03x11 - Dead of Summer

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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03x11 - Dead of Summer

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge
of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry
it's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Never you fear
-♪ no don't you fear

-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Never you fear
-♪ no don't you fear

-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-This is c.j. Parker.
I'm chasing one of our scarabs,
but there's nobody on it.

[Distorted] I'm losing control!

I can't turn the wheel!

I can't slow down!



-Garner: the stage
for the surfrider foundation
is here.

The governor's security detail
is setting up their command post
next to it over here.

-What's dickson doing
at a surfrider foundation

-Well, from what I understand,
he wants to be known as
the environmental governor.

-Well, then he should
clean up the environment

Instead of giving
campaign speeches

That promise everything
and do nothing.

-Yeah, well, regardless,
we have to provide security
while he does it.

-No, no, no.
Not "we." You do.

I need all my people
on the sand tomorrow.
It's gonna be a scorcher.

-Aw, come on, mitch.

Dietz wants
a coordinated effort.

-Who's dietz?

-Head of the governor's
security detail.

He wants your people
to keep the perimeter
around the pier clear.

-Is there something
you're not telling me?



-You got something
stuck in your teeth.
-Oh, right here?

-No, right there.
-Over here?

-No, over there.
-Right here?

-No, over there.

-Is it gone yet?
-Yeah... Aw!

-Hey, c.j., Come here
for a second, will you?

-Hi. Morning.

-Hi, garner.

You look like
you could use a cup of coffee.

-No, I don't drink coffee.

-So, the governor
is giving a speech

At the concert
on the pier tomorrow.

I'm gonna need you
on a scarab keeping
the area around it clear.

-If you don't mind,
I'd like to work
on the beach tomorrow.

-Everybody else is booked.
I need you and barnett on boats.



-What is it, c.j.?
What's wrong?

-I just had this dream.

It was more like a nightmare.

I was on a scarab.

I don't remember all of it,
but I woke up screaming.

-Ah, well, it was just a dream.

You know what?

My grandmother,
nellie board, always used to say
nightmares are good for you.

You know why?

'Cause that way,
you get rid of all your fears
while you're safe sleeping.

go have yourself a workout.
Clear your head. You'll be fine.

Always works for me.


I'll see you.

-♪ I will be the one that you need

♪ To help carry you through ♪

♪ Im the one that can set you free

♪ When your feeling blue

♪ Ive got the fire you need

♪ Ive got the fire you need

♪ I will be the place you can go

♪ When your feeling lost inside ♪

♪ Just remember your never alone

♪ I can make you feel alright ♪

♪ Ive got the fire you need

♪ Ive got the fire

♪ Ive got the fire you
need ♪

♪ Ive got the fire

♪ Ive got the fire you
need ♪

♪ Ive got the fire

♪ Ive got the fire you
need ♪

-Morning, matt.
-Hey, summer.


All right, you animals,
get it out of your system.

Listen up.
It's gonna be one of those days.

It's gonna hit
the century mark by 11:00 a.m.

-[All groaning]

-You need any volunteers
on the switchboard in
the air conditioning?

-In your dreams.

Listen up.
We got the surfrider
foundation rally.

We got the governor's speech
on the pier.

It's gonna be madness out there,
and we are gonna be
in the middle of it.

Do we love it?
-All: yeah!

-Tower assignments
are posted upstairs.

Barnett, you and c.j.
Are on the scarabs.
Pick her up at tower 12.

-And what about the deckhands?

-No deckhands.
We need every available body
on the sand.

-[Electronic music playing]

-♪ People from
all around the world ♪

♪ Can you hear it?

♪ It's a little bit of soul ♪

♪ It's easy

♪ You can make it if you try

♪ Believe me

♪ 'Cause the beat
the beat is mine ♪

♪ Don't stop the beat

♪ The beat is mine
the beat is mine ♪

♪ Don't stop the beat


Lieutenant buchannon.

-Special agent sam dietz--
in charge of
the governor's security.

Welcome to my nightmare.

