03x05 - Pier Pressure

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
Post Reply

03x05 - Pier Pressure

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme song playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to have somebody ♪

♪ When the edge
of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be there

-♪ Whenever you fear
-♪ oh, don't you fear

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ forever and always

♪ I'm always here ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh

-♪ I'll be ready ♪
-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Whenever you fear
-♪ oh, don't you fear

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ forever and always

♪ I'm always here

check it out.

Oh my god.

Look at that.

-Slade's unreal!

-I'm gonna try it.

-You'll k*ll yourself.

-I think it's worth it.
Look at the way
everybody's watching him.

-Look at the way
heather's watching him.

-If I make it,
she'll know who I am.

-Okay, let's pay up

Before the lifeguard
gets back from the shore.

You didn't bet me, did you?

-No, I just want you
to sign it.

Your autograph
will probably be worth more
than the bill someday.

-Right after I win
the o.p. Pro,

Which, thanks to your friends,
I can now afford to enter.

-Man, why don't you try
getting a sponsor, huh?

Instead of gambling
for your entry fee?

-I wasn't gambling.

It was an exhibition
and that was your price
of admission.


-There's some kid out there!
-Girl: what's he trying to do?

-Hey, get away from there!
Don't even think about it.

-[Overlapping crowd chatter]


-[Siren wailing]




-Slade made it through.
I thought I could.

-It's okay.

-Dad, I'm all right.
Let me go.

-Please, come on.

Everybody's watching.
Let me walk in.

-All right,
we'll deal with this later.

-Thank goodness
he's all right.

-Thank you.

-Boy: look out, look out!

There's nobody in there!

-Woman: somebody do something!

-You okay?


-Oh my god!
This is all your fault.

-My fault?

-Mitch, I'm so sorry.
I don't know what happened.

-Summer, when you park
on top of a steep rim,

You gotta pull
the parking brake.

We cover that
in rookie school.

-I know, I guess
I was just in such a hurry

To back you up,
I forgot.

-Don't forget again.

-Look, mitch,
I tried to stop him, but--

there was nobody there
to stop you.

These kids
emulate you, man.

There's a responsibility
that goes along with that.

If I ever catch you surfing
in a restricted area again,

I'll ban you from every beach
in l.a. County. You got that?

-Yeah, I'm under the pier
at tower one.

I'm in the water.
You can't miss me.

What? Do you think rules
apply to everyone but you?

-Look, I'm not the one
who forgot to set
the parking brake.

-Yeah, I know.
It's not your fault.

It's just that if you hadn't
been surfing under the pier,

None of this
would have happened.

-Look, I'm surfing
in the o.p. Pro
next saturday.

Why don't you come?

Maybe you'll see me
in a better light.

-Well, I'd have to check
my schedule.

-Well, if you can.
I think it'll be worth it.

-Boy: all right, come on,
let's go play.

Let me tell you
what I'm gonna do.

Let me tell you what
I'm gonna do.

On "street fighter ii," man,
I'm gonna pound you
into oblivion.

-What are you doing
sh**ting the pier?

-Haven't you ever
done anything stupid
to impress a girl, dad?

-Yeah, once or twice.
But it was never worth it.

-Heather is definitely
worth it.

-She just doesn't know
hobie's alive.

-He almost wasn't.

Hey look,
I gotta go back to work.

Stay out of trouble, huh?
I want you home by 6:30.

-Can I spend the night
at landon's?

-Absolutely not.

I want you home, washed,
and ready for dinner at 6:30.

-Come on, let's go.

-Wherever they're going.

-Come on, man!
Do it, do it!

come on!
Watch out!


-[All cheering]

-All right,
who's the next loser, huh?

-You are, tony boy.

-Let's go in.
-It's a liquor store.

-It's got video games.
They want kids in there.

-I gotta get home.
I'll see you tomorrow, okay?

See you, landon.

-Come on!

-[All cheering]

-Hey, never reach in
when I'm playing, man.

Honey, what's wrong?

-Ma, you know that novel
that starts,

"It was the best of times,
it was the worst of times?"

-Mm-hmm, yeah.
I think that's the story
of my singing career.

-Well, today I messed up
in front of mitch.

