02x12 - Reunion

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
Post Reply

02x12 - Reunion

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need

♪ To help somebody

♪ When the edge
of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be there

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-Break, break.

-Okay, come on.


-You got it, dom!


Everybody run!


-Yeah, this is kramer,
tower two.

Roll backup.
You're not gonna believe
this one.


-Stay on him.
We're right behind you.



Hey, guys, wait a minute!


-Please, please,
don't hurt him!

It's okay.
He's gentle.


-He's our school mascot.

Oh, sorry.

I mean, he just got spooked
when some balloons popped.

Mitch buchannon?

Trudy eversol.
Remember me?

Class of '72.

-Trudy, hi.

How you been?
-Busy, busy as a little bee.

You know, howie and I are
chairing the reunion committee.


I cannot believe you are
still a lifeguard.


-You didn't rsvp.

-You are coming this afternoon
to the reunion, aren't you?

-Uh, no.
I'm sorry, I can't make it.

-Oh, come on.
You have to.
Everybody's gonna be there.

-I'm sure it will be
a lot of fun, but I just
can't make it.

I'm sorry, but do me
a favor, will you?

Keep the bull tied up.

Nice to see you again,

-Trudy, yeah.

See ya.

-[Baby crying]

[Crying continues]



Come on, it's okay.
Don't cry.

Don't cry.

-[Crying continues]

-It's okay.

-Would you look at that hair?
He's practically bald.

-Hey, look who's talking.

-Mitch was
on the swimming team.

He took it really seriously.

The only thing in high school
he did.

-Say, look at these girls.

-I can't believe they can
wear hair that high.

-Hey there, long toes.

I hear you took the bull
by the horns today.


-Long toes?
-That was his nickname
in high school.

I used to bring him
in my office all the time

Because he couldn't
keep his shoes on.

-he was my guidance counselor.

Let me see that thing.

Wow, I wonder what ever
happened to that nerd.

-Hey, then why don't you
go to the reunion?

-Ancient history.

-Mitch, the only reason
that people don't go
to the reunions

Is if they think they're not
successful enough or they
don't look good.

-And you look great.

-It's the best
you've ever looked.

-You look terrific.
-And you are successful, mitch.

You're more successful
than most of them.

I guarantee it.
You knew what you wanted
to become in high school,

Not too many people
can say that.

-Ben, it's got nothing to do
with being a lifeguard.

I'm proud of that.
I'm very proud of that.

-Well, then why aren't
you going?

-Right there.

-Because gayle's going.

-Last time I saw everybody,
we were still married.

Now, we're divorced.

Everybody's going to come up
to me and say,
"oh, what a shame.

What happened?
Who got hobie?"

I can't deal with that.
No way.

-Here we go.
-[Baby crying]

-Guys, would one
of you please...

Please take this thing,

-It's not a thing.
It's a baby.

-Yeah, yeah.

-Mitch: whose baby?
-I have no idea.

I found it-- her,
underneath my tower

Along with this note.
Wait till you guys
hear this.

-I've stopped baby tears
all my life. Could I hold her,


-"Dear lifeguard,

"I know your job is to save
people who are in trouble
on the beach,

"So please keep my baby safe
for 24 hours.

"I'll be back to get her,
and please don't call
the authorities.

"I love my baby very much

And I'd die if she was
ever taken away from me."

-Hopefully there are other
fingerprints on this
than your own.

Heinz, give this to jonny,
will you?
-I got it.

-Did you see anybody
at the beach today

Who might have
possibly left her?

-No, must have
snuck up from behind.

-Here, ben, let me try.

I had a patented way
of keeping hobie from crying.

Come here,
little baby.

-[Crying continues]

Maybe you're just
worse with boys.


-[Crying continues]

[Crying stops]

-What? What are you guys
looking at me like that for?

-You're the only one
the baby doesn't
cry with.

Well, it isn't because of me.
I don't know a thing
about babies.

Come on.
-The question is...

Do we contact
the authorities

Or do what
the note says?

-Ben, whoever abandoned her
took a big chance

He might not find her.

-Yeah, but he did,

And whoever wrote that note
is obviously in a lot
of trouble.

So I think maybe we should
wait the 24 hours

And then if they don't show up
we can call child welfare.

-You're the guidance counselor,
what do you think?

-Does it hurt to wait
the 24 hours?

-What do we do
with her in the meantime?

I mean, who's gonna
take care of her?

