02x20 - The Fugitive

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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02x20 - The Fugitive

Post by bunniefuu »

The following program

is brought to you
in living color on NBC.

Gomez, I have had all of the
stink that I can stand

with this gringo.

You think you're through
with me, Jefe?

When you are dancing in the air,
I will be through with you.

But you're not
going to hang me.

You're not that big.

Not you or anybody else
in this stinking town.

Aw. Watch him.

Si, Jefe.

Watch him well.

He is full of tricks.

Well, Senora...

So it's finally over with,
hey, Jefe?

Senor Carl Reagan is in jail.

It will not be over until
he is hanging by his neck.

He'll be no loss.

He brought nothing to this town
but trouble.

There was nothing I could do.

He grabbed my keys.

He came toward me.

I had to sh**t.

You did what you had to do.

Now it is over.

Except that I shall continue
to curse the day

that I first heard the name
Carl Reagan.

Hey, Pa, there's old Will.

Will Reagan!

Jumping Jehosaphat,
it's good to see you, Will.

What are you doing
out this way?

Well, get a little homesick
now and then,

after all the years
on the Ponderosa.

I still say you were the best
dang foreman we ever had.

Watch it.

There we are.

There you are.

Have you heard
from Carl recently?

As a matter of fact,
I have, Ben.

Leastwise, I think so.

This come today.

Must be from Carl.

Can't think of nobody else
who'd be writing to me.

It is from Carl ain't it, Ben?

Well, let's see, it says
it's from, uh, Plata, Mexico.

Aha, sure is from him.
I just knew it.

Last word I heard from him,
he was headed in that direction.

You know, my eyesight may
be failing me,

but my instinct is still good.

Uh, Ben, do you mind reading
it for me?


I could have had somebody in
town read it, I reckon,

but I knew you were just as
anxious to hear as I was.

Eh, looks like somebody sent you
a present here, Will.

Well, I can wait
for the present.

Uh, what does Carl say?

Well, it says that, uh...

Well, go ahead, Ben, read it.

It is from Carl, ain't it?

Well, Will, no.

It, uh... this isn't from Carl.

It's some... some kind of
advertisement, that's all.


Well, they sent me a present.
What is it?

Um, it's a ring.

Uh, looks like
some mail order house

is trying to sell
some Indian jewelry.

This ain't no Indian ring.

I guess Adam just supposed
it was.

Ben, I've known you
for a lot of years.

You always was
a poor hand at lying.

What's in that letter?

Will, I-I... I don't know
how to break it to you.

It's pretty bad news.

About Carl?

Yeah, about Carl.

He's dead.

Be sure of it.

Be sure of it, Ben.

Will, this is, uh, is from
the authorities in Mexico.

It's a certificate of death.

How did it happen?
What does it say?

It doesn't say. It's just...

the certificate of death
and the ring.

Seems official.

I'd know this ring anyplace.

I hammered it out of silver
with my own hands.

His th birthday.

It was the same year
his mom died.

Can they do this?

Can they tell me
that my boy has died,

and then not tell me how
he died?

Maybe there'll be a letter
following, Mr. Reagan...

What good'd another letter do?

I don't want my boy laying
there in a foreign land.

I want him back here,
where he belongs.

Ben, you've got a wife buried
in the Ponderosa.

You know what I'm talking about.

Will, of course I know
what you're talking about,

but, Will, it...
it's impossible.

I don't care
whether it's impossible or not.

I want my boy back here.

I'm an old man.

I ain't even got my eyesight.

Ain't much left of me.

I've gotta have my boy
back home.

Well, you think I'm doing
the right thing, Pa?

I don't know.

All I know is I that I saw
a man age ten years

right before my eyes.

Not because his son died,

but because he doesn't know how
he died.

Well, if I can find out what

maybe I can bring his son
back to him.

Well, we owe Will Reagan
at least that much.

You know, Carl was
a pretty wild kid.

Suppose the truth's unpleasant?

