04x09 - Ironman Buchannon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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04x09 - Ironman Buchannon

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music plays]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge
of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here.


-Matt, wake up!

-Go away. I got home late.

-And now you're
getting up early.

-Cj, what's bothering you?

-[Gasp] at least you
could wear pajama pants.

-They're just like
lifeguard trunks.

-They're not lifeguard
trunks, they're underwear.

Underwear is supposed to
be worn under outerwear.

Put your pants on, please.

-If it makes you
that uncomfortable.

-I am not uncomfortable.

It's not about
being uncomfortable.

It's about respect for our
relationship as roommates,

And your relationship
with summer.

Put them on.


If you can't control your urges.

-The only urge I
can't control is

The urge to slap you
for the way you've been

Treating summer lately.

-What are you talking about?

I treat summer better than
I've ever treated anybody.

-Oh yeah?

Who's rebecca?

-Rebecca who?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

-Answering machine:
matthew, hi. It's rebecca.

I missed you.

-Oh, yeah.

That rebecca.

She's my broker.

-Matt, the only reason
you're living with us

Is because you're broke.

Broke people don't have brokers.

Who's rebecca?

-She's my broker.

-What kind of broker?

-She's my investment broker.

-Meet me first
thing in the morning

And I'll make your
dreams come true.

That's right, you know where.

-How is she going to make
your dreams come true, matt?

-See ya.

-Say hi to rebecca the broker.

-Matt: I will!


[Rock music plays]

-Wow, rebecca, this
bike is amazing.

-So, what'd you think?

-Well, there's no
way I can go back

To riding this, that's for sure.

-The owner just put
in a new crank cam,

Solid lifters,
and a an s&s shorty carb.

-So why does he
want to sell it?

-I don't know, the guy's
girlfriend wants him

To clean up his
act or something.

-Man, talk about
the wrong girlfriend.

-So, what do you want to do?

-I want to give you
$ , and buy it.

-All right.

-But I don't have
$ , in cash.

-The owner would take checks;
I already told you that.

-No, you don't understand.

I don't have $, , period.


-All right.

He might be willing
to negotiate.

Make me an offer.

-$ , .
-Rebecca: oh!

-Okay, fine $ , ,
but that's it.


In cash, right now,
you got it on you?

-No, but I can get it to
you in a couple of days.


-Look, I had a
bike just like this.

But my old man repo'd it
and I'm tired of peddling.

I'll get it to you
in a couple of days.

Sunday night.

$ , .

Rebecca, you said you'd
make my dream come true.

-I'll see what I can do.

-All right.

-There's nothing like a
hot bike underneath ya, huh.

-Well, here he comes.

Here he comes, gonna
catch that wave?

Gonna get it?

Watch out!

Ooh, there he goes.

Oh, got a great
shot, great shot.

-Hey, garner, I
twisted my knee.

Give me a little help here.


-What do you mean you can't?

-Come on, this
is a documentary.

I can't alter events, just
record it for posterity.

-Yeah, you want
posterity, record this!


The once-proud
warrior attempting to

Return into combat in a quest

For one final moment of glory.

Will he once again be
known as ironman buchannon?

Or will he sink
beneath the waves

Like a rusted out hulk of
a once-proud sailing ship?

Oh, I like that.

-Come on, I need
some help here, huh.

-Who now asks for help

To do what he could
once do alone.

Before celebrating
too many birthdays.

-Will you get out of
my face with that thing!

-Oh, mitch.

Why are you torturing
yourself, huh?

-Since my birthday
falls right before

The national lifesaving

-Okay, good, keep going.

Everybody thinks I should enter

The senior division,
because I'm eligible.

-Well, I want to
prove them all wrong

And I'm going to win the
open ironman competition.

-Oh, come on, mitch,

Those guys are in their s.

They're in the best
shape of their lives.

-That's why I
gotta train harder.

One, two three--

-Oh, yeah.


-This is garner ellerbee,

Documenting mitch buchannon's
quest to recapture

His past glory.

Some may call it
a mid-life crisis.

I call it a heroic
display of inspiration...

Perspiration, and
desperation. [Laughs]

-Woo, you go, boy!

-Help! Help me!