-[Clears throat]

-No way.

-You know, I think it could be
time to change her diaper,

-Yeah, I gotta go.

-A taxi for me?
I gotta go.

-I gotta make a phone call.

-Buddy. Ben.

Hey, come on, man.
You're not gonna leave me,
are you?

-Watch me.

-But you--

-Hobie, I'm home.


Wow, that's a big hug.

I was only away
for a few hours.


-How are you, mitch?


-That is a silly reason
not to go to this reunion.

-I know, dad.
You always tell me it doesn't
matter what other people think.

-This time it's different.

-Oh, come on.

Chuck bizanni's coming
all the way from aspen.

Steve roy's gonna be there.

You guys haven't seen
each other in years.

-Don't you think it will
look funny, you and I
walking in together?

No, in fact, I think it would
be great for people to see

That just 'cause we got
a divorce doesn't mean that we
can't still be friends.

-And maybe even
get back together.

-Don't count on that, pal.

-You don't know for sure.
I mean, it could happen.

-Anyway, I can't go

I don't have
anything to wear.

Well, it just so happens
that I brought you something

So now you don't have
any excuses.

So come on.
-Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Hold it.

Who's gonna take care
of hobie?

-I'm staying
at jeremy's house.

-And I'm gonna pick
him up in the morning

And we're gonna spend
the whole day together
before I have to leave.

Right? So.

-Uh, gayle, I don't think
it's a good idea.

-Don't worry.

Look, I got in late so I came
straight here from the airport,

But I'm gonna check into
a hotel right after the reunion.


I still don't want to go.

[Singing indistinctly]

-Whoa, dad.
This is awesome.

-Yeah, I can't believe your mom
kept it all these years.

I gave this to her when we
first started going steady.

-How old were
you guys?




-Hey, you look pretty good.
That jacket still fits you
I see.

-So, you guys
ready to go?

-Yeah. One thing.

I think we should
take two cars.

-Look, I'll tell you what.

If it really makes you
this uptight

For me to be there,
then why don't I just
stay here with hobie

And you can go alone.

-Gayle, I didn't mean that.

You came all the way
from ohio to go
to this reunion.

-Yeah, well, I also
came to see you.

-Tell you what, I never wanted
to go in the first place,

You go, I'll stay
here with hobie.

-Mitch, we don't have
to walk in together.

We don't even have
to be with each other.

Let's just go, we'll have
a good time,

Then you drive me back here,
I get my stuff and I check out.

-All right.

Thanks for the jacket.

-Since we weren't going
steady anymore, I really
thought you should have it.

-Come on.
-Come on.

-♪ Jeremiah was a bullfrog

♪ Was a good friend
of mine ♪

♪ I never understood
a single word he said ♪

♪ But I helped him
drink his wine ♪

♪ And he always had
some mighty fine wine ♪

-Tell me, what was
the most embarrassing thing

That ever happened
to you in high school?


-[Indistinct chatter]

-Looking good, man.
-So are you.
What are you up to?

-I haven't looked this good
in a long time, man.

-♪ If I were
the king of the world ♪

♪ Tell you
what I'd do ♪

♪ I'd throw away the cars
and the bars and the wars ♪

♪ And make
sweet love to you ♪


-♪ All the boys and girls

♪ Joy to the fishes
in the deep blue sea ♪

♪ Joy to you and me

I don't believe it.


-We would talk
all the time, didn't we?


-♪ You know I love
the ladies ♪

♪ Love to have my fun

♪ I'm a high night flier
and a rainbow rider ♪

♪ A straight-sh**t'
son of a g*n ♪


-♪ I'm singing
joy to the world ♪

-[Idle chattering]

-I need to go talk to my wife.

-♪ Joy to you and me

-Tell me, what was the most
embarrassing thing that ever
happened to you in high school?



-Mitch buchannon.

-I was hoping
I'd see you.

You haven't changed
at all.

-Well, obviously you have,
because I have no idea
who you are.

And if you looked like this
in high school, I think
I would remember.

-I sat behind you for years.

-Trish buckley?


Fated by alphabetical order
to know every curl
of your hair.

Until you shaved it off.

-Did you know
I actually cried that day?

-No, I didn't know that.

-I did.

You had such beautiful hair.

I'm surprised
you're wearing shoes.

-And I'm surprised you're
not wearing a size 12 dress,

Horn-rimmed glasses,
and braces.

