01x32 - Death at Dawn

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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01x32 - Death at Dawn

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey! Hey now, why don't you look where you're going?

Sorry. I didn't see you.

You don't sound half sorry to me.

Look, I said I was sorry.

Why don't we leave it at that?

If you don't mind, we'll call the sh*ts.

Now, suppose you use the other side of the street.

BEN: Joe.

Joe, come here.

Your daddy's calling you, little boy.


All right, I'll take you one at a time.


What's the matter, Joe, didn't you hear me calling you?


You see what they were trying to do?

Yes, I saw what they were trying to do.

I also saw the half dozen men across the street ready to back them up.

Yeah, well, I don't care how many there are.

What's got into this town?

You can't walk down the street anymore.

We're just going to stand by and let them get away with it?

Now, look, do you think that walking into a trap they deliberately set for you and getting your head broken is going to stop them?

Now, get along to Mr. Cameron's store and help Hoss load the supplies.

I'll round up Adam and join you.

All right, Cameron, what's your answer?

You know my answer.

I won't back down for you or Sam Bryant or any of the g*ng.

Well, now, that's just plumb too bad.



(theme song playing)

(sobbing): No... no!

You k*lled him.

Now, whatever'd make you say a thing like that?

Joe, what happened?

Phil's dead.

Hey, Sheriff, what kind of town you running here?

Going to stand there and let that fella hold a g*n on me?

Sheriff, he k*lled my husband!

Why, Mrs. Cameron, you don't mean that.

You k*lled him!

Mrs. Cameron, that's a terrible thing to say.

Why, I've got some friends that would be downright upset to hear you say a thing like that.

We know who your friends are.

Why don't you leave her alone.

Here, let me handle this.

Beth, come on.


I don't know what made her say a terrible thing like that.

You k*lled him, Perkins, and you know it!

I'll take care of this, Cartwright.

All right, Perkins, let's go.

I'm locking you up.

All right, Sheriff.

If that's what you think you ought to do.

Nice neat place you got here, Sheriff.

Real nice.

Yes, sir, you keep it up real nice.


You know the way, Perkins.

Anything you say, Sheriff.

Anything you say.

Right in there, Perkins.

Waste of time you locking me in here.

You know that, don't you?

But if that's the way you want to do business.

(Perkins giggling)

Howdy, Sheriff.

They tell me you got one of my boys in here.

How much is bail gonna run?

Circuit judge is in town, Bryant.

I ain't setting no bail.

That's the judge's job.

Well, I suppose the judge has got to earn his money, too.

PERKINS: That you, Sam?

Sure is, Farmer.

They treating you good?

Just fine, Sam.

Just fine as can be.

They don't treat you right, you just let your old friend Sam Bryant know, you hear?


Don't tell me they let Perkins go already?

No, they ain't.

But it might be a real good idea.

Not this time, Bryant.

Judge Scribner's in town.

He says he'll hold a hearing on Farmer Perkins down at town hall just as soon as he can get there.

BRYANT: You know something?

I sure hate to see outsiders like the judge get mixed up in our private affairs.

I think outsiders ought to tend to their own business.

And that goes for you Cartwrights, too.

See you later, Sheriff.



(gavel pounding)

Order. Order in the court.

Hey, Red, I'm thirsty. Come on, cough it up.

Hey, come on, let's give Farmer his drink.

Go on, Farmer, there you go.


Order in the court.

(gavel pounding) Order in the court.

Please be seated.

Please be seated. Order!

(gavel pounding loudly) Order.

All right.

Quiet down now.

You want to see Farmer Perkins get a fair hearing now, don't you?

(all agreeing)

All right, now, sit down, everybody.

Go right ahead, Your Honor.

Are the witnesses present?

Two of them are right here, Your Honor.

Your Honor, before you start, I think you should know these two didn't see a thing.

Are you acting as lawyer for Mr. Perkins?

Well, Your Honor, I'm acting like just what I am--

Farmer Perkins' friend.


I'll not have any more of these outbursts.

All right, Mrs. Cameron.

Is Mrs. Cameron present in the courtroom?

Your Honor, if I may?