Help, help!

Help me, it's too heavy!

Help me! Help!

-This is ellerbee,
clear all channels.

I need emergency
lifeguard backup for mitch

Off of tower , now.

-It's too heavy!

-Grab the board.

Okay, okay. All right.

All right, lie flat
on your stomach.

Yeah, that's good.

-♪ Stars and the moon

♪ And the sun

-Feeling better?

-Yeah, yeah. I feel
a lot better, thanks.


-I'm sorry, that
was my dad's wetsuit.

I like my clothes big and roomy.

-Yeah, well it's not a
good idea in the water.

Look, I've got to ask you
a couple of questions.

I have to fill out
this incident report.

Basically it tells
what happened today.


-Mitch: name.

-Destiny. Last name?

-Just destiny.
-Mitch: oh.

That's an unusual name.

-Not if it was meant
to be your name.


What's yours?

-Mitch, mitch buchannon.


Mitch buchannon saved my life.

-Mitch: what?

-What is that thing when
someone saves your life?

It's like, uh...

-Just part of the service
we provide here at the beach.

-No, no, no.

It's like you're
responsible for me now.

Or I'm responsible for you.

One or the other.


I'm your destiny.



-You know, you
swallowed a lot of water.

I should check your lungs.

-Wouldn't it be funny if, like,

Evolution flip-flopped
and people

Developed gills
instead of lungs?


-Although I guess
if that happened,

Then you wouldn't have
a job at the beach,

Because then people wouldn't
like, drown, you know.

So it's better this way.

For you, I mean, you know.

-Okay, yeah. All right.

Just take a deep breath.

-I have very healthy lungs.

-Yeah, uh...

You can let it out now.


-That tingles.


-It's okay; I like tingles.

-Mitch: what?

-You have a very sensual aura.

-Oh, I'd like to
listen to your--

-No, no, I can feel
it in my fingertips.

-Um, could I just--

-Your whole body.

-Uh, destiny, i--

-Okay, just a
couple of reminders

Before your start your shifts.

First of all, we've had
reports of strong rip currents

Up and down the coast, so please

Be extra careful today.

And keep your eyes on
your water at all times.

Secondly, don't
forget you-know-who's

Birthday party tomorrow night.

It's a surprise,
so don't let on.

Please be here by : o'clock.

The birthday boy's
due to arrive at--

-It's mitch!

-Don't forget to load up
on that sunblock, all right?

It's going to be
a scorcher today.

-Man: drink plenty
of water, hydrate.

-So how are things working
out with matt at the house?

-Oh, great.


I tried calling you last night.

Where were you?

-Um, I was out sh**ting
pool with the guys.

matt, you coming?

-I'll be right there.

Listen, I gotta go, okay.

-So tell me, old wise one,

How's the competition
shaping up?

-The open is gonna be
awful tough this year.

-That doesn't matter.

'Cause he's entering
the senior division

Now that he's old
enough to qualify.

-I'm not entering
the senior division.

-Here are your tower
assignments for the
rest of the week.

You have tomorrow off.

Have a great birthday.

-I'm entering the open.


-Woo, thank you for
saving me, mitch buchannon.

-Oh, uh, this is destiny.

She had a little surfing
accident this morning

And I kinda helped
her out a little bit.

-Oh, well,l I can't wait
to read the incident report.

-You know, your shoulders
are totally stiff.

Where's all your
stress coming from?

-It's his birthday tomorrow.

-Well, I don't
believe in birthdays.

-Neither do i.

-I could relieve
all this tension.

Get you a full body rejuvenation

At the institute
for inner awareness.

-Well, if ever a body
needed rejuvenating...

-There's no rust
in that ironman.

-Center yourself,

Take a deep breath.

-I'll see you later.


Do this with me.


-Ah, ah--

-Come on. Ohm.

Try it. Ohm.
-Mitch: ohm.

-My hero. [Laughs]

-You look like you
didn't get much sleep.

-I got enough.

-Matt, I don't know
what is going on with you

But I hardly see you anymore.

And when I do, look at you,

You're half asleep!

-I've been busy.

-Doing what?

-Why can't anybody trust me?

My folks, stephanie, now you.