-Well, some people
peak in high school.

-Still a whiz at science?

-I own a computer software


Well, you definitely have
all the right reasons to come
to this reunion.

Good to see you.


-♪ Now that I can dance


-Watch me now!

-How are you guys?

-Whoa, how are you?

-How are you doing, man?
-I'm doing okay.

My hands hurt
from that clap though.

-[Lullaby playing]

-[Baby crying]

-Don't cry.
It's okay.

-Eddie, don't hold
the baby like that.

You have to cradle her
in your arms.

Oh, it's okay, it's okay.
You mean like a football?

-Yeah, how's that?
Is that better, huh?

Go out for a pass.

I'm kidding.
I was just kidding, come on.

-Now comes the fun part.

-Oh, no, no.
I don't want anything
to do with that.

-Come on.
Be brave.

Just set her down right here.
-I'm gonna put you down.

Oh yeah.

Whoop, there you go.
Watch out for your
little head there.

There you go.

-Go ahead.
Take the old one off.

-Oh, no, no.
I'm not going in there.

-You know, somebody
had to do this for you.

-That's probably why
I was put up for adoption.

I'm gonna get you for this.


All right.

-Good girl.


Oh, call 911.

Okay. Whew.

-Oh, it's not that bad.
-Yes, it stinks.

Very bad.

you stink.



-[Clears throat]

-Uh, what do I do with that?

-See this tape?

-Pull 'em out and just wrap it
around the front.

You got it.
-Okay. Okay.

It was a piece of cake,

-Piece of cake.
-Yes, it's a piece of cake.

Huh, how's that?

-Not bad, mr. Mom.

-What'd I tell you?
This is a piece of cake,

She smiled.
She smiled at me.

She actually smiled at me.
-She did smile at you.

-Come here, you.
Come here.

Work with me, will you?

-[Rock music playing]

-No, no. Gayle, you have to
say it loud enough so the
whole world can hear it.

Now, what was the most
embarrassing moment you
ever had in high school?

-Okay, okay.

The most embarrassing thing
that ever happened to me
in high school--

-The time that you got
caught with me
in the boy's locker room.

-Hey, I don't even know you.
-Sure you do.

I'm the one you always wanted.

You know, the guy
that you were too shy
to come after back then.


-I always wanted to kiss you.

One for the camera.
Just one for the camera.

-That's enough!

You've come a long way
since high school,
haven't you?

-Mitch, let him go.

-As soon as he apologizes.

-What do you give a damn for?
I heard she dumped you.

-The only one being
dumped on at the moment
is you.

Now, say you're sorry.

-For everything you've
ever done to anyone here.

-I'm gonna get both of you--

-Say you're sorry.


-Now, say it loud enough
for everybody in here to hear.

Go on.
-I'm sorry, okay!

-[People laughing]

-You know, you always thought
you were a hotshot, buchannon.

Well, you ain't nothing.

I own three
auto parts stores,

And I make
more money in a month

Than you make in a year
on the beach.

No wonder she dumped you.

-Sorry about that.
Are you okay?

-You're my hero.

-Let's get some air, huh?


it's time to eat.

It's not cafeteria food,
trust me.

-[Funk music playing]

-Mitch, you have to.
-No way.

-Come on, man.
We already talked to the band.

-It's been 20 years, pal.
-What are you talking about?

It's perfect, like we
rehearsed it yesterday.

-Come on, we'll
blow 'em away.

-Oh, come on, mitch.

-Not you. Not you.
Don't you-- no.

-Mitch, please, it'll be fun.
-Don't embarrass me.

-♪ You broke my heart

♪ 'Cause I couldn't dance

♪ You didn't even
want me around ♪

♪ And now I'm back

♪ To let you know
I can really shake 'em down ♪

♪ Do you love me?

-♪ I can really move

-♪ Do you love me?

-♪ I'm in the groove

♪ Now do you love me?

-♪ Do you love me?

-♪ Now that I can dance

♪ Watch me now

-♪ Work work

-♪ Work it all baby

-♪ Work work

-♪ Girl you're
driving me crazy ♪

-♪ Work work

-♪ With a little bit
of soul now ♪

-♪ I can mash potato

-♪ I can mash potato

-♪ I can do the twist

-♪ I can do the twist

-♪ Now tell me baby

-♪ Tell me baby

-♪ Do you like it like this?

-♪ Do you like it
like this? ♪

-♪ Tell me

-♪ Tell me

-♪ Tell me

♪ Do you love me?

