02x17 - The Chamber

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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02x17 - The Chamber

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to
step into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to have somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrenders in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
outta my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear,
no, don't you fear ♪

♪ No don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
outta my sight ♪

♪ Oh

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear,
no, don't you fear ♪

♪ No don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here

-[Upbeat tranquil music]

-[Mitch laughing]

-I told you you waited
too long for this.

-Hey, I meant to
make that move, dude.

Someday they're gonna
call that a "buchannon"

In boogie board competition.

Hey, we gotta hustle.

I told ben I'd have
you ready to go by 10.

-Where's he taking me?

-Big surprise.


You know when mom was
here for the reunion?

Well, we sorta talked
about something.

-Well, what did you
sorta talk about?

-Whether or not I should
go to school back in ohio.

You know, just to avoid
all the confusion.

And then spending
summers with you.


She never said anything
to me about this, hobe.

-What do you think I should do?

-What do you wanna do?

-I don't know, I miss mom.

But if I go over
there, I'll miss you.

What do you want me to do?

-First thing I want you to
do, don't worry about it.

Come on, let's go.

-I'll talk to your mom about it.

We'll figure out
what's best to do.

Don't worry about it, huh?

-[Hobie and mitch laughing]

-Mike said you
were looking for me.

-Yeah, yeah sit
down, will ya, please?

-[Telephone ringing]

-Something wrong?

-Did you ever get to a point

Where you gotta make decisions

That are gonna change your life,

And you don't know if
you wanna make 'em?

-What kind of decisions?

-I got a letter from craig.

-Captain thorpe: ah,
how are they doing?

-Terrific, they got a
house in connecticut,

Law office in new york.

Oh, gina's pregnant.


That's terrific.

-He says he represents
seaquest divers

And they're looking
for a consultant/rep
to work california.

He's got a job
interview set up for me.

Says it pays double
what I'm making here.

-Could always count on old
craig to complicate matters.

-Yeah, but the big problem is

It means a hell of
a lot of traveling,

Which means I have
to leave hobie

With gayle during
the school year.

I have no idea what to do.

-You looking for an opinion
or just a sounding board?


-Why don't you
take a catalina run?

-You sure?

-Best way I know
to clear the head.


-[Swelling uplifting music]

-[Seagulls crying]

-Mitch, I just really think
that he'd be better off

If he lived with me full-time.

-No way.

-He could visit you
every other week.

-You can forget it!

-Can you just put your own
feelings aside for once,

And think about what's
best for your son?

-I am.

I always do.

You just can't handle
it because he wants

To be with me more than
he wants to be with you.

-Well, of course he
wants to be with you,

What kid wouldn't?

A block from the ocean, a
father who saves people's lives.

Hey, you're he his hero.

And I'm just the ogre
who makes him stay

In his bedroom doing his
homework over until it's neat.

With you, life's a beach, why
should he ever wanna leave?

-You left.

-Mitch, it's too late
for us, but not for hobie.

What he needs now
is consistency.

-You want consistency?

I'll let him visit you
every other weekend.

-If hobie lives with me,

He'll have a whole
world full of choices.

With you, all he's
ever gonna wanna be

Is a lifeguard,
just like his dad.

-I can't believe we're still
having this damn argument.

Now, lifeguards are
teachers and doctors.

Craig's an attorney,
for god's sake.

-Yeah, but he doesn't
wanna be like them,

He wants to be like you.

[Voice echoing]

-[Contemplative music]

-[Children coughing]

-Strange day.
-Yeah, tell me about it.

I can't stop
thinking about steve.

-Whether or not
you'd do what he did

If you lost custody of hobie?

-Yeah, scares the
hell out of me.

Oh, god, what's that?

-What, oh!

You ever think about
giving up all this stuff

For something drier
and more lucrative?

-Yeah, like what?

-The firm gave me a
choice, lawyer or lifeguard.