Can't back away
from the truth, Adam.

You take care of yourself.


Whoa, boy.

Hot day, huh?

Should have been here yesterday.

Melt your whiskers off,
it would've.

Oh, could you give me maybe
one of those nice outside rooms

facing that cool ocean breeze?

Oh, I had to get rid
of all them rooms.

The guests complained
the sound of the waves

kept them up all night.

Where you from?

Virginia City,
Nevada Territory.

Adam Cartwright.

Staying long?


I'll show you to your room.

Like I said, you should
have been here yesterday.

Melt your whiskers off.

Here you are, a dollar a day
and breakfast in the morning.

Yeah, this'll be fine.

You, uh, you say you been
around this town

some time, have you?

That's right, some time.

If you want to know a gila
monster by his first name,

ask me, I know him.

As a matter of fact,
I did want to ask about someone.

A Carl Reagan.

What about him?

Well, I'm an old friend of his
from Virginia City.

Also a very good friend
of his father's.

We'd gotten word
that Carl was dead.

I don't know nothing about that.

The dollar for the room
is in advance.

Oh. Uh...

It's kind of a small town.

Surely you might have heard
something about it, huh?

Look, mister, you want
your pillow fluffed up, call me.

And I forgot to tell you.

The room is for one night.

Trail g*ng's coming in tomorrow,
and I'll be full up.

Look, I was only trying
to find out something

about my friend's death.

Why don't you go and ask
his widow?!

Now wait a minute, lady.
You don't have...

Oh, pardon me.

I've knocked on the doors
of half the houses in this town.

What do you want, Senor?

I'm looking
for a Mrs. Carl Reagan.

I'm Mrs. Carl Reagan.

Uh, my name is Adam Cartwright.

I'm an, I'm an old friend
of your husband's.

I'm sorry that we have to meet
under these circumstances,

but I'd like to talk
to you for a moment.

My husband is dead.

There is nothing
we could talk about.

Good day, Senor.

Mrs. Reagan.

Well, Mrs. Reagan,
we meet again.

You can hardly slam a door
in my face here.

May I buy you a drink?

Please, Senor, I'm busy.

I told you
I do not wish to talk!

Well, I haven't
very much to ask you.

Shall we sit down?

I'm not sure if Carl ever told
you about his father,

but I know him very well.

He's quite anxious to learn

as much as he can
about Carl's death.

Surely you can understand that,
can't you?

Oh, thank you.

Now, may we have that drink?

What do you want to know?

Why didn't you write
Carl's father?

Why did you leave it
for the law to do?

I thought it was
better that way.

Why? Was there something
you were afraid to tell him?

Please, Senor,
let things stay as they are.

Go back to Virginia City.

Go home, Mr. Cartwright!

All right, Mrs. Reagan.

I'll go home.

After I get a few answers.

Ah, Senor.

Come in, Senor.

You're in the wrong room,
aren't you, mister?

No, no, no, Senor.

You are.

All right, what's it all about?

I tell you, Senor, you are
not only in the wrong room,

you are in the wrong town.

Uh, what makes you think that?

Oh, I do not think this, Senor.

I know it.

Who sent you? Maria?

Senor, why don't you
get yourself

a good night's sleep, huh?

And in the morning,
you will feel fresh

and rested for the travel.

No, it's quite
the other way around.

You're the one that's
traveling... out, now.

Senor, you are
a very stubborn man.


Sleep well, Senor.

You the one they call El Jefe?

I am the law in Plata,
if that is what you mean.

My name's Adam Cartwright.

I know what is your name.

I know that you came
into this town alone.

I know that you are
staying at the hotel.

I also know that you ask the
same questions too many times.

Well, now, if you know all that,
maybe you also know the name

of the two men
that were waiting for me

in my hotel room
and jumped me, huh?

That is something that
I probably do not know.

Well, what do you
intend to do about it?

Senor, we did not ask you
to come to Plata.

Maybe it is better
that you leave.

Why should I leave?
I just got here.