-Matt, are you
seeing somebody else?

'Cause if you are, just tell
me and I'll deal with it.

-Summer, I swear,
there's nobody else.

-Then why can't you tell me
where you're going every night?

-Just trust me.

I'll tell you sunday night.

-What, at mitch's
surprise party?

-Okay, fine, I'll tell you
at mitch's surprise party.

I need some coffee.

-Oh, my thermos is empty.

Look, why don't you just
go to my mom's restaurant

And get yourself an
double espresso, okay.

I'll cover for you.

-Are you sure?



[Dial tone]

-Hey, somebody help me!

Oh, thanks!

Thanks for the help.

-Are you all right?

-Yeah, I'm all right.

Can you help me turn
it right-side up again?

-Lean back.

-Hey, help here!


We got trouble, hurry, please!

-Where's the lifeguard?

-She went under!


Help me, cj!

-Let's go!

-Come on, we'll take
her back to shore.

-Ready, down.

She has trauma to the head.

-No pulse.

-One, two, three, four, five.

-One, two--
-damn it, summer, breathe!

-Three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

-There's still no pulse.

[Sirens approaching]

-One, two, three, four, five.

-She's got no pulse.

-How long was she under?

-I don't know; at least
a couple of minutes.

-She has trauma to the head.

-I'm attaching c collar.

-Hurry up!

-Continue cpr.

-One, two, three, four, five.

-Okay, kelly, I need
you on the board.

John, around by the feet.

-One, two, three, four, five.

-Let's roll her.

Okay, back.

Now, continue cpr.

-One, two, three, four, five.

-Come on, we need you.

-Come on, summer.

One, two--

-Wake up!
-Three, four, five.

-Come on, summer!

-One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four,
-come on, summer!


[Pop music plays]

♪ A dream, I'm falling to dream

♪ A dream, I'm falling to dream

♪ I'm falling to dream

♪ I'm falling to dream

♪ A dream, I'm falling to dream

♪ A dream, I'm falling to dream

♪ A dream, I'm falling to dream

♪ A dream, I'm falling to dream


Wait, she's conscious.

Summer! Are you okay?



-All right, let's get her
back to the headquarters.

Ready, one, two, three, up.

Mind her head.

-Mitch: ohm.

-Mitch: ohm.

-Mitch: ohm.

-Mitch: ohm.


Now that you've had
your hot-oil massage,

Your loofah rub, and
your herbal cleansing,

You're ready for the skull drip.

-Skull drip?

No, I really don't think
I need a skull drip.

-You'll love it,
you'll love it.

Relax, I promise.

Now take a deep,
centering breath.

And as you exhale, feel time

Dripping off the
top off your head.

Here they come, weeks!



-Years, draining away.

Now take another deep breath.

And as you exhale, feel
yourself growing younger.

And stronger.

And stronger.

And stronger!


There. Feel younger
and stronger?

-Yes, I do.
-Destiny: told ya!

-It's incredible; I feel
younger and stronger.

And I also feel, is there
blood coming out of my ears?


You rescued me; now it's
my turn to rescue you.

-Mitch: ohm.

-Mitch: ohm.

[Sirens in the distance]


Big, deep breaths.


-Come on, destiny, we gotta go.

Come on, come on. Come on!

-What, wait, what happened?

-Mom, I'm okay, really.

-Honey, I know.

But let's let cj take you
to the hospital, all right?

Honey, just as a precaution.

-What happened?

[Wind chime ringing]

-Summer had an accident.

She got hit the the
hull of a catamaran.

-Are you all right?

-Yeah, I'm fine,
it's just a bump.

-She lost consciousness.

-I didn't, it was just
like, I don't know.

I was somewhere else,
I can't explain it.

-Oh my gosh.

Did you see a bright light,
as bright as the sun,

But it didn't hurt your eyes?

And you felt warm and safe,
and part of everything?



-Your soul left your body,
and came back when it was safe.

Well, it happens every
night in dreams, you know.

People think it's
their imagination,

But astral projection
is a proven fact.

-Just where exactly
did you two meet?

-Oh, hi, I'm destiny.

Mitch saved my life.

And now I'm saving his.

-Oh, isn't that special.


