03x03 - Tequila Bay

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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03x03 - Tequila Bay

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of surrenders
in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready
♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear
♪ no don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh

♪ I'll be ready
♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear
♪ no don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here


"Tequila bay"

Down to the next order
of business,

Our policy on string bikinis.

All those in favor say, "aye!"


The definition of buttocks
is as follows.

"The protuberance
at the rear of the human body

From the uppermost cleavage
of the nates."

What are nates?

-These are nates.

To the lowermost curvature
of said protuberance.

-Are we all clear on that?

If you see any portion of skin
fitting that description,

Contact mitch immediately!

No, it's a $50 fine.


And now
for my last announcement.

I would like to announce
that this will be

My last announcement
at our morning briefings.


From now on, if you have
any problems with scheduling,

Health insurance,
your love life--

Boring as it may be--

Contact the new
supervising lieutenant.

The county finally sprung?

What beach was he from?

Your guess is as good as mine.

All I know
is the second he shows up,

My feet are back in the sand
permanently, where they belong.

Okay, everybody, that's it.
Have a great day.

And wear lots of sun block.

It's going to be
over 100 out there.

Summer, you are going to observe
here at headquarters with ben.

This guy knows more
about lifeguarding

Than anybody I know.

Summer, I'm gonna show you
how to wrestle an octopus.

-Have a good one.
-Yeah, you too.

Matt, how'd you like
to go surfing today?

You're kidding me?

You can surf, can't you?

It's one of the things
I do the best.

You ever surf tequila bay?

Too many worms in that bottle.

Yeah, local worms who think
they own the beach.

Put a couple of surfers
from the valley

In the hospital yesterday.

Nobody's talking
to any of the lifeguards.

We thought maybe you could get
a couple names.

Yeah, why not?

Name that worm.

Just don't let them play
pinochle on your snout.

We leave in five minutes.

When is it my turn to drive?

If and when you make it
out of rookie school.

Come on. I've been racing
muscle boats since I was 12.

Well, that was a long time ago,
wasn't it?

How old are you? 17?

How old are you?

Old enough to separate
the men from the boys.


There's tequila bay.

Just gonna pull around the point
and drop you off.


Now, remember, you're not
a lifeguard yet, so no heroics.

The first sign of trouble,
just activate this transmitter

And I'll come get you.

[Speaking foreign language]


I said,
"I can't wait for trouble."

Who's that guy?

Where'd you come from?

Hawaii. Paddled the wrong way.

What are you doing here?

I usually surf
when no one's out.

So, are you one of the sh**t?

Never heard of 'em.

They claim they own these waves.

Waves belong
to whoever's on them.

This plug goes there.

And this one goes there.

Oh, no.

Summer, can you get
mitch on the phone?

He's in the garage.

Will you ask him to come up here
right away, please?

Now I see why they call this
an octopus.


Ben! Ben, how are you?

Hanging on like a barnacle.

But you--just look at you.

At me or at my uniform?

Hey, ben! Summer said...

Hello, mitch.

Not much has changed around here
in three years.

Certainly not you.

Still fluffed and buffed.

I realize how awkward this is.

If I'd known I was going to be
transferred to baywatch,

I never would have accepted
this assignment.

It's not too late
to change your mind.

You're good at that.

I worked hard
for this promotion.

Do what you want.

I'm sure you will anyway.



It took him a long time
to get over you.

Caution emergency vehicle

Are you all right?

Feel like bogart
in "casablanca."

Of all the beaches
in all the towns

In all the world,
she has to walk into mine.



Am I on the wrong side
or are you?

this is the men's locker room.

The women's locker room
is on the other side.

Oh, sorry.

I'm stephanie holden.

I'm subbing for jill
while she's on vacation.

Oh, um--

I'm mitch buchannon.

Welcome to baywatch.

Thank you.

[Romantic music playing]

♪ Somehow I never knew

♪ A love could be so true

♪ I searched heaven and earth

♪ For you

♪ What I felt in my heart

♪ It was you right from

♪ The start

♪ Once upon a time

♪ I saw you in my mind

♪ I searched heaven and earth

♪ For you

♪ Like an angel from above

♪ You filled my life with love

♪ My stars, moon and sun

♪ You are the only one

♪ And please don't deny

♪ That as the years go by

♪ Whether joy or in sorrow

♪ I will love you tomorrow

♪ We'll always hold onto

♪ Those memories of our lives

♪ I heard it in a song

♪ And then you came along

♪ I searched heaven and earth

♪ For you

♪ A gift that came along

♪ The melody to my song

♪ I searched heaven

♪ And earth

♪ For you


Hey, that's my board!

I don't know you.

Off our waves
or we'll drown you.

Hey, I'm not done surfing yet.

Look, we don't want any trouble.

All I want is my surfboard back.