Perhaps you are stepping on
a dead man's toes.

Carl Reagan was
a friend of mine.

Senor, it is time
that you should know this.

That you are a friend of
Carl Reagan does not make you

a friend of anybody
in this town.

Well, now, I didn't
come to this town

to make friends or enemies,
either one.

The man that you are seeking
is dead,

but even his memory
is hated here.

Is that enough, Senor?

Do you want to know more?

Yes, I'd like to know
how he died.

The official records show
that he was k*lled

while attempting to escape jail.

Escape jail?

Now, why was he in jail?

For m*rder.

For murders.

But only for one
that I could prove.

Did he have a trial?

"Did he have a trial?"
Of course.

And he was sentenced to hang.

But he tried to escape.

Senor, you ever see a man
without a face?

My deputy, Gomez,
had a double-barrel shotgun

at close range... phew!

It was second best to hanging.

I can't believe
Carl was a m*rder*r.

You are lying, Senor.

Or else you do not know
your gringo friend very well.

I'm not lying.

What reason would he have?


That one needed no reason.

He smuggled g*ns
to renegade Indians.

He robbed mine shipments.

He was a k*ller.

Is that reason enough?

Well, now, I only have
your word for this.

Your loyalty touches me, Senor.

My loyalty is to a dying old man
who loved his son.

I weep for him.

I made Carl's father a promise.

I came to this town
to do something,

and when I've done it,
I'll leave.

You'll leave a lot sooner,
Senor Cartwright,

or you'll remain
without a protection of the law.

Oh? What's that
supposed to mean?

What does that mean?

Another gringo told me
not long ago

that he was in this town
for peace and quiet.

To become one of us,
to learn our customs.

And there was not one day
of peace and quiet

from the time
that Senor Reagan appeared.

The road to our town
goes two ways, Senor.

My advice is to go back
to your own people.

Hello, Maria.

I thought we had already
said good-bye.

No, you said good-bye; I didn't.

Besides, I haven't the answers
to my questions.

Could I change your mind
about having that drink?

No, thank you.

Well, maybe if you'd
just sit with me, hmm?

I'm paid to talk to customers.

It's part of my job.

It's very strange, finding you
working in a place like this.

Why do you say that?

Well, Carl was a proud man.

Somehow, I just don't think

he'd want his wife
to work in a cantina.

What was he like
when you knew him?

He was like a colt
that you could never break.

Sometimes he was gentle,
even sentimental.


A man with a...
with a restlessness.

Never stand still.

Wanted me to go to Mexico
with him when we were kids.

You did not go?

No, I...

I put down roots on our ranch.


My father's there,
my two brothers.

It is good to have a family.


But a woman goes
with her husband.

Tell me, Maria...

was he as I remember him?

Were you happy with him?

I married him.

That's not what I asked.

I do not know
what you have heard.

Some people did not like him.

You saw good things in him.

So did I.

That's the Carl Reagan I loved.

It would have been better
if you hadn't come here, cowboy.

I've been told that before.

You're buying trouble.

Well, now, since when did you
start worrying about me?

I didn't like Carl Reagan,
but I do like Maria.

She's a good kid, and I don't
want any harm to come to her.

Well, neither do I.

It's a little late for that.

The gringo, Maria...
what did he want?

He does not have to be
a concern of ours.

But he is our concern.

You were told not to talk
to him, were you not?

Be careful, Pablo.

You are hurting your sister.

If she is going to be a fool,
then she will be hurt.

Now, what did he say, huh?

Please, Pablo,
you're hurting me!

Pablo is right, little one.

It is a great concern
to all of us.

Tell us what the gringo said.


He said nothing,
and I told him nothing!

Now tell me, little sister...
what did he want?

He just wanted
to talk about Carlos.

How-How he was, how we met,

about the marriage,
if we were happy.

He wanted to tell Carlos' father
about those things.

That's all, I swear it!

Pablo, stop him!

Stop him!

You all right?