-Does that mean
you'd quit baywatch?

-We'd still have our early
morning workouts together.

-Yeah and lose your locker.

-You'd take away my locker?


How many former lifeguards
have got lockers

That are quitters?

-You'd take away my locker?

Well, what if I donate
large sums of money

To the lifeguard benevolence
society or something?

-I'd give you a nice plaque
you could hang on your wall,

Thanking you very much.

-But you won't let
me keep my locker?

-Absolutely not.

-[Children coughing]

Damn it!

-We're blocked.

It's the kids.

Hey, over here!

-You gotta help us!

My arms, my legs,
I can't move them.

-Help, help, I can't get out!

-Hey, hey, help!

Hey, hey, help, help!

Hey, hey, over here, help!

My dad, we were diving,
he's down there.

He's trapped and
can't get back up.

You gotta help him.

You gotta help him.

-What happened?

-A rock, we were under
it, it fell on him.

He can't get-- he's trapped!

-All right, just calm down.

Now tell me what I need to
know, so I can help your dad.

-[Telephone ringing]
-[radio chatter]

-Who's that?

Let me guess.

Captain thorpe.

-Why would he be
kissing your neck?

-Well, he's a southern
california vampire.

He only comes out
in the sunlight.

-I didn't know that.

-Yeah, haven't you
noticed when he smiles,

The way his fangs
kinda hang out?

-Fangs, yes, definitely
noticed his fangs.

-Fangs hanging out, yeah.

-Mitch on radio:
baywatch headquarters--

[Garbled radio transmission]

Please respond.

-That's mitch.

-Shauni, I got an
emergency situation

About 10 miles southeast
of avalon harbor.

I need a dive team helo'd
out here right away.

-Eddie's on it,
what's the situation?

-L.a. County lifeguards
to coast guard air rescue.

-I'm on a boat with
a 12-year-old boy

Whose father is
trapped underwater,

Approximately 90 feet down,
and he's running low on air.

He's got about 15 to
20 minutes left, max.

-Do you have any
scuba gear available?

-Mask and fins only, no air.

The boy exhausted his supply.

-Man on radio: coast guard air
rescue, go ahead, baywatch.

-We have a diver down.

We need emergency assistance.

Our rescue personnel
will await your arrival

At baywatch headquarters.

-Coast guard rescue's on
its way to bring us to you.

-I can delay 10 minutes,
and then I have to free-dive.

-No, 90 feet's too deep.

It'd be a one-way dive,
he'd never make it.

-They'll be there, mitch,
don't free-dive, it's too risky.

-If you're not here in 10
minutes, I won't have a choice.

-[Dramatic music]

-I'm on my way.

-[Muffled screaming]

-Man on radio: baywatch 295,
coast guard air rescue,

Southwest approach,
request permission to land.

-Man on radio #2: coast
guard air rescue,

This is baywatch 295,
you are clear to land.

Area is clear.

-[Dramatic music]

-Coast guard: come on,
let's go, let's go.

All right, they're in.

-Man on radio: coast
guard air rescue

To l.a. International
air traffic control,

Request permission
for emergency passage

Through traffic pattern,
low-level altitude.

Deadhead, catalina.

Commencing visual search
for downed diver, over.

-Man on radio #2: roger, coast
guard, clear to proceed.

-[Diver wailing]

-When are they gonna get here?

-Any minute.

When they do, tell 'em I went
down after your dad at 1:58.

-But they said you wouldn't
be able to get back up.

-Hopefully they'll
get down to me in time.

And I'll have your
dad freed by then.

Don't worry, it'll be okay.

[Inhaling and exhaling]


[Diver shouting]

-Man on radio: coast
guard air rescue

To l.a.x. Traffic control,
we are exiting your airspace.

Heading, 33 southwest, over.

-Man on radio #2: roger, air
rescue, you're clear.

-[Mitch breathing]

-[Diver struggling
and exclaiming]

-Man on radio: baywatch 295,
coast guard air rescue.