Finder's keepers.

Yours, too.


Kmf295 from baywatch rescue 1

Receiving emergency transmission
from matt brody.

Responding code 3.
Request immediate backup.



Come on, guys! Let's book it!

Let's jettison!

You're going belly up, man!

You know, have to keep this on
till it wears out and falls off.

Just make sure you don't cut off
my circulation.

according to a lot of women

I've met on the beach,
I already have.

And they're not at all happy
about it.

What can I say?

What can I say?

You don't have to say anything.

-What are you thinking about?
-I'm not.

I'm not thinking.

What would you be thinking
if you were?

I'd be thinking...

That this whole thing
has gotta be crazy

'Cause the ink on
my divorce papers is barely dry.

Is this a ricochet romance?

-Did I get you on the rebound?

No, you stole me at mid-court.

I did, huh?

Well, what am I supposed to do
with you now?

I don't know.
Do some fancy dribbling

And slam dunk.

To win the game?


Send it into overtime.

Sounds exciting.

Wait till the playoffs
this weekend.


One on one in catalina.

View of the harbor,
balcony under the stars.

First one to score 20 wins.

You're on.

What about hobie?

He'll be with his mom
till monday.

So what about a practice game
right now?

Okay, summer. Here you go.


So the one guy
almost decapitates you

With a surfboard.
Then what happens?

Then we go at it.

You've got their descriptions.

Why don't you just bust them?

It's only as*ault
if they initiated the fight.

We didn't start it.

Who threw the first punch?

Well, I guess I did.

You know, it's like
if a big wave is coming

And you want to get it
before it gets you.

obviously it was self-defense.

I'm sure it was,
but the district attorney

Is going to ask
that same question.

Hey, there's a lot of risk
in the ocean.

If it's not these sh**t,
then it's something else.

It doesn't really matter.

I'm out of here. Later, man.

I'm going to need a phone number

And an address
where I can reach you.

No phone.
The address is 853 d-t-s.

-Is that a street?
-License plate.

Don't worry.

You'll be able to find them
wherever the surf is happening.

You should pull in the tube
or you're gonna get worked.

Um, hi.

Yeah, I just kind of always
wanted to learn how to surf.

Maybe you should try it
in the water sometime.

Oh, this is yours?

I'm sorry. I hope
I didn't do anything to it.

That was a pretty heavy wipeout,

But it looks like
it's going to be okay.

You a lifeguard?

Well, I just made it
through the qualifying swim,

But rookie school doesn't start
for another week.

My name's summer.

The ultimate california girl?

Yeah, I wish.

Me and my mom just moved out
here from pittsburgh.

-What's your name?

That's it? Just slade?


It's nice to meet you, summer.



Maybe you could teach me
how to surf sometime.

Sounds like a plan.

Look, I understand all that,

But this isn't just personal.

If we can't work together,

We can disrupt
the entire headquarters.

Don, you're the chief now.

You can assign anybody
anywhere you want.

Now, I'm telling you,
it's her or me.


Yeah, I'll be right there.

there's someone at the door.

I gotta go.

Ball's in your court.
You know how I feel.


Can I come in?


So, how's hobie?

I'd love to see him.

He caught a summer cold.
He's sleeping.

So, are you dating anybody
in particular?

Why are you here?

Why am I here?

I'm here because...

Because I know it must be hard

To have someone
you practically trained

Wind up as your boss.

You're not my boss.

You're responsible
for headquarters.

I'm responsible for the beach.

That is not entirely accurate.

But the point is is that I've
invested too much of my career

To walk away from this job.

Thought that was your style.
"Walk away."

I'm sorry, mitch.

I know that I hurt you,

But believe me,
it was the only way.

there are a lot of other ways

To end a relationship

Besides shoving a note
under a door.

I didn't want it to end.

Then why the hell would you
leave me at the ferry?

It couldn't have worked, mitch.

I did what was best
for both of us.

Oh, what difference
does it make anyway, huh?

It's water under the bridge.

Mitch, how long did you wear
that bracelet after I left?

What bracelet?

The one I tied on your wrist.

Oh, yeah, that bracelet!

I cut if off
and threw it away the next day.

-You cut it off?
-Yeah. Snip.

I found it in your desk drawer.

What the hell are you doing
going through my desk?

It's not cut, mitch.
It's worn through.

So I snagged it on some rocks
while I was scuba diving.

What are you doing
going through my desk?

It means a lot to me that
you've kept it all these years.

I threw it away
in a junk drawer.

It's a friendship bracelet,

Can't we at least be friends?

Look, it's kind of late,
and, uh...

I don't want to wake up hobie.

Tell him "hi" for me.

