02x09 - Breed of v*olence

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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02x09 - Breed of v*olence

Post by bunniefuu »

The following program

is brought to you
in living color on NBC.

You had a good time,
didn't you, Dolly? Huh?

Didn't I tell you old Vince
Dagen'd show you a good time?

Vince, I told you, I've got
to get back home before dark.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Now, it ain't gonna be dark for
a whole hour yet. Vince...

Oh, come on.

Now, you know you like it.

Vince, I got to go now.

I've stayed longer
than I should already.

Don't be in such a hurry, honey.

You know how I feel about you.

Yes, and you know my pa.

He'd whip the skin off my back.

I've got to get home
before he does.

I ain't scared of your pa.

If he lays a hand on you,
you just tell me.

I'll take care of you.

Not here, Vince.

Stop, Vince.

Vince, stop it!

Stop that, Vince!

Vince! Hey, Vince,
come on, leave her al...

Aw, come on, honey.

Vince, stop it!

Come on, Vince,
you're drunk... forget it.

Leave me alone!
You leave me alone!

I've been owing
this Cartwright a beating

for a long time! Go on, let
him go if that's what he wants.

Forget it, Dagen!

Please, Vince,
I don't want any trouble.

We said leave it alone,
didn't we?

Anytime you want to finish this,
Vince, you just let me know.

Hey, wait, Dolly!

Why, you!
What's the matter with you?

You trying to start
trouble around here

and have the sheriff
nosin' into our affairs?

I don't like this, Vince...
you've taken too big a chance

playing around
with Sheriff Kincaid's daughter.

All right,
so I'm taking a chance?

I happen to like it that way.

Make sense, Vince!

That Kincaid's meaner than
a wolf tracking a cat.

So I heard.

Well, his kind
don't bother me none.

All right, so it's
none of my business.

I'm just trying
to be a friend, that's all.

You're always running around
with the wrong kind of people.

And who should I
run around with?

The ones the high and mighty
Cartwrights pick for me?

Look, I didn't mean that,
and you know it.

But you are gonna get in trouble
with a man like Vince Dagen.

If I get in trouble,
I'll handle it.

And what's wrong
with Vince Dagen?

Oh, what's wrong
with Vince Dagen?

He's a drunk and a thief.

We had to throw him
off the Ponderosa for stealing.

Well, this is not the Ponderosa,

and I don't plan on holding
one little mistake against him

for the rest of his life!

All right, Dolly, forget it.

Look, I don't want
to fight with you.

I don't want to fight
with you, either, Joe.

Maybe Vince isn't everything
I'd like him to be...

but he's good to me.

I get lonesome.

Dad never lets me
out of this house.

Well, don't forget
your father being sheriff,

he's seen a lot
of the bad side of life.

Maybe he just wants
to protect you

from the wrong kind of people.

I guess he wouldn't consider you

the wrong kind of people,
would he, Joe?

But you don't consider me the
right kind of people, do you?

No, I didn't say that.

You didn't have to say that,

even when we were kids
in school.

All you Cartwrights
consider yourself

too good for anybody else!

Dolly, that's not true,
and you know it.

What are you doing here,

And you, you get in the house!

I was just walking Dolly home.

I happened to see her
at the store.

She had no business
at the store!

I told her to stay home!

Well, wait a minute, there's
nothing to get so excited about.

Don't you tell me
how to run my family.

Now, you get out of here
and stay away from daughter.

Look, Mr. Kincaid, I've
known Dolly for a long time.

I think it's up to her
to tell me

whether or not
she'd like to see me.

She don't make the decisions
around here, I do!

Look, I told you
to get in the house!

Look, if you just listen...
Now, look you,

you try to understand this.

I ordered her to stay home.

If she tries to see you
or anybody else,

I'll whip the hide off her back.

Now, you get out of here
and stay away from my daughter.

Do as he says, Joe.

See you real soon, Dolly.