-♪ Do you love me?

-♪ Now, do you love me?

-♪ Do you love me?

-♪ Do you love me?

-♪ Do you love me?

-♪ Now that I can dance

♪ Watch me now


-Let's get this done
before he wakes up.

-[Both laughing]

-♪ Do you love me?

-♪ Do you love me?

-♪ Now, do you love me?

-♪ Do you love me?

-♪ Now, do you love me?


-No, no, no.
This one's too hard.

Why don't you get
the other one.

You know what,
it's a little stuffy
in here too.

Maybe we should
open the doors.

No, no, we can't do that,
'cause then she'd

Catch a cold because
it'd be too cold for her.

[Baby voice]
oh yes.

I think there's something wrong
with this bottle

Maybe the temperature's
not right or something.

Maybe the nipple's
a little clogged.
-Eddie, sweetie.

It's okay.
Let me have the baby.

She's almost asleep.

-Oh, baby.
-Everything's okay.

-Oh, yes.
-Hi, sweetie.

We're gonna make you comfy.
-Oh yeah.

-That's comfy.
That's good.


-I wanna have three babies.

I want to have two boys
and a girl.

What about you?
You know that we have never
even talked about that before?

-I don't know.

All I know is when
I become a father,

The mother and I
are gonna stay
together forever.

No fights, no breakups.

I went through all that hell
and I swore my kid would
never go through it.

-Yeah, but there's no such thing
as a 100% guarantee, eddie.

I mean, all you can do is...

Do the best you can.

One day at a time
with the person you love.

-Yeah, you're right.

You know anyone
I can do that with?

-Oh, very funny.
Ha ha.

-Shh, you're gonna
wake the baby.

-Oh, shut up
and kiss me will you?
Baby, baby, baby.

-Oh, I love you too.

-Shauni doesn't get
any attention.

-Shut up and kiss me.

-Seeing the three of you
up there, it felt like we were
back in high school.


-For what?

-For making me come.
I'm having a great time.


-Tell me something.

Do I look, you know,

Very different than I did
back in high school?

-Why are you so insecure?
You look beautiful.

You look as beautiful
as ever.

-Oh good. That means all
the facials and workouts
have been worth it.


-We came out here the day
of our prom, remember?

Right after
the dancing started.

-Yep, we snuck out here
to be alone.

-Do you want to?


-Take off
and be alone.

-We're outta here.

-We should get a camera.

Take a picture of his face
when the wave hits him.

He wakes up
and sees where he is.

-[Both laughing]

-I'm not gonna need a picture
to remember this moment.

I've been waiting for 20 years
to get back at him.


-I think about you
a lot, mitch.

I mean, I miss you.

-I miss you too.

-I gotta tell you, you're doing
a great job with hobie.

Really, it makes it
so much easier

For me to deal with
being away from him

Just knowing
that he's with you.


That means a lot.


-What the?
-Hey, veron.

-Hey, lar.
-How you doing, buddy?

-Dig me out of here.
I'm gonna k*ll you both.

-[Oohing, laughing]

-Maybe if you beg us,
we will, veron.

-Come on, veron, beg.

Beg a little bit.
Just a little bit.

Come on, beg.

-[Both laughing]

-Uh, should we--

Maybe we should
dig him out.

-Come on, he's the one
supposed to panic.

Not us.

-This is where hobie
got started.

-No, I think it was
down the beach--

-All right, it's where we
got started doing what
started him.

How we waited until
our senior prom night
I'll never know.

-Wasn't me.
You're the one
who kept saying no.

-Well, I won't
say no tonight.

That's one of the things
about you I missed the most.


Beg, come on.
Beg, veron!

Beg, like on prom night,

When I begged you
to leave me alone

And you chased me
out into the ocean
in front of everybody.

In front of my date!

-Dig me out.
Please, come on.



-You see how scared
he is?

-Howie, the tide
is getting higher.

-Come on.

We'll dig him out far enough
that he can get the rest
of the way out himself,

Then we run. Okay?
-All right. Yeah. Good.

The water's filling up
the hole, howie.

We better get him
out of here.

-Man: help!

Help us!


[Man shouting]


-What is it?

-I don't know.

-Mitch! Mitch!

Quick, that's veron.

We buried him.
-I can't get him out!

-We were just trying
to put a scare in him.

-Get that trash can
over there.