We have visual contact.

-[Dramatic music]

-[Mitch gasping]

-Man on radio: we
have victim in sight.

Setting up to move
into drop position.

Ready, frogman?

-Man: we're holding
steady, go when ready.

Okay, he's clear
to the left, go!

-Woman on radio: this is
catalina decompression unit.

We have received your
traffic, and are standing by.

-Man on radio:
roger, catalina.

Dropped and lowering
into position.

Divers have victims, and are
swimming towards the basket.

E.t.a., Catalina,
three minutes, over.

-Woman on radio: roger, air
rescue, catalina out.

-Doctor: through
the doors, go, go, go.

-Doctor #2: I got it.

-Doctor: through
the hallway, please.

-[Mitch groaning]

coming through here.

-Doctor #2: door,
door, get the door.

-Doctor: okay, got it.

-Here, we're all set.

-The vitals are
weak and fading.

-Where's the other t*nk?

-It's down, only
one's functional.

[Dramatic music]

-Put him in first.

-All right, put him in.

How deep were you?

-I don't know,
90, 100 feet maybe.

-Mitch, it won't take us
long to bring you back.

Let's put you in first.


-Doctor: easy, watch it.

-Come on, it could take
six, maybe eight hours

To get this guy unbent.

-Just get me back underwater.

-You risked your life
once for this guy.

-I didn't do anything
if the guy dies.

-What if you die?

-I'm not gonna--
[exclaims painfully]


-All right, pressurize
to three atmospheres.

-How long to decompress him?

-He's in pretty bad shape.

Five, six hours, maybe longer.


Look, he can't make it
that long, look at him.

All right, look.

What if we put him back
in the water at the depth,

Till his t*nk is ready, huh?

-At this point,
it'd likely k*ll him.

-You and me, we gotta put
him back on the helicopter.

-Now, wait a second.

Any altitude could
bring on a seizure,

Possibly paralysis, maybe worse.

-Look, we got a chamber
back at baywatch.

All you're telling me is
we can't take him there,

And you can't take him here,

What the hell are we
supposed to do, huh?

-Well, I'll try to get him in
here as quickly as possible.

-What about a speedboat?

-How much time does he have?

-Not enough time for a boat
ride to the mainland, no way.

-All right, so let me get
something straight here.

If we fly just above the water,
he should be safe, right?

-Not necessarily at all.

-Is he gonna survive it or not?

-Yes, possibly,

But you better make sure
they skim the water.

-Coast guard
pilots are the best.

If anyone could do it, they can.

-[Machines beeping]

-[Mitch groaning and sighing]


-[Dramatic music]

-You're still grounded for a
month, and I'm still mad at you.

-I'm still mad at you.

-You're mad at me, why?

-For having devin sneak
us out the back way,

And telling those
reporters no one was there

When you found my gadgets.

I could have been famous, dad.

-All right, let's get
one thing straight.

What you did was
dangerous and dumb.

A man's been k*lled,
boats have been sunk,

Some lunatic was ready

To blow up the storm
drain with you in it!

It's no time for a
practical joke, hobie.

No matter how clever.

Come here a minute, sit down.

Look, I know you were
just being 10 years old.

But if anything ever
happened to you, man,

I don't know what I'd do.

I couldn't live without you.

-I'm really sorry.

-Just use your head
from now on, okay?

-I will.

-I swear.



-I love you.

-I love you too.

-[Helicopter blades whirring]

-Don't die, mitch!

Don't die!

Come on, man, just
hang in there.

Come on, just hang in there.

Not much longer,
we're almost there.

-[Snake hissing and rattling]

[Snake rattling]



[Mitch groaning]

-You are a mess.

I got you, ready?

One, two, three, I got you.

Here we go.

-[Mitch groaning]

-What do you think?

-I think it's better
if you put me over there.

-Oh, what?

