04x10 - Tower of Power

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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04x10 - Tower of Power

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I wont let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Never your fear

-♪ No, don't you fear

-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Forever and always,
I'm always here ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I wont let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Never your fear

-♪ No, don't you fear

-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Forever and always,
I'm always here ♪

-Hello, mitch.


-Oh, no.


It's not a local tagger, either.

It's somebody new.

-Oh, great.

Now we'll be stuck in
the middle of a turf w*r.

We'll be painting over
this wall every day.

This isn't your turf,
damn-it. It's mine!

-Easy, take it easy.

-I can't help it.
It really makes me mad.

People come to the
beach to escape

From gangs and graffiti.

-People also come to
the beach with problems.

-Well, that doesn't mean
they can take it out on us.

-Okay let's give
a little polish,

Make it look nice.

What do you think?

Now, ladies and gentlemen,
for my next trick,

I'd like to...

It's a... It's a very
difficult trick.

-Excuse me, are you
the great maroni?

-Oh, my reputation precedes me.

-You're not going to let
all these blow away, are you?

-Oh, good heavens, no.

This is my entire
advertising campaign.

-What is this death-defying,
underwater escape act
you're gonna do?

-Oh well, it's really
quite magnificent.

I'm covered in
chains and shackled,

-Pound ball
attached to my feet,

And I leap off the
pier into the ocean.

-Why not?

-Well, for one thing,
it's illegal.

And for another, it's crazy.

-Oh, no, no, no.

No, it's magic.

Do you believe
in magic, miss...

-Parker. Cj.

-It's a pleasure
to meet you, cj.

You know what they say
about a bird in the hand?

It's worth two in the tower.

-Something tells me
those are the ones

Who should be doing this.

-Come on, baco. Let's roll.

-You're dripping.

-Oh, yuck!

On top of all this,
I'm going to smell like

Turpentine all day.

I hate that smell.

-Mitch: hey, check this out!

-Stephanie: what?

-Wow, that looks like carlos.

-Who's carlos?

-It's our new replacement.

He's filling in while
newmie's on vacation.

-You made a personnel
decision without consulting me?

-Oh, lighten up.
You weren't around at the time.

Trust me, you won't
be disappointed.

-What is that supposed to mean?

-Well, it just means that
I think maybe you and carlos

Will, you know, hit it off.

-Mitch, I don't need you
to fix me up, thank you.

-Stephanie, when was the
last time you were on a date?

-I go on dates all the time.

I mean, just because I don't
discuss my love life with you

Doesn't mean I don't have one.

-Okay, okay, forget it.

I'm sorry I even brought it up.

-Well, I hope
he's a decent lifeguard.

-Mitch: carlos has won every
south bay competition

In the last three years.

He's an excellent lifeguard.

We're lucky he was available.

-Which one is he?

-The one on the left.

-Well, he sure knows
how to make an entrance.

-Hey hey!
-Hey, mitch!

Good to see you, man.

How's it going?

-Once a hotdog,
always a hotdog, huh?

-What can I say?

My car broke down.

Didn't want to be late
first day on the job.

Hi, I'm carlos baerga.

-Oh, I'm sorry. This is
lieutenant stephanie holden.

-Nice to meet you, lieutenant.


Welcome to baywatch.

Oh, I'm sorry.

-That's okay.

-Since you're part-time,
I'll got a waiver on the hair.

Just be sure you put
it in a ponytail, all right?

-No problem.

-Listen, let me just
take care of my gear,

And then I'm all yours, okay?

-You got it.

Why, lieutenant, I
believe you're drooling.

Do I take care of you or what?

-[Overlapping chatter]

-[Women grunting]

-Thanks, hobie!

-No problem.
-All right, this is it!

-Match point.

-[Women grunting]

-All right, step right up.
Get an ice cold a&w.

I got root beer, diet rootbeer,
cream soda, anything.

-I'll have one.

-Me too.



so, you and mitch
are old friends, huh?