Pa, I did all my work.

I even sewed your shirts
the way you asked me to.

Well, now, that's nice.

Must've took you
most all day, didn't it?

Just about.

Well, I'm glad to see
you got more to you

than your ma ever had.

Her, now, she'd have
gone out dancing or something

soon as I turned my back.

Please, Pa, do we have
to talk about that?

What else do you want me
to talk about?

A man does
the best he knows how,

and his woman goes
running off with another man.

Pa, I'm tired. I'm going...
Don't you walk away from me!

I told you not to leave
the house, didn't I?

You can't keep me locked up!
I'm not one of your prisoners!

All I did was walk down
to the store with Vince Dagen!

Yes, and you come back
with young Cartwright.

You're just like your ma...
one man ain't enough for you!

Ma didn't run out,
you drove her off,

just like you're
gonna drive me off!

I'm not trying
to drive you out, honey.

I'm trying to protect you.

Dolly, your ma believed
anything any man said to her.

You're just like she was.

You're as pretty
as she is, Dolly...

and I'm not gonna
have you running off

with the first worthless saddle
tramp that whispers in your ear.

I wasn't running off.

I just went down to the store!

To meet a man.

Yes, to meet a man!

I meet a dozen men!

Because I'm no good!

Because I'm just like my ma!

Isn't that what
you want me to say?

Hey, Pa, do me and Adam
have to ride up there

and check that
drift fence out today?

You sound as if
you don't want to.

Oh, Hoss wants to follow up
on a wolf sign

he saw over in the canyon.

You still feel sure
it was wolves, do you?

Oh, sure, Pa, ain't no coyotes

ever go up
in that country that high.

And besides, them tracks
was way too big.

Well, it's possible.

Old-timers insist there's still
a lot of timber wolves up there.

Boy, I sure would like
to get a look at one of 'em.

Well, if lack of game
in the mountains

has driven a pack down this low,

we better do more than
just take a look at one.

I understand they can
pull down a grown steer

when they're hungry.
That's right, Pa.

Yeah, they're miserable brutes
to try to trap.

I just don't like
putting out poison bait.

No, that ain't no good, Pa.

Look here, how come me and Adam

don't ride up there
and take a look around?

We could check with old man
Trager... he's always bragging

about how he used to hunt them
wolves for a living, anyhow.

Mm, well, let's
check the fence first,

and then we'll decide.

Hey, is breakfast ready?


we were just
thinking about supper.

You sure you had enough sleep?

No, not quite,
but it's gonna have to do.

Oh, well, do you think
maybe you could

talk yourself into
riding fence with us, huh?

Older brother, how can you be

so practical
this early in the morning?

Maybe because he's
been up for a little while.

You were, uh, out
a little late, weren't you?

Yeah, well, I had to ride
all the way from Placerville.

I stopped off at Mormon Flats
to get something to eat.

Ran into the Kincaids.


Was that, uh, on purpose

or... accident?

Oh, it was a little bit of both.

You know, I really feel sorry
for Dolly Kincaid.

Sorry? She never had
any trouble, uh,

finding somebody
to chase after her.

No, I think it's
the other way around.

I think she never
had any trouble

finding somebody to chase.

Well, what are you worried
about, little brother?

You ain't never had
no trouble outrunning her.

Why are you
so worried about Dolly?

Ah, she's running around
with that Vince Dagen.


What, you mean that, uh,
that fella we fired last year?

Yeah. I ran into him
coming out of Calahan's store.


Yeah, Dagen
and I had a few words.

When I took Dolly home,

her father ran me off
with a shotgun.

Now, you don't mean literally?

Well, he didn't pull the
trigger, but he wasn't kiddin'.

What's he got against you?

You and Dolly have known
each other for years.

Yeah, well, he can go whistle
up a tree all for me.

I wasn't gonna take Dolly out,
but I think I will now.

