08x01 - Episode #8.1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Call the Midwife". Aired: January 15, 2012 to present.*
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Series revolves around nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s and 1960s.
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08x01 - Episode #8.1

Post by bunniefuu »


Hey. Good morning.

MATURE JENNIFER: Every day dawns anew.

Every morning begins afresh.

We seek to be cleaner, brighter, more polished versions of ourselves.

The stains of yesterday are gone.

Our worst indulgences erased.

We will be better.

We will be beyond reproach.

We will strive to be perfect.

Leave nothing to chance and believe that everything is possible.


My mother has issued her instructions.

I'm to go straight to Buckingham Palace the moment the Queen has the baby, and read the notice on the gate with my own eyes.

My grandma went up to town when Princess Alexandra had her little boy last week.

She took a Thermos flask and everything.

TRIXIE: But nobody even knows when Her Majesty is due.

The mink coats just get more voluminous every time she appears in public, but nothing so vulgar as a date is ever mentioned.

And might I enquire as to whether Her Majesty is expecting to undergo her confinement attended by the midwives of Nonnatus House?

ALL: No, Nurse Crane.

Because if she isn't likely to tip up at the Institute waving a jam jar full of urine and wanting to know where her milk tokens are, I suggest we move on to the morning's task in hand.

Namely, the preparation and deployment of these new bags.

TRIXIE: I've wanted a wipe-clean interior for years.

Pray, what will become of the discarded bags?

They do rather become an extension of one's arm.

Fred is going to burn them down on his allotment.

One of them was yours, Sister, before it was Sister Winifred's.

Which means it was probably in harness the night that you were born, Valerie.

Time for a change, then, I reckon.

ALL: I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.

As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.

Do you suppose Her Majesty has a permanent wave or a shampoo and set?

Her coiffure always looks so very crisp.

Oh, I think a permanent wave, don't you?

The Queen always strikes me as a very efficient sort of person, not one to waste time with a hairdresser every day.

Oh, Dr Turner! The very gentleman.

Miss Higgins.

Your signature, if you would be so kind.

For the stool samples.

And then the statistics for 1963 require your attention before we submit them to the Board of Health.

In the meantime, he needs a plate for his sandwich, and a serviette. Thank you.

No running, Sister Frances.


Ooh, a pin has been left in the hem!

If nothing else, that proves you're fresh from the workroom.

Proof of a whole new beginning. I'm excited to see what happens next.

I applaud your spirit.

However, in the religious life, it is more important that one accepts what happens next.

Nonnatus House for you.

In Poplar?

It's scarcely the land of milk and honey, and if it were, we should not be called to work there.

Sister Hilda will serve alongside you.

Her response to the news was less equivocal than yours.

I'm not questioning your decision, Mother Mildred...

I deem that wise.

But I've only just qualified.

And I'm questioning whether I'll be any good.

I deem that wise, too.

Self-doubt is a very good seedbed for progress.

And humility, the perfect fertiliser.

I know that all too well, for those are the qualities I have had to pray for.


Right, Fred Buckle, you could be the first!

Threepence a ticket. Boy or girl?

What do you mean, boy or girl? (SCOFFS)

Her Majesty's new baby!

I'm running a competition, all proceeds in aid of the teddy bears' picnic.

Oh, we can't all be going down the woods today, not in this weather.

It's freezing out! Here, feel this.

It's an indoor event for all ages, down the Institute.

Why do your hands smell of petrol?

Ah, I've got the devil's own job burning those old bags.

Well, don't you dare go polluting the atmosphere.

Last time I was sat in on a council meeting, they were banging the drum about the Clean Air Act.

Now, prince or princess?

Threepence a ticket.

And here we have Beryl from the office modelling a two-piece Courtelle skirt suit in the new short length.

Wholesale prices calculated by the gross, everything drip-dry.

And now Catherine, a machinist from the first floor, in a very popular new Mary Quant-style dress.

Top quality Crimplene.

Also available in mustard and acid yellow!


I felt proper proud of you in there.

It was nice of Mr Mahmood to let me in to watch.

He's given me time off to go see a modelling agency next week.