-Your boss picked
a hell of a spot
to deliver a campaign speech.

-Yeah, well,
he likes to be
where the action is.

Looks like
we're in this together.

-Oh, yeah.
You'll be protecting one person,

And we'll be protecting
about one million.


Garner ellerbee?

You don't remember me.

Wendy... Malloy!

I used to be best friends
with your sister janice.

-Wait a minute.

Little wendy malloy?

I'll be doggone.

Well, you're not
so little anymore.

I mean, it's been a long time
since I've seen you.

-We moved when I was nine.

But I remember you.

I'll never forget that smile.

-So, you're a musician?
-Yeah, it's a really hot band.

If you get a chance,
come see the show.

-I'll try.

-Well, I gotta get dressed.

Good seeing you again.
-Yeah, you too.

-Hurry up with
that remote control.


-All set.









-Works like a charm.

-Still wanna know how
we're gonna get a boat
like that so close to the pier.

-Not gonna use a boat like that.

-Summer, there's a riptide.
We gotta get everybody
out of the water.

-What? All these people?
You're kidding me?

-Don't panic. We can handle it.

Attention, swimmers!
Attention, swimmers!
Attention, swimmers!



[Through megaphone]
attention, swimmers!

Attention, swimmers!
You are in a riptide area.

Put your feet on the bottom
and walk to the shore.

Don't come straight in.

Swim sideways
parallel to the beach.


-I'm going in.

-[Coughing, gasping]

-I need
a 100-yard security zone
all around this pier.

I don't wanna
see boats, swimmers.
I don't even wanna see fish.

-Tell you what I'll do.
I'll make a deal with you.

I'll give you 50 yards
and provide your men
with rods and reels.

-Very funny.

Take a look out there.
Tell me what you see.

-People having a good time.

-Mitch: a beach full
of potential victims.

-I see a beach
full of potential assassins.

And their point of attack,

The water, the beach,
the cliffs,

Rooftop on the strand,
car in the parking lot...

The list goes on and on.

-You make it sound
like you expect
an assassination attempt.

-Who says I don't?

-Has a threat been made
on the governor's life?

-Every time a politician
appears in public,
there's a threat.

Dozens a week.

You don't get to be governor
without rubbing a few people
the wrong way.

-This is it, ray.

Payback time.

We're in good shape.

They're on single patrols.

Let's go after the girl.

-Ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of
the surfrider foundation,

Please put your hands together
for scotti brothers
recording artist, tag!

-[Crowd cheering]

-[Electronic music playing]

-♪ People from
all around the world ♪

♪ Can you hear it?

♪ It's a little bit of soul

♪ It's easy

♪ You can make it if you try

♪ Believe me

♪ 'Cause the beat
the beat is mine ♪

♪ Don't stop the beat

♪ The beat is mine
the beat is mine ♪

♪ Don't stop the beat

♪ The beat is mine
the beat is mine ♪

♪ The party will be grooving
all night long ♪

♪ Nice and easy
as we ease into a song ♪

♪ Are you ready
to unleash your soul and mine? ♪

♪ Just remember

♪ The beat
the beat is mine ♪

♪ Don't stop the beat
give it to me
give it to me ♪

♪ The beat is mine
the beat is mine ♪

♪ Oh yeah

♪ Don't stop the beat

♪ The beat is mine
the beat is mine ♪

♪ You can play with the rhythm
you can play with the rhyme ♪

♪ But don't touch the beat
'cause the beat is mine ♪

♪ The beat is mine

♪ The beat is mine

♪ Don't stop the beat
give it to me
give it to me ♪

♪ The beat is mine
the beat is mine ♪

♪ Don't stop the beat
yeah ♪

♪ The beat is mine
the beat is mine ♪

♪ Don't stop the beat ♪

♪ The beat is mine
the beat is mine ♪

♪ The beat is mine

♪ Don't stop the beat
yeah ♪

♪ The beat is mine
the beat is mine ♪

♪ Don't stop the beat

-[Crowd cheering]

-All right! Wonderful!

Tag, ladies and gentlemen. Tag!