Son, don't get involved
in a family affair.

Kincaid's wounds are
kind of raw right now,

so give him a little time
to settle down.

Yeah. It just doesn't
seem right to me that

he should keep
his daughter locked up

like a prisoner
just 'cause he's mad

at the whole world.
Well, I don't say it's right,

but, uh, you're not
gonna help Dolly any

by waving a red flag
in front of Kincaid's nose.

Yeah, I never thought
about it that way.

Tell you what.

Why don't you ride out tomorrow
morning with Adam and Hoss?

They're going out
to check that wolf sign

that Hoss thinks he saw
up in the canyon.

Now, what are you
trying to do, Pa,

gettin' my mind
off Dolly Kincaid?

That's what you wanted me
to do, wasn't it?


What was you expecting,
Little Joe Cartwright?

You were drinking last night.

Then you started
fighting, and...

I was afraid
my father would see me.

There wasn't
anything else I could do.

Well, of course there was
nothing else you could do...

it was my fault.

I come by to apologize.


Yeah, I'm trying to.

I couldn't sleep
last night, thinking.

I don't know how
to say this, but...

when you walked out
on me yesterday,

I just knew I ain't ever gonna
let you do that to me again.

I've been standing out there,
waiting for your pa to leave.

I know how it is
between you and him,

the way he treats you.

You don't know how it is.

It's like being
locked up in a cage.

I can't stand it anymore.

I know.

And I ain't gonna stand by
and let it happen to you.

I'm gonna take you out of here.

I-I don't think I'm
taking too much for granted,

'cause I think you feel about me
the same as I do about you.

Vince, you know
how I feel about you.

It's just that I was
never really sure of you.

Well, you are now, ain't you?

You could sneak away
in the morning, early,

meet me up on the trail,
I'll tell you where.

That's what you want, ain't it?

Oh, you know it's what I want

more than anything else
in the world.

But people don't just do this,

they don't just
pack up and leave.

They do if they're in love.

What about my dad?

Well, I heard him
talking to some men.

He-He's gonna be pretty busy
in the morning, and...

no need to worry about him.

It'll work out fine, honey.

I'm gonna be taking care
of you from now on.

I'll do it.

Oh, Vince, you don't know
how I've dreamed about this.

To get away, to be with you.

Hey, look at this.

These are the same tracks
I found down below.

Yeah, no coyote
made tracks that big.

Quite a pack of 'em,
wouldn't you say?


What do you make of it?

Well, over there it looks like
something big's been drug along.

Yeah, it's a plain trail;
let's follow it.


Look at that tendon
on that hind leg...

it's been cut half in two.

I just don't see how the wolves
dragged him that far.

They didn't drag him... a couple
of 'em probably worried him

till one of 'em got
his teeth in his leg.

The wolf got dragged.

Yeah, I reckon we must've
scared 'em off, huh?

They didn't even touch the meat.

And we didn't do
ourselves any favors, either.

They'll just drag down the next
stray steer they come across.

What do you think
we ought to do?

Well, I'll go on back
and tell Pa what we run into.

Why don't you two
go on up to Trager's cabin?

See if you can hire him
to help us out.

That's a good idea.

Hoss and I'll
bunk in with Trager.

We'll work out of his place.

All right. Save a couple
of those wolves for me.

We'll see you around
the end of the week.


I was worrying
you wouldn't come.

I told you I'd be waiting.

Oh, I've waited so long
for you to come along.

Anybody see you get away?

No. I was so lucky.

Some outlaws robbed
the bank last night.

Pa headed out
with a posse after them.

Mm, you sure were lucky.

Did you, uh, notice
which way they were heading?

Toward Fels Crossing. Why?

Well, uh, you wouldn't want

to run into your pa,
now, would you?

Come on.

Let's get out of here.

The further we get
from Mormon Flats,

the better I like it.

Ah, I wonder
what's keeping Dagen.