-Oh my god.
What can I do?

-Get the shovel.


-Turn it upside down.

You're gonna lower it
on his head

When the wave comes.

Here comes the wave.

Lock it down.

Okay, pull it off.

Dig! Dig!

-Here comes another one.

-Got this arm?

-Can you get
the other leg, mitch?

-Okay, pull it off.


Here we go.
I got a leg.

Let's get him
out of here.

-I can't move him.

I can't move him, mitch.

-Okay, on three.

One, two, three.

-Turn him over.

-That was great, mitch.

Thanks for your help.

-We're sorry.

Bye, gayle.


-Thank you.

-The culprits are fleeing.

-Don't worry.

Worrying about what veron's
gonna do to them

When he comes to
will be punishment enough.

-I still can't believe
that happened.

-One minute I'm kissing you
and the next minute
I've got my lips

Pressed against larry veron's.



Sure had
an interesting day.

-It's been a wild one,
that's for sure.


-I guess some things...

Are just left unfinished.

-I don't know.
Maybe it's for the best.

-Guess I'd better go change.


-Um, do you mind
if I use your shower?

-No, no. Go on.
I mean, you know,

Believe me, I'll be in there
right after you are.


-[Water running]

-♪ I can hear the cars
out on the street ♪

♪ As I lie awake and watch you
while you sleep ♪

♪ It seems that it was
only yesterday ♪

♪ When I took your hand

♪ And carried you away

♪ You and I were young and free ♪

♪ All of the world was waiting to see

♪ If we were just dreaming, yeah yeah ♪

♪ Ahh, yeah

♪ We never had a second chance

♪ Who could have known
that time would pass ♪

♪ Right through our hands

♪ Love was strong, I remember

♪ For so long

♪ We had it all

♪ Just couldn't hold on

♪ Love was strong

♪ Now that I found you again

♪ Now that our hearts
had a chance to mend ♪

♪ I can't wait another day to tell you ♪

♪ Just what I mean when I say

-Oh, john.

-Who's john?

-He's a man
that I've been seeing.

With your eyes closed,
you're seeing him now?

-I don't know.

-What do you mean,
you don't know.

You have to know
who you were thinking about.

-I never know.

I've been seeing john
for about a year.

And he's asked me
to marry him.

But sometimes
when I'm with him,

I start thinking
about you.

-Do you call out my name?

-I have.

But he understood.

In fact, it was john who was
the one who urged me to come
to this reunion.

He said I should sort out
my feelings about you,

And that...

That if I was in love with you,
I should either get back
together with you,

Or let you go.

-It's not about love.

Is it?

I'll always love you.

I know that.

And I hope you'll
always love me.

Maybe it's time, huh?

Maybe it's time for both
of us to let go.



-You know what tonight is?


-It's our graduation.



-How you doing?

What can I do for you?


Yesterday afternoon,

I left our baby girl
under your tower.

I'm really sorry.
I mean, I know it was wrong.

It's just that my wife...

Wanted to give her
up for adoption, and I just...

But things are
okay now.

So I'm here
to pick her up.


-This here is
dan gerson.

He says he's
the baby's father.

-I am her father.

-Well, wait a minute.


When we find something
on the beach and somebody
comes here to claim it,

We at least make them
describe it.

-so, what color eyes
does he have?

-It's a she.

Her name's elizabeth
and she has blue eyes.

And if you'll look,
a mole on her right thigh.


Come here, darling.

-Thank you.


-Wait a minute, dan.


Just do me a favor,
would you?

Write down part of what
you wrote on the note.



-[Baby crying]
-stop him!

Watch the baby.
Watch the baby.

-Got a lady here who says
she's the mother.



-It's okay.
Yes, it's okay.

It's okay.
Mama's here.
Mama's here.

-Mama's here.
-Oh god, I never should
have left you alone.

I'll never leave you
alone again. I promise.

And he'll never
take you away from me.

It's okay.


-So, the ex-husband
tracked her down here,

Tried to steal
the baby.

-That's why she
left her with us

Until she could
get away from him.

-That's right, but,
he caught her, made her
tell him where the baby was.

So, garner took him downtown
to sort the whole thing out.
There you have it.

You know, it's a good thing
I have great instincts
about babies.

Hey, hey!

-So, mitch,

How was the reunion, huh?
Pretty boring I bet.

-It had its moments.

Hey, how was disneyland?


Over here.

[Playful chatter]
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