01x11 - The Reunion

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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01x11 - The Reunion

Post by bunniefuu »

[Beginning theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Soft rock playing]

-♪ I'm not the one
to pick a fight ♪

♪ But something's
in the air tonight ♪

♪ They all want you
but so do I ♪

♪ So tell me how
I gotta earn my stripes ♪

♪ Down in the dirt,
everyone watching ♪

♪ Heart on the line,
I keep on running ♪

♪ There's nothing
I wouldn't do ♪

♪ Nothing, nothing,
no nothing, nothing ♪

♪ Heart on the line,
I keep on running ♪

♪ There's nothing
I wouldn't do ♪

-Wasn't it great to see

At the lifeguard games
last night?

And more of the old game
coming today.

-You sure sat out a lot of waves
out there.

Why the hell do you even bother?

-How long have we
been surfing together?

-Twenty years.

-Twenty years.

Well, see, you still take
anything you can catch,

While I insist on riding
only the prima waves.

-Oh, please. Please, spare me,

Not the "wave connoisseur"

Yes, when we surf together,
it's my responsibility

To give you the speech.

Both: [laugh]

Corey: ouch. Nice.

Eddie: the car or the girl?

Corey: both.

They have a lot in common, too.

-What's that?

-You can't afford either of them
on a lifeguard's salary.

-Ain't that the truth.

-I think I'm gonna take patrol.

-What a surprise.

[Indistinct chatter]

-There's a beautiful red porsche
on lot three.

-It's a shame.

It looks so much better
in black.

[Suspenseful music]

-Any luck?

-Oh, yeah. She wanted
to bear my children.

But I told her lifeguarding
comes first, so here I am.


[Suspenseful music]

[Engine revs up]

[Pop music playing]

-Now there'll be no more talking
about surfing, guys.

You got a dory race
to get ready for,

And we are going
to annihilate you.

-Yeah, right.

-You will be humiliated
this year, you know that?

Destroyed shells
of your former selves.

-Yeah, you'd better start
thinking about an institution,

Some nice, quiet, restful place

To recover from the inner agony
you're about to experience.

-Oh, reunions
are wonderful things,

Surrounded by warm, kind,
caring friends.

-It's all right,
let them have a last laugh.

The last time
we lost the dory race,

You were wearing bell bottoms,

And you had sideburns
the size of delaware.

-You know, paul,
they haven't gotten

Any humbler
since the last reunion.

-They will.

Guys, we don't spend all year

Pushing pencils around
for no reason.

We conserve our strength
for this beach festival.

-Speaking of that,
listen up, everybody!

Tonight we have the annual
buchannon rib festival

At my house, be there!


-That's perfect.
Allison will be there.

-Allison gibson?

-Yeah, she teaches marine
biology at uc santa barbara.

But I'll let her tell you
all about that.

Come on, let's go surf now.

I don't know what you were
thinking, man,

When you invited allison
down here.

-What? She was part
of the group.

It's a reunion, isn't it?

-I just hope craig and mitch
are cool about it.

That little scene
didn't exactly do wonders

For their relationship,
you know?

-Come on.

-What's with the shirt?

-I can't take the sun anymore.


Come on, tell me.
How old were you?

-14. How about you?

-The first time?



-No way.

-Yeah, I'm serious.

Heck, I started dreaming
about it when I was eight.

Spent two years waiting
for the right opportunity.

Then my folks leave town,

Leave me with
a sixteen-year-old babysitter.

Eddie: really?

-Yes, so I make her a deal.

I give her the keys to my
parents liquor cabinet and--


-And she gave me the keys
to her car.

-Her car?

-Yeah, that was
the first time I drove.

The first time you drove?


How silly of me to think that
for the first time in weeks,

You might be talking about
something more interesting

Than cars.

-What's more interesting
than cars?


Both: [chuckle]

-Hey, uh, what are you driving
these days?

-A beautiful pair
of 1989 sneakers.