So tell me what else you saw?

-Tannoy: senior masters
and open ironman competitors

Please report to
the sign-in table.

-Which ironman trophy will
mitch buchannon pursue?

The lesser, which may
be more easily won,

Or the greater but far
more difficult to attain?

Let us see, as
the drama unfolds.

-Hi, guys. Hummer.

-Hey, mitch.

All right, what
division shall it be.

-You better take the senior
route this year, buchannon.

-No, hummer, I'm
coming after you.

-Enter the open and that's
exactly where you'll come in,

After me.


-Wait, wait, wait.
-Mitch: what?

-Okay, go ahead, now.

Sign it and seal
your fate. [Laughs]

-Tannoy: last call, all
competitors please report

To the sign-in table.


-I'll be waiting for
you at the finish line.

Like a magnet for my ironman.


-Wait, wait, wait.
-Mitch: what?

-I want to give
you all my energy.

-I got it.

-Okay, go.

-Tannoy: ironman
competitors' equipment,

Including paddle boards,
surf skis, and dories,

Please check in at
the water's edge.

-And here comes
mitch buchannon,

Donning the traditional
lifeguard beanie.

-Tannoy: okay, competitors,
to the line, please.

Swimmers to the mark, go!

-And here we go!


-Would-be ironman
buchannon, you go! [Laughs]

[Cheering and applause]

[Up-tempo music plays]

♪ My soul will never surrender

♪ One shot to get this right

♪ My soul will never surrender

♪ I'll never give up this fight

♪ I'll never give up this fight

♪ One time to twist
and one time to shout ♪

♪ You've got some time to fight it out

♪ I'll be your number one I'll make it to
the end ♪

♪ I won't give up I won't give in

♪ I'll take it higher than the sun

♪ I want it all its in my soul
I want it all ♪

♪My soul will never surrender

♪ But we lost the peace

♪ My soul will never surrender

♪ I'll never give up this fight

♪ He's just determination
made of motivation ♪

♪ Never giving up ground
one level up ♪

♪ He's the culmination of a hero inside

♪ Never denied
and never giving up ♪

♪ My soul will never surrender

♪ One shot to get this right

♪ My soul will never surrender

♪ I'll never give up this fight
-come on, mitch!

-♪ I'll never give up this fight

♪ Never give up

♪ Never give up


♪ Never give up

-Oh my god, he won!

He won! [Screaming]


-Rusty, huh?

Humiliated, huh?

-Just trying to
get you fired up.

And it worked!

Ironman buchannon!

-Oh, god!

-You did it! I knew it.
-Mitch: okay.

-Did you feel that energy?
-Mitch: I did.

-I was sending you all the
energy and it totally worked.

-I did, I felt it.

-My man. Ironman buchannon.

-Oh, my ironman.

I'm so proud.

[Phone ringing]

-Oh, look at that!

That is some cake, jackie.

-Oh, I hope he likes it, yeah.

-Far out.

-Mom, have you seen matt?

-Honey, he's not here yet.

-But mitch will
be, and any second.

-Hey, I got hobie on the line.

He's gonna hold until
his dad gets here.

-Oh, perfect, great.

-Oh, I hope mitch
brings destiny with him.

Oh, I'd really like to
continue talking to her

About my experience.

-She is the one who's
getting him here.

I worked it out with
her during the ironman.

-Oh, how?

-Well, she's insisting that he

Enshrine his trophy tonight,

So that we can all gape at
it in amazement tomorrow.


Don't laugh! He's
gonna force all of you

To watch my videotape
of him winning.


I said don't laugh.

It is a documentary of merit.

-Will somebody tell
me what is with mitch

And young little miss destiny?

Is this birthday sending
him into a panic?

-[Laughs] oh, definitely.


-He's coming, he's coming,
turn off the lights!

-The secret to
success and winning

Is being prepared
for every situation.

You know, if you just
see it in your mind's eye

You'll never be
caught off guard.

-All: surprise!

[Cheering and applause]

-Garner: never be
caught off guard!

-Let me see, let me see!

How'd you do this,
how'd you win?

-Well, I don't know.

I just kinda, you know,
reach down deep inside

And i--
-got yourself and attitude.