You know what's
keeping him... that girl.

Well, he should've kept
the girl out of this.

Everything came off real smooth.

There was even more money
in the vault than we figured on.

Now, you know that ain't
good enough for Vince Dagen.

He wants the money
and the girl.

I'm plenty sick of what
he wants all the time.

That girl gets
in my way, I'll...

Now, calm down, Robie...
I think it's right funny.

We rob the bank, and he...

he-he runs off with
the sheriffts daughter.

I think that's really funny.

Yeah, well, I don't
think it's so funny!

If he doesn't show up here
in another ten minutes,

I'm moving on!

You gonna go
without the money, Clegg?

Now, Vince knows
what he's doing.

Now, he's got that money
in his saddlebags.

Well, now...

did you boys have
a good sleep for yourselves?

We ain't been down out of these
saddles for one single minute.

You're setting
a pretty hard pace, Kincaid.

We're doing the best we can.

Well, your best
ain't good enough.

Not for me, it ain't.

If you spend less time worrying
about keeping up with me

and more time looking for signs,
you may find something.

Now, go on back there
and take a good look this time.

I'm heading up
into the high country.

You going on alone?

It's faster.
You'd only hold me up.

If you see anything,
fire a signal.

That is, if you know
how to use a g*n.

Come on, boys,
we'd better get back,

do what he tells us.

What is it?

It's the posse.

Get back. And be quiet.

I thought you said they was
headed for Fels Crossing.

They were when I saw them.

Was my father with them?

They must've split up.

Or else they're backtracking.

How many were there
when you saw 'em?

I don't know.
Is my father with?

Forget about your
father, will you?!

Vince! Please don't let him
take me back, Vince!

Say you'll take care of me!
Sure, sure, honey.

Vince, what are you gonna do?

You said you wanted me
to take care of you, didn't you?

And that's just
what I'm gonna do.

They were down below us.

Didn't even see me.

Come on, let's get out of here.

I told you we'd get in trouble.

Every time Dagen gets mixed up
with a woman we're in trouble.

That ain't no ordinary woman;
that's the sheriffts daughter.

Look, it's one thing to hold up
the bank at Mormon Flats,

but it ain't part of the job to
wait around and get hung for it.

We should've cut
the money into shares.

Each man'd be on his way by now.

I'd think on that
if I was you, Robie.

What chance would one man
have alone out there,

one man against
all them posse men?

We stick together,
we got a chance.

We split up later,
when we're out of danger,

just like Dagen figured it.

Oh, it's Dagen and the girl.

I told you not to worry.

You're late, Dagen.

Vince, what are they doing here?

Who? The boys?

Why, you met Clegg,
Robie and Poke

in town the other day, remember?

They're old friends.

And I thought they might like

to ride along with us
for awhile.

That's all right, ain't it?

Sure. Just surprised me
for a minute, that's all.

What took you so long?

Why, ain't you heard?

Big bank robbery
in Mormon Flats last night.

In fact, we run into a posse
back the trail a piece.

They didn't see you,
did they?

Nah, we dodged 'em.

Dolly here's right good
at dodging posses.

She ain't a bit anxious
to have her pa catch up to her.

I'll bet them bank robbers
ain't a bit anxious

to have her pa catch up
to 'em, neither.

It isn't funny.

A bank cashier was k*lled.

No, it ain't funny, Poke.

I'm sorry, ma'am.

That ain't no concern
of ours, honey.

The main thing is we keep your
pa from catching up to us.

Come on, boys.

Well, there ain't no way
out of here.

Every canyon's cut off.

We're gonna stay out
of the canyons.

Take to the high country.

Come on, hyah.

Hey, Trager!

Anybody home?

It's Hoss Cartwright.

You don't need
to bellow your lungs out.

I hear you.

I'm back here in the barn.

Hi, Trager.

Ain't seen you two fellas
in a co*n's age.

What brings you up
around these parts?

