03x01 - River of No Return: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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03x01 - River of No Return: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme song]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's going to be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ No

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here


"River of no return, part i"

Where'd he go?

There he is! Get on him!
Come on, row!

We got to get him
before he reaches honson.

He's headed for devil's mouth.

Crazy old motchbag.
Well, catch him!

No way, man.
That run's a widow-maker.

Shut up bushwat!

-Hurry up!
-All right!

-We're losing him!
-You got it!

Push it!

Get me close!

Can't you keep
this damn thing steady?

We're on the rapids.
What do you want from me?

That's it! A little closer!

Steady. Steady.


Damn it.

He's gone into devil's mouth!

-Yeah, I want to see this!

There he goes.

[Music playing]

♪ Sunsets over the ocean

♪ It makes way for the moon

♪ Feels like heaven
but from way up here ♪

♪ It's a hell of a view

♪ I got my head in the clouds

♪ I just don't know what to do ♪

♪ Point your head
to the stars above ♪

♪ It's a hell of a view

♪ It ain't the worst thing
that I could do ♪

♪ Don't you know it
don't you ♪

♪ Don't you

♪ This is the first thing
I wanna do ♪

♪ Don't you know it
don't you ♪

♪ Don't you
it's a hell of a view ♪

♪ It's a hell of a view

♪ Feels like heaven

[Women shouting]



It's a tough job, huh, big guy?

That's why you assigned yourself
this tower this morning, huh?

I just thought I'd remind myself

Of what I'd be missing when
the onslaught of summer starts.

Wait a minute,
I thought we were getting

A new supervising lieutenant
to run the headquarters

So you could work the beach?

Not yet.
Not until the budget's approved.

Shauni, you still feeling sick?

Why don't you take
the afternoon off?

No, I'm feeling much better.

I think it was the shrimp
I ate last night.

You've been sick ever since
chief thorpe picked me to go

To australia for a year in
the lifeguard exchange program.

Go. I'm sure a very cute
australian lifeguard

Could take your place
here just fine.

Oh, really?
You'd go crazy without me.

Listen, we got
to get out of here.

I'm at tower 14 right next door.

If you need any help
in the water,

You just let me know,
and I'll be right here. See you.

Help me!

Buchannon, tower six.
I got a problem in my water.

I need full backup fast!

Oh, my god!


There's jellyfish out there!

Hurry! Sharon's there!

She's there! Hurry!


-It's all right.

Take her.
I'll get the other one.


You're going to be all right.

Come on, come on!

Yeah! Yeah!

All right, brody! You did it!

Double or nothing.

If you want to lose more money.

Okay, breast stroke!
On the blocks!

Brody, chandler, off the blocks.

The rest of you,
take your marks!



You champs need
additional motivation

To improve your times.

You better start thinking
about losing races

Instead of bets.

-Listening, chandler?
-This goes for you, too, brody.

We've got a swimmer transferring
to malibu high

Who's won every major meet
on the east coast.

Now, my money says bobby quinn

Will blow both of you
out of the water.

Hit the showers.

You ever hear of this guy quinn?

Big deal. He's won
all of the east coast meets.

Even you can win those,

So put your money
where your mouth is.

$200 Says my time's faster
in the lifeguard rookie test.

I'm not going out for it.

I thought your old man told you
to get a job this summer.

What the hell's better
than lifeguarding, huh?

You get to hang at the beach
all day, hustle the babes.

You can work on your tan
and get paid for it.

My old man won't notice
what I do.

Besides, I don't need the money.

I live at the beach

And I've got a girl who's
working on her an hustling me.

[Music playing]

Malibu high school
swim team locker room

There it is, mom!
We're finally here.

Summer, sit down!
Put your seat belt back on.

-Mom, look at the ocean--
-i know!

Come on, let's go swim in it.

No, honey, I want to get
to the trailer park,

And I want to get everything
settled before we do anything.

Mom, we've been driving
for five days.

A few minutes
won't make a difference.

Mom, look! There's
a parking lot. Pull in it!

Summer, sit down
before you fall out!

Oh, god, I got to learn
how to surf.

