03x13 - Island of Romance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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03x13 - Island of Romance

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music plays]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to have somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's going to be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Whenever you fear

-♪ No, don't you fear

-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Whenever you fear

-♪ No, don't you fear

-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[Indistinct chatter]

-Hey, I'll race you
to the pier and back. Come on.

-No, thanks.
I just had a long swim.

Besides, I gotta get home.

It's hobie's big night
to start dinner.

-You and c.j. Still having
that women-only weekend
in catalina?

-Oh, god. After that
blind date that c.j. Arranged
for me last night,

you'd better believe it.

I just want a weekend
of scuba diving and fun.

-No men allowed.

-[Grunts] well, I wouldn't
count on it. Wherever c.j. Is,
men are not far behind.

-[Rock music plays]

-♪ Sometimes you want me to change

♪ Sometimes you don't wannt be tame

♪ You and I we can play little games


♪ C'mon and be my babe

-♪ Be my, be my lover

♪ Be my, be my babe


Hey, dad.
Didn't hear you come in.

-No kidding.
Did you start dinner?
I'm starved.

-Yeah, it's in the kitchen.

-This is your idea
of starting dinner?

-Yeah, I thawed some dogs.
They'll thaw real quick
in the microwave.

-What about the laundry?
Did you start the laundry?

-Yeah. It's just, you know,
not done yet.

But dad, you really don't have
to go in there. Dad!

Come on, dad. Please.
Wa-- wait.


Told you not to open it.

-All right, look...

-We each have responsibilities,

And since it's just
you and me--

-It's not my fault.
I'm your son, not your wife.

I come home after
a hard day at school,

And I should be able
to do kid stuff,
not laundry and cooking.

-You know what?

You're right.

-I am?

-Yes, you are.

-What are you looking for?

-Live-in housekeepers.

-[Scoffs] I don't want
some stranger living here.

We won't have any privacy.

-No, but you'll have
home-cooked meals,
clean laundry,

And you won't have to do
anything but kid stuff...

Like homework.

Get upstairs and get busy.

-Aw, man.


Yes, I'm inquiring about
setting up some appointments
for a live-in housekeeper.

You just wait. I'm telling ya,
getting a housekeeper is going
to be a nightmare.

-[Music plays]

-♪ From the moment I could walk

♪ From the moment I could talk

♪ You showed me love
and how to love the same ♪

♪ Will I be anything like you

♪ I hope to god that I will

♪ When I think back on everything
father and son, well ♪

♪ Father and son, well

♪ Now I know from how you raised me ♪

♪ That you made me who I am

♪ You showed me how to be kind
and be strong when its time ♪

♪ Above all you gave me love

♪ You gave me love

♪ Will I be anything like you?

♪ I hope to god, that I will

♪ When I think back on everything
that you did so well ♪

♪ Now I know from what you gave me

♪ That you made me who I am

♪ You showed me how to be kind
and be strong when its time ♪

♪ Above all you gave me love

♪ You gave me love

How many more interviews
do we have to give?

-Well, there's one left,
but she's 20 minutes late.

Looks like it could be
a no-show.


-Looks like the no-show
just showed.

-Would you get
the door, please?

-Yeah, yeah.

-Hi. Are you here
for the housekeeper position?

-Yes, I'm elke.

-Hi. Nice to meet you.
I'm hobie buchannon.

-Nice to meet you, too.

-Uh, dad, this is elke.



I hope I'm not too late
to interview for
the housekeeper position.

-No, no, i-- no.
Um, come in.

I'm mitch.

You have a lovely home.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.


-I'd-- I'd like some more
too, please.

-You know, this was
my favorite dish as a child.

My mother taught me
how to make it

When I was just
about your age, hobie.

-[Whispers] she's great,
isn't she?

-Too great.

-Look at her clean the kitchen.

-She's awesome.
We gotta hire her.

-I don't know. I think we'd
be better off if we hired
that lady, uh, mrs. Jasper.

-Dad, get real.
Mrs. Jasper cooks like
freddy krueger's mother.


-How is everything?
Do you like it?

-Yeah, it's, uh, it's great.
We love it. Right, dad?

-Yeah, it's great.

You're a great cook.

-Thank you.

Oh, and here are hobie's
homework problems you wanted
to test me on.


[To himself]
oh, my god.

-She got them all right, dad.

-She did?

-She's the best one.
We've gotta hire her.

-What's with
the big campaign anyway?

You're the one who didn't
even want a housekeeper.

-You're the one that did
want a housekeeper,
and she's the best.

So, what's the problem?


-Excuse us. I--
I've gotta talk to hobie.

My problem is...

My problem is,
she's just too distracting.

-You mean pretty.

She's drop-dead gorgeous.

She moves in here,
I'll probably be dead in a week.


