02x07 - The Trophy: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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02x07 - The Trophy: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge
of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here.

-[Guys shouting]

-Come on, buddy, let's go!
-You got him. You got him.

It's okay. Come on.
You got it.

-Drink this.

-Ah! [Coughs]

What was that?

-Raw eggs, fish oil
and powdered liver.

-Yes! We win!

-Thanks a lot, man.
-Next time, don't ask me
what's in it.

-And next time,
don't let me win.
-Let you win?

I wanna get the feeling
back in my arm.

-Yeah, right.
-Well, you built
some upper body.

-Yeah, you can really
build one in one of these.

-Megan, you've got to take me
with you to australia.

I would love to lifeguard
there this winter.

-We're called surf savers
down there.

Shauni, you would love it.
It is so beautiful.

-I bet it is.
-[Guys shouting]

-What is going on out there?

-They call it male bonding.

You know, I would really like
to take some super glue,

Stick it to their hands so when
they slap each other's backs,

They'll really bond.

-Let's do it.
-Well... I only
think about these things.

You, on the other hand,
have the guts to do them.

-Well, it comes
from living in different
countries all your life.

You can get away with anything
as long as you move away

Before your victims
have time to get even.


Well, I guess it's time
to go back to work.

I don't believe this.

-All right, we won.

-"We won"?
What do you mean, "we won"?

You bet against your father?

-He was 4:1 favorite, dad.

-Hobie, I'm going to have
to arrest you for gambling.
-Lock him up!

-Hey. Hey, mitch, about these
tower assignments--

I thought that you said-- oh!

-Shauni, meet turner,

The most reckless lifeguard
I've ever worked with.

-He means to say "fearless."

-Who is this guy?

-I'm ze perfect man.

Arms to hold you...

lips to kiss you,

And wheels to carry you away.

Oh. Oh my gosh. Oh my god!


And he made it
around turn number one!

-Oh god!
-Stretch into turn two!

Here we go, to the finish!

Yes! Yes!
-Hey, hey, hey.

-Time to work here.
Why don't you just go play
on the bike path?

-Okay, I'll behave.

-Does that mean
I can get up now?

-Of the two of us,
you're the only one who can.

Hey, hobester,
what do you say you and I

Do a little
boogie-boarding tomorrow?
-All right.

-Mitch, I would like
to talk to you.

You promised me
that you wouldn't assign
eddie to gidget gulch.

-I know.
I changed my mind.

He handles
that beach very well.

-15-Year-old girls
in floss bikinis--

They only do what
he says because he's cute.

-I rest my case.

-Shauni, can I see
the tower assignments?


-It's good to see
you again, megan.

-You said you were
never coming back to l.a.

-Well, I was offered a job.

That's great. Where?

-My old high school.

They want me to be
the gym teacher there.

-Well, I think you'd be
a terrific teacher.


-So, how long
were they together?

-They were pretty
hot and heavy for about
a year or so...

Before his accident.

How'd it happen?

-The '89 lifeguard

Turner was
the hotshot at zuma.

I guess I was
the one to beat here.

Been going up
against each other for years.

-[Dramatic music playing]
-[no discernible dialog]

-Turner beat me at the wire
in the run-swim-run.

I guess he wanted it more.

Boy, winning was
everything to that guy,

But I was determined
to beat him at flags.

-[No discernible dialog]

-After three elimination heats,

It came down to me and turner

Going after the last flag.

He said I only beat him
'cause my arms were longer

And that that wouldn't matter
in the final event--

The dory race.

Turner was with newman.

I was with greg.

There were dories
from all eight beaches.

It was twice
around the buoy and back.

Heading towards the finish,

Turner's dory was so far ahead,
that some of the other boats

Were just starting
their second laps.

That's when it happened.

Turner got out of his dory
for the run to the finish line.

I was right behind him.

Bud hubbell's boat
flipped in the surf,

And he was
knocked unconscious.

Turner and I ran
back in to get him

Turner got to him first.

Another dory
was heading in.

He put his body between
hubbell's and the dory

As it crashed down.

As I carried him out,
I could feel his back
was broken.

He kept telling everyone
that it was no big deal

That he was all right.

He insisted that even though
I was carrying him,

That he was the first one
out of the water...

And that I owed him
a dinner.

-What happened
with him and megan?

-I don't know, exactly.

Just ended.

-Just tell me one thing--

Why did you stop
returning my phone calls?

-We... Said all
there was to say.