-The other side of
the fire is better.

The least you could do
is get some branches

And some bigger logs.

This thing will last
us about 20 minutes.

-I found the cave,
I built the fire.

I know what I'm
supposed to put in it.

-Why are you getting
testy with me?

I'm the one with the broken
leg and the snake bite here.

-You're also the one
with a strange way

Of showing your appreciation.

-[Exclaiming painfully]

-Does this hurt?

-Ah, of course that hurts!

[Voice echoing]

-Eddie: we're
almost there, mitch.

Just hang in there,
buddy, we're almost there.

-Man on radio: baywatch 295,
this is coast guard air rescue.

We are on final approach,
requesting permission

For emergency
landing with victim

In critical condition, over.

-Man #2: yeah,
roger, air rescue.

Landing area is clear
here, we are standing by.

-Eddie: all right,
we're here, mitch.

Just hang on there, buddy.

-That's right, mitch, you're
home with your own now.

You're gonna pull
through this just fine.

-Eddie: are hobie
and ben back yet?

-No, not yet.

-Having hobie here
could make a difference.

-Find him.

Watch his head.

-Men: easy, easy.

-Swing him around there.

-Eddie: watch him.

-This way.

-Good, good.

-Watch his head.

-Lift him.

-His mask.

-Let's get this thing up.

-Watch the line.

-I'll take that.

-Eddie: how bad is he?

-He's got a lot of nitrogen
trapped in his system.

Hold this till I get
a pressure seal.

-Nothing's going on,
let's just drop it.

-Mitch: let's not.

-Oh, this is great.

Let's have a party, huh?

Why don't you call captain
thorpe and the chief?

-Now stick around,
stick around.

We got lots to talk about.

-It was a long time ago.

It was like another
life, you know?

We met in a foster home and...

We were tight.

We used to run together,
we'd go to movies together.

We just hung out.

We even talked about coming
to california together.

Then one day, we went
into this liquor store.

And I wanted to
buy a bag of chips.

And then jimmy
pulls out this g*n.

I didn't even know he owned one.

And he says, "this
is a stickup."

And I said, "what do
you think you're doing?"

And then he shoved me,
and I shoved him back.

And then the guy
behind the counter

Pulls out a g*n of his own.

And then the next thing I know,

I'm taking ride
back down to county jail.

-How old were you?


Things in life you wanna
put behind you forever.

I guess that's just
not possible, is it?

-Maybe not.

But you can start over.

-Time to hang up
the gloves, champ.

-You're right.

-Suspension's over,
you're back on the beach.

-You're kidding?
-No, I'm not kidding.

Eddie, you came clean with me.

You've come a long way
since philadelphia.

And maybe I'd like to
see you go the distance.

[Voice echoing]

[Mitch gasping and groaning]

-Okay, eddie.

-[Air hissing]
-[machine beeping]

-[Mitch exclaiming]

-He's having a seizure!

-[Mitch exclaiming
and screaming]

-Look at him, he's going crazy.

Is there something
we can give him?

-No, he just has
to fight through it.

-I told him not to dive.

-Did you really
expect him not to?

-[Machines beeping]

-We're pressurizing him
back down to 90 feet.

Then all we can do is wait.

And bring him back one foot

At a time to the
surface pressure.

-[Machines beeping]

-[Helicopter blades whirring]

-[Dramatic music]


-[Helicopter blades whirring]

[Helicopter blades whirring]

-[Seagull crying]


We just heard from catalina.

And the man that mitch
brought up is gonna be fine.


-Eddie, you did
everything that you could.

-If mitch dies, I
didn't do anything.


-[Machine beeping]
-[air hissing]

-[Dramatic music]

-[Machines beeping]

-Why don't take him
home, get some rest?

I'll let you know if
there's any change.

-We're not gonna leave.

Nobody is, you know that.

Not until we know he's safe.

-Talk to him.

Can't hurt, keep him alert.