All my life, you've taught me
not to judge people
by their looks.

That's exactly
what you're doing.

-No, I'm not.

You're right.
I am, and I shouldn't.

But she is different.

-Dad, would you have hired elke
if she looked like mrs. Jasper?


-You would. Elke's smart.
She's nice.

She's efficient.

You can't base
employment practices on looks.

That's job discrimination.

-Okay, I'll hire her.
-All right.

-On a trial basis.



Welcome to
the buchannon household.

-I'm hired?
-My dad said, "yes."

-On a trial basis.

-Thank you!

[Grunts, laughs]

[Music plays]

-C.j., Radio that
coast guard cutter.

There's a boat on fire.

-K.m.f. 295 From c.j. Parker.
Requesting immediate backup.

-Man: roger, k.m.f. 295.

-Hold your head up, baby!

-Come on! Come here!

-Baby! Somebody help me!

Help! Somebody help me!
My baby!


Help me!
-I can't find her!

-Somebody help me!
My baby! My baby!

-Go get them!
I'll go after the girl!

-My baby! She went down!

She went down!
Please find her! Please!

Get her, please!

-You got it, chief.

-Just relax. I've got you.

-No! Not me! I'm a lifeguard!
The victim's down here! Come on!

Go down again.


Oh, my little girl! [Sobbing]
-we got you.

-Okay, you ready?

-One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.


-Okay, sweetheart.
You're gonna be fine,

And you're parents
are fine, too.

-Way to go! Go, roge!
Let's go!

-Okay. Oh, my god.
-My name's roger lawrence.

-Stephanie holden.
-Some way to meet, huh?

-Oh, my baby!


-Hold on, now.
Switch to tech channel three.

We've got them on radio now.
-[Indistinct chatter]

-Come on, we'll give you
a lift back to your boat.


-Welcome aboard.
-Thank you.

-You two headed for catalina?

-Crystal cove.
We're going to do some diving.

-It's a great spot.
Water's warm and clear.
It's really great.

-And we're taking our
mid-patrol break in catalina,
so maybe we could dive together.

-Uh, no.

Uh, but-- not this weekend.

-Well, maybe some other time?

-Yeah. We work at baywatch.

-We know it.
-See ya later.

-Great time for
a "women only" weekend.
-I know. I know.

Well, thank you.


-[Music plays]

♪ I remain, remain

♪ I remain, remain

♪ I remain, remain

♪ I wanna be young

♪ I wanna be young

♪ Fall beneath the leaves

♪ Forever be

♪ Our song

♪ All the things to be young

♪ Wait, they're never gone

♪ I & he will be

♪ I am victory

♪ Offering in my need

♪ All in the wind for me

♪ All it takes

♪ Lost with over

♪ A keyhole

♪ Forever win

♪ I am tired

♪ Often comes to the same

♪ Or you'll never win

♪ All the way, we'll remain

♪ All the way, we'll remain

♪ All the way, we'll remain

♪ I wanna be young

♪ I wanna be young

♪ Fall beneath the leaves

♪ Will forever be

♪ Our song

♪ All the things to be young

♪ Wait, they'll never die

♪ Hmmm.oooh

♪ All the the things to be young

♪ Oh we are young

♪ Nothing's wrong

[Music fades out]

-Sorry if I startled ya.

-That's okay. I was just so
caught up in the beauty
down there,

I didn't see you coming.

-Well, the beauty up here's
pretty eye-catching, too.



-Oh. Whoa, whoa! Oh!

Oh, your shirt.
Let me clean it for you.

-Oh, no. No, really, it's okay.
I'll just go put another one on.
No problem.

-Dad, you're going
to be late for your date.

-Well, I'm sure whoever your dad
is going out with, won't mind
if he's a little late.

He's worth waiting for.

Why don't I just stay?

I mean, you know, I could
help you clean and show you
some things around the house,

And, uh, I mean, it is your
first weekend, and--

-No, no. That's okay. Go out.
Have a good time.
She's waiting for you.

-Yeah, yeah. I have to be able
to prove that you can trust me
to take care of hobie.

-That's right. She does.

-We'll be fine.

he's a cute little kid,
isn't he? All right.

-You know, it was one of those
fated meetings.

There we were, both under water,
and something just clicked.

It was so romantic.

-C.j., It is so typical.

-What's that supposed to mean?

-Well, I mean, a handsome man
comes into your field of vision,

And then
everything else disappears.

-Clay isn't only handsome.
He's a marine biologist.

-Oh, and I suppose
he mistook you
for a mermaid, huh?

-No, no. A naiad.

-Clay! Hi.
-Hey, how you doing?

-Uh, what exactly is a naiad?

-Water nymph
from greek mythology.

Hey, listen,
sorry about the intrusion.

