02x09 - If Looks Could k*ll

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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02x09 - If Looks Could k*ll

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme song playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to have somebody ♪

♪ When the edge
of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry ♪

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready ♪

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready ♪

-♪ I'll be ready ♪

-♪ Never you fear ♪

-♪ No, don't you fear ♪

-♪ I'll be ready ♪

-♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready ♪

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh ♪

-♪ I'll be ready ♪

-♪ I'll be ready ♪

-♪ Never you fear ♪

-♪ No, don't you fear ♪

-♪ I'll be ready ♪

-♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here ♪

-[Both laughing]

-What are you waiting for?

The sun's almost up.

-Mmm. I feel alive
for the first time in years.

-Kiss me underwater.

-[Muffled screams]

-So why don't
you bring kim?

-Kelly. Her name is kelly.

-No chemistry.
-No chemistry?

What's wrong with you?
She was gorgeous.

-She was gorgeous,
but there was no chemistry.

-Ah, mitch.

You know what
your problem is?

Since your divorce,
you've become cautious.

-I got hobie to consider.

I don't want him
getting attached to anybody
I'm not serious about.

-Oh, he can handle it.
I think you're the one

Who's afraid
of getting attached.

Sooner or later,
you're gonna have to open up.

-[Car honks]


-Call it in.

Renzo, take it.

-Rescue in progress.

Car submerged
off tower 19.

Repeat-- 10-25,
tower 19.

-that's good.
Spit it out.

That's good.


Take it easy.
Take it easy.

-Is he dead?

Is he dead?

-I'm sorry.


-How's everything?

-Well, she's a lucky lady.

-How you feeling?


-You mind
if I check your pulse?


-Well, I'm sure every
woman's pulse is strong
when you take it.

-I don't know about that.

But I do need to know
some information

About what happened
on the road back there.


Steve was driving
me to the marina.

To my boat.

-Can you give me
specific information?

I mean,
there was no i.d.

-Um, I know.
He was...

He was going
to the beach right after.

Steve was, uh...
We were in business together.

He was my partner.

Anyway, I don't really
know what happened.

I must have dozed off
in the passenger seat.

And before I knew it...

Water was rushing in
all over the place.

I'm sorry.

-No, no.

It's okay.

Can I bring
you something miss...

Please, um...

Coffee would be nice.


Oh! Um...

there are some procedures

That have gotta be done
before we can release you.

-Oh. Like what?

-Well, a police report,
for one.

There's an officer waiting
for you upstairs.

-Oh. Uh...

I don't think
I'm really up to it today.

Do you think it could
wait till tomorrow?


-I'll see
what I can do.


-Thanks for everything.

-Cream and sugar?



-[Door closes]

-She gave me all the information
she could remember,

So I put it all
in this report.

She's still pretty shaken up.

-From what shauni tells me,
"pretty" is the operative word.

-Pretty doesn't
even come close.

-You gave her mouth-to-mouth.
You ought to know.

-I gave you mouth-to-mouth
once, too.

Believe me,
it ain't the same as kissing.

-I know, I know.

-So you'll do me a favor?

Wait till tomorrow?

-Sure. This ought to
suffice for now.

-Coroner just
picked up john doe.

-Says here his name
is steven pierce?

-Yeah? Well mr. Pierce
is one weird corpse.

-Why is that?

-He was sucking up water
like a vacuum.

And he was drowning out
before we even had a chance
to resuscitate him.

So... How's the lady?

-Well, she's pretty distraught,
but she came through
the whole thing okay.

-She must have
a guardian angel.


-Definite chemistry.


-Do you suppose
there's any way

I can get my stuff
before tomorrow?

-No. We can't get a crane
to lift it out till then.

-Well, what if
somebody saw the crash

And they dive down
and try to steal my--

-Don't worry.
Nobody's gonna get in there.

Your trunk is wedged
against the bottom.

Come on.

-Yep. Yep.

-Are you all right?


I guess getting
in a car again

And driving
up the coast...

I think I'm scared.

-It's okay.
I'll drive slow.

-What am I gonna do
when you drop me off and leave?

-Is there somebody
you can call?

-No one.

No one I feel safe with...