Yes, Doctor?

Mrs. Cameron is in no condition to testify at the present time.

She was an eyewitness to the alleged crime.

Do you measure emotions by the clock, Your Honor?

This woman just saw her husband shot down in cold blood.


(gallery quiets)

Doctor, you'll please resist passing judgment.

I ask you if Mrs. Cameron is present in this court.

No, she is not.

She's in my office-- a very sick woman.

May I ask the nature of her illness?

You certainly may.

It's the same sickness that afflicts this entire town-- fear.


(gavel pounding)

Can we now hear from the other witnesses?

Well, sure, we're all witnesses, everyone here.

Hey, that's right.

I'll be a witness for you anytime, Farmer.


There you are, Your Honor.

These here are my character witnesses.

The best money can buy.


I'll not have a travesty made of my court!

(Perkins giggling)

I'll testify, Your Honor.

My brother and I were outside of Cameron's store when we heard the shot.

We ran in and found Farmer Perkins.

Mr. Cameron was on the floor dead, and his wife was standing over him.

That's exactly the way it happened.

But you did not see the actual sh**ting?

No, Your Honor, we did not.

All right, Mr. Perkins.

Well, now, Your Honor, my good friends here the Cartwright boys, they've already said all I know.

It's the same thing with me exactly.

I heard a shot, I ran in, and there was poor Mr. Cameron, and that right pretty wife of his.

Don't suppose she shot him, do you?

Hey, that's right there, Farmer.

She must have done it.

(gavel pounding)

Are there any other eyewitnesses to the alleged sh**ting?

I mean, other than Mrs. Cameron?

Judge, you know as well as I do what kind of man Farmer Perkins is.

At this moment, Mr. Perkins' character is not on trial.

Due to the failure of our only eyewitness to appear, I must adjourn this hearing.


I said adjourned only until Mrs. Cameron is available to testify.

Meanwhile, the suspect is to remain in the custody of the sheriff.

Hey, now, what's he talking about?

Your Honor.

Just a minute.

He's subject to bail, isn't he?

I mean, he hasn't been charged with anything yet.

I've already drawn up the paper, Your Honor.

(men cheering)

All right, Ben, you saw it-- all legal right down the line.

I could have told you it would happen.

Well, I just don't know what's gotten into the people of this town.

They just going to stand by and watch them get away with a coldblooded m*rder?

'Cause that's all it is-- a coldblooded m*rder.

Oh, I'm not sure the people of this town care one way or another.

What you're saying is that this case is closed, is that it?

Well, you saw what happened.

I arrested Perkins, they had a hearing, and he's out there walking around.

Look, Sheriff, if you want to do something, why don't you start by arresting Sam Bryant.

He's the head man.

On what charge, son?

Associating with bad company?

Keeping order in the mines?

That's what he was hired for.

That's what him and his men do.

Now it's gone a lot further than that, Sheriff.

They've taken over the whole town.

So they have.

You could have stopped them before it went that far.

By myself?

With no deputies, not a soul to back me up?

What is it you expect me to do?

I don't know what to expect of you, but I know what I'm gonna do.

I'm going to get Beth Cameron to testify.

And if she does, the judge is going to reopen the hearing and set a trial immediately.

And if that's done, will you rearrest Farmer Perkins?

I'm a practical man, Ben, and a sociable one.

I don't like taking chances on my life.

But if I'm going to... I want company.

I got the right to swear in deputies.

And deputies is what I want before I go after Farmer Perkins again.

(badges clank on desk)

Now you made the complaint, Ben.

I've offered the same chance to half the people in this town.

I know Beth Cameron will testify.

There was a hearing a while ago.

You were needed at that hearing.

You weren't there.

What do you want me to do?

Isn't one k*lling enough?

My husband's dead, isn't he?

My husband tried to stand up to Sam Bryant, and they k*lled him.

And if I try to stand up to them, they'll k*ll me.

Is that what you want?

No, of course not.

And it won't happen.

Suppose my sons and I promise to protect you?

Would you testify, then?

Can you promise to protect all of Virginia City?

And the judge?