And then, like,
a second later,

Jimmy slade asked me
to go out with him.

-Well, that's too bad,
and congratulations?

-[Both laugh]

-Every time
there is a cute guy around,

I can't even concentrate.

-Well honey, that's a problem,
because mitch is your boss.

-Not mitch.
I'm talking about jimmy.

-Oh, jimmy.
Oh, jimmy.

Well, yeah.

But, you know,
mitch is pretty cute.

Is he seeing anybody?

-I don't know.

-Could you find out for me?

-No way!

-Oh, come on, way.
Come on.

-Ma, how come every time
we have a conversation
about me,

It ends up
being about you?

-Oh, honey, I'm sorry.

You're absolutely right.
I am so sorry.

Come here,
let's talk about you.

Come here, come here.

All right,
I want to hear all about you

And I want to hear about
"the best of times"

And your date with jimmy.

-Okay, well...

-He invited me
to this major surf
competition on saturday.


And since he's only seen me
in my lifeguarding suit,

I think I'm gonna buy
a new bikini.

-I saw a really cute one
on the pier this afternoon.

Now let me see.
Now I've got
about half an hour

Before my shift starts,
so what do you say?

-Well, are you going
to change your clothes?

When I start singing
at that club

Instead of serving drinks,

Honey, I'm going
to buy myself a gown.

come on, let's go.

-[All cheering]

-Computer voice: you win!

-[All cheering]

-That was pure luck.
I want another game.

-Hey, end of the line, bud.
It's my turn to play
the new champ--

-Let go of me, man!

-Crowd: hey, you guys, come on!
-You guys!

-Hey, hey!

Guys, come on,
knock it off.

-You're really good.

-Aren't you the kid
who tried to surf
the pier today?

-Yeah. I would've made it,
but I hit some kelp.

I'm hobie.
-I'm heather.

-Nice to meet you.

-Now get outside
and cool off!


Okay, little champ,

Let's see how good
you really are.

Son of--

All right, all right,
all right.

Are you ready?

-[All cheering]

-Mrs. Thompson,
this is mitch buchannon,

Hobie's dad.

I'm fine,
thank you.

Is hobie there?

Um, no, I just thought
he might be there

Because he was with landon
at the beach earlier.

No, that's okay.
I'm sure he'll turn up

Thank you, bye.

Damn it!

What the--

-Hey, dad,
sorry I'm late.

I'll go wash up
for dinner.

-Whoa, road runner!
Come here.

Where you been?
-At landon's.

I lost track of time.

-Hobie, I just
called landon's.
You weren't there.

-I meant jason's.
I was at jason's.

you been drinking beer?

-No, dad. Honest.
-I want the truth.

-Dad, I wasn't drinking beer.

-Where you been?

-Playing "street fighter ii."

Dad, I kept winning.

All these guys
had their quarters lined up
to play me,

And heather stood
right behind me watching.


Okay, now it's beginning
to make a little bit
of sense.

-I beat this kid named andy
nobody likes.

So I became
kind of like a hero.

But andy got ticked off
and threw this beer can
at us

And it sprayed everywhere.

-How old's andy?

-15, 16.

-And he's drinking beer?

-No, the video games
are in a liquor store.


-Dad, chill out.
You're aging before my eyes.

-Hobie, if the video games
are in a liquor store,

You are forbidden to go
to that liquor store
from now on.

Do you understand?
-Dad, this is not fair.

All the cool kids
hang out there.

-Hey pal, you struck out twice.
Three times,

You're out of circulation
for a week. You got that?

Now you get upstairs,
you take a shower,
and you come down,

And you have
your burned dinner.

-I don't want
any burned dinner!

I don't want anything
from you!

-[Chews loudly]

-Could you please chew
without smacking your lips?

That's it! Strike three!

You're grounded
for the entire weekend.

-That's not fair!
I didn't even
get a warning.

-It never does any good
to argue with the ump.

-Why should you be the ump?

-Because this
is the home field
and I make the rules.

Now sit down,
finish your cereal,

And then go to your room
and clean it.