In Mayfair!



Mum and Dad would be so proud of you, Cath.

They'd be of proud of you, too.

Married in white, and your home's like a little palace.

Well, it would be if I wasn't cluttering up the place.

Cath, you aren't cluttering up the place.

We shared a bed together when we were kids, and anything I've got now's yours, too.

Thanks. I will pay you back.

I'll send you a bill when you're rich and famous.

DR TURNER: Story time!

You can read them one page of statistics, and then we're to go on to A Child's Garden Of Verses.

We're seeing May's childcare officer next week, and poetry helps her with her English language acquisition.

In 1963, there were no cases of paralytic poliomyelitis.

And only three babies got ophthalmia neonatorum.

And only three grown-ups got erysipelas.

But 23 people got zymotic enteritis and 63 caught dysentery.


The old jokes are the best, Dad!


I did not give you leave to enter.

I decided I could wait till that cough blows the door off its hinges, or I could breach the ramparts with some linctus.

It is the great silence.

I cannot converse with you.

You don't need to converse with me, Sister.

You just need to swallow a spoonful of this.

Sister, we've lived cheek by jowl long enough for me to know when you're putting on a show to beat Sarah Bernhardt and when you're truly unwell.

It'll be Dr Turner for you if we can't head this off at the pass.

I receive it only to indulge you.

PHYLLIS: It's all just fear.

Fear of old age, fear of the abyss.

Fear that every little twinge and tickle will bring the reaper to the door.

I saw it all with Mother.

Fear is never just fear, though, is it, Phyllis?

If it was, I wouldn't be down here with my shoe collection while Lucille and Valerie have a rum-laced hot chocolate in the bedroom.

I-I stand corrected.

Morning, Nurse Anderson!

Morning, Mr Buckle.

I've just been called out to a lady in labour.

Looks like this bag goin' to see its first birth today!

I'm rather looking forward to seeing the East End again.

I knew it well during the w*r.

Of course, I was somewhat differently attired then, albeit in a similar shade of blue.

Oh, yes. You were in the WAAFs.

Women's Auxiliary Air Force.

I'd like to say I joined up for King and country, but it was actually the lure of free nylons.

Did you get free nylons in the WAAFs?

No. It was all fibs.

And by the time the w*r was over, I'd entered the religious life, and lisle and woollen stockings were the order of the day.

I see nylons on washing lines sometimes, and think, "Oh, I remember what they felt like!"


Come through.

Midwife's here, Lesley.


Let's get you lying down, precious, so I can have a look at you.

Me and my sister been a right pair all night, Nurse.

Me with the contractions kicking off, and her with a bad belly from something she ate up West.

You have an upset stomach?


No disrespect, but I want you out of this bedroom and on the settee.

And every time you use the lavatory, swill the seat and your hands with disinfectant.

All right.

This is actually superior to the model I was assigned for house calls down in Chichester.

I shall think of it as my steed!


I can't actually get on mine.

I'm scared that my habit will get caught in the chain.

Have you tried tucking your scapula into your belt?

Thank you, Fred, but I think I'm the appropriate person to advise on sartorial matters.

(RINGS BELL) Wheeee!

I've no objection to Sister Hilda.

She seems to be a very cultivated lady, and I can't fault her qualifications.

But Sister Frances is as green as grass.

Mother Mildred was anxious that she should gain experience.

And why should that be at our expense?

She can't go out unsupervised until further notice.

She's a dead leg, not an extra pair of hands!


Boss let me off early, Les.


It sounds like it's k*lling her!

I thought you were meant to be helping!

The midwife won't let me in. My stomach's off.

Lel! Lesley...

What do you do for a living, Mr Whyte?

I'm a gas fitter.

In which case, we're halfway there.


You take a little rest now, precious.

Breathe in some nice, cool, air.

Can I watch it being born?

Can I see it coming out?

You're doing just fine with that gas mask, Mr Whyte.

I wouldn't get overambitious.


LUCILLE: Push...

Another one.

Come on, girl!

Come on! You can do it. You can do it, come on!

That's it, precious! Don't hold back!