-Yep, he trained
me in rookie school.


-I'd always hoped to get
a chance to work with him.

You know, watch the
master in action.

-[Both laugh]

-I think you're gonna
like it here at baywatch.


-Not that we don't have
our share of problems.

-So I see.

-Have you ever had
to deal with gangs?

-Not as a lifeguard.

-Well, as lifeguards
it's our job

To make sure that
the beaches are safe.

If the beaches aren't safe,
then people stop coming.

If people stop coming, then...

Well, we'll all be out of work.

-Can't let that happen.

I've still got another year
of law school to pay for.

-Oh, you're gonna
be an attorney?


Just what the world
needs, another lawyer.

-[Both laugh]

-[Speaking spanish]

-What's up, man?

You make a lot of
money today, no?


-Let's see it, homes.

-Give it up, man.

That's better.

-[Group speaking spanish]

-That's right, baby.

-What you got in there?

-Luis, let's go.

-Yeah, vamos.
Hey, I'm thirsty, man.


Stephanie, it looks
like trouble over there.

-Oh my god, that's hobie!

Barnett, get over there, quick!

-[Siren wailing]

-Woman: adelsa!

-Stephanie: hobie!

-Aw, man.

-Hobie, what happened?

Are you all right?

-Yeah, they jumped me
and took all my money.

-They didn't hurt you, though?


-Did you get a
look at any of them?

-Not really.

-Listen, I know this hit
you guys where you live,

But this is a police problem,
not a lifeguard problem.

These kids are armed, so
let us handle it, okay.


-You okay?

-Never had a better day.

-What happened?

-I got jumped by
some g*ng bangers.

They took all my money.

I had no choice. They had a g*n.

-You did the right thing, pal.

When that happens, you
give them what they want.

Sorry, though.

-I should've known it was you.

What do you think you're doing?

I have to hold my
breath for three minutes

While completely submerged.

It takes incredible

-I thought you were dead.

-Do you know houdini could
stay underwater for six minutes?

-Well, not on my beach.

-Look, I'm sorry
if I alarmed you.

-Look, I'm a little
concerned about

This death-defying
stunt you're gonna pull.

-How's that?

-I have to make sure
it's gonna be safe.

-Well, I give you my
word as a gentleman.

that's not enough.

You're gonna need a permit
to pull of this stunt,

And I'm gonna make sure
that's not gonna happen

Unless I'm convinced you're
not gonna k*ll yourself.

-You can't expect
me to tell you how

I perform the escape.

Cj, a magician never
reveals his secrets!

-Never say never, maroni.

Now, talk to me or I'm gonna

Pull the plug on
your performance.


You've got to promise you'll
never reveal the secret.

-My lips are sealed.

-Well, you've heard of
the sleight of hand.

Well, this is a
variation on the theme.

-That's it?

That's the secret?

You hide a key
between your toes?

-Well, now you see
why we never reveal

How our tricks are done.

It ruins the illusion.

-Here you go!


-Hola, adelsa.

[Speaks in spanish]


[Speaking in spanish]


-I'm taking you home.

-Like hell you are.

[Speaks in spanish]

[Speaks in spanish]


She never told me
about no brother.

What? You think I'm
afraid of you, huh?

'Cause you're a lifeguard?

Adelsa is mine.

You stay away from her.



How's hobie?

-Not good, he's
still pretty shook up.

Wouldn't leave the
house this morning.

-You know what's weird, though?

When garner asked carlos if he'd

Gotten a good look at
any of those g*ng bangers,

Carlos said no.

-Why is that weird?

-Well, I saw him look
right at one of those girls.

He definitely saw her. I know.

[Phone ringing]


-Yeah, I thought
I asked you people

To stay on the sidelines.

-We are. What's the problem?

-Well, your new guy
is on the pier tailing
a couple of g*ng bangers.

Any idea what that's all about?

Mitch: garner,
stephanie's on her way.