-♪ Look my way
I'm on the perfect ride ♪

♪ 'Bout to break away
now it's do or die ♪

♪ Nothing's gonna stop me now

♪ Yeah I'm gonna take this town

♪ Hey hey
watch me baby ♪

♪ I'm the best around'

♪ At riding the wave
so watch me baby ♪

♪ Turn this upside down

♪ Riding the waves to gold

♪ This is gold

♪ Gonna lean in
and go with flow ♪

♪ Straight to greatness
star of every show ♪

♪ No way I can go too far

♪ Yeah I'll be a sh**ting star

♪ Yeah yeah yeah
watch me baby ♪

♪ I'm the best around'

♪ At riding the wave
watch me baby ♪

♪ Turn this upside down

♪ Riding the waves - yeah
watch me baby ♪

♪ I'm the best around'

♪ At riding the wave - yeah
watch me baby ♪

♪ I'm the best around'

♪ Riding the wave to gold

♪ To gold

♪ Yeah yeah
riding the wave to gold ♪

-He is cute.

I wonder who he is.

-His name is jimmy slade.
He just moved here
from camp pendleton.

His father's a marine.
He lives in a van

And he used the beach hut
as his address

So that he could enroll
at malibu beach high
next semester.

-And how do you know
all the dish on him?

is everything.

-That's true.

-Hi. Excuse me.
I couldn't help
overhearing you guys.

My name's summer quinn.

I'm gonna be going
to malibu beach high
this fall.

-I'm tiara english.
This is courtney bremmer.

-It's nice to meet you guys.

Well, I better
go talk to jimmy.
We have a date.

-He's going out with you?

Some information
to add to your files.

Hey, you won.

-Hey, summer, you made it.

-Yeah, this is
really overwhelming.

I mean, we don't have
anything like this
back in pittsburgh.

-Well, I told you
it'd be worth it.

Well, have a great time.

-I think I'd better go
see what's going on, okay?

-Looks like your information
wasn't very accurate.

-Tiara: bye.

-Mom, I am so stupid.


-You know, I thought jimmy
was asking me out.

It was only to come
and watch him surf.

-Now honey, I know
it seems like the end
of the world right now but--

-Mom, it's the end
of my life, okay?

Those girls
are the most popular girls
at malibu beach high.

I totally
humiliated myself.

-Okay, listen,
I've got a great idea.

Okay? Let's go get
a couple of huge pieces

Of chocolate thunder cake,

-Chocolate cake
won't solve anything.

-No, no, no,
cottage cheese
won't solve anything.

But chocolate thunder cake?
Whoo. That does it all.

Come on.

-Wait a minute,
don't leave yet.

-It's monday.
I served out my sentence.

-Yeah, I know you did.

I just want you
to promise me something.

-That you won't go back
to that liquor store.

-Fine, I won't go back.
Are you happy?

-[Door slams]


-[All cheering]


Are you going to play today?

-No. I, uh--
I hurt my trigger finger.

-Really? How?

-Uh, surfing.
Another harry wipeout.

-Do you want one?
-Mmm, yeah, sure.

Anyway, I was on my way
to the beach.

You want to come?

-Nah, I'd rather
hang here with my friends.

See you around.

-See ya.


-Get me backup
at beachfront liquor
on the strand!

-[Boys grunting]

-Come on!
Here come the cops!

-Hey, hey, knock it off!

-Don't let them see you.

-All right, all right,
break it up.

Fun's over.

Fun's over!
Hold on.

They broke my window.

-[Siren wailing]

-You were out there first.
Did you see what happened?

-Well, i--
-who started it?

I want to know
every detail.


First tony chose andy out
for throwing a beer
last week.

Then andy said
he was mad 'cause I beat him
at "street fighter ii."

And then they both
started throwing things.

It was outrageous.

They're both being arrested.

-Come on, let's go.


Take it easy.
-Watch it.

-Hey, let go of me!

Let go of me!
What do you want?

-I hear you saw
what went down with me
and that sleazeball tony.

-Not really, I didn't.
-Yeah, you did.

You saw it all!
You saw tony run out there
and jump me for no reason.

-But i--
-and when the cops
ask you about it,

That's what you're going
to tell 'em, right?

-But I wasn't supposed
to be there.

-But you were there.

And now you're going
to be my witness.

