03x02 - River of No Return: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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03x02 - River of No Return: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme song]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ The edge of surrender's
in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's going to be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready
♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ No

♪ I'll be ready ♪
♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here


"River of no return part 2"

No! No! Oh, no!


Okay, guys,

We're coming up
to class-4 rapids.

Put your helmets on.


-Here you go. Here you go.

Come on, you guys!


Come on!

Okay, all forward.

Forward hard.

Whoa! Whoa!


Whoa, ho!


-All right.

We made it!


All right!

-Hey, quit splashing!


There's lollipop tree.

Oh, wow.

That really does look
like a lollipop.

What's the next verse?

♪ Near the "x"
down in the clearing ♪

♪ On the way to devil's mouth

♪ It was lost and gone forever

♪ Where the river's
heading south ♪

All forward!


Get down! Get down!
Now! Let's go!

Behind the rocks. Come on.


Come on, come on. Go! Go!

Get up. Yeah. Yeah.


Do what you're told
and nobody gets messed up.

Have the boy bring
the song sheet over here!

No way!

It's those dredgers.
I told you they were lowlifes.

They got to be the guys
who ransacked alex's cabin.

They must have been following us
all along.

Damn it, they have shauni.

We'll get her. We'll get her.

I'll bring you what you want!

First, let the girl go!

No! The boy brings it.

Or we'll throw her in the river!

I'll go, dad.

No, you won't.
Get down. Get down!

Mitch, come on, man.
We got to do something.

All right.

Take off your jacket and helmet.

Here's what I want you to do.

I'll bring it to you!

Watch her and keep her covered.
I'll get the map.

Right there.

This is what you want.
Now let her go!

I'll let her go, all right!

[Music intensifies]

I'll blow her head off, I swear!




[Water splashes]

[Water bubbles]

[Water splashes]

Hobie! Hurry up!

Get in.

Grab a paddle.

Here, dad.

All right, come on.

Come on, eddie.


Row hard! Now!

They hit the raft!
We're losing air!

Come on, let's go!




Well, honey, what do you think?

Well, I thought you got
the singing job.

I did, but it's like
a singing cocktail waitress

In a piano/sushi bar thing.

That's california.

-Mom, is it sleazy?
-Oh, no.

No, honey. A lot of the people
from malibu go in there.

But, mom,
I'm going to malibu high.

What if my friends' parents
go in there?

That is going to be
really embarrassing.

Like matt.
You know, the guy I met today?

His dad's a big hollywood writer

And they live in the colony.

Well, sweetie,
we don't, and I need a job.

Yeah, well, you know,

Lifeguarding pays $14 an hour
to start.

Sweetie, that's why
there are over 200 applicants

For 12 positions.


[Knock on door]

Oh, that's matt.

He came over to show me
some ocean techniques.


Swimming, mom.

Come on, I don't want him
to see you in this outfit.

Oh, but honey,
I want to meet him.

-No, no, no, no, no.

Okay! I'm going. I'm going.



How you doing?

I've been doing some thinking.

About us.

The thought of being without you
for a minute,

Let alone a year is--

I couldn't handle it.


Let me finish, okay?

And I love you.

I don't think I realized just
how much until I thought--

Until I thought
I might lose you.

I love you.

I want to marry you, shauni.

I'm not pregnant, eddie.

I was just late.

And after all the excitement--

you don't have to marry me.

You don't understand.

I want to marry you.

I want to have a family
with you.

I love you

And I want to spend
the rest of my life with you.

Are you sure?

Absolutely, positively sure.

Now, uh, this is a--

It's only temporary, so, uh--


C.j., Can we get back to town
from here?

No, we can't.

We have to go
down the river to auburn.

But when jim sees
that shauni isn't there,

I'm sure
he'll contact the sheriff

And they'll get a search party
out after us.

You think the patch is dry yet?

Should be.

What you been doing
in the bushes?

Go ahead. Tell him.

Oh, just getting engaged,


Oh, that's great.


-Thanks a lot.

-Yeah, I know.
-There you go!

Dad, hurry!

Hurry! I found the "x" tree!

What do those two trees
look like to you?

Those two right there?

♪ Near the "x"
down in the clearing ♪

♪ On the way to devil's mouth

♪ It was lost and gone forever

♪ Where the river's
heading south ♪

The river's heading south.
He's right.

That's the "x" tree.

What are we looking for?

