04x20 - The Life You Save

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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04x20 - The Life You Save

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music plays]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready
[i'll be ready] ♪

♪ Never you fear
[no don't you fear] ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready
[i'll be ready] ♪

♪ Never you fear
[no don't you fear] ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[Theme music]

-[Jovial music]

♪ It's the best day of our lives

♪ Everybody come along

♪ There's a million reasons why

♪ We can dance and sing a song

♪ Take my hand and you'll see

♪ I'll lead the way

♪ All these memories will last

♪ For all of time

♪ When today is the past

♪ Our light will shine

♪ A reminder of the day

♪ Like a picture on the wall

♪ How we used to run and play

♪ And the wonder of it all

♪ Take your hand and I'll see

♪ You'll lead the way

♪ All these memories will last

♪ For all of time

♪ When today is the past

♪ Our light will shine

♪ [The best day ever]

♪ All these memories will last

♪ For all of time

♪ [The best day ever] ♪

♪ When today is the past

-This is such a bummer, the
kids aren't gonna be able

To play on that beach anymore.

-Yeah, no one will.

-Yeah, including us.

-It's really scary.

-Oh, they don't look happy.

-Everybody, can we
gather around, please?

Okay, here it is.

The proposed county budget
calls for a 25 percent

Reduction in lifeguard
expenditures this year.

-25 Percent?

-How can we put a price
tag on peoples' lives?

-It's not just our
department. The budget crunch

Has affected fire,
police, mental health,

Everyone has a lot to lose.

-Yeah, especially the public.

-Nobody's disregarding
the public here,

They're just trying
to deal with reality.

And our task is to
show them the reality

Of what it would be like on
the beach with less lifeguards.

We'll have a chance to
do that on wednesday

At the on-site budget hearing.

-But in the meantime,
a plan has been proposed

In case we're not successful.

-Layoffs based on
seniority, right?

-Not exactly.

Division has decided
that instead of layoffs,

They're offering demotions in
rank to certain lifeguards.


-We're already recurrents,

I mean we can't
demote any lower.

-Whoa, we're all in
this together okay?

-We're not rolling over here,
we thought you should know

What will happen if we don't
change some hearts and minds.

Go on, tell 'em.

-Thank you.

Okay, instead of layoffs,

Two of our five captains
will become lieutenants,

Six of our lieutenants become
senior ocean lifeguards,

15 Senior ocean lifeguards
will become recurrents,

And recurrents will be
hired on as-needed basis

According to seniority.

-Summer vacations and
weekends if we're lucky.

-Summer: or if
there's a heat wave.

-Well how do they
decide who gets demoted?

-Like stephanie
said, seniority.

-So I'm gonna be
demoted to a recurrent.

-Yes, and I'll be demoted
to senior ocean lifeguard.

-And matt and I'll
be ancient history.

-I told you, we're
not rolling over here.

We're in for the fight of
our lives on wednesday,

Fight for the lives of the
people who come to the beach.

-Which brings us to
an immediate problem.

Our current budget has run out,

So until a new one is approved,

We have to close some
towers and beaches.

-We can't put a
padlock on a beach.

-People go to the beach
on tuesdays in the rain.

-We know.

That's why we're
asking for volunteers.

-We know how much you
all love the beach.

-Here it comes.

-So if you would like to spend
your days off there, great.

-As civilians?

-On closed beaches?

-Yes, in case
something happens.

-If we're not there,
and someone drowns,

The politicians'll realize
what a mistake they're making.

-Look, if we're not
there and somebody drowns,

We're responsible,
not the politicians.

Can I see a show of hands?

-[Somber music]

I love these people. Don't
you love these people?

-I love these people.

-[Somber music]

-I've come to the
beach all my life,

But it's never been
this beautiful.

-You're beautiful.

-Because I'm happy.

-Matt: come on,
it's gonna be fun.

How often do we get a chance
to have a picnic on the beach?

-Well, if we lose our jobs,
we'll have lots of chances.

Except we won't have any
money to buy any food.

-[Gentle music]

-What are you looking for?

-You'll see. You'll see.

Come on.

-[Gentle music]

I wanted to give you this
in the most romantic place

That I could think of.

Julia, I love you.

I wanna marry you.


Oh no!
I'm sorry, david!

-It's okay, it's okay.

Don't worry. Don't worry.
I'll get it. I'll get it.

