't pretend there's an easy solution, Nurse Dyer.

But we need to help Betty to start helping herself.


Hazel, where have you been?

Your wife had a bit of a scare, Mr Becker, but there's nothing to worry about.

Hazel? I need to put her down.

There we go.

I know you've been through a terrible time, my dear, losing a child.

But you are stronger than you realise.

It's like an actual pain...

...here, in my chest.

And it never goes away.

And I don't want it to go...

...because that would mean...

I... was forgetting him.


Is she all right?

She seems a great deal calmer.

Dr Turner did suggest a mild sedative.

No, she won't take it - not after last time.

The, er, the doctor in Cyprus put her on something when Stephen...

...when, erm, when our son died.

The state she was in, she couldn't even make it to the funeral.

That was probably for the best.

God knows, that was the hardest thing I ever had to do.

Standing there in the baking heat...

...watching that little coffin go into the ground.

We all need the chance to say goodbye.

I suppose we do.


Thought I'd help you get the kids off to school.

If you want. Right, you lot, where are your schoolbags?

Ah! Not so fast!

With your dad away, you're the man of the house.

So it's time you stepped up.

From now on, I'm putting you on quartermaster's duty.

You what?

One tin of powdered milk on the go, another in the cupboard.

Soon as one runs out, you go to the chemist and you replace it.

Got it?



I need to talk about him, Hazel.

If we don't, I'm scared about what's going to happen to us...

...what it might end up doing to Dawn.

Maybe I shouldn't have listened to that doctor.

Maybe if we'd have gone to the funeral together...

It wasn't your fault.

You should've had a chance to say goodbye.

Right, off you pop. Good boys. Come on. (CHILDREN WHINE)

And you...

BETTY: Yeah, yeah.

NURSE DYER: See you later!

(LAUGHS) Baby milk?!

Where are you?

What are you doing under there? You hiding?

(MUTTERS) Look at that baby.

Ignore ‘em.

Have a good look, why don't you?

That's my brother, all right?

You got something to say about him, you say it to me!

Honestly! What are you like?

Three ounces.



Well done, Betty. You're doing brilliantly.

I'd say your mummy's earned a cuddle!

And you're sure his chest is better?

Temperature's normal.

He's a thriving, healthy little chap. Good.

Cos now we've got to get him through the operation.

We heard back from Mrs Lightley at the adoption agency.

She said she could drop by tomorrow.

Tell her not to bother.

I understand from your husband that your little boy is buried abroad.

Yes, he is.

Well, I can't imagine that that is entirely helpful.


I'm not from a large family.

I have just the one uncle in Canada.

And since my parents met their untimely end in the course of an air raid in 1941, he has been unable to visit their grave...

...Winnipeg being quite some distance from East Finchley.

My uncle planted a rose bush in their memory.

He sends me photographs of it once in a while.

And it brings us both...comfort.

I venture to hope that this might do the same for you.

That's most kind.

It really is.

Thank you.

Donny! When did you get home?

I came off the ship about an hour ago.

Can I see him?

Come here, then.

Oh, look at him! He's gorgeous!


Now, there's a cheering sight. Isn't it?

Angela asked me today if she could tell people May was her sister.

Did she? They're really becoming very close.

It's lovely.

I was thinking that some people foster children for years, don't they?

It does happen.

DR TURNER: Right, come on, then!

We don't want to be late. In you pop.

Come on, Reggie! Spit spot! It's nearly half past.

Will we do?

Oh! Just look at my handsome boys!

Madam Councillor?


On behalf of the Tower Hamlets London Borough Council, it gives me the greatest of pleasure to declare this Poplar Whitsun Bank Holiday Play Beach open for business!

Oh, I feel like the Queen!

In you go! In you go!

Tempted to have a paddle, Sister?

Just you try and stop me! Oh!

What's it like? Ooh!


Come on.

And stop.

Three cheers for Akela! Hip hip...

SCOUTS: Hooray!

Hip hip... Hooray!

Hip hip... Hooray!

That ice cream's melting.


MATURE JENNIFER: We can decide to be happy, make much out of little, embrace the warmth of our ordinary days.

Life unfolds as a mystery, an enterprise whose outcome cannot be foretold.

We do not get what we expect.

We stumble on cracks, are faced with imperfection.

Bonds are tested and tightened.

And our landscapes shift in sunshine and in shade.

There is light.

There is.

Look for it.

Look for it shining over your shoulder on the past.

It was light where you went once.

It is light where you are now.

It will be light where you will go again.

Gentle, rhythmic circles.

Ooh, I've come over a bit funny.

Where are you off to in your next-best two-piece suit?

An exhibition of photography.

What are horizons for if not to be expanded?

Are you asking to arrange a termination of your pregnancy?

If that's the polite way of putting it.

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