Yes, I'm all right.

Why don't you leave us alone?

These are the two that
waylaid me in my hotel room.

It was a mistake.

They are my friends.

Your friends?

Some friends, from the way
you were screaming.

Take care of his arm.

He won't die.

We're going to have
a talk with El Jefe. Let's go.

What is the meaning
of this, Cartwright?

Well, you told me not to expect
any help from the law,

so I'm taking care of it myself.

This is one of the men
that jumped me in my room.

This is so, Pablo?

Si, Jefe, it is so.

I am only sorry I did not k*ll
this gringo pig.

All right, Cartwright,

put away your g*n,
or I will have to take it away.

? Que pasa?

This gringo, this foreigner...
he was molesting my sister.

Your sister? I don't know
what you're talking about.

It is true, Jefe.

Pablo came to me and told me

this foreigner is spending
much time with Maria.

Well, I don't know
whose sister she is.

I was just asking her questions
about her husband.

I warned you, Cartwright,

we do not like you gringos
interfering in our affairs.

All right, Pablo.
You can go.

What are you doing? Aren't
you going to arrest him?

For what?

For defending the honor
of his sister?

My g*n, gringo.

Maybe it is Senor Cartwright who
should be in the cell, eh, Jefe?

No, no, no, no.

Senor Cartwright, he is
an intelligent man.

He probably has
enough intelligence

to get out of Mexico now.

If not, the cell
will still be there.

I didn't mean
to startle you.

So you're still here.
Yep. Still here.

But you can stop
worrying about Maria.

Has anything happened to her?

Oh, no. She's all right.
Why shouldn't she be?

She hates gringos just as much
as anyone else in this town.

Oh, I guess that means you're
getting ready to leave this

beautiful village of ours.

Well, I don't have much choice.

Unless I sleep in the street.

You only let me have
that room for one night.

You can keep the room
for another night.

What made you
change your mind?

Maybe because that trail
g*ng I told you about

ain't coming in.

Or, uh, maybe because of Maria?

All right. Maybe it is
because of Maria.

That girl's like
a daughter to me.

I ain't gonna cuss her out
for the rest of my life

just because she made
a bad marriage.

Well, I don't know
that that's true.

Was it a bad marriage?

What did you expect?

You must have known Carl Reagan
was rotten to the core.

Why don't you tell me about him?

Ain't nothing to tell.

Carl Reagan was
a thief and a k*ller.

And he used to beat Maria.

She said she loved him.

Well, don't try to understand
that, Cartwright.

You couldn't,
unless you were a woman.

Uh, Pablo... is he, uh...
is he really her brother?

Yes, he's her brother,
all right.

But he might as well not be.

He's scared, just like
everybody else in this town.

That's what Carl Reagan
did to men.

Pablo and, uh, Juan, what was
their connection with Carl?

Go home, cowboy.

This ain't no place for you.

Get out while you still can.

I'm not going to leave here

until I find out
the truth about Carl.

Now, if you know it,
why don't you tell me?

Why do you have to
ask so many questions?

Hello, Carl.

You recognized my
voice, didn't you?

I certainly did.

I never thought
I'd hear it again.

Well, you wouldn't have, Adam.

But you just had to ask
questions, didn't you?

Now, I don't want
to have to k*ll you.

But now that you know
that I'm alive,

I guess I'm gonna have to.

Now, you put your g*n on that
table, nice and easy like.

I come a thousand miles

to find a man raised
from the grave like Lazarus.

That's good.

You always were
the bright one, weren't you?

The great Adam Cartwright.

Beulah, you, you
get us a bottle.

Now Adam and I, we haven't seen
each other in years, have we?

We got a lot to talk about.

Sit down there.

How's my father, Adam?

Nearly blind.

Nearly dead inside, over you.

Then you can see how
embarrassing it'd be

if I let you go back and
tell him I was still alive.


Why'd you do it, Carl?
All this?

Beulah, why don't you go to bed?

And keep your mouth shut.