Or the next time
you play "street fighter ii,"

It'll be with your elbow.

-Who asked her
to put the black ball up?

Hey, what's the idea
with black balling us?

-It's time to turn the water
over to the swimmers.

-What swimmers?
There's no one here yet.

-Yeah, well,
they'll be here soon.

-Summer, what is with you?

-What do you care?

-I thought we were friends.

-Yeah, well, a friend
doesn't ask you out
on a date

And then
totally humiliate you
in front of everyone.

-What are you talking about?

-The surf competition.
We had a date,

And you took off
with daisy may.

-You thought when I asked you
to come to the contest,

It was a date?

-Oh, and is that so far fetched
that you would ask me out
on a date?

-No, it's just--
-you're getting sand
all over my towel.

Would you mind leaving?

-Hey, little champ.
How you doin'?

I hear you've been talking
to that creep, andy.

And now you're going
to tell the cops
I jumped him.

-I'm not going
to tell the cops anything.

I didn't see anything.

-Oh, really?

You know, heather told me
you saw it all.

See, I need you
to be my witness.

-Your friends can say
what happened.

-The police will believe you.

You tell them you saw andy
trying to steal my board.

And when I caught him,
he att*cked me first.

-We're clear on that?

-All right.

-Cindy, would you do
me a favor?
Finish this report

And get it to
lieutenant holden? Thanks.
Hey, jim.


-Hey, dad.

-What's going on?

-Just waiting here.

How's it going?
-Uh, busy.

Um, something you want
to talk about?

-Nah, I just thought
I'd wait here for a while.

-Say, mitch,
you have a minute?

-Yeah, sure.
-Hello, hobie.

How's it going?

Glad to hear it.

Listen, your people
have their ears to the wind.

Heard any bluster
about a fight yesterday

Outside beachfront liquor?
Couple of teenage boys
going at each other.

-No, no, I haven't
heard a thing.

I'll ask around, though.
What's the deal?

-Well, each one
says the other started it.

Parents want
to press charges,

Threatening to
sue each other,

Threatening to
sue the liquor store

For having video games.
It's a mess.

-You know anything
about that fight?

-You made me promise
not to go there.

-Hobie was in
that liquor store last week
playing video games.

-Hobie, you know
a couple of kids
named tony valentino

And andy van pelt?

-I don't think so.

-Well, that's good.
You stay away from that place.

It's nowhere to hang out.
Listen, you hear anything,

Let me know, huh?

-Okay, see you guys.
-See ya.

-You sure
you don't know anything
about that fight?

-Why does everyone
think I'm supposed
to know everything?

I wish you'd
just all leave me alone.

-I'll be at the beach!

-♪ I had nothing to do last night

♪ Thinking about my life

♪ Thinking about the good times ♪

♪ And how we survived

♪ It's been many a year since then ♪

♪ But I still remember when ♪

♪ How I wish that I could
go back there once again ♪

♪ I'm looking back and longing for

♪ Days of sunshine and ocean breezes

♪ Those memories remain
days of summer sun and golden beaches ♪

♪ Living on in a picture frame
days of sunshine and ocean breezes ♪

♪ I will remember all my life

♪ Now I'm living my life today

♪ Tryin' to make it pay ♪

♪ Holding on to memories of yesterday ♪

♪ I'm looking back and longing for

♪ Days of sunshine and ocean breezes

♪ Those memories remain
days of summer sun and golden ♪

-Drop in any old time.

-♪ Living on in a picture frame
days of sunshine and ocean breezes ♪

♪ I wanna live those days again
days of summer sun and golden beaches ♪

♪ I will remember

♪ Days of sunshine and ocean breezes

♪ Those memories remain
days of summer sun and golden beaches ♪

♪ Living on in a picture frame
days of sunshine and ocean breezes ♪

-Excuse me, hi.

I know you know
there's no drinking
of alcohol on the beach.

And besides,
you're under age.

-Oh, not according to my i.d.

-Look, just put
the tequila away

And keep your phony i.d.
In your wallet.

-We won't go in the water.

Because drunks
make lousy swimmers.

-Aren't you the one
that had that phantom date
with slade?

-That was a misunderstanding.

Don't let this be, okay?