Stay here.

-Do you see it?

-David: not from here.

-Matt: get away from the edge!

Get back!

-[Dramatic music]

-Stay out of the water!

-My boyfriend's down there.

-Summer: all right. It's okay.
Come with me. We'll get him.

-[Dramatic music]

-Stay right here.

-[Dramatic music]

-Oh no.

Oh, god, please.


-Ready, one, two,
three, four, five!


One, two, three, four, five!


One, two, three, four, five!

Breathe, david!

One, two, three, four, five!

One, two, three, four, five!


One, two, three, four, five!


Oh thank god, david.

-Matt: let him breathe.

-It's okay. He's gonna be okay.

-Whatever's in your hand
almost cost you your life.

-Wow, these are
very good charts.

-Yeah they are.

-Yeah, impressive.

I think they're impressive.

-So do i.

-Absolutely, very impressive.

-Can you find the
drowning victim?

-Of course.

-Can't you read,
lifeguards do it every day.

It's, uh-- it's him.


-Okay, it's her.

-C.j., No.

-I found him, there.

-Mitch, he's on the beach.

-Right there, look.
It's definitely him.

Look, the striped shirt,
that's definitely waldo.

-Stephanie: waldo.

-Wow, did we really
save that many people?

-11,729, Those are
accurate statistics.

-I know, it's
staggering to see it

Up there in black and white.

Over 58 million people
to our beaches last year.

-That's more than went to
disneyland, magic mountain,

And knott's berry farm combined.

-It's tough economic times,

The beach becomes the only
affordable family entertainment.

-Yeah, but because of
tough economic times,

We can't afford to
keep the beaches open.

-Well, we have to.

We have to get these
supervisors down here,

Take a look at these
charts and see that

Cutting back lifeguards is
just an invitation to disaster.

-Everybody's got charts
and impressive statistics.

We need something
that's more dramatic.

We need to shake these guys up.

-We could put the
supervisors in a rip current

And let it take them out to sea.


-That's a step in
the right direction.

-And have no lifeguards
there to pull them out.

-That's right,
see how it feels.

Let 'em feel the panic,

And feel the relief when a
lifeguard gets to 'em in time.

-Stephanie: what happened?

-This is david and julia.
They just got engaged.


-David lost a
ring in the water.

-It was like in that movie,
it's a wonderful life.

If they hadn't been there,
it all would have ended.

There'd be no
engagement, no marriage,

No family,
no future at all if...

It hadn't been for them.

-[Dramatic music]

-What are you two
doing on wednesday?

-First of all,
thank you for coming,

And welcome to the beach.

My name is lieutenant
mitch buchannon

And this lieutenant
stephanie holden.

-Hi, welcome to baywatch.

-Thank you.

-Thank you.

-We wanted to have this on-site
budget hearing at the beach

So you can get the
feeling of what it's like

To be in our environment.

Also, we wanted to give you
a chance to enjoy the sun,

The relaxing sound of
the surf, and the beach.

And that's why people come here,
to put their worries aside,

To relax and have a good time.

-If you look to your left
and then to your right,

You'll see lifeguard
towers every 200 yards.

They go on like
this for 73 miles.

That's 73 miles of beaches
that we have to safeguard.

We used to open every
tower on crowded days,

Now we're lucky if we
open every other tower.

If the proposed budget
cutbacks become a reality,

Then one lifeguard will be
responsible for all the people

On the beach between
these two jetties.

One lifeguard, that's one
lifeguard for 6,000 people.

-I was talking to a
lifeguard training officer

From new zealand,
and he asked me

How many drownings we had.

When I said two he asked me

If that was a
particularly bad weekend.

I completely blew his
mind when I told him

That that was for
the entire year.

He said that they have

More drownings than
that in a bad day.

I mean just goes to
show you how good

Our lifeguarding program
is when you consider

That nearly 60 million people
came to our beaches last year

And in new zealand, there's only

Three million people
in the entire country.

-All of us are
aware how exceptional

Our lifeguard department
is. As you know,

Ours is a simple
problem of economics.

-I understand, but closing
beaches and reducing services

Could cost more money
in the long run.

When you consider that
our lifeguard department

Just comprises one
tenth of one percent

Of the county budget,
it's easy to see

That just one liability lawsuit
due to personnel cutbacks

Could negate any
potential savings.