Summer! Okay, okay.
I'll pull into the parking lot

If you sit down, and only
if you promise to stay seated.

You are the best, mom.

You are going to be
the best singer in california!

Okay, now. Hold on, hold on.

Wait for me. Just wait a minute.

Okay, let's go. Be careful.

All right.
I'm going to race you!



Now, you know,
I hear that it's better

If you just jump
in all at one time.

Yeah, but I want
to remember everything

About my first time
in the ocean.


It's a whole
new beginning for us, honey.

Oh, it is.
He is 2,000 miles away

And he can't hurt
either one of us anymore.


My girl.

-Okay. Let's go!
-Let's go!



[Phone ringing]


[Phone ringing]


Dad, it's some sheriff
from a place called placerville.

He says it's about
your uncle alex.

Who's he?

I got a crazy old uncle
named alex

Who lives up
on the american river.

Thought he was a '49er
prospecting for gold.

Don't let
the chicken burn. Hello?

[Knock on door]

-Get that, will you?
-Yeah, sure.

-Hey, guys.

-How you doing?

Good. My dad's on the phone
with some sheriff.

Mr. Buchannon,
your name and number

Are on the last
will and testament

Identifying you as the sole heir

To alex buchanan,

Who drowned several days ago
in a river accident.

He drowned?

Yes. I'm sorry.

Well, that seems impossible.

I mean, my uncle knew that river
like the back of his hand.

this time he took his kayak

Over a class-five rapid

Into an area known
as the devil's mouth.

I see.

Well, I'll certainly make

Whatever funeral arrangements
are necessary.

The devil's mouth is connected
to an underground river,

And I'm afraid
anything or anyone

Trapped in it
is seldom if ever recovered.

Man, I wish I could go
to australia with you.

Eddie wants
to go by himself, hobie

He wants to have
the adventure of his life.


Hobie said that was a sheriff
on the phone. What's going on?

An uncle of mine just died.

-I'm sorry.
-No, it's okay.

Thanks anyway.

I haven't seen him
since I was a kid.

He left me in his will.

Really? What did he leave us?


Don't get too excited.
Uncle alex was always in debt.

It will probably
end up costing me money.

Would you do me a favor?
I'm going to have to go up there

And deal with this, could you
watch hobie for a couple days?

-Yeah, sure.
-Dad, why can't I go?

I've never been
to the gold-mining country,

And it would be cool to go.

-You want to go?

-Let's do it.
-All right.

Why don't you guys come along?

You know,
make a weekend out of it, huh?

Oh, hey, that would be great.

I love camping. How about you?
You want to go?

I don't know. Are you sure
you wouldn't rather go

-Without me?
-Aww, come on.

Of course I wouldn't.

Hey, dad, there's the river.

It's a thing of beauty,
isn't it?


Check that out.


She tipped over!

Yeah, but watch
how she recovers.

Ooh, beautiful.

Beautiful, beautiful.

-I'm talking about the river.
-Yeah, right.

Sure, dad.

Since your uncle's cabin now
belongs to you, mr. Buchannon,

I'm afraid you're responsible
for the cleanup.

Any leads
on who trashed this place?

I had a forensic team up
from sacramento.

No fingerprints, hair, blood--

No evidence whatsoever.

The cabin was apparently
ransacked after his death.

Doesn't make any sense.

Uncle alex prospected
for gold his whole life.

He never found
more than two nuggets.

What do you think
they were after?

Well, a week or so
before he died,

Alex was apparently drunk

And started bragging
that he found the boot.

The what?

The boot! The boot. Here.


It's the biggest gold nugget

Ever discovered
during the gold rush.

Here, see? The shape of a cowboy
boot and just as big.

It's worth millions,
and uncle alex found it?

I wouldn't count on it, hobie.

Uncle alex used to brag

That he found everything
from the lost dutchman mine

To the treasure of
the sierra madre. He was nuts.

Wait a minute. It says
the golden boot was stolen

During the tong wars. It hasn't
been seen since the 1850s.

It's supposedly buried
somewhere along this river.