Well, we ran into what
we think's a wolf sign

in Cedar Canyon.

Wolf sign?


Yeah, we found where they drug
down one of our steers.

Adam sent us up here.

I thought you might
want to help.

I remember you telling me
one time, Mr. Trager,

about being a professional

Yeah, I was, for money.

Cost you ten dollars,
and I keep the pelts.

All right, you got a deal.

Is it all right if we bunk with
you for a couple of days?

Suit yourself.

But you got to pay
for your own grub.

Say, uh, speaking of wolves,

you didn't run into Sheriff
Kincaid back there?

Kincaid? No, why? Should we?

You mean you haven't heard?

There was a big bank robbery
in Mormon Flats last night.

A bank robbery?

Sure was.

Sheriff himself told me.

Boy, a bank robbery
in Mormon Flats.

That is news.

Yeah, I reckon it is at that,

but I don't reckon there's
anything we can do about it.

While we're sitting here
talking about it, them wolves

are probably packing off some
more of our steers.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

Come on, let's go.

Don't rush me.
Just don't rush me.

I ain't walking
all the way down there.

I got to get my horse
and saddle him.

Hey, someone's coming.

That must be the rest
of that Kincaid posse.

Why don't you help
Trager saddle up?

I'll talk to them.

Dagen, what are you doing here?


Vince, what's the trouble?

Keep her out of this.

Clegg and Poke,
keep him covered.

I'll get his g*n.

What's the matter, Dagen,

can't you take care
of this yourself?

All right, you two,
drop your g*ns.

I said drop 'em.

Well, looky here.

All just one big, happy family.

Joe, you know
anything about this?

You still want trouble, Dagen?

Why don't you put your g*n away?

I'll give it to you.

Vince, I want to know

why you're doing this.
Get in the house!

Poke, get her in the house
and keep her there.

Come on.

Come on, Dagen,
put your g*n away.

Keep pushing and I'll bust this
g*n right over your head.

I'll take care of you later.


what do you do here?

I'm just a trapper, that's all.

Cartwright boys asked me to help
them catch some wolves

been pestering their beef.

You got a lot of grub
in that cabin?


Dagen, you ain't figuring
on holing up here, are you?

You got a better idea?

What's the matter, Dagen?

Posse getting too close?

Anybody else around here?

Just the Cartwright boys.

Folks don't come up here often.

That's just fine.

All right, come on.

In the house.


You k*lled him!

He'd have got away!

He'd have brought your pa,
don't you understand that?!

Get those Cartwrights
in the house!

And get him out of sight.

How long we gonna stay here?

Till I say we move.

Till you say?

I don't think you know
what you're doing.

That posse we saw...

how do we know
that's all of 'em?

Suppose they split up
and come in behind us?

I'll figure that out
when it happens.

Poker... I play what I got
in front of me.

I never bet on what the next
card's gonna be until it falls.

Get out there and put those
horses in the barn,

and get some firewood in here!

Let's warm this place up.

So, you're trying to duck
the posse, huh, Vince?

And supposing I am?

You know old man Kincaid.

Would you want him catching up
with Dolly

when she's running
off with me?

Oh, no. No, I wouldn't want him
catching up with me, either.

Not if I'd just robbed
a bank.

What's he mean, Vince?

Nothing. Don't pay him no heed.

What you got in the saddlebags,

You don't seem to want to get
very far away from them.

You did rob the bank,
didn't you, Vince?

All right, so we robbed
the bank.

But why?

For money, that's why.

What'd you think you was
gonna live on?

Dolly... look, Dolly,
I did that for you.

I was gonna buy you
all the nice things

you never had in your life.

But Vince, do you have
to k*ll for it?

That bank clerk shouldn't
oughta went for his g*n,

not with ol' Vince Dagen around.

It looks like you pushed it

a little bit too far this time,

Oh, did I?

I got the money and the girl,
didn't I?