And... I mean,

What else was there
to talk about?

You look really great, megan.

I love your hair.
It's shorter.

it's grown in a little bit.

Look, I have to go
and open up my tower.

-Well, maybe I'll get
a chance to see you before
I head back to san diego.

Of course,
if you've got other plans...

-I've had to make
a lot of other plans
since you left, turner.

But, I'm glad you came back.
I hope you take that job.

See you, turner.

-Need some help, bro?
-No. Go save some lives, huh?

-[Rock music playing]

-♪ Oh no I've got it bad

♪ Call the doctor and get the meds ♪

♪ You're all I wanna see

♪ Standing right in front of me

♪ Catch a look when you walk my way

♪ Hate to stare but I wanna say

♪ You're my obsession

♪ I just can't take my eyes off of you ♪

♪ My infatuation

♪ I'm so lost in everything you do

♪ You're my obsession ♪

♪ I just can't take my eyes off of you

♪ My infatuation

♪ I'm so lost in everything you do ♪

♪ You're my obsession

♪ I just can't take my eyes off of you

♪ My infatuation

♪ I'm so lost in everything you do ♪

♪ You're my obsession ♪

♪ I just can't take my eyes off of you

♪ My infatuation

♪ I'm so lost in everything you do ♪

♪ You're my obsession

-mcclain, 17.

-I was just
thinking about you.

-Oh, I'm sure you were.

-Better not catch you
in a bathing suit like that.

-Could never afford one.
-It has nothing to do
with the money!


-Be home by 5:00.

-Man: check it out.

-Why didn't you tell me
he was coming?

-Hey, hey, hey,
I was just as surprised
as you were when he showed up.

Looks good, though,
don't you think?

-Yeah, he looks great.

-No, I mean he seems to be
in a lot better frame of mind.

-I hope so.
-You guys gonna get together?

-Mitch... He shut me out
of his life when I wanted
to be there for him.

It took me a long time
to get him out of my mind.

-Maybe he just needs a friend.

-You're his friend.
-He's got nothing
to prove to me.

-I'm just afraid he's here
to prove something to himself.

-okay, that's it.
Let's lock up.

-No, one more, one more.

-All right,
this is the last one.
Come on, now.

Come on, that's it. All right,
let me help you. That's it.

Let's lock up.
-No, I got one more.

I got one more.
-All right, this is it now.

Come on. Come on.

Come on. You got it,
you got it. All right.

Whoo! Had enough?


No. Let's go again.

-Come on, kelly, get it.

-Come on, kelly, wake up!

Good one! Yeah! Oh.


-k*ller buns.
-Oh, I like his abs.

-I want him this summer.
-Me too.

-He's mine. Now,
are we gonna play
the last point or not?

-Why don't you
lighten up, jenna?

-Game point!

-Girls: got it! Got it!


-Can I play winners?

You guys go to pali?
I'm transferring there
in the fall.

-Like we care.

Come on, girls.
Let's go in the water.

-All right.

-How you doing?

-Is it safe to swim?

Just swim parallel
to the shore

And don't go out
too far, all right?

-I go far when I go out.
-Yeah, all the way.

-Come on, shauni,
how could you possibly

Be jealous
of these little
beach bunnies, huh?

-Maybe because I went
to pali and I hung out
on this beach.

I know what
they're after, eddie.
-Oh yeah? What?

-A trophy.
-You already won it!

-That's right, I did--
at 15, just like them.

And you know what?
The lifeguard was...

Never mind.
It doesn't matter.

-No, no, never mind.
It really doesn't matter.

You know him,
so forget it.

Mitch? Newmie?
Who was it?

-Never mind.

-Shauni, cover my beach.

I got you.
Hang on.

-Is she okay?

-She's all right.

-Here you go. Right here.

What were you trying to do?
Swim to catalina?

-I didn't realize
I was out so far.

-Oh please.

-All right.
Hey, I can handle it from here.

Why don't you
go back to your tower?

-You'd just better dry off
before you tarnish.

-Was it cory?
It was, wasn't it?

It was cory.

Hey, come on, guys.
Let's go, huh? The show's over.

Back to doing
what you were doing.

Go on and surf. Yeah.

-Later, dude.
-Are you all right?

-My leg-- I got a cramp.

Let's just get the blood
circulating in there.
-Oh no.

-How's that?
Feeling better?

Huh? Is that better?

-Yeah, that's good.


-Got it!


-Hey! Whoa.