I'm afraid that's just
a rumor that too many people

-Would like to believe.
-Well, maybe it's true.

Maybe he really
did find something this time.

I mean, why else would somebody
tear up his cabin like this?

I'm hoping
you'll be able to help

Answer that question,
mr. Buchannon.

Your uncle left you
something else in his will.

[Engine running]

That must be him.

Wonder what the sheriff
is telling him?

"I alex buchannon..."

Come on, dad. Read it out loud.

"I also bequeath
to my nephew mitch

All objects of value

Concealed in our secret spot,

Which is known only to him."

What secret spot, dad?

-Where is it?
-I have no idea.

Are you sure
you're not just trying

To keep it known
only to yourself?

Sheriff, last time I saw
uncle alex, I was hobie's age.

I have no idea
what he's talking about.

Well, maybe being back here
will trigger some old memories.

It's going to be dark
pretty soon.

You better get back into town.

Dad, I'd kind of like
to camp out here.

I never knew uncle alex,
or anything,

But it sure would be cool.

Sure, why not? It's okay, huh?

It's your property now.

We're going to stay in that cute
little bed and breakfast

-We saw in town.
-Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

No. I think it would be fun.
It would be romantic.

We could zip ourselves up
in a bag.

Zipping myself up in a bag
on the ground with insects

And spiders like that
crawling on me

Is not my idea of romance, okay?

I prefer a four-poster bed
at the inn we saw.

But you can stay
wherever you want.

See you guys.

Sorry. No campout.

Okay, wait up, guys.
I got to get the sleeping bags.


Historic sierra nevada house

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Where you going?

I'll be right back.



[Smooth jazz playing]



What are you doing?

-What's wrong?

You go in with a negligee

And you come out
with an attitude? What--

I don't have an attitude, eddie.

Shauni, awhile ago
you were kissing me

Like there was no tomorrow.

Yeah and if you go to australia,
there won't be, will there?

I see.

If I go to australia,

It will be for a year,
that's all.

Oh, that's all? Just a year.

A lot can happen
in less than a year, eddie.

If two people love each other,
they should be able to--


Be halfway across the world
from each other

And still stay committed?


Well, um--

I'm talking
about real commitment.

Hobe, I was just a kid.

You must remember something
about him.

Come on.

The thing I remember most
about uncle alex

Were his hands.

He had these big calluses
on both of his hands

From swinging picks and shovels.

He once told me the best way
to get rid of calluses

Is rubbing gold dust
between your hands.

Did he ever find any gold dust
when you came up to visit him?


One day we went downriver,

Panned for hours and hours.

All we got
was dirt, rocks, sunburn.

And I said, "come on,
let's go home. I'm tired."

He goes, "no, no. Wait.

At the end of the day--
get lucky at the end of the day.

One more time."

So I took the pan.
I put it in the river.

I swirled it around
and around and around.

Washed off all the water,

And there it was

In the bottom of my pan.

A gold nugget.

-Real gold?
-Real gold.

Now, I'm sure
uncle alex put it in there.

But it was real gold.


-Wait a minute.

Uncle alex said, "why don't
we take that piece of gold

And put it in a pouch
and hide it in a secret spot

So that no one ever, ever
steals that from you?"

-Did you find one?
-Yeah, we did.

I mean, I have no idea
where it is now.

I mean, that was years ago.
It was downriver someplace.

Well, come on!
Let's go look for it.

Maybe he hid the golden boot
there. Come on.

It's the middle of the night,
hobie. Sit down.

I tell you what,
tomorrow morning

When eddie and shauni get here,

We'll go downriver, and we'll
look for that secret spot.

-All right.
-Try it. It's ready.

-It's hot. Don't burn yourself.

Hey, hobie?

You're swirling it
too fast, son.

You got to scoop up
a pan of spring,

Come up straight up with it,

And get between you and the sun,

And swirl the slag off
nice and slow

Until you see gold
kicking up light.

Wow. Thanks.

You're welcome.

You got a name?

-Hobie buchannon.

Good name.

You and your old man planning
to go downriver today, are you?

I hope so. I don't know.

Hobie? Hobie, where are you?