And what do you got?

You're dead anytime I tell Poke
to pull that trigger,

that's what you got!

That's the honest truth,
Mr. Cartwright.

I oughta k*lled you, Dagen.

I oughta k*lled you the time
I caught you stealing from us.

I shoulda done it.

Now, don't you worry about it,

He's gonna get it.

That posse'll be back

and Sheriff Kincaid'll be
with 'em.

Now, don't you think Vince
figured that out?

Why else you think he brung
that girl along?

Shut up about the girl!

Hey, now that's
a real good question, Vince.

Why did you bring the girl?

Well, it's plain enough to see.

That sheriff papa of hers
comes around here

looking for her, Vince gonna
tell him to go away

or else that girl's gonna get
bad hurt.

Ain't that right, Vince?

I said shut up about the girl,
didn't I?!

Vince, you shouldn't... you
shouldn't oughta done that.

No, you shouldn't have done that
at all.

I wanted nice clothes
for you, honey,

and everything you ever wanted.

Don't worry about anything.

Everything'll be all right.

You believe that, don't you?

So you two boys up here
for a wolf hunt, huh?

That's right.

That posse's gonna get them
some wolves, too.

Only it's gonna be
the two-legged kind.

Now, you two listen to me.

If that posse shows,
you're gonna tell them

you hired us as wolfers,

Oh, they're not
gonna believe that.

They know you, Dagen.

They're gonna believe it,
all right.

When they leave, you're gonna
ride along with us

until we clear
this part of the country.

And there ain't gonna be
any mishaps,

or else there are gonna be two
less Cartwrights, understand?

You put them horses away?

Yeah. Hey, where's the girl?

What do you care?

You better be
careful, Dagen.

He's gonna steal your girl
away from you.

Take it easy, Joe.

Ah, don't worry, Hoss.

They need us.

They need us real bad.

Don't push your luck.

Leave 'em alone.

How do we know the posse's
even out there?!

They might have turned back!

I ain't taking that chance.

Yeah, well, maybe you better
bury Trager while you're at it.

Sometimes them posses get
pretty nosey.

Yeah, Clegg's right.

We gotta dig a grave.

Up on your feet.

You're like a wolf, ain't ya?

You don't know
what you're doing.

You change your mind
without rhyme or reason.

Dolly, we got things to do.

We're gonna bury Trager.

Well, honey, it-it's the least
we can do, ain't it?

We'll find shovels in the barn.

Clegg, you watch him.

And Hoss here is gonna help us.

Up on your feet.

Robie and Poke.


you help Clegg
keep an eye on 'em.

Stop looking at me like that!

You kinda like her,
don't ya, fella?

You try anything, and you won't
see your little brother.

We're gonna get you, Dagen.

One way or another,
we're gonna get you.

Come on, dig.

Let's get started.

What's the matter with you?

Somebody's gotta watch him,
don't they?

Besides, you oughta thank me.

Who'd have thought
of the barn, huh?

You better get
your mind off of her.

She ain't gonna have
no part of you.

How far do you think
you're gonna get

after you leave this territory,

They don't even know
who we are.

We do.

Hmm. Well, that ain't gonna make
much of a problem.

All this money, I'm gonna get me
a shave every day!

Every day in the week.

I'm gonna eat and drink
until I bust.

That sounds real great, Clegg.

Hey, how many men you think
you k*lled?

Well, let's see.

I don't rightly remember now.

Let's see, there's one...

and two...


All right!

They'll k*ll you for this.

What are you doing with them,

You're not their kind.

Come on. Give me the g*n, Dolly.

You just want to save
your necks.

Yours and Hoss.

Yeah, that's right,
I want to save our necks.

And I want
to save your neck, too.

I don't believe you.

Nobody ever did anything
decent for me.

Nobody except Vince.

Oh, nobody but Vince.

You think Vince robbed that bank
for you?