Trying to k*ll yourself?
-Naw, just hitching a ride.

-Oh yeah?
What if some kid
with a skateboard

Saw you and tried
to follow your example?

-You're right.

-I'm sorry, ben.

Go ahead, hit me again
with your cane. I deserve it.

-No, I should've kicked
some sense into you years ago.

-Too bad that dory
didn't hit me on the head.

I'd be fine.
-You know, for 60 years,

I've counted
on my legs to run me
wherever I wanted to go.

But ever since my accident,
you know what I've discovered?

-As long as what's
in here is running,

I can still get
everywhere I wanna go.

-Yeah, ben, but what if
what's in here is broken?

-You gotta mend it, boy.

Megan's working
abalone cove today.

No hitchhiking, you.

Go on, get out of here.
-Thanks, ben.


-Hey. Feeling better?

-Thanks, yeah.

There was some weirdo
up by the bathroom.

-Really? Well, wait here, I'll--
-oh no, he's gone now.

I have to get changed
for work, and I was wondering

If I could do it
in your tower.

-No, I'm sorry.
Look, I'll tell you what--

I'll walk you to the bathroom
and make sure nothing
happens, all right?

-No, I really don't wanna
go back up there, because...

Well, it's really creepy.

I'll be fast. I promise.

-All right, all right.
Make it snappy. All right?

-Come on.

Can you see
all right in there?

it's kind of dark in here.

Could you open
the door a little?

My zipper's stuck.

-Listen, i--
-no, really, see?

-All right.

There you go.

-You can take it
off me if you want.

-Change your clothes
and get out.

You've got 30 seconds.

-But you saved me.
You deserve it.

-You're not a prize,
and neither am i.

-Yes, you are.

-Hi, rob. It's megan.

Look, I'm gonna
have to cancel tonight.

I'll call you the beginning
of next week, okay?

I'm sorry. Bye.


-I've got a hang glider
at palos verdes.

Better get a mobile unit
up here a.s.a.p.

-Hey, lifeguard,
let the man fly.

-The wind shifts,
and he flies into the cliff.

-He's on the thermal.
He'll be fine.

Come here.

Don't you remember
when we used to hang glide
from up there?

-I must've been crazy.

-In love.

You'd go anywhere
with me then.

-Like I said, I was crazy.

Everybody can see us.

-I don't care.

-What if captain thorpe's
looking through his binoculars?

-So? We'll give him
the thrill of his life.

-I wanna be with you.

I wanna be with you
for the rest of my life.

-Come on, you guys, let's go!

-Okay, I got it!

-Keep it up! Come on!

-Spike it! Come on!

-Great shot!

-How you doing?

I see the beach is
in rare form today.

-Yeah, it's a tough job.

What's going on?
-Rescue cards?

-On the shelf.

-What the...?

she left it here.
I don't believe it.


-Girl I pulled out yesterday.

-Of her bathing suit?
-Of the water.

-Shall I read her rescue card
or wait for the novel?

-All right, look,
she had to change her clothes,

There was a weirdo
hanging out at the head,
so I let her use the tower.

It will not happen again,
you have my word.

-Be careful, beach breath,

Especially on this beach.

-Got it! Oh!
-All right!

-Whoo! Good one!

-Keep it in the air!
-Come on!



-Off the ramp.
-Sorry, guess I left
my bathing suit in your tower.

-Guess you did.
-You're kidding me.

-I don't understand.
-I don't get it.

I gotta check this.

Sorry, jenna, but I wanna find
out all the sordid details.
-Yeah, me too.

-No, wait, you guys,
don't talk to her.

Guys, come back here!


-So, how'd he get
your bathing suit?

-I left it
in his tower last night.

I was so out of it.
-Oh, from almost drowning?

-From the beer.
We must've chugged
two six-packs.

Then we had to go
skinny-dipping to sober up.

-You swam nude with him?
-Sober enough to what?

-Well, I can't tell you.
We're not friends.

-Oh, she's full of it.
Let's go.

-Shut up.
-I'm kris, this is joannie.

-Come on,
tell us everything.

That's how
you become friends.
Now, what happened?

-We made it in his tower.

It was so romantic
with the moonlight
and the waves.

-Oh my gosh!
-Oh my god.

-I fell asleep in his arms,
and he held me all night.

-Oh my gosh.

-Get it.
-All right!


-Say, mitch, you got a minute?
-I was just about
to hit the beach.

-30 Seconds.
-30 Seconds, go.

-What do you think?