Hey, don't forget.
Their new album, "contagious,"

Is available at
your local record store as well.

You bet, mama!

Hey, we're gonna be back
with a lot more music
from tag this afternoon.

But right now,
we're gonna take a moment out

And meet some
very special guests
form the beach community.

-Hey, hey.

-So, what did you think?

-You were fantastic.

-It's a lot of fun,
especially when the crowd
gets into it.

-You ought to be
proud of yourself.
Looks like you really made it.

-You too.

-Eh, my life is
not quite this exciting,
but I can't complain.

-How is janice doing?

-Real good.
Married, got a couple of kids.

Still lives in
the old neighborhood.

-I haven't been back there
since we moved.

I'd love to go back
and see my old house again.

We used to have
this big palm tree
in our backyard.

Your sister and I use to sit
under that tree at night
and share our fantasies.

She probably told you
the one I had about you.

-Um, no,
we never talked about that.

What was it?

-It was wild.

I used to imagine
that you and I were...

-Mitch: garner?

-Mitch, I'd like you
to meet an old friend of mine.
Wendy malloy, mitch buchannon.

-Wendy, how are you?

I'm sorry to interrupt,
but dietz is looking for you.

He wants to go over
the route the governor
is taking from the airport.

-Again? We've been over it
20 times already.

I thought
he'd have it memorized by now.

-Don't sh**t the messenger.

-You better get back to work.
I'll be here all day.

Nice meeting you.
-Thank you.

-We'll, uh, finish this later.

Talk about bad timing.

-Oh! Sorry.

What's the story?

-She used to hang around
with my baby sister.

Turns out, she also
used to fantasize about me.

-What kind of fantasy?

-I was about to find out
when you turned up.

-What's wrong?

-That guy, I know him
from some place.

-What guy?

Where have I seen
that face before?

-Help! Hey, over here! Help!

It's a good thing you saw us.

-Grab my line.

What happened?

-He was fixing the engine.
I think he got shocked.

We lost our batteries,
and the radio is down too.

-How long has he been down?

-Five, maybe 10 minutes.
I don't think he's breathing.

-Do you know cpr?

-[Radio chatter]

-They're gonna bring
the governor down
to the boulevard,

South on the boulevard
to the pier itself.

-You remember that face
I couldn't place?

I just placed it.

-What are you talking about?

-Does the name raymond zane
mean anything to you?

-Raymond zane?

Oh, yeah.

Put to death three years ago
in the gas chamber.

-After governor dickson
refused to grant
a stay of execution.

-And you think
that's the guy
you saw on the pier?

maybe you saw his ghost.

-No, I saw his twin brother.

Take away the scar,

And he's a dead ringer
for the man dickson
sent to the gas chamber.

-[Pop music playing]

-Okay. Yeah, thanks a lot. Bye.

Just got a report
from the coast guard.

Their chopper spotted
some debris about five miles
off inspiration point.

Looks like a small boat
caught fire and exploded.

-Any victims?
-Mm-mm. Just burned wreckage.

But I gotta send
a scarab out there.

-No, governor is gonna be here
in a half an hour.

Our first priority
is to secure that pier.

-You're not calling
the sh*ts here.

-Have there been
any reports of missing craft?

-No, and no
distress calls either.

-Well, mitch,
maybe we should, uh,
stay close to home for now.

-Well, thank you.

-Maybe you guys
should join the lifeguard...
-[Fax machine printing]

-Mitch, hang on.

Background on louis zane.

Former navy frogman.

Dishonorably discharged in '85
along with two other members
of his outfit.

-Frogman, that means
he's trained in the use
of expl*sives.

-Ran a charter fishing boat
in oceanside until last year.

Sold the business.
No record of his whereabouts
since then.

-Any priors?

-Just one
for disorderly conduct.

He was arrested
outside the state house

Protesting the execution
of his brother.

Told the judge
governor dickson
m*rder*d an innocent man.

Swore he'd get revenge.

-[Fax incoming]

-Well, let's get copies of this
to everybody in the field.