-What happened? I thought you
were getting a car weeks ago.

-So did i, until I found
out what two grand will buy you.

-Come on, dude, you can get
a great car for two grand.

-Yeah, right,
if you want pedals.

-No, you just gotta know
where to look.

I'll tell you what.

Special favor to a friend.

Let's see
what I can do for you.

Tony: how's it going out there?
We're starving?

Don't worry, my assistant
is basting away.

Hey. Oh.

Hey, mitch,
you ever heard of girls?

They can turn even the most
ordinary party

Into something special,
you know.

-Chill out, they'll be here. The
party hasn't even started yet.

-Hey, hobie
might still need help.

-Hey, mitch.


-Listen, uh...

I hope it wasn't out of line
of me asking allison

To come here.

-No, no, of course not.


I haven't seen her
since I married gayle.

-You know, I never thought
you were gonna marry gayle.

I thought you
were gonna marry allison.

Then of course, before that,
I figured that craig

Was gonna marry allison.

-We all know what happened,

Let's talk
about something else.

-They're ready. Craig's
bringing the rest of them.

-Wait, hobie, not so fast.
You might need a little hand.

[Doorbell rings]

-I'll get it.

-Hey, hobie,
they're looking great.

Did you do that on yourself?

Allison: hey, mitch.

-Hi. Come in, hi, allison.


-You look terrific.

Hey, guys, look who's here.

-Hey, it's the guys.



I guess tony told you
I was coming.

-Yeah, yeah, he did.

Why didn't you call me
when you moved back into town?

-Oh, you know how it is
when you lose touch.

Mitch: well, it's been
way too long.

-Anyway, I'm here now.





[Suspenseful music]

[Engine starts]

[Engine revs up]

[Upbeat music playing]

[Indistinct chatter]

-Remember that time--

Remember that time
when we were rookies,

And you guys swam out
to the channel marker,

Like, in your birthday suits?

-The water was cold.

All of a sudden we get nailed
with this blinding light.

We look up and we were
surrounded by rescue boats.

-Yeah, they wouldn't leave until
we agreed to let them rescue us.

-And then, when you guys
got back,

And you couldn't find
your clothes.

I'll never forget
the look on your faces

When thorpe came out and gave
you each a blanket.

All: [laugh]

-What I never figured out is,

What were you doing
with the rescue team?

-Who do you think
called baywatch

The minute you hit the ocean?

-Fifteen years,
you never figured that out?

-And you didn't figure it out
either. I had to tell him.

--Come on.

-Hey, hobie.

I'm sorry, pal, I think
it's a little past your bedtime.

-Yeah, right,
like I'm gonna stand a prayer

Of sleeping through all this.

-Oh, yeah, please,
give the kid a break.

Yeah, let him stay up. We'll
tell him true stories about you.

Oh, uh... Okay.

Why don't you just mingle
and wander for a little while?

But it's not because you guys
got anything on me.

-That's wrong, dad. I've been
hearing stories all night.

-There you go.

Mitch: mingle.



-He's adorable.

-Great kid.

-Would you care to dance?


-Excuse me, guys.

-♪ To see you here again

♪ I'm falling

♪ It's taken me

♪ The world not to give in

♪ Not calling

♪ Here you are holding me

♪ How long has it been

♪ Since I cried

♪ In the wide open

♪ Through the walls of love

♪ I can feel your touch

♪ Through the walls of love

♪ We can reach across

♪ 'Cause I'm wiser now

♪ And I know so much more
what I'm feeling ♪

-I mean, it's just
not a testarossa.

-Hey, man, are you kidding?

Anything that doesn't
say "exact change only"

On the side is a step up.

-I just don't want you
to get your hopes up, man.

It's beautiful.

-You like it?

-Yeah, man. I mean, it's
everything I could hope for.

-Great, nothing better
than a satisfied customer.

Check it out.

-Hey, corey, what's the deal
with the keys, man? Wrong keys?