You push, you push like the courageous girl you are!



A beautiful boy!

Wasn't that worth all the pain?

I'd do it again tomorrow!

Not without the gas, though.

I'm so proud of you.

OK, you, we've still got some work to do.


You...you should not dispose of these.

They are the cornerstones of our trade...

...and their work is no nearer to completion than our own.

Nurse Crane says otherwise, and you know what she's like when she digs her heels in.

I hope that, when our own use is concluded, we are not all faced with cremation in a dustbin!



Morning, Mrs Whyte.

Midwife calling!

I brought Sister Frances with me. She's new.

I've never been in a tower block before.

It's quite exciting.


I'll make a pot of tea.

LUCILLE: Good morning, precious. How are you?

FRANCES: Morning, Mrs Whyte.


Excuse me!


Excuse me!

Margaret, you've got to come in here!

You should never have left me with them.

I was doing my sample - it's not a spectator sport.

Anyway, they needed to go themselves.

Yeah, well, Kenny never made it in time, and now his trousers are sopping wet!

There's a ruddy great puddle on the floor.

I had to take the roller towel down to clean him up.

I love ‘em...

...but I could swing for ‘em!

Do you know what, Clark Lombardi?

I could say the same to you.

The most important thing to remember is that this is a much less formal space than the surgery.

But the same rules of confidentiality, respect and patient dignity apply.

And here comes Mrs Lombardi, stately as a galleon as she sails across the floor.


We think of you as one of our star patients.

Not many cases of twins are diagnosed in utero.

Dr Turner and the midwives usually miss them.

Why don't you come straight through to the cubicle with me, Mrs Lombardi?

We can catch up with the weighing-in queue later.

I never wanted any more.

Two was enough, for me and me other half.

And now we're doubling our family in one go.

Is your husband a help with the little ones, Mrs Lombardi?

He won't wipe their noses, never mind their backsides.

It's like when he realises they're people, not playthings, they frighten him.

What about rest?

Are you managing to get any sleep?

I can't get comfy lying down.

And I can't even sleep sitting up, cos of my bleeding piles!

The ointment the doctor gave me's useless.

Let's do your checks, then we'll get him to look at you.



Have you tried applying an ice pack, Mrs Lombardi?

We haven't got a fridge.

That settles it.

Let's get you into the maternity home for cold compresses and bed rest.

We'll soon have you fighting fit.

VALERIE: Poor Mrs Lombardy.

She went into shock when we confirmed that pregnancy.

I had to make her blow in and out of a paper bag.

Well, she didn't even know it was twins at that point.

She kept skipping contraceptive pills because she thought they were giving her pimples.

Oh, no! Apologies!

Apologies, Sister Julienne!

And of course, ladies. Do please sit down.


Did you get lost on your way home from the clinic, Sister Hilda?

Not remotely!

I did decide to take in some of my favourite sights from my time in the East End during the Blitz.

But quite a lot of the landmarks had vanished.

I think you'll find the Blitz had that effect.

Shall we say grace? Nurse Anderson, perhaps you'd like to lead us.

Sorry to interrupt. Has anyone seen Sister Monica Joan?

I just took her a plate of luncheon meat and an Eccles cake, but she wasn't there, or in the bathroom, and her bed is cold.

VALERIE: I hope she's all right. LUCILLE: She can't be too far.

Nurse Franklin, go to the maternity home and book in Mrs Lombardi.


Nurse Anderson and Nurse Dyer, agree between yourselves the routes you wish to take.

FRED: I should've seen this coming.

She was in one of her fanciful moods this morning, getting all morbid over those holdalls.

But she's seemed so much better lately.

Her mental state has always been vulnerable to infection and high fever.

I'm going inside to telephone the authorities.

And then, when I came back after fetching me dinner, the last holdall was gone.

I should've smelt a rat then.

If Sister Monica Joan took the bag and went off with it, do you suppose she thought she was on her way to work?

Oh, poor love.

You go and look down near the church and in the churchyard.

Fred, you fetch your van and go up and down the Commercial Road.

And I'm going to follow my instincts.

When I open the filing cabinet, I don't expect to find it taken over by lost property.