I know when I'm well-off.


See, I had to, Adam.

They were going to hang me.

But I thought it real
clever of me, you know,

having myself declared dead.
Now don't you?

Oh, yeah.

But there was a man k*lled,
Carl, now...

Who was it? Who'd they
bury in your place?

Oh, now, Adam, now you don't
ask questions like that.

But I'll tell you.

He was a man about my size,
wore my clothes.

He was a friend, too.

And I suppose it was you

that sent those two
thugs after me, huh?

Well, I-I was sorry about that.

You always was a peaceful man.

I thought that you'd
think it out clear,

and, uh, leave
well enough alone.

Why didn't you?

Well, I suppose I had to
find out about you for myself.

You know the law in this town
doesn't have a very, uh,

charitable opinion of you.

El Jefe, he-he wanted me
so bad he could taste it.

Well, he's going to
taste it even more

when he finds out you're alive.

Yeah, I guess so.

So I can't let him
find out, can I?

I stay dead, Adam.

It won't last, Carl.

If it isn't El Jefe,
it'll be somebody else.

Well, you'll let me worry
about that, won't you?

And Maria?

What about her?

We used to play a little game.

Taking each other's girl.
You remember that?

Sure, I remember.

Let me give you a little advice,
my friend.

You stay away from my wife.

Come on, Carl.
We're not kids anymore.

And I'm not playing
games anymore.

What are you going to tell my
father when you go back home?

I had assumed
I wasn't going back.

I don't want to k*ll you, Adam.

Now, you'd listen to a
proposition, wouldn't you?

I'd say under the circumstances,

I don't have
very much choice, do I?

That's right.

I wouldn't do this
with anybody but you.

When you go home,
I want you to tell my father

I died of the fever, smallpox,
something like that.

You'll think of something.


She knows you're alive.
Pablo. Juan. Maria.

Beulah, she's afraid to talk.

She knows me that well.

Pablo and Juan, well,
they want money as bad as I do.

See, there's a silver shipment
going through here,

day after tomorrow.
I'm gonna take it.

You left out Maria.

No, I didn't leave her out.

She's in love with me.

I guess I really
never knew you, Carl.

You are a mean one, aren't you?

Yeah. And I'm going
to be a rich one.

After that silver shipment,
I'm, I'm leaving Plata.

There's other places to go,
new worlds to conquer.

Dead man...
nobody looks for a dead man.

And if I don't take
your proposition?

Then I'd be the one without
any choice, wouldn't I?

Now, I want you to get
a good night's rest,

and be on your way
to Virginia City

by tomorrow night.

Or I'll k*ll you.

Senor Cartwright.

I thought you would
be gone by now.

No, I have some information
I think might interest you.

It's possible, but
I doubt it's probable.

You know, I can tell you
every move you make

since you've been here.

Well now, if you can do that,
then you can probably tell me

that I saw
an old friend last night.

I was not aware that you
had an old friend.

I saw Carl Reagan.

Senor, my pay is
not the biggest pay.

My job is not the easiest.

It's too early in
the morning for jokes.

It's no joke. He's alive.

I tell you,
Carl Reagan is dead. Dead.

Apparently, you didn't
take a very good look

at the man that was
k*lled in your jail.

Do you know the effect of
a double-barreled shotgun

at close range?

I know the man I'm talking
about I saw at close range.

It was Carl Reagan.

Senor, I do not know what
it is that you are up to.

But I tell you again,
I do not like gringo tricks.

Well, now, you're going
to have a lot more

than tricks to worry about.

There's a silver shipment
coming through here

the day after tomorrow.

Reagan's planning to take it
and get out of the country.

Silver shipment.

Copa del Plata mines, eh?

Why don't you believe me?

Why should I believe you?

One moment you are his friend,

and the next moment
you are accusing him.

You wear two faces, Senor.

Well, if I do, it's because I
know two Carl Reagans.

When I first came to Plata,
I was looking for an old friend.

And now?