-Yeah, I did. Thanks to you.

I bet you set this whole
thing up too, didn't you.

-No, no, it was jackie's idea.

-Happy birthday, mitch.

-Mm, I'll get you for this.

-You promise?


-Oh great wise one,

Why didn't you
tell me about this?

-What, and miss
you looking like

The wide-mouth sea bass?

No way.

Happy birthday, mitch.

-Thanks for being here.
-Captain: you bet.

Hey, mitch, hobie's on
the phone from catalina.


Did you know about this?

-Summer, summer.

I have been thinking,

And if matt is the
one who saved you,

He is part of your karma.


The best part.


Hey, where have you been?

-Will you come outside?

I want to show you something.

-Right now?

-Just let me go and
give this to mitch.


-See you, pal.

Mitch, happy birthday, man.

-Congratulations on your win.

Don't ever let anybody
tell you that you're

Over the hill.

-Thanks; I won't.

-And I want to be just
like you when I get old.

-Get outta here!


Let's open this now, huh?


-Well, old age sneaks up on
you when you least expect it.

-Yeah, well, so does this.

-Strength is the
first thing to go.

-So what do you think?

-About what?

-This is my motorcycle.

I'm buying it with my own money.

And no one will ever be able to

Take this one away from me.

-Hi, I'm rebecca.

Matt's told me so
much about you.

I believe this is for you.

-This is my broker.

-Anyways, I'm gonna go
and get my money, okay.

I'll be right back.

You okay?
-Summer: mm-hm.


-You ever ridden a bike before?

-[Laughs] no.

-Summer: hi!

-Who's your friend?

-Hello, rebecca, how do you do?

-Ellerbee. Is this your bike?

-I'm a broker.

I can find you one, if you like.

-This is one powerful machine.

-Do you ride?

-Well, you ladies gonna
be here for a minute?


-I'll be back.

-Oh, I missed the surprise!

Oh, mitch, I'm so sorry.

-What you got there?

-It's a piñata , I was
just going to get it.

Happy birthday, ironman.

-I won; can you
believe I won? [Yells]

Let's have some fun, eh.

- , , , ,

, .

-And here is your pink slip.

It's been a pleasure
doing business with you.

He's a really great
guy; hold on tight.

He's hell on wheels.


Enjoy the party!

-Okay, buchannon.

I don't know, it's all yours.


mitch, mitch, mitch...





-Where did you
get all that money?

-Well, that's what I've
been doing every night.

I've been saving up and
working at a produce market.

-Oh, matt.

-Where is she?


-The conwoman who sold
you this stolen motorcycle.


-She looked familiar so I
checked the serial number.

Stolen four days
ago in san diego.

-I don't believe it.

-She just took off with
all of matt's money.

-I don't believe it.

-Matt, come on!

-Garner, I worked so hard.

Do you have to take the
motorcycle right now?

-Sorry, but this
pink slip's a fake.

Look, she couldn't
have gotten too far.

Hopefully we'll get
your money back.

-You know, I knew she
couldn't be trusted.

Just by looking
at her, I knew it.

Matt, where are you going?

-He'll be okay.

-We are all going
to go to monkey bar,

And tripp's, and maybe tattoo,

And we definitely have
tables, so let's go.

-I can't.

Really, I don't have the energy.

-Yes, you do,
it's your birthday!

Just reach down inside
and pull it out.

-Ohm, oh no, I have
no energy, I'm beat.

Look, I won the
ironman, I'm beat!

-Well, do you want to go?

-Oh, no thanks.

Us old folks are gonna
stay here and clean up.

-Well, just remember to
drop by the awareness center.

Your destiny will be waiting.


-See ya!

-See you guys,
have a good time!

See ya!


-Bye, biff, see ya.

-I'm gonna go home,
too; I'm exhausted.

Happy birthday.
-Ah, thanks.



-Thanks for planning
this, jackie.

-Oh, goodnight, steph.

Get some rest.


-Old folks, huh?

-Mitch: yep.

-Grab a broom, mitch buchannon.

The party's over.


[Smooth jazz music plays]

-The party--
-jackie: yes?

-Has just begun.

-It's about time.

[End theme plays]
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