-No, right key. Wrong car.


-Oh, yeah.


-No way.


-This is mine?

-That's what the papers
in the glove compartment say.

-Oh, man, this is perfect.

It's too perfect.
Wait a minute, man.

There's no way a classic
like this is worth 2,000.

-It is when your brother-in-law
is tired of searching

For stations that sell
leaded premium gas.

Trust me, he's much happier
driving the yugo.

-It can't be possible.

[Engine starts]

What's the catch, huh?

-Sounds pretty possible to me.

Ah, but if you want
the old one, you know.

-Shut up, man.
Get in and buckle up.


All right.

[Tires screeching]

Craig: [laughs]

Yeah, that's great.

Yeah, everything is great.

How are your folks?
They miss me?

Well, tell them, next time,
I promise I'll be there.

Yeah, all the guys are here.
They're great.

They all send their love.
Allison's here, too.

Allison gibson,
I told you about her.

It's the girl
mitch and I did battle over.

Well, that was before your time.


Yeah, look, I gotta go.
I gotta get some sleep.

I love you, too.

[Beer bottle opens]


The girl you and mitch
did battle over?

-Yeah, what about it?


So is gina having a good time?

-Yeah, better
than if she were here.

She's not much for beer
and w*r stories.

-Hey, guess what, man.

Got my car.

Wanna go for a ride, huh?

-If it's all right, give me
a rain check. Maybe tomorrow.

You okay?

-Yeah, fine.

-So who's allison?

-A girl I used to date.

-And you told gina
that she was here?

-Yeah, why not?

-That's kind of dumb,
don't you think?

I mean, gina is
3,000 miles away,

And you're telling her about a
reunion with an old girlfriend?

-Eddie, I love gina.

She and I have complete faith
in each other.

Of course I'm gonna tell her
about allison.

-I don't get it, man.

-Allison and I broke up
12 years ago

When she started seeing mitch.

-When she what?

-I went away to college,

And they would spend a
lot of time together.

It's only natural that they'd
end up falling for each other.

-And you didn't k*ll him?

-Well, he was my friend.

-Well, I was angry for a while.

-Oh, man, that's something
I could never forget.

-Well, allison and mitch
broke up.

And we never said
anything else about it.


-Not ever.

Not once.

Why bother? It was finished.
Over. Done with.

--Doesn't seem finished to me.

Okay, how much is that?


[Suspenseful music]

[Engine starts]

[Tires screeching]

-That's my car! Hey!

Woman: is he okay?

Man: we need help.
Call for help.

Vendor: are you okay?

-You'll be okay, buddy.

-He took my car.

-Why are you being so dramatic?

Would you please take
your hands off my eyes?

-You're gonna love it.

-I don't love
anything I can't see.

-Oh, yeah?


-Okay, you feast your eyes
on this.


-You bought this?

-No, this. Do you like it?

-I love it.
This must've cost a fortune.

Well, we haggled a little bit,
but I got a pretty good deal.

Who am I kidding?
I brought the guy to his knees.


-I thought you were gonna come
back with an old piece of junk.

But this is a classic.


Go for a spin?

All right.

Mitch: oh, my god, up all night?

-Okay, I'll help you clean up.

-No, no, no.
Sit down, sit down.

No cooking, no cleaning.
Reunion rules.

-Rules, right.

With all changes
we've been through

And all the places we've been,

How come nothing's different?

-I don't know.

Maybe it's not.

-Maybe it's just being here
with you again.

This feeling I haven't had
in a long time.

-You ever think about us?

-It's a leading question.

-Yeah, I know, I know.
You don't have to answer that.

Look, I gotta go. I gotta meet
craig, you know? At the dory.

-Hey, we can do better
than that.

-I think you're right.