-May I say something?

-Absolutely, this is senior
ocean lifeguard c.j. Parker.

-That's right, I'm a lifeguard.

All of us here in
red are lifeguards.

Life guards, think about it.

Most people don't
trust anyone these days

But they come to the
beach and they trust us

With the most important
thing they have, their lives.

And if we're not here to protect
them, lives will be lost.

Simple economics?
I don't think so.

-As you can see we're all very
passionate about what we do.

Passion is one thing,
statistics are another.

Over the last 15 years
160,000 lives were saved

By lifeguards, 160,000 lives.

That is the population
of a good sized city.

And like most cities, rescue
city is made up of individuals,

Individuals who have
hopes, dreams, families,

Lives that touch other lives.

People who will be missed
by others if they're gone.

Some of these people
are here today.

Some of these people
are here today because

Lifeguards were there
when they needed them.

-My name is david lindemann,

And this is my
fiance, julia ward.

-We're alive because
two wonderful lifeguards

Were at the beach last week.

-David: when
they were off-duty.

-We didn't notice the
beach closed signs.

I mean, who expects a
beach to be closed.

-I'm governor george dickson,
but I'm not here today

As a former governor,
I'm here as a person

Whose life was saved by the
heroic actions of lifeguards,

Who put their own lives at
risk to save mine and the lives

Of thousands of other
people who were on the pier

Listening to me speak
about the environment.

Now this was not an
accidental drowning,

This was an
assassination attempt.

We cannot continue to abuse
our natural resources,

But the turnaround does
not begin in washington.


-[Rock music]

-They got this
thing on auto-pilot.

Looks like everything's
wired, steering, throttle,

Touch the wrong
wire we're history.

-Look out, mitch!

-Maybe I can turn
the engine by hand.

-[Rock music]


-The turnaround does not begin
in washington, or in tokyo.

I'd hate to think what
would have happened

If these lifeguards had
not had the wave runners

And the boats that proposed
budget cutbacks would eliminate.

Our beaches are one of the
greatest tourist attractions

In the state. Just
imagine the impact

If people started to die
because the beaches were unsafe.

-My name is charlie dupree.

About two years ago I
was homeless and living

In a condemned building
here at the beach.

I don't know where
I'd have ended up

If I didn't meet hobie.
His father's a lifeguard.

Although I guess
where I probably

Would have ended up is dead.


[Screaming] help!


-It's okay.

I got ya.

She's all right.

-I just wanted to say that
I'm not homeless anymore.

The lifeguards helped
my mother find a job

And I'm going to school now.

And I really hope you
don't take away the money

The lifeguards need to
save kids from drowning,

And I don't just
mean in the water.

-My son did drown in the water.

He was pulled from
shore by a rip tide

That dragged him and
his brother out to sea.

He was submerged for
over three minutes.

-They found him.

They've got him.

-Is he all right?

-Mitch: one, two,
three, four, five.

-C.j.: There's no respiration.

-No pulse.

-Where's the ambu bag?

-Come on bobby.

One, two, three, four, five.

Two, three, four, five.
-Patient's approximately
a ten year old male.

He's 90-95 pounds.

No respiration and
we've started cpr.

-Attaching defibrillator.

Pads on.

Prepping bp.

-One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

Come on, bobby!
Come on, bobby!


-Machine: stand
clear. Stand clear.

Press to shock.
Press to shock.

-My son was pronounced dead,

But the lifeguards, they just...

They wouldn't accept it.

They brought him back to life.

I can't even imagine
the depth of pain

My family would have suffered
if they hadn't been there.

-In the hospital, when I
woke up, there was a marble

In my hand that mitch
gave me for good luck.

You hold it when you want
something really bad.

Please don't make it so
kids can't come to the beach

Without somebody there
to make it safe for them.

I still think the beach
is the best place.

Thank you.

-It's the middle of the
night in february.

The water was freezing, a
fisherman reports a lady

+In the water off the pier.

Time for a wetsuit?
Yeah right.

I didn't even have
time to think.

It was off the end of
the pier and grab her

Before she sank to the bottom.

We started cpr and we
managed to bring her back.

I don't know why they
gave me a commendation.

I was just doing my job.

Thank you.

-My name is memo urueta.

I used to be in a g*ng.
We'd come down the beach

And get away with
whatever we could

Until the lifeguards
here stopped us.