Tammy's tree.

What's tammy's tree?

Tammy's tree
that's been cut down.

Got to be around here somewhere.



Dad! Tammy's tree! Right here!

Hurry up.

So now what?

Let me see that.

"Grind the ground
toward wilma's table."

-Wilma's table.
-Oh. Wilma.


Yeah, wilma's table.
It's got to be

Some sort of flat rock, right?

Flat rocks.
I saw some by the north fork.

Come on, let's go.

See, dad? It looks like a table
out of rocks.

"When you find it
and you've climbed it...

Teeter totter to and fro."


This has got to be it.

Slide it off.

And find the coffin.

And the golden light will glow!

-All right. Yeah.

One, two, three.

A little more. A little more.
Come on.

We found it! We found it!

You think you can leave here
from pennsylvania,

Come back, and not talk to me?

[Man and woman arguing]

Hi. Yes, 911?

My mom's ex-boyfriend
broke into our trailer

And we can't make him leave.

Yeah, my name's summer quinn

And we're at the paradise
cove trailer park.

Right. Number 34.

[Arguing continues]

Please send somebody quick.

-Admit it! Admit it!
-Okay, thank you. Bye-bye.

Jed. Just get out of here! Get!

I called 911.

Don't worry. The cops
should be here any minute now.

I ain't done anything illegal.

You know, they have
a stalking law

Here in california,
and they enforce it.

There's other kinds of laws

That apply to you and me,

You and me. And I enforce those!

Jed, just get out of here!
Get out of here!

Oh, god.

Oh, baby, I'm sorry.

[Suspense music plays]

[Engine starts]

Honey, why didn't you tell me
he was here?

I didn't want to upset you.

[Truck moves]

[Truck crashes]

Look out!

[Truck crashes]


Stop! Stop!




Why don't you leave her alone?

Summer! Let go of him!


-You're crazy, get away!


[Sirens approaching]

[Police radio chatter]

You okay?

This is getting to be a habit.

Oh, mom, say hi to matt brody.

Hi, matt brody.
Thank you so much.

- Enchante.

Mitch, I can't even see
the bottom of this thing.

I'm going down.

Haven't you seen indiana jones?

There could be booby traps
down there.

I'll be all right.

Besides, we can't come this far

Without checking it out now,

That's right. Here you go.

C.j., Get behind me, would you?

Here you go. All right.

-Good luck. All right.
-See you later.

Be careful, dad!

A little more.

Okay! I'm down!

He's down.

Dad, what's down there?

I don't know. It's...

Some sort of crypt or something.

Could be the tongs!

Is there a coffin?


Do you see the boot?

Not yet!

I just see a lot of, uh,

Artifacts and, uh...

Other things.

You don't think
it could really be

Booby-trapped down there,
do you?

No, hobie.
That only happens in the movies.

I found it.

I found it! I found it!

He found it!

It's got to weigh
50 or 60 pounds!

It's unbelievable!

You guys got any idea
what that sucker's worth?

It's probably worth millions.
The boot's legendary.

We're rich! Yeah!

I'm tying it to the rope.

Get ready to pull it up.

All right.

All right. It's all tied.

Pull her up!

Oh, man.

-Here it comes.

-All right!
-Oh, my god.


Look at this thing.

Toss the rope back down.

All righty.

All right, it's coming down!

It's coming, dad!


Leave the rope
right where it is.

All right. Give it here.

You want to see how far an arrow
can go through flesh, boy?



Push it! Come on, push it.

I don't want old hot pockets
every getting out of here!

He'll suffocate.

Your old man's
already in his tomb, boy.

The nugget's what you're after.
Just take it and go.

Yeah, and I suppose
you won't tell nobody, will you?

Damn it.

[Water dripping]


We seen how much you like
river rafting.

We're going to send you all off
in your raft.

Tie her up first.


Quiet, everybody!

Hold it right there.

Sheriff, my dad--
he's trapped in the tomb.

We got to get him out.

Tomb? What kind of tomb?

The tongs,
they buried the boot there.

See? We found it.

Listen, sheriff,
you can arrest these two men

For attempted m*rder
and kidnapping.

So someone's finally
found the boot.

Good job, boys.

Lonnie, take it to the kayak.

And the four of you
may join me at the raft.

[Digging noises]

[Water gushes in]

Ho! Whoa!


So long!



So long!