I'm over here, dad!

Hey, hobie!

-What's going on?
-This guy's teaching me

How to pan for gold.

What guy?

He was here a second ago.

Come on,
let's get breakfast, huh?

Yeah, okay.

I told you
we were going to be late.

Honey, do I look all right?

This dress, is it too tight?

Mom, look how buff
these people are.

They've probably been swimming
in the ocean their whole life.

I never even saw it
until yesterday.

You know, I wore this dress
when I sang

At the city bowl lounge,
and it went over really big.

I might as well
not even sign up.

They're probably
going to hate it.

They're going to love it.

-You'll do great.
-Knock 'em dead.

Make new friends.

-Love you!
-Love you!

Okay, baby. Go get 'em.

Which one of these guys
is quinn?

I've been checking it out.
I don't think he showed up yet.

So, do you know how many rookies

They're going to take this year?

Ten. Maybe 12.

-That's it?

Well, how do they decide
who's going to--

They have testing, interviews--

Mostly it's just
the strongest swimmers

That are going to make it
in the rookie school.

But then only half of those
are going to make it out.

Hell, I knew it would be
sing or swim.


Suddenly everybody wants
to run off chasing their dreams.

Well, I chased mine
clear cross-country.

Now that I've caught it, I ain't
never letting it go, baby.

Jed, my mother doesn't want
to see you anymore.

Well, then
won't she be surprised?

Now, where'd you park
the trailer? Somewhere nearby?

Come on, I'll drive you.
We'll wait till she gets home.

Why don't you just
leave us alone?

-Hey, what's going on?
-Want me to butt in or out?


This has got
nothing to do with you.

It does now. It's got to do
with me and all my buddies here.

We'll back you up, man.

You tell jackie
I'm here to stay.

Who the hell is that dork?

That was
my mother's ex-boyfriend.

Thank you. My name's summer.

Matt brody.

Come on, dad. Let's go.

-Hey, jim.

-How are you, bro?
-Good to see you, man.

You sure you want to do this?

Why? You'd rather go
without me?

Would you stop saying that?

What if you, you know,
get sick again this morning?

Don't worry. I'll be fine.

You'll have a great time.

The southpark rapids are
some of the best you'll find.

Casey jean's
one of our best guides.

Great, because we're not
looking for class ones or twos.

We want threes,
fours, and fives.


[Saxophone playing]

What's that?

Casey's learning
how to play the saxophone.

[Saxophone continues]


Say, maybe you know her.

Casey was a beach lifeguard
in l.a.

Before she came to the river.

You said her name
was casey jean?


Is there
a lovesick moose around?


Oh, my god, mitch. I'm sorry.

I was just so surprised
to see you standing there.

Not as surprised as I was.

How are you, c.j.?

How's larry?

Mention that name again,
you're going back in the river.

Oh, no. Not again, huh?


How are you doing?

Never had a better day.

Good to see you, doll.

Okay, everybody gets a vest.

-Here you go.

Here, hobie. Get that.

C.j., It's beautiful up here.
You got to love it, huh?

I know. It's beautiful,
but I miss the beach.

You should come back
to baywatch.

Yeah, rookie swim
starts next week.

I'll get you a tower.

I guess there's nothing holding
me here anymore, is there?

Hobie, just make sure this
doesn't come up over your head.

-Is it on there okay?

Okay. Can you hand me my vest?

Yeah, sure.


Hey, were you kayaking
on troublemaker yesterday?

-Hey, yeah.

We saw you. You were awesome.

Thanks. A little practice

And you can be making moves
like that in no time.

-Let me give you a hand.
-I got it.

I know, these vests were not
designed for women.

There it goes.

So eddie's pretty cute.
How long you guys been together?

Um, two years next month.

Two years?

I've never made it that long.

You know, it seems like
until then you don't really

Have to worry about commitment.

Then you got
to pull it altogether

Or it just slips away.

I know.

What's with you and shauni?

It's this australian thing,
you know?

She's all upset about it,
but it's going to be all right.

It's going to work out.

So what's up with c.j.?
What's she all about?