Can you promise to keep Perkins in jail, that he won't go free or break out and come after us?

(sighs) All right, Mrs. Cameron.

Let's just say that your husband died for nothing.

Ben, wait.

Please help me.

Now, Judge Scribner will be in town for a few more hours only.

He says he'll hold a trial if he can have witnesses.

Will you come for me, Ben?

You can depend on that, Mrs. Cameron.

Ah, if you're so smart, you do it!Come on!

Come on! You take him!

(all clamoring)

Come on, big strong man. Wait. Come on.

Okay, go!

Go, go, go!

Come on, there!

Come on now, Jim! Come on now!

Come on now, take him.

Come on. Go get him!

Go get him! Put him down there!

That's it, Jim. You got him. You got him!


That's it, boy!

I ain't never lost yet!

Well, you just run out of luck.

Ho-ho-ho, boy!

Go on, Farmer, you can take him.

Come on now.

Go, go, go!

Go on!

Come on now! Come on, Farmer!

Come on, take him!

Take him now! Come on!

All right, boys, leave them right where they are.

Now you wouldn't want to spoil all the fun, would you, boys?

Trial's gonna resume at 1:00.

Trial? Again?

That judge sure is a glutton for punishment, ain't he, boys?

Yeah. What trial you talking about?

That trial's over.

It's all right, boys. Don't get excited.

We gonna have a repeat performance.

Come on down to the courthouse with me.

Don't worry, Farmer. We're with you, boy.

We're with you, Farmer. Take care now.

Will you answer the question, please, Mrs. Cameron?

(voice breaking): Farmer Perkins threatened to wreck our store unless my husband paid him for... for what he called "pr-protection."

My husband said he'd never back down.

Farmer Perkins drew his g*n and... shot my husband.

Thank you, Mrs. Cameron.

The defendant will please rise.

Since you waived trial by jury, it becomes my sworn duty to pass sentence on you.

I hereby find you guilty of m*rder as charged.

(gallery murmuring)

(gavel pounding)

Mr. Perkins, I sentence you to hang by the neck until dead.

The execution is to take place in the yard of the town jail tomorrow at dawn.

This case is closed.

(gavel pounds)

(g*n cocks)

You hold the top cards... temporarily.

Not for long.

I promise you, Cartwright, you'll never live to see the day that Farmer Perkins hangs.

I've never seen a jail cell before.

Well, this isn't a cell, Mrs. Cameron.

This is a Sheriff's room.

Do I have to spend the night here?

Yeah, I'm afraid so, ma'am.

See, we haven't got enough men to watch your house, and Pa thought you'd be a lot safer in protective custody.


What are they doing?

LITTLE JOE: Can't have a hanging without a gallows, ma'am.

Killings and beatings and now a hanging.

Won't we ever have a decent town to live in?

That's what we're trying to get, Mrs. Cameron.

You have to believe that.

Well, Judge, all I can say is that the example you set us today was a very necessary one.

And I can assure you that by the time you get back in here next month, things will be a lot more peaceful around here.

Thank you very much, Ben.

Please don't wait around.

The stage will be leaving in few minutes. Oh, well.

Your boys will be needing you at the jail.

As a matter of fact, Judge, those boys can get along with me very well.

Although I wouldn't want them to know that.

(both laugh)

But we are a bit shorthanded.

Good night, sir.

Good night, Ben, and good luck.


(dog barks in distance)



Over there.

Tie his hands. Keep an eye on him.

Norton, take a couple of the boys and circulate around out there.

Let me know if you hear anything.

Right, sir.

That's all, boys. Game's over.

Got some writing to do.

You sure that gallows is gonna be ready on time?

What time is dawn?

5:00. A little before 5:00.

And I've got the hanging set for 5:00 sharp.

We won't keep the Farmer waiting.

What is it, Sheriff?

What's the matter?

Hey, Sheriff, what's your hurry?

You running for reelection? (giggling)

Where's your dad?

What's keeping him?

He ought to been here a half hour ago.

I know. I'm getting worried about him.

Judge has probably trapped him into some long-winded discussion of the law or something.

No, not tonight.

I just wanted to make sure this was no crazy man's idea of a joke. Read that.