That current will sweep them
right into devil's mouth.

Just try and untie my hands.

I can't get it.

Lonnie, put it in the kayak.

Good work, boys.

You boys going to be rich
real soon.

Where do you want us
to meet you, sheriff?

I'll meet you in auburn.

All right.

Come on, I'll give you a hand.


Okay, now. See you soon.



What the--

What's wrong with him?

Hey, wait a minute!

He knows how to kayak.
Something's wrong out there.

Stop him!

The gold is in the kayak.
Stop him!

We're headed
towards devil's mouth.

Everybody go left!

Lean right!


Dad, hurry!



-You all right?

All right.

Untie shauni and eddie.


Everybody put your helmets on,

Everybody get down!

Hang on!

Everybody out of the boat!
Hold the rocks!

Let's go! Go, now!

-Are you okay?


Where's the boot?

Right there.

It's in the kayak?

It's in the kayak.


Hey, mitch.

Just got word
they picked up chen

And those dredgers--
in washington.

Looks like they were trying
to row up the chilliwack river.


I'm going to have to go back
and testify.

They're being indicted
for m*rder

And kidnapping charges.

You don't have
to be intimidated.

Don't worry. I'll testify.

I mean warming up here
all by yourself

Away from those younger,
stronger swimmers

Whose only goal in life
is to beat you out of a spot.

They don't intimidate me.


is the most important thing.

Besides, you'll only have
to finish in the top 20

To re-qualify.

-Hey, clint.

Snuck a look at the list.
Quinn is number ten.

-He's number ten?

All right, let's go and
check his shoulders. Come on.

Let's see if we can find
this clown.

-Hi, matt.
-Hey, summer.

there's a couple in trouble.

I think you better go
and check them out.

Oh, okay. Thanks.

Number ten?


You're bobby quinn?

Well, roberta.
But everybody calls me summer.

[Music playing]

All right! Listen up!

You will swim
around the first buoy.

And then around the second buoy.

Then you will come
through the checkered flag.

When you reach
the checkered flag,

You will be given
an ice cream stick.

Do not lose it!

It has the order
of your finish on it.

This year
the first 20 will qualify.

Hey! Hey!

Just let them
trample each other.

Pace yourself.


Ready? On three! One...


[Music playing]

[Music continues]

[Music continues]

[Music fades]

[Mitch laughs]

Welcome home.

Come here.

I knew you could do it.

[Music playing]

♪ I waited so long
just to find you ♪

♪ As I search for words to say

♪ Just how thankful
now I am to ♪

♪ Share my life with you today

♪ You're all I've ever wanted

♪ Everything
that I could ever need ♪

♪ Ohhh all I've ever wanted

♪ Now you're here

♪ Right in front of me

♪ With a grateful heart
you know I take thee ♪

♪ Proudly yours
I pledge my love ♪

♪ You're the angel
here to save me ♪

♪ Sent from heaven up above

♪ You're all I've ever wanted

♪ Everything
that I could ever need ♪

♪ Ohhh all I've ever wanted

♪ Now you're here

♪ Right in front of me

♪ Ohhh

♪ You and me
we'll redefine forever ♪

♪ In my arms
is where you're gonna be ♪

♪ Babe you know
we'll overcome together ♪

♪ Anything cause
this is destiny ♪

♪ Ohhhh

♪ You're all I've ever wanted

♪ Everything
that I could ever need ♪

♪ Ohhh all I've ever wanted ♪

How long do you think
eddie and shauni

Will stay in australia?

At least a year.

But the lifeguard competition
is going to be held

Down there next year.
Maybe we'll go see them.


Maybe if the boot
hadn't gone down under,

We'd go there on a big,
gigantic, luxurious yacht.

Well, hobster, sometimes
you lose something

That seems irreplaceable,

Only to have something even
better come along in its place.


If we got really rich,

Would you still be a lifeguard?


How come?

Well, I'm too young to retire,

And I can't think
of any other job

I'd rather have.

Yeah. Me, too.

Wait a minute.
You don't have a job.

being your son is a lot of work.


Yeah. You get shot at.

You go down waterfalls.

Your dad gets trapped
in a crypt.

And plus...

You got to wear these
really stupid penguin suits.

I'm going in.

You're not going in.

Yes, I am.

You're not going--
you're not going in.

Hey! That tuxedo is a rental!

Come here!

No, no! Come here!

[Ending music]
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