He robbed it for himself.

He'll kick you out
the day he's tired of you.

Don't say that.

It's true, Dolly.

You'd turn me in,
right along with Vince.

Well, this is my chance
to live,

and I'm taking it.

Nobody gives you anything
but what you take for yourself.

Come on, Dolly, that isn't so,
and you know it.

You don't think I'd use
this, do you?

One more step...

Yeah, Dolly,
I think you'd use it.

To keep from going back
to that father of mine

I'd do anything.

Joe tried to get away.

I stopped him.

That's for trying.

And now I'm gonna fix
you real good.

Dagen, I never did figure
you for much guts.

Why don't you try taking him

without that p*stol
in your hand?

When I'm good and ready,
I will.

Now, sit down!

You did fine, Dolly.

Real fine.

Riding back and forth through
these canyons all night.

What good does it do?

Don't forget,

Sheriff Kincaid hasn't had any
more sleep than we have.

That Kincaid... he's like
a wolf on the scent.

He ain't gonna give up
till he gets what he come after.

No, and neither are we.

John and I will ride over
by old man Trager's place.

Kincaid might not
have been there yet.

The rest of you take a look

through that box canyon
down there.

Vince, Vince, wake up.


Vince, there's riders out there.



Get on your feet.
The posse's out there.

All right, Vince,
you're so smart...

now what do we do?
I told you I'd figure it

when I come to it, didn't I?
Well, I got it figured.

Well then, Vince,

why don't you just tell us
what we're gonna do?

I'm gonna stay in here.

What about the rest of us?

Sheriff don't know
the rest of you.

Ain't likely the posse would.

You're going out there.

I ain't talking to no lawman.

You don't got no need to.

Hoss Cartwright's gonna
do that for you.

He hired you boys
to hunt wolves.

Like I said, remember?

I'll try to remember.

You better.

I'm going to be right in here

with this g*n on your
little brother's head.

Any sh**ting that starts,
he gets it first.

Now, get.

Just don't get nervous
with that g*n.

Hurry up.

Hoss, what are you doing
way out here?

Been some wolves pestering
some of our cattle.

Little Joe and me decided
to ride up

and talk to Mr. Trager
about it.

You couldn't find
a better man for the job.

Mr. Trager around?

No. He rode out early this
morning to set some traps.

I haven't seen you boys
around before, have I?

They're... they're some men

we hired to help us
hunt the wolves.


Sheriff Kincaid
been by here yet?

Well, I ain't seen him,

but Mr. Trager said
he saw him yesterday.

Sheriff told him about

the... about the bank robbery.

We been out all night.

You know Kincaid.


I know him
well enough to know that...

whoever those bank robbers are,
they ain't gonna get away.

I promise you that.

Well, if you do see
anything around, Hoss,

you let us know, will ya?
We'll be around.


Good hunting.

Same to you.

Well, how'd it go?

You'd have been right
proud of old Cartwright, Vince.

He did real fine.

What do you mean,
he did real fine?

Last thing that deputy said was

the posse would be
staying around close.

What I want to know
is how do we get out of here?

Well, I don't know about
the rest of you,

but Clegg, Poke, Robie, you can
ride out anytime you want to.

What do you mean by that?

You went out to the posse.

Hoss told them you were wolfers
working for us.

They believed it.

You can ride out anytime
you want to.

They won't stop you.

Hey, listen, kid, you make
sense, you know that?

I'm no bank robber...
I'm a wolfer.

I can ride right out of here.

Ain't nobody walking.
I'm running this shebang.

And it looks to me like

you're running it
right into the ground.

Of course, you boys want to wait
around here for a while...

Sheriff Kincaid's bound
to show up.

He's going to be a little
tougher to convince

than that deputy.

Vince, I'm scared.
I want to get out of here.

Dolly, what do you have
to be scared about?

You got all that money.

Got a man like Vince Dagen
to take care of you.