"Hang Farmer Perkins and we hang Ben Cartwright.

"Set Farmer Perkins free, give him a horse

"and a half-hour head start, and we'll send Cartwright back to you."

(Perkins giggling)

Shut up, Perkins!

You'll still hang.

Or will he?

I don't want to rub it in, but you boys got us into this.

Now if you've got any suggestions for getting us out...

Have you?

Just this. Before you three go off half-cocked, let me give you a little advice.

There's only one sensible way to get out of this mess.

What's that?

Let Farmer Perkins go.

We don't see it your way, Sheriff.

No, we don't.

All right, you boys think you're a match for old Sam Bryant, one of the toughest, smartest gunman that ever shot up a mining camp?

Him and his men outnumber us five to one.

He's got this whole town in his grip, they're so scared of him.

Has he got you scared, too, Sheriff?

I got just one life, Joe.

It's against my principles to bet it wildly.

Now if you boys want to play games with your father's life as the prize, you got the authority.

Now let's see if you can come up with a practical plan.

LITTLE JOE: We got six hours.

We ought to be able to come up with something Like what?

Like a search.

Search every house till we find Pa.

How do you know he's in town?

Maybe they've got him hid in a mine or someplace.

Besides, we got neither the time nor the men for a search.

Sheriff, let me ask you something.

What would happen if we went right ahead with the preparation for the hanging just like nothing happened?

And they never wouldn't know whether we got that message or not.

They'd just send another messenger.

That's right. And we'd be waiting for him.

And we jump him.

No, we'd follow him.

We'd follow him right to where they're holding our pa.

Now that's the first good suggestion I've heard tonight.

Adam, you stay here.

I'll take the boys, stake 'em out so we can keep an eye on anybody that might come around.

Let's go.

Howdy, Doc.

There's some of us you can count on, Sheriff.

We're spotted around watching the jail in case Sam Bryant and his men try to rush it.

Well, that's not Sam Bryant's way of thinking, but I'm much obliged to you anyway, Doc.

All right.

Hey, Doc. Yes?

We're expecting a caller.

Don't stop him. Just keep out of sight.

Will do that.

Thank you.

Hoss, over there by those stairs.

Joe, back there in the alley.


Keep your eyes sharp.

Let's go.

I'm still the sheriff here.

(sh*ts firing)

We sure needed that one alive.

There was nothing I could do.

Not if I wanted to stay alive myself.

See what we can do for the sheriff.

Joe, he's hit pretty bad.

You go get the doc, and I'll get him over to his house.


What's happened? What was that sh**ting going on out there?

How should I know?

Can't see a thing from here.

It was Allen.

They shot him down.

He got the sheriff.

BRYANT: How far away?

They didn't see you come here?

No, they didn't see me.

Sam, why don't we give it up?

They got g*ns guarding that jail.

I'm giving up nothing.

I'm getting Farmer Perkins out of that jail.

And I'll still be running this town.

I like the way you talk, Sam.

I'm with you. You can count on me.

Good boy.

(McNeil laughing)

(hammering loudly)


Stop that dang-blasted hammering out there!

How do you expect anybody to sleep?!

Sure hope the sheriff makes it.

Doctor's doing everything he can for him, Adam.

Besides, it's our Pa we ought to be worried about.

We've already tried one scheme.

All we did was k*ll the messenger.

He might have lead us back to him.

You talk like we might as well give up.

What are you figuring on doing, just sitting there?

Well, now, if you've got any ideas, I'd like to hear 'em.

I'm with Hoss. We got to do something.

Well, just exactly what?

Well, we could at least go around the saloons and see if we couldn't pick up something.

Look, Sam Bryant's got his spies all over the place.

You'll only pick up what he wants you to pick up.

You sure think he's smart, don't you?

Yes, I do, because he is!

I'm beginning to feel the key lies in Bryant's mind.

What do you mean?

A couple of hours ago, when the sheriff was all set to let Farmer Perkins go, you were both against it.

Now, do you still hold to that?

Well, Adam, that... was a couple hours ago.

We still thought we'd find Pa by... by dawn.