-[Rock song playing]

-♪ You can feel it in the air
feel it in the heat ♪

♪ There's something going down
and hitting the street ♪

♪ Everybody's on the edge
waiting on a sign ♪

♪ And the people on the sidewalk
move outta line ♪

-♪ We got boots on the ground
and we won't back down ♪

♪ Gonna be a standoff

♪ You can feel it on the street
there's no takin' defeat ♪

♪ Gonna be a standoff

♪ The higher the hurdle
the harder we fight ♪

♪ Though we try to find a reason
it ain't black or white ♪

♪ But we can't let our reputation
slip away ♪

♪ And when the time is right for fighting
we can't turn away ♪

♪ We got boots on the ground
and we won't back down ♪

♪ Gonna be a standoff

♪ You can feel it on the street
there's no takin' defeat ♪

♪ Gonna be a standoff

♪ We got boots on the ground
and we won't back down ♪

-♪ Gonna be a standoff

-Carlos! Carlos, don't.

Let go.

-What are you doing here?

-I thought I spotted one of the
g*ng bangers that mugged hobie.

I was checking her out.

-Well, what happened?
Was it her?


-Well, why didn't
you tell garner?

-'Cause she's my sister.

-You knew she was
hanging out here.

That's why you called mitch

To see if there were any
spots open at baywatch, right?

-Her boyfriend brought
her into his g*ng.

When I found out I
promised my parents

I'd bring her back.

-Well, why didn't you
tell us about her?

-Because it wasn't
your problem.

-Well, it is now.

-Well, how do you think I feel?

I can't even look
mitch in the eye

After what my sister
did to his son.

Look, I'm sorry.

I should've been
up front with you,

But I didn't think
I'd need any backup.

-Worst mistake a
lifeguard can make.


-Bye, mom.

[Speaks spanish]

-Stephanie: carlos!


-Well, there's nothing
like a good workout

To get your mind
off your problems.

-Yeah, well, unfortunately
they all come rushing back

Once you get out of the water.

You know, every time I
see my mother and father

It reminds me about
how ashamed I am

For everything that
I put them through.

And now with adelsa, it's
like I'm responsible.

She learned from me.

I'm putting them through that
same hell all over again.

-You were in a g*ng?

-Let's just say it's
kinda hard to be a saint

Growing up in the city.

But it's different
for these kids now.

There's a lot more anger
and resentment out there.

And a lot less hope.

But the biggest difference
is, when we had a beef,

We settled things
with our fists.

Now they use g*ns.

Oh well.

Welcome to the ' s.

-So, what's gonna
happen to adelsa?

-My parents are sending her up

To live with relatives
in santa barbara.

Just like they did with me.

-Well, sometimes the
best thing for a person

Is a change of scene.


Have you ever been
to santa barbara?


-The beaches are
beautiful up there.

Clean and unspoilt.

That was the first time
I ever went in the ocean.

I was years old.

My uncle had to
teach me how to swim.

-[Laughs] well, I'd say he
was a pretty good teacher.

-Yeah, he was.

He opened up a whole
new world for me.

From then on, I was a
totally different person.

He made me realize that
I had options in my life.

That I could make
something of myself.

Well, now that I've told
you my whole life story,

Let's hear yours!


Oh, come on, lieutenant
stephanie holden!

I want to hear all
about your sordid past.

-Oh, forget it.

-Wait a minute, wait a minute.

I spilled my guts and
you don't say a word?

That's not fair.


How are we supposed to
get to know each other?

-Well, you could ask me out.

[Soft pop music plays]

-♪ I never knew

♪ Which way the wind was blowing

♪ I never knew

♪ Which way my heart was going

-♪ I never knew

-♪ That my whole life
was waiting for you ♪

♪ I never knew

-♪ The fairy tale you'd turn
my life into ♪

♪ Now that I have found you

♪ I know I will never be the same

♪ Don't make me live without you

♪ I can never go back there again

♪ I never knew

♪ How deep was the ocean

♪ I never knew

♪ This kind of emotion

♪ I never knew

♪ That my whole life
was waiting for you ♪

♪ I never knew

-♪ The fairy tale you'd turn
my life into ♪

♪ Now that I have found you

♪ I know I will never be the same

-♪ Don't make me live without you

-♪ I can never go back there again

-♪ Now that I have found you ♪

-Ladies and gentlemen,

You are about to behold
a death-defying act

Of physical and
mental dexterity.