Wallets under W, odd glove under O, and a set of dentures under D!

And what's all this?

Kiddies" toys.

They wouldn't fit under T. Or K.


Police station. Sergeant Woolf speaking.

I'm calling from Nonnatus House.

It's an urgent and rather sensitive matter.

Sister, where Nonnatus House is concerned, it's always an honour to be of service.

In a moment, as you've rather conveniently settled on your side, I'm going to apply the cold compress to your piles.

Possibly the nicest thing that's ever slipped under your covers.

And the treats just keep on coming!

I'd give Ladies' Choice a wide berth, unless you want a blow-by-blow account of Her Majesty's interesting condition.

Can I see her?


Her. She's my wife.


Where are the kids?

They're with my mum.

She wanted to send you some veal cutlets, I said no, but then I felt guilty so L...I brought you a custard slice.

You can stay for five minutes.

Give your wife one kiss, and then leave.

It's after visiting hours. So I shall have my eye on you.

Sister, it's Valerie.

Valerie Dyer.

You must be tired, having walked all this way with that heavy bag.

Sister Monica Joan?


Sister Monica Joan!

If you're anywhere near here, just call out to me!


Did you hear that ship's horn just then?

It reminds me of when Dad used to be on the tug boats when we were kids.

Be funny if this one worked on the river one day.


Are you still not well?

I thought you said you were better!


...I'm not going to get better, or be better until...

...something's happened down below.

What do you mean, "down below"?

I went to see a woman.

I had to! I was in the family way.

And until something comes away, I still am.

I'm scared it hasn't worked.

I'm scared I won't lose it! Are you bleeding?

A bit, but not enough.

I had it done two days ago.

You need to go to hospital, Cath.

I can't!

They'll send for the police.

It's against the law, Lesley!

Shh. It's all right. Shh, shh, shh.

Sister Monica Joan?


Oh, where are you, Sister?


You may well ask where the Sister is, and indeed the Matron!

Oh, Sister.

I've been ringing on the night bell ever since I was summoned and have yet to secure admission.

I expect the bell's broken.

The baby, the one we all await, is on its way.

I have been summoned.

And... And the mother will need me!

For, despite her royal blood, she's not young.

Her crown will be of no comfort while she labours.

But a midwife might.

My mum spoke very highly of you when you delivered me.

I have brought so many babies from the womb to their first breath.

Sometimes their faces come back to me...

...quite differently shaped.

Sister Monica Joan...

You're cold, and your bad cough's made you poorly.

You don't want to pass that on to the Queen, do you?

It would be the height of irresponsibility!

There's a phone box round the corner.

Let's take a constitutional as far as there, and then I'll arrange for a chauffeur service, eh?

There we are.


There we are.

This way.

Ned's got the baby with him in the bedroom.

Get your coat. We're going. No!

No, I'm not going anywhere!

I have to make it come loose.

Maybe I could run up and down the stairs or something.

You're shaking with fever, Cath.

It'll only be a tiny little thing, won't it?

How many weeks on do you think you are?

I'm not weeks, Lesley. Months.

It's not gonna be tiny at all.

Oh, no! Whatever's amiss?


Spot of light bank robbery. Nothing to write home about.

Right. My bag!

I can be of neither succour nor assistance if I am deprived of it!

I'll take care of that, Sister. I know it's very important.


Nurse Crane, perhaps you'd like to offer Sergeant Woolf a cup of tea?

Nurse Crane got you clearing her bag out?

I have to be able to fill and empty the autoclave with my eyes shut, and practice makes perfect, so...


Poor Sister Monica Joan looked so frail.

She needs rest, most of all.

Meanwhile, Lucille's back safe and sound, and we got word to Fred, so all that remains to be done is to raid the chocolate supply.

Is that a Milkybar?


She's having a miscarriage, and...it hasn't come on naturally.


Generally, it's the cakes one hears about whenever Nonnatus House is discussed among the members of the constabulary.

There is a buttercream sandwich in the tin, but under the circumstances, I consider it reserved for Sister Monica Joan.

Oh! Such a kindly and well-bred lady.