[Rock music playing]

-♪ When I see you
walking down the street ♪

♪ The cool wind blowing
in your hair ♪

♪ There's not a guy
six blocks around ♪

♪ Who doesn't notice
that you are there ♪

♪ You're a real
kind a woman, baby ♪

♪ I knew the moment
when we first kissed ♪

♪ You turned me on
without even trying ♪

♪ I think I'd like
to get used to this ♪

♪ I'm drunk on your love,
you are my turtle dove ♪

♪ Get me hotter
than the sh**ting star ♪

♪ Can't believe that you're
my girl, my only one ♪

♪ You're a real
kind a woman, baby ♪

♪ I knew the moment
when we first kissed ♪

♪ You turned me on
without even trying ♪

♪ I think I'd like
to get used to this ♪

♪ I'm drunk on your love,
you are my turtle dove ♪

♪ Get me hotter
than the sh**ting star ♪

♪ Can't believe that you're
my girl, my only one ♪

♪ Can't believe that you're
my girl, my only one ♪

I don't do that anymore.
I don't stay up at night.

I have a son.

I mean, hobie is only 12
years old but he's going on 20.

A father's feet
firmly planted in sand.

-Well, you can complain
all you want,

But I don't believe
a word of it.

I see how your eyes light up
when he walks into the room.

-That's fear.

I know he's gonna have his
driver's license in a few years.

Well, you can send him up
to santa barbara for a weekend.

I could use
some of fear in my life.

No, hobie and I
are a package deal.

He doesn't go anywhere
unless I am invited.

Okay, you can tag along.

Thank you.

-You're welcome.

-Huh, trev?
So what did I tell you, huh?

Deal of the century right here,
right here.

-She's a stallion, all right.

299 Cubic inch, 225 v8 engine
with a full barrel carby.

6-And she's got
the original stick.

-10.25:1 compression ratio?

-Uh, yeah, right.


Coil springs,
front end suspension.

They don't make them like this
anymore, eddie.

You know your cars, man.

Well, I know mustangs.

I thought you guys knew
only koalas and kangaroos.

How much did you pay
for this thing again?

Two g's.

Huh? Not bad, huh?
Admit it.

You're dying with envy, right?

Well, I'd like to see
under the bonnet.

-Knock yourself out.

-Nice to see a car
with an actual carburetor.

-Yeah, gas guzzler.
Makes lots of noise.

We're talking a real car.

-We're talking a hot car.

-Damn right.

-This car is worth 8,000
or 9,000 dollars, maybe more.

-Got a good deal.

-You sure did.

Next time, though, check to see

If the serial number's been
filed off the engine, buck.

It's a dead giveaway.

Sloppy, eddie.

-Man, I didn't know.

I didn't know.

-Yeah. Yeah, you just got
a good deal, huh?





-See? Told you
everything would be okay.

-I'm late.

Hey, looking sharp.

-Yeah, I've been busy.

-Uh, I know you guys can
get along without me,

So I'm gonna head
on to the marina,

Take care of some business.

See you back at the house?

-Yeah, you know
where the key is.

Yeah, I sure do.
Have fun.


I'll give you a hand, huh?

-I've been working on it
since eight sharp.

It's done.
Why bother now?

-Sorry, man, I've been dragging
at half speed this morning.

-Right, I know how walking in
the surf

Can sap a guy's strength.


If there's something
in particular to say, say it.

-You promise to be somewhere,
you show up on time.

Is that asking too much?

-Craig, I didn't promise

I said, I'd be here
around eight.

-Well, 10:30 is not eight.
It's not even close.

-I've got other
responsibilities, you know.

I've got other things going on
than just a dory race.

-Fine! Drop out. Let me get a
partner I can put some trust in.

-Wait a minute.
Now you don't trust me?

-Let's just say it's kind
of hard to trust a guy

Who doesn't pay his debts.

-What are you talking about?

-Forget it.

-No, forget nothing.
What are you talking about?

-June 23rd, 1984.
You needed two grand to buy

That stupid jeep, but you
didn't have it, and I did.