And now you're not so sure.

Well, you're not making it any easier, the way you're going about it.

Look, all I asked was if you're still intent on hanging Farmer Perkins.

I don't know! I don't want to stand here and play question and answer games.

They got my father out there and they threatened to k*ll him.

Maybe you forgot that, brother, but I haven't.

Joe, I feel the same way about it you do.

I done told you that.

But Pa sure wouldn't want us all fighting among ourselves.

All right, then let him start making sense.

Well, if you give me a chance, maybe I will.

Now, look at it this way.

What would Bryant do if, say, come dawn, we simply went ahead and hung Farmer Perkins?

Regardless of what Sam Bryant said he'd do to our Pa?


Now, what would you do if you were wrong, Adam?

Would you go out to my father's grave and say, "I'm sorry, Pa.

I made a big mistake"?

Joe, he's my father, too.


I sure hope you're right in your thinking.

'Cause I don't like the sound of it any more than Joe does.


If we let Farmer Perkins go, then Sam Bryant has proved that you can get away with m*rder in this town.

And he'll have no qualms about going ahead and hanging Pa anyway.

You still haven't told me how we're going to get Pa away from him.

On the other hand, we go ahead and hang Farmer Perkins, and we show that we punish murderers.

And Sam Bryant will see that his only chance is to let Pa go.

Oh, come on, Adam. First you stand there and tell me how smart you think Sam Bryant is, then you say he's going to back down.

He's never been afraid of the law in this town.

No, but, he's never been charged with m*rder, either.

And once Sam Bryant knows that he's facing a m*rder charge, I figure he'll be smart enough to back down.

And that's why we got to go ahead and hang Farmer Perkins.

I'm sorry, Adam. I can't go along with it.

It's too big a gamble.

Adam... you go right ahead thinking like that if-if you want to, but you're gonna have to do it alone.

We're gonna go find Pa. Come on, Joe.

Try it one more time.

Only, shorten the rope a bit.

That Farmer's a tall one.

Don't want his feet to touch the bottom.

Whole Comstock's staying up for the hanging.

Yeah, there's no lack of people.

Not one single lead on Pa.

Come on, Little Joe. We still got lots of looking to do.

What you looking at?

I just wanted to see exactly what kind of a life I'm putting in the balance with my father's.

Before you let me go, huh?

What makes you think I'll let you go?

You don't worry me none.

Bryant will get me out of here.

He's smart.

And besides, what kind of son would swap his own pa's life for mine?

You got 90 minutes left. Do you want to talk to a preacher?



What's so funny?

I k*lled a preacher once.

Back in Kansas, I think it was.

What for?

For preaching at me.


I want you to write a note.

To whom?

To your sons.

Tell them I'm running out of patience.

Tie it off.

Tell them to let Farmer Perkins go, or in one hour, their father will be wearing a new necktie.

I raised my sons to make their own decisions.

(wood creaking)


Time's run out for looking anymore.

Yeah, they've got him out there somewhere.

Yeah, if we just knew where.

But even if we knew, three of us against ten or more of them.

It's a risk I'd be willing to take, Adam, for what we got at stake.

All right, so would I, but in a wild gunfight, who'd be sure and get k*lled?

One of Bryant's men would take it out on Pa first.

Come on in here.

Where you going?

Gil's Saloon.

I'm going to announce exactly where I stand so it will be sure and get back to Bryant.

Well, if you can convince that bunch over there, you can convince me.

Now just remember, a lot of Bryant's men will be there to stir the mob up against me.

Lock the door after us.

You'd better hurry back.

The hanging's at 5:00.

Bring Cartwright over here.

Sorry we couldn't build you a fancy gallows like the town.

We'll just have to make do.

Get up on the table.

Ain't you gonna wait to see if they hang the Farmer?

Sure. I just want to see if the noose is high enough.

What's the matter with you, Norton?

Something bothering you?

No. Nothing.

I'll hang him.

I like doing it.

Whether they hang my friend Farmer Perkins or not, I'll enjoy it.


Perfect fit.

Cartwright, you never looked so good to me.

Get down.