Shut up, Joe!

All I want to do
is get out of here.

If I can pass for a wolfer,

I'll leave without a dollar
of that gold.

Well, I'm not going
without my share.

Vince, I want my cut!

Now you listen to me,
all of you.

You're going to get your cut.

Yeah, you boys know
when you're going to get it.

When the posse's got you
hanging from a tree.

Joe, you remember
that old big oak tree

down the road apiece?

That thing ought
to be big enough

to hang at least three of them
in a row, don't you reckon?

Oh, heck yes.

Three of them,
and room for Dagen.

Stop it!
Stop talking that way!

You didn't think
it was going to end

any other way, did you, Dolly?

I'm trying to be decent
to you Cartwrights.

Poke, get rid of 'em.

Yeah, go ahead, Poke.

That posse will be here the
minute you pull that trigger.

That's right.

You know, Joe, that
Sheriff Kincaid's got...

got ears like a wolf.

That's what I hear.

What about it, Dolly? You know
him a lot better than we do.

Stop it!
Vince, make them stop it!

Make them stop it!

Never mind.

I'll do it myself.

Oh, you're not going
to k*ll anybody, Vince.

You got a long way to go.

You can't make it without us.

You never was any good, Dagen.

Never a day in your life.

What Robie says about us
riding out of here,

that makes pretty good sense.

And I'm going, too.
You just try and stop me.

You ain't going nowhere.

Why, it's real nice
to meet your friends

on a social level, Dolly.

You Cartwrights... you know
everything, don't you?

I don't care what you
or anyone else says.

I'm staying with Vince.

Now you listen to me,
all of you.

Drop that g*n, Dagen.

Hold it!

There was four of them, Hoss.
Where's the other one?

Kincaid, look out!

Stay down.

You've been asking for this
for a long time.

All right, all right,
that's enough.

We got to get out
of here right now.

All this sh**ting
might bring the posse back.

Come on, Dolly,
we got to go.

What about Pa?

What are you worried
about your pa for?

Well, we can't just
leave him here.

It's what you wanted, ain't it?

Got to get out of here.

Clegg, see if Poke can ride.

Robie, you see that them
Cartwrights don't follow us.

Come on, Dolly.

Are you coming or not?

Yeah, sure, she's
going with you.

You're just what she's
always wanted, Dagen.

Come on, Dolly.

You know, your father was right.

You're just no good, Dolly.

That's right, Joe,
I'm no good.

At least not by your standards.

And that's the way I like it.

So long, you Cartwrights.


I... I didn't do nothing.


You're going to be
all right, Trev.

You had a close call.

The money... did you get it back?

They didn't have a chance
to spend a single penny of it.

You needn't worry about
Dagen's boys, neither.

They're all locked up
tighter than a jug

down in your jailhouse.

That is, what's left of 'em.

Trev, wouldn't you like
to know about Dolly?

She's been right here
by your side

since the boys brought you in.

Running off with a man
like Dagen.

Why'd she have to do that, Ben?

I don't know, maybe it's because

she thought you...
you didn't care.

You think it was only the money
and the bank robbers

I was worried about?

When I found out
Dolly was gone...

Ben, you don't know
what it's like

trying to raise a girl.

No, I guess I don't.

But I do know what it's like
trying to raise three sons.

And sometimes you...

you have to show them a little
affection, understanding.

You ever try that with Dolly?


Your papa's asking for you.


be patient with him.

He needs you very much.

Now, as for you, young man...

next time you visit
Dolly Kincaid,

ask her father's permission

I have an idea
he'll give it to you.

But don't wait too long, uh,

because at the rate that
young lady's growing up,

I might just ask permission

Hey, wait a minute,
older brother.

Don't you think we've got
troubles enough in this outfit

with one ladies' man?

Pa, how did you ever
get mixed up in this family?

I'll never know.

This has been
a color presentation

of the NBC Television Network.
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