-Hey, mitch.

I know you can hear me.

So you listen to me, okay?

You hang in there.

Because we need you.

None of us are gonna make
it without you, lieutenant.

You hang in there.

-[Dramatic music]

-I'm not gonna tell
you how to do your jobs.

Some of you have been
lifeguards as long as I have,

Some of you even longer.

So just do me a favor, huh?

Make me look good.

That's it.

Oh, yeah, surf's three to
five, very short intervals.

There's gonna be a lot
of water on the beach.

Riptides will be pulling.

I want preventions
out there, okay?

Listen, if you guys
got any backups,

Call 'em to sit over here, huh?

Hey, eddie, can I talk
to you for a second?



You're in tower 27 today.
-No way.

-Excuse me, I'll
get right to you.

-But I want 27.

I hang out there.

I know the beach, and I know
the all the inshore holes.

My friends are expecting me.

-Nah, you're not hanging
out today, you're working.

Tower 27 is right next
to the sand and sea club.

They got their own lifeguard,

But we kinda know
how he watches water.

-Then he doesn't exist.

-For all intents and purposes.

Also, remember, keep an
eye on the rescue can of
the tower next to you.

If it's missing, you better
find out where the lifeguard is.

-You got it.

-You are on rescue
boat with jillian.

-On a boat?

-Oh, thank you so
much, lieutenant.

-I do not wanna be stuck
out on a boat all day.

-Fine, you're gonna
have to change the suit.

-What's wrong with it?

They said girls get to
buy their own suits.

-Yeah, but there's no
lifeguard patch on it.

You got an extra one, don't you?

-[Scoffs] I can sew
the patch on this one.


-I'm sure there's some
swimsuits in the locker room.

-Shauni, come
here for a second.

When you're ready to
be put in a tower,

I'll put you in
one, don't worry.


You changed my life.

Don't you give up, you fight!

You fight.

-[Machines beeping]

-[Dramatic music]



Hey, I'm okay!

Let me out of here.

hey, hey!


I'm okay, let me out of here.

Anybody out there?



Pretty funny,
ignoring me, I know.

Big joke, huh?

I've been through hell here.



-How's he doing, cap?

-I'm fine.

-They've got him up to
one atmosphere, buddy.

He's just not
responding anymore.


Hobie, I'm here.



I wanna go in there with him.

-You can't do that, hobe.

-Why not?

I could fit.

-We can't open the t*nk

Until the pressure's
back to normal, hobie.

-Somebody do something.

-Over here.

You talk to him, okay?

Tell him you love him.

-You better repressurize
him back down again.

-I know.

I just hope his
body can take it.

-[Air hissing]

[Air hissing]


Dad, I know you're sick, but
please don't die, please.

I'll stay here with you, dad.

I promise, I won't leave you.

-[Mitch shivering]

-[Dramatic music]

-Dad, please come back.

I love you, dad.

-[Dramatic choral music]


[Gasping and shivering]

-[Air hissing]


-[Air hissing]


-[Triumphant music]

-[All cheering]

-Dad, I knew you'd make it!

-[All cheering]

-Captain thorpe:
come on, mitch, baby.

-Man: come on, big guy.

Watch your head.

-[All laughing, chattering]

-Shauni: we thought
we'd lost you.


I love you, dad.

-[Triumphant music]

-Let's go home, dad.

-[Upbeat music]

-I told craig that
the money the job pays

Is not nearly as important
as the people I work with.


That's about what I told mom,
about who I wanna live with.

-You know, some really wild
things went though my mind

When I was in that chamber.

-Like what?

-Like being outside of my body,

And looking down on myself,

And seeing everybody around me,

But nobody could see me.

-You mean like a ghost?


Except he was dead, I'm not.

Are you ready to boogie?


But do me one favor, dad.

Don't try any stunts that
make you go underwater.

-Don't worry.

I've seen the light.


-[End theme playing]
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