-Craig, I paid you back.

-No, you didn't.

-The hell I didn't.

-I already wrote
you off as a bad debt.

-Talk about bad debts, pal.
Where's my diving watch?

-What watch?

-The one I loaned you last year.

-Come on.
-Put it together.

-It's not my fault if don't know
what you do with your watch.

-Hey, hey, hey.

Come on, come on.
Come on, you guys. Cut it out.

Tony: come on, guys,
take it easy.

Paul: would you guys
calm down now, relax.

[Tense music]

-Hey, how's the owner
of the coolest car on the road?

I want my money back.

-Does it look like I'm wearing
a plaid suit here?

You see my dog spot around?

I don't have
a liberal trade-in policy.

-And I ain't giving you
any choice.

Man, you s--

[Locker closes]

You sold me a stolen car.

-Dude, I do you a favor, and you
accuse me of being a thief?

That the kind of friend you are?

-Dude, give me my money back,
and I don't shove the keys

Down your throat, that's
the kind of friend I am.

[Footsteps approaching]

Jill: is there a problem here?

Is there a problem?

-No, eddie here
was just telling me

How much he loves his new car.

-I want my money.

Then sell the car, eddie.

I'm sure you can make
a nice little profit.

But don't ever, ever,

Call me a thief again, got it?



-You going out for mr. Universe?

-Just getting ready
for the dory race.

-Are you and mitch
still partners?

-Not you too.

Everybody wants me
to talk about it.

Mitch, allison, me, huh?

-It's just that you and mitch
are such good friends.

-Yeah, right.

-Did it ever occur to you
that mitch might have done you

A favor with allison?

-Like the one
brutus did caesar?

-You would've ended up
with a woman

Who could never commit to you.

You probably would've never
got to new york,

And you would've never met gina.

-You think
I don't know all this?

You think I didn't realize
this years ago?

-Then why are you
still holding a grudge?

-Because allison's
not the point.


[Soft rock music]

-♪ Never far away

♪ I'll be there

♪ Right where you are

♪ Never far away

♪ When you're feeling
like it just ain't fair ♪

♪ Close your eyes
and we'll be there ♪

♪ Just believe

♪ There's more
than you can see ♪

♪ And I'm right
where you are ♪

♪ And never far away

♪ There to move you
through it all ♪

♪ We're the heroes
standing guard ♪

♪ Just believe

♪ It's here
for you to see ♪

♪ And I'm right
where you are ♪

♪ And never far away

♪ Like an angel
in the darkness ♪

♪ The light
will shine on you ♪

♪ You know
we'll be here waiting ♪

♪ To see you through

♪ We'll be there
in your time of need ♪

♪ So hold on tight
and just believe ♪

♪ Just believe

♪ We'll be there, yeah

♪ And never far away

♪ We'll be there
in your darkest hour ♪

♪ So just hang on
and feel the power ♪

♪ We'll be there

♪ And never far away

♪ We're right
where you are ♪

♪ We'll be there
in your time of need ♪

♪ So hold on tight
and just believe ♪

♪ Just believe

♪ We'll be there

-Hey, mitch.

-How are you doing?

-Know who I saw the other day?
Your friend allison.

The years have treated her well.
She's a fine looking woman.

-I'm glad you approve.

-I do indeed...
About everything.

It's funny, I always thought
you were a bit of a stiff.

-Excuse me?

-Well, you know, uptight,
self-righteous, moralistic.

But what I heard you did,
I said, "this is a real man."

-Oh, gee, thanks.

-Stealing your
best friend's girl, heavy.

-Where did you hear that?

It's been the topic
of conversation in the kitchen

For a few days.

-That's wonderful.

[Coins fall on the floor]

Mitch: damn it.

-You know, I don't know
why craig's making

All this fuss about.

I think you missed
a couple of dimes under here.

I mean, any man worth his salt

Would have done
exactly the same thing.

Hell, I did it.
I didn't feel good about it.

It made my brother
a bit sore for a while,

But he eventually
got over it.

Hey, don't listen to what all
the other guys say.

When a man and woman
share the scent,

The law of the jungle
takes over, right?

I don't know why craig's
taking it personally.

Tell him that, all right?

That's what I told my brother.

[Locker closes]


-You find it yet?

-No, no, but I'll find it.

I'm real good
at keeping books and stuff.

-Mitch, does the word

Have any meaning to you?

-He's not gonna call me a piker
and get away with it. No way.

-This fight didn't have anything
to do with money.

It didn't have anything to do
with you being on time.

It had to do with us.

You and me.

Look at me.

Craig and I were not pinned.
We were not engaged.

We were boyfriend
and girlfriend.

And then he went off
to new york all on his own.

And I didn't want to go.
He didn't want me to go either.

-Look, I know all this, okay?
I know all this.

It's just that when he left,
he made a point of telling me

To keep an eye on you.

-Well, thank you very much,

But I didn't need anybody
to keep an eye on me.

-Allison, the rule book
is real simple.

You don't date
your best friend's girl.

-Oh, is that what we did?

When I was driving down here,
I hit some traffic

And I had some flashes
about how the weekend might go.

And the worst scenario was
there wouldn't be any chemistry

Between you and me.

It didn't have anything
to do with craig.

We are not kids anymore.

-Hey, wait a second.

Don't walk of here just because
craig and I had a fight.

-I came to have fun,
and I'm not fun anymore.

-Okay, okay.

Look, I'm sorry, you know?

I want you to stay.

I can't stay.

Say goodbye to the guys
for me, okay?


[Sad music]

I'm sorry about allison.

I don't know
what I was thinking.

Inviting her here was a mistake.


No, it was good to see her.

It was real good to see her.

-Hey, guys.

Tony: craig.


This is great.
Isn't this great?


You guys didn't have
to do this.

-Do what?

-Bring us together
like this.

Mitch and I are capable
of working out our own problems.

I found a cancelled check.

You said I owed you money.
I don't.

-Yeah, well, I guess
you did pay me back, sorry.

-Look, I turned my place
upside down.

I can't find
your diving watch anywhere.

I don't know where it is.

-You returned it.

I found it when I was looking
for the check.

-See? What did I tell you?

Bringing these two together
was a great idea.

-It still doesn't change
what you did to begin with.

No, and it doesn't change
how I still feel about allison,

Who left, by the way,
after our fight and doesn't want

To have anything
to do with either one of us.

-I suppose
you blame me for that.

-Who else is there
to blame, pal?

I just showed up
minding my own business.

I came over to help you
with the dory.

-Hey, hey, boys, now, come on--

-With that kind of help,
I'll get an outboard motor.

That's fine.
You'll lose the race, anyway.

-Fine, I'll see you
at finish line.

-Great idea.

-Let me handle this, marv.
I can talk to him.

-It's a waste of breath.

Broken bones
speak louder than words.

-No, man, he's cool.

He just gets a little riled
a little easy.

Watch me, I'm gonna turn
this whole thing around.

Eddie, eddie, eddie, wait up.
I gotta talk to you.

-The only thing
I wanna hear from you

Is you'll take the car
and give me back my money.

-Relax, man.
I'm gonna make good.

I'll give you back your money.

-Go on.

-You can keep
the car, too, eddie.

-What's the catch, man?

-There's no catch,
just a golden opportunity.

I want you to meet
a friend of mine.

Marv, come here.

-I take it you're
the golden opportunity.

-Marv's big
in the auto business.

As a matter of fact,
he was just saying how good help

Is hard to find,
weren't you, marv?

-Oh, yeah.

-Sorry, fellas,
I already got a job.

-Dude, and it pays zip
for long hours and cold water.

Come on, man,
let the county subsidize you

While you make some real cash.

Marv: opportunity
only knocks once.

Then it gets ticked off.

-You don't wanna see marv when
he gets ticked off.

You really don't.

Look down, eddie.

That's two grand, man.
Two grand.

There's more
where that came from.

A lot more.

Come on, take it, eddie.
Take it.


I like money, you know?
Nothing against it.

It's a good attitude, eddie.
It's a good attitude.

We're gonna make a great team.

[Clears his throat]

Come on, marv.

[Tense music]

[Indistinct chatter]

[Suspenseful music]

-Smooth move, eddie.

You're gonna make
all-pro in no time.

-A lot of practice.

-I told you those days in philly
weren't a total waste.

I'm gonna cruise.
Keep an eye on marv.

-You can count on it.


Make it to lot five.

Garner: mitch, this is garner.
I'm in position.

-Anything going on, jill?

-In the parking lot, maybe.

Eddie can't take his eyes
off of it.

Mitch: craig?

-Everything's under control,

I'm covering his water.

-All right,
I'm heading towards you.

I'm just south of tower 13.

[Engine starts]

[Siren wailing]


[Tires screeching]

[Car horn honking]

[Tense music]

-You're out of business, mister.
Get out of the car.

[Siren wailing]

Come on, come on.

Read him his rights
and get him out of there.

[Suspenseful music]


-Thanks, pal.

Garner: this is garner.
We got him, mitch.

-Ten-four, garner.

Jill, garner's got him.

Jill: something's wrong, mitch.
Eddie's gone.

Craig, corey's coming your way.

This is craig.
I see corey.

I got him, he's mine.

We need emergency backup
for tower 19, now.

I'm on my way.

[Siren wailing]

[Tense music]


-There you go.
Now get him out of here.

There's a dory race
in three hours.

Our names are still
on the entry.

I'll be there.

-So will i.

Well, well, well,
nice work, eddie.

Are you okay?

-He beaned me, but I'll be fine.

-And I need your car keys.

-My car keys?

-Gotta return it
to the rightful owner.

-It's my mustang.
Oh, my head.


-No, you're not.


All right, gentlemen,
the rules are simple.

All around the buoy
and then back.

No cutting, no ramming,
no spitting, no swearing.

Everybody cork your hulls?

Grease your locks?

Then, gentlemen,
start your engines.




Man: one, two, three, four.
One, two, three.


Two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.

One, two, three, four.

One, two, three, four.

-Are you gonna pull
or catch crabs?

-Who needs to row
when I got a partner like you.

[Whistling and cheering]

-Pull left now.

Mitch: no way.

-Pace yourself,
you're gonna burn out.

Mitch: don't worry about me
burning out, pal.

-I know your limits.

Mitch: shut up and row.

If you're waiting
for me to say "I'm sorry,"

You'll starve first.

I didn't have to say it
ten years ago,

And I don't have to say it now.

-Shut up and row!

Because I didn't do
anything wrong.

Because it was over between you
and allison. Over. Finished.

-You should've waited, mitch.

My exhaust fumes were still
hanging in the air,

And you were bird-dogging
in on her.


-I was nuts about her.

-So was i.

The whole time the two of you
were together.

From the first moment
I laid eyes on her.

-You kept that to yourself?

-For as long as I could.

I think I'm falling in love
with her all over again.

-That's dumb.
That's really dumb.

You never should've let her go
in the first place.

And what's really dumb

Is we're letting this whole
dory race get away from us.

Let's get back in there
and race.



Craig: go!

[Rock music playing]


Come on!

Run it! Run it!








[Crickets chirping]

[Doorbell rings]

-I'll get it.



-Hello. Dad?

I hope you don't mind me
stopping by this.

No, no.

I was at my mother's, uh...

Craig called me.


He said he thought you and I
should give it another chance.

I think he's right.

Is this gonna get sappy?

'Cause if it is,
I wanna be out of here.

-You'd better run like hell.

[Romantic music]

[Ending theme plays]
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