Now I want Sam Bryant and all of you to understand the following.

From now on, all murderers will be hanged in Virginia City.


And the first hanging to take place will be that of Farmer Perkins this morning at 5:00 a.m. as scheduled.

(crowd booing)

And any future murderers will also be hanged.

And if Sam Bryant wants to escape hanging, he'll let my father go.

I know Bryant, kid, better than you do.

He don't fool around.

You're signing your pa's own death warrant.

It's that badge.

That stinkin' badge has gone to his head.

(all yelling)


Is it the badge?

Is it the law, the principle?

It's only part of it.

That's the way Pa would think.

Then it's all a matter of your thinking that you know Bryant's mind.

Maybe you can outbluff him in this little poker game you're playing.

Yeah, I guess it comes down to that.

But, Adam, it's Pa's life you're gambling with.

What if you lose?

Don't you think I thought of that?

Cartwright, your son Adam's now acting sheriff.

Says he's going to go ahead and hang Farmer Perkins regardless.

And then leaving it up to me whether or not you swing.


Good for him.

He's bluffing.

You think so?

You know how stubborn we Cartwrights can be if we want to be.

Yeah, stubborn, but not stupid.

There's still time to write him a note-- bring him to his senses.

Why? He's doing exactly what I'd do.

Then hang.

Then you'll hang.

'Cause that would be the last straw this town would need to bring it to its senses.

Tell me, Bryant, how do you think it will feel to hang?

In about 30 minutes, you're going to find out, Cartwright.

Remember, that's my rope over there.

30 minutes.

I'm getting out of here, Sam.


You make another move toward that door, I'll k*ll you.

No, you won't, Sam.

You ain't got the guts to do your own k*lling.

And don't you do it for him, McNeil.

One shot and that will bring a crowd running in here.

And you'll be the one that's gonna hang for k*lling me, not him.

I stick by Sam and he sticks by me.

He's sticking by the Farmer, ain't he?

Well, he ain't gonna let the Farmer hang, is he?

I don't know, McNeil.

Why don't you wait and see.

And when you find out, you come and let me know.

I'll be around.

Where's Hoss and Little Joe?

They're outside watching things.

Adam, I know what it's like to lose someone.

Do you?

And to know that you're the cause of it.

Adam, Ben Cartwright's worth 10,000 Farmer Perkins.

There's still time.

Let Perkins go.

Come on, get up.

Put the noose around his neck.

All right, get down.

Come here. I want to show you something.

Get on down to the corner.

You can see the jail from there.

Now, when they turn Perkins loose come on back here and let me know.

What difference does it make?

We're gonna hang Cartwright anyway, ain't we?

Just get down there and let me know.

Okay, I just wanted to be in on the fun, that's all.

You know, there wasn't any need to send the boy, 'cause they'll hang Perkins all right.

And after they do, they'll be coming here for you.

Let them come.

They've been after me before.

They haven't got a thing they can prove against me.

They will have-- after you hang me.

Shut up, Cartwright.

Shut up or I'll yank this table out from under you right now.


You'll never go through with it.


What's so funny?

Old Ben Cartwright.

I bet he ain't so high-minded with a rope around his neck.


McNEIL: Let go of me!

HOSS: Come on, boy. Come on, let go!

Let go of me!

Let go of me!

We found him down at the corner.

It's McNeil-- one of Bryant's men.

What'd you do with my pa?!

(laughing) Where is he?!

It's 5:00.

You hung him.

You hung the Farmer.

We told you we was going to, boy.


All right, all right, you want to know where your pa is?

I'll tell you where he is.

He's down at the old stable hanging on the end of a rope.

And you thought you'd back Sam Bryant down.

Well, you go down there and see.

Joe, Joe, no.

Come on, the stables.

Listen to me, all of you.

Look, I brought Ben Cartwright back.

I didn't do nothing.

No, look.

I'm giving him back his g*n.

You done right hanging Farmer Perkins.

You turned yellow.

You let the Farmer down.

You're just like Norton said you was.

You let other people do your k*lling for you.


Feel all right, Pa?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm all right. I'm fine.

You know something?

You boys look awful good to me.
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