Her concern for Her Majesty the Queen was quite touching, despite it being so sadly misplaced.

Right, now, I don't care how this has come about.

(SERGEANT LAUGHS AND CHATS) I'm gonna help you, do you hear me?

What should I do?

Clinical bowl, pair of gloves and Savlon to the upstairs bathroom, quick as you can, and then I'm locking the door.

I should not be cossetted in this manner.

I am in dereliction of my duty.

Your only duty is to rest and get well.

(GROANS) Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

It's just in here.



FRANCES: It's me.



Oh, God!

Come on, chick, we need you on the lav.

Is the Sergeant still here?




This will be over soon. I promise you.

Is it coming away?





Good girl.


Nurse Dyer says can you come?



It looks like the foetus has been dead for a couple of days.

I think some products have been retained, and she's showing signs of a nasty infection.

I'm going to telephone for an ambulance.

Did we do the right thing, bringing her in?

The word "midwife" means "with woman".

A woman in that situation needs somebody by her side, whatever mistakes or choices brought her to our door.

I will go to the hospital with her and stay as long as I'm permitted.

Go upstairs and do what is necessary.

Sister Frances will clean the floor.

I'm sorry.

I should've shielded you.


I came here to do God's work.

I knew it might be hard.

If this is God's work, I'm surprised you want anything to do with Him.

The doctor said they had to operate because I might have...

..."lass" something.


He thinks you may have an injury to the womb because of the instruments that were used.

But he also needs to make sure that nothing relating to the baby has been left behind.

Thank you...

...for not saying I deserve this.

My sister is not the one at fault, Nurse.

She's not the one that committed the crime.

And she shouldn't be the one that's terrified of the police.

You calm yourself now, Lesley.

What's done is done.

You have a new baby that needs your love, your care and your full attention.

You put everything else out of your mind.

What I saw in that bathroom will stay in my mind for ever.

There are a few crackles, but they're quite faint.

You would doubtless prefer it replaced by the rustle of burgeoning mushrooms, while your mould pills leach their spores throughout my lymphatic system.

And the notion of penicillin has been roundly rejected.

Overall, our patient appears to be improving.

Morning, Mrs Lombardi.

What are you doing on your feet? You've been booked in for bed rest.

It's like the babies roll backwards and onto my lungs when I'm lying down.

Well, there's no reason why we can't go through these family allowance forms with you standing up, if you put your slippers on.

They're under the bed.

They might as well be in Selsey Bill, for all I can reach ‘em!

Perhaps we'd better put the family allowance forms to one side until we've had a look at you.


Well done.

I'm stepping outside for a moment.

Mrs Turner called from the surgery.

It looks as though Mrs Lombardi's twins are on the way.

Ah! That's my work cut out for the morning.

What can we do, Doctor, for Sister Monica Joan?

Listen attentively.

Reassure gently.

Love generously.

And treat every infection as soon as it's out of the starting blocks.

She'll be giving us the run-around for quite a few years yet.


Doctor has just telephoned.

He's been detained by Mr Jones's prostate, Flat 25, Napoleon Towers.

He'll be on standby for Mrs Lombardi thereafter.

Morning! Thank you.

Nurse Crane's just parking her car.

Would you come through and examine our twins lady straight away?

I think I might be able to feel three heads, or bottoms, I'm not sure which.

And I'm not sure, full stop.

They took my womb out.

Because of the infection.

They told me when I woke up.

They didn't even ask you?

I did want to have a baby one day!

I even wanted that one for a minute.

Until I thought of all the reasons why I couldn't.

I remember thinking...

..."One day. One day, I'll get this news again.

"And I'l0 be happy.

"It'll be good news another time."

Are they going to report you?

Nobody's said.

I'm terrified to ask.

Are you going to report her?

How can I go to the police?

I asked her to do it.

I paid her to do it!

Who's going to listen to me?

One head here...

...and one head here!

Or perhaps a bottom.

A very nicely presented little duo.

This is a serious allegation, madam.

Are you saying nearly k*lling someone isn't a serious crime?

The reverse.

But unless your sister is prepared to make a statement, then it's unlikely any progress could be made.