Except my lifeguard.

I don't want
to let go of you.

-It's gonna be pretty hard
to drive this way.

-It's okay.

It'll be all right.

This is where you live?

-I only wish
it was mine.

It belongs
to another investor.

He's on a photo safari
in africa.

He's letting me stay here.

Come on in.

Make yourself comfortable.


-I'll be right back.


-Operator, pacific palisades.

Can you connect me
to west view patrol?

Hi, there's a man
outside 12973 horizon drive.

He's been sitting in his car
for a couple of hours.

Would you mind sending someone
over to check it out, please?

Thank you.

How do you like the view?

-It's absolutely...



-I'll get us some drinks.

I'll be right down.


-[Both laughing]

-You know,
my dad taught me to sail.

We used to run
transpacs to hawaii.

I once raced single-handed
to the farallons and back.

-Now your boat's
in the marina?

-Mm-hmm. Obsession.

-that's her name.

And she is.

I'd like to take her
around the world, though.

-By yourself?

-Not necessarily.

Tell me why a man like you
is still a lifeguard.

-Most people hate
to go to work.

I don't.

-I know what you mean.

That's why I decided
to go into business for myself.

No partners
and no bosses.

-What about
your investors?

-Well, I've already
paid back one of them.

And when I pay
back the other,

I'll have complete
and total freedom.

-No attachments...
From anyone.

-What do they say
in china?

"You save my life,
so you belong to me?"

Or "I belong to you?"

-I think it's
"you belong to me."

-And that's an attachment,
isn't it?

You know, there's some
swimsuits in the bathhouse.

Do you ever swim
just for fun?

-[Laughs awkwardly]

I think it's time
for me to leave.


You said your son
was with his mother all week.

-Yeah. I know.

I just don't like
starting something

When I know where
it's gonna end.

-Trust me...

You have no idea
where this is gonna end.

Hey, lifeguard...

What are you waiting for?

-[Clinking noise]

-Mitch. Mitch.

-There's someone
in the house.


-I heard a noise
in the living room.

-Well, could it
be the owners?

-Not without calling.

Please go
and see who it is.

-Okay. Okay.

-mitch, be careful.

-Okay. Just wait for me.

I'll be right back.

-[g*nshots, clanking]



-Are you okay?


I'm okay.

-Did I k*ll him?

-You shot him
right through the heart.

He's dead.

-[g*n clatters]

-Hey, now.

Probably saved
a thousand lives before,

But that's the first time
anybody has ever saved me.

-Oh, god.
If you weren't here,

It would've been me
dead on the floor.

-Do you know
who he is?


He's my ex-husband.

When I left him...

He threatened to k*ll me.

-Was that why
you wanted me here?

To protect you?

-No. I didn't even know
he followed me to los angeles.

But I did know
that I'd be safe with you.

Where are you going?

-I'm gonna call the police.

-Mitch, wait.

Before you call,
can we talk about this a second?

Um... What if the police say
that I shot my husband?

That I m*rder*d him?

-Your husband
or your ex-husband?


-They won't.

He broke in,
he had a g*n,

He was about to sh**t me.
You had no choice.

Allison, I've gotta
call the police.

So if there's anything
I should know before I do...

Tell me now.


I've told you everything.


-Mitch, you shouldn't
get involved in this.

You should go.
I'll call them.

There's no need
to get involved.

I am involved.

Hey, hey.
You forgot.

You saved my life, too.

Now we belong
to each other.

-So what else
did detective connor say?

-That's it. Mitch stayed
with her at the police station

For most of the night
and then he said

That he was taking her
back to his house.

-Not gonna press charges?
-No. Apparently not.

-Don't you think
that's a little weird?


-Well, this lady is with
two guys in two days
and they both end up dead.

Now she's with mitch.