-I think it'll make swimming
a little difficult.

-But the rest of your job
a whole lot safer.

-The day we carry
one of these is the day
we lose the public's trust.

-Better to lose
a little trust than your lives.

Come on, mitch,
it's not all fun in the sun
out there anymore.

You got gangs,
vagrants, drug dealers,

And you all running around,
unarmed, in your underwear.

-That's why we have the police.
-What if we can't get
to you in time?


You got your equipment,
we got ours.

The only difference is
it's really hard to float
a victim on a billy club.

-Point made.
-Thank you.

-What's wrong?

-Gonna k*ll himself.


He's got that boogie board
with hobie right next
to the jetty.

He's not careful,
he's gonna pile his butt
right into those rocks.

-Hobie! Come on! Come on!

-Dad! Did you see turner?
He practically tagged the rocks!

-Yeah, I see him.
Don't you ever try that.

-I'm not crazy, dad.

Better get a spatula ready!

-Hang onto this for me.

-Oh, come on!

-Mitch! Come on!

Let me go, damn it!

Let me go, mitch!

Damn it, everyone's watching.
Will you let me go!

-Just let me get you
to your chair first.
-Just drop me!

Damn it! Drop me now!

Hobie, give me my board!

-What the hell are
you tying to prove, anyway?

-What are you trying to prove?
That you're still a hero?

-Give me my board, hobie.

-I'm just trying to help.

-Well, I don't need any help.
I don't need your help, mitch.

I don't need it,
I don't want it,

Get out of my way!
-You don't need to be doing
this kind of stuff.

-How do you know
what I need to do? Huh?

Think you know everything?

-You shouldn't
have done that, dad.

He could've made it.


Maybe not!

-Catch up
with you later, guys!

-Good stuff.
Got that. Got that.

-Let me get some of that.

-Whoa-ho! Come on, terry!



Come on!

-I gotta go, guys.
-Oh, bye!

-I had a great time!
-Me too!

Catch you later!

-Excuse me.

-Are you caroline's father?
-Yeah. Who are you?

-A friend.
-A friend, huh?


I just thought
you should know that...

Well, I don't know
how to say this.


-Well, I probably
shouldn't say anything,

But you are her father,
and she's so nice.

-Just tell me.
-Well, I just thought
you should know

That your daughter
made it with that lifeguard
in his tower last night.

-What did you say?

-I'm sorry. I probably
shouldn't have told you.

Just forget
I said anything.

-Son of...


Get over here!

[Car honks]

-Sorry, have you
been waiting long?
-Shut up and get in the car!

-What's the matter?
It's not even 5:00 yet.

-Take a good look
at the beach.

It's the last time
you're gonna see it.

-What? I can't come
to the beach anymore?
-Shut up.

-Why not?
-Shut up! You hear me?

-I heard all about
you and your lifeguard.

-Good night, guys.
See you in the morning.
-Good night.

-Eddie, come on!

You know
how late we are?

My dad already hates you.
I don't wanna give him any
reasons to justify it.

-All right, all right,
all right, I'm coming.

I hate these damn things.

Well, how do I look?


You look like my trophy.

-Oh. Great. Thanks.
Your trophy?

-That's good.
-Okay. I like that.


I have an idea.

What do you say...

We get a hold
of your parents

And tell 'em we're gonna
meet 'em for dessert?


No. They'll disown me.

-You sure I can't
talk you into it?


-Umm, sorry to interrupt.

-Hey. Garner,
what's happening?

-Eddie, I need you to come
with me for a little while.

-Oh, no, no, we are
meeting my parents for dinner
at the country club,

And we are very late.
-I'm sorry. This can't wait.

-Why? What's going on?

-Eddie, I'd rather talk
about this in private.

-No, wait a minute. Come on,
garner, what's this all about?

-I have to arrest you?

-What is this,
some kind of joke?

-I wish it was.

-Look, eddie, just--
please, just come with me.

-No. I'm not going
anywhere with you until
you tell me what this is about.

Come on,
what am I being arrested for?

-Section 161.1
of the penal code.

-And what is that?

-Statutory r*pe.

-Look, eddie, I'm sorry.
A complaint's been sworn out.
I need you to come with me.

-I'm not going
anywhere with you, garner.

-This has to be a mistake.

-Eddie, don't make this worse
than it already is.

-Or what?
You're gonna handcuff me?

-I will if I have to.

-Shauni, you better
get him a lawyer.

We gotta go, eddie.
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