C.j. Told me about your
"women only" weekend.

I was hoping she'd make
an exception and have dinner
with me tonight.

-Uh, I'm sorry,
but the water nymph is out
of circulation this weekend.

-I'm sorry,
I didn't introduce you.
This is my mother, stephanie.

-Hi, mom.

Promise I won't keep
your daughter out too late.

-Look, uh, we decided.

-I'm sorry, it's really
not going to work out
this weekend.


-Who's that?

-That's roger. You know,
the coast guard diver.


I was hoping that
when they locked you up,
they threw away the key.

-You must be mistaking me
for somebody else.

-Uh-uh. Clay burgess.

So, what are you here for?

To get what you left behind?

-Look, whatever man thing
is going on between you two,
has nothing to do with us.

So, would you please
take it somewhere else?

-Hey, pal,

I was set up.

And I'm not going to let
you feds do it to me again.

So, get out of my face.

C.j., Listen, uh,
I'm sorry this didn't work out.

Whatever this guy tells you,
don't listen to him.

It's a damn lie.

-What was that all about?

-Five years ago, there was
a jewelry show robbery.

Jewelers from
all over the world.

It was very well planned
and very clever.

Only, things went wrong,
and a guard was k*lled.

They stole the safe with
all the jewelry still in it,

And headed
for mexico by boat.

-Well, what? You're saying
clay is one of the thieves?

-He was the thief.
Only, we could never prove it.

We worked with the fbi
on the case, but by the time
we boarded his boat,

He'd dumped
the safe overboard.

It was never recovered.

So, how did he end up in jail?

-He had enough
outstanding warrants

To put him away
for a couple of years
on lesser charges.

-You know, when I was
diving with him today,

He had a metal detector.

Just a couple miles
off crystal cove.

-Well, I'd better
get back to the ship
and brief the skipper.

I know the brass and the fbi
are gonna want to know
what's going on down there.

-So, what do you think it is?
You think it's just that
dangerous men excite me?

I mean, like, is it like
I sense it, and then
it excites me?

Or are they like little magnets
pulling me to them?

-Well, c.j., I think it's time
to de-magnetize yourself.

-I've tried, but you have
to follow your heart.

-You know,
in a way, I envy you.

-You what?

-Yeah. I envy your ability
just to follow your instincts

Regardless of what
logic dictates.

You go for it,
hurt be damned.

-Well, the hurt still hurts.

I'm too trusting.

-Yeah, well,
I'm not trusting enough.

For once, I just wish
that I'd be able to fall in love

Without analyzing
the relationship.

-Well, for once, I wish
that I could just fall in love

Without finding
some thief and m*rder*r
to go out with.

You know, it figures.

I mean, here we are
on a "women only" weekend,
and guess what?

All we're talking about is men.


-[Romantic music plays]

-The first time I saw you...

I felt, "maybe
this guy is different.

"He's genuine,

"Maybe I can trust him."

-And now?

-And now...

I'll have to show you.

Who is she?

-Oh, uh, that's elke,
my housekeeper.

-Mitch, I'm sorry.
I was trying not to disturb you.

Just pretend I'm not here.

-Oh, oh, okay. [Laughs]
-your housekeeper.

-Re-- really.
That's my housekeeper.

-Yeah. Right.

-Malinda, I know how
this must look, but really--
no. Wait, wait, wait.

She really is my housekeeper.

-Yes, I am.
-See? She is.

-I am here to take care
of all of mitch's needs.

-Yeah, honey.
I'll just bet you do.


-Mitch, I feel terrible
about this.

Maybe if I go talk--
-no, no. It's okay.
Believe me. It--

It won't help.

-Well, then,
at least let me clean up
the living room for you.



-Something is wrong, isn't it?

-No, nothing's wrong.
It's just that--

I mean, it's--

It's really hard
for me to look at you
as a housekeeper.

You're just...

You're so beautiful. I--


Then, I'm not alone.

It's hard for me to think
of you as my employer.

My stomach is always
full of butterflies.



She's supposed to work for us,

Not be your second date
of the night.



-I'm sorry. I'm sure
he got the wrong idea. You know,
the music, the fireplace.

-No, I'm sorry. I was wrong.
I shouldn't have done this.

I will go and talk with--
-no, no. That's okay.

We'll talk to him tomorrow.

I think it's
a good idea if we just...

Get a good night sleep, okay?

-[Slow beeping]

[Faster beeping]

[Beeping intensifies]

-[Music plays]

-Oh, my god.

It's beautiful.

My god, stephanie,
isn't this fantastic?

-Oh, wow. It's great!

Our tanks are low.
We should probably surface.

-I love it down here.
It's so peaceful.

-Yeah, it's like you're
part of eternity, isn't it?

come on, let's go.