[Dramatic music playing]

♪ I think you must be
part of me ♪

♪ It's not hard for me

♪ To let myself fall

♪ What we've got right here

♪ Is all I need

♪ You and open sea

♪ Let's call the rest off

♪ I want you all to myself

♪ Let's watch the waves

♪ While we have the time

♪ Baby there's nobody else

♪ I want this close in my life

♪ Oh the outside world
can wait ♪

♪ We got each other
and that's okay ♪

♪ No matter our luck

♪ 'Ll always look up

♪ This moment's enough

♪ With my summer love

♪ I can make the sky
light up for you ♪

♪ If you want me to

♪ I'll do it all

♪ I want you all to myself

♪ Let's watch the waves

♪ While we have the time

♪ Baby there's nobody else ♪

Body glove

Hey, there's something wrong
with that guy!

He's in trouble!

He went down around here.

Mitch, he's having some
sort of a seizure.

-Hold him up.
-I got him.

Let's get him in.

Make sure he sees his own doctor
before you release him.


I need a blank major
incident report, please.

Or would you rather
I fill it out?

I'll do it.

We worked together
pretty well out there.

You're a good lifeguard.

Care to put that in writing?

Chief thorpe just informed me

That in order
to remain at baywatch

You have to give me
a letter of endorsement.

This time I guess
you get to decide

If I stay or if I leave.

Letter of endorsement requires
you to state specific reasons.

Before I give mine,
I want to know yours.

Why didn't you come to catalina?

Why'd you leave?

Because I was married.

We'd been separated
for two months

When I met you.

And the night before catalina,
he came to see me

And pleaded with me
to take him back,

To give our marriage
another try.

I'd seen the pain
that you'd gone through

With your divorce

And I figured that
it was worth saving.

Turns out that I was wrong.

We got divorced a year ago.

You should have told me.

I know.

I know,
I just couldn't face you.

And then I wanted to call and...

The longer I waited,
the harder it got.

And then it was just too late.

I gotta get back to my tower.

Wait. Mitch. Mitch.

If you can't give me
that letter of endorsement,

I'll understand.

But I hope that someday
you'll be able to forgive me.

I should never even
have told you guys

That guy came back here.

Yeah, well, you did,
so shut up about it.

But barbed wire?

That could slice him up
pretty bad.

That's the whole point.

This is our beach.

Our water!

If we don't defend it,
we're going to have jellyfish

Like him all over the place!

That guy comes back again,

He's gonna be chum
for the sharks.

Body glove

Catalina island ferry

Paperwork at this hour?

Well, you're up early.

What is it with you
beach people?

Why do you insist on waking up

At this ungodly hour?

So you pavement people
don't bother us.

Yeah, well, you bother us.

Besides, it's way too early

To take down
four tequila sh**t.

I thought you didn't have
enough evidence

To bust those surf punks.

I don't, but I figured
you could help me get some.

If you're not too busy
pushing your pen.

This can wait.

Let's do it.


Look, just concentrate
on everything I told you,

And just try to become
part of the wave.

You'll be fine.

Don't worry about them.
They're after me.

Man, what's the deal with you?

Are you like a head case

Or are you just real stupid?

Look, I'm a los angeles county

We don't want any trouble here,

Yeah, well, then why you come
looking for it?

We didn't. We came to surf
and this is a public beach.

This is our beach!

You want a piece of me?
Let's take it out there.

Just the two of us.

Loser disappears,
never shows his face here again.

Summer, take my van
and get out of here.

No, I'm gonna stay as a witness.

Then watch what happens
to your boyfriend.

-Let's go.
-Let's go, buddy.

Off the point.

Off the point.


Get a scarab out here.

Kmf295, we need the scarab
at tequila bay.


Here, give me your hand.

Don't come too close.

It's sharp.
It's wrapped behind me.

Give me your hand.

He's caught on barbed wire.

Grab the can.


Run me by him!

-I can't get loose.
-It's okay.

We'll get you out. Just hang on.

-I got the wire cutters.
-Do it!

-I think matt's got him.

Get a chopper out here!

There's one on the way!

Here's a present for you.

I'll see you around, lifeguard.

What I said about
becoming part of the wave,

This isn't what I meant.

It's okay, man. Come on.

Didn't I tell you
to stay away from my desk?

I suppose the real question
is how far away?

Over there?
Or on some other planet?

Is that going to be a letter
of endorsement or rejection?

Do you mind?

Run out of venom?

I think it's only fair
that you read this

Before I send it
to chief thorpe.

I don't want to get
to close to your desk.

Go on. Read it.

"With regards to lieutenant
stephanie holden's

Permanent assignment
to baywatch headquarters,

I find it impossible not to"--

"I find it impossible
not to endorse

Lieutenant holden

She's one of the most
talented and dedicated

I've ever worked with,

And will be a valuable addition
to this headquarters."

Oh, mitch.

Welcome to baywatch.

Thank you.

[Music playing]

[Theme music playing]
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