My lovely assistant has bound
me in shackles and chains.

I venture to say
that no mortal man

Can escape this
bondage on dry land.

Let alone from beneath the sea!

She will now attach a -pound
lead ball to my ankles,

Which will drag me
to the ocean floor.

-Oh, dude, that's awesome!

-Not since the late,
great harry houdini

Has this escape been attempted.

Successfully, that is.

My friends...

You are about to witness
history in the making!


-I thank you!

Thank you.

-See you later?

-Carlos! Carlos!

I don't think we
should open this tower.

-I don't think we should
be intimidated by this.

-This isn't
intimidation, carlos.

This is a direct threat.

I want you to come
back to headquarters.

-I'm not going anywhere.

-Then I'm getting you backup.

-Just get me a bucket of paint.

Mitch: ally,
you be at tower ,

Kelly, you're at ,

And brad, work the
south bay beach today.

-Luis made bail this morning.

He's back on the street
and probably the beach.

Have your people
keep their eyes open,

And if anyone sees
anything going down,

Pick up a phone and call.

We'll take care of it.

-Hey, get back here!

-Stephanie back yet?

-What'd he look like?

All right, let me get word
out and I'll call you back.

All right.

-That was barnett.

Somebody just ripped
off his truck.

-What's going on?

-Somebody stole
barnett's truck.

[Phone ringing]

-Tower .

-Carlos, I just
talked to garner.

He said that luis has
been released on bail.

-Stephanie, I told ya,
nothing's gonna happen.

-I know what you
told me, just listen.

One of our lifeguard
trucks has been stolen.

Now, it could be that one
thing has nothing to do

With the other, but
I just don't think
we should take any chances.


Carlos, are you there?

-Come on!




-All right, pal. Let's go.

-Carlos, are you all right?


Just don't ask me to dance.

-Stephanie, get real.

There's no way thorpe's
gonna approve this transfer.

-Why not?

-Why not? Where
are we gonna get

The funding for
additional personnel?

Didn't you get his last
memo on budget cutbacks?

-Well, I thought you said
chief thorpe owed you a favor.

-He does.

And I'm saving it for
something important.

-Oh, mitch.

This is important.

-Come on, you're telling
me you really want

Carlos to work here
on a permanent basis?

Really? I mean,
won't it be too much

Of a distraction for you?

I mean, are you sure you'll
be able to concentrate?

-Very funny.


-Hi, guys.
-Mitch: hey.

-Carlos: hi.

-What happened? I thought
it was just a sprain.

-Yeah, me too.

But the swelling never went down

So I had an mri.

Turns out I tore the
anterior cruciate ligament.

Looks like I'm gonna
be out of action

For nine months to a year.

-You're kidding?

-I go in for surgery tomorrow.

I just came by to
clean out my locker.

-Oh well.

Easy come, easy go.

-He's not dead.

-He's not dead.

-Solid rings. Ooh.

-And blow on it.

-Whoa. That's awesome!

So tell me, how'd
you do that trick

With the chains in the water?

-Oh, I'm sorry, hobie,
I couldn't possibly

Tell you how I did my
death-defying feat.

-I'll tell you how he did it.



-Oh, come on, really. Tell me.


With a little help
from a mermaid.

-A mermaid, sure.

I'm out of here,
you guys are nuts!

-Hey, thanks for not
k*lling the illusion.

-Well, like I said before,

My lips are sealed.

-Well, would you
mind unsealing them

For a moment so I can
give you a goodbye kiss?

If you don't mind.

-I don't mind at all.

[End theme playing]
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