-♪ I've been waiting for this moment all
of my life ♪

♪ And I want you to know the way I feel ♪

♪ Don't you know there's a fire burning
inside of me ♪

♪ So let's take on our fantasy tonight ♪

♪ You're all that I wanted ♪

♪ You're all that I need ♪

♪ I'll make that promise ♪

♪ To stay faithfully ♪

♪ Faithfully ♪

♪ If there's a chance to take this love, ♪

♪ Let's make it tonight ♪

♪ Let all the fears in the past just drift
away ♪

♪ Can't you see there's a storm still
building inside of me ♪

♪ So let's make it our fantasy tonight ♪

♪ You're all that I wanted ♪

♪ You're all that I need ♪

♪ I'll make that promise ♪

♪ To stay faithfully ♪

♪ You're all that I wanted ♪

♪ So won't you believe ♪
♪ and stay with me ♪

-I think this is the most
wonderful time I've ever had.

And you are the most genuine,

Most passionate man
I've ever met.

-Allison, I think I'm falling--
-mitch, please don't.

Mitch, I have to say goodbye.


-I'm sorry, mitch.

If things were different...

-Where are you going?

-South on obsession.

Maybe mexico or brazil.

Somewhere far away
from everything here.

-Including me?

-Why don't you come with me?

-You know I can't
come with you.

-You once said you didn't
want to start something

When you knew
where it would end.

You were right.

If you come with me,
we'll be too much in love
to say goodbye.

Let's just say it now
while we still can.

-[Car engine starts]

-Detective connor:
so when eddie
voiced his suspicions,

I had a coroner
re-examine the body.

A steve pierce
drowned all right...

But not in the ocean.

-His lungs were filled
with chlorinated water.

-So he was already dead
when that car was driven

Off the cliff.

-Maybe he was swimming
before the crash

And swallowed some water.

-He did!
Enough to drown.

-Tell him about the wrist.

-Yeah, there were
marks on his wrist

That indicated that he had been
handcuffed before he died.

-That's right. Then I found
handcuffs in her suitcase.

-What the hell were you doing
looking through her suitcase?

-I didn't trust her.

-So you went through her things?

-Mitch, she was using you
to protect her.

-Her ex-husband
was trying to k*ll her!

-It wasn't her ex-husband.
It was her partner.

-That's right.

He was a con man
named drew lawrence.

Looks like she put
you right in the middle
of a double-cross.

-I don't believe any of this.

Or don't want to?

-You know, I have to
bring her in for questioning.

-She saved my life.

-She's the one who put you
in danger in the first place.

-Where is she, mitch?

-What's taking connor so long?

Do me a favor
and check on him, will ya?

-[Beeping, engine starts]

-Hey! Mitch!


This is something
I got to do myself.

-[Boat siren wails]

-Lower your sails!

-Go back, mitch!

Don't make this harder
than it already is!

-I said lower your sails.

I'm coming aboard.

Sit down.

Did steven pierce drown
in a swimming pool?

Yes or no?


Was he handcuffed?


He k*lled himself, mitch.

He k*lled himself because
I told him I wouldn't marry him.

I went out to the pool
and he already handcuffed

Himself to the bottom rung
of the ladder.

I-- I panicked.

He was married.
We had an affair.

It ended.

I didn't know
what else to do.

I put his body in the car.

I was gonna
bury him at sea.

I got scared
and I started to cry.

That's when I drove
the car off the cliff.

-So everything
from the beginning

Has been a lie, huh?


-No. Not everything.

-Not the way
I feel about you.

That's not a lie--
-i've come
to take you back, allison.

-I won't go.

-If you're telling the truth,
you've got nothing
to be afraid of.

-What do you know about fear?

What do you know
about being manipulated

By people
who want to control you?

-A hell of a lot more now
than I did a few days ago.

-I will never let
another man run my life.

Not even you.

I don't want
to k*ll you, mitch.

But I will.

-Same way
you shot your partner?

Through the heart?

-You learned a lot
in a short time.

-What did the two of you
con steve pierce out of anyway?

Was it money?
Real estate?

-You're making it harder
to let you go, mitch.


As hard as it was when
you said your tearful goodbye?


What a performance.

-Please don't make me do this.

-Would you rather put
a handcuff to my wrist?

Drown me?

-I'll sh**t.
I promise I will.

-I don't believe you.

-Are you all right?


-Do I still
belong to you, mitch?


You belong to him.

-Let's go.


Is this the way
you thought it would end?


What are you doing?

-I want to see
what's in here.

So this is what
it was all about.

-I guess so.

-[End music playing]
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