But why does she have to make a statement?

Why can't I?

Why can't the nurse who saw what that woman had done to her?

We can arrange to interview anybody, madam.

But unless someone gives us the name and the address of the practitioner, we won't get further on.

But you have to try!

I now declare the Lombardi Suite open for multiple occupancies, with every luxury in place!

We don't run to champagne on ice, I'm afraid.

But I have left a bottle of Lucozade in a convenient draught!


What the heck are you doing here?

The old lady at the desk said I could come through.

Is that another custard slice?

They didn't have none in today. I bought her a cream horn.

He didn't bother that much with the other two!

Do you need a hand? Everything's under control, thank you.

So much so, we've already written out the name bracelets!

Baby Lombardi one and two, and the date.


I'm sorry, Mr Lombardi, but did you mean to take the cream horn with you?


We weren't going to let you see anything dreadful.

Nurse Crane was ready to shoo you away.

I'm a porter down Smithfield Market. I'm not scared of blood or anything.

Will you make sure she gets it?

I don't want her running out of strength.

Of course.


Ow, ow, ow.

That's what we want, lass.

The head coming slowly and steadily.

TRIXIE: A head! There we are!

I'd forgotten what that bit felt like.

The body remembers.

And the body knows just what to do.

There's a lovely warm towel waiting for Baby now.



And you have a daughter, you clever girl!


TRIXIE: Small but perfectly formed.


Now, you play nicely together while I go and see to the letters in Daddy's surgery.


Bravo, Margaret.

Just rest for a moment.

Nurse Franklin, can you just pop along the corridor and let Doctor know that baby number two is breech?

I'll be back before you know it.

Does that mean Baby's coming arse first?

Twins do it all the time.

But you might be more comfy on the birthing chair.


Just take a seat.


Dr Turner's surgery.

Mother doesn't need our help.

She's doing magnificent work here, all on her own.


And here comes Baby's bottom!

I'm going to wrap Baby up nice and warm, because we're going to have to concentrate and take our time.


Gently push and then pant!

Short breaths.

That's the ticket!



There. There.

Perfect work, Margaret.

Come along, young miss.

You've a sister waiting to wish you happy birthday!





Here you go!

Two beautiful girls.


Are they identical?

The afterbirth can give us a clue, but only time will tell sometimes.

They're both absolutely gorgeous all the same.




(DOOR CLOSES) Dr Turner?

May I ask for your opinion?

I believe I can hear another heartbeat.

Third baby?

Yes. We need to get her on the bed.

(WAILS) Oh, no!

It's all right, it's all right.

Never, ever go through those doors into the rooms where the poorly mummies and the babies are, do you hear me?

I'm very disappointed in both of you, but especially Angela, because you're a big girl and you should know better.

Shelagh said there were three poles.

When I checked, there were only two.

It must have shifted, to lie behind the others.

Now it's shifted again, because it's got the room to move.

And it's transverse.

I can't do it again!

You are going to get all the help that we can give you, starting by turning this baby around.


This baby needs to be delivered.

The heart rate is very, very rapid.

We need the obstetric flying squad urgently.

You were right. Triplets.

Sit there and don't move!

I've located the head and the back, but I can't get it to turn.

Shall I try?

Yes. I'll prep for forceps.

You've done so much hard work.

You leave this to us now, hm?


I think it's engaging.

Waters have broken, and there's meconium.

What does that mean?

Just in a minute we'll be telling you to push again.

Everything's in hand, lass.

Don't worry.

Pudendal block given.

First blade.

Second blade.

Push. You push now.

We'll soon have everything to rights.



Baby's out.

Well done.

Another girl.

Well done, lass.

You did so well.

Can I see her?

Two ticks, I promise.

Is she all right?


Little lady just needs a bit of a rubdown.

(KNOCK ON DOOR) Flying squad!

Hold on a moment!


Can I hold her?

TRIXIE: Baby's still very weak.

Not just yet.

And did the lady give you any information about the procedure she'd undergone?

Any indication at all of the name of the practitioner?

At that point, it didn't matter.