-Okay. Just one picture
of the two of us.


-Smile! [Laughs]
-smile! [Laughs]

-Oh, my god.

-Oh, my god.
What's happening?

-I don't know!
Maybe it's an earthquake!

Come on! Let's go!

-Oh, my god. We're trapped.

-Okay. We've just got to
keep calm and conserve our air.

-Our tanks are
almost out of air.

Well, how long is this
air pocket going to last?

Well, if the airway feeding
this pocket isn't blocked,
we'll be okay.

-What if it is?

-Well, we'll go down
one at a time, and try
to find another exit.

I'll go first.

-Be careful.

-There's no other way out.

-The airway must be blocked.

-I pushed my wave belt out.
Maybe someone will see it.

-My tanks were out of air,
so I dropped them.

I'm starting to feel faint.

-We'll release the air
from my t*nk.

-That's all you have?

-Maybe this is the time
you should teach me
how to meditate,

So I can learn
to slow my breathing.

-Why bother?
We're going to be
out of air soon.

-Look... You really weren't
that bad of a roommate.

I'm sorry if I made it
difficult for you.

-According to their dive log,
they've been under water
for 45 minutes.

They're bound to be
running out of air.

All right. We'll call
lieutenant sweet at the group.

We'll have divers
and a navy e.o.d. Team
down here immediately.

-Sir, that'll take at least
a half an hour.

Look, I know it's against regs,
but lawrence and I have our own
personal dive gear on-board.

-All right, let's go.

-Come on, c.j.

Don't quit on me.
Come on.


-What's that?


-I heard something.

I'm gonna swim to the entrance.

-Don't leave me.

-I heard a sound.

-You're not gonna have
enough air to get back.

-Yes, I will.


I'll be back.

I promise, c.j.

-Yeah, yeah. Standing by.
-120 Feet, sir.

-Comin' at ya.
-All right. Easy, easy.

-Float's up!

-Come on, c.j.!

Come on, c.j.!
Breathe. Come on!

Listen to me! Breathe!

-oh! Oh, thank god!

-Just relax.
You're gonna be
all right now.

-I don't know
how to thank you.

-Hey, where'd you get
that sea slug?

-He was on the run.
Had a bag of expl*sives.

Landed on the bottom
for the e.o.d. Team.

Do you want a ride
back to the ship?

-Not on the same boat with him.

-We're okay!
-All right. See you on board.

-So, uh, anybody want
to go dive for buried treasure?

-I thought you found
the buried treasure.

-He means the stolen safe
with the jewels.

-Oh, that treasure.

-So, do we get to keep
what we find?

-I'm afraid the fbi
might object.

-Well, then we'll settle for
the treasure hunters instead.

-My dad's working
at that tower right there.

I'll wait for you here.
-Oh, wish me good luck.

-Here, wait. I, uh...

I have something for you.

It's my lucky marble.
It's always worked for me.

-Thank you, hobie.

-Elke. What are you
doing out here?

-Well, the weekend is up,
and I came to discover my fate.

This is wonderful. I'd love
to work outdoors like this.

-Really? Then why take a job
inside a house?

-Because that's
where my job is done.

-Yeah, but there's so many
other things you can do.

I mean, you know,
why be a housekeeper anymore?

-This is what I want
to do now, you know?

To live with an american family
and care for them.

-Because it makes me happy.

-Anyway, uh...
Why don't we just
get to the point?

I can't hire you
as a housekeeper.

I've decided
not to hire anyone.

-It's my fault, isn't it?
-No, it is not your fault.

It's just that...

I realized
how important it is

For me and hobie
to take care of ourselves.

Really, elke,
it's nothing personal.

I'm sorry.

-Well, what if you fell in love
and got married?

Then you'd have someone
to take care of you.

-True, but hobie wouldn't have
fallen in love with her, too.

And he wouldn't get jealous

If I wanted to spend
time with her.

-I'll pack my things
and leave tonight.

-Elke, wait a minute.

-I'm gonna miss elke.

-I won't.

-How can you say that?

She was so much fun
to be around.

-That's why I won't miss her.

-What do you mean?

-Well, she won't be
our housekeeper anymore,

So I won't miss her.

-What are you talking about?

-Hobie, I won't miss her
because she's having dinner
with us tonight.

She won't be cooking,
she won't be cleaning,
she won't be sleeping over.

-Then what's she doing?

-She's going out
on a date with me.

I mean, that is
if you can handle it.

-Me, handle it?

You're the one that's gonna
be left out of all the fun.

-No, I won't.
-Yes, you will.

-No, I won't.

-Yes, you will.
-No, I won't!

-[Both laughing]

-Hey! Hey!

-Hey, don't put that
on my head!

-Hey! Watch it! Don't--
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