Take another sip
of that margarita

And I'm gonna pour it out
and cite you.

-No, you won't.

Look, you already
made a fool of yourself
at the surf competition.

You don't want
to do anything else
to make more enemies.

School can be
a very lonely place

When no one
will talk to you.

You don't want that,
do you?

-Just don't go
in the water, okay?

I don't want
to have to pull you out.

-I forgot your name.


-How precious.


I live on the largest
horse ranch in malibu.

It has a private beach.

The day you have to
pull me out of the water

Is the day
the ocean freezes over.

Come on, let's go.

-Don't go in the water.
You're drunk.

-I've got these boys
to look after me.

-Heather's coming.

Tell me when she's close.


-So then slade said
I'm a much better surfer
than he was at my age.

-Hey, heather.

Want to build
a sand castle with us?

-No, thanks.
Tony wants to see you.

-I gotta get home.

-He said to meet him
where the homeless sleep
under the pier

Or he's going
to come to my house.

And he said
to meet him alone.

-This is quinn
in tower 26.

I've got multiple victims
caught in a riptide.

I need immediate backup.

Don't try to swim in!

Swim sideways.



-[Siren wailing]

-[Both coughing]

-Take the can!

-[Siren wailing]

-Oh, god. Oh, god.

-[Siren continues]

-It's all right.
I got her.

-I got a pulse!

-Okay, okay.
Spit it out, come on.

You're all right.

You okay?

She been drinking?

-Yeah. I warned her
not to go in the water.

-She's lying!

-Come on, you all heard me,
didn't you?

-She saw we were drinking
and she didn't even try
to stop us!

-You realize that girl
just saved your life,
don't you?

-It's her job!

-Look, I knew
she was drinking.

I should have stopped her,
but I didn't.

I just warned her
not to go in the water.

-Just like
you had a date with slade?

You're a liar
and everyone knows it.

she's telling the truth.

The lifeguard warned her
not to go in the water.
I heard it.

And we did have a date.
I'm the one who blew it.

-Looks like the ocean
just froze over.

psst! Over here.

This way.

-Where are you?

-[Pier creaking]

-Come on, let's go.

Over here.

Now it's time for you
to make up your mind

Whose side you're on.


-So what's it gonna be?
Him or me?

-I'm telling you, mitch--

I talked to
the liquor-store owner
10 minutes ago.

Hobie fits the description
of the kid who witnessed
the fight.

-If he was there,
I swear I'll ground him
for a year.

Landon, do you have any idea
where hobie is?

-My old man gave me this.

You don't do what I say,
you're going to get worse
from me.

-[Pier creaking]

-Ah! Ah!

Paul, go get him!

-[Siren wailing]

there he is.

-I'm borrowing your truck!

-You got it.

-You all right?

-Dad, I'm sorry,
I disobeyed you.

I went to the liquor store
after you told me not to

And now those guys
are after me.

It's okay.

Hobie, I know
you saw the fight.

Everything is going to be okay
if you just tell the truth.

-That's just it!
I didn't see anything.

I just told heather I did
so she would think
I was cool.

-It's okay, man.
It's okay.

-Mom, did you make
many friends in high school?

-Not many.
-Was it awful?

-No. But it's not
how many friends you make.

It's how many friends
you keep.

-Garner said I have to
testify against andy
and his friends

About what happened
under the pier.

-He's right.

-All because
I didn't listen to you.
-Right again.

-Now you're probably
going to ground me.

You are batting 1,000.

-I don't get it.

How come when
you know something is wrong,

Sometimes you still
do it anyway?

-That's a good question.

I think a lot of it
has to do with peer pressure.

Being afraid that
you're not going to fit in.

-So how do you stop?

-You gotta ask yourself
a question.

"What's more important?

"That all my friends
like me,

Or I like myself?"

-Yeah, I guess friends
come and go.

But you've got to live
with yourself.

-Not only that--
I gotta live with you.

-Yeah, but parent pressure
is a lot worse

Than peer pressure.
-No way.

Because whatever you do...

I'll always love you.

-I love you too, dad.


'Cause this is the last time

You're allowed
to boogie board for a month.

-Wait, dad!
Dad, that's not fair!

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