I just knew something very distressing was going to happen to her and that there might be a haemorrhage afterwards.

She wasn't a criminal, Sergeant.

She was my patient.

I want to try feeding them myself.

I'm afraid baby number three will have artificial milk while she's at St Cuthbert's.

I need someone to tell my husband.

They might have to take the gas and air.


I'm off duty soon.

I don't mind passing on the glad tidings.

Thanks, Nurse.

He'll be down the Black Sail.

The woman won't see anyone in her own home.

You have to meet her friend, and the friend takes the money and gives you the address.

But you don't know what it is?

I don't want this to happen to anybody else.

But those women, they'll be out there now, looking for more customers.

And there will always be customers.


Drink, dear?

I can't have a Nonnatun coming in here and standing empty-handed.

I'd like an orange juice, please.

Nothing but the best. I shall open a fresh tin!




# Daisy, daisy

# Give me your answer do... # Well done, mate!

I've got five kids.


It was hard enough getting my head around twins, but triplets?!

I've never even seen triplets!

I don't think there's any triplets in Poplar.

You clever boy! It's not unheard of.

But often, in the past, they wouldn't have survived.

But yours will all thrive, even the poorly one, once she's out of her incubator.

Poorly? How poorly is she?

She's the smallest of the three, and she inhaled some unpleasant substances while she was in the womb, and she needs a little help breathing.

What made that happen? Her birth was traumatic enough that she went into a state known as foetal distress.

Distress? Was she scared?

Panicked, perhaps. Alarmed.

But she wouldn't have been able to name what she was feeling.

Sometimes even grown adults can't name the things that scare them the most.

Is anyone with her now? Margaret's too unwell to go to her.

She needs to be with family.

Hello, bambino.

I'm your dad.

You've got brothers and sisters.

You've got a really brave mum.

Almost as brave as you are.

Can you make do with me for now?

They said they don't want you leaving yet!

They can't stop me discharging myself.

When I'm better, I'm moving up West.

I'm rearranging that appointment with the agency.

I'm going to start again.

Will you talk to the police before you go?

Don't you understand? I want it to be over, Lesley!

I want it to be in the past!

The past begins when I walk away.

The shame...

...I'll carry with me everywhere I go.

(RADIO BUZZES) This needs new batteries.

It's just not loud enough!

There'll be a newsflash when Her Majesty's baby's born, and I can't afford to miss it.

There'll be a 41-g*n salute all down the Thames when she drops that sprog.

You won't need batteries to hear that!

I crave your indulgence.

News has come to me that this object fuelled my delusions, when I was afflicted with pyrexia.

It is best that you destroy it.

She's had it!

The Queen's had the baby!

Just leave that with me.

It's a prince.

It's a prince!

The Queen's had a boy!

The Queen's had a boy!


For you! And you!

Scum on the water.

One forgets, living on the South Coast for so long.

I can't remember when I last noticed.

I've spoken with Sister Frances about the abortion case.

I'm sorry her first week here's been marred by this.

Lives are marred by this.

And they're marred everywhere.

I was once first on the scene after a woman took a screwdriver to herself.

Afterwards, every time I cycled past her house, I used to think, "But there were roses around the door."

There are women all over this district who help other women all the time.

They think of themselves as we do.

No-one will name them because, for every woman who finds herself maimed, or dead, there are a dozen others who quietly get the desired result.

But if no-one speaks out, where will it end?

It will end where it always ends.

In silence.

MATURE JENNIFER: There are too many things of which we do not speak.

Too many secrets.

Too much shame.

But perhaps we are cleaner, brighter, more polished versions of ourselves more often than we think.

When we gaze outward and not inward, when we are open, not closed.

Not everything is possible, but there is hope...

_..when the light shines in.

Hope is another chapter.

Hope is what comes next.

TRIXIE: Flora...

Flora, keep your eyes open!

Could I have given this to my children?

What will become of me?

I know nowhere else.

This isn't your home any more, Clarice, it is a prison.

Vote Violet Buckle!

I don't put my cross in the box for any old rubbish!

Well, it seems like an awful lot of bother to go to just to put an X in a box.
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