If he really is out there,

We've gotta get to him
before he gets to the governor.

-[Pop music playing]

-Yeah, here he is.
He's approaching the stage.

Okay, I'll go
have a talk with him.

-[Laughing] hi! Hey!
How are you?

Thanks for coming.
Hey, how are you, boys?
Good to see you.

-Yeah, governor?
I really think
you're making a big mistake.

these people came
to hear me speak.

-Yes, sir, I understand that,
but one of them may be here
to k*ll you.

-[Laughing] well, then,
it's your job to make sure
that he doesn't, isn't it?


-Okay, zane started
the homing signal.

-Hell, we have
enough bang in this boat
to blow that pier sky-high.





-Time to sleep, sweetheart.

-Say goodnight.
-[Muffled screaming]

-♪ I'll be around
when I walk in ♪

♪ 'Cause you're gonna
need it some day ♪

♪ Live my life from day to day
nothing but you gets in my way ♪

♪ I've been wasting my time




-Mitch on radio: scarab two,
this is 218. What's your 10-20?

Come in, c.j.


C.j., You're supposed
to keep everybody
away from the pier.



Damn it!

-The lifeguard is coming.
Let's book it!

-This is a restricted area!

I want you
away from the pier now!

-[engine starting]



-Hey, barnett, where's c.j.?

-Got me.
I lost touch with her
about 20 minutes ago.

-Have somebody
pick up the waverunner.

-Camf-295, this is barnett.
Have someone pick up
mitch's waverunner off the pier.

-Something is wrong.
Get me over there.

-Here he is,
governor neil dickson.

-[Crowd cheering]

-Thank you very much.
Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you all for being here.

Thank you for giving a damn
about your future.

-[Crowd cheering]




What the hell?


-Mitch, look out! The pier!

-Everything has been jammed!

-We cannot continue
to abuse our natural resources,

But the turnaround does not
begin in washington.


-They got this thing
on auto-pilot.

Looks like everything
is wired-- steering, throttle.

Touch the wrong wire,
we're history.

-Look out, mitch!

-Maybe I can turn
the engine by hand.



-[Crowd cheering]
-thank you. Thank you.



-The turnaround does not
begin in washington
or in tokyo.

-Barnett, get out of here!
This thing is wired to blow!



-I was a little worried
there for a minute, old buddy.

-Had it all the way, partner.
Had it all the way.

Whoo! Come on, babe.

Nice driving, pal.
-You bet.

-Go easy.

-They caught zane's pals
on the way to mexico.

They'll need you
to make a positive i.d.

-Whatever it takes.

-Okay. I'll call you
in the morning.

-Here you go.

-You sure you're up for that?



-Thank you.

If it wasn't for you,
a lot of people would have died.

Including me.

-Couldn't let that happen,
now, could we?

-It was just like my nightmare.

-It's over now.

Let it go.

Everything is gonna be okay.

-So, we went back and forth
for a while, and here I am.

[Laughing] I'll see you guys.

Wendy! What are you doing here?

-Ooh! What happened?

-Oh, nothing.
Just had a little run-in
with a knucklehead.

-Is that better?


-I told you
I had that fantasy about you.

-Uh, yeah, I remember
you saying something about that.

-Well I thought it was
about time I fulfilled it.

-Uh, should
we go somewhere else?

-Right here is fine.

Just like I pictured it.

-Uh, wait a minute.

Where are you going?
What about fulfilling
your fantasy?

-I just did.

-That was it?
That was the entire fantasy?

-I was only nine years old.

What did you expect?

-Uh, well,
sometimes when people grow up,
their fantasies grow with them.

-You're sweet.

But I gotta catch a plane
to australia. Sorry.

Don't forget
to say hi to janice.

Bye, garner.

-Strike out again?

-Eh, it wouldn't have
worked out anyhow.

-Well, I agree.

Aside from looks,
talent, intelligence,

She really didn't have
that much to offer.

-You really know
how to put things
in perspective, don't you?


It's why I get the big bucks.
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