Well, now I know what you
told me about him was true.

I do not like to deal
with liars, Senor.

I'm telling you the truth.

Carl Reagan's alive.
His death was just a trick.

If he is alive...

He threatened to k*ll me
if I didn't leave town.

He meant it.

If I don't go, he's going to
come looking for me.

The Copa del Plata mine, that is
the lifeblood of this town.

Well, hadn't we better
do something about it?

Perhaps I have
misjudged you, Senor.

If you have a plan,
I will listen.

I have a plan.

When Carl finds out
I came here to see you,

he'll try to k*ll me.

You stay close to me,
keep me in sight.

I think maybe together
we can handle it.

Any man who believes that
all men of one race are bad,

because one man
of that race is bad,

this man is a fool.

I will not let you
out of my sight.

I won't feel any
the worse knowing that.

Adam? Adam, I thought
you left town.

That what Carl told you?

So you know.

Yes, Maria, I know.

You must leave.
You must not stay here.

Maria, I came here
to find something kind

to say to a grieving old man.

Now if you have something
to tell me, I'll listen.

Adam, Carlos was your friend.

People change.

Forget him, Maria.

Can you forget him, Adam?

At first,
he was like you said...

wild, but good wild.

Gentle wild.

To me, that is.

He never hurt. He cared.

He seemed to be needing
to be loved,

to be wanted.

And you?

I wanted him, too.

I would have given up anything
for him, even my own people.

It's all in the past, Maria.

I'm telling you again,
forget him.

Forget him?

He is alive, and I am his wife.

Maria, come back
to Virginia City.

Back to Carl's father.
You can start a new life there.

I couldn't do that.

I can't leave him.

Too many memories.

Maria, can't you realize
they're all gone?

It's all dead?

It's as though he were
really in that grave.

I know that, but I must
follow my heart.

I must stay here.

Okay, I tried.

Yes, Adam, you tried.

Hola, Jefe.

It is quite late.

It is getting dark, Gomez.

I expected you back before this.

Well, there were some matters
to attend to, Jefe.

I suppose there were.

And there are some matters

that I would like
to talk to you about.

Of course, Jefe.

These things you want

to talk to me about,
they are important?

They are important.

What do they concern?

They concern a dead man
who is not dead.

And a man who is buried
who is not Carl Reagan.

But how can that be, Jefe?

You saw the dead man
with your own eyes.

I saw his clothes.

I saw the size of the man.

His face I could not recognize.


you saw to that!


You let that gringo corrupt you
as he has corrupted the others!

My pay here is poor, Jefe.

I could not help it

if a share of the silver
shipments became attractive.

The shipment tomorrow, a part
of that is yours, too.

That is right, Jefe.
I will share.

Somehow, I will stop you.

It will be difficult for you,

if you are locked in
your own jail.

Inside, Jefe, inside.

And if you are counting
on Adam Cartwright,

I must tell you that that, too,
has been taken care of.

It's open.

This just came for you.

Mmm! Got the breath
of a woman, it does.

You don't let no grass grow
under your feet, do you, sonny?

How'd it get here?

Oh, a little tyke
came running in.

Flung it across the desk
at me, ran out again

without so much as a boo.

Oh, thank you.

You're welcome.

"I must see you.
It is important.

My place. Maria."

Come in, please.

What's wrong, Maria?

That is far enough, gringo.


I could not help it.

Pablo's little sister is
a very obedient wife, Senor.

I will take care of this myself.

You go and help Senor Carlos.

Tell him we will meet him
after dark.

Muy bien, Pablo.

I tried to tell you.

You have to admit,
I tried to tell you.

I heard every word you said.

But not loud enough,
huh, friend?

Now you know I can't let you
leave this town alive.

Not after you went and seen
El Jefe.

That's right, Adam,
you're on your own.

El Jefe, he's not gonna
be able to help ya.

Gomez, he took care of that.

That's who does
your dirty work, huh?

Gomez is a very reliable man.