Every two months the guy she's
been dating breaks her heart.

Apparently the latest dude,
larry, just dumped her.

Took everything she owned
except her saxophone.

-Oh, wow. That's brutal.
-Yeah, I know.

He left her with nothing.

No, I meant leaving her
with the saxophone.


Come on!

Come on, you guys, hang in.


All back!


Look out!


Okay, everybody!

Forward paddle!




That was great!

That was better than any
water park ride ever invented!

Yeah, it was fun.

Hey, you all right?

It was like a roller coaster.

Up and down, up and down.

Like most relationships.

I'm sorry
about last night, eddie.

I was, um--

You were what?

-Can we take a walk?

Sure. We'll be right back.


Hey, dad! That's the guy
that was teaching me

How to pan
for gold this morning!

Oh god. Stay away
from those guys, hobie.

They're just lowlife dredgers.

All they care about is gold,
and they don't care

If they screw up the river
looking for it.

-You don't want to know them.
-This is it.

-The secret spot?
-It's around here someplace.

Secret spot?
What are you talking about?

My uncle left me
something in his will.

It could be hidden
around here someplace.

Well, let's go look for it.

What's up?

You know how I've been nauseous
in the mornings lately?


Well, I'm also three weeks late.

Wait a minute.
Are you saying you're pregnant?

I don't know. Maybe.

How? How is that possible?
I thought we--

Nothing's foolproof, eddie.

I mean, sometimes even
the best precautions don't work.

I guess I should go back
to the cabin.

Hmm? What? I'm sorry. What?

I said, I guess I should go back
to the cabin.

I mean, if I am,
I probably shouldn't be rafting.


This is where I caught
my first fish with uncle alex.

Wait a minute.

Is this it?

-This is it.
-We found it!

Come on, dad. Hurry up. Open it.

Let's go. Pull her on up!

What is this?

There must be a map.

"In a cavern in a canyon
excavating for a mine,

Lived a miner,
forty-niner and--"

That's the lyrics to
"my darling clementine".

Uncle alex could never
remember anything.

So he'd always put things
down into song

Because he could always
remember lyrics.

-Hey, I know that song.
-Go for it.

♪ In a cavern, in a canyon

♪ Excavating for a mine

♪ Lived a miner, forty-niner

♪ And his daughter lollypop


It gets even weirder. Listen.

♪ Near the x
down in the clearing ♪

♪ On the way to devil's mouth

♪ It was lost and gone forever

♪ Where the river's
heading south ♪

♪ Angle inland
towards new england ♪

♪ To tammy's tree
that's been cut down ♪

♪ Grind the ground
towards wilma's table ♪

♪ If you're able
leap and bound ♪

It's about the boot. I know it.

"When you find it
and you've climbed it,

Teeter totter to and fro.

Slide it off and see the coffin,

And the golden light will glow."

It's got to be near.

You know, there's a tree
on a hill downriver,

And it's tall
and it has a round top,

And some people call that
the lollipop tree.

My darling lollypop!
Let's go there.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Eddie and shauni
aren't even back yet.

If we're going to go,
we have to leave right away.

Because that stretch
of the river rises fast

And it can get real hairy.

-I'll go get them, dad.
-All right.

Let's go.

Let's not tell anyone, okay?

I'd like to keep it
private for now.

All right, but I'm going
to go back with you.

No. Eddie.
I really need to be by myself.

We could both use
some time to think,

And you could probably use some
time with the guys anyway, okay?

Eddie! Shauni!

Come on, hurry. My dad found
the map to the treasure.

We got to go dig up the boot!

-Come on, let's go!
-All right, all right.

Jim knows exactly where you are.

He's going to four-one-one
here to get you,

And he has a phone, too.
So if you need him,

Just call him.
The number's on the back.

You be careful.

Damn, they're going
back on the river.

-Come on.
-Wait. Wait.

Be safe.

Don't fall out.


Come on, hobie. Let's go.

[Chatter continues]

See you later!

Bye, shauni!

Steady forward.

[Leaves rustling]

Good job, guys.



I'm over here!


Help! Help!

To be continued...

[Ending music]
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