My beach, flaco.

-Don't see no signs.

-1016, g*ng bangers on
the beach, give me backup.

-We're gonna have to
cut those signs down.

-Then they gave us a choice,

Jail or something called
the water program.

It stands for
water awareness training
education and recruitment.

It's so inner-city kids
will have a chance to learn

About the beach and
gain some self respect.

Let me tell you. It's
hard, but it works.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

Come on, dad.
One, two, three, four.

-Mijo, mijo.

-Lifeguards saved my butt.

There's no way I'd be alive
right now without them

Pulling me out of
the mess I was in.

No way I'd be back in school,
with a future ahead of me.

For every dollar you
put into these programs,

You'll save two fighting
crime on the streets.

-Take top level athletes, and
train them in everything from

Scuba to boat operations to
cliff rescues to paramedics,

And you have lifeguards
who can effectively deal

With drownings, plane
crashes, swift water rescues,

Diving emergencies, heart
att*cks, boat fires.

-My baby! My baby!

My baby!

Somebody help me, my baby!

My baby!

-Go get them. I'll
go after the girl.

-My baby, she might drown!

She might drown!

-You got it, chief!

-Oh, my little girl!

-Okay. You ready?

One, two three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.



-Okay, sweetheart.
You're gonna be fine.

-It's scary when
you're drowning.

You can't breathe, and you
can't get back up to the air.

-My husband and I
don't have much money,

But we would be more than
willing to pay our share

To make sure there are enough
lifeguards on the beach.

We'd find the money somewhere,
that is if you can't.

-My name is morgan hooper,

And this is mitchell.

He was named after the
lifeguard who rescued me

Off some rocks that I was
stuck on when the tide came in.

-All right.

Go on. Go, go.

-Mitch look out, a wave.

Mitch look out!


Norman, mitch is in trouble.


I've got you. I got you.

You'll be okay.

-I can't-- I can't move my legs.

-Hold on.

Don't lift his legs!
Be careful of his legs.

-Okay, hold him.
I'll get the backboard.

-All right, just
keep on his head.

Just keep on his head.

-Okay, okay.

-Okay, real good.
We're gonna get you
on a backboard.

-Easy, easy.

Easy, easy.

-Stephanie: okay mitch.

-This man risked
his life for me.

He was almost
permanently paralyzed.

If it wasn't for him and
the other lifeguards,

My baby wouldn't be here.

-Hey, buddy.

Hey, little mitchell.

If these people are willing
to sacrifice their lives,

I think we should sacrifice
whatever we have to

So that they can
get their jobs done.

-Well, I think it's about
time that we wrapped this up.

I know it's getting
hot out and we've

Hit you over the
head pretty hard.

But before you go we'd
like to thank you for,

Well, for giving us an
opportunity to have a reunion

With some of the people
whose lives we've touched.

Would everyone who was
rescued by a lifeguard

Please stand by the
lifeguard who saved you.

-Excuse me.

I guess the bottom
line here is that

With lifeguards on the
beach, people will live.

Without them, people will die.

Thanks for coming.


-Let's open it together, huh?

-Oh, they cut captains.

-Yeah, yeah but
they've increased

Lieutenants, dive
teams, rescue boats.

-I don't believe it.

-Look at this number.

There are more
increases than cuts.

-Where'd they get the money?

-Proposition 172,

They allocated funds
from proposition 172,

The people have spoken.

-I can't wait to
tell everybody.

-[Gentle music]

♪ Out of breath and falling down

♪ Feeling like you're gonna drown

♪ When a life is on the line

♪ I'll join in the fight

♪ You don't have to be alone

♪ You don't have to worry
♪ I know that you're hurting

♪ Use my strength to carry on

♪ Can't bring us down or stop us

♪ Now we're running toward the fire

♪ We are stronger when we're standing

♪ Side-by-side

♪ We'll turn the tide

♪ Nothing can hold us back

♪ When we feel under attack

♪ If life is getting crazy

♪ And you're needing saving

♪ You know just where I'll be

♪ Forget about the distance

♪ I know we can do this

♪ I'd swim across the sea

♪ Standing side by side

♪ We're running toward the fire

♪ We are stronger when we're standing

♪ Side-by-side

♪ Standing side-by-side
♪ we"ll turn the tide

-[Ending theme music]
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