Ain't that right, Pablo?

That is right, Carlos.

Why'd you do it, Adam?

Now why'd you stay?

I just wanted to see if there
wasn't one person in this town

besides Maria that would
have a decent word

to say about you.

It's never really mattered to me
what people thought about me.

You ought to remember that,

I remember you like
taking chances.

Why don't you have
brother-in-law here

give me back my g*n?

You wouldn't sh**t me, Adam.

You're much too moral for that.

Even if you would, it'd spoil
things between you and Maria.

Yeah, she'd hate you
for the rest of her life.

See, she's very moral, too.

Aren't you, Maria?

Carlos, do not talk this way.

You promised we would go away.

I'll do anything you ask of me,
if you do not k*ll...

Now, you see?
I've got it straight.

This is not the first time

you tried to take a girl away
from me, Adam.

Only this time, it's different.

This is my wife.

You don't stop at anything,
do you?

What do you think all of this
is gonna get you?

What's it gonna get me?

It's gonna get me a lot
of money,

that's what it's gonna get me.

But Adam, you ought
to understand that.

All you Cartwrights always had
a lot of money.

Well, we worked for it.

We didn't get it this way.

What difference does it make?

I'm gonna be rich.
That's what matters.

Think you'll live long enough
to spend it?

Yeah, I'll live long enough
to spend it...

because I'm not gonna let you
or anybody else get in my way.

No, Carlos!

You cannot do this.

I used to think there was
good in you.

I still want to believe it!

Don't you know that?!

Pablo, take her away from me.

Carlos, if you k*ll Adam

I'm gonna tell El Jefe myself!

I told you, Carlos,
you cannot trust this one.

I think you're right.

If you can't trust someone,
then what good are they?

Now you take him over me?!

All right, the grave's big
enough for both of ya.

Pablo, you still loyal to me?

Si, Carlos, I told you.

Yeah, all right.

Then I'm gonna give you a chance
to prove your loyalty.

sh**t her.


Pablo, what are you waiting

Well, what are you waiting for?
She's only your sister.

Go ahead. Your master's
giving you orders.

Shut up, gringo!

You I would gladly k*ll.

We're not talking about me.
We're talking about her.

You're talking too much, Adam.

Pablo, I'm waiting.

You heard him. He's waiting.

Don't tell me you got trouble
with your conscience.

Think of all that silver.

No, but this, I cannot do.

Pablo is soft.

I will k*ll her for you.

k*ll her!


Oh, Carlos!

That was smart, Adam.

You're good.

But you always were good,
even as a kid.

Y-You tell my father
that... I thought about him.

I thought about him often.


I had built my jail too strong.

When Gomez locked me in,
I could not get out.

But thanks to you,

Gomez is finding out
the same thing.

You know, Senor,
I had made up my mind

that there would be no more
gringos in this town.

But that was wrong.

You are welcome anytime.

And you're welcome on
the Ponderosa, El Jefe.

You still have time
to change your mind, Maria,

and come along with me.

I know Carl's father
would like it.

No, Adam, I must stay here
with my people.

Good-bye, Maria.


Good-bye, Adam.

Vaya con Dios, amigo.

She was a pretty gal, huh?

She was a beautiful gal,
Mr. Reagan.

Ask her to come visit you

Oh, I'd like that.

I hope I didn't ask too much
of you, asking you

to bring my boy back home.

Not at all.

He was a fine boy,
wasn't he, Adam?

Wasn't he a good boy, Ben?

Yes, yes, he was a good boy.

I'm glad he got married
and settled down.

I'll bet he was a good husband.

Wasn't that what she said, Adam?

When she talked about Carl,
it was just like we knew him.

She loved him very much,
Mr. Reagan.

That's what I wanted to hear.

Well, thanks, Adam.

Thanks again.

Come on, babe.

Well, I hope I did
the right thing, Pa.

You did the right thing, Adam.

You brought a man's son
back to him.

This has been
a